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Point mutations were introduced into the genes encoding the triple gene bock movement proteins P13 and P15 of beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV). Mutations which disabled viral cell-to-cell movement in Chenopodium quinoa were then tested for their ability to act as dominant negative inhibiters of movement of wild-type BNYVV when expressed from a co-inoculated BNYVV RNA 3-based replicon. For P13, three types of mutation inhibited the movement function: non-synomynous mutations in the N- and C-terminal hydrophobic domains, a mutation at the boundary between the N-terminal hydrophobic domain and the central hydrophilic domain (mutant P13-A12), and mutations in the conserved sequence motif in the central hydrophilic domain. However, only the boundary mutant P13-A12 strongly inhibited movement of wild-type virus when expressed from the co-inoculated replicon. Similar experiments with P15 detected four movement-defective mutants which strongly inhibited cell-to-cell movement of wild-type BNYVV when the mutants were expressed from a co-inoculated replicon. Beta vulgaris transformed with two of these P15 mutants were highly resistant to fungus-mediated infection with BNYVV.  相似文献   

Rhizomania caused by Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) is one of the most devastating sugar beet diseases. Sugar beet plants engineered to express a 0.4 kb inverted repeat construct based on the BNYVV replicase gene accumulated the transgene mRNA to similar levels in leaves and roots, whereas accumulation of the transgene-homologous siRNA was more pronounced in roots. The roots expressed high levels of resistance to BNYVV transmitted by the vector, Polymyxa betae. Resistance to BNYVV was not decreased following co-infection of the plants with Beet soil borne virus and Beet virus Q that share the same vector with BNYVV. Similarly, co-infection with the aphid-transmitted Beet mild yellowing virus, Beet yellows virus (BYV), or with all of the aforementioned viruses did not affect the resistance to BNYVV, while they accumulated in roots. These viruses are common in most of the sugar beet growing areas in Europe and world wide. However, there was a competitive interaction between BYV and BMYV in sugar beet leaves, as infection with BYV decreased the titres of BMYV. Other interactions between the viruses studied were not observed. The results suggest that the engineered resistance to BNYVV expressed in the sugar beets of this study is efficient in roots and not readily compromised following infection of the plants with heterologous viruses.  相似文献   

The coat protein (CP) of potato virus X was localized immunocytochemically in infected leaves of susceptible Nicotiana species and shown to be targeted to the central cavity of plasmodesmata in virus-infected cells. A viral deletion mutant, in which the CP gene was replaced with the gene for the green fluorescent protein (GFP), was restricted to single, inoculated cells. However, movement of the mutant virus was rescued on transgenic plants constitutively expressing the CP gene, and the CP was again targeted to plasmodesmata. The CP was not localized to plasmodesmata in uninfected transgenic plants and, in contrast to the plasmodesmata of PVX-infected cells, the plasmodesmata of the transgenic plants did not allow the passage of 10 kDa fluorescent dextrans. We propose that the CP is not involved in plasmodesmal gating per se , but is necessary for transport of the viral RNA to, and possibly through, plasmodesmata.  相似文献   

Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV), vectored by Polymyxa betae, causes rhizomania in sugar beet. For disease control, the cultivation of hybrids carrying Rz1 resistance is crucial, but is compromised by resistance-breaking (RB) strains with specific mutations in the P25 protein at amino acids 67–70 (tetrad). To obtain evidence for P25 variability from soil-borne populations, where the virus persists for decades, populations with wild-type (WT) and RB properties were analysed by P25 deep sequencing. The level of P25 variation in the populations analysed did not correlate with RB properties. Remarkably, one WT population contained P25 with RB mutations at a frequency of 11%. To demonstrate selection by Rz1 and the influence of RB mutations on relative fitness, competition experiments between strains were performed. Following a mixture of strains with four RNAs, a shift in tetrad variants was observed, suggesting that strains did not mix or transreplicate. The plant genotype exerted a clear influence on the frequency of RB tetrads. In Rz1 plants, the RB variants outcompeted the WT variants, and mostly vice versa in susceptible plants, demonstrating a relative fitness penalty of RB mutations. The strong genotype effect supports the hypothesized Rz1 RB strain selection with four RNAs, suggesting that a certain tetrad needs to become dominant in a population to influence its properties. Tetrad selection was not observed when an RB strain, with an additional P26 protein encoded by a fifth RNA, competed with a WT strain, supporting its role as a second BNYVV pathogenicity factor and suggesting the reassortment of both types.  相似文献   

