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Abstract Indian meal moths, Plodia interpunctella Hübner (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), have ears which are sensitive to high‐frequency calls produced by echolocating, insectivorous bats. The influence of artificially generated, high‐intensity, ultrasound signals (25 kHz, 106 dB SPL at 1 m distance) on different parameters involved in the odour‐mediated mating behaviour of this species and its potential use in population control was investigated. All moths flying towards olfactory cues in flight tunnel experiments reacted strongly to a 1 s ultrasound pulse by cessation of flight and falling out of the odour plume. The source contact proportion of both male moths orienting towards the female‐produced sex pheromone and of mated female moths orienting towards an oviposition cue was reduced by 40%, compared to unexposed moths. Calling females responded to the sound by retraction of the ovipositor or by falling to the ground. Long‐term exposure to repetitive pulses of ultrasound suppressed female calling by up to 27%. Furthermore, mating in plastic tents was disrupted by up to 58% in ultrasound‐treated tents using different sound regimens, compared to control tents. The results are discussed in relation to the potential use of ultrasound technology for the population control of pyralid stored product pests.  相似文献   

  • 1 Multiple mating and its effect on reproductive performance of female Epiphyas postvittana (Walker) moths were studied under controlled conditions.
  • 2 The age at which the moths mated for the first time ranged from the first to the tenth day after emergence, but 71% of first matings were during the first 3 days.
  • 3 The majority (63%) of females had one or two spermatophores in the bursa copulatrix. Some (24%) were found with three to five spermatophores, whereas no successful mating occurred among 13% of individuals. The number of matings was partly dependent on the number of mates available to the female. Between the range of sex ratios of one male to one female and four males to one female maximal mating success occurred at the ratio of three males to one female.
  • 4 Virgin females were capable of egg-laying, but mating stimulated and accelerated oviposition. Mated individuals laid twice as many eggs as unmated ones.
  • 5 The level of copulatory activity did not influence the longevity of females irrespective of the number of males available to them.
  • 6 Sex ratios with greater than one male to a female improved the reproductive success by marginally increasing fecundity and fertility.
  • 7 It is concluded that multiple mating would enhance population growth, and is of particular benefit to populations with a preponderance of females, as is known to occur naturally in this species.

The present study investigates the effects of age and mating status on the circadian variations of gland sex pheromone titre in female Spodoptera litura Fabricius. Similar to other nocturnal moths, S. litura females exhibit circadian variations of gland sex pheromone contents, with higher levels during scotophase and lower levels during photophase. The sex pheromone titre in the glands peaks during the first scotophase after eclosion and sharply declines afterwards. Higher pheromone contents during scotophase may facilitate female reproductive activities, and the negative relationship between pheromone titre and female calling is likely the result of pheromone release during female calling. Interestingly, the present study demonstrates that mated S. litura females have significantly higher sex pheromone titre in their pheromone glands (PGs) than virgin females. This finding contrasts with all previous studies of other insect species, in which mating generally reduces the sex pheromone titre in female PGs. In S. litura, mating and male accessory gland fluids can suppress female calling behaviours and re‐matings. These results suggest that the suppression of female calling behaviours by mating and male accessory gland fluids may significantly reduce the release of sex pheromones and thus result in higher sex pheromone titre in the PGs of mated females.  相似文献   

The timing of mating of females under semi-natural condition, male ejaculate production and their effects on female fecundity were examined inEurema hecabe. Age of the first mating of females varied, and the number of matings increased with age. Male spermatophore production depended on age and body mass. The spermatophore mass at the second mating depended only on the interval between the first and second matings. The timing of the first mating and the spermatophore mass did not affect female fecundity. The timing of mating of females relative to the role of male spermatophores in female fecundity and male mating strategy are discussed.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted with codling moth, Cydia pomonella L., to evaluate the mating status of male and female moths in apple, Malus domestica (Borkhausen), orchards treated with and without sex pheromone dispensers. Laboratory studies first examined the effect of multiple mating of male and female moths on female fecundity and egg fertility. Females that had mated three times had a significantly higher fecundity than singly mated moths. Sequential mating by male moths had no effect on the fecundity of female moths or egg fertility. However, male moth age did impact female fecundity, with significantly fewer eggs laid after mating with virgin 1- versus 3-d-old males. The mean size of the first spermatophore transferred by males was significantly larger than all subsequent spermatophores. Classifying spermatophores based on size was used in field sampling to categorize the mating status of the female's partner. The proportion of mated females with small spermatophores (partner had previously mated) was significantly higher in treated versus untreated orchards. The proportion of female moths caught in traps baited with pear ester that were virgin was low (相似文献   

