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Experiments were carried out to investigate whether Iberian green frog tadpoles Pelophylax perezi (formerly Rana perezi) are able of using the geomagnetic field for y‐axis orientation (i.e. orientation toward and away from shore). Tadpoles were trained outdoor for 5 d, in two different training configurations: (i) a training tank aligned along the magnetic north–south axis, with shore facing south, and (ii) a training tank aligned along the magnetic east–west axis, with shore located east, and similar to the shore–deep water axis (‘y‐axis’) found in their home stream, which flows from south to north. After training, tadpoles were individually tested for magnetic orientation in a water‐filled circular outdoor arena surrounded by a pair of orthogonally aligned cube‐surface‐coils used to alter the alignment of the earth's magnetic field. Tadpoles held in the east–west training tank oriented towards shore, indicating that they were able to distinguish between the shoreward and waterward direction along the y‐axis. Tadpoles trained in the tank that was aligned along the north–south axis showed bimodal magnetic compass orientation along the shore–deep water magnetic axis. These findings provide evidence for the use of magnetic compass cues for y‐axis orientation by P. perezi tadpoles.  相似文献   

Y-axis orientation, a movement perpendicular to the shore or coastline, enables aquatic animals to stay in a preferred zone in generally unstable habitats. Such behaviour is a widespread phenomenon in many freshwater and intertidal animal taxa. In the present study, an arena approach was used to test the orientation response of pulmonate freshwater snails. Using this experimental design, Y-axis orientation was shown for the first time in a freshwater snail species, the riverine Chilina patagonica. Some cues, potentially mediating Y-axis orientation, appeared to play no role in the shown orientation behaviour, such as chemical, gravity and humidity cues or a sun compass. Magnetic cues, however, could not be excluded. Since no significant differences in orientation were detected between different size classes in C. patagonica, orientation behaviour may not vary substantially throughout the snail's life history. In contrast to C. patagonica, no consistent orientation response was seen in the related lacustrine species Chilina llanquihuensis. The adaptation of C. patagonica to exhibit orientation along the Y-axis may be driven by the avoidance of high velocities in deeper water.  相似文献   

Summary Laboratory tests were carried out to examine the orientation behavior of adult Eastern red-spotted newts (Notophthalmus viridescens) to earth-strength magnetic fields. Groups of 30 to 40 newts were housed in water-filled, all-glass aquaria with an artificial shoreline at one end. The aquaria were located in a greenhouse or outdoors adjacent to the laboratory building, and aligned on either the magnetic north-south or east-west axis. Tests were carried out in an enclosed indoor arena. Newts were tested in four horizontal alignments of the magnetic field: the ambient magnetic field (magnetic north at North) and three altered fields (magnetic north rotated to East, South or West). Data were analyzed after pooling the magnetic bearings from all four conditions in such a way as to retain the component of the newts' orientation that was a consistent response to the magnetic field. Elevation of training tank water temperature was used to increase the newts' motivation to orient in the direction of shore. Newts exposed to a training tank water temperature of 33–34 °C just prior to testing exhibited consistent unimodal magnetic compass orientation. The direction of orientation was altered predictably by changing training tank alignment and location relative to the laboratory building. The results provide the first evidence of a strong, replicable magnetic compass response in a terrestrial vertebrate under controlled laboratory conditions. Further, the present study demonstrates that the Eastern newt is able to learn a directional response relative to the earth's magnetic field.  相似文献   

To find out the relative importance of the geomagnetic and solar cues for the orientation at the time of sunset, dunnocks were tested outdoors during the spring migration periods of 1982 and 1983. Experimental magnetic fields were produced by Helmholtz coils. In the various magnetic conditions, the following results were obtained:
  • 1 In the local geomagnetic field, the dunnocks oriented in a seasonally appropriate northerly direction.
  • 2 In a magnetic field the north of which was shifted 120° clock-wise to ESE, the birds showed a corresponding shift in their orientation.
  • 3 In a vertical magnetic field without meaningful directional information, birds previously tested in either the local geomagnetic field or the shifted magnetic field now displayed axially bimodal orientation, with the axes of the two groups differing.
These findings indicate that for migratory dunnocks, the magnetic field plays a dominant role in determining their orientation at the time of sunset, and that magnetic information may affect the dunnocks' response to other directional, presumably solar cues as well.  相似文献   

