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Leaves of different ages from B. calycinum were exposed to 14CO2in light during day and night. The labelling pattern on thechromatogram differed with leaf age. Young leaves had similarpatterns to those of C3 plants during both day and night. Matureleaves showed high incorporation of 14C into C4 acids, especiallyat night. In contrast, no significant difference with leaf agewas observed in the pattern of dark 14CO2 fixation products.Study of the enzyme activity and the content of titratable acidat each leaf age suggested that high incorporation of 14C inC4 acids during the night was due to the simultaneous absorptionof CO2 by both enzymes RuDPcarboxylase and PEPcarboxylase. (Received November 24, 1977; )  相似文献   

Stomatal opening on Vicia faba can be induced by high CO2 partial pressures (10.2%) in dark as well as in light. Stomatal aperture was measured in both cases with a hydrogen porometer. The distribution of 14C among early products of photosynthesis was studied. Comparisons are made with carboxylations occurring when stomata were open in the dark with CO2-free air and in light with 0.034% CO2. Results showed that in high CO2 partial pressure in light, less radioactivity was incorporated in Calvin cycle intermediates and more in sucrose. carboxylations and photorespiration seemed to be inhibited. In the dark in both CO2 conditions, 14C incorporation was found in malate and aspartate but also in serine and glycerate in high CO2 conditions. In light these changes in metabolic pathways may be related with the deleterious effects recorded on leaves after long-term expositions to high partial pressure of CO2.Abbreviations DHAP dihydroxyacetone phosphate - PEP phosphonenolpyruvate - PEPCK phosphonenolpyruvatecarboxykinase - PGA 3-phosphoglyceric acid - RUBPc ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase  相似文献   

Changes in CO(2) photo-assimilation and PSII photochemical efficiency in Ramonda serbica leaves during a dehydration-rehydration cycle were examined. The rate of CO(2) photo-assimilation was greatly reduced during dehydration, but recovery was complete with rehydration when the relative water content of leaves reached values similar to those of well-hydrated, control leaves. The results showed that the response of R. serbica leaves to severe water stress involves two different mechanisms. In the first, CO(2) assimilation is limited by stomata closure that creates an excess proton concentration in the lumen and activates non-photochemical quenching. This plays an important role in the mechanism of photoprotection by dissipation of excitation energy. When dehydration became severe and leaf RWC reached very low values, the electron transport rate (ETR) decreased markedly, while the capacity for regulatory mechanisms such as q(NP) (non-photochemical quenching) was greatly reduced. For severely dehydrated leaves of R. serbica, it appears that reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation is better prevented by mechanisms that quench chlorophyll triplet formation via lutein.  相似文献   

Bryophyllum diagremontianum plants grown under light-dark regimeswere exposed to one more cycle of the regime or to continuousdarkness for 24 hr. Photosynthetic O2 evolution by leaf segmentsfrom these plants was investigated in the presence of 15 mMNaHCO3 (CO2-dependent O2 evolution) or in the absence of CO2(malate-dependent O2 evolution). The malate-dependent O2 evolutionserved as an index of the activity of malate decarboxylation.Malate content was respectively 67, 64 and 85 µmoles/g.fwin leaves measured at 7 hr 30 min in light and 6 hr 26 min inthe dark from plants under the light-dark regime (light 12 hr/dark12 hr) and those measured at 6 hr 26 min in the dark from plantsunder the continuous dark regime. The malate- and CO2-dependentphotosynthetic O2 evolutions in the same leaves were 9.7 and22, 0.2 and 17, and 16 and 26 µmoles/g.fw.hr, respectively.Thus, the diurnal change in capacity for malate-dependent O2evolution was relieved by continuous dark treatment. These results suggest that the diurnal change in malate decarboxylationin this crassulacean acid metabolism plant does not occur byan endogenous rhythm. This further indicates lack of an endogenousrhythm for the influx-efflux of malate across the vacuole andin malate decarboxylation enzyme activity. (Received August 1, 1979; )  相似文献   

