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This study was designed to determine the effect of zinc on the biological half-lives of 65Zn in whole body and liver and on distribution of 65Zn in different organs of rats following nickel toxicity. Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats received either nickel in the form NiSO4·6H2O at a dose of 800 mg/L in drinking water, zinc in the form of ZnSO4·7H2O at a dose of 227 mg/L in drinking water, and nickel plus zinc or drinking water alone for a total duration of 8 wk. All of the rats were injected with a tracer dose of 0.37 MBq 65Zn at the end of the treatment period. The effects of different treatments were studied on biological half-lives of 65Zn in whole body and liver and on the distribution of 65Zn in different organs of rats. In the present study, we have noted that nickel treatment to normal rats caused a significant decrease in the slow component (Tb2) in liver, which improved following zinc supplementation. Nickel administration to normal-diet-fed animals caused significant lowering in the percentage uptake of 65Zn values in the brain, liver, and intestine. However, the administration of zinc to nickel-treated rats improved the status of 65Zn in different organs. The Tb2 in the liver and the percentage uptake of 65Zn values elevated following zinc supplementation to nickel-treated rats.  相似文献   

The effect of the chronic administration of histidine on the brain zinc level was examined in growing, male Wistar rats. Using a purified diet, the minimum zinc requirement for normal growth and normal plasma and tissue zinc levels was found to be around 10 ppm. Given this zinc content; the diet was supplemented with 5% and 8% histidine, respectively, or with 10% glycine (as control). Brain zinc was analyzed by measuring the rate of turnover of65Zn from 2–4 weeks after a single injection of the tracer. Feeding the diet supplemented with 5% histidine caused a small decrease in the plasma zinc concentration and a slight increase in the rate of turnover of65Zn in the cerebrum and the cerebellum as compared to the control group. The animals fed the diet supplemented with 8% histidine became severely zinc deficient (as evidenced by a 50% reduction in the plasma zinc content), however, the rate of turnover of65Zn in all brain regions examined was significantly decreased as compared to the control group. The results indicate that histidine has no specific complexing action on the brain zinc.  相似文献   

Zinc is essential for normal growth, development and brain function although little is known about brain zinc homeostasis. Therefore, in this investigation we have studied65Zn uptake from blood into brain and other tissues and have measured the blood-brain barrier permeability to65Zn in the anaesthetized rat in vivo. Adult male Wistar within the weight range 500–600 g were used.65ZnCl2 and [125I]albumin, the latter serving as a vascular marker, were injected in a bolus of normal saline I.V. Sequential arterial blood samples were taken during experiments that lasted between 5 min and 5 hr. At termination, samples from the liver, spleen, pancreas, lung, heart, muscle, kidney, bone, testis, ileum, blood cells, csf, and whole brain were taken and analysed for radio-isotope activity. Data have been analysed by Graphical Analysis which suggests65Zn uptake from blood by all tissues sampled was unidirectional during this experimental period except brain, where at circulation times<30 min,65Zn fluxes were bidirectional. In addition to the blood space, the brain appears to contain a rapidly exchanging compartment(s) for65Zn of about 4 ml/100g which is not csf.  相似文献   

Riseman  Andrew  Craig  Richard 《Plant and Soil》2000,219(1-2):41-47
Interspecific hybrids of Exacum exhibit variation in the expression of zinc efficiency. This research investigated the genetic basis for this variation and evaluated a series of physiological and morphological traits for their association with zinc efficiency. Chi-square analyses of self-pollinated progeny from both zinc-efficient and zinc-inefficient parents indicate a significant genetic component. One hundred percent of the progeny from the inefficient parent were classified as inefficient, while the progeny from the efficient parent segregated 32% inefficient to 68% efficient. Six plants from each phenotypic class (efficient and inefficient) of the efficient parent were utilized in analyses of plant traits. Statistically significant associations were identified between the zinc-efficient phenotype and mol Zn uptake mg-1 root, root-to-shoot ratio, specific root length, mol Zn uptake cm-2 root surface area, and Zn uptake cm-1 root length. No association was identified between zinc-efficient phenotype and root diameter, transpiration rate, or H+ production. Zinc uptake cm-1 root length had the greatest association with the zinc-efficiency phenotype and was able to discriminate the two phenotypic classes. We suggest that Zn uptake cm-1 root length is the most significant factor explaining the variation between the zinc-efficient and zinc-inefficient phenotypes in Exacum.  相似文献   

