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Micromeria longipedunculata Bräuchler (syn. M. parviflora (Vis.) Rchb.) is an endemic Illyric-Balkan plant species from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Albania. We investigated types and distribution of trichomes, pollen morphology, and chemical composition of essential oil (analysed by GC and GC-MS) in M. longipedunculata. Non-glandular trichomes, peltate trichomes, and two types of capitate trichomes (type 1 composed of one basal epidermal cell, and one head cell with subcuticular space; type 2 composed of one basal epidermal cell, two or three stalk cells, and one head cell with subcuticular space) were observed on leaves, bracteoles, the calyx, corolla, and the stem. The pollen grains had six apertures which were set in the equatorial pollen belt and showed medium reticulate ornamentation. A phytochemical analysis of essential oils from four different localities is characterized by similar chemical composition with spathulenol (23.7–39.5%), piperitone oxide (7.7–12.1%) and piperitone (7.3–8.9%) as the major compounds.  相似文献   


Main conclusion

The glandular trichomes are developed on the aerial organs of Tussilago farfara ; they produce phenols and terpenoids. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum and leucoplasts are the main organelles of the trichome secretory cells. The aim of this study was to characterise the morphology, anatomy, histochemistry and ultrastructure of the trichomes in Tussilago farfara as well as to identify composition of the secretory products. Structure of trichomes located on the peduncles, bracts, phyllaries, and leaves were studied by light and electron microscopy. The capitate glandular trichomes consist of a multicellular head and a biseriate long stalk. Histochemical tests and fluorescence microscopy reveal phenols and terpenoids in the head cells. During secretory stage, the head cells contain smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, diversiform leucoplasts with opaque contents in lamellae, chloroplasts, mitochondria, and microbodies. In the capitate glandular trichomes of T. farfara subcuticular cavity is absent, unlike glandular trichomes in other Asteraceae species. For the first time, content of metabolites in the different vegetative and reproductive organs as well as in the isolated capitate glandular trichomes was identified by GC–MS. Forty-five compounds, including organic acids, sugars, polyols, phenolics, and terpenoids were identified. It appeared that metabolite content in the methanol extracts from peduncles, bracts and phyllaries is biochemically analogous, and similar to the metabolites from leaves, in which photosynthesis happens. At the same time, the metabolites from trichome extracts essentially differ and refer to the above-mentioned secondary substances. The study has shown that the practical value of the aerial organs of coltsfoot is provided with flavonoids produced in the capitate glandular trichomes.

The spermatophore morphology of the hermit crab Isocheles sawayai from southwestern Atlantic (Brazil) is described. The spermatophores show similarities with those described for other members of the family Diogenidae, especially with the recently described Loxopagurus loxochelis. The spermatophore is composed of three major regions: a sperm filled head or ampulla, a columnar stalk and a foot or pedestal. The spermatophores show specific morphology in having a circular ampulla, and a constriction or neck between the ampulla (100 μm) and the thin (27 μm), long stalk (500 μm). The stalk penetrates less than half way into the spermatophore head. Most spermatophores show one of the small posterior projections on the underside of the ampulla as being bigger than the other, making it asymmetrical. The size of the spermatophore is related to hermit crab size with direct relationships found between spermatophore ampulla width, total length, and peduncle length with shield length of the hermit crab. The morphological characteristics of the spermatophore of I. sawayai are species-specific distinguishing it from other members of the family, and are useful to infer further phylogenetic relationships.  相似文献   

The glandular secretory system in Cannabis sativa L. (marihuana) consists of three types of capitate glandular hairs (termed bulbous, capitate-sessile, and capitate-stalked) distinguishable by their morphology, development, and physiology. These gland types occur together in greatest abundance and developmental complexity on the abaxial surface of bracts which ensheath the developing ovary. Bulbous and capitate-sessile glands are initiated on very young bract primordia and attain maturity during early stages of bract growth. Capitate-stalked glands are initiated later in bract growth and undergo development and maturation on medium, to full sized bracts. Glands are epidermal in origin and derived, with one exception, from a single epidermal initial. The capitate-stalked gland is the exception and is of special interest because it possesses a multicellular stalk secondarily derived from surrounding epidermal and subepidermal cells. Glands differentiate early in development into an upper secretory portion and a subtending auxiliary portion. The secretory portion, depending on gland type, may range from a few cells to a large, flattened multicellular disc of secretory cells. The secretory portion produces a membrane-bound resinous product which caps the secretory cells. Capitate-stalked glands are considered to be of particular evolutionary significance because they may represent a gland type secondarily derived from existing capitate-sessile glands.  相似文献   