Substrates contaminated by wandering fifth instar larvae ofPlodia interpunctella (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) elicit oviposition by conspecific female moths, and larval rearing diet enhances oviposition and also induces upwind flight. Two-choice oviposition assays determined that four-day-old gravid femaleP. interpunctella preferred to lay eggs on dishes containing cornmeal-based rearing diet compared to empty dishes. Pieces of cheesecloth contaminated by fifth instar larvae elicited more oviposition than untreated cheesecloth or dishes with food. The combination of larval contamination and food was preferred over food only or larval contamination only in both two- and four-choice experiments. The factor(s) in larval contamination responsible for eliciting oviposition in female moths was extracted in hexane, confirming that organic semiochemicals are responsible for the effect. The oviposition-eliciting activity of larval contamination was retained on cheesecloth for up to 30 days following treatment with larvae, suggesting the active component(s) is stable and of low relative volatility. In two-choice windtunnel bioassays female moths initiated flight only when rearing food was present in one of the treatments, and they displayed the highest landing responses to a combination of larval contamination and food. Earlier work onP. interpunctella and related pyralid species found that larval contamination due to secretions from the mandibular glands acted as both a spacing pheromone for wandering larvae and as a kairomone for host-seeking parasitoid wasps. The present study suggests that the same or a similar secretion acts as an oviposition-eliciting pheromone for conspecific females.  相似文献   

Scorpionflies have been used as model organisms for the study of alternative male mating tactics as well as sexual conflict and coercive mating. Here we describe the courtship and mating behaviour of the scorpionfly Panorpa cognata at different levels of nutrition. Alternative mating tactics in scorpionflies involve nuptial food gifts, and we expected an effect of nutrient availability and male individual condition on the relative frequency of these mating tactics. Subsequent to female attraction by means of male pheromonal emission (calling) and a conspicuous pairing prelude, the majority of matings were initiated by male secretion of one relatively large salivary mass on which females feed during copulation. Usually, males produced only a single salivary mass per mating, and the copulation was terminated after the female had consumed the salivary mass. Alternatively, in 40% of the copulations, males offered females a dead arthropod as nuptial gift. However, these matings were neither preceded by male calling nor by the pairing prelude. Copulations with no gifts were extremely rare, and forced copulations were absent. The manipulation of the clamp‐like notal organ used by male scorpionflies in coercive matings had no effect on the duration of copulation, suggesting that P. cognata males are not able to enforce longer matings. Copulations involving salivary mass gifts were significantly longer than copulations with prey provided as gifts. Although contrary to our expectations, nutrition had no effect on the relative frequency of the different male mating tactics, it had several effects on courtship and mating. First, well‐fed individuals copulated significantly more often, both with prey and salivary secretions, than individuals with limited nutrient resources available. This was true for both sexes, although the effect was stronger for males. Higher availability of nutrients decreased the time until male and female sexual maturity and increased male calling duration per day. Furthermore, high nutrient availability decreased the duration of the pairing prelude, and consequently pairs started copulating earlier at night in the high nutrient treatment.  相似文献   

The ash leaf cone roller Caloptilia fraxinella Ely (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) is an invasive leaf‐mining moth pest of horticultural ash Fraxinus spp. in the Canadian Prairie Provinces. Caloptilia fraxinella overwinter as adults in reproductive diapause and mating occurs after overwintering in the spring. The effect of a carbohydrate food source on fat and glycerol reserves throughout the long adult life stage of this moth is investigated. Insects collected as pupae are given access to either water or sugar water upon adult eclosion. Moths held under the different feeding regimes are sampled before (summer and autumn) and after overwintering in the spring. Analysis of either glycerol or lipid content is conducted for male and female moths from each collection period. Both moth weight and glycerol concentration are affected by moth sex, food regime and season of collection. Although female moths are heavier than males, a higher glycerol concentration occurs in males. Moths fed sugar are heavier and have a higher glycerol concentration than water‐fed moths late in reproductive diapause and after overwintering. Moths collected in the spring after overwintering are lighter and have a lower glycerol content than moths collected before winter. There is a significant influence of feeding regime and season on moth body lipid content, with sugar‐fed moths having more fat than water‐fed moths; however, this difference is smaller in the summer than the autumn or spring. An initial understanding of the overwintering biology and diapause of this pest is provided in the present study.  相似文献   