The development of zinc deficiency in adults was studied in a metabolism experiment involving 31 adult, female rats labeled homogenously with 65Zn. The animals were fed restricted amounts (8 g/day) of a semisynthetic diet containing either 58 microgram Zn/g (control, n = 7) or 2 microgram Zn/g (Zn deficiency, n = 24). Control animals were sacrificed at day 0 (n = 3) and day 29 (n = 4). Zinc deficient animals were sacrificed at day 1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 16, 22, and 29 (3 animals per group). The development of zinc deficiency comprised 4 phases: (I) Fecal Zn excretion needed several days to adjust to the low level of Zn intake. The high initial Zn loss via feces was counterbalanced mainly by Zn mobilization from the skeleton. (II) During the 2nd week of deficiency Zn mobilization from tissue storage changed transiently to soft tissues (mainly muscle and fat tissue). (III) After the 2nd week the skeleton resumed to mobilize Zn. (IV) At the end of the study the skeleton Zn storage was exhausted and alkaline phosphatase activity indicated severe Zn deficiency. Urinary Zn excretion was too small to contribute quantitatively to changes in Zn metabolism during any phase of Zn deficiency. In conclusion, adults may compensate a deficient Zn supply by mobilizing tissue Zn for several weeks: The skeleton revealed to be the major short-term as well as long-term source of whole body tissue Zn that can be mobilized.  相似文献   

The in vitro uptake of zinc by erythrocytes was measured under near-physiological conditions, using65Zn as a radioactive tracer. Because of the presence of serum albumin—a strong zinc ligand—a low concentration of medium free zinc was maintained. Under these conditions a high-affinity carrier for zinc transport over the cell membrane was identified. With human erythrocytes, a Michaelis constant (K m ) of 0.2 nM with respect to free medium zinc was measured and aV max of 4.5 nmoles Zn transported per h/g dry wt. TheK m for medium Zn increases when the size of the internal erythrocytic Zn pool is augmented, whereasV max remains virtually unchanged. A model to explain this phenomenon is proposed. It is suggested that this phenomenon could underlie observations, confirmed here, that the in vitro uptake of Zn by animal erythrocytes depends on the Zn status of the animal.  相似文献   

Summary Ammonium nitrate fertilizer, labelled with15N, was applied in spring to winter wheat growing in undisturbed monoliths of clay and sandy loam soil in lysimeters; the rates of application were respectively 95 and 102 kg N ha−1 in the spring of 1976 and 1975. Crops of winter wheat, oilseed rape, peas and barley grown in the following 5 or 6 years were treated with unlabelled nitrogen fertilizer at rates recommended for maximum yields. During each year of the experiments the lysimeters were divided into treatments which were either freelydrained or subjected to periods of waterlogging. Another labelled nitrogen application was made in 1980 to a separate group of lysimeters with a clay soil and a winter wheat crop to study further the uptake of nitrogen fertilizer in relation to waterlogging. In the first growing season, shoots of the winter wheat at harvest contained 46 and 58% of the fertilizer nitrogen applied to the clay and sandy loam soils respectively. In the following year the crops contained a further 1–2% of the labelled fertilizer, and after 5 and 6 years the total recoveries of labelled fertilizer in the crops were 49 and 62% on the clay and sandy loam soils respectively. In the first winter after the labelled fertilizer was applied, less than 1% of the fertilizer was lost in the drainage water, and only about 2% of the total nitrogen (mainly nitrate) in the drainage water from both soils was derived from the fertilizer. Maximum annual loss occurred the following year but the proportion of tracer nitrogen in drainage was nevertheless smaller. Leaching losses over the 5 and 6 years from the clay and sandy loam soil were respectively 1.3 and 3.9% of the original application. On both soils the percentage of labelled nitrogen to the total crop nitrogen content was greater after a period of winter waterlogging than for freely-drained treatments. This was most marked on the clay soil; evidence points to winter waterlogging promoting denitrification and the consequent loss of soil nitrogen making the crop more dependent on spring fertilizer applications.  相似文献   