The CO2 concentration within the leaf of Kalanchoë pinnatum (Persoon) was measured during deacidification in the light. When the acidified leaf was treated with DCMU, the CO2 concentration within the leaf was increased about 3-fold as compared to that of the non-treated leaf, concomitant with a decline in deacidification. Low light intensity during deacidification also increased CO2 concentration within the leaf. From these experiments, it was concluded that in order for deacidification to proceed, CO2 released from malate must be fixed continuously by photosynthesis. Otherwise, an equilibrium for malate decomposition is soon established and results in suppression of deacidification. Thus, the CO2 concentration within the leaf seems to be one of the regulatory factors of deacidification.  相似文献   

Leaves of the CAM plant Cotyledon orbiculata produced a dense epidermal wax which decreased the absorption of light, possibly functioning as an external photoprotective mechanism (Robinson et al. 1993). However, developing leaves did not accumulate wax until after 21 d with full wax coating not achieved until at least 35 d. In addition, young leaves had lower rates of electron transport than mature leaves. Leaf development therefore occurs at higher incident PFD than that experienced by the mature leaves, and, for young leaves, can lead to an increase in the proportion of light energy which is excess to requirements and must be dissipated non-photochemically. Changes in the photosynthetic capacity, PSII efficiency, rate of energy dissipation, and the content of chlorophyll (Chi), carotenoids, wax and anthocyanins were followed in developing leaves of C. orbiculata in an attempt to elucidate the relative importance of the various photoprotective mechanisms during leaf ontogeny. The largest pools of xanthophyll cycle pigments (on a Chi basis) were found in the waxless, young leaves and were correlated with greater levels of energy dissipation activity. The importance of xanthophyll cycle-dependent energy dissipation in young C. orbiculata leaves prior to development of a reflective wax covering, and full photosynthetic capacity which for CAM plants includes appreciable nocturnal acid accumulation, is discussed. Also, we consider the possibility that anthocyanin pigments in the upper and lower epidermis may increase reflectivity and act as external photoprotectants.  相似文献   

Summary In well-watered plants of Clusia uvitana, a species capable of carbon fixation by crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM), recently expanded leaves gained 5 to 13-fold more carbon during 12 h light than during 12 h dark periods. When water was withheld from the plants, daytime net CO2 uptake strongly decreased over a period of several days, whereas there was a marked increase in nocturnal carbon gain. Photosynthetic rates in the chloroplasts were hardly affected by the water stress treatment, as demonstrated by measurements of chlorophyll a fluorescence of intact leaves, indicating efficient decarboxylation of organic acids and refixation of carbon in the light. Within a few days after rewatering, plants reverted to the original gas exchange pattern with net CO2 uptake predominantly occurring during daytime. The reversible increase in dark CO2 fixation was paralleled by a reversible increase in the content of phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxylase protein. In wellwatered plants, short-term changes in the degree of dark CO2 fixation were induced by alterations in CO2 partial pressure during light periods: a decrease from 350 to 170 bar CO2 caused nocturnal carbon gain, measured in normal air (350 bar), to increase, whereas an increase to 700 bar CO2, during the day, caused net dark CO2 fixation to cease. The increased CAM activity in response to water shortage may, at least to some extent, be directly related to the reduced carbon gain during daytime.  相似文献   

Nitrate reductase (NR, NADH:nitrate oxidoreductase, EC from barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Hassan) leaves was inactivated during a light-dark transition, losing approx. 50% of activity after 30 min of darkness. The dark inactivation was reversed by illumination of the seedlings, the kinetics of reactivation being similar to those of inactivation. High extractable NR activity and significant differences between illuminated and darkened leaves were observed in media containing EDTA and inorganic phosphate (Pi). Addition of Ca2+ ions during extraction and assay decreased NR activity from illuminated and darkened leaves, enhancing the light-dark difference. While no clear correlation could be found between irradiance and NR activity, a hyperbolic correlation appeared between extractable NR activity and in-vivo rates of CO2 fixation, indicating that NR activation follows saturation kinetics with respect to CO2 fixation. Furthermore, hexoses and hexose-phosphates fed to the leaves via the transpiration stream protected against the dark-inactivation of NR. The results indicate that carbon-assimilation products are regulatory factors of NR activity in barley leaves, mediating both the light-dark modulation of NR and its dependence upon CO2 fixation.  相似文献   

