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Rapid and reliable two-step multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays were established to identify human intestinal lactobacilli; a multiplex PCR was used for grouping of lactobacilli with a mixture of group-specific primers followed by four multiplex PCR assays with four sorts of species-specific primer mixtures for identification at the species level. Primers used were designed from nucleotide sequences of the 16S-23S rRNA intergenic spacer region and its flanking 23S rRNA gene of members of the genus Lactobacillus which are commonly isolated from human stool specimens: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus crispatus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii (ssp. bulgaricus and ssp. lactis), Lactobacillus fermentum, Lactobacillus gasseri, Lactobacillus jensenii, Lactobacillus paracasei (ssp. paracasei and ssp. tolerans), Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus reuteri, Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus salivarius (ssp. salicinius and ssp. salivarius). The established two-step multiplex PCR assays were applied to the identification of 84 Lactobacillus strains isolated from human stool specimens and the PCR results were consistent with the results from the DNA-DNA hybridization assay. These results suggest that the multiplex PCR system established in this study is a simple, rapid and reliable method for the identification of common Lactobacillus isolates from human stool samples.  相似文献   

High incidence (up to 40%) of symptoms of yellowing and yellow mottling was observed in 5–8 years old orchards of kinnow mandarin {Citrus reticulate Balanco (‘King’ × ‘Willow mandarin’)} in the Punjab state of India during a survey in January 2007. These symptoms are often confused with nutrient deficiency and other stress related disorders. However, a greening bacterium has been attributed to cause the disease. The disease was graft transmissible and sequencing of 16S rRNA, 16S/23S intergenic spacer region and 23S rRNA of the greening bacterium associated with yellowing disease in kinnow mandarin confirmed it to be Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (‘Ca L. asiaticus’) showing maximum identity of 95.9% with ‘Ca L. asiaticus’ from USA and Brazil in 16S rRNA. The study indicates definite association of ‘Ca L. asiaticus’ with yellowing/chlorotic mottling symptoms of greening disease of kinnow mandarin in Punjab state of India.  相似文献   

Aims: For the rapid detection of Laribacter hongkongensis, which is associated with human community‐acquired gastroenteritis and traveller’s diarrhoea, we developed a duplex species‐specific PCR assay. Methods and Results: Full‐length of the 16S–23S rRNA intergenic spacer region (ISR) sequences of 52 L. hongkongensis isolates were obtained by PCR‐based sequencing. Two species‐specific primer pairs targeting 16S rRNA gene and ISR were designed for duplex PCR detection of L. hongkongensis. The L. hongkongensis species‐specific duplex PCR assay showed 100% specificity, and the minimum detectable level was 2·1 × 10?2 ng μl?1 genomic DNA which corresponds to 5000 CFU ml?1. Conclusions: The high specificity and sensitivity of the assay make it suitable for rapid detection of L. hongkongensis. Significance and Impact of the Study: This species‐specific duplex PCR method provides a rapid, simple, and reliable alternative to conventional methods to identify L. hongkongensis and may have applications in both clinical and environmental microbiology.  相似文献   

The development of co-cultures of clostridial strains which combine different physiological traits represents a promising strategy to achieve the environmentally friendly production of biofuels and chemicals. For the optimization of such co-cultures it is essential to monitor their composition and stability throughout fermentation. FISH is a quick and sensitive method for the specific labeling and quantification of cells within microbial communities. This technique is neither limited by the anaerobic fermenter environment nor by the need of prior genetic modification of strains. In this study, two specific 23S rRNA oligonucleotide probes, ClosKluy and ClosCarb, were designed for the monitoring of C. kluyveri and C. carboxidivorans, respectively. After the optimization of hybridization conditions for both probes, which was achieved at 30% (v/v) formamide, a high specificity was observed with epifluorescence microscopy using cells from different pure reference strains. The discriminating properties of the ClosKluy and ClosCarb probes was verified with samples from heterotrophic co-cultures in anaerobic flasks as well as autotrophic stirred-tank bioreactor co-cultures of C. kluyveri and C. carboxidivorans. Besides being suited to monitor defined co-cultures of these two species, the new specific FISH oligonucleotide probes for C. kluyveri and C. carboxidivorans additionally have potential to be applied in environmental studies.  相似文献   