During the formation of radical A (2) and its precursor (tris(2-deoxy-2-L-ascorbyl)amine, 1) by the reaction of dehydroascorbic acid (DHA) with amino acid, ascorbic acid (AsA) and the reduced red pigment (3) were newly identified, in addition to scorbamic acid (SCA) and the red pigment (4), as intermediate products. The addition of AsA to the DHA-amino acid reaction, as well as to the DHA-SCA reaction, greatly increased the formation of 3 and 1. The reaction of AsA with 4 gave rapidly 3, followed by the gradual production of 1. From these results, a reaction pathway is proposed that 3 formed by the reduction of 4 with AsA is a key intermediate and its condensation with DHA followed by reduction with AsA might produce 2 and 1.  相似文献   

Summary 1. We examined the actions of mercury (Hg2+) and zinc (Zn2+) on voltage-activated calcium channel currents of cultured rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons, using the whole-cell patch clamp technique.2. Micromolar concentrations of both cations reduced voltage-activated calcium channel currents. Calcium channel currents elicited by voltage jumps from a holding potential of –80 to 0 mV (mainly L- and N-currents) were reduced by Hg2+ and Zn2+. The threshold concentration for Hg2+ effects was 0.1 µM and that for Zn2+ was 10µM. Voltage-activated calcium channel currents were abolished (>80%) with 5µM Hg2+ or 200µM Zn2+. The peak calcium current was reduced to 50% (IC50) by 1.1µM Hg2+ or 69µM Zn2+. While Zn2+ was much more effective in reducing the T-type calcium channel current—activated by jumping from –80 to –35 mV—Hg2+ showed some increased effectiveness in reducing this current.3. The effects of both cations occurred rapidly and a steady state was reached within 1–3 min. While the action of Zn2+ was not dependent on an open channel state, Hg2+ effects depended partially on channel activation.4. While both metal cations reduced the calcium channel currents over the whole voltage range, some charge screening effects were detected with Hg2+ and with higher concentrations (>100µM) of Zn2+.5. As Zn2+ in the concentration range used had no influence on resting membrane currents, Hg2+ caused a clear inward current at concentrations µM.6. In the present study we discuss whether the actions of both metals on voltage-activated calcium channel currents are mediated through the same binding site and how they may be related to their neurotoxic effects.  相似文献   

In a greenhouse study, with and without rice plants, of five flooded Philippine rice soils whose organic C (OC) content varied from 0.5 to 3.6%, incorporation ofSesbania rostrata, Azolla microphylla and rice straw affected the kinetics of soil solution NH 4 + −N, K+, Fe2+, Mn2+, Zn2+, and P. Sesbania and Azolla increased NH 4 + −N concentration above the control treatment, whereas rice straw depressed it. In all soils Azolla released less NH 4 + −N than Sesbania. The apparent net N release depended on the soil and ranged from 44–81% for Sesbania and 27–52% for Azolla. These effects persisted throughout the growth of IR36. Soil solution and exchangeable NH 4 + −N increased initially but levelled off between 30 to 80 days and between 20 to 40 days after flooding (DF), respectively. With rice, soil solution NH 4 + −N concentration, reached a peak at 15–40 DF and declined to very low levels (<4mg L−1). In the 3 soils of low OC content nitrogen derived from green manure ranged from 34–53% and the apparent revovery of added green manure N varied from 29–67%. Almost all N released from both Azolla and Sesbania were recovered in the rice plant in all soils except Concepcion with only 77%. The concentration of K+, Fe2+, Mn2+ and P in the soil solution were higher with rice straw than Sesbania and Azolla in all soils except Hanggan which showed no change in Fe2+ and Mn2+ but increased K+ and P. In general, rice straw, Sesbania and Azolla decreased Zn2+ concentration in all soils.  相似文献   

