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Yeast tRNA ligase (Trl1) converts cleaved tRNA half-molecules into spliced tRNAs containing a 2'-PO4, 3'-5' phosphodiester at the splice junction. Trl1 performs three reactions: (i) the 2',3'-cyclic phosphate of the proximal fragment is hydrolyzed to a 3'-OH, 2'-PO4 by a cyclic phosphodiesterase (CPD); (ii) the 5'-OH of the distal fragment is phosphorylated by an NTP-dependent polynucleotide kinase; and (iii) the 3'-OH, 2'-PO4, and 5'-PO4 ends are sealed by an ATP-dependent RNA ligase. Trl1 consists of an N-terminal adenylyltransferase domain that resembles T4 RNA ligase 1, a central domain that resembles T4 polynucleotide kinase, and a C-terminal CPD domain that resembles the 2H phosphotransferase enzyme superfamily. Here we show that all three domains are essential in vivo, although they need not be linked in the same polypeptide. We identify five amino acids in the adenylyltransferase domain (Lys114, Glu266, Gly267, Lys284, and Lys286) that are essential for Trl1 activity and are located within motifs I (114KANG117), IV (266EGFVI270), and V (282FFKIK286) that comprise the active sites of DNA ligases, RNA capping enzymes, and T4 RNA ligases 1 and 2. Mutations K404A and T405A in the P-loop (401GXGKT405) of the central kinase-like domain had no effect on Trl1 function in vivo. The K404A and T405A mutations eliminated ATP-dependent kinase activity but preserved GTP-dependent kinase activity. A double alanine mutant in the P-loop was lethal in vivo and abolished GTP-dependent kinase activity. These results suggest that GTP is the physiological substrate and that the Trl1 kinase has a single NTP binding site of which the P-loop is a component. Two other mutations in the central domain were lethal in vivo and either abolished (D425A) or severely reduced (R511A) GTP-dependent RNA kinase activity in vitro. Mutations of the signature histidines of the CPD domain were either lethal (H777A) or conferred a ts growth phenotype (H673A).  相似文献   

Structure-function analysis of yeast tRNA ligase   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Trl 1 is an essential 827-amino-acid enzyme that executes the end-healing and end-sealing steps of tRNA splicing in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Trl1 consists of two catalytic domains--an N-terminal adenylyltransferase/ligase component (amino acids 1-388) and a C-terminal 5'-kinase/cyclic phosphodiesterase component (amino acids 389-827)--that can function in tRNA splicing in vivo when expressed as separate polypeptides. Sedimentation analysis indicates that the ligase and kinase/CPD domains are monomeric proteins that do not form a stable complex in trans. To understand the structural requirements for the RNA ligase component, we performed a mutational analysis of amino acids that are conserved in Trl1 homologs from other fungi. Alanine scanning identified 23 new residues as essential for Trl1-(1-388) activity in vivo. Structure-activity relationships at these positions, and four essential residues defined previously, were clarified by introducing 50 different conservative substitutions. Lethal mutations of Lys114, Glu184, Glu266, and Lys284 abolished Trl1 adenylyltransferase activity in vitro. The essential elements embrace (1) putative equivalents of nucleotidyltransferase motifs I, Ia, III, IV, and V found in DNA ligases, T4 RNA ligase 2, and mRNA capping enzymes; (2) an N-terminal segment shared with the T4 RNA ligase 1 subfamily only; and (3) a constellation of conserved residues specific to fungal tRNA splicing enzymes. We identify yeastlike tRNA ligases in the proteomes of Leishmania and Trypanosoma. These findings recommend tRNA ligase as a target for antifungal and antiprotozoal drug discovery.  相似文献   

Joining of tRNA halves during splicing in extracts of Saccharomyces cerevisiae requires each of the three enzymatic activities associated with the tRNA ligase polypeptide. Joining is most efficient for tRNA as opposed to oligonucleotide substrates and is sensitive to single base changes at a distance from splice sites suggesting considerable specificity. To examine the basis for this specificity, binding of ligase to labeled RNA substrates was measured by native gel electrophoresis. Ligase bound tRNA halves with an association constant 1600-fold greater than that for a nonspecific RNA. Comparison of binding of a series of tRNA processing intermediates revealed that tRNA-structure, particularly in the region around the splice sites, contributes to specific binding. Finally, the ligase was shown to form multiple, discrete complexes with tRNA substrates. The basis for recognition by ligase and its role in a tRNA processing pathway are discussed.  相似文献   

