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Much is known about the formal properties of circadian rhythm regulation and the physiological substrates underlying rhythmicity in nocturnal rodents, but relatively few studies have addressed circadian rhythm regulation in other mammalian taxonomic groups. In this study, some formal and functional aspects of circadian organization in a nocturnal dasyurid marsupial, the stripe-faced dunnart (Sminthopsis macroura), were analyzed. To determine phasic responses to discrete pulses of light, dunnarts were placed in constant darkness (DD) and were periodically administered pulses of bright light at different times of the animals' circadian day. Analysis of phase shifts in response to light indicated a phase response curve that was similar to responses observed in nocturnal rodents. To determine the possibility of extraretinal photoreception mediating photic entrainment, dunnarts were anesthetized and orbitally enucleated while maintained in a light-dark regimen (LD 14:10). All blinded dunnarts free-ran with periods (tau) that were similar to those observed in DD, indicating that entrainment is mediated through ocular photoreception. However, the data also indicated a decrease in activity in blind dunnarts during the last 3-5 hr of the dark phase, raising the possibility of some retention of photoreceptive capacities.  相似文献   

We report the first isolation and sequencing of genomic BAC clones containing the marsupial milk protein genes Whey Acidic Protein (WAP) and Early Lactation Protein (ELP). The stripe-faced dunnart WAPgene sequence contained five exons, the middle three of which code for the WAPmotifs and four disulphide core domains which characterize WAP. The dunnart ELPgene sequence contained three exons encoding a protein with a Kunitz motif common to serine protease inhibitors. Fluorescence in situ hybridization located the WAPgene to chromosome 1p in the stripe-faced dunnart, and the ELPgene to 2q. Northern blot analysis of lactating mammary tissue of the closely related fat-tailed dunnart has shown asynchronous expression of these milk protein genes. ELPwas expressed at only the earlier phase of lactation and WAPonly at the later phase of lactation, in contrast to beta-lactoglobulin (BLG) and alpha-lactalbumin (ALA) genes, which were expressed in both phases of lactation. This asynchronous expression during the lactation cycle in the fat-tailed dunnart is similar to other marsupials and it probably represents a pattern that is ancestral to Australian marsupials.  相似文献   

Marsupials are potentially excellent models for the study of gastrulation because of their superficial embryonic area (EA), post-gastrulation implantation and their potential to provide information about the evolution of gastrulation. Very few studies have examined this developmental period in marsupials. Using an established developmental timetable, peri-gastrula stage Sminthopsis macroura blastocysts were collected and described in detail by observations on live blastocysts and by the use of histological and immunohistochemical techniques on fixed blastocysts. Gastrulation in S. macroura shares several aspects common to that of both eutherian mammals and birds, but in terms of tissue arrangement and conceptus form, is more similar to the chick than other mammals. Two methods of culturing EA explants flat without their shell were devised. The techniques will markedly increase the number of possible experimental manipulations, which previously were limited by the presence of blastocyst investments. Exposure of fractions of explants of round, morphologically uniform pre-gastrula stage EA to growth factors or signaling molecules implicated in vertebrate gastrulation suggests that like the chick and mouse, the marsupial epiblast is patterned prior to gastrulation. Of all factors tested, basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) had the most prominent effect, promoting cell differentiation, and possible mesoderm formation. Data from explant culture suggests that similar to the chick and mouse, limited specification precedes the onset of gastrulation.  相似文献   

Breed WG  Leigh CM 《Theriogenology》1996,45(5):1075-1080
A technique for the transfer of early embryos from the uterus of donors to recipient females of a small dasyurid marsupial, Sminthopsis crassicaudata , is described. When the recipients were killed 3 to 5 d later, a few expanded blastocysts were found to be present in the uteri of most of the females provided that corpora lutea were present in the ovaries. This study demonstrates successful embryo transfer in a small marsupial species and supports the view that secretion of the endometrium due to luteal activity may be necessary for development of the expanded unilaminar blastocyst stage.  相似文献   