Thomsen  Ingrid K.  Kjellerup  Viggo  Jensen  Bendt 《Plant and Soil》1997,197(2):233-239
Two animal slurries either labelled with 15N in the urine or in the faeces fraction, were produced by feeding a sheep with unlabelled and 15N-labelled hay and collecting faeces and urine separately. The slurries were applied (12 g total N -2) to a coarse sand and a sandy loam soil confined in lysimeters and growing spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L). Reference lysimeters without slurry were supplied with15 NH4 15NO3 corresponding to the inorganic N applied with the slurries (6 g N m-2). In the second year, all lysimeters received unlabelled mineral fertilizer (6 g N m-2) and grew spring barley. N harvested in the two crops (grain + straw) and the loss of nitrate by leaching were determined. 15N in the urine fraction was less available for crop uptake than mineral fertilizer 15N. The first barley crop on the sandy loam removed 49% of the 15N applied in mineral fertilizer and 36% of that applied with urine. The availability of fertilizer 15N (36%) and urine15 N (32%) differed less on the coarse sand. Of the15 N added with the faeces fraction, 12–14% was taken up by the barley crop on the two soils. N mineralized from faeces compensated for the reduced availability of urine N providing a similar or higher crop N uptake in manured lysimeters compared with mineral fertilized ones.About half of the total N uptake in the first crop originated from the N applied either as slurry or mineral fertilizer. The remaining N was derived from the soil N pool. Substantially smaller but similar proportions of15 N from faeces, urine and fertilizer were found in the second crop. The similar recoveries indicated a slow mineralization rate of the residual faeces N since more faeces was left in the soil after the first crop.More N was lost by leaching from manured lysimeters but as a percentage of N applied, losses were similar to those from mineral fertilizer. During the first and second winter, 3–5% and 1–3%, respectively, of the 15N in slurry and mineral fertilizer was leached as nitrate. Thus slurry N applied in spring just before sowing did not appear to be more prone to loss by nitrate leaching than N given in mineral fertilizer. Slurry N accounted for a higher proportion of the N leached, however, because more N was added in this treatment.  相似文献   

The effect of incorporating cattle slurry in soil, either by mixing or by simulated injection into a hollow in soil, on the ryegrass uptake of total N and 15NH4+-N was determined in three soils of different texture. The N accumulation in Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.) from slurry N and from an equivalent amount of NH4+-N in (15NH4) SO4 (control) was measured during 6 months of growth in pots. After this period the total recovery of labelled N in the top soil plus herbage was similar in the slurry and the control treatments. This indicated that gaseous losses from slurry NH4+-N were insignificant. Consequently, the availability of slurry N to plants was mainly influenced by the mineralization-immobilization processes. The apparent utilization of slurry NH4+-N mixed into soil was 7%, 14% and 24% lower than the utilization of (NH4)2SO4-N in a sand soil, a sandy loam soil and a loam soil, respectively. Thus, the net immobilization of N due to slurry application increased with increasing soil clay content, whereas the recovery in plants of 15N-labelled NH4+-N from slurry was similar on the three soils. A parallel incubation experiment showed that the immobilization of slurry N occurred within the first week after slurry application. The incorporation of slurry N by simulated injection increased the plant uptake of both total and labelled N compared to mixing the slurry into the soil. The apparent utilization of injected slurry NH4+-N was 7% higher, 8% lower and 4% higher than the utilization of (NH4)2SO4-N in the sand, the sandy loam and the loam soil, respectively. It is concluded that the spatial distribution of slurry in soil influenced the net mineralization of N to the same degree as did the soil type.  相似文献   