The subnuclear localization of tRNA ligase in yeast   总被引:27,自引:3,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
Yeast tRNA ligase is an enzyme required for tRNA splicing. A study by indirect immune fluorescence shows that this enzyme is localized in the cell nucleus. At higher resolution, studies using indirect immune electron microscopy show this nuclear location to be primarily at the inner membrane of the nuclear envelope, most likely at the nuclear pore. There is a more diffuse, secondary location of ligase in a region of the nucleoplasm within 300 nm of the nuclear envelope. When the amount of ligase in the cell is increased, nuclear staining increases but staining of the nuclear envelope remains constant. This experiment indicates that there are a limited number of ligase sites at the nuclear envelope. Since the other tRNA splicing component, the endonuclease, has the characteristics of an integral membrane protein, we hypothesize that it constitutes the site for the interaction of ligase with the nuclear envelope.  相似文献   

Mechanism of action of a yeast RNA ligase in tRNA splicing   总被引:44,自引:0,他引:44  
The yeast endonuclease and ligase activities that carry out the splicing of tRNA precursors in vitro have been physically separated. The properties of a partially purified ligase fraction were examined. The ligase requires a divalent cation and a nucleoside triphosphate as cofactor. The product of ligation is a 2′-phosphomonoester, 3′,5′-phosphodiester linkage. The phosphate in the newly formed phosphodiester bond comes from the γ position of ATP, while the 2′ phosphate is derived from the RNA substrate. An adenylylated enzyme intermediate was identified by incorporation of label from α-32P-ATP. Adenylylation was reversed by pyrophosphate, releasing ATP, whereas ligation was accompanied by release of AMP. Polynucleotide kinase and cyclic phosphodiesterase activities copurify with the adenylylated protein and may be required for the tRNA splicing reaction.  相似文献   

Yeast mitochondrial DNA codes for a complete set of tRNAs. Although most components necessary for the biosynthesis of mitochondrial tRNA are coded by nuclear genes, there is one genetic locus on mitochondrial DNA necessary for the synthesis of mitochondrial tRNAs other than the mitochondrial tRNA genes themselves. Characterization of mutants by deletion mapping and restriction enzyme mapping studies has provided a precise location of this yeast mitochondrial tRNA synthesis locus. Deletion mutants retaining various segments of mitochondrial DNA were examined for their ability to synthesize tRNAs from the genes they retain. A subset of these strains was also tested for the ability to provide the tRNA synthesis function in complementation tests with deletion mutants unable to synthesize mature mitochondrial tRNAs. By correlating the tRNA synthetic ability with the presence or absence of certain wild-type restriction fragments, we have confined the locus to within 780 base pairs of DNA located between the tRNAMetf gene and tRNAPro gene, at 29 units on the wild-type map. Heretofore, no genetic function or gene product had been localized in this area of the yeast mitochondrial genome.  相似文献   

To determine the functional domains of K1 killer toxin, we analyzed the phenotypes of a set of mutations throughout regions encoding the alpha- and beta-toxin subunits that allow secretion of mutant toxins. A range of techniques have been used to examine the ability of mutant toxins to bind to beta-glucan cell wall receptor and to form lethal ion channels. Our results indicate that both the alpha and beta subunits are involved in beta-glucan receptor binding. Defects in ion channel formation and toxin immunity are confined to the hydrophobic alpha subunit of the toxin.  相似文献   

