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Summary Based on meiotic chromosome behavior in intra- and interspecific hybrids, genome symbols were assigned to the following diploid (2n=40) Glycine species: G. canescens = AA; G. clandestina- Intermediate pod (Ip)=A 1 A 1; G. clandestina-Short pod (Sp)=BB; G. latifolia = B 1 B 1; G. tabacina = B 2 B 2; G. cyrtoloba = CC; and G. tomentella = DD. Genome symbol GG was reserved for the soybean, G. max. At metaphaseI, loose chromosome associations were observed in completely sterile interspecific hybrids whose parents differed in their genomes, suggesting some chromosome homologies among species. Although G. clandestina-Sp, G. latifolia and G. tabacina are morphologically distinct species, they differ only by a paracentric inversion. Similar observations were recorded for G. canescens and G. clandestina-Ip. Evidence is presented that demonstrates that G. tabacina (2n=80) and G. tomentella (2n=78, 80) are allotetraploid species complexes. Hybrid weakness, sterility, seedling lethality and seed inviability were found in intra- and interspecific hybrids.This research was supported in part by the Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (Special grant 82-CRSR-2-2007). Travel grants to collect Glycine germplasm were received from the Rockefeller Foundation, the Illinois Soybean Program Operating Board, the National Science Foundation (INT76-14753) and the International Board for Plant Genetic Resources  相似文献   

Paul R. Fantz 《Brittonia》1976,28(1):81-85
A new species,C. saueri from Goiás, and a new variety,C. picta var. elliptica from Brasilia, D.F., are described following the style used by Sauer in his 1964 revision ofCanavalia. Illustrations of the calyx, leaf, and seed, distribution maps and type photos are provided.  相似文献   

Morphological data were gathered from 1539 herbarium specimens representing the taxa of Vicia subgenus Vicia. Specimens were scored for 43 vegetative, 84 inflorescence, 23 legume and 24 seed characters. The data were analysed using cluster analysis and ordination techniques. The results of the analysis were used to produce a classification of the subgenus. The proposed classification contains nine sections, nine series, 38 species, 14 subspecies and 22 varieties. The classification is discussed in relation to previous classifications.  相似文献   

Anagyris latifolia is an endemic and endangered species from the Canary Islands, whose distribution is limited to four islands, with less than 400 individuals in fragmented and isolated localities. RAPD markers have been used to assess the genetic diversity and genetic differentiation of its populations, in order to formulate appropriate management and conservation genetics strategies. Nine polymorphic primers generated 74 polymorphic DNA fragments. Genetic variation levels detected in Anagyris latifolia were significant high (H = 0.200; P% = 97.3), principal coordinates analysis and genetic differentiation coefficient showed a high degree of genetic differentiation between islands, without a define east-to-west stepping stone colonization route. AMOVA analysis showed that of the total genetic variation detected, 32.43% was maintained among islands, 20.73% contained among population within islands, and 46.84% resided within populations. According to these results, management strategies should be focused on each island separately.  相似文献   

Summary The nomenclature of species beased on classical taxonomy can be verified from cytogenetic, biochemical and molecular studies. The objective of the study presented here was to provide further information on genomic affinities among species of the genus Glycine Willd. based on crossability, meiotic chromosome pairing of F1 hybrids and seed-protein profiles. Meiotic chromosome pairing data revealed no genomic similarity between G. microphylla (BB) and G. falcata (FF), nor between G. tomentella (2n = 38; EE) and G. microphylla (BB). Despite morphological similarity between G. cyrtoloba (CC) and G. curvata no F1 hybrid was obtained, although 748 flowers were pollinated. The seed-protein banding patterns showed G. latrobeana to be closer to the A-genome species than to others. Based on these results we assign genome symbol A3A3 to G. latrobeana. Likewise, G. curvata was allotted the designation C1C1 because the seed-protein banding patterns of G. curvata and G. cyrtoloba are similar. The genome designations of Glycine species based on cytogenetic investigations may be further extended by results obtained from biochemical and molecular approaches.Research supported in part by the Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station and US Department of Agriculture Competitive Research Grant 88-37231-4100  相似文献   

Cytotypes of theCrocus vernus aggregate differ slightly in their seed surface patterns.Crocus albiflorus may be grouped together withCrocus vernus subsp.vernus, both are relatively easily distinguishable by their seed surface patterns from theCrocus scepusiensis—Crocus heuffelianus group.  相似文献   

