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The lipid composition of the extremely halophilic bacterium Salinibacter ruber (Bacteroidetes) was investigated by thin layer chromatography, gas chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography and electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry. Polar lipids represent about 80% of the total lipid extract. The main polar lipids are a sulfonic acid analogue of ceramide (or capnine analogue), phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylserine, dimethylphosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylglycerol, cardiolipin or bisphosphatidylglycerol, and a glycolipid. The major acyl chains in the phospholipids are C16:1 Δ9cis and C18:1 Δ11cis, while the sulfonolipid contains an amide-bound iso C15:0 fatty acid. On changing the salinity of the culture medium, no significant differences were found in the lipid profile or the unsaturation of the lipid fatty acyl chains. The structure of the cardiolipin, which represents 20% of polar lipids, has been elucidated by gas chromatography and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry analysis.  相似文献   

Total lipid extracts from potato tubers and tobacco leaves are separated into lipid classes by two step HPLC using a silicic column. Elution is first performed for 20 min with a programmed linear gradient of two mixed solvents running from 100% of solution A (isopropanol-hexane, 4:3) to 100% of solution B (isopropanol-hexane-water, 8:6:1.5); the column is then eluted with pure solution B in an isocratic mode for 20 min more. The main polar lipids (MGDG, DGDG, PC, PE, PG) from both plant tissues can be collected and further separated into component molecular species on a simplified HPLC system with a C18 column eluted in an isocratic mode with a polar solvent. Molecular species separations are achieved within 35 min; quantifications are made through GLC analysis of attached fatty acids. Three to five main molecular species are thus clearly identified in each lipid class. In potato tuber, phospholipids (PC, PE) 18:2/18:2 species are predominant. In tobacco leaf, six double bond species (18:3/18:3 and 16:3/18:3) are predominant in galactolipids, whereas PC contains a greater number of molecular species varying by their degree of unsaturation (from 18:3/18:3 to 16:0/18:2). Only certain molecular species of PG contain Δ3-trans-hexadecenoic acid.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylcholine (PC) is the major membrane-forming phospholipid in eukaryotes and is estimated to be present in about 15% of eubacteria. It can be synthesized in bacteria by either of two pathways, the phospholipid N-methylation pathway or the phosphatidylcholine synthase (Pcs) pathway. Pcs belongs to the CDP-alcohol phosphotransferase superfamily and synthesizes PC and CMP in one step from CDP-diacylglycerol and choline. In this study, we aligned sequences of characterized Pcs enzymes to identify conserved amino acid residues. Alanine scanning mutagenesis was performed on 55 of these conserved residues. The mutation of nine residues caused a drastic to complete loss (< 20% of wild type activity) of Pcs activity. Six of these essential residues were subjected to further mutagenesis studies replacing them by amino acids with similar properties or size. A topological analysis of sinorhizobial Pcs showed the presence of eight transmembrane helices, with the C- and N-terminus located in the cytoplasm. The majority of the conserved residues is predicted to be either located within the cytoplasmic loops or on the cytoplasmic side of the membrane which can be expected for an enzyme using one membrane-associated and one soluble substrate.  相似文献   

A comparison of the chemical composition and physical states of chloroplast lipids, of atrazine-resistant (R) and sensitive (S) biotypes of Conyza canadensis L. (horseweed), in the rosetta stage showed: (1) the R biotype contains lower amounts of polar lipids in its thylakoids, as expressed on a chlorophyll basis, than the S biotype. (2) The chloroplasts of the R biotype have higher contents of monogalactosyl diacylglycerol (MGDG) and lower contents of digalactosyl diacylglycerol (DGDG) and phosphatidylglycerol (PG), than those of the S biotype. (3) The chloroplast total lipids exhibit a higher degree of unsaturation in the R biotype. This is due to a higher level of linolenic acid, and a lower level of palmitic acid in the glycolipids. The fatty acid compositions of the phospholipids, except that of PG, do not differ significantly. (4) The lipid matrix of the thylakoid membranes of the R biotype is more fluid than that of the S biotype, as measured by the fluorescence polarization technique. The results are discussed in terms of whether these differences are responsible for the herbicide resistance.  相似文献   

The extraction of total phospholipids from wheat grain tissues requires more vigorous conditions than for vegetative plant tissues. Water saturated nBuOH was the most efficient extracting solvent for wheat grain and extraction with iso-PrOH and CHCl3 was greatly inferior. The use of water saturated n-BuOH, however, gave rise to artifacts due to phospholipase D and transphosphatidylase activities during extraction. These artifacts could be avoided by denaturing the tissue by heat before extraction. Evidence was obtained that water saturated n-BuOH extraction can, even then, give rise to small quantities of lysophospholipid artifacts by non-enzymic hydrolysis.  相似文献   

A reversed phase HPLC method was developed for the simultaneous analysis of different phospholipids and lysophospholipids in human bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF). Separation was achieved using a pellicular C8 column at elevated temperatures with an increasing gradient of acetonitrile containing 0.1% formic acid. Detection was carried out by electrospray ionization ion-trap mass spectrometry. Calibration graphs for selected phospholipids (phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylglycerol and lysophosphatidylcholine) showed linearity up to 50 ng allowing quantitative determinations. Identification of the individual species within each class was possible with tandem mass spectrometry. Analysis of BALF phospholipids was performed after liquid/liquid extraction with a mixture of chloroform/methanol/acetic acid. Recoveries ranged from 69 to 97% with standard deviations of less than 6%. The limit of detection varied slightly between different classes but was in the range 0.05-0.25 ng total injected amount.  相似文献   

Membranes are known to respond rapidly to various environmental perturbations