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Direct and indirect gene replacements in Aspergillus nidulans.   总被引:35,自引:8,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文
We performed three sets of experiments to determine whether cloned DNA fragments can be substituted for homologous regions of the Aspergillus nidulans genome by DNA-mediated transformation. A linear DNA fragment containing a heteromorphic trpC+ allele was used to transform a trpC- strain to trpC+. Blot analysis of DNA from the transformants showed that the heteromorphic allele had replaced the trpC- allele in a minority of the strains. An A. nidulans trpC+ gene was inserted into the argB+ gene, and a linear DNA fragment containing the resultant null argB allele was used to transform a trpC- argB+ strain to trpC+. Approximately 30% of the transformants were simultaneously argB-. The null argB allele had replaced the wild-type allele in a majority of these strains. The A. nidulans SpoC1 C1-C gene was modified by removal of an internal restriction fragment and introduced into a trpC- strain by transformation with a circular plasmid. A transformant containing a tandem duplication of the C1-C region separated by plasmid DNA was self-fertilized, and trpC- progeny were selected. All of these had lost the introduced plasmid DNA sequences, whereas about half had retained the modified C1-C gene and lost the wild-type copy. Thus, it is possible with A. nidulans to replace chromosomal DNA sequences with DNA fragments that have been cloned and modified in vitro by using either one- or two-step procedures similar to those developed for Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Aspergillus niger grows poorly on acetamide as a nitrogen or carbon source and lacks sequences detectably homologous to the amdS gene encoding the acetamidase of Aspergillus nidulans. We have taken advantage of these observations to develop a transformation system for A. niger using the amdS gene as a dominant heterologous marker for selecting transformants on the basis of acetamide utilization. Transformants varied in their ability to grow on amide media and the number of integrated copies of the amdS plasmid ranged from 1 or 2 to greater than 100. Southern analysis of transformants revealed that the multiple copies were integrated into the chromosome in tandem arrays. This result indicates that transformation of A. niger is more similar to mammalian cells than to yeast. Analysis of enzyme activity levels and RNA levels showed that most of the copies of amdS were expressed. Mitotic stabilities of transformants were found to be high. A transformant containing greater than 100 copies of the amdS gene was impaired in omega-amino acid utilization, a result that has also been found in A. nidulans. Since, in A. nidulans, omega-amino acids induce acetamidase via a characterizied regulatory gene (amdR/intA) this observation implies that titration of an analogous A. niger regulatory gene product by multiple amdS copies has occurred. Additional evidence suggested that the amdS gene is regulated in A. niger. It has also been shown that an unselected plasmid can be co-transformed with the amdS plasmid into A. niger.  相似文献   

The Ascomycete fungus Aspergillus nidulans reproduces asexually by differentiating conidiophores and conidia. Gene regulation during asexual reproduction was investigated by comparing poly(A) RNA populations derived from somatic hyphae, conidiating cultures and purified conidia. Single-copy and complementary DNA hybridization experiments showed that vegetative cells contained 5600–6000 diverse, average-sized poly(A) RNA sequences distributed into three prevalence classes. cDNA hybridization experiments indicated that a significant proportion of the poly(A) RNA derived from either conidiating cultures or spores consisted of sequences absent from somatic hyphae. To assess accurately the degree to which the poly(A) RNA populations differed, cDNA preparations were isolated which were complementary to sequences present only in conidia or in conidiating cultures. Hybridization of these cDNAs with poly(A) RNA from conidiating cultures showed that approximately 18.5% of the poly(A) RNA mass comprised 1300 diverse sequences not present in somatic cells. Of these, about 300 were present only in conidia. The remainder were accumulated specifically during sporulation, but were absent from spores. Analogous experiments showed that the great majority of the poly(A) RNA sequences accumulated by vegetative hyphae were also present in conidiating cultures. Thus, cell differentiation during A. nidulans asexual reproduction involves the accumulation of many new poly(A) RNA sequences, but not the loss of preexisting ones.  相似文献   

Abstract The rpmF-plsX-fabH gene cluster of Rhodobacter capsulatus homologous to that of Escherichia coli was identified. rpmF encodes ribosomal protein L32, plsX plays an undefined role in membrane lipid synthesis, and fabH encodes β-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase III. The R. capsulatus plsX gene complemented a defect in an E. coli strain with the plsX50 mutation. Overproduction of the fabH gene product of R. capsulatus in E. coli resulted in dramatically increased β-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase III activity. These results indicate that plsX and fabH apparently function the same in R. capsulatus as in E. coli .  相似文献   

Identification of a gene for beta-tubulin in Aspergillus nidulans.   总被引:50,自引:0,他引:50  
G Sheir-Neiss  M H Lai  N R Morris 《Cell》1978,15(2):639-647
The tubulins of Aspergillus nidulans have been characterized in wild-type and ben A, B and C benomyl-resistant strains by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, co-polymerization with porcine brain tubulin and peptide mapping. Four α-tubulins and at least four β-tubulins were resolved by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of wild-type proteins. Eighteen of 26 benA mutants studied had electrophoretically abnormal β-tubulins. In these strains, one or more of the β-tubulins had either an altered isoelectric point or an altered electrophoretic mobility in the SDS gel dimension, or was diminished in amount. The a-tubulins were normal. Two-dimensional gels of protein extracts of a ben A/wild-type diploid strain demonstrated co-expression of the wild-type β-tubulins with the variant ben A tubulin. This experiment rules out post-translational modification as the source of the β-tubulin abnormalities in the benA mutants. We therefore conclude that benA must be a structural gene for β-tubulin. Due to the variety of abnormalities affecting β-tubulins in ben A mutants, and the absence of abnormalities affecting α-tubulins in any of the benomyl-resistant mutants, we also believe that the benomyl binding site must be located on the β-subunit of the tubulin dimer. The benA mutants of A. nidulans promise to be useful not only for characterizing the biochemical determinants of the benomyl binding site of tubulin but also for understanding the relationship between tubulin structure and function.  相似文献   

