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Kinraide TB  Wyse RE 《Plant physiology》1986,82(4):1148-1150
Sections of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) taproot were incubated in various concentrations of mannitol. At 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8 molar, the membrane electrical potential difference (Em) averaged about −130 millivolts; at 0.2 molar, about −90 millivolts; and at 0 molar, between −60 and −80 millivolts. Additions of 10 millivolts acetate to the incubation solutions (all at pH 5) enhanced the membrane polarity to about −200 millivolts. We conclude from these and previous findings that high turgor inhibits proton extrusion in the sugar beet, but that proton extrusion can be activated in fully turgid tissue by acidification of the cytoplasm. A possible function of this turgor effect may be the control of turgor itself.  相似文献   

Li B  Geiger DR  Shieh WJ 《Plant physiology》1992,99(4):1393-1399
Starch accumulation and sucrose synthesis and export were measured in leaves of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) during a period of prolonged irradiance in which illumination was extended beyond the usual 14-hour day period. During much of the 14-hour day period, approximately 50% of the newly fixed carbon was distributed to sucrose, about 40% to starch, and less than 10% to hexose. Beginning about 2 hours before the end of the usual light period, the portion of newly fixed carbon allocated to sucrose gradually increased, and correspondingly less carbon went to starch. By the time the transition ended, about 4 hours into the extension of the light period, nearly 90% of newly fixed carbon was incorporated into sucrose and little or none into starch. Most of the additional sucrose was exported. Gradual cessation of starch accumulation was not the result of a futile cycle of simultaneous starch synthesis and degradation. Neither was it the result of a decrease in the extractable activity of adenosine diphosphoglucose pyrophosphorylase or phosphoglucose isomerase, enzymes important in starch synthesis. Nor was there a notable change in control metabolites considered to be important in regulating starch synthesis. Starch accumulation appeared to decrease markedly because of an endogenous circadian shift in carbon allocation, which occurred in preparation for the usual night period and which diverted carbon from the chloroplast to the cytosol and sucrose synthesis.  相似文献   

Abscisic acid (ABA), auxins, cytokinins, gibberellic acid, alone or in combination were tested for their effects on short-term sucrose uptake in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris cv USH-20) roots. The effect of ABA on active sucrose uptake varied from no effect to the more generally observed 1.4-to 3.0-fold stimulation. A racemic mixture of ABA and its trans isomer were more stimulatory than ABA alone. Pretreating and/or simultaneously treating the tissue with K+ or IAA prevented the ABA response while cytokinins and gibberellic acid did not. While the variable sensitivities of beet root to ABA may somehow be related to the auxin and alkali cation status of the tissue, tissue sensitivity to ABA was not correlated with ABA uptake, accumulation, or metabolic patterns. In contrast to ABA, indoleacetic acid (IAA) and other auxins strongly inhibited active sucrose uptake in beet roots. Cytokinins enhanced the auxin-induced inhibition of sucrose uptake but ABA and gibberellic acid did not modify or counteract the auxin effect. Trans-zeatin, benzyladenine, kinetin, and gibberellins had no effect on active sucrose uptake. None of the hormones or hormone mixtures tested had any significant effect on passive sucrose uptake. The effects of IAA and ABA on sucrose uptake were detectable within 1 h suggesting a rather close relationship between the physiological activities of IAA and ABA and the operation of the active transport system.  相似文献   

Apoplastic mobility of sucrose in storage parenchyma of sugar beet   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The apoplastic movement of sucrose through storage parenchyma discs (2.4 mm thick) from roots of sugar beet ( Beta vulgaris var. altissima ) was investigated in order to evaluate the suitability of the apoplast for transcellular sugar transport. The sucrose permeability of the discs (P = 5.7 × 10−8 cm s−1 at 25°C) was more than two orders of magnitude lower than that of an equally thick layer of unstirred water. This is due to the small volume fraction of free space (3.1%) and the decreased diffusion coefficient D of sucrose in the cell walls. The effective diffusion coefficient of the apoplast (6 to 9 × 10−7 cm2 s−1 at 25°C) was determined independently of the cross sectional area of free space by treating the time course of fluxes according to Fick's second law. The high diffusion resistance of the apoplast has to be considered in models of native parenchyma transport.  相似文献   

