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Hsp70 genes are linked to the Xenopus major histocompatibility complex   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Some of the inducible forms of the heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) gene family are encoded in the class III region of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) of mammals. This study was undertaken to determine whether Hsp 70 genes are linked to the MHC of Xenopus, an amphibian last sharing a common ancestor with mammals 300–350 million years ago. Segregation analyses involving seven haplotypes demonstrated the linkage of two or three inducible Hsp70 genes to the frog MHC. Another Hsp70 gene is not closely linked to the MHC. We conclude that the physical association of MHC class I and class II genes with Hsp70 genes is ancient. Correspondence to: M. F. Flajnik.  相似文献   

Published sequence data of MHC genes, cDNAs and MHC products were analyzed for their sequence homologies. Alignment statistics revealed that class I gene products consist of four mutually homologous domains, and that class II beta gene products is composed of three mutually homologous domains. Not only extracellular domains but also newly discovered C-terminal shorter domains of class I and class II beta gene products were found to have evolved from a one-domain-long beta 2-microglobulin-like protein by repeated exon duplications and splittings.  相似文献   

Summary. Class II genes of the bovine major histocompatibility complex (MHC) have been cloned from a genomic library. The library was constructed in the bacteriophage Λ vector EMBL3 and comprises approximately 10 times the equivalent of the haploid genome. Half the library was screened with the human DQA, DQB, DRA and DRB cDNA probes. Of the 100 positively hybridizing phage clones, 37 were eventually fully characterized and mapped by means of Southern blot analysis. The exons encoding the first, second and transmembrane domain of all different A and B genes were subcloned and mapped in more detail. These analyses showed that these 37 clones were derived from five different A and 10 different B genes. The hybridization studies indicate that we have cloned and mapped two DQA genes, one DRA gene, two other A genes, four DQB genes, three DRB genes and three other B genes. Since the library was made from a heterozygous animal, this would suggest that there are at least one DQA, one DRA one other undefined A, two DQB, two DRB and one or two other undefined B genes in the haploid genome of Holstein Friesian cattle.  相似文献   

Class II genes of the bovine major histocompatibility complex (MHC) have been cloned from a genomic library. The library was constructed in the bacteriophage lambda vector EMBL3 and comprises approximately 10 times the equivalent of the haploid genome. Half the library was screened with the human DQA, DQB, DRA and DRB cDNA probes. Of the 100 positively hybridizing phage clones, 37 were eventually fully characterized and mapped by means of Southern blot analysis. The exons encoding the first, second and transmembrane domain of all different A and B genes were subcloned and mapped in more detail. These analyses showed that these 37 clones were derived from five different A and 10 different B genes. The hybridization studies indicate that we have cloned and mapped two DQA genes, one DRA gene, two other A genes, four DQB genes, three DRB genes and three other B genes. Since the library was made from a heterozygous animal, this would suggest that there are at least one DQA, one DRA one other undefined A, two DQB, two DRB and one or two other undefined B genes in the haploid genome of Holstein Friesian cattle.  相似文献   

The linkage relationship and chromosomal locations of the major histocompatibility (B) complex and nucleolar organizers (18S + 28S ribosomal RNA genes) were studied in normal and aneuploid chickens. The Balloantigens were defined by hemagglutination, using monospecific alloantisera. A chicken having three B haplotypes was detected and used in test matings to normal disomic chickens. Additional cases of birds having three different haplotypes were generated in the progeny of such matings. Analysis of the segregation patterns of B haplotypes suggested that the chickens with an additional haplotype were trisomics. Chickens having three B haplotypes also displayed a maximum of three nucleoli in somatic cells instead of the normal two nucleoli of diploids. This indicated the presence of an additional nucleolus organizing region (NOR). Cytogenetic and cytochemical studies were performed on cells of normal and putative trisomic chickens. All chickens displayed a normal array of chromosomes for pairs 1 through 9. Silver staining differentiated Ag-NORs on the long arms of two and three microchromosomes in disomic and trisomic types, respectively. Viable tetrasomic chickens, produced from inter se matings of trisomics, displayed four nucleoli and four Ag-NORs in somatic cell preparations. These results indicate that the DNA sequences encoding the B histocompatibility antigens and the 18S + 28S ribosomal RNAs are linked on an acrocentric microchromosome in the domestic chicken.  相似文献   