P25, a Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) pathogenicity factor, interacts with a sugar beet protein with high homology to Arabidopsis thaliana kelch repeat containing F-box family proteins (FBK) of unknown function in yeast. FBK are members of the Skp1-Cullin-F-box (SCF) complex that mediate protein degradation. Here, we confirm this sugar beet FBK-P25 interaction in vivo and in vitro and provide evidence for in planta interaction and similar subcellular distribution in Nicotiana tabacum leaf cells. P25 even interacts with an FBK from A. thaliana, a BNYVV nonhost. FBK functional classification was possible by demonstrating the interaction with A. thaliana orthologs of Skp1-like (ASK) genes, a member of the SCF E3 ligase. By means of a yeast two-hybrid bridging assay, a direct effect of P25 on SCF-complex formation involving ASK1 protein was demonstrated. FBK transient Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated expression in N. benthamiana leaves induced a hypersensitive response. The full-length F-box protein consists of one F-box domain followed by two kelch repeats, which alone were unable to interact with P25 in yeast and did not lead to cell-death induction. The results support the idea that P25 is involved in virus pathogenicity in sugar beet and suggest suppression of resistance response.  相似文献   

Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) is an economically important pathogen of sugar beet and has been found worldwide, probably as the result of recent worldwide spread. The BNYVV genome consists of four or five RNA components. Here, we report analysis of sequence variation in the RNA3-p25, RNA4-p31, RNA2-CP, and RNA5-p26 genes of 73 worldwide isolates. The RNA3-p25 gene encodes virulence and avirulence factors. These four sets of gene sequences each fell into two to four groups, of which the three groups of p25 formed eight subgroups with different geographical distributions. Each of these subgroup isolates (strains) could have arisen from four original BNYVV population and their mixed infections. The genetic diversity for BNYVV was relatively small. Selection pressure varied greatly depending on the BNYVV gene and geographical location. Isolates of the Italy strain, in which p25 was subject to the strongest positive selection, were able to overcome the Rz1-host resistance gene to differing degrees, whereas other geographically limited strains could not. Resistance-breaking variants were generated by p25 amino acid changes at positions 67 and 68. Our studies suggest that BNYVV originally evolved in East Asia and has recently become a pathogen of cultivated sugar beet followed by the emergence of new resistance-breaking variants.  相似文献   

The relative functional and/or structural importance of different amino acid sites in a protein can be assessed by evaluating the selective constraints to which they have been subjected during the course of evolution. Here we explore such constraints at the linear and three-dimensional levels for the movement protein (MP) and coat protein (CP) encoded by RNA 3 of prunus necrotic ringspot ilarvirus (PNRSV). By a maximum-parsimony approach, the nucleotide sequences from 46 isolates of PNRSV varying in symptomatology, host tree, and geographic origin have been analyzed and sites under different selective pressures have been identified in both proteins. We have also performed covariation analyses to explore whether changes in certain amino acid sites condition subsequent variation in other sites of the same protein or the other protein. These covariation analyses shed light on which particular amino acids should be involved in the physical and functional interaction between MP and CP. Finally, we discuss these findings in the light of what is already known about the implication of certain sites and domains in structure and protein-protein and RNA-protein interactions.  相似文献   

