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Sucrose is taken up and accumulated by cotyledons of Ricinus communis L. Autoradiographic studies reveal a predominant accumulation of sucrose in the phloem of the cotyledons. The export of sucrose from the cotyledons to hypocotyl and roots proceeds in the phloem by mass flow. These results, taken together with previous data, are experimental evidence for proton-sucrose symport as the mechanism of phloem loading. 相似文献
The phloem sap of Ricinus seedlings was analyzed for cytokinins and the concentration was compared with that in cotyledons and xylem sap. The dominant cytokinin in the phloem sap was isopentenyladenine (70 nM) when the endosperm was attached to the cotyledons; zeatin, dihydrozeatin and cytokinin-ribosides were present at relatively low concentrations (1–2 nM). Removal of the endosperm and incubation of the cotyledons in buffer led to a sharp decrease in the level of isopentenyladenine in the phloem sap, down to the value for zeatin, namely 1–2 nM. Similar low cytokinin concentrations were found in the xylem sap, too, whereas in the cotyledons the cytokinin content was at least 10-fold higher. Incubation of the cotyledons with various cytokinins (isopentenyladenine, zeatin and their ribosides) led to an increase of each of the applied cytokinins in the phloem sap, including also the metabolically closely related cytokinins. Zeatin was especially well loaded. It is concluded that the phloem translocates most free bases and ribosides of the various cytokinin species, if they are offered to the phloem. The data also show that the cytokinin levels in the phloem, which may be far higher than in the xylem, are subject to strong fluctuations depending on the physiological situation.This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 137). The experimental assistance by P. Geigenberger and the help in cytokinin analysis by Dr. A. Fußeder, Dr. B. Wagner, W. Peters (all Bayreuth) and by Prof. E. Weiler (Bochum) is gratefully acknowledged. Also the constructive discussions with Profs. E. Weiler (Bochum) and E. Beck (Bayreuth) are much appreciated. 相似文献
During growth of Ricinus communis seedlings, magnesium ions are mobilized in the endosperm, taken up by and accumulated to very high levels (150 μmol·g FW?1) in the cotyledons, and translocated to hypocotyl and roots. The magnesium gain from days 6 to 7 in the cotyledons and the seedling axis necessitates a total up-take rate of 600 nmol·h?1-seedling?1 and the phloem translocation rate must amount to 200 nmol·h?1. seedling?1. The phloem loading of magnesium and the regulatory properties of this process were investigated, making specific use of the ability to collect pure phloem sap from the cut hypocotyl of 6-d-old Ricinus seedlings. The concentration of magnesium in sieve-tube sap (5 mM) was fairly constant under many incubation conditions, e.g. incubation in magnesium-free buffer, incubation with different cations (K+, Na+, NH 4 + ) or anions (Cl?, NO 4 - , SO 4 2- ), or incubation with sucrose and amino acids. Even addition of magnesium chloride to the cotyledons did not enhance phloem loading of magnesium ions. Therefore the high magnesium content of the cotyledons was sufficient for continuous phloem loading of magnesium, irrespective of external ionic conditions. Also, the flow rate of sieve-tube sap did not influence the magnesium concentration in the sap. Only the incubation with sulfate and phosphate ions increased the magnesium-ion concentration in the phloem. Magnesium sulfate offered to the cotyledons caused a threefold increase of magnesium ions in the sieve-tube sap, which was inhibited by Na+, NH 4 + and Ca2+ in rising order, but not by K+. Incubation with phosphate for a prolonged period (8 h) led to an increased mobilization of intra-cotyle-donary magnesium and an enhanced phloem loading of mobilized magnesium. It is concluded that phosphate availability is a decisive factor for mobilization and translocation of magnesium ions within the plant. 相似文献
The sieve-tube sap of Ricinus communis L. seedlings has been analysed to determine whether or not hexoses can be taken up by the phloem. Under natural conditions, i.e. with the endosperm attached to the cotyledons, glucose and fructose occurred only in trace amounts in the sieve-tube sap. Incubation of the cotyledons with hexoses in the concentration range 25–200 mM caused a rapid and substantial uptake of hexoses into the phleom, where they appeared eventually in the sieve-tube sap at the same concentration as in the incubation medium. Phloem loading of glucose, 3-O-methyl-glucose and sorbitol occurred easily, whereas fructose was less well loaded. glucose and to a larger extent fructose were also transformed to sucrose, which was loaded into the phloem. The loading of hexoses into the sieve tubes as observed in the experimental exudation system also occurred in the intact seedling, but transloction in the latter soon came to a standstill, probably because of lack of consumption by the sink tissues. These results indicate that the virtual absence of hexoses in the sievetube sap under in-vivo conditions is not because of the inability of the phloem-loading system to transport the monosaccharides but because of the absence of sufficiently high concentrations in the apoplast. 相似文献