When turgor was increased, by decreasing the concentration of mannitol bathing discs of sugar beet storage root tissue, the rates of sucrose and potassium uptake into the vacuole were decreased. At all external mannitol concentrations the rate of sucrose and potassium uptake across the plasma membrane was an order of magnitude greater than the rate of quasi-steady uptake into the vacuole, implying a very large efflux. Efflux of both sucrose and potassium was increased at high turgor. However, while increasing turgor decreased the rate of K+ uptake, the rate of sucrose uptake at the plasma membrane increased with time. Compartmental analysis of tracer exchange kinetics was used to determine unidirectional K+ fluxes. From these results, it was estimated that the increase in K+ efflux accompanying a 1.5 MPa increase in turgor could lead to a net increase of 140mol?3h?1 in the external potassium concentration. It is suggested that the turgor-imposed increase in solute efflux is a means of regulating intracellular osmotic pressure and/or turgor in sugar beet storage roots, but that sucrose is preferentially retrieved from the apoplast, even under conditions of excessively high turgor. However, much of this sucrose is probably lost from the cell, implying a ‘futile’ sucrose transport cycle at the plasma membrane. The turgor-stimulated leak of potassium could play a major role in the regulation of turgor pressure in sugar beet storage root tissue.  相似文献   

To investigate the factors governing the accumulation of sucroseand amino acids in the taproots of sugar beet, their contentswere measured in the leaves, phloem sap and the taproots ofsugar beet, fodder beet and a hybrid between both, grown oneither 3.0 or 0.5 mM nitrate. In the taproots the contents ofmalate, citrate and inorganic ions were also determined. Forthe high sucrose accumulation in sugar beet as compared to theother varieties three factors were found. (a) In sugar beet,less amino acids and more sucrose are taken up into the phloemthan in fodder beet. (b) In sugar beet, the sucrose and aminoacid syntheses are less sensitive to the nitrate concentrationsthat are required for optimal plant growth than in other varieties.In fodder beet, upon raising the nitrate concentration from0.5 mM to 3 mM, the synthesis and storage of sucrose is decreasedand that of amino acids increased. The corresponding valuesin sugar beet (0.5 mM) are similar to those in fodder beet andare not much affected by an increase of nitrate. (c) The sucroseaccumulation is limited by the accumulation of inorganic ionsin the taproots. The sucrose content in the taproots is negativelycorrelated to the total ion content. Whereas sucrose representstwo-third of all solutes in the taproots of sugar beet, it amountsto only one-third of the solutes in fodder beet taproots. Key words: Amino acids, Beta vulgans L, phloem sap, potassium, sucrose storage, sugar beet, taproots, transport  相似文献   

The effect of substitution of KCl for sucrose in the reaction medium on succinate oxidation and hydrogen peroxide generation was investigated in the mitochondria isolated from stored taproots of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). In a sucrose-containing medium, oxidation of succinate was inhibited by oxaloacetate; this inhibition was especially pronounced upon a decrease in substrate concentration and eliminated in the presence of glutamate, which removed oxaloacetate in the course of transamination. Irrespective of succinate concentration, substitution of KCl for sucrose in the medium considerably enhanced suppression of succinate oxidation apparently as a result of slow activation of succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) by its substrate. In this case, mitochondria showed the symptoms of uncoupling, lower values of membrane potential (ΔΨ), respiratory control (RC), and ADP/O induced by electrophoretic transport of potassium via K+ channel of mitochondria. KCl-dependent suppression of succinate oxidation by taproot mitochondria was accompanied by a considerable inhibition of H2O2 production as compared with the sucrose-containing medium. These results indicate that in the presence of potassium ions, ΔΨ dissipates, suppression of succinate oxidation by oxaloacetate increases, and succinate-dependent generation of ROS in sugar beet mitochondria is inhibited. A possible physiological role of oxaloacetate-restricted SDH activity in the suppression of respiration of storage organs protecting mitochondria from oxidative stress is discussed.  相似文献   

A search for source leaf sucrose pools that differed in their relation to export was carried out in photosynthesizing leaves of Beta vulgaris L. The time course of depletion of [14C]sucrose in a leaf in unlabeled CO2 following steady state labeling provided evidence for two distinct sucrose pools. After the start of the light period, leaf blade sucrose remained constant although it exchanged between the two pools. Newly synthesized sucrose destined for export passed through one pool more rapidly than through the other. All of the leaf blade sucrose appeared to exchange with export sucrose. Modeling and regression analysis of [14C]sucrose data provided a means for estimating the size of the two pools. From 20 to 40% of the sucrose was calculated to be present in the pool that provided the less direct path to export; this was likely vacuolar sucrose. The remainder of the sucrose in the blade was probably in the cytoplasm and veins. Added amounts of leaf blade sucrose, produced in response to elevated CO2, appeared to be stored mainly in the vacuolar compartment.  相似文献   