Mating in the scaly cricket Ornebius aperta often includes the transfer of many spermatophores to individual females during extended copulatory interactions. We manipulated male condition in staged matings to determine whether this could explain variation in the number of repeated copulations seen across pairs. Males on a high nutrient diet were in good condition, were more likely to mate repeatedly, and transferred more spermatophores on average than low-diet males (in poor condition). High-diet males were more likely to produce a vibratory signal that increased female receptivity to repeated mating attempts. Courtship and copulatory interactions were always terminated by females, and in every case males had already formed a spermatophore when deserted by females. We conclude that variation in male repeated mating success may be due to female choice rather than an inability or unwillingness of low-diet males to produce spermatophores.  相似文献   

Facultative sex role reversal is found in species of tettigoniid bushcrickets in which males invest heavily in matings or offspring by producing large, nutritious spermatophores. On high-quality diets such species show conventional sex roles, but under low-quality diets males become the choosier sex. Comparative work suggests that Ephippiger ephippiger (Tettigoniidae, Ephippigerinae) has one of the largest described spermatophores (up to 40% of the male body weight). Here we examine the behavior of this species under variable diet conditions in the laboratory and find evidence of sex role reversal under poor-quality diet conditions. We also examine the behavioral components of sex role reversal. In the reversed condition, rejections of mating attempts are almost solely by the male and contests are almost solely between females. Role-reversed males sing less frequently and at a much reduced intensity. We use geographic variation in the calling song of this species to assess the strength of female phonotactic discrimination between races. This is not significantly reduced despite sex role reversal. We therefore suggest that the male and female aspects of the acoustic sexual communication system differ in that male components change most during facultative sex role reversal.  相似文献   

Male remating behavior and its effect on the female reproductive fitness of a New Zealand leafroller, Cnephasia jactatana, were investigated in the laboratory. With a recovery period of at least 24 h between matings, most males were able to mate four times and only about 25% could mate six times during their lifespan. Only 5% of males managed to mate twice within 1 day. Mated males transferred 31–51% smaller spermatophores than virgin males. When mating with a mated male, the female was subject to a 20–51% and 23–51% reduction in fecundity and fertility, respectively. With the increasing number of matings her partner had achieved before mating with her, the female's fertility declined significantly faster than fecundity. Courtship period and mating duration remained similar regardless of the male's mating history but males required increasingly longer latency to start courtship display with the increasing number of matings achieved.  相似文献   

Male Cadra cautella were presented with five heterogeneous pheromone clouds (created from source doses of 0, 0.01, 1, 100, and 10 000 ng) with and without superimposed plumes of either clean air or sex pheromone in a wind tunnel. Moths provided with the lowest doses of background clouds without a superimposed plume did not fly upwind. Moths provided with higher doses of background clouds, with or without superimposed air plumes, increased their track, course, and drift angles (i.e., their zigzags headed more towards crosswind) with increased dose, but slowed their velocity. No differences in flight track parameters were observed for moths provided with a superimposed pheromone plume, regardless of the background cloud dose. Moreover, moths were able to locate the source of superimposed air plumes in the highest background dose, and of superimposed pheromone plumes in any background dose. The significance of these results is discussed in the context of mating disruption.  相似文献   

After pair formation, male crickets should reduce calling to minimize the risks to males of attracting predators and/or rivals. We tested this hypothesis in two cricket species, one in which males exhibit a high mating propensity (Gryllus veletis)and another in which the mating propensity of males is constrained by the manufacture of elaborate, bipartite spermatophores (Gryllodes sigillatus).Calling durations of male G. veletisdeclined precipitously after the introduction of females but remained unchanged in G. sigillatus.We attribute the asymmetric effect of female proximity on male calling to differences in the mating propensity of males of the two species. Male G. veletisabstain from further calling in favor of repeated matings with the same female. Male G. sigillatusprobably lack the opportunity to mate repeatedly with the same female and, thus, resume calling shortly after mating to increase their probability of attracting additional mates.  相似文献   