D. Vreugdenhil 《Planta》1985,163(2):238-240
The potassium contents of bark strips of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) and of phloem exudate of castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) were analyzed at different regions of the stem. In cassava, a peak in potassium content was observed near the first mature leaf, leveling off both above and below this point. In castor bean, only a downward decreasing gradient was observed. In both plants, the direction of the potassium gradient coincided with the presumed direction of assimilate flow. 相似文献
Ricinus communis cv. Carmencita seedlings with their cotyledons incubated in sucrose solution and their hypocotyls cut to induce exudation of phloem sap, constitute a system of sucrose fluxes into and out of the cotyledons. This system was characterized with respect to quasi-steady-state conditions of sucrose uptake and export and then used to investigate the pathways of sucrose during phloem loading. The redistribution of 14C-labelled internal sucrose between the three compartments, cotyledons (mesophyll), exudate (sieve tubes) and incubation medium (cell-wall space), was measured in the presence or absence of external nonlabelled sucrose. It was found that mesophyll-derived labelled and external sucrose compete at uptake sites in the apoplasm. On the basis of the specific radioactivity of sucrose which reflects the proportionate intermixture of mesophyll-derived and external sucrose in the three compartments, it was determined that about 50% of the sucrose exported is loaded directly from the apoplasm, while the other half takes the route via the mesophyll. It was confirmed that mesophyll-derived sucrose is released into the apoplasm, so that the existence of an indirect apoplasmic loading pathway is established. Calculations depending on the concentration gradients of labelled and non-labelled sucrose in the cell-wall space are presented to quantify tentatively the proportions of direct and indirect apoplasmic as well as symplasmic loading.This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 137). We thank Walter Köckenberger and Ernst Steudle (Bayreuth, FRG) for discussions on the water flow in the exuding Ricinus seedling, and Dietrich Samoray (Bayreuth, FRG) for the conceptual discussions throughout this work. 相似文献
The osmotic characteristics of phloem-sap exudation were examined in soil-grown and watercultured plants of Ricinus communis L. Prolonged exudation occurred from bark incisions in water-cultured plants. Fresh incisions caused large alterations in solute flux, but phloem-sap solute potential s changed by less than ±8% over a period of 7 h. This was associated with a constancy in the levels of sucrose and K+, the principal solutes in the sap. Studies with foliar-applied tracers and leaf-excision experiments suggested that exudation was maintained by solute loading from mature leaves. A wide range of mass transfer values through the phloem was found, these being a function of exudation rate. We consider that the exudation process possesses essentially similar characteristics to phloem transport in the intact plant. The way in which bark incisions bring about large changes in solute flux is discussed in terms of the physical properties of the sieve-tube system.Abbreviations
water potential
- s
solute potential
- p
pressure potential 相似文献
Following germination of the castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) seed, levels of phytin decline in both the endosperm and the embryo. However, as seedling growth continues, phytin increase in the latter to a level exceeding that present in the mature dry embryo, while phytin declines concomitantly in the endosperm. It is likely that phosphate mobilized from phytin in the endosperm acts as a substrate for phytin synthesis in the embryo. This is supported by the observation that isolated embryos supplied with phosphate accumulate phytin, particularly in the cotyledons. This increase is enhanced whenmyo-inositol is provided concurrently as a carbon source. Phytin synthesis in the cotyledons of the isolated embryos can occur without the attached axis. Whether initially exposed to exogenous phosphate or not, the isolated cotyledons remain competent in their ability to synthesize phytin for an extended post-germinative period, even though the major reserves are being mobilized at this time. 相似文献