Sugar transport in conducting elements of sugar beet leaves   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Trip P 《Plant physiology》1969,44(5):717-719,721,723-725
Autoradiography was used to determine the distribution of labeled sugar in conducting elements of the blade and petiole of sugar beet leaves at intervals ranging from 5 sec to 24 hr. The processes of assimilation by the green cells, collection of sugar in the minor veins and export in phloem elements were demonstrated visually. It appears that in minor veins sugar is translocated in companion cells rather than sieve tubes. In major veins translocation occurs in sieve tubes.  相似文献   

Accumulation of sucrose in vacuoles isolated from red beet tissue   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Vacuoles were isolated from red beets (Beta vulgaris L.) by slicing the tissue and separated using a discontinuous dextran gradient centrifugation. The uptake of sucrose against a concentration gradient into the dextran-impermeable [3H]-H2O space of these organelles was studied using silicone layer filtering centrifugation on both fluorometric and 14C-measurement of sucrose. The rate is 24 nmol sucrose (unit betacyanin)-1 h-1 and appears to be stimulated by ATP to an uptake rate of 34 nmol. Control experiments with slices cut from red beet tissue and incubated with [14C]sucrose gave comparable results. An ATPase activity dependent on both Mg2+ and K+ seems to be localized at the inner surface of the tonoplast. This activity is strongly inhibited by EDAC and tartrate and there is no effect of oligomycin, whereas a slight stimulation was caused by DCCD.Abbreviation CCCP carbonylcyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone - EDAC ethyl-3(3-dimethylaminopropylcarbodiimide) - EDTA ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid - fr.wt. fresh weight - HEPES n-2-hydroxyethylepiperazine-n-2-ethanesulfonic acid - MES 2(n-morpholino)ethane sulfonic acid - Pi inorganic phosphate - Tris tris-(hydroxymethyl)-aminomethan Dedicated to A.L. Kursanov, Moscow, on his 75th birhday  相似文献   

Sucrose uptake by sugar beet tap root tissue   总被引:2,自引:9,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Wyse R 《Plant physiology》1979,64(5):837-841
Sucrose uptake by discs of mature sugar beet root tissue incubated in [14C]-sucrose exhibited nonsaturating kinetics over the concentration range of 1 to 500 millimolar. Uptake was inhibited by dinitrophenol, sodium cyanide, low O2, and penetrating sulfhydryl inhibitors. ATPase inhibitors, sodium fluoride, and oligomycin reduced uptake by 20 and 40%, respectively. Uptake as asymmetrically labeled sucrose ([14C]glucose) occurred with approximately 80% retention of asymmetry, indicating a nonhydrolytic pathway. Uptake was against a concentration gradient and required metabolic energy.  相似文献   

The percentage of sucrose in sugar beet storage root fresh and dry matter is closely related to root structure. It has been suggested that the sucrose content might be increased by using plant growth regulators to modify storage root structure through control of cambial development, cell division and cell expansion. During storage root development correlations were found between the changing phytohormone profiles and the formation of secondary cambia and their subsequent cell division and expansion. Sugar beet root derived cell suspension cultures were used for detailed studies of the roles of endogenous phytohormones. The gibberellin synthesis inhibitor paclobutrazol was tested in cell cultures and whole plants. The observations provide a basis for development of plant growth regulator regimes to optimise sucrose yield from sugar beet.  相似文献   

Mitochondria isolated from sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) taproot were shown to swell spontaneously after the transfer from a sucrose-containing isolation medium to isoosmotic potassium chloride solutions. The kinetics of this process was strongly retarded after the replacement of potassium with sodium in the incubation medium and was substantially stimulated by the electron-transport chain activity and valinomycin. At neutral pH of the incubation medium, the rate of K+-dependent swelling of mitochondria decreased by 30–50% after adding 1 mM ATP but was insensitive to other nucleotides (GTP, UTP, and CTP). In the medium acidified to pH 6.0, the addition of ATP caused shrinkage of mitochondria that had been swollen in the KCl medium. In the absence of this nucleotide, the kinetics of K+-dependent swelling of mitochondria was considerably decelerated upon the acidification of the incubation medium. The effects of ATP were independent of the presence or absence of oligomycin and atractyloside. However, the ATP-dependent shrinkage of mitochondria was inhibited in the presence of quinine, and this agent also inhibited K+-dependent swelling of organelles in potassium acetate solutions. The presence of K+ ions in the incubation medium caused a rapid dissipation of the mitochondrial membrane potential () that was generated during succinate oxidation. The addition of ATP to the reaction medium resulted in the oligomycin-insensitive restoration of . The results are regarded as evidence that the membrane of taproot mitochondria is endowed with functionally active ATP-sensitive K+ uniporter. This system is likely to represent a K+ channel that catalyzes the electrogenic transfer of potassium ions to the mitochondrial matrix. It is supposed that the membrane of taproot mitochondria also contains a quinine-sensitive K+/H+ antiporter that catalyzes the efflux of potassium from the matrix or, on the contrary, the accumulation of K+ in the presence of potassium acetate.Translated from Fiziologiya Rastenii, Vol. 52, No. 2, 2005, pp. 209–215.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Shugaev, Andreev, Vyskrebentseva.This revised version was published online in April 2005 with a corrected cover date.  相似文献   