三化螟、二化螟及大螟成虫的飞翔能力   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文利用飞行磨(Flight mill)装置对三化螟Tryporysa in certulas(Walkr) 二化螟 Chilo suppressalis(Walker);及大螟Sesamia infirence(Walker)成虫的飞行能力进行了测试,结 果表明:三化螟与二化螟成虫的飞翔能力基本一致,其有效飞行日龄均为4天,成虫羽化后无明显的生殖前期(<1天),卵巢发育为II级时(1日龄)飞行能力最强。最远累计飞行距离可达32公里以上。雌雄虫具有不同的持续飞翔能力。大螟是这三种螟虫中飞翔能力最强的一种,具有极强的持续飞行能力,雌、雄虫可分别达32与50公里以上,大螟的有效飞行日龄一般为6天,且具有2-3天的生殖前期,卵巢发育为II级时飞翔能力最强,随日龄的增加,飞翔能力逐步下降,大螟成虫具有远距离扩散飞翔能力及一定的迁飞生理行为基础。  相似文献   

Female mate choice occurs in many animals, and in some species females prefer older males. Because older males have demonstrated their survival ability, they may be of higher genetic quality, providing genetic benefits to the offspring of their mates. However, in species where females receive direct benefits of matings, younger males may be more likely to provide more fertile or more nutritious ejaculates, so females may discriminate against older males. Males of the bushcricket Ephippiger ephippiger (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) produce large spermatophores at mating (>30% of body weight, circa 10% protein content). Female E. ephippiger discriminate against the song of older males. We examined the effects of male age and mating history on male reproductive investment (spermatophore size, sperm number, nitrogen content). Males produced spermatophores with significantly fewer sperm and of lower nitrogen content on their fourth mating, despite free access to food and a 1-week interval between matings, indicating that there is a cost of mating to males. There was no indication that older virgin males produced lower-quality spermatophores. Rather, older males produced bigger spermatophores of higher nutritional value and containing more sperm. Male age and mating history seem likely to be strongly correlated in the field. We conclude that female E. ephippiger probably prefer the songs of younger males, because in the field, this preference correlates with male mating history and therefore resources provided at mating. Thus, female preference for younger males could reflect discrimination against low-quality nuptial gifts.  相似文献   

Sexual selection is potentially important in marine zooplankton, presumably the most abundant metazoans on earth, but it has never been documented. We examine the conditions for sexual selection through mate choice and describe mating preferences in relation to size in a marine zooplankter, the pelagic copepod Acartia tonsa. Males produce spermatophores at a rate (~1 day−1) much lower than known female encounter rates for most of the year and the decision to mate a particular female thus implies lost future opportunities. Female egg production increases with female size, and males mating larger females therefore sire more offspring per mating event. Similarly, females encounter males more frequently than they need to mate. Large males produce larger spermatophores than small males and the offspring production of female increases with the size of the spermatophore she receives. Additionally, large spermatophores allow females to fertilize eggs for a longer period. Thus, mating with large males reduces the female’s need for frequent matings and she may sire sons that produce more offspring because size is heritable in copepods. Finally, we show that both males and females mate preferentially with large partners. This is the first demonstration of sexual selection by mate choice in a planktonic organism.  相似文献   

Limits to Nuptial Gift Production by Male Fireflies, Photinus ignitus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Males of diverse insect species provide females with nuptial gifts, and limits on males' ability to produce these gifts may influence courtship behavior and mating systems. In the firefly Photinus ignitus, males transfer a complex spermatophore to females during mating. We provided firefly males unlimited access to responsive females to examine whether spermatophore production limits male mating success. Male spermatophore mass decreased significantly across sequential matings, and the percentage of successful matings declined during the second half of each male's life span. Male body mass explained a significant proportion of variation in size of the first spermatophore produced by P. ignitus males, but this relationship disappeared with second spermatophores. This study indicates that males' ability to produce spermatophores declines over their lifetime and that limits on nuptial giftproduction can constrain male mating success in Photinus fireflies.  相似文献   