The marine nudibranch mollusc Tritonia diotnedea orients to the geomagnetic field in the laboratory, and has identifiable brain cells (Pd5, 6) which respond electrically when the ambient magnetic field is rotated artificially. Field studies reported here seek to determine if and why Tritonia diomedea uses geomagnetic cues to orient in the field. Animals were collected in their natural habitat using SCUBA, and placed on lines with magnetic headings parallel to the shore, at different locations with respect to their site of origin. Observations made at two or more tidal cycles later indicate that most animals move from the line in a direction corresponding to the original shoreward direction, regardless of the actual shoreward direction at the site of release, suggesting guidance by geomagnetic cues. Tritonia diomedea are close to neutrally buoyant, and subject to transport over great distances when dislodged by tidal currents or during escape swimming behavior. Since the natural distribution of food and mates is along the shoreline, shoreward orientation using geomagnetic cues, particularly when other cues are weak or ambiguous, may have adaptive value.  相似文献   

1.  Wildtype Oregon-R Drosophila melanogaster were trained in the ambient magnetic field to a horizontal gradient of 365 nm light emanating from one of the 4 cardinal compass directions and were subsequently tested in a visually-symmetrical, radial 8-arm maze in which the magnetic field alignment could be varied. When tested under 365 nm light, flies exhibited consistent magnetic compass orientation in the direction from which light had emanated in training.
2.  When the data were analyzed by sex, males exhibited a strong and consistent magnetic compass response while females were randomly oriented with respect to the magnetic field.
3.  When tested under 500 nm light of the same quantal flux, females were again randomly oriented with respect to the magnetic field, while males exhibited a 90° clockwise shift in magnetic compass orientation relative to the trained direction.
4.  This wavelength-dependent shift in the direction of magnetic compass orientation suggests that Drosophila may utilize a light-dependent magnetic compass similar to that demonstrated previously in an amphibian. However, the data do not exclude the alternative hypothesis that a change in the wavelength of light has a non-specific effect on the flies' behavior, i.e., causing the flies to exhibit a different form of magnetic orientation behavior.

How animals, including mammals, can respond to and utilize the direction and intensity of the Earth’s magnetic field for orientation and navigation is contentious. In this study, we experimentally tested whether the Chinese Noctule, Nyctalus plancyi (Vespertilionidae) can sense magnetic field strengths that were even lower than those of the present-day geomagnetic field. Such field strengths occurred during geomagnetic excursions or polarity reversals and thus may have played an important role in the evolution of a magnetic sense. We found that in a present-day local geomagnetic field, the bats showed a clear preference for positioning themselves at the magnetic north. As the field intensity decreased to only 1/5th of the natural intensity (i.e., 10 μT; the lowest field strength tested here), the bats still responded by positioning themselves at the magnetic north. When the field polarity was artificially reversed, the bats still preferred the new magnetic north, even at the lowest field strength tested (10 μT), despite the fact that the artificial field orientation was opposite to the natural geomagnetic field (P<0.05). Hence, N. plancyi is able to detect the direction of a magnetic field even at 1/5th of the present-day field strength. This high sensitivity to magnetic fields may explain how magnetic orientation could have evolved in bats even as the Earth’s magnetic field strength varied and the polarity reversed tens of times over the past fifty million years.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that migrating palmate newts (Lissotriton helveticus) can rely on acoustic cues for orientation to breeding ponds. Nonetheless, although acoustic cues are reliable over relatively short distances, they are unlikely to account for the long‐distance homing demonstrated in several other species of newts. Most individuals of L. helveticus migrate only a few hundred meters (Diego‐Rasilla, F. J. & Luengo, R. M. 2007: Acoustic orientation in the palmate newt, Lissotriton helveticus. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 61, 1329—1335), raising the possibility that this species may only utilize short‐distance cues (Joly, P. & Miaud, C. 1993: How does a newt find its pond? The role of chemical cues in migrating newts (Triturus alpestris). Ethol. Ecol. Evol. 5, 447—455; Russell, A. P., Bauer, A. M. & Johnson, M. K. 2005: Migration of amphibians and reptiles: an overview of patterns and orientation mechanisms in relation to life history strategies. In: Migration of Organisms (Elewa, M. T., ed). Springer‐Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 151—203; Sinsch, U. 2006: Orientation and navigation in Amphibia. Mar. Freshw. Behav. Phy. 39, 65—71). Therefore, experiments were carried out to investigate the use of the geomagnetic field in the nocturnal homing orientation of L. helveticus. Tests were carried out at night in an outdoor circular arena, under total overcast sky that prevented access to celestial compass cues. Individual newts were tested in one of four symmetrical alignments of an earth‐strength magnetic field. We studied the orientation behaviour of newts from two breeding ponds located 9.05 km west‐southwest and 19 km east‐northeast of the testing site. The distribution of magnetic bearings from both groups of newts exhibited significant orientation in the homeward direction. These findings indicate that palmate newts are capable of long‐distance homing and are able to orient in the homeward direction at night using the magnetic compass as the sole source of directional (i.e., compass) information.  相似文献   