Beta-globin gene families in eutherians (placental mammals) consist of a set of four or more developmentally regulated genes which are closely linked and, in general, arranged in the order 5'-embryonic/fetal genes- adult genes-3'. This cluster of genes is proposed to have arisen by tandem duplication of ancestral beta-globin genes, with the first duplication occurring 200 to 155 MYBP just prior to a period in mammalian evolution when eutherians and marsupials diverged from a common ancestor. In this paper we trace the evolutionary history of the beta-globin gene family back to the origins of these mammals by molecular characterization of the beta-globin gene family of the Australian marsupial Sminthopsis crassicaudata. Using Southern and restriction analysis of total genomic DNA and bacteriophage clones of beta-like globin genes, we provide evidence that just two functional beta-like globin genes exist in this marsupial, including one embryonic- expressed gene (S.c-epsilon) and one adult-expressed gene (S.c-beta), linked in the order 5'-epsilon-beta-3'. The entire DNA sequence of the adult beta-globin gene is reported and shown to be orthologous to the adult beta-globin genes of the North American marsupial Didelphis virginiana and eutherian mammals. These results, together with results from a phylogenetic analysis of mammalian beta-like globin genes, confirm the hypothesis that a two-gene cluster, containing an embryonic- and an adult-expressed beta-like globin gene, existed in the most recent common ancester of marsupials and eutherians. Northern analysis of total RNA isolated from embryos and neonatals indicates that a switch from embryonic to adult gene expression occurs at the time of birth, coinciding with the transfer of the marsupial from a uterus to a pouch environment.   相似文献   

Embryos of Sminthopsis crassicaudata and Sminthopsis macroura were cultured for up to 96 hours during cleavage and early expansion of the blastocyst in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium (DMEG), DMEG containing 2.76 gm/liter sodium lactate (DMEGL), DMEG containing 3.5 gm/liter galactose (DMEGAL), DMEG containing 15 ng/ml progesterone (DMEGP) or 150 ng/ml progesterone (DMEGP10), and DMEGL containing 15 ng/ml progesterone (DMEGLP). The disappearance of sperm was used to indicate the time of ovulation (day 0). Fertilized eggs were found in the uterus at the end of day 1, four-cell stages at the end of day 2, and embryos completing the fourth division by the end of day 3 in S. macroura and day 4 in S. crassicaudata. Estimated developmental times in culture were similar to those obtained in vivo. In both species, the first two divisions take about 24 hours, cleavage is arrested for 24 hours or longer at the rounded four-cell stage, and the third and fourth divisions take a further 24 hours. The blastocyst expands during the next 24 hours in which time the fifth and sixth divisions occur. It was possible to culture embryos from S. macroura but not S. crassicaudata over the four-cell stage to early expanding blastocysts. DMEGAL did not support cleavage in culture. DMEG, DMEGL, DMEGP, DMEGP10, and DMEGLP all supported culture during cleavage and early blastocyst expansion. Blastocyst expansion was slightly enhanced using media containing sodium lactate. More embryos completed the fifth division and formed expanding blastocysts in DMEG, DMEGL, and DMEGLP.  相似文献   

This light and transmission electron microscopical study shows that the first polar body is given off before ovulation and that part of its cell membrane and that of the surrounding oocyte have long microvilli at the time of its ejection. Several layers of cumulus cells initially surround the secondary oocyte and first polar body, but the ovulated oocytes in the oviducts in the process of being fertilized do not have cumulus cells around them. Partly expelled second polar bodies occur in the oviduct; they are elongated structures that lack organelles and have electron-dense nuclei. A small fertilization cone appears to form around the sperm tail at the time of sperm entry into the egg and an incorporation cone develops around the sperm head in the egg cytoplasm. In three fertilized eggs a small hole was seen in the zona, which was presumably formed by the spermatozoon during penetration. Cortical granules, present in ovarian oocytes, are not seen in fertilized tubal or uterine eggs; release of their contents probably reduces the chances of polyspermy, although at least one polyspermic fertilized egg was seen and several other fertilized eggs had spermatozoa within the zona pellucida. In the zygote the pronuclei come to lie close together, but there was no evidence of fusion. A "yolk mass," which becomes eccentric before ovulation, is extruded by the time the two-cell embryos are formed, but many vacuoles remain in the non-yolky pole of the egg. A shell membrane of variable thickness is present around all uterine eggs but its origin remains undetermined.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine the morphological changes that take place in the male and female gametes during in vivo fertilization in the Australian marsupial, the fat-tailed dunnart, Sminthopsis crassicaudata. Plastic sections were cut of sperm and eggs recovered from the oviducts of recently mated individuals, and light microscopy of thick, and transmission EM of thin, sections was carried out. It was found that, before penetration of the zona, the spermatozoon came to lie along the outer surface with its rostral tip forming a depression in the zona substance. During penetration, zona material was packed tightly around the spermatozoon, and no large hole was formed. A spermatozoon within the perivitelline space had made contact with the oolemma by way of its apical tip. In a spermatozoon partly incorporated into the ooplasm, fusion appeared to have taken place between its plasma membrane and that of the oolemma. Mucoid coat material became deposited outside the zona at this time; its existence and/or the release of cortical granule content probably prevented polyspermy. Once inside the egg cytoplasm, the sperm head sometimes travelled a considerable distance before chromatin decondensation occurred. In addition, it appeared to rotate somewhat on its axis at this time. Finally, some membranous structures were found around two condensed sperm heads in the ooplasm, which may have been part of the pronuclear envelope. Thus this study on in vivo fertilization in the dunnart documents, for the first time, some aspects of fertilization in an Australian marsupial as seen with the transmission electron microscope; it indicates a few differences from those previously found for the American opossum.  相似文献   