Rhizomania is a serious disease of sugar beet, caused by beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV). The disease can only be controlled by the use of resistant cultivars. The accession Holly contains a single dominant gene for resistance, called Rz. The identification of a locus for resistance that differs from Rz would provide possibilities to produce cultivars with multiple resistance to BNYVV. Inheritance of resistance to BNYVV was studied by screening progenies of crosses between resistant plants of the accessions Beta vulgaris subsp. maritima WB42 and B. vulgaris subsp. vulgaris Holly-1–4 or R104. Observed and expected segregation ratios were compared to elucidate whether the resistance genes in the three accessions are alleles or situated on different loci. STS markers, linked to the genes for resistance, were used to study the segregation in more detail. The results demonstrated that the genes for resistance to BNYVV inHolly-1-4 and WB42 are closely linked. The gene for resistance in R104 is at the same locus as in Holly-1-4, and also closely linked to the gene in WB42. As the Holly resistance gene has been named Rz, the name Rz2 is proposed to refer to the resistance gene in WB42. Consequently, the gene Rz should be referred to as Rz1. Received: 29 October 1998 / Accepted: 12 March 1999  相似文献   

Viruses commonly modify host endomembranes to facilitate biological processes in the viral life cycle. Infection by viruses belonging to the genus Bymovirus (family Potyviridae) has long been known to induce the formation of large membranous inclusion bodies in host cells, but their assembly and biological roles are still unclear. Immunoelectron microscopy of cells infected with the bymovirus Wheat yellow mosaic virus (WYMV) showed that P1, P2 and P3 are the major viral protein constituents of the membranous inclusions, whereas NIa‐Pro (nuclear inclusion‐a protease) and VPg (viral protein genome‐linked) are probable minor components. P1, P2 and P3 associated with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), but only P2 was able to rearrange ER and form large aggregate structures. Bioinformatic analyses and chemical experiments showed that P2 is an integral membrane protein and depends on the active secretory pathway to form aggregates of ER membranes. In planta and in vitro assays demonstrated that P2 interacts with P1, P3, NIa‐Pro or VPg and recruits these proteins into the aggregates. In vivo RNA labelling using WYMV‐infected wheat protoplasts showed that the synthesis of viral RNAs occurs in the P2‐associated inclusions. Our results suggest that P2 plays a major role in the formation of membranous compartments that house the genomic replication of WYMV.  相似文献   

Beets are a crop of particular concern regarding invasiveness questions because they commonly become feral due to unintentional hybridization with annual forms of wild beets. In this study the performance of transgenic beets resistant to Beet Necrotic Yellow Vein Virus (BNYVV) was compared to the performance of unmodified material from the same breeding line. Both transgenic and control genotypes were also compared to a conventionally bred variety carrying a similar phenotypic trait. Field tests were developed in a step by step fashion in order to study seed emergence and competitiveness in early life stages. The tests quantified the potential ecological advantage of virus resistance under virus and non-virus infestation conditions. In experimental field releases in 1993 and 1994 in Germany, a small but increasingly clear 'additive' ecological advantage of the genetically engineered trait was detected. In both years and all competition treatments, the conventional tolerant variety performed best. An impact of naturalization on natural, nonagricultural habitats may appear in wild beet populations in Italian seed beet production areas. However, a survey of coastal areas of North-Eastern Italy found no virus infestation in 1994, suggesting that an increase in wild beet fitness is unlikely to occur.  相似文献   

A chimeric gene encoding a dysfunctional tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) movement protein (MP) mutant lacking amino acids 3, 4 and 5 (MPΔ3–5), was expressed in transgenic Nicotiana tabacum Xanthi and Xanthi NN plants. Immunogold labeling studies of tissues from transgenic plants indicated that while wild-type MP accumulated in the plasmodesmata, MPΔ3–5 did not. Tissue fractionation studies confirmed that only a low level of the mutant MP accumulated in the cell wall-enriched fraction compared with the accumulation of the wild-type MP. Dye coupling studies showed that MPΔ3–5 enabled the movement between leaf mesophyll cells of a fluorescently labeled dextran of 3 kDa, while 9.4 kDa molecules failed to move. In contrast, in transgenic plants expressing the wild-type MP gene the 9.4 kDa probe did move from cell to cell. Seedlings from self-fertilized transgenic plants were inoculated with TMV and observed for disease symptoms. Transgenic Xanthi NN plants that expressed the MPΔ3–5 gene developed fewer and smaller necrotic local lesions compared with control plants following inoculation with TMV. Transgenic Xanthi nn plants were delayed in the development of systemic symptoms. Inoculating the transgenic plants with TMV-RNA, and the tobamo-viruses TMGMV and SHMV, essentially produced the same results, i.e. inhibition of disease development. These results demonstrate that transgenic plants expressing an inactive MP can inhibit virus disease spread presumably by interfering with its cell-to-cell movement.  相似文献   