CO2 fixation was studied in a lichen, Xanthoria parietina, kept in continuous light, and with cyclic changes in light intensity, dark period or temperature. The diurnal and seasonal courses of CO2 exchange were followed. The rate of net photosynthesis was observed to fall from morning to evening, and this decline was more pronounced in winter than in summer. The maximal net photosynthetic rate, 223 ng CO2g-1dws-1, occured in winter and the minimum, 94 ng CO2g-1dws-1, late in spring. The light compensation point in summer was four times as high as in winter. In continuous light (180 or 90 mol photons m-2s-1, 15°C) net photosynthesis decreased noticeably during one week, falling below the level maintained in a 12 h light: 12 h dark cycle. Photosynthetic activity did not decrease, however, in lichens held in continuous light (90 mol photons m-2s-1) with cyclic changes of temperature (12 h 20 °C: 12 h 5 °C). Active photosynthesis was also maintained in light of cyclically changing intensity (12 h: 12 h, 15 °C) when night-time light was at least 75% lower than illumination by day. A dark period of 4 hours in a 24-h light:dark cycle was sufficient to keep CO2 fixation at the control level. It seems that plants need an unproductive period during the day to survive and this can be induced by fluctuations in light and/or temperature.  相似文献   

1. The ATP analog, adenylyl-imidodiphosphate rapidly inhibited CO2-dependent oxygen evolution by isolated pea chloroplasts. Both alpha, beta- and beta, gamma-methylene adenosine triphosphate also inhibited oxygen evolution. The inhibition was relieved by ATP but only partially relieved by 3-phosphoglycerate. Oxygen evolution with 3-phosphoglycerate as substrate was inhibited by adenylyl-imidodiphosphate to a lesser extent than CO2-dependent oxygen evolution. The concentration of adenylylimidodiphosphate required for 50% inhibition of CO2-dependent oxygen evolution was 50 micronM. 2. Although non-cyclic photophosphorylation by broken chloroplasts was not significantly affected by adenylyl-imidodiphosphate, electron transport in the absence of ADP was inhibited by adenylyl-imidodiphosphate to the same extent as by ATP, suggesting binding of the ATP analog to the coupling factor of phosphorylation. 3. The endogenous adenine nucleotides of a chloroplast suspension were labelled by incubation with [14C]ATP and subsequent washing. Addition of adenylyl-imidodiphosphate to the labelled chloroplasts resulted in a rapid efflux of adenine nucleotides suggesting that the ATP analog was transported into the chloroplasts via the adenine nucleotide translocator. 4. It was concluded that uptake of ATP analogs in exchange for endogenous adenine nucleotides decreased the internal ATP concentration and thus inhibited CO2 fixation. Oxygen evolution was inhibited to a lesser extent in spinach chloroplasts which apparently have lower rates of adenine nucleotide transport than pea chloroplasts.  相似文献   

Summary A comparative study was made of the ultrastructure, distribution and abundance of leaf microbodies in four species of temperate grasses with high and four tropical grasses with low CO2-photorespiration. The temperate grasses were all festucoid; the tropical grasses included two panicoid species and two chloridoid. Comparisons of relative abundance were made by computing the average numbers of microbody profiles per cell section.Although microbodies were present in the green parenchymatous leaf cells in all grasses examined, their average number per cell was in general severalfold greater in the grasses with high CO2-photorespiration than in those with low. Furthermore, whereas in the grasses with high CO2-photorespiration the microbodies were distributed through the mesophyll, in those with low CO2-photorespiration they were concentrated in the vascular-bundle-sheath cells and were smaller and relatively scarce in the mesophyll cells. The leaf microbodies of the eight grass species resembled one another in general morphology, but differed to some extent in regard to size and type of inclusion. Microbodies of all four festucoid species contained numerous fibrils with a discernible substructure. Those of the two panicoid species contained clusters of round bodies with transparent cores. The equivalence of the microbodies to peroxisomes as biochemically defined was shown cytochemically by employing 3,3-diaminobenzidine for the localization of catalase, a marker enzyme for the peroxisome. This reaction was blocked by the catalase inhibitor, aminotriazole.The observations on the relative abundance and distribution of peroxisomes in leaves of grasses with high CO2-photorespiration versus those with low are consistent with the published biochemical data on the levels and distribution of peroxisomal enzymes in representatives of plants with high and low CO2-photorespiration, and may help explain the differences in apparent photorespiratory levels between these two groups of plants.  相似文献   