The costs of arousal from induced torpor were measured in the striped-faced dunnart (Sminthopsis macroura; ca. 25 g) under two experimental ambient temperature cycles. The sinusoidal-type temperature cycles were designed to evaluate the effects of passive, ambient temperature heating during arousal from torpor in these insectivorous marsupials. It was hypothesised that diel ambient temperature cycles may offer significant energy savings during arousal in animals that employ daily torpor in summer as a response to unpredictable food availability. The cost of arousal in animals in which passive, exogenous heating occurred was significantly lower than that in animals not exposed to an ambient temperature cycle. The total cost of all three phases of torpor (entry, maintenance and arousal) was almost halved when animals were exposed to an ambient heating cycle from 15 °C to 25 °C over a 24-h period. In all animals, irrespective of the experimental ambient temperature cycle employed, the minimum torpor body temperature was 17–18 °C. The body temperature (Tb) of animals exposed to exogenous heating increased from the torpor Tb minimum to a mean value of 22.59 °C before endogenous heat production commenced. This relatively small increase in Tb of ca. 5 °C through `free' passive heating was sufficient to account for the significant ca. three-fold decrease in the cost of arousal and may represent an important energetic aid to free-ranging animals. Accepted: 4 October 1998  相似文献   

In the dasyurid marsupial, Sminthopsis crassicaudata, the mature spermatozoon has an inner homogeneous (C1) and a peripheral indented (C2) region. Using DNase-gold conjugates, and biotinylated genomic DNA probes, DNA was found to occur in both C1 and C2 regions. The morphogenesis of the spermatozoon nucleus was investigated using ultrastructural and cytochemical studies. Spermiogenesis was divided into 15 steps. By step 10, condensation of the C1 region was complete, and at the caudal extremity of the spermatid nucleus, the nuclear envelope enclosed an electron-lucent space. This space and the surrounding nuclear envelope became very enlarged at step 11. At this stage, a plate of approximately 70 nm in thickness was present along the caudal segment of the C1 region; this “nuclear mantle” did not bind DNase-gold conjugates but stained for lysine-rich proteins using alcoholic phosphotungstic acid. Chromatin condensation resumed at step 12 with the appearance of spherical chromatin structures peripheral to the C1 chromatin. These structures then partially coalesced and the indentations of the C2 region were observed. The expanded nuclear envelope at the caudal extremity persisted in caput epididymal spermatozoa. Spherical inclusions within it did not bind to DNase-gold conjugates but stained for lysine-rich proteins. As the sperm traveled down the epididymis, these inclusions amassed near the nuclear pores and were then removed from the nucleus. In addition, the nuclear mantle was found to have disappeared by the time the spermatozoa reached the corpus epididymidis. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Recent studies of PAT proteins in Drosophila and Xenopus have revealed significant roles for this family of proteins in the polarized transport of lipid droplets and maternal determinants during early embryogenesis. In mammals, PAT proteins are known to function mainly in lipid metabolism, yet research has yet to establish a role for PAT proteins in mammalian embryogenesis. Oocytes and early cleavage stages in Sminthopsis macroura show obvious polarized cytoplasmic distribution of organelles, somewhat similar to Drosophila and Xenopus, suggesting that a PAT protein may also be involved in S. macroura embryonic development. In the present study, we identified a new marsupial gene for PAT family proteins, DPAT, from S. macroura. Expression analyses by RT‐PCR and whole mount fluorescent in situ hybridization revealed that DPAT expression was specific to oocytes and cleavage stage conceptuses. Analysis of the localization of lipid droplets during S. macroura early embryonic development found a polarized distribution of lipid droplets at the two‐ and four‐cell stage, and an asymmetric enrichment in blastomeres on one side of conceptuses from two‐ to eight‐cell stage. Lipid droplets largely segregate to pluriblast cells at the 16‐cell stage, suggesting a role in pluriblast lineage allocation. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 77: 373–383, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Melanopsin confers photosensitivity to a subset of retinal ganglion cells and is responsible for many non-image-forming tasks, like the detection of light for circadian entrainment. Recently, two melanopsin genes, Opn4m and Opn4x, were described in non-mammalian vertebrates. However, only one form, Opn4m, has been described in the mammals, although studies to date have been limited to the placentals and have not included the marsupials. We report here the isolation and characterization of an Opn4 gene from an Australian marsupial, the fat-tailed dunnart (Sminthopsis crassicaudata), and present evidence which suggests that the Opn4x gene was lost before the placental/marsupial split. In situ hybridization shows that the expression of Opn4 in the dunnart eye is restricted to a subset of ganglion cells, a pattern previously reported for rodents and primates. These Opn4-positive cells are randomly distributed across the dunnart retina. We also undertook a comparative analysis with the South American marsupial, the grey short-tailed opossum (Monodelphis domestica), and two placental mammals, mouse and human. This approach reveals that the two marsupials show a higher sequence identity than that seen between rodents and primates, despite separating at approximately the same point in time, some 65-85 Myr ago.  相似文献   