External sucrose, supplied by the endosperm in vivo, is the physiological source of sucrose for Ricinus communis L. seedlings. It is taken up by the cotyledons and exported via the sieve tubes to the growing hypocotyl and root. Two parallel
pathways of external sucrose to the sieve tubes, directly via the apoplasm and indirectly after transit through the mesophyll,
have already been established (G. Orlich and E. Komor, 1992). In this study, we analysed whether a symplasmic flow of sucrose
contributes to phloem loading. Uptake of external sucrose into the mesophyll and into the sieve tubes, and export of total
sucrose were measured with intact and exuding seedlings in the presence of p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid (PCMBS). Sucrose uptake into the mesophyll and into the sieve tubes was inhibited by 80–90%.
Consequently, export of total sucrose slowed down. However, after the addition of PCMBS, sucrose was transiently exported
in such a high amount that could not be accounted for by the residual uptake activity nor by the amount of sucrose confined
to the sieve element-companion cell complex (seccc). From the results, we conclude that most of the sucrose exported transiently
had moved to the sieve tubes from a symplasmic domain larger than the seccc, comprising at least all the cells of the bundle
including the bundle sheath. We suggest that the symplasmic flow of sucrose observed is a mass flow driven by a turgor pressure.
As a structural prerequisite for a symplasmic flow, plasmodesmata interconnect all the cells from the bundle sheath to the
sieve tubes and also occur between the bundle sheath and the mesophyll. The phloem loading pathway of Ricinus cotyledons can thus be classified as a combination of three different routes.
Received: 17 October 1997 / Accepted: 9 March 1998 相似文献
Vanessa M. Hutchings 《Planta》1978,138(3):237-241
In Ricinus cotyledons, evidence for proton extrusion came from observation of direct acidification of the medium in the presence of potassium salts. Increasing K+ influx with increasing pH suggested a link between K+ influx and H+ efflux by an H+ pump. The kinetics of K+ influx and H+ efflux were consistent with a 1:1 stoichiometry K+:H+, which may indicate either electrical coupling or carrier mediated exchange. The results were consistent with an H+ pump setting up an electrochemical potential gradient which provides the driving force for an H+-sucrose cotransport and the movement of K+. With reference to this, a model for phloem loading is suggested. 相似文献
Levels of free tryptophan in the leaves, phloem and xylem saps of Ricinus communis L. were determined by colorimetric assay. Values of 0.38 g ml-1 in root pressure sap and 96.0 g ml-1 in phloem sap were recorded. Tryptophan levels were highest in mature and senescing leaves. Levels of indoleacetic acid (IAA) in the phloem sap and leaves were determined by gas chromatography—mass spectrometry using a deuterated internal standard. A mean value of 13.0 ng ml-1 was recorded in phloem sap. The distribution in the leaves showed an inverse relationship to that of tryptophan, being highest in young leaves.Abbreviations IAA
indoleacetic acid
Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
- PFP-derivative
thin layer chromatography 相似文献
The cotyledons of castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) act as absorption organs for amino acids, which are supplied to the medium. The analysis of the sieve-tube sap, which exudes from the cut hypocotyl, demonstrated the ability of the cotyledons to load particular amino acids into the phloem and to reject the loading of others. The sieve-tube sap of cotyledons, which were embedded in the endosperm, contained 150 mM amino acids, with 50 mM glutamine as the major amino acid, and 10–15 mM each of valine, isoleucine, lysine and arginine. Removal of the endosperm led to a drastic decline in the amino-acid content of sieve-tube sap down to 16 mM. Addition of single amino acid species to the medium increased the amino acid concentration in the sieve-tube sap in specific manner: glutamine caused the largest increase (up to 140 mM in exudate), glutamate and alanine smaller increases (up to 60 mM), and arginine the smallest. In addition, the amino acid composition of the sieve-tube sap changed, for instance, glutamine or alanine readily appeared in the sieve-tube sap upon incubation