J Luo  F Barany 《Nucleic acids research》1996,24(15):3079-3085
DNA ligases play a pivotal role in DNA replication, repair and recombination. Reactions catalyzed by DNA ligases consist of three steps: adenylation of the ligase in the presence of ATP or NAD+, transferring the adenylate moiety to the 5'-phosphate of the nicked DNA substrate (deadenylation) and sealing the nick through the formation of a phosphodiester bond. Thermus thermophilus HB8 DNA ligase (Tth DNA ligase) differs from mesophilic ATP-dependent DNA ligases in three ways: (i) it is NAD+ dependent; (ii) its optimal temperature is 65 instead of 37 degrees C; (iii) it has higher fidelity than T4 DNA ligase. In order to understand the structural basis underlying the reaction mechanism of Tth DNA ligase, we performed site-directed mutagenesis studies on nine selected amino acid residues that are highly conserved in bacterial DNA ligases. Examination of these site-specific mutants revealed that: residue K118 plays an essential role in the adenylation step; residue D120 may facilitate the deadenylation step; residues G339 and C433 may be involved in formation of the phosphodiester bond. This evidence indicates that a previously identified KXDG motif for adenylation of eukaryotic DNA ligases [Tomkinson, A.E., Totty, N.F., Ginsburg, M. and Lindahl, T. (1991) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 88, 400-404] is also the adenylation site for NAD+-dependent bacterial DNA ligases. In a companion paper, we demonstrate that mutations at a different Lys residue, K294, may modulate the fidelity of Tth DNA ligase.  相似文献   

Mutations in sarcoglycans have been reported to cause autosomal-recessive limb-girdle muscular dystrophies. In skeletal and cardiac muscle, sarcoglycans are assembled into a complex on the sarcolemma from four subunits (alpha, beta, gamma, delta). In this report, we present a detailed structural analysis of sarcoglycans using deletion study, limited proteolysis and co-immunoprecipitation. Our results indicate that the extracellular regions of sarcoglycans consist of distinctive functional domains connected by proteinase K-sensitive sites. The N-terminal half domains are required for sarcoglycan interaction. The C-terminal half domains of beta-, gamma- and delta-sarcoglycan consist of a cysteine-rich motif and a previously unrecognized conserved sequence, both of which are essential for plasma membrane localization. Using a heterologous expression system, we demonstrate that missense sarcoglycan mutations affect sarcoglycan complex assembly and/or localization to the cell surface. Our data suggest that the formation of a stable complex is necessary but not sufficient for plasma membrane targeting. Finally, we provide evidence that the beta/delta-sarcoglycan core can associate with the C-terminus of dystrophin. Our results therefore generate important information on the structure of the sarcoglycan complex and the molecular mechanisms underlying the effects of various sarcoglycan mutations in muscular dystrophies.  相似文献   

Trl1 is an essential 827 amino acid enzyme that executes the end-healing and end-sealing steps of tRNA splicing in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Trl1 consists of two domains—an N-terminal ligase component and a C-terminal 5′-kinase/2′,3′-cyclic phosphodiesterase (CPD) component—that can function in tRNA splicing in vivo when expressed as separate polypeptides. To understand the structural requirements for the kinase-CPD domain, we performed an alanine scan of 30 amino acids that are conserved in Trl1 homologs from other fungi. We thereby identified four residues (Arg463, His515, Thr675 and Glu741) as essential for activity in vivo. Structure–function relationships at these positions, and at four essential or conditionally essential residues defined previously (Asp425, Arg511, His673 and His777), were clarified by introducing conservative substitutions. Biochemical analysis showed that lethal mutations of Asp425, Arg463, Arg511 and His515 in the kinase module abolished polynucleotide kinase activity in vitro. We report that a recently cloned 1104 amino acid Arabidopsis RNA ligase functions in lieu of yeast Trl1 in vivo and identify essential side chains in the ligase, kinase and CPD modules of the plant enzyme. The plant ligase, like yeast Trl1 but unlike T4 RNA ligase 1, requires a 2′-PO4 end for tRNA splicing in vivo.  相似文献   