Gel electrophoresis of blood proteins has detected allelic variation at five loci (TRF, PGD, SOD, ADA, GPI) in a laboratory colony of the dasyurid marsupial Sminthopsis crassicaudata. Family data show no significant departures from Mendelian expectations. Analysis of blood from wild-caught progenitors of the colony revealed significant differences in gene frequency between groups of animals captured from different parts of southern and central Australia and showed that there are two major population clusters. These interpopulation differences are particularly marked at the TRF locus and indicate that the river Murray is a barrier for this species.This project was supported by a grant from the Australian Research Grants Scheme.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of predation risk, dune position and microhabitat on foraging of the Lesser Hairy‐footed Dunnart Sminthopsis youngsoni, a small insectivorous marsupial, in the Simpson Desert of western Queensland. The intensity of foraging was assessed by establishing feeding stations (dishes containing mealworms) in open and bush microhabitats at three levels on sand dunes, and recording the numbers of prey taken by dunnarts from the stations after nightly bouts of foraging. Risk of predation was manipulated by provision of artificial illumination at alternate feeding stations on each of five occasions when trials were run. The numbers of mealworms left after feeding bouts varied inconsistently across trials, providing little evidence that dunnarts respond to habitat or predation risk while foraging. These results contrast sharply with studies of arid zone rodents, where foraging is usually sensitive to both predation risk and resource distribution. We suggest that S. youngsoni forages equally in all habitats of its sandridge environment, and experiences relatively low risk of predation whilst doing so.  相似文献   

The organization of sperm chromatin in the dasyurid marsupial, Sminthopsis crassicaudata, was investigated using various morphological techniques. Transmission electron microscopy indicates two quite distinct chromatin regions became evident late in spermiogenesis with an outer globular region containing blocks of very electron-dense chromatin. Fluorescent light microscopical studies after staining with DNA dyes and 7-amino actinomycin D of testicular, caput, and cauda epididymal spermatozoa showed that this region fluoresced less brightly than the rest of the nucleus, indicating the presence of fewer DNA binding sites. Freeze fracture showed that the chromatin in most of the nucleus had randomly arranged particles of various sizes, but that of the outer region was composed entirely of small particles. This outer region was more resistant to low concentrations of the ionic detergent, SDS, whereas both guanidine hydrochloride and urea together with sodium chloride generally dispersed all the chromatin except that in the outer globular region and in a localized area of the nucleus beneath the acrosome. This study has thus revealed that the outer globular chromatin of these spermatozoa responds differently to ionic detergents and protein denaturing agents and has a different chromatin organization than most of the rest of the nucleus. The significance of these differences remains, however, to be determined. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary The ductus epididymidis of the marsupial mouse Antechinus stuartii was divided into caput, corpus, and caudal regions using several constant morphological landmarks. Tubule diameter and epithelial height increased gradually from caput to cauda. In contrast, the surface area of the lumen of the ductus epididymidis increased to a maximum in the distal caput region, but decreased markedly in the distal cauda in association with characteristic changes in lumen shape (from circular to slit-shaped) and epithelial height. Epithelial cells of the ductus epididymidis were generally similar in structure to those described in other mammalian species. Principal and basal cells were common throughout the epithelium. Clear and mitochondria-rich cells were also identified, but occurred less frequently. Regional variations in cell ultrastructure were observed only in principal cells. Numerous vesicular inclusions occurred in the apical cytoplasm of cells in caput segments, membrane-bounded, electron-dense bodies were common in distal corpus regions, and a brush border of microvilli characterized the luminal surface of principal cells in caudal segments. Sperm index increased in the proximal caput, declined to basal levels in the distal caput and proximal corpus, and then increased to a maximum in segment 9 of the distal corpus and remained at about this level throughout the cauda epididymidis. Nuclear rotation, loss of cytoplasmic droplets, and other sperm maturational changes were observed along the epididymis. Discarded cytoplasmic droplets collected in large masses interspersed between aggregates of spermatozoa throughout the distal regions of the duct. There was no evidence of phagocytosis by principal cells of cytoplasmic droplets. The epididymis of A. stuartii differs from that of other mammals. The unusual caudal region, which has little storage capacity for sperm, is an unusual adaptation in a species in which the male is known to be polygamous.  相似文献   

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