in glutamine or alanine, respectively, whereas glutamate was hardly discernible even in the case of incubation with glutamate; arginine was loaded into the sieve tubes only reluctantly. In general, glutamine and alanine accumulated four- to tenfold in the sieve tubes. The uptake of amino acids and of sucrose into the sieve tubes was interdependent: the loading of sucrose strongly reduced the amino acid concentration in the sieve-tube exudate and loading of amino acids decreased the sucrose concentration. Comparison of the concentrations of various amino acids on their way from the endosperm via the cotyledon-endosperm interface, through the cotyledons and into the sieve tubes showed that glutamine, valine, isoleucine and lysine are accumulated on this pathway, whereas glutamate and arginine are more concentrated in the cotyledons than in the sieve tubes. Obviously the phloem-loading system has a transport specificity different from that of the amino acid uptake system of the cotyledon in general and it strongly discriminates between amino acids within the cotyledons. 相似文献
The possible involvement of superoxide and hydrogen peroxide in the oxidative gelling of phloem exudate from Cucurbita pepo. was investigated. Neither superoxide dismutase (EC nor catalase (EC inhibited the reaction. Although catalase could not be detected in exudate, both peroxidase (EC. and superoxide dismutase were present in reasonable amounts. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed one major and one minor isozyme of superoxide dismutase, both of which were adjudged to contain copper and zinc as their prosthetic metals, on the basis of cyanide inhibition and molecular weight.Abbreviations SOD
superoxide dismutase 相似文献
Proton co-transport of sugars in phloem loading 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0
Loading of 14C-labelled sugars from the hollow petiole of Ricinus communis L. was stimulated by potassium and by low pH in that both the 14C-activity and the sugar concentration of phloem sap collected from a nearby incision increased. A pH drop was observed in the solution perfusing a hollow petiole. This pH drop was greater in the presence of potassium and less in the presence of sugars, while the uncoupler CCCP induced a pH rise in the perfusing solution. Sugars were detected in the perfusing solution when it was buffered at pH>9. A model is proposed for a proton co-transport of sugars from the free space driven by a linked proton efflux/potassium influx pump. 相似文献
Phloem-sap composition was studied in plants of Ricinus communis L. grown on a waterculture medium. The sap possessed a relatively high K+:Na+ ratio and low levels of Ca2+ and free H+. Sucrose and K+ (together with its associated anions) accounted for 75% of the phloem-sap solute potential (s). In plants kept in continuous darkness, a decrease in phloem-sap sucrose levels over 24h was accompanied by an increase in K+ levels. Measurements of phloem-sap s and xylem water potential () indicated that this resulted in a partial maintenance of phloem turgor pressure p. In darkness there was also a marked decrease in the malate content of the leaf tissue, and it is possible that organic carbon from this source was mobilized for export in the phloem. The results support the concept of the phloem sap as a symplastic phase. We interpret the increase in K+ levels in the phloem in darkness as an osmoregulatory response to conditions of restricted solute availability. This reponse can be explained on the basis of the sucrose-H+ co-transport mechanism of phloem loading.Abbreviations
water potential
- s
solute potential
- p
pressure potential 相似文献
We have re-examined the evidence against the phloem mobility of oligogalacturonide elicitors using a reduced oligogalacturonide
in the phloem translocation system ofRicinus communis var. Gibsonii. A tritium-labelled end-reduced oligogalacturonide of degree of polymerisation 6 was injected into the hollow
centre of the petiole of four- to five-week-old plants. Two experimental procedures were followed. In the first, the whole
plant was harvested and dissected after 5 h incubation. In the second, phloem sap was collected from an incision in the main
stem below the injected petiole; collection started 2 h after incubation and continued for a further 3 h. Determination of
the total radiolabel present in the dissected plant showed that at least 8% of the applied activity was exported from the
injected leaf, most of this being recovered from the main stem below the injected petiole and the roots. The activity in the
phloem exudate showed that the rate of export of radiolabel was already at its maximum by the end of the 2-h incubation period.