The 25K, 12K, and 8K proteins and coat protein (CP) of Potato virus X (PVX) are required for virus cell-to-cell movement. In this study, experiments were conducted to determine whether the PVX 25K protein moves cell to cell and to explore potential interactions between the PVX 25K, 12K, and 8K proteins and CP. The PVX 25K gene was fused to the green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene and inserted into plasmids adjacent to the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter. These plasmids were introduced by biolistic bombardment to transgenic tobacco expressing the PVX 12K, 8K, and CP genes. The GFP:25K fused proteins moved cell to cell on nontransgenic tobacco and tobacco expressing either the 12K or 8K proteins. However, the GFP:25K proteins did not move on transgenic tobacco expressing the combined 12K/8K genes or the CP gene. Thus, movement of the PVX 25K protein through plasmodesmata may be regulated by interactions with other PVX proteins.  相似文献   

Using electron microscopic immunocytochemical staining we demonstrate that the product of gene III of cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) is associated with viral particles. Furthermore, a fusion protein, expressed in bacteria, consisting of the N-terminus of β-galactosidase and the complete gene III protein of CaMV showed DNA-binding activity. From these two results, we discuss the possible function of this viral polypeptide.  相似文献   

To determine the requirements for viral proteins exiting the phloem, transgenic plants expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) fused to the Potato virus X (PVX) triple gene block (TGB)p1 and coat protein (CP) genes were prepared. The fused genes were transgenically expressed from the companion cell (CC)-specific Commelina yellow mottle virus (CoYMV) promoter. Transgenic plants were selected for evidence of GFP fluorescence in CC and sieve elements (SE) and proteins were determined to be phloem mobile based on their ability to translocate across a graft union into nontransgenic scions. Petioles and leaves were analyzed to determine the requirements for phloem unloading of the fluorescence proteins. In petioles, fluorescence spread throughout the photosynthetic vascular cells (chlorenchyma) but did not move into the cortex, indicating a specific barrier to proteins exiting the vasculature. In leaves, fluorescence was mainly restricted to the veins. However, in virus-infected plants or leaves treated with a cocktail of proteasome inhibitors, fluorescence spread into leaf mesophyll cells. These data indicate that PVX contributes factors which enable specific unloading of cognate viral proteins and that proteolysis may play a role in limiting proteins in the phloem and surrounding chlorenchyma.  相似文献   

A number of proteins that accumulate in vacuoles and protein bodies undergo posttranslational processing at these accumulation sites. These processing steps include proteolytic cleavage (e.g. pea lectin, soybean glycinin, and rice lectin) and the removal of some sugar residues from oligosaccharide side-chains (e.g. bean phytohemagglutinin). Treatment of immature rice embryos with the sodium ionophore monensin slows down the proteolytic processing of the rice lectin precursor (Mr 23,000) to mature rice lectin (Mr 10,000 and 8,000). Treatment of developing bean cotyledons with monensin slows down the removal of peripheral N-acetylglucosamine residues from the oligosaccharide side-chains of phytohemagglutinin. The results are consistent with the interpretation that these processing steps, which occur in vacuoles or protein bodies, are carried out by enzymes with an acidic pH optimum, and that monensin slows down processing by alkalinization of the vacuoles or protein bodies.  相似文献   

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