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Observation of random copolypeptides of γ-benzyl-l-glutamate with l-phenylalanine, l-valine and l-alanine was carried out in an electron microscope with samples cast from dilute solution. The relationship between the morphology and the molecular conformation in solution was studied with mixed solvents composed of chloroform and trifluoroacetic acid; these show a preference for α-helix and random coil, respectively. From the solutions in which molecules take α-helical conformation, fibrous films of nematic structure were formed. From random coil solutions discrete precipitates with folded molecules such as lamellar single crystals, piles of lamellae and structureless particles were formed. A copolypeptide containing l-valine in sufficiently large quantity to form β-structure also showed a variation in morphology with solvent, from films to discrete precipitates. It is suggested that the change in stiffness of the molecules contributes to the morphological variation.  相似文献   

A fast, relatively inexpensive method of measuring the enzymatic formation of l-asparagine from l-aspartate is presented. This radiochemical assay requires simple manipulations making it ideal for working with large numbers of samples, while maintaining high sensitivity and reproducibility. A mechanism similar to the enzymatic β-decarboxylation of aspartate is utilized but in a nonenzymatic reaction. In the presence of pyridoxal and Al3+ ions, the 14C of l-[4-14C]aspartate is decarboxylatd while l-[4-14C]asparagine remains intact. This assay is shown to be suitable for measuring mammalian l-asparagine synthetase activity, while not requiring the isolation of assay enzymes.  相似文献   

l-Alanylglycyl-l-alanylglycyl-l-alanylglycyl-l-serylglycine and its pentachlorophenyl ester methanesulphonate have been synthesized as monomers for the preparation of silk fibroin model polypeptide. The former octapeptide was polymerized with diphenylphosphorylazide (DPPA) and triethylamine in DMSO or in HMPA—pyridine, and the latter octapeptide pentachlorophenylester was polymerized by adding triethylamine in DMSO to give poly(l-alanylglycyl-l-alanylglycyl-l-alanylglycyl-l-serylglycine). This sequential polypeptide gave a similar i.r. pattern to the crystalline part of Bombyx mori silk fibroin, which indicated antiparallel β-conformation. Dialysis of the solution of this polymer in 60%, aqueous LiBr against water gave mainly the polymer of α-form. O.r.d. measurements suggest that this polypeptide exists as a random structure in dichloroacetic acid on in 60% aqueous LiBr.  相似文献   

A sensitive and specific radioassay for l-glutamine-d-fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase (EC activity is presented. Picomoles of product are measurable, and the assay can be applied to systems having limited quantities of available protein, particularly in extracts of either cell or organ cultures. The assay is at least 10,000 times more sensitive under K1 concentrations of fructose 6-phosphate than the modified Elson-Morgan colorimetric assay and 20 times more sensitive under saturating conditions of fructose 6-phosphate. As little as 0.5 μg of cell-extract protein will yield measurable product. In contrast, 280 μg of crudeextract protein from colon is required with the modified Elson-Morgan colorimetric assay.  相似文献   

A convenient method for the analysis of free l-canavanine in leguminous plants is described. Canavanine was specifically hydroloyzed to canaline and urea by the enzyme arginase (EC The resulting amino-oxy functions of canaline were measured based on their ability to bleach the yellow colour of pyridoxal 5′-phosphate. Canavanine in the seeds of Canavalia ensiformis was determined with this method.  相似文献   

We report on the development of a sensitive real-time assay for monitoring the activity of l-asparaginase that hydrolyzes l-asparagine to l-aspartate and ammonia. In this method, l-aspartate is oxidized by l-aspartate oxidase to iminoaspartate and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and in the detection step horseradish peroxidase uses H2O2 to convert the colorless, nonfluorescent reagent Amplex Red to the red-colored and highly fluorescent product resorufin. The assay was validated in both the absorbance and the fluorescence modes. We show that, due to its high sensitivity and substrate selectivity, this assay can be used to measure enzymatic activity in human serum containing l-asparaginase.  相似文献   

It is proposed that bacterial N-acetylmuramyl-l-alanine amidases are not true autolysins, but rather transamidases. In this capacity the enzymes could have a remodeling function with conservation of metabolic energy. Although transamidase activities of N-acetylmuramyl-l-alanine amidases have never been demonstrated, the concept that these bacteriolytic enzymes may have a biosynthetic role in cell growth is consistent with current data.  相似文献   