Garrido L  Toledo H 《Helicobacter》2007,12(5):505-509
BACKGROUND: Helicobacter pylori is a pathogenic bacterium that infects a half of the human population. In Chile, between 55% and 79% of people are colonized by H. pylori. At present, therapeutic strategies to eradicate the bacterium depend on the knowledge of its resistance to antibiotics. The clarithromycin resistance in H. pylori is associated with point mutations in the 23S rRNA. This study analyzes 23S rRNA gene mutations and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) for clarithromycin in H. pylori isolates from patients of the metropolitan region of Chile. MATERIALS AND METHODS: H. pylori isolates from 50 dyspeptic patients with no history of clarithromycin exposure were tested for clarithromycin resistance by agar dilution method. Resistant strains were analyzed for mutations in the 23S rRNA gene by polymerase chain reaction-based restriction fragment length polymorphism and sequencing. RESULTS: Primary resistance was observed in 10 isolates (20%). A single mutation was detected in four of the 10 isolates and two or more mutations in the other six cases. The C2147G transversion and G1939A, T1942C, and A2142G transitions in the peptidyltransferase region of domain V were novel. CONCLUSIONS: The study shows: 1, novel variants of the H. pylori 23S rRNA gene; and 2, a high prevalence of H. pylori displaying primary clarithromycin resistance with low level of MIC in an urban area of the Metropolitan Region of Chile.  相似文献   

Analysis of 16S rRNA sequences is a commonly used method for the identification and discrimination of microorganisms. However, the high similarity of 16S and 23S rRNA sequences of Bacillus cereus group organisms (up to 99-100%) and repeatedly failed attempts to develop molecular typing systems that would use DNA sequences to discriminate between species within this group have resulted in several suggestions to consider B. cereus and B. thuringiensis, or these two species together with B. anthracis, as one species. Recently, we divided the B. cereus group into seven subgroups, Anthracis, Cereus A and B, Thuringiensis A and B, and Mycoides A and B, based on 16S rRNA, 23S rRNA and gyrB gene sequences and identified subgroup-specific makers in each of these three genes. Here we for the first time demonstrated discrimination of these seven subgroups, including subgroup Anthracis, with a 3D gel element microarray of oligonucleotide probes targeting 16S and 23S rRNA markers. This is the first microarray enabled identification of B. anthracis and discrimination of these seven subgroups in pure cell cultures and in environmental samples using rRNA sequences. The microarray bearing perfect match/mismatch (p/mm) probe pairs was specific enough to discriminate single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and was able to identify targeted organisms in 5min. We also demonstrated the ability of the microarray to determine subgroup affiliations for B. cereus group isolates without rRNA sequencing. Correlation of these seven subgroups with groupings based on multilocus sequence typing (MLST), fluorescent amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis (AFLP) and multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MME) analysis of a wide spectrum of different genes, and the demonstration of subgroup-specific differences in toxin profiles, psychrotolerance, and the ability to harbor some plasmids, suggest that these seven subgroups are not based solely on neutral genomic polymorphisms, but instead reflect differences in both the genotypes and phenotypes of the B. cereus group organisms.  相似文献   

Activity and numbers of heterotrophic bacteria have indicated that, as expected, Prevost Lagoon is more eutrophic than Arcachon Bay. Amplification and sequence analysis of the 16S rRNA genes from DNA samples extracted directly from the environment allow the determination of phylogenetic relationships among members of microbial communities in natural ecosystems without the need for cultivation. Analysis of partial 16S rRNA gene sequences obtained from Stations A and 11 revealed that, in both environments, a relatively large number of clones related to Cytophaga/FlexibacterBacteroides as well as to -Proteobacteria were found. One hundred percent similarity with the sequences of the data bases were not found for any of the more than a hundred clones studied. In fact for most clones maximum similarity was below 95% for the nucleotide series sequenced. Similarity was not higher with any of the sequences found for the 14 isolates (pure cultures) obtained from the same samples. Redundancy, i.e. number of identical sequences, was higher in the samples from Arcachon. In addition, sequences related to representatives of ten major phylogenetic branches of Eubacteria were obtained from Prevost Lagoon, however only five branches were represented by the data from Arcachon. These findings indicate a higher bacterial diversity in Prévost Lagoon.  相似文献   