Magnetotactic bacteria have the unique capacity of synthesizing intracellular single-domain magnetic particles called magnetosomes. The magnetosomes are usually organized in a chain that allows the bacteria to align and swim along geomagnetic field lines, a behavior called magnetotaxis. Two mechanisms of magnetotaxis have been described. Axial magnetotactic cells swim in both directions along magnetic field lines. In contrast, polar magnetotactic cells swim either parallel to the geomagnetic field lines toward the North Pole (north seeking) or antiparallel toward the South Pole (south seeking). In this study, we used a magnetospectrophotometry (MSP) assay to characterize both the axial magnetotaxis of “Magnetospirillum magneticum” strain AMB-1 and the polar magnetotaxis of magneto-ovoid strain MO-1. Two pairs of Helmholtz coils were mounted onto the cuvette holder of a common laboratory spectrophotometer to generate two mutually perpendicular homogeneous magnetic fields parallel or perpendicular to the light beam. The application of magnetic fields allowed measurements of the change in light scattering resulting from cell alignment in a magnetic field or in absorbance due to bacteria swimming across the light beam. Our results showed that MSP is a powerful tool for the determination of bacterial magnetism and the analysis of alignment and swimming of magnetotactic bacteria in magnetic fields. Moreover, this assay allowed us to characterize south-seeking derivatives and non-magnetosome-bearing strains obtained from north-seeking MO-1 cultures. Our results suggest that oxygen is a determinant factor that controls magnetotactic behavior.Magnetotactic bacteria are morphologically, metabolically, and phylogenetically diverse prokaryotes (1, 11). They synthesize unique intracellular organelles, the magnetosomes, which are single-domain magnetic crystals of the mineral magnetite or greigite enveloped by membranes. Magnetosomes are usually organized in a chain(s) within the cell and cause the cell to align along geomagnetic field lines while it swims. The highest numbers of magnetotactic bacteria are generally found at, or just below, the oxic-anoxic transition zone (OATZ) or redoxocline in aquatic habitats (1). Early studies showed that Northern Hemisphere magnetotactic bacteria swim preferentially northward in parallel with the geomagnetic field lines (north seeking [NS]) (2) and that those from the Southern Hemisphere swim preferentially antiparallel to the geomagnetic field lines to the magnetic South Pole (south seeking [SS]) (4). The geomagnetic field is inclined downward from horizontal in the Northern Hemisphere and upward in the Southern Hemisphere, with the inclination magnitude increasing from the equator to the poles. Therefore, magnetotaxis might guide cells in each hemisphere downward to less-oxygenated regions of aquatic habitats, where they would presumably stop swimming until conditions change (1). A recent study reported the coexistence of both NS and SS magnetotactic bacteria in the Northern Hemisphere, which conflicts with the prevalent model of the adaptive value of magnetotaxis (14).Under laboratory conditions, magnetotactic bacteria form microaerophilic bands of cells in oxygen-gradient medium. In fact, magnetotaxis and aerotaxis work together in these bacteria, and the behavior observed has been referred to as “magnetoaerotaxis.” Two different magnetoaerotactic mechanisms, termed polar and axial, are found in different bacterial species (6). The magnetotactic bacteria, principally the magnetotactic cocci, that swim persistently in one direction along the magnetic field (NS or SS) are polar magnetoaerotactic. Magnetotactic bacteria, especially the freshwater spirilla, that swim in either direction along the magnetic field lines with frequent, spontaneous reversals of swimming direction without turning around are axial magnetoaerotactic. For polar magnetotactic bacteria, the magnetic field provides an axis and a direction for motility, whereas for axial magnetotactic bacteria, the magnetic field provides only an axis of motility. The two mechanisms can best be seen in flattened capillary tubes containing suspensions of cells in reduced medium in a magnetic field oriented parallel to the capillary. An oxygen gradient forms along the tube, beginning at the ends of the capillary, with one oriented parallel and the other antiparallel to the magnetic field (1). Band formation by axial magnetoaerotactic cells, such as Magnetospirillum magnetotacticum cells, occurs at both ends of the capillary. Rotation of the magnetic field by 180° after the formation of the bands causes the cells in both bands to rotate 180°, but the bands remain intact. In contrast, band formation by polar magnetoaerotactic cells, such as the marine cocci, occurs only at the end of the capillary for which the magnetic field and the oxygen concentration gradient are oriented opposite to each other. Rotation of the magnetic field by 180° after the formation of the band causes the cells in the band to rotate 180° and swim away, resulting in the dispersal of the band (1). In this study, we developed a magnetospectrophotometry (MSP) assay that provides an alternative method for the quantitative and versatile characterization of the two magnetotactic mechanisms. Using this assay, we demonstrated the effect of artificial magnetic fields on the generation of homogeneous NS or SS magnetotactic bacterial populations.  相似文献   