Radiolabelled material recovered from the main stem was found to be highly comparable to starting material when subjected
to thin-layer chromatography. These results demonstrate the phloem mobility of reduced oligogalacturonides of low degree of
polymerisation and therefore re-establish the potential for oligogalacturonides to act as systemic signals. 相似文献
Jaleh Daie 《Planta》1987,171(4):474-482
The uptake of different sugars was studied in segments of isolated phloem from petioles of celery (Apium graveolens L.) in order to determine the kinetics and specificity of phloem loading in this highly uniform conductive tissue. The uptake kinetics of sucrose and the sugar alcohol, mannitol, which are both phloem-translocated, indicated presence of a single saturable system, while uptake of non-phloem sugars (glucose and 3-O-methylglucose) exhibited biphasic kinetics with lower uptake rates than those for sucrose and mannitol. The presence of unlabeled mannitol, 3-O-methylglucose and maltose in the incubation solution did not cause inhibition of labeled-sucrose uptake, indicating high carrier specificity and lack of sucrose hydrolysis in vivo. The pH optimum for sucrose uptake was 5–6. Furthermore, a rapid and transient alkalinization of the external media by sucrose indicated a sugar/H+-cotransport mechanism. Dual-labeling experiments showed that sucrose influx continued at a constant rate (V
max=15 mol·h-1·(g FW)-1), whereas sucrose efflux was low and insensitive to external concentration. Therefore, the saturable uptake kinetics for sucrose did not appear to be the result of an equilibrium between rates of sucrose influx and efflux.Abbreviations 3-OMG
p-chloromercuribenzene sulfonate
sieve element-companion cell
- VB
vascular bundle 相似文献
Peter Geigenberger Silke Langenberger Ingo Wilke Dieter Heineke Hans W. Heldt Mark Stitt 《Planta》1993,190(4):446-453
Metabolites and enzyme activities were measured in the phloem sap exuding from a cut hypocotyl of germinating castor-bean (Ricinus communis L.) seedlings. The sap contained considerable quantities of adenine nucleotides, uridine nucleotides, uridine diphosphoglucose (UDPGlc), all the major phosphorylated metabolites required for glycolysis, fructose-2,6-bisphosphate and pyrophosphate. Supplying 200 mM glucose instead of sucrose to the cotyledons resulted in high concentrations of glucose in the sap, but did not modify the metabolite levels. In contrast, when 200 mM fructose was supplied we found only a low level of fructose but a raised sucrose concentration in the sap, which was accompanied by a three-to fourfold decrease of UDPGlc, and an increase of pyrophosphate, UDP and UTP. The measured levels of metabolites are used to estimate the molar mass action ratios and in-vivo free-energy change associated with the various reactions of sucrose breakdown and glycolysis in the phloem. It is concluded that the reactions catalysed by ATP-dependent phosphofructokinase and pyruvate kinase are removed from equilibrium in the phloem, whereas the reactions catalysed by sucrose synthase, UDPGlc-pyrophosphorylase, phosphoglucose mutase, phosphoglucose isomerase, aldolase, triose-phosphate isomerase, phosphoglycerate mutase and enolase are close to equilibrium within the conducting elements of the phloem. Since the exuded sap contained negligible or undetectable activities of the enzymes, it is concluded, that the responsible proteins are bound, or sequesterd behind plasmodesmata, possibly in the companion cells. It is argued that sucrose mobilisation via a reversible reaction catalysed by sucrose synthase is particularily well suited to allow the rate of sucrose breakdown in the phloem to respond to changes in the metabolic requirement for ATP, and for UDPGlc during callose production. It is also calculated that the transport of nucleotides in the phloem sap implies that there must be a very considerable uptake or de-novo biosynthesis of these cofactors in the phloem. 相似文献