Acidobacteria have been established as a novel and widespread bacterial phylum consistently detected during 16S rDNA-based molecular surveys. Recently, representatives of the phylum Acidobacteria were found to make up a large percentage of cloned sequences recovered from paleolithic paintings. The present study addresses the intraphylum diversity of Acidobacteria in Altamira Cave. In contrast to previous studies, we have focused on 23S rRNA-based phylogenetic analyses, exploiting the high information content of the 23S RNA gene. Comparison with existing studies was facilitated by the preparation of corresponding 16S rRNA clone libraries. Fourty-one distinct operational taxonomic units (OTU) could be identified. Of the eight described acidobacterial subgroups, five were represented in the cave; only subgroups 1, 2, and 8 were not found. Subgroup 4 was the group harbouring the highest number of OTUs. Various clusters that could not be assigned to any of the established subgroups, but were clearly grouped within the phylum and appeared to represent new taxa at elevated phylogenetic levels, were detected. Results from this study give a first insight into the enormous acidobacterial diversity existing in a single hypogean environment containing unique paleolithic paintings, the Altamira Cave. Novel taxa have been found within the phylum, suggesting a higher diversity of Acidobacteria than previously suspected even at a local scale.  相似文献   

Twenty-five strains of Plesiomonas shigelloides isolated from aquatic environment, 10 strains from human cases of diarrhoea and five strains from animals were identified by the polymerase chain reaction technique based on 23S rRNA gene. For this purpose, two primers targeted against part of the 5' half of the 23S rRNA gene of P. shigelloides (Escherichia coli number C-912, G-1195; Plesiomonas number C-906, G-1189) were designed. Results from our study indicated that this method might serve as a tool for a rapid and sensitive identification of P. shigelloides from different environmental and clinical sources.  相似文献   

AIMS: Detection of polymorphisms in intergenic transcribed spacer (ITS) 16S-23S rRNA within single Frankia strains. METHODS AND RESULTS: Polymorphisms in the 16S-23S rRNA ITS were investigated in single-colony subcultures of seven Frankia isolates. Multiple ITS-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) bands were detected solely in isolates BMG5.5 and BMG5.11. The slow-migrating bands in the ITS-PCR agarose gel electrophoresis profiles of the isolates were revealed to be heteroduplexes on the basis of their migration shift in different electrophoretic matrices, southern hybridization and the single-strand DNA mung bean endonuclease digestion. Laser-scanned capillary electrophoresis detected two ITS-PCR fragments differing in length by three and six nucleotide insertions/deletions in strains BMG5.5 and BMG5.11, respectively. Sequence analysis of the cloned ITS showed that in strain BMG5.5 the two ITS differed by the presence of three to four copies of the 3-bp tandem repeat 5'-TGG-3'. In strain BMG5.11, the two ITS differed by the presence of two to three copies of the 6-bp tandem repeat 5'-CTTGGG-3'. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrate the occurrence of ITS 16S-23S rRNa polymorphisms within single Frankia strains. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: We reported the occurrence of ITS 16S-23S rRNA polymorphisms within single Frankia strains from Elaeagnus host group recognized as the more flexible strains within Frankia genus. Furthermore, we underscored the applied interest of strains BMG5.11 and BMG5.5 in future ecological studies using ITS 16S-23S rRNA as molecular marker.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to study the inhibitory effects of antisense peptide nucleic acids (PNAs) targeted to domain II of 23S rRNA on bacterial translation and growth. In this paper, we report that PNA(G1138) or peptide-PNA(G1138) targeted to domain II of 23S rRNA can inhibit both translation in vitro (in a cell-free translation system) and bacterial growth in vivo. The inhibitory concentration (IC50) and the minimum inhibiting concentration (MIC) are 0.15 and 10 microM, respectively. The inhibition effect of PNA(G1138) in vitro is somewhat lower than that of tetracycline (IC50 = 0.12 microM), but the MIC of peptide-PNA(G1138) against Escherichia coli is significantly higher than that of tetracycline (MIC = 4 microM). Further studies based on similar colony-forming unit (CFU) assays showed that peptide-PNA(G1138) at 10 microM is bactericidal, but the bactericidal effect is less effective than that of tetracycline. Nevertheless, the results demonstrated that the peptide-PNA(G1138) treatment is bactericidal in a dose- and sequence-dependent manner and that the G1138 site of 23S rRNA is a possible sequence target for designing novel PNA-based antibiotics.  相似文献   