Previous studies of cattle MHC have suggested the presence of at least four classical class I loci. Analysis of haplotypes showed that any combination of one, two or three genes may be expressed, although no gene is expressed consistently. The aim of this study was to examine the evolutionary relationships among these genes and to study their phylogenetic history in Cetartiodactyl species, including cattle and their close relatives. A secondary aim was to determine whether recombination had occurred between any of the genes. MHC class I data sets were generated from published sequences or by polymerase chain reaction from cDNA. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that MHC class I sequences from Cetartiodactyl species closely related to cattle were distributed among the main cattle gene "groups", while those from more distantly related species were either scattered (sheep, deer) or clustered in a species-specific manner (sitatunga, giraffe). A comparison between gene and species trees showed a poor match, indicating that divergence of the MHC sequences had occurred independently from that of the hosts from which they were obtained. We also found two clear instances of interlocus recombination among the cattle MHC sequences. Finally, positive natural selection was documented at positions throughout the alpha 1 and 2 domains, primarily on those amino acids directly involved in peptide binding, although two positions in the alpha 3 domain, a region generally conserved in other species, were also shown to be undergoing adaptive evolution.  相似文献   

The chicken major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes are organized into two genetically independent clusters which both possess class I and class II genes: the classical B complex and the Restriction fragment pattern-Y (Rfp-Y) complex. In this study, we have examined the role of Rfp-Y genes in transplantation immunity. For this we used three sublines, B19H1, B19H2 and B19H3, derived from a line fixed for B19. Southern blots, PCR-SSCP assays using primers specific for Rfp-Y genes, and Rfp-Y class I allele-specific sequencing show that the polymorphisms observed in B19H1, B19H2 and B19H3 are due to the presence of three different Rfp-Y haplotypes. The Rfp-Y class I (YF) alleles in these three haplotypes are highly polymorphic, and RT-PCR shows that at least two YF loci are expressed in each subline. The three sublines show Rfp-Y-directed alloreactivity in that Rfp-Y-incompatible skin grafts are rejected within 15 days, a rate intermediate between that seen in B-incompatible rejection (7 days) and that observed for grafts within the sublines (20 days). We conclude that Rfp-Y has an intermediate role in allograft rejection, likely to be attributable to polymorphism at the class I loci within this region.The sequence data reported are available in the GenBank database under the accession numbers AY257165 (YFVw*15), AY257166 (YFVw*16), AY257167 (YFVIw*15), AY257168 (YFVIw*17), AY257169 (YFw*16), and AY257170 (YFw*17)  相似文献   

High molecular weight DNA was extracted from sperm from chickens of 14 inbred lines. The DNA was digested with each of four restriction enzymes (Pvu II, Hind III, Bgl II, and Bam HI), electrophoresed for 18 or 45 h, blotted onto nitrocellulose, and hybridized to a chicken major histocompatibility complex (MHC, B complex) class II beta-chain probe (beta 2-exon specific). Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) were found with each of the restriction enzymes used. Birds with the same B haplotype always showed the same RFLP pattern; however, some birds of different B haplotypes also shared the same RFLP pattern. To test for the Mendelian inheritance of the RFLP patterns, the F2 progeny of an informative cross were analysed. The RFLP patterns corresponded with the serologically determined B haplotypes of the F2 birds, thereby showing the Mendelian inheritance of the polymorphic bands.  相似文献   

Summary. High molecular weight DNA was extracted from sperm from chickens of 14 inbred lines. The DNA was digested with each of four restriction enzymes ( Pvu II, Hind III, Bg /II, and Bam HI), electrophoresed for 18 or 45h, blotted onto nitrocellulose, and hybridized to a chicken major histocompatibility complex (MHC, B complex) class II β-chain probe (β2-exon specific). Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) were found with each of the restriction enzymes used. Birds with the same B haplotype always showed the same RFLP pattern; however, some birds of different B halotypes also shared the same RFLP pattern. To test for the Mendelian inheritance of the RFLP patterns, the F2 progeny of an informative cross were analysed. The RFLP patterns corresponded with the serologically determined B haplotypes of the F2 birds, thereby showing the Mendelian inheritance of the polymorphic bands.  相似文献   

Xu T  Sun Y  Shi G  Cheng Y  Wang R 《PloS one》2011,6(8):e23823
Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) has a central role in the adaptive immune system by presenting foreign peptide to the T-cell receptor. In order to study the molecular function and genomic characteristic of class II genes in teleost, the full lengths of MHC class IIA and IIB cDNA and genomic sequence were cloned from miiuy croaker (Miichthys miiuy). As in other teleost, four exons and three introns were identified in miiuy croaker class IIA gene; but the difference is that six exons and five introns were identified in the miiuy croaker class IIB gene. The deduced amino acid sequence of class IIA and class IIB had 26.3-85.7% and 11.0-88.8% identity with those of mammal and teleost, respectively. Real-time quantitative RT-PCR demonstrated that the MHC class IIA and IIB were ubiquitously expressed in ten normal tissues; expression levels of MHC genes were found first upregulated and then downregulated, and finally by a recovery to normal level throughout the pathogenic bacteria infection process. In addition, we report on the underlying mechanism that maintains sequences diversity among many fish species. A series of site-model tests implemented in the CODEML program revealed that positive Darwinian selection is likely the cause of the molecular evolution in the fish MHC class II genes.  相似文献   