昆仑锦鸡儿(豆科)的遗传多样性研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用ISSR方法,对昆仑锦鸡儿及其近缘种吐鲁番锦鸡儿的遗传多样性进行检测。结果表明,两个种多态位点百分率分别为79.07%和41.86%,昆仑锦鸡儿遗传多样性水平明显高于吐鲁番锦鸡儿;两个种间的遗传距离为0.394 3;昆仑锦鸡儿居群间的遗传一致度较高(平均0.961 4),遗传分化很低(GST:0.083 6)。  相似文献   

Nine species of Lippia (Verbenaceae) were studied by RAPD markers in order to evaluate the degree of genetic diversity. The following species were collected at the Cadeia do Espinhaço Mountains, Southeast Brazil: L. corymbosa, L. diamantinensis, L. filifolia, L. florida, L. hermannioides, L. lupulina, L. rotundifolia, L. rosella and L. sidoides. The analysis was performed using 18 primers that generated 490 fragments and only one primer was found to be monomorphic in all individuals. The average interspecific genetic distances were similar for all species and higher than the intraspecific genetic distances. Species with narrow occurrence did not show low intraspecific diversity. The molecular data were used to generate an UPGMA dendrogram that showed two major groups with a clear distribution among the species. RAPD analysis was efficient to address the genetic diversity of Lippia species and contributed to understand the adaptation to the environment, conservation and taxonomic implications.  相似文献   

The style morphologies of Astragalus subgenus Pogonophace (Leguminosae) were examined using the scanning electron microscope. The results showed that in most species, there are erect and upwardly pointed trichomes on the style. This kind of structure is exactly a pollen brush. The style of A. craibianus Simps. is glabrous, and there are finger-like projections formed by the epidermal cells only on the stigma. A. hoantchy Franch. has a penicillate stigma. The three types of styles are not homologous. These supported the exclusion of sect. Sesbanella and A. craibianus from Pogonophace. In molecular studies, some Pogonophace species are nested within the Coluteinae clade. This study found that those species rightly have the structure of pollen brush. Therefore, the pollen brush is likely to be a synapomorphy of Pogonophace and Coluteinae. The close relationship between Pogonophace and subtribe Coluteinae (tribe Galegeae) can be supported by the pollen brush.  相似文献   

利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察了葛(Pueraria lobata)叶的解剖学特征。结果表明,葛叶片的上、下表皮都只有一层表皮细胞,上表皮比下表皮厚。上、下表皮都有腺毛和非腺毛。气孔主要分布在下表皮,下表皮的气孔密度为(261±17)mm-2,上表皮只有(6±3)mm-2。叶肉由两层栅栏组织细胞和一层海绵组织细胞构成。叶肉细胞中有丰富的叶绿体。在栅栏组织和海绵组织之间有一层平行于叶脉的薄壁细胞。叶脉中含有大量的草酸钙晶体。葛叶的这些形态特征与其喜阳、耐旱的特点相适应。  相似文献   

The seed coat furnishes protection with a thick cuticle, tannin cells, mucilage, and a hard sclerotesta. The external layer of the seed coat is a sarcotesta; a thick cuticle covers the external walls of its epidermal cells. This epidermis bears stomates and, in the early stages, trichomes. The subepidermal cells have druses. Starch grains are abundant in the sarcotesta from June through August, but they disappear during dispersal in September. The parenchyma is interrupted by mucilage canals lined by epithelial cells. Tannin cells are found in the sarcotesta, sclerotesta, and pachychalaza. Ten sectors of an areole in the sclerotesta around the micropyle may correspond to the tips of the integumentary segments in some fossil plants, such asGenomosperma kidstonii.
Resumen  La cubierta seminal le imparte protección a la semilla mediante una cutícula gruesa, células de taninos, mucílago, y una esclerotesta dura. La capa externa de la cubierta seminal es la sarcotesta; una cutícula gruesa cubre las paredes externas de las células epidérmicas. Esta epidermis presenta estomas y, en etapas tempranas, tricomas. Cuando la esclerotesta se endurece, los tricomas desaparecen. Las células subepidérmicas presentan drusas. En la sarcotesta los granos de almidón son abundantes desde junio hasta agosto, pero desaparecen durante la dispersión en septiembre. El parénquima se interrumpe por canales de mucílago forrados por células epiteliales. Las células de taninos se encuentran en la sarcotesta, esclerotesta, y paquicálaza. Diez sectores de una areola en la esclerotesta alrededor del micrópilo podrían corresponder a los apéndices del tegumento en algunas plantas fósiles, comoGenomosperma kidstonii.