Adult dytiscids prey on a variety of items including other invertebrates but also larger prey such as frogs and fish. Observations of anuran larvae predation are common. However, there have been no reports concerning predation on caudata post‐metamorphosis by dytiscids. Here we describe a predation event by a group of adult diving beetles of the species Agabus (Gaurodytes) bipustulatus (Linnaeus, 1767) on an adult Lissotriton boscai (Lataste in Tourneville, 1879). This report represents the first observation of foraging behavior of adult diving beetles preying on and consuming a living post‐metamorphic newt.  相似文献   

Preferred direction of motion under influence of geomagnetic field and its modifications was registered in zebrafish (Danio rerio) raised in laboratory culture and in roach (Rutilus rutilus) from the Rybinsk Reservoir. In the geomagnetic field, specimens of zebrafish prefer two opposite directions oriented towards the north and south, while they prefer towards east and west at 90° turning of the horizontal component of geomagnetic field. The specimens of roach in the geomagnetic field prefer only the direction oriented towards east–northeast. This direction coincides with the direction along the canal where roach was sampled to the main river channel part of the Rybinsk Reservoir. At 90° rotation of the horizontal component of geomagnetic field, the direction turns to the south–southeast. The reasons for selection of certain directions in the geomagnetic field are discussed.  相似文献   

The migratory orientation of juvenile white-crowned sparrows, Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelli, was investigated by orientation cage experiments in manipulated magnetic fields performed during the evening twilight period in northwestern Canada in autumn. We did the experiments under natural clear skies in three magnetic treatments: (1) in the local geomagnetic field; (2) in a deflected magnetic field (mN shifted −90°); and (3) after exposure to a deflected magnetic field (mN −90°) for 1 h before the cage experiment performed in the local geomagnetic field at dusk. Subjects showed a mean orientation towards geographical east in the local geomagnetic field, north of the expected migratory direction towards southeast. The sparrows responded consistently to the shifted magnetic field, demonstrating the use of a magnetic compass during their first autumn migration. Birds exposed to a cue conflict for 1 h on the same day before the experiment, and tested in the local geomagnetic field at sunset, showed the same northerly orientation as birds exposed to a shifted magnetic field during the experiment. This result indicates that information transfer occurred between magnetic and celestial cues. Thus, the birds' orientation shifted relative to available sunset and geomagnetic cues during the experimental hour. The mean orientation of birds exposed to deflected magnetic fields prior to and during testing was recorded up to two more times in the local geomagnetic field under natural clear and overcast skies before release, resulting in scattered mean orientations.Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved .  相似文献   