We show here that yeast tRNA ligase protein is essential in the cell and participates in joining together tRNA half-molecules resulting from excision of the intron by the splicing endonuclease. A haploid yeast strain carrying a chromosomal deletion of the ligase gene is viable only if ligase protein can be supplied from a plasmid copy of the gene. When synthesis of the plasmid-borne ligase gene is repressed, cells eventually die and accumulate endonuclease cut but unligated half-molecules and intervening sequences. Half-molecules that accumulate appear to be fully end-processed. Two temperature-sensitive ligase mutant strains have been isolated; these strains accumulate a similar set of unligated half-molecules at the nonpermissive temperature.  相似文献   

Photolyases contain two chromophores, flavin plus either methenyltetrahydrofolate (MTHF) or 8-OH-5-deazaflavin (HDF). Amino acid sequence comparison reveals that all photolyases sequenced to date have extensive sequence homology in the carboxyl-terminal half; in the amino-terminal region the folate and deazaflavin class enzymes are more homologous to other members of the same class. This modular arrangement of sequence homologies suggests that the amino-terminal half of photolyase is involved in MTHF or HDF binding whereas the carboxyl-terminal half carries the flavin binding site. In this study we attempted to identify such structural domains of yeast photolyase by partial proteolysis and gene fusion techniques. Partial digestion with chymotrypsin yielded an amino-terminal 34-kDa fragment containing tightly bound MTHF and a carboxyl-terminal 20-kDa polypeptide which lacked chromophore or DNA binding activity. However, a fusion protein carrying the carboxyl-terminal 275 amino acids of yeast photolyase bound specifically to FAD but not to MTHF or DNA. We conclude that the amino-terminal half of yeast photolyase constitutes the folate binding domain and that the carboxyl-terminal half carries the flavin binding site.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma pneumoniae attachment to host cells requires biogenesis of a functional attachment organelle, including proper localization of the adhesion protein P1 to this structure. Mutations in the hmw2 gene result in the inability to cytadhere, failure to localize P1 to the attachment organelle, altered cell morphology and accelerated turnover of the cytadherence-associated proteins HMW1, HMW3 and P65. The hmw2 gene encodes HMW2 (190 kDa) and P28 (28 kDa), the latter apparently the product of internal translation initiation near the 3' end of the hmw2 coding region. Transformation of hmw2 mutant I-2 with recombinant wild-type hmw2 restores a wild-type phenotype. In the current study, a severely truncated hmw2 gene with an in frame internal deletion of 80% of the HMW2 coding region that leaves the P28-encoding region intact restored cytadherence to mutant I-2. Transformants produced the expected 38 kDa HMW2 derivative (HMW2Deltamid) at levels comparable to that of HMW2 in wild-type cells; like HMW2, HMW2Deltamid exhibited marked Triton X-100 insolubility. HMW3, P65 and P28 were fully restored, but not HMW1. These transformants were morphologically similar to wild-type M. pneumoniae but failed to localize P1 to the attachment organelle. Finally, a C-terminally truncated HMW2 derivative was partly Triton X-100 soluble and incapable of restoring HMW1, HMW3 and P65 to wild-type levels. These data are consistent with a model in which the C-terminal domain of HMW2 imparts normal localization to the protein, and this localization itself is required for productive interactions with downstream cytadherence-associated proteins. Furthermore, these results emphasize the association of HMW1 with P1 clustering.  相似文献   

N K Tanner  M M Hanna  J Abelson 《Biochemistry》1988,27(24):8852-8861
Yeast tRNA ligase, from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is one of the protein components that is involved in the splicing reaction of intron-containing yeast precursor tRNAs. It is an unusual protein because it has three distinct catalytic activities. It functions as a polynucleotide kinase, as a cyclic phosphodiesterase, and as an RNA ligase. We have studied the binding interactions between ligase and precursor tRNAs containing two photoreactive uridine analogues, 4-thiouridine and 5-bromouridine. When irradiated with long ultraviolet light, RNA containing these analogues can form specific covalent bonds with associated proteins. In this paper, we show that 4-thiouridine triphosphate and 5-bromouridine triphosphate were readily incorporated into a precursor tRNA(Phe) that was synthesized, in vitro, with bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase. The analogue-containing precursor tRNAs were authentic substrates for the two splicing enzymes that were tested (endonuclease and ligase), and they formed specific covalent bonds with ligase when they were irradiated with long-wavelength ultraviolet light. We have determined the position of three major cross-links and one minor cross-link on precursor tRNA(Phe) that were located within the intron and near the 3' splice site. On the basis of these data, we present a model for the in vivo splicing reaction of yeast precursor tRNAs.  相似文献   