The floral and inflorescence morphology of the major genera of the Myricaceae, Betulaceae (including Corylaceae), Fagaceae, Leitneriaceae, and Juglandaceae are reviewed. Major problems in interpretation of morphology are examined in the light of various comparative morphological studies as well as ontogenetic and vascular anatomical studies. Basically similar phenomena associated with miniaturization of the partial inflorescence have led to superficially similar morphological patterns. The partial inflorescences in the various families, in spite of their reduced size, can be adequately analyzed in most cases on the basis of the bract-branch relationship. The highly modified morphology of the floret is clarified by the application of the general tenets of the leaf-stem relationship in the frame of reference of the minute absolute size of the floret. Numerous problems remain to be attacked. The total and partial inflorescences and the florets of the Myricaceae, Betulaceae, Fagaceae, Leitneriaceae and Juglandaceae are reviewed in terms of external morphology, vascular anatomy and ontogeny as reported in the more objective literature on the subject. The total inflorescences in these families range from the complex, androgynous panicles of stiff spikes of such genera asCastanopsis to the condensed, bud-like pistillate spikes of some Myricaceae andCorylus on the one hand, to the simple staminate floret in the axil of the foliage leaf in some species ofNothofagus on the other. In many species of these families the inflorescence is the apparently simple spike with a flaccid axis, the ament, but so often is this not the case that the designation “Amentiferae” for this artificial assemblage must be considered a misnomer. Whether the total inflorescences are composed of racemose or cymose partial inflorescences is a question not completely answered in all the families. In the Betulaceae the partial inflorescence has long been taken to be a cymule. But, a re-interpretation of the vascular anatomy suggests the alternative that the most distal floret in a short raceme has overtopped the axis of the partial inflorescence thus producing a pseudo-cymule. This is similar to a recent interpretation of the staminate partial inflorescence ofMyrica esculenta, where the individual floret is composed of a single stamen. The partial inflorescence in the more reduced species ofMyrica is thus a pseudanthium. Recent ontogenetic studies in the Betulaceae dramatically corroborate the earlier interpretation, based on vascular anatomy, that the staminate partial inflorescence ofOstrya is three-flowered. On similar grounds it has recently been shown that the spiny “involucre” of pistillateComptonia is composed of tertiary bracts. The structure of the staminate partial inflorescences in the Fagaceae seems reasonably clear except in certain species ofNothofagus where it may well be a synanthium, although the alternative of chorisis exists. The interpretation of the pistillate partial inflorescence inLeitneria requires re-study; the unvascularized tepal-like structures subtending the ovary have been alternatively treated as bracts -an ontogenetic study is badly needed. The organization of the staminate partial inflorescence of the Juglandaceae remains equivocal, although recent ontogenetic work on one species ofJuglans shows that the primordia of the secondary bracts are readily distinguished from tepal primordia, although at anthesis they are very similar. At present the number of florets in the partial inflorescence of the Juglandaceae remains an open question in spite of a fragmentary study of the vascular system. The cupule ofLithocarpus andQuercus continues to present a major morphological problem. The valves of the husk in other genera of the Fagaceae seem, on the basis of the vascular anatomy and some ontogenetic information, to be axes of the ultimate order of branching. A thorough study of these complex structures is needed. Staminate florets which are set off by tepals are readily identified with the reservation that those of some species ofNothofagus and ofJuglans, for instance, may be more complex than they seem. The absence of tepals creates major difficulties which have been resolved in some instances by the study of the vascular anatomy and/or ontogeny. But many problems remain. The pistillate floret seems clearly delimited in the various families. There continues to be the usual conflict concerning the proper interpretation of the wall of the inferior ovary, whether on the basis of ontogeny it should be considered cauline or on the basis of the vascular anatomy it is to be considered appendicular. Oddly enough there are also diametrically opposed interpretations of placentation -is it axile or parietal in one and the same species. This perhaps results from a conceptual conflict. The basal ovule, as in the Myricaceae, or even the ovules perched on a partial septum, as in the Juglandaceae, are similarly much discussed. The ontogenists tend to agree that such ovules are cauline, while the anatomists find that the complex vascular system is not that of a stele. There is a multitude of discrepancies, as yet, in observations, and even when there is mutually accepted fact, there are often conflicting interpretations. Above all, there is a massive lack of knowledge of the vascular anatomy and ontogeny of these miniature and modified flowers and inflorescences.  相似文献   