Magnetic alignment (MA) results from the preference of animals to align themselves along the field lines of the geomagnetic field, a behavioural expression of a magnetic sense. MA is well documented for ruminants and might demonstrate a general magnetic sensory ability among artiodactyls. We measured body‐axis alignment in 1614 foraging or resting wild boars Sus scrofa, 1849 wild boar beds, and 1347 warthogs Phacochoerus africanus, and found a highly significant north–south preference. The magnetic field was the only common denominator of all observations. Thus, we provide the first data suggesting a magnetic sense in the Suidae.  相似文献   

The shore fly, Scatella stagnalis (Fallén) (Diptera: Ephydridae) is an important insect pest of greenhouse crops. We evaluated two different Spanish isolates of entomopathogenic nematodes, Steinernema feltiae (Filipjev) (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae) and Steinernema arenarium (Artyukhovsky) (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae), and two commercially available strains, Steinernema feltiae (Nemaplus®) and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (Poinar) (Rhabditida: Heterorhabditidae) (Nematop®) against shore flies. In tests conducted in 24-well plate filter paper applied at 5, 11, 22, 44 and 88 nematodes per larva, all nematodes produced significant shore fly larval mortality. The lowest concentration tested was enough to obtain high larval mortality (65.2–87.0%). The nematodes Steinernema feltiae and Steinernema arenarium, which parasitized the shore fly larvae faster, also penetrated in higher number in the shore fly larva (4.6–8.8% penetration rate). In bioassays conducted in algae, Steinernema feltiae, applied at 50 nematodes/cm2, caused highest (100%) and Steinernema arenarium lowest shore fly mortality (94%). Our results suggest that entomopathogenic nematodes appear feasible for controlling shore flies but further tests are needed to determine their efficacy in the field.  相似文献   

Many arthropods are known to be sensitive to the geomagnetic field and exploit the field to solve spatial problems. The polarity of the geomagnetic field is used, for instance, as an orientation cue by leafcutter ants as they travel on engineered trails in a rainforest and by Drosophila larvae as they move short distances in search of food. A ubiquitous orientation cue like the geomagnetic field may be especially useful in complex, cluttered environments like rainforests, where the reliability of celestial cues used to navigate in more open environments may be poor. The neotropical amblypygid Paraphrynus laevifrons is a nocturnal arachnid that wanders nightly in the vicinity of its shelter and occasionally travels 30 m or more in the rainforest understory before it returns to its shelter. Here, we conducted a field experiment to determine whether navigation by P. laevifrons is guided by the ambient magnetic field and a complimentary laboratory experiment to assess whether a magnetic anomaly could be used to pinpoint the entrance of a shelter. In the field experiment, subjects were fitted with a radio transmitter and a small, powerful magnet or a similar-sized brass disk and displaced 10 m from their shelter. The return rate of magnet-fitted subjects was similar to that of brass-fitted subjects and to that of subjects in an earlier study fitted with only a radio transmitter. In the laboratory experiment, we trained P. laevifrons with a protocol under which the amblypygid Phrynus marginemaculatus rapidly learns—in 1–14 trials over two daily sessions—to associate an olfactory stimulus with access to a shelter. The conditioned stimulus here was a magnetic anomaly characterized by a high total field intensity and a 180° reversal of the polarity of the ambient magnetic field. The magnetic anomaly-shelter contingency was not learned in 50 trials conducted over 10 daily sessions. These results imply prima facie that P. laevifrons does not rely on a magnetic compass to locate or recognize a shelter and, perhaps, that the magnetic field cannot be detected, but alternative explanations are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of lifelong exposure to reversed geomagnetic and zero geomagnetic fields (the latter means absence of geomagnetic field) on the life history of Daphnia carinata King from Australia and Daphnia magna Straus from Europe. Considerable deviation in the geomagnetic field from the usual strength, leads to a decrease in daphnia size and life span. Reduced brood sizes and increased body length of neonates are observed in D. magna exposed to unusual magnetic background. The most apparent effects are induced by zero geomagnetic field in both species of Daphnia. A delay in the first reproduction in zero geomagnetic field is observed only in D. magna. No adaptive maternal effects to reversed geomagnetic field are found in a line of D. magna maintained in these magnetic conditions for eight generations. Integrally, the responses of D. magna to unusual geomagnetic conditions are more extensive than that in D. carinata. We suggest that the mechanism of the effects of geomagnetic field reversal on Daphnia may be related to differences in the pattern of distribution of the particles that have a magnetic moment, or to moving charged organic molecules owing to a change in combined outcome and orientation of the geomagnetic field and Earth's gravitational field. The possibility of modulation of self-oscillating processes with changes in geomagnetic field is also discussed.  相似文献   