Along the ribosome assembly pathway, various ribosomal RNA processing and modification reactions take place. Stem–loop 69 in the large subunit of Escherichia coli ribosomes plays a substantial role in ribosome functioning. It contains three highly conserved pseudouridines synthesized by pseudouridine synthase RluD. One of the pseudouridines is further methylated by RlmH. In this paper we show that RlmH has unique substrate specificity among rRNA modification enzymes. It preferentially methylates pseudouridine and less efficiently uridine. Furthermore, RlmH is the only known modification enzyme that is specific to 70S ribosomes. Kinetic parameters determined for RlmH are the following: The apparent KM for substrate 70S ribosomes is 0.51 ± 0.06 μM, and for cofactor S-adenosyl-L-methionine 27 ± 3 μM; the kcat values are 4.95 ± 1.10 min−1 and 6.4 ± 1.3 min−1, respectively. Knowledge of the substrate specificity and the kinetic parameters of RlmH made it possible to determine the kinetic parameters for RluD as well. The KM value for substrate 50S subunits is 0.98 ± 0.18 μM and the kcat value is 1.97 ± 0.46 min−1. RluD is the first rRNA pseudouridine synthase to be kinetically characterized. The determined rates of RluD- and RlmH-directed modifications of 23S rRNA are compatible with the rate of 50S assembly in vivo. The fact that RlmH requires 30S subunits demonstrates the dependence of 50S subunit maturation on the simultaneous presence of 30S subunits.  相似文献   

Binding of complementary oligonucleotides (ONs) with α‐sarcin loop region (2638–2682) of Escherichia coli 23S rRNA was investigated. Four of the tested pentadecanucleotides efficiently bound to target sequences with association rate and equilibrium constants ~ 103 M? 1s? 1 and 107 M? 1, respectively. ON S5 (CGAGAGGACCGGAGU) complementary to the sequence 2658–2672 displayed the highest affinity to the target. Activation energy for binding of ON S5 was measured to be 11 kcal/mol; this value corresponds to ~ 10% of the calculated enthalpy of the local RNA structure unfolding in the presence of this oligonucleotide. The activation energy value is evidence for the heteroduplex formation to occur via strand displacement pathway; the initiation of heteroduplex formation requires disruption of 1–2 base pairs in RNA hairpin.  相似文献   

The sarcin–ricin loop (SRL) of 23S rRNA in the large ribosomal subunit is a factor-binding site that is essential for GTP-catalyzed steps in translation, but its precise functional role is thus far unknown. Here, we replaced the 15-nucleotide SRL with a GAAA tetraloop and affinity purified the mutant 50S subunits for functional and structural analysis in vitro. The SRL deletion caused defects in elongation-factor-dependent steps of translation and, unexpectedly, loss of EF-Tu-independent A-site tRNA binding. Detailed chemical probing analysis showed disruption of a network of rRNA tertiary interactions that hold together the 23S rRNA elements of the functional core of the 50S subunit, accompanied by loss of ribosomal protein L16. Our results reveal an influence of the SRL on the higher-order structure of the 50S subunit, with implications for its role in translation.  相似文献   