Glyceraldehyde (200 mM) and Nα-acetyllysine (100 mM) were incubated in 0.2 M sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) at 37°C for a week. A major compound, glyceraldehyde-related Maillard reaction product, was purified from the reaction mixture using reverse phase (ODS)-HPLC. It was identified as 1-(5-acetylamino-5-carboxypentyl)-3-hydroxy-5-hydroxymethyl-pyridinium, named as GLAP (Glyceraldehyde derived Pyridinium compound), using NMR and MS analyses. It was suggested that GLAP as a novel advanced glycation end product (AGE) is one of the key compounds in the glyceraldehyde-related Maillard reaction.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to investigate the influence of [PdCl4]2 ? , [PdCl(dien)]+ and [PdCl(Me4dien)]+ complexes on Na+/K+-ATPase activity. The dose-dependent inhibition curves were obtained in all cases. IC50 values determined by Hill analysis were 2.25 × 10? 5 M, 1.21 × 10? 4 M and 2.36 × 10? 4 M, respectively. Na+/K+-ATPase exhibited typical Michelis-Menten kinetics in the presence of Pd(II) complexes. Kinetic parameters (Vmax, Km) derived using Eadie–Hofstee transformation indicated a noncompetitive type of Na+/K+-ATPase inhibition. The inhibitor constants (Ki) were determined from Dixon plots. The order of complex affinity for binding with Na+/K+-ATPase, deducted from Ki values, was [PdCl4]2 ? >[PdCl(dien)]+>[PdCl(Me4dien)]+. The results indicated that the potency of Pd(II) complexes to inhibit Na+/K+-ATPase activity depended strongly on ligands of the related compound. Furthermore, the ability of SH-donor ligands, l-cysteine and glutathione, to prevent and recover the Pd(II) complexes-induced inhibition of Na+/K+-ATPase was examined. The addition of 1 mM l-cysteine or glutathione to the reaction mixture before exposure to Pd(II) complexes prevented the inhibition by increasing the IC50 values by one order of magnitude. Moreover, the inhibited enzymatic activity was recovered by addition of SH-donor ligands in a concentration-dependent manner.  相似文献   

The organic matter extracted from various mineral horizons of two forest soils, one under silver fir (Abies alba Mill.), the other under European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), was fractionated by dialysis into three fractions, 100–1000, 1000–8000, and >8000Da. On a C basis, in all horizons the recovered organic matter amounted to less than a half of the total and was mainly composed of molecules >8000Da. The 100–1000Da fraction had a principal elemental composition profoundly different from the other two fractions, which, instead differed from each other significantly only for the S content and the molar ratio of C with N. No significant difference in this regard was found between soils. The richness in O and some typical absorption bands in the FT-IR spectra indicated that the 100–1000Da fraction had a lot of carboxyl moieties. The spectroscopic (13C NMR) investigation showed that the 1000–8000 and >8000Da fractions had a prevalently aliphatic nature and signals attributable to polysaccharides (O-alkyl C) revealed overall a high presence of non-humic biopolymers. These latter were significantly more abundant, suggesting a lower degree of humification, in the >8000Da fraction than in the 1000–8000Da fraction. Comparing soils, that under beech appeared significantly richer in O-alkyl C than that under fir. The organics extracted from the A horizon of both soils had positive 14C values, indicating recent synthesis mainly due to the present forest cover. The mean residence time (MRT) of the combined 100–1000Da and 1000–8000Da fractions and the >8000Da fraction increased with depth, even to about 5000 years in the more than 1-m deep BC horizons under beech. In some cases, and especially in the soil under fir, despite higher values of 13C denoting stronger microbial decomposition, the 100–8000Da fraction showed a higher MRT than that of the >8000Da fraction, perhaps due to its ascertained lower content of non-humic biopolymers.  相似文献   

Two new zinc(II)-triazole-aliphatic dicarboxylate coordination polymers, [Zn(trz)(Hsuc)]n (1), [Zn2(trz)2(tar)]n (2), have been hydrothermally synthesized by reaction of Zn salt, Htrz with H2suc and H2tar, respectively (Htrz = 1,2,4-triazole, H2suc = succinic acid, H2tar = tartaric acid).Their structures were determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analyses and further characterized by X-ray powder diffraction, elemental analyses, IR spectra and TG analyses. Compound 1 displays a 2D layer structure containing {[Zn4(trz)4]4+}n layers decorated by the suc ligand. Compound 2 is in a 3D structure formed by the interconnection of 2D {[Zn4(trz)4]4+}n layers with tar ligand, resulting a 3,4-connected topological network. Due to the different coordination mode and conformation of aliphatic carboxylate ligand, the similar 2D {[Zn4(trz)4]4+}n layers stack in the -AAA- fashion in 1, while the {[Zn4(trz)4]4+}n layers hold together in the -ABAB- stacking sequence in 2. Additionally, the two compounds show strong fluorescence in the solid state at room temperature.  相似文献   