Green callus obtained from leaves of the CAM-inducible plant Kalanchoe blossfeldiana cv. Montezuma has previously been shown to perform C3-type photosynthesis under 16-h days and to shift to crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) under 9-h days. The utilization of photoperiodic regimes (i.e. night interruptions by 30 min red light) established that CAM induction in the callus was under the control of phytochrome, as shown by measurements of CAM criteria: phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity and malic acid pools. Short-term responsiveness of the callus cells to phytochrome modulations by monochromatic radiations was also established by the rapid changes observed in the diameter of the callus-derived protoplasts. These results provide further evidence that whole plant correlations are not necessary for phytochrome operativity.Abbreviations CAM crassulacean acid metabolism - PAL phenylalanine ammonia lyase (EC - PAR photosynthetically active radiations - PEPC phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (EC 4.1.1. 31) - Rubisco ribulose 1,5 bisphosphate carboxylase (EC  相似文献   

Mesophyll cells were isolated from fully-expanded leaves of Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop. by a combined maceration-filtration technique. In the presence of pyruvate, photosynthetic 14CO2 uptake in the isolated cells was not inhibited by atomospheric levels of oxygen. In contrast, superatmospheric levels of oxygen substantially inhibited the light-dependent fixation of 14CO2. These oxygen effects are similar to those observed with intact C4 leaves and suggest that the lack of inhibition of C4 photosynthesis by atmospheric levels of oxygen results from the relative oxygen-insensitivity of the phosphopyruvate carboxylase-CO2 pump in the mesophyll.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of light intensity and temperature on the diurnal course and magnitude of CO2 gas exchange and on acid metabolism was studied in the laboratory with rooted rosettes of Sempervivum montanum collected at 2,200 m above sea level in the Central Alps. Under a temperature regime having a cool dark period and warm light period, S. montanum exhibited the time course of CO2 gas exchange typical of a CAM plant; the response was very distinct even when the plants were well-watered. At day temperatures of less than 10° C and at night temperatures greater than 35° C, S. montanum behaved like a C3 plant. Characteristic for S. montanum are a broad temperature optimum and a wide range of temperatures in which CO2 uptake in light is possible (-2° to 45° C). Dark fixation of CO2 is evident between-2° and 35° C, an apparent uptake of external CO2, on the other hand, only as high as 20° C. Light saturation of CO2 uptake is reached at 60–80 W m-2 while the rate of deacidification is nearly maximal at 40 W m-2. These results show that, due to their specific metabolism, CAM plants can be favored not only in xeric habitats, but also in heat stressed mountain habitats where the daily variation in temperature may be extreme.Dedicated with appreciation to Dr. K.F. Springer  相似文献   

A simple, efficient, and inexpensive method for measuring radioactivity as well as chlorophylls a and b in a large number of plant tissue samples is presented. Chlorophyll is determined following extraction with dimethyl sulfoxide or N-N'-dimethylformamide. The solvent is then evaporated on glass-fiber filters and bleached under light. The filter disks are counted together with the cleared plant material.  相似文献   

Diurnal fluctuation of light and dark CO2 fixation in peeledand unpeeled leaves of Bryophyllum daigremontiana was examined.A distinct difference in light CO2 fixation was observed inunpeeled leaves but not in peeled ones. No measurable differencein dark CO2 fixation was observed in either type. These resultsindicate that the leaves of CAM plants have a high capacityfor CO2 fixation in the daytime, but it is suppressed by theclosing of the stomata. Also, the rapid depression of CO2 uptakewhen the illumination was directed at on dark acidified leavescould be prevented by peeling off the epidermis. The net photosyntheticCO2 uptake in peeled leaves was 77 µmoles/mg chllrophyll/hrin the 3rd leaf and 62 in the 4th leaf. (Received August 7, 1978; )  相似文献   

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