Identification of a gene for alpha-tubulin in Aspergillus nidulans.   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
N R Morris  M H Lai  C E Oakley 《Cell》1979,16(2):437-442
This paper demonstrates that revertants of temperature-sensitive benA (β-tubulin) mutations in Aspergillus nidulans can be used to identify proteins which interact with β-tubulin. Three benomyl-resistant benA (β-tubulin) mutants of Aspergillus nidulans, BEN 9, BEN 15 and BEN 19, were found to be temperature-sensitive (ts?) for growth. Temperature sensitivity co-segregated with benomyl resistance among the progeny of outcrosses of BEN 9, 15 and 19 to a wild-type strain, FGSC#99, indicating that temperature sensitivity was caused by mutations in the benA gene in these strains. Eighteen revertants to ts+ were isolated by selection at the restrictive temperature. Four had back-mutations in the benA gene and fourteen carried extragenic suppressor mutations. Two of the back-mutated strains had β-tubulins which differed from the β-tubulins of their parental strains by one (1?) or two (2?) negative charges on two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Although the β-tubulins of the extragenic suppressor strains were all electrophoretically identical to those of the parental strains, one of the suppressor strains, BEN 9R7, had an electrophoretic abnormality in α1-tubulin (1+). A heterozygous diploid between this strain and a strain with wild-type α1-tubulin was found to have both wild-type and mutant (1+) α1-tubulins. This experiment rules out post-translational modification as a possible cause of the α1-tubulin abnormality. Thus the suppressor mutation in BEN 9R7 must be in a structural gene for α1-tubulin. We propose that this gene be designated tubA to denote that it is a gene for α1-tubulin in A. nidulans.  相似文献   

We describe a rapid method for the production of fusion PCR products that can be used, generally without band purification, to transform Aspergillus nidulans. This technique can be used to replace genes; tag genes with fluorescent moeties or epitope tags; or replace endogenous promoters with regulatable promoters, by introducing an appropriate selective cassette (e.g., fluorescent protein + selectable marker). The relevant genomic fragments and cassette are first amplified separately by PCR using primers that produce overlapping ends. A second PCR using 'nested' primers fuses the fragments into a single molecule with all sequences in the desired order. This procedure allows a cassette to be amplified once, frozen and used subsequently in many fusion PCRs. Transformation of nonhomologous recombination deficient (nkuADelta) strains of A. nidulans with fusion PCR products results in high frequencies of accurate gene targeting. Fusion PCR takes less than 2 d. Protoplast formation and transformation takes less than 1 d.  相似文献   

F P Buxton  D I Gwynne  R W Davies 《Gene》1985,37(1-3):207-214
A mutant of Aspergillus niger defective in ornithine transcarbamylase function was transformed with plasmids carrying a functional copy of the argB gene of Aspergillus nidulans after treatment of spheroplasts in the presence of polyethylene glycol and calcium ions. The plasmid pDG3 gave stable transformants at a frequency of 4 per microgram of input DNA. Southern blot analysis of DNA from transformants showed that pDG3 DNA had integrated into the A. niger chromosomes at a variety of locations. The transformants were phenotypically stable for many mitotic divisions. This procedure may potentially be used to insert any gene into the genome of A. niger. A cosmid shuttle vector, pDG1, for cloning in Aspergillus was also constructed.  相似文献   

We isolated a beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase encoding gene and its cDNA from the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans, and designated it nagA. The nagA gene contained no intron and encoded a polypeptide of 603 amino acids with a putative 19-amino acid signal sequence. The deduced amino acid sequence was very similar to the sequence of Candida albicans Hex1 and Trichoderma harzianum Nag1. Yeast cells containing the nagA cDNA under the control of the GAL1 promoter expressed beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase activity. The chromosomal nagA gene of A. nidulans was disrupted by replacement with the argB marker gene. The disruptant strains expressed low levels of beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase activity and showed poor growth on a medium containing chitobiose as a carbon source. Aspergillus oryzae strain carrying the nagA gene under the control of the improved glaA promoter produced large amounts of beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase in a wheat bran solid culture.  相似文献   

Antisense expression of a portion of the gene encoding the major carbon catabolite repressor CREA in Aspergillus nidulans resulted in a substantial increase in the levels of glucose-repressible enzymes, both endogenous and heterologous, in the presence of glucose. The derepression effect was approximately one-half of that achieved in a null creA mutant. Unlike results for that mutant, however, growth parameters and colony morphology in the antisense transformants were not affected.  相似文献   

Summary Seven suppressor mutations have been isolated in Aspergillus nidulans by coreversion of alleles in physiologically unrelated genes namely, alX, sB, alcA, putative structural genes for allantoinase, sulphate permease and alcohol dehydrogenase respectively. The suppressors are allele specific, gene unspecific. Those described map in four loci, suaA, B, C, D. suaA and suaB are on linkage group III, suaC and suaD on VII. suaB111, suaD103 and suaD108 are semi-dominant in their suppression of alX4 and sB43. suaA101, suaA105 and suaC109 are recessive and have a pleiotropic effect on morphology. SuaC109 is cold sensitive for growth as is sua115, an unmapped mutation on linkage group III which is similar in morphology to suaC109. The two mutations, SuaA101 and suaA105 have different spectra of suppression and morphologies. suaA105 weakly suppresses alX4 and sB43 whereas suaA101 strongly suppresses these and alcA125. suaD103 and suaD108 have the same spectrum of suppression. The properties of these suppressors are consistent with their being informational suppressors of the nonsense type.  相似文献   

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