Male Cadra cautella (Walker) moths are videotaped in three dimensions in a 3‐m long wind tunnel as they fly within a 65‐cm wide plume of pheromone. Moths are presented two floor patterns, either ‘aligned’, a 25‐cm wide ‘trail’ of solid red circles along the tunnel's midline, or ‘offset’, in which the trail veers 25 cm to the left at the tunnel's midpoint. These visual patterns are presented either in a continuous airflow or airflow that is stopped before moths reach the tunnel's halfway point. Moths fly relatively straight paths over the aligned pattern in still air after the wind is stopped. With the offset pattern in wind and when the wind is stopped, moths swerve towards the offset pattern before again progressing along the plume. Prominent visual cues appear to ‘collimate’ (i.e. align with a directional cue) the moth's course as long as the moth remains in contact with pheromone. In wind, these moths appear to favour trajectories that enhance visual feedback, even if the path taken is not directly upwind. During wind lulls, this manoeuvre may enable moths to continue progress towards calling females along a visually set course. The centring of trajectory over prominent visual cues suggests that these moths favour a route that enhances visual feedback.  相似文献   

In insects, spermatophore production represents a non‐trivial cost to a male. Non‐virgin males have been shown to produce small spermatophores at subsequent matings. Particularly in monandrous species, it may be an issue to receive a sufficiently large spermatophore at the first and typically only mating. Females of the monandrous Speckled wood butterfly Pararge aegeria (L.) produce fewer offspring after mating with a non‐virgin male. After mating, females spend all their active time selecting oviposition sites and typically ignore other males. Here, we show that females did not discriminate between a virgin male and a recently mated male in our laboratory experiments. We demonstrate that the number of eupyrene sperm bundles relative to spermatophore mass differed with subsequent male matings. Males transferred a significantly smaller spermatophore after the first copulation, but the spermatophore mass did not decrease further with subsequent matings. However, the number of eupyrene sperm bundles decreased linearly. Therefore, there was proportionally more eupyrene sperm in the male’s second spermatophore compared with the first and the later spermatophores. Such a pattern has been shown in polyandrous species. Hence, it suggests that differences in sperm allocation strategy between polyandrous and monandrous butterflies may be quantitative rather than qualitative. There was also a tendency for females that had mated with a recently mated male to have higher propensity to remate than did females that had mated with a virgin male. We discuss the results relative to the mating system in P. aegeria, including female remating opportunities in the field and male mate‐locating behaviour.  相似文献   

褛裳夜蛾的交配行为及雄蛾对性腺提取物的反应节律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
详细观察了褛裳夜蛾成虫的交配行为,利用风洞、触角电位技术研究了雄蛾对性腺提取物的反应节律,通过林间诱蛾试验进行了验证,旨在为褛裳夜蛾性信息素的精确提取及性信息素组份分离、鉴定提供依据。研究结果表明:成虫的求偶、交配行为均发生在暗期,有一定的节律性:雌蛾在羽化3d以后开始求偶,1周左右表现最为强烈,3-4日龄雌蛾在暗期4-6h开始求偶,最大求偶率在暗期6-8h;5-9日龄在进入暗期就开始求偶,最大求偶率出现在暗期4-6h。风洞试验表明,3-7日龄的雄蛾对性腺提取物均有明显的性行为反应,5日龄雄蛾在暗期4-6h对性腺提取物的反应最为强烈。3-6日龄的成虫在暗期4-6h开始交配,而7-8日龄的成虫于暗期2-4h开始交配,6日龄的成虫交配率最高,交配高峰在暗期4-8h。雄蛾对性腺提取物的触角电位反应也有一定的节律性:雄蛾对4日龄雌蛾性腺提取物开始有电生理反应,对6-7日龄暗期5h性腺提取物反应最为强烈。林间诱蛾试验测定了性腺提取物的引诱活性,7日龄雌蛾性腺提取物林间诱蛾量最高,引诱高峰在暗期4-6h,该结果也验证了褛裳夜蛾雄蛾对性腺提取物的反应节律。  相似文献   

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