Forty-two strains representing the eight recognized nitrogen-fixing Paenibacillus species and 12 non-identified strains were examined by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of part of 16S and 23S rRNA genes amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Eleven different 16S rDNA genotypes were obtained from the combined data of RFLP analysis with four endonucleases and they were in agreement with the established taxonomic classification. Only one group of unclassified strains (Group I) was assigned in a separate genotype, suggesting they belong to a new species. Using the 23S PCR-RFLP method only six genotypes were detected, showing that this method is less discriminative than the 16S PCR-RFLP. Using the multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE) assay, the 48 strains tested could be classified into 35 zymovars. The seven enzymatic loci tested were polymorphic and the different profiles obtained among strains allowed the grouping of strains into 10 clusters. The PCR-RFLP methods together with the MLEE assay provide a rapid tool for the characterization and the establishment of the taxonomic position of isolates belonging to this nitrogen-fixing group, which shows a great potentiality in promoting plant growth.  相似文献   

Erythromycin, tylosin and tilmicosin are approved for use in cattle in Japan, the latter two being used to treat Mycoplasma bovis infection. In this study, 58 M. bovis isolates obtained from Japanese dairy calves all exhibited reduced susceptibility to these macrolides, this widespread reduced susceptibility being attributable to a few dominant lineages. All 58 isolates contained the G748A variant in both the rrl3 and rrl4 alleles of 23S rRNA, whereas a reference strain (PG45) did not. G748 localizes in the central loop of domain II (from C744 to A753) of 23S rRNA, which participates in binding to mycinose, a sugar residue present in both tylosin and tilmicosin. A number of in vitro‐ selected mutants derived from M. bovis PG45 showed reduced susceptibility to tylosin and tilmicosin and contained a nucleotide insertion within the central loop of domain II of rrl3 (U747–G748Ins_CU/GU or A743–U744Ins_UA), suggesting that mutations around G748 confer this reduced susceptibility phenotype. However, other Mycoplasma species containing G748A were susceptible to tylosin and tilmicosin. Sequence comparison with Escherichia coli revealed that M. bovis PG45 and isolates harbored five nucleotide alterations (U744C, G745A, U746C, A752C and A753G) in the central loop of domain II of 23S rRNA, whereas other Mycoplasma species lacked at least two of these five nucleotide alterations. It was therefore concluded that G748 mutations in combination with species‐specific nucleotide alterations in the central loop of domain II of 23S rRNA are likely sufficient to reduce susceptibility of M. bovis to tylosin and tilmicosin.

Song XM  Forsgren A  Janson H 《Gene》1999,230(2):287-293
The fragmentation of 23S rRNA of 22 Haemophilus influenzae strains and eight strains belonging to other Haemophilus species was investigated. Instead of intact molecules, the 23S rRNA molecules were found to be cleaved into two to five smaller conserved fragments in most strains examined, especially in H. influenzae type b (5/6) and nontypeable strains (5/5). One or two conserved potential cleavage sites were identified by PCR analysis of the strains showing a fragmented 23S rRNA pattern. The relevant nucleotide sequences were determined and compared to H. influenzae Rd, which contains intact 23S rRNA molecules. An identical 112 bp long intervening sequence (IVS) at position 542 and a conserved 121–123 bp IVS sequence at position 1171 were found in two H. influenzae type b strains and one nontypeable strain. Among the strains with fragmented 23S rRNA, nearly half showed a heterogeneous cleavage pattern due to the dispersion of IVSs among different 23S rRNA operons. The localization of the conserved H. influenzae IVSs coincided well with the extensively studied IVSs among other bacteria, but differed in nucleotide sequence from any other reported IVSs. Therefore, the IVSs of Haemophilus 23S rRNA may originate from a common source that is independent of other bacteria.  相似文献   

AIM: In this study, we evaluated, the use of universal primers, specific for the 16S-23S rRNA intergenic region, to detect and identify nine species that are of high interest for the microbiological control of water. METHODS AND RESULTS: The analysis of the fragments was carried out using a High Resolution acrylamide/bisacrylamide gels in a fluorescent automated DNA sequencer. The results showed specific profiles for each of the nine species but this technique failed to detect simultaneously micro-organisms in samples containing a mixed population. CONCLUSION: Nevertheless, the electrophoretic profiles obtained provided a very useful tool for the rapid and specific identification of water isolates. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: A possible new methodology for a rapid identification of pathogens in water.  相似文献   

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