The polymerase chain reaction was used to isolate clones with class I major histocompatibility complex sequences from fish (carp), amphibian (axolotl), and two species of reptile (lizard and snake). The lizard and snake clones were used to isolate class I cDNA clones. All the sequence showed the expected evolutionary relatedness. The carp and axolotl clones and one lizard cDNA clone lacked the first systeine in the 3 domain which in other class I heavy chains forms an intradomain disulfide bond. A small number of amino acid residues are conserved in the class I heavy chain sequences from all five classes of vertebrates. In the first two domains they are symmetrically clustered and contribute to intra-and interdomain contacts. None of these invariant residues are at peptide-binding, T-cell receptor-interacting, or CD8-binding positions.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession numbers: A2, M81089; C4,M8109 M81092; S1, M81093; LC1, M81094; LC5, M81095; LC13, M81096; LC25, M81097; LC27, M81098; SCI, M81099; SC2, M81100.  相似文献   

We have studied 27 cell lines homozygous by consanguinity for the major histocompatibility complex to establish the restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) patterns seen with six different restriction enzymes (Bam HI, Bg1 II, Eco RI, Hinc II, Hind III, Pvu II) and DR beta chain probes. The probes used were a full-length cDNA DR beta probe and a probe specific for the 3' untranslated region. The RFLP obtained represent the first standard patterns for the individual haplotypes DR1 through 7 and DR9 as defined by genetically homozygous lines. The patterns obtained reflect the DR specificities closely, as well as the DRw52 and DRw53 specificities. These latter specificities are associated with the most prominent patterns of RFLP. Bands are present which are unique for the haplotypes DR1, DR2, DR4, DR7, DRw52, and DRw53, and could be used for typing these haplotypes in heterozygotes. Subtypes can be identified for all of the haplotypes except DR1. These subtypes indicate that there is an extensive amount of polymorphism in the DR subregion that has not been identified serologically.  相似文献   

New genes in the class II region of the human major histocompatibility complex   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
A detailed map of the class II region of the human major histocompatibility complex has been constructed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. This map revealed clusters of sites for enzymes that cut preferentially in unmethylated CpG-rich DNA often found at the 5' ends of genes. Three of these clusters have been cloned by cosmid walking and chromosome jumping. Analysis of the clones encompassing these regions through the use of zoo blots, Northern blots, and cDNA libraries resulted in the discovery of four novel genes. The D6S111E and D6S112E genes are centromeric to the HLA-DPB2 gene, while D6S113E and D6S114E are between HLA-DNA and HLA-DOB. Preliminary characterization of the new genes indicates that they are unrelated to the class II genes themselves, although D6S114E expression, like class II expression, is inducible with interferon. In addition, the HLA-DNA gene has been accurately positioned and oriented for the first time.  相似文献   

 A 0.7 kilobase (kb) DNA fragment from the 5′ flanking region of a chicken major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II B gene was cloned into chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) reporter vectors and was transfected into a chicken macrophage cell line that expresses a low level of MHC class II antigens. Positive orientation-dependent promoter activity of the chicken DNA was evident in a reporter construct containing an SV40 enhancer. Deletion analysis of this 0.7 kb DNA fragment revealed a short fragment in the 3′ end that was crucial for the promoter function and negative regulatory elements (NRE) located further upstream. The conserved MHC class II X and Y boxes did not have a significant effect on promoter activity. Sequence analysis of the 0.7 kb class II B gene upstream region suggests possible involvement of interferon (IFN), E twenty-six specific (ETS)-related proteins, and other factors in regulating this promoter. A chicken T-cell line culture supernatant increased surface expression of MHC class II antigens, as well as class II promoter activity, in this macrophage cell line. This first functional characterization of a chicken MHC class II B gene promoter will aid in understanding the regulatory mechanisms that control the expression of these genes. Received: 9 July 1996 / Revised: 7 October 1996  相似文献   

The chicken major histocompatibility complex (MHC), the B complex, is being intensively analysed at the DNA level. To further probe the molecular structure of chicken MHC class II genes, cDNA clones coding for chicken MHC class II (B-L) p chain molecules were isolated from an inbred G-B2 Leghorn chicken spleen and liver. Twenty-nine cDNA clones were isolated from the spleen and eight cDNA clones were isolated from the liver. Based on restriction maps, most clones could be clustered into one family of genes. Four cDNA clones were sequenced (S7, S10 and S19 from the spleen and L1, which was identical to S19, from the liver). Complete amino acid sequences of B-Lβ chain molecules were predicted from the nucleotide sequences of the cDNA clones. Although both the nature and the location of the conserved residues were similar in chicken and mammalian sequences, some species-specific differences were found, suggesting that the structures of the B-L molecules of this haplotype are similar, but not identical, to their mammalian counterparts.  相似文献   

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