Sucrose (2,5–1000 mmol l–1), labeled with [14C]sucrose, was taken up by the xylem when supplied to one end of a 30-cm-long leaf strip of Zea mays L. cv. Prior. The sugar was loaded into the phloem and transported to the opposite end, which was immersed in diluted Hoagland's nutrient solution. When the Hoagland's solution at the opposite end was replaced by unlabeled sucrose solution of the same molarity as the labeled one, the two solutions met near the middle of the leaf strip, as indicated by radioautographs. In the dark, translocation of 14C-labeled assimilates was always directed away from the site of sucrose application, its distance depending on sugar concentration and translocation time. When sucrose was applied to both ends of the leaf strip, translocation of 14C-labeled assimilates was directed toward the lower sugar concentration. In the light, transport of 14-C-labeled assimilates can be directed (1) toward the morphological base of the leaf strip only (light effect), (2) toward the base and away from the site of sucrose application (light and sucrose effect), or (3) away from the site of sucrose application independent of the (basipetal or acropetal) direction (sucrose effect). The strength of a sink, represented by the darkened half of a leaf strip, can be reduced by applying sucrose (at least 25 mmol l–1) to the darkened end of the leaf strip. However, equimolar sucrose solutions applied to both ends do not affect the strength of the dark sink. Only above 75 mmol l–1 sucrose was the sink effect of the darnened part of the leaf strip reduced. Presumably, increasing the sucrose concentration replenishes the leaf tissue more rapidly, and photosynthates from the illuminated part of the leaf strip are imported to a lesser extent by the dark sink.Supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft 相似文献
During germination and early growth of the castor-bean (Ricinus communis L.), protein in the endosperm is hydrolyzed and the amino acids are transferred into the cotyledons and then via the translocation stream to the axis of the growing seedling. The cotyledons retain the ability to absorb amino acids after removal of the endosperm and hypocotyl, exhibiting rates of transport up to 70 mol g-1 h-1. The transport of L-glutamine was not altered by KCl or NaCl in low concentrations (0–20 mM). High concentrations of KCl (100 mM) inhibited transport, presumably by decreasing the membrane potential. An increase in the pH of the medium bathing the cotyledons was observed for 10 min following addition of L-glutamine but not with D-glutamine, which is not transported. The rate of proton uptake was dependent on the concentration of L-glutamine in the external solution. Inhibitors and uncouplers of respiration (azide, 2, 4-dinitrophenol, carbonyl cyanide phenylhydrazone and N-ethylmaleimide) inhibited both L-glutamine uptake and L-glutamine-induced proton uptake. Amino acids other than L-glutamine also caused a transient pH rise and the rate of proton uptake was proportional to the rate of amino-acid uptake. The stoichiometry was 0.3 protons per amino acid transported. Addition of sucrose also caused proton uptake but the alkalisation by sucrose and by amino acids were not additive. Nevertheless, when sucrose was added 60 min after providing L-glutamine at levels saturating its uptake system, a rise in pH was again observed. The results were consistent with amino-acid transport and sucrose transport in castor-bean cotyledons both occurring by a proton cotransport in the same membrane system but involving separate carriers. 相似文献