To overcome the chemical and metabolic stability issues of l-cystine dimethyl ester (CDME) and l-cystine methyl ester (CME), a series of l-cystine diamides with or without Nα-methylation was designed, synthesized, and evaluated for their inhibitory activity of l-cystine crystallization. l-Cystine diamides 2ai without Nα-methylation were found to be potent inhibitors of l-cystine crystallization while Nα-methylation of l-cystine diamides resulted in derivatives 3bi devoid of any inhibitory activity of l-cystine crystallization. Computational modeling indicates that Nα-methylation leads to significant decrease in binding of the l-cystine diamides to l-cystine crystal surface. Among the l-cystine diamides 2ai, l-cystine bismorpholide (CDMOR, LH707, 2g) and l-cystine bis(N′-methylpiperazide) (CDNMP, LH708, 2h) are the most potent inhibitors of l-cystine crystallization.  相似文献   

A simple and specific method with bacterial ω-amino acid:pyruvate aminotransferase and lactate dehydrogenase has been reported for the determination of l-alanine. This method involves a transamination of l-alanine with sulfoacetaldehyde to produce pyruvate and the spectrometric determination of this product with the aid of lactate dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

The binding of substrate and product analogs to phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (EC from maize has been studied by a protection method. The ligand dissociation constants, KL, were estimated from the variation with [L] of the pseudo-first-order rate constants for enzyme inactivation by nitromethane. The phenylalanine analogs d- and l-2-aminooxy-3-phenylpropionic acid showed KL, values over 20,000-fold lower than the Km for l-phenylalanine. From these and other KL values it is deduced that when the enzyme binds l-phenylalanine the structural free energy stored in the protein is higher than when it binds the superinhibitors. Models for binding d- and l-phenylalanine and the superinhibitors are described. The enantiomeric pairs are considered to have similar KL values because they pack into the active site in a mirror-image relationship. If the elimination reaction approximates to the least-motion course deduced on stereoelectronic grounds, the mirror-image packing of the superinhibitors into the active site mimics the conformation inferred for a transition state in the elimination. It appears, therefore, that structural changes take place in the enzyme as the transition state conformation is approached causing stored free energy to be released. This lowers the activation free energy for the elimination reaction and accounts for the strong binding by the above analogs.  相似文献   

The regulatory properties of serine-O-transacetylase and O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase have been investigated with 3-chloro-l-alanine resistant Bacillus sphaericus L-118. The enhancement of O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase formation by 3-chloro-l-alanine was observed and this effect was counteracted by corepressor l-cysteine. O-Acetylserine sulfhydrylase occurring in B. sphaericus L-118 can catalyse β-replacement reaction of 3-chloro-l-alanine in the presence of a high concentration of sodium hydrosulfide to form l-cysteine. The optimal reaction conditions for l-cysteine production were studied using resting cells. Under optimal conditions, about 80% of the added 3-chloro-l-alanine could be converted to l-cysteine. The highest yield achieved was 70 mg of l-cysteine per 1.0 ml of the reaction mixture.  相似文献   

The relative retention of 3H and 14C on incorporation of d-, l- and dl-isomers of [14C]arginine and [14C]ornithine into retrorsine using L-[5-3H]arginine as an internal standard has been measured. The retronecine portion of the pyrrolizidine alkaloid retrorsine, present in Senecio isatideus plants, is shown to be derived from l-arginine and l-ornithine.  相似文献   

Binding of l-[3H]cysteine sulfinic acid (CSA) and l-[3H]glutamate were compared in various subcellular fractions and in the presence of a variety of pharmacological and ionic manipulations in order to test the possibility that the two amino acids possessed separate binding sites.The specific l-[3H]cysteine sulfinate binding was found to be enriched maximally in medium and high density synaptic membranes, while the crude mitochondrial synaptosomal fraction displayed the highest l-[3H]glutamate binding. The ratio of l-[3H]cysteine sulfinate binding/l-[3H]glutamate binding was variable across brain regions. Several compounds differentially affected l-[3H]cysteine sulfinate and l-[3H]glutamate binding. l-cysteine sulfinate was the most potent displacer regardless of the binding considered. Finally, while cations produced qualitatively similar effects on the binding of the two amino acids, quantitative differences were evident.In sum, these data revealed the complexity of l-[3H]cysteine sulfinate and l-[3H]glutamate binding. They suggest the existence of several binding sites and that some of these are shared by both substances. However, the results also indicate that separate binding sites for the two amino acids exist in synaptic membrane, giving further support to the hypothesis that cysteine sulfinate serves a neurotransmitter role in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