苔草属复序苔草亚属植物果皮的扫描电镜观察   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
张树仁  戴伦凯  梁松筠   《广西植物》2000,20(2):185-188+204
应用扫描电子显微镜 ,观察了 15种苔草属复序苔草亚属植物果皮的微形态特征。结果表明 ,复序苔草亚属植物果皮的微形态性状多种多样 ,可以为系统学研究提供较丰富的信息 ;并且在所观察的种类中 ,果皮的微形态特征在种内很稳定 ,种间存在不同程度的差异 ,某些近缘种也可表现出一定的相似性。因此 ,上述特征可以做为探讨种之间的分类及亲缘关系的参考。  相似文献   

Glycine subgenus Glycine , the sister group to the cultivated soybean and its progenitor, have received considerable study over several decades. The combination of biosystematic data and an extensive germplasm collection has provided a strong foundation for molecular systematic studies in the group, including those on allopolyploids. These studies have shown that the various polyploid taxa known from the subgenus are all part of a single large allopolyploid complex, linked by shared diploid genomes. Many elements of the complex have arisen recently, and most show evidence of recurrent origins. However, there are also many dissimilarities among even closely related polyploids. Polyploids differ from one another in such ways as number of origins, amount of allelic diversity harboured at different loci, bidirectional vs. unidirectional origins, retention of ribosomal gene homoeologues, success as measured by geographical range and abundance, and patterns of gene expression.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 82 , 583–597.  相似文献   

Genetic variation has been assessed in 30 populations (931 families) ofFaidherbia albida (Leguminosae, Mimosoideae) from across its entire African range, using six isozyme loci identified by five enzyme systems. Among the populations studied a null allele was proposed to explain the absence ofLap-1 activity in populations from southern and eastern Africa. The mean percentage of polymorphic loci per population, the mean number of alleles per locus and the mean genetic diversity within populations were 31.7%, 1.6 and 0.127 respectively. Genetic diversity was greatest in populations from West Africa and lowest in populations from eastern/southern Africa, with Ethiopian/Sudanese populations intermediate. The overall degree of genetic differentiation between populations (GST) indicated that approximately 56% of the enzyme variation resided within populations. Clustering of Nei's unbaised genetic distances calculated between all populations produced a dendrogram that generally followed the geographic distribution of the populations. Two major groups were identified that may be considered the eastern/southern African and the Ethiopian/West African clusters. Within the Ethiopian/West African cluster two subclusters could be recognised, one broadly corresponding to those populations from Ethiopia/Sudan and the other to those populations from West Africa. The implications of these results for theories regarding the origin ofF. albida in Africa are discussed.  相似文献   

The spontaneous fasciation mutation generates novel developmental diversity in cultivated soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merrill. An increased apical dominance in the mutant inhibits axillary buds, causes a branchless phenotype, and restricts reproduction to shoot apices. The fasciation mutation is encoded by a recessive (f) allele at a single locus. The mutation, despite its importance in soybean development, has no locus assignment on previously reported molecular maps of soybean. A population of 70 F(2) progeny was derived from a cross between 'Clark 63' and the fasciation mutant. More than 700 molecular markers (amplified restriction fragment length polymorphisms [AFLPs], random amplified polymorphic DNAs [RAPDs], restriction fragment length polymorphisms [RFLPs], and simple sequence repeats [SSRs]) were used in mapping of the fasciation phenotype. Twenty linkage groups (LGs) corresponding to the public soybean molecular map are represented on the Clark 63 × fasciation mutant molecular map that spans 3050 centimorgans (cM). The f locus was mapped on LG D1b+W and linked with two AFLPs and four SSR markers (Satt005, Satt141, Satt600, and Satt703). No linkage was found between the f locus and several cDNA polymorphic loci between the wild type and the mutant. The known map position of the f locus and demonstration of the mutant phenotype from early postembryonic throughout reproductive stages provide an excellent resource for investigations of molecular mechanisms affecting soybean ontogeny.  相似文献   

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