Previous studies on non-diadromous euryhaline teleosts introduced a hypothesis that the lowest level of gill Na+/K+-ATPase (NKA) activity occurs in the environments with salinity close to the primary natural habitats of the studied species. To provide more evidence of the hypothesis, two medaka species, Oryzias latipes and O. dancena, whose primary natural habitats are fresh water (FW) and brackish water (BW) environments, respectively, were compared from levels of mRNA to cells in this study. The plasma osmolalities of O. latipes and O. dancena were lowest in the FW individuals. The muscle water contents of O. latipes decreased with elevated external salinities, but were constant among FW-, BW-, and seawater (SW)-acclimated O. dancena. Expression of NKA, the primary driving force of ion transporters in gill ionocytes, revealed different patterns in the two Oryzias species. The highest NKA α-subunit mRNA abundances were found in the gills of the SW O. latipes and the FW O. dancena, respectively. The pattern of NKA activity and α-subunit protein abundance in the gills of O. latipes revealed that the FW group was the lowest, while the pattern in O. dancena revealed that the BW group was the lowest. Immunohistochemical staining showed similar profiles of NKA immunoreactive (NKIR) cell activities (NKIR cell number × cell size) in the gills of these two species among FW, BW, and SW groups. Taken together, O. latipes exhibited better hyposmoregulatory ability, while O. dancena exhibited better hyperosmoregulatory ability. Our results corresponding to the hypothesis indicated that the lowest branchial NKA activities of these two medaka species were found in the environments with salinities similar to their natural habitats.  相似文献   

浙江慈溪不同利用年限水稻土微生物生物量与酶活性比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
测定了浙江慈溪5个不同利用年限水稻土(50~2000 a)的微生物生物量C、N和过氧化氢酶、转化酶、脲酶、磷酸酶的活性,分析了水稻土的生物化学环境质量与利用年限的相关性.结果发现,随着利用年限的延长,水稻土的微生物生物量C与N均趋于下降,其中微生物生物量N能较灵敏地反映利用年限造成的差异(p=0.091);水稻土的过氧化氢酶与转化酶活性均呈下降趋势,其中过氧化氢酶活性与利用年限之间确有线性回归关系(p = 0.042);水稻土的脲酶活性不呈显著变化规律,而磷酸酶活性显著上升,其与利用年限之间确有线性回归关系(p = 0.022).总体表明,利用年限延长虽然会降低水稻土中微生物的生物量和整体活性,但对水稻土的肥力并没有产生不良影响,相反对水稻土的供磷能力有保育和增强作用,而对水稻土的供氮能力没有定向影响.  相似文献   

The association of nucleoside triphosphate molecules and calcium ions with purified particles of mycobacteriophage I3 has been documented. The content of nucleoside triphosphate has been determined to be 118 molecules per phage particle by equilibrium dialysis against labelled ATP or 148 molecules per phage particle by the direct determination of labelled nucleoside triphosphate. The concentration of bound Ca2+ exhibited a high degree of variation between different batches, which may be due to the nonspecific binding of Ca2+ by the virus particles. However, the tightly bound Ca2+ not removable by dialysis against calciumspecific chelating agent, showed a constant value of 2985 atoms/phage particle.Abbreviations EGTA Ethylene glycol-bis (-aminoethylether)-N,N1 tetraacetic acid - PFU plaque forming unit - NTP nucleoside triphosphate  相似文献   

The salt-induced accumulation of some nitrogen compounds (free amino acids, ammonium and urea) in shoots of eight rice cultivars differing in salt tolerance was investigated. Salt treatment (100 mM, 6 days) significantly increased the proline content of shoots but this appeared to be a reaction to stress damage and not associated with salt tolerance, because proline contents were higher in the more sensitive cultivars. Besides proline, some other free amino acids also accumulated leading to a significant increase in the total amino acid content of the stressed seedlings. High levels of free ammonium also accumulated under conditions of stress; this was highly correlated with the accumulation of Na+ in the shoots and negatively correlated with salt tolerance. The accumulation of ammonium was positively correlated with the accumulation of many free amino acids, and also associated with the production of urea in the stressed seedlings. Results from the present investigations suggest that an increase in the concentration of some free amino acids including proline, may be a result of the reassimilation of the stress-induced ammonium. A high capacity to assimilate ammonium may be an important factor in alleviating the consequence of stress because ammonium can be toxic at high concentrations.  相似文献   

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