The uptake of l-DOPA (l-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine) was studied in normal human red blood cells in vitro using l-[3-14C]DOPA. Uptake was slow, tending towards a distribution ratio close to unity with a half-time to equilibrium of one hour. Uptake was not Na+-dependent. Concentration dependence studies showed both saturable and non-saturable components of uptake, and inhibition studies using l-leucine and l-tryptophan suggest that the L and T systems of red cell amino acid uptake are involved. A powerful inhibitor of both systems, 3,4-dihydroxy-2-methylpropriophenone (U-0521), is described. It is concluded that uptake is by carrier-mediated facilitated diffusion via the L and T systems for which l-DOPA has low affinity.  相似文献   

Lamellar single crystals were formed from a random copolypeptide composed of γ-benzyl l-glutamate and l-phenylalanine at the ratio of 4 to 1. The copolypeptide takes the αhelical structure. The crystals were formed by casting dilute solutions at room temperature from a solvent consisting of a 1 to 1 mixture of chloroform and trifluoroacetic acid and were observed by electron microscopy. The average crystal thickness was 670 a in the as-polymerized sample, and 580 a in a fractionated sample. The thickness was decreased by annealing at temperatures above 110 C. A hexagonal form, a group of three orthorhombic forms (group 1), and a group of an orthorhombic form and two monoclinic forms (group II) were observed by electron diffraction. The diversity of the crystal structures is suggested to be caused by a variation in crystallization conditions during evaporation of the solvent. The hexagonal form and the structures of group I are changed into the structures of group II by annealing. The crystal structures other than the hexagonal form indicate on ordered arrangements of side chains in the crystals.  相似文献   

Cyclic dipeptide cyclo(l- or d-Glu-l-His) carrying an anionic site and a nucleophilic site has been synthesized and used as a catalyst for the solvolysis of cationic esters in aqueous alcohols. In the solvolysis of 3-acyloxy-N-trimethylanilinium iodide (S+n, n = 2 and 10) and Cl?H3N+(CH2)11COOPh(NO2), no efficient nucleophilic catalysis was observed. On the other hand, in the solvolysis of Gly-OPh(NO2)·HCl, Val-OPh(NO2)·HCl and Leu-OPh(NO2)·HCl a very efficient general base-type catalysis by cyclo(l-Glu-l-His) was observed. In particular, with the latter two substrates the catalysis by cyclo(l-Glul-His) was more efficient than that by imidazole, although the catalysis was not enantiomer-selective. The diastereomeric cyclic dipeptide cyclo(d-Glu-l-His) was almost inactive under the same conditions. Confomation of cyclo(l- or d-Glu-l-His) in aqueous solution was investigated and the structure/catalysis relationship is discussed.  相似文献   

The 3,4-O- and 1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene derivatives (7 and 8) of l-dendroketose [4-C-(hydroxymethyl)-l-glycero-pentulose] (1) have been synthesized stereo-specifically from 4-C-(hydroxymethyl)-1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene-l-erythro-pentitol (2).  相似文献   

The enzymatic decarboxylations of l-DOPA and l-5-hydroxytryptophan (l-5-HTP) by aromatic l-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) were measured with homogenates from human brain regions, caduate nucleus and hypothalamus, using our new and highly sensitive methods for l-DOPA decarboxylase and l-5-HTP decarboxylase by high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection (HPLC-ED). Dopamine formed from l-DOPA as substrate was measured for DOPA decarboxylase activity using d-DOPA for the blank. For 5-HTP decarboxylase activity, serotonin (5-HT) formed from l-5-HTP was measured, and the blank value in presence of NSD-1055 was subtracted. NSD-1055 inhibited 5-HTP decarboxylase activity completely at a concentration of 0.2 mM. In this study, the properties of l-5-HTP decarboxylase activity in human caudate nucleus were first examined. AADC activities in human brains were found to be widely variable for both l-DOPA and l-5-HTP as substrates. The ratio of the activities for l-DOPA and l-5-HTP were found to be significantly higher in hypothalamus than in caudate nucleus. AADC activity for l-DOPA in the brain was found to be linear up to 40 min of incubation, while that for l-5-HTP was found to be linear up to 240 min of incubation. The optimum pyridoxal phosphate concentration was found to be similar for both substrates and was between 0.01 and 0.1 mM. The optimum pH values were found to be 7.2 and 8.2 for l-DOPA decarboxylase and l-5-HTP decarboxylase, respectively. Km and Vmax values for a human caudate nucleus l-DOPA decarboxylase were found to be 414 μM and 482 pmol/min/g wet weight, respectively, while those for l-5-HTP decarboxylase were found to be 90 μM and 71 pmol/min/g wet weight, respectively.  相似文献   

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