Gladbachus adentatus is a putative chondrichthyan, known only from the holotype specimen, which comprises an articulated endoskeleton complete from head to pelvic region with the squamation also preserved. The scales superficially resemble those of placoderms more than sharks, in having a similar gross morphology, lamellar cellular bone forming the base and upright dentinous tubercles comprising the crown. The odontocytic mesodentine in the tubercles is comparable to that in the Osteostraci and in some acanthodian taxa, known only from isolated scales, and is probably the plesiomorphic form of dentine for Gnathostomata.  相似文献   

The morphology, anatomy and distribution of glandular trichomes on the aerial organs of Salvia smyrnea L. endemic to Turkey have been investigated with light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). This species is evaluated in endangered (EN) category. Two morphologically distinct types of glandular trichomes were determined. Various types of capitate glandular trichomes consist of a 1–4 celled base, a 1–8 stalk celled or no stalk and a uni- or bicellular head.  相似文献   

Male pyralid moths in the subfamily of Phycitinae are known to possess composite scale brush structures associated with the 8th abdominal sternite, but the histology and the structural morphology of these organs have not been adequately explored. As such, the phylogenetic utility of these structures is unknown. We examine the pre-genitalic abdominal histology of male Dioryctria reniculelloides (Pyralidae: Phycitinae) associated with the composite scale brushes, as well as structural morphology within the genus Dioryctria and two closely related genera. The composite scale brushes are composed of fused scales. The musculature associated with the base of sternum 8 shows considerable modification compared to previously described Lepidoptera. Complex glandular tissue was also found associated with the scale brush structures, suggesting secretory function. Phylogenetic utility of ultrastructure and gross morphology was examined for major Dioryctria species groups. Many characters were homoplasious, but several supported the monophyly of the genus, as well as some internal relationships. In conclusion, the combination of ultrastructural, gross morphological and histological characters can be a rich source of information for elucidating a range of evolutionary relationships within the subfamily.  相似文献   

Robust glandular appendages are reported in legumes of the Caesalpinieae tribe. Most studies only attempt to describe the external morphology of these structures, without providing a distinction between glandular trichomes and emergences. This study employed ontogeny to resolve the terminology of these structures present in flowers of two tropical woody legumes of Caesalpinieae, Erythrostemon gilliesii and Poincianella pluviosa, through surface, anatomical and ultrastructural analyses. Flowers of both species exhibit branched and non-branched glandular trichomes since these structures originate from a single protodermal cell. Non-branched glandular trichomes occur on the inflorescence axis, pedicel, sepals and ovary; in P. pluviosa, they also occur in the unguicle of wings and standard, filaments, anthers and style. This type of trichome shows a non-secretory multiseriate stalk and a secretory multicellular head. Branched glandular trichomes, with similar morphology but exhibiting non-secretory branches, occur in the inflorescence axis, pedicel and sepals; in P. pluviosa, they also occur in the unguicle of wings. During the secretory phase, the trichome head cells have large nuclei, cytoplasm rich in vacuoles, oleoplasts, mitochondria, rough endoplasmic reticulum and free ribosomes. The content is released in the intercellular spaces of the head in a merocrinous mechanism and reaches the surface through cuticle rupture. We emphasized the importance of ontogenetic studies to clarify the terminology of secretory structures. This type of study should be performed in other caesalpinoids so that such robust glandular appendages can be correctly interpreted and used with phylogenetic value in the group.  相似文献   

Three distinct types of glandular hairs of increasing morphological complexity which occur on flowering tops of Cannabis sativa L. (marihuana) are described from scanning electron microscopy. These gland types—termed bulbous, capitate-sessile, and capitate-stalked, described from pistillate plants—occur in greatest abundance on the outer surface of bracts ensheathing the ovary. Bulbous and capitate-sessile glands, which arise at an early stage in bract development, are scattered over the bract surface. Mature bulbous glands have a small swollen head on a short stalk, whereas capitate-sessile glands have a large globular head attached directly to the bract surface. Because of their numbers and large size, capitate-sessile glands are the most conspicuous gland type during the early phase of bract development. Capitate-stalked glands, which have a large globular head on a tall, multicellular stalk, differentiate during subsequent bract development. These stalked glands arise first along the bracteal veins and then over the entire bract surface. A voluminous, fluid secretory product accumulates in the glandular head of all three types. These glands are believed to be a primary site of localization of the marihuana hallucinogen, tetrahydrocannabinol.  相似文献   