Vaccinia virus encodes a polypeptide with DNA ligase activity.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Vaccinia virus gene SalF 15R potentially encodes a polypeptide of 63 kD which shares 30% amino acid identity with S. pombe and S. cerevisiae DNA ligases. DNA ligase proteins can be identified by incubation with alpha-(32P)ATP, resulting in the formation of a covalent DNA ligase-AMP adduct, an intermediate in the enzyme reaction. A novel radio-labelled polypeptide of approximately 61 kD appears in extracts from vaccinia virus infected cells after incubation with alpha-(32P)ATP. This protein is present throughout infection and is a DNA ligase as the radioactivity is discharged in the presence of either DNA substrate or pyrophosphate. DNA ligase assays show an increase in enzyme activity in cell extracts after vaccinia virus infection. A rabbit antiserum, raised against a bacterial fusion protein of beta-galactosidase and a portion of SalF 15R, immune-precipitates polypeptides of 61 and 54 kD from extracts of vaccinia virus-infected cells. This antiserum also immune-precipitates the novel DNA ligase-AMP adduct, thus proving that the observed DNA ligase is encoded by SalF 15R.  相似文献   

Sorting nexins (Snxs) are a recently discovered family of conserved hydrophilic cytoplasmic proteins that have been found associated with membranes of the endocytic system and that are implicated in the trafficking of many endosomal membrane proteins, including the epidermal growth factor receptor and transferrin receptor. Snx proteins are partly defined by the presence of a p40 phox homology domain that has recently been shown to bind phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate. Most Snx proteins also contain a predicted coiled-coils domain in the carboxyl-terminal half of the protein and have been shown to form dimers with other members of the Snx family. The yeast sorting nexins Vps5p and Vps17p form a dimer and are also components of the retromer complex that mediates endosome-to-Golgi transport of the carboxypeptidase Y receptor Vps10p. To functionally define the different domains of the yeast sorting nexins Vps5p and Vps17p, we have generated various truncations to examine the role that the different domains of Vps5p/Vps17p play in their respective functions. Herein, we show that the C-terminal halves of Vps5p and Vps17p, which contain the coiled-coils domains, are necessary and sufficient for their interaction. We have also mapped the retromer assembly domain to the N-terminal half of Vps5p and found that binding of Vps5p by Vps17p synergizes the interaction between Vps5p and other retromer components. Additionally, we have examined which domain(s) of Vps5p is necessary for membrane association.  相似文献   

During their maturation step, transfer RNAs (tRNAs) undergo excision of their introns by specific splicing. Although tRNA splicing is a molecular event observed in all domains of life, the machinery of the ligation reaction has diverged during evolution. Yeast tRNA ligase 1 (TRL1) is a multifunctional protein that alone catalyzes RNA ligation in tRNA splicing, whereas three molecules [RNA ligase (RNL), Clp1, and PNK/CPDase] are necessary for RNA ligation in tRNA splicing in amphioxi. RNA ligation not only occurs in tRNA splicing, but also in yeast HAC1 mRNA splicing and in animal X-box binding protein 1 (XBP1) mRNA splicing under conditions of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. Yeast TRL1 is known to function as an RNA ligase for HAC1 mRNA splicing, whereas the RNA ligase for XBP1 mRNA splicing is unknown in animals. We examined whether yeast and amphioxus RNA ligases for tRNA splicing function in RNA ligation in mammalian XBP1 splicing. Both RNA ligases functioned in RNA ligation in mammalian XBP1 splicing in vitro. Interestingly, Clp1, and PNK/CPDase were not necessary for exon–exon ligation in XBP1 mRNA by amphioxus RNL. These results suggest that RNA ligase for tRNA splicing might therefore commonly function as an RNA ligase for XBP1 mRNA splicing.  相似文献   

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