Lemoine R  Daie J  Wyse R 《Plant physiology》1988,86(2):575-580
The objectives of this work were to determine the path of phloem unloading and if a sucrose carrier was present in young sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) taproots. The approach was to exploit the characteristics of the sucrose analog, 1'-fluorosucrose (F-sucrose) which is a poor substrate for acid invertase but is a substrate for sucrose synthase. Ten millimolar each of [3H]sucrose and [14C]F-sucrose were applied in a 1:1 ratio to an abraded region of an attached leaf for 6 hours. [14C]F-sucrose was translocated and accumulated in the roots at a higher rate than [3H]sucrose. This was due to [3H]sucrose hydrolysis along the translocation path. Presence of [3H]hexose and [14C]F-sucrose in the root apoplast suggested apoplastic sucrose unloading with its subsequent hydrolysis. Labeled F-sucrose uptake by root tissue discs exhibited biphasic kinetics and was inhibited by unlabeled sucrose, indicating that immature roots have the ability for carrier-mediated sucrose transport from the apoplast. Collectively, in vivo and in vitro data indicate that despite sucrose hydrolysis by the wall-bound invertase, sucrose hydrolysis is not entirely essential for sugar accumulation in this tissue.  相似文献   

Turgor regulation in two saprophytic hyphal organisms was examined directly with the pressure probe technique. The ascomycete Neurospora crassa, a terrestrial fungi, regulates turgor after hyperosmotic treatments when growing in a minimal medium containing K(+), Mg(2+), Ca(2+), Cl(-), and sucrose. Turgor recovery by N. crassa after hyperosmotic treatment is concurrent with changes in ion transport: hyperpolarization of the plasma membrane potential and a decline in transmembrane ion conductance. In contrast the oomycete Achlya bisexualis, a freshwater hyphal organism, does not regulate turgor after hyperosmotic treatment, although small transient increases in turgor were occasionally observed. We also monitored turgor in both organisms during hypoosmotic treatment and did not observe a turgor increase, possibly due to turgor regulation. Both hyphal organisms grow with similar morphologies, cellular expansion rates and turgor (0.4-0.7 MPa), yet respond differently to osmotic stress. The results do not support the assumption of a universal mechanism of tip growth driven by cell turgor.  相似文献   

The changes in turgor pressure that accompany the mobilisation of sucrose and accumulation of salts by excised disks of storage-root tissue of red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) have been investigated. Disks were washed in solutions containing mannitol until all of their sucrose had disappeared and then were transferred to solutions containing 5 mol·m-3 KCl+5 mol·m-3 NaCl in addition to the mannitol. Changes in solute contents, osmotic pressure and turgor pressure (measured with a pressure probe) were followed. As sucrose disappeared from the tissue, reducing sugars were accumulated. For disks in 200 mol·m-3 mannitol, the final reducing-sugar concentration equalled the initial sucrose concentration so there was no change in osmotic pressure or turgor pressure. At lower mannitol concentrations, there was a decrease in tissue osmotic pressure which was caused by a turgor-driven leakage of solutes. At concentrations of mannitol greater than 200 mol·m-3, osmotic pressure and turgor pressure increased because reducing-sugar accumulation exceeded the initial sucrose concentration. When salts were provided they were absorbed by the tissue and reducing-sugar concentrations fell. This indicated that salts were replacing sugars in the vacuole and releasing them for metabolism. The changes in salf and sugar concentrations were not equal because there was an increase in osmotic pressure and turgor pressure. The amount of salt absorbed was not affected by the external mannitol concentration, indicating that turgor pressure did not affect this process. The implications of the results for the control of turgor pressure during the mobilisation of vacuolar sucrose are discussed.To whom correspondence should be addressed.  相似文献   

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