The fig (Ficus L.) infructescence, called syconium, is a receptacle with an apical opening, the ostiole, closed by bracts. The ostiolar bracts produce an exudate, which is rather conspicuous in some species. It has not been histochemically analyzed yet, and the structures responsible for its production are still unknown. Some wild growing species of Ficus from Brazil produce high amounts of this ostiolar exudate. Ficus enormis (Mart. ex Miq.) Miq. grows as trees or shrubs in the Atlantic rainforest. Our goal was to identify the secretory structures present in the inflorescence and, to characterize histochemically the ostiolar tissues and exudates. Syconia samples of F. enormis were processed and stained according to the usual techniques in plant anatomy. The morphological analysis revealed different types of bracts, one type specialized in secretion, another showing transitional characteristics between secretory and non-secreting bracts, and a third one being non-secreting. They are designated as secretory ostiolar bracts, transitional bracts and wall bracts. The floral bracteoles, digital-shaped colleters present in the ostiole, at the syconium axis and at the flower receptacle, were also analyzed. All have similar structure, like finger-shaped secretory trichomes. The colleters present among ostiolar bracts may contribute to production and composition of the ostiole exudate.  相似文献   

Substructure of the outer dynein arm   总被引:17,自引:11,他引:6  
The substructure of the outer dynein arm has been analyzed in quick-frozen deep-etch replicas of Tetrahymena and Chlamydomonas axonemes. Each arm is found to be composed of five morphologically discrete components: an elliptical head; two spherical feet; a slender stalk; and an interdynein linker. The feet make contact with the A microtubule of each doublet; the stalk contacts the B microtubule; the head lies between the feet and stalk; and the linker associates each arm with its neighbor. The spatial relationships between these five components are found to be distinctly different in rigor (ATP-depleted) versus relaxed (ATP- or vanadate plus ATP-treated) axonemes, and the stalk appears to alter its affinity for the B microtubule in the relaxed state. Images of living cilia attached to Tetrahymena cells show that the relaxed configuration is adopted in vivo. We relate our observations to morphological and experimental studies reported by others and propose several models that suggest how this newly described dynein morphology may relate to dynein function.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Helichrysum bracteatum is called an ‘eternal flower’ and has large, coloured, scarious bracts. These maintain their aesthetic value without wilting or discoloration for many years. There have been no research studies of cell death or cell morphology of the scarious bract, and hence the aim of this work was to elucidate these characteristics for the bract of H. bracteatum.


DAPI (4''6-diamidino-2-phenylindol dihydrochloride) staining and fluorescence microscopy were used for observation of cell nuclei. Light microscopy (LM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and polarized light microscopy were used for observation of cells, including cell wall morphology.

Key Results

Cell death occurred at the bract tip during the early stage of flower development. The cell wall was the most prominent characteristic of H. bracteatum bract cells. Characteristic thickened secondary cell walls on the inside of the primary cell walls were observed in both epidermal and inner cells. In addition, the walls of all cells exhibited birefringence. Characteristic thickened secondary cell walls have orientated cellulose microfibrils as well as general secondary cell walls of the tracheary elements. For comparison, these characters were not observed in the petal and bract tissues of Chrysanthemum morifolium.


Bracts at anthesis are composed of dead cells. Helichrysum bracteatum bracts have characteristic thickened secondary cell walls that have not been observed in the parenchyma of any other flowers or leaves. The cells of the H. bracteatum bract differ from other tissues with secondary cell walls, suggesting that they may be a new cell type.Key words: Helichrysum bracteatum, scarious bract, secondary cell wall, primary cell wall, cell morphology, birefringence, orientated cellulose microfibrils, cell death, DAPI, transmission electron microscopy, polarized light microscopy  相似文献   

Naidoo Y  Karim T  Heneidak S  Sadashiva CT  Naidoo G 《Planta》2012,236(4):1215-1226
This study was initiated to characterize the distribution, morphology, secretion mode, histochemistry and ultrastructure of the glandular trichomes of Ceratotheca triloba using light and electron microscopy. Its leaves bear two morphologically distinct glandular trichomes. The first type has long trichome with 8-12 basal cells of pedestal, 3-14 stalk cells, a neck cell and a head of four cells in one layer. The second type has short trichome comprising one or two basal epidermal cells, a unicellular or bicellular stalk and a multicellular head of two to eight cells. There is a marked circular area in the upper part of each head cell of the long trichome. This area is provided with micropores to exudate directly the secretory product onto the leaf surface by an eccrine pathway. The secretory product has copious amount of dark microbodies arising from plastids which are positive to Sudan tests and osmium tetroxide for unsaturated lipids. The secretion mode of short trichomes is granulocrine and involves two morphologically and histochemically distinct vesicle types: small Golgi-derived vesicles which are positive to Ruthenium Red test for mucilaginous polysaccharides; the second type is dark large microbodies similar to that of long trichomes with low quantity. These two types are stored in numerous peripheral vacuoles and discharge their contents accompanied by the formation of irregular invaginations of the plasmalemma inside the vacuoles via reverse pinocytosis. These two secretion modes of long and short trichomes are reported for the first time in the family Pedaliaceae. The long trichomes have more unsaturated lipids, while the short trichomes contain more mucilaginous polysaccharides.  相似文献   