Ant responses were tested under both the natural geomagnetic and artificially induced Earth-strength electromagnetic field. Foragers were trained for a month to visit a food source at the north arm accessed through an orientation platform assembly. Under the natural geomagnetic field, when all other orientational cues were eliminated, results indicated significant heterogeneity of ant distribution with the majority seeking geomagnetic north in darkness. However, in light, foragers failed to discriminate geomagnetic north. Under shifted artificial electromagnetic field, orientation was predominantly on the artificial magnetic N/S axis with a significant preference for the artificial north in both light and dark conditions.  相似文献   

To test for the hypothesis that Ctenomys talarum can use the earth's magnetic field for spatial orientation, we carried out field and laboratory experiments to analyse if C. talarum burrows present any geomagnetic orientation in their natural habitat, if C. talarum show any spontaneous directional preference when starting to excavate their burrows and if this subterranean rodent is capable to use the earth's magnetic field to orient towards a goal in a complex maze. No correlation between the burrowing direction and the earth's magnetic field was found. We could not find any evidence for any spontaneous directional preference when starting to excavate the burrows in C. talarum. The change of the horizontal vector of the geomagnetic field did not affect the ability of this rodent to orient towards a goal in an artificial labyrinth. Explanations for these results and other possible mechanisms of orientation that could be used by C. talarum are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Displaced juvenile alligators,Alligator mississipiensis, were released on land in a 9 m diameter dodecagonal arena to test their ability to orient in the absence of terrestrial landmarks. Navigational ability seemed to improve with age. When displaced along a fairly direct route yearlings (age 7–14 months) compensated for their displacement, moving in the direction from the arena to their home sites. When displaced by a circuitous route, yearlings failed to compensate for their displacement, exhibiting instead simple compass orientation in a direction that would have returned them to water had they been released on land near the site where they were captured. The older juveniles were oriented in a homeward direction under all displacement and test conditions.The latter animals may have been using geomagnetic map information to select their homeward directions as the errors in their homeward bearings correlated with small deviations in the geomagnetic field's dip angle at the time of the test (1980r s=–0.6047,P=0.0131, all testsr s= –0.4652,P=0.0084). This effect appeared to depend on a very short-term assessment of geomagnetic conditions, as values measured 20 min before or 30 min after the tests began did not correlate with the directions the animals moved. The older juveniles appeared to use magnetically quiet hours on the night of their capture as the baseline from which to measure the geomagnetic deviations that occurred at the time of the arena test. The magnitude of the magnetic effect in the older animals suggests that the geomagnetic information may have been used to perform a map step, as small fluctuations in dip angle correlated with much larger deviations in homeward bearings. In addition, the compass-oriented yearlings and the seemingly route-based behavior of the homeward-oriented yearlings did not appear to be influenced by geomagnetic conditions. These findings have many parallels in results obtained from bird orientation studies, providing evidence that navigation may share a common basis in different vertebrate groups.  相似文献   

Milan Vogrin 《Biologia》2006,61(5):579-584
Population and ecological parameters such as numbers of larvae, microhabitat use, niche breadth and niche overlap of three species of syntopic larval newts (Alpine newt Triturus alpestris, Italian crested newt T. carnifex, and common newt T. vulgaris) were studied for two years in a small pond at 1160 m a.s.l. in NE Slovenia. Differences in microhabitat partitioning among larval newts were small. The largest niche breadth was estimated for larval T. alpestris, and the narrowest estimate was for larval T. carnifex in both years. Ecological differences seem to be very small and quite variable among sites and years. It appears that the developmental stage and size of newt larvae are more important in explaining resource partitioning than the characteristics of each species. Because of the absence of potential invertebrate predators and adult newts in the second half of the breeding season, the injuries could only be caused by intra-and interspecific predation attempts.  相似文献   

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