Reproductive morphology and development are described in the Brazilian grass Streptochaeta spicata, in order to assess the homologies of the characteristic grass inflorescence, termed a spikelet, and other reproductive organs. Streptochaeta possesses some features that are commonly found in Poaceae, including a well-differentiated embryo. It also possesses some relatively unusual, presumably derived features, such as non-plumose stigmas, which indicate that it could be insect-pollinated. It shares some features with other early-divergent grasses, such as Pharus, which could represent plesiomorphic conditions for grasses. The inflorescence unit in Streptochaeta has been interpreted as a compound branching system or pseudospikelet. The present data suggest that it is a highly modified spikelet, with a modified flower borne either on a different axis to the basal bracts (glumes) or on the same axis as the basal bracts. The three bracts below the stamens are interpreted as homologous to the lodicules. The Streptochaeta spikelet could be considered as morphologically intermediate between the true spikelet of grasses and reproductive units of close grass relatives.  相似文献   



Pathogenic bacteria adhere to the host cell surface using a family of outer membrane proteins called Trimeric Autotransporter Adhesins (TAAs). Although TAAs are highly divergent in sequence and domain structure, they are all conceptually comprised of a C-terminal membrane anchoring domain and an N-terminal passenger domain. Passenger domains consist of a secretion sequence, a head region that facilitates binding to the host cell surface, and a stalk region.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Pathogenic species of Burkholderia contain an overabundance of TAAs, some of which have been shown to elicit an immune response in the host. To understand the structural basis for host cell adhesion, we solved a 1.35 Å resolution crystal structure of a BpaA TAA head domain from Burkholderia pseudomallei, the pathogen that causes melioidosis. The structure reveals a novel fold of an intricately intertwined trimer. The BpaA head is composed of structural elements that have been observed in other TAA head structures as well as several elements of previously unknown structure predicted from low sequence homology between TAAs. These elements are typically up to 40 amino acids long and are not domains, but rather modular structural elements that may be duplicated or omitted through evolution, creating molecular diversity among TAAs.


The modular nature of BpaA, as demonstrated by its head domain crystal structure, and of TAAs in general provides insights into evolution of pathogen-host adhesion and may provide an avenue for diagnostics.  相似文献   

紫苏叶上有两种腺毛:盾状腺毛和头状腺毛。两者都具1个基细胞、1个柄细胞和头部。前者的头部可由1、2、4或8个分泌细胞组成,扩展成盾状;后者的头部由1、2或4个分泌细胞组成,聚成圆球状。两种腺毛的原始细胞都来源于原表皮细胞,经两次平周分裂产生基细胞、柄细胞和顶细胞。在腺毛后期的形态发生中,柄细胞的分化状态决定腺毛的类型。若柄细胞保持扁平状且处于分生状态时,其顶细胞将发育成盾状腺毛的头部;若柄细胞纵向引长并迅速液泡化时,其顶细胞将发育成头状腺毛的头部。  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy of sage (Salvia officinalis L.) leaves confirmed the presence of two basic types of glandular trichomes consisting of a capitate stalked form containing a multicellular stalk and surmounted by a unicellular secretory head, and a capitate sessile form containing a unicellular stalk and unicellular, or multicellular, secretory head. In the latter type, secretory activity and filling of the subcuticular cavity may begin at virtually any stage of the division cycle affording fully developed glands containing from one to twelve cells in the secretory head. Gas liquid chromatographic analysis of the oil content of the most numerous gland species (capitate stalked, capitate sessile with one and with eight secretory cells) indicated only minor quantitative differences in essential oil composition. Thus, each gland type is capable of producing the four major monoterpene families (p-menthanes, pinanes, bornanes and thujanes) characteristic of sage.  相似文献   

紫苏腺毛的形态发生研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
紫苏叶上有两种腺毛:质状腺毛和头状腺毛。两者都具1个基细胞、1个柄细胞和头部。前者的头部可由1、2、4或8个分泌细胞组成,扩展成质状;后者的头部由1、2或4个分泌细胞组成,聚成圆球状。两种腺毛的原始细胞都来源于原表皮细胞,经两次平周分裂产生基细胞、柄细胞和顶细胞。在腺毛后期的形态发生中,柄细胞的分化状态决定腺毛的类型。若柄细胞保持扁平关且处于分生状态时,其顶细胞将发育成质状腺毛的头部;若柄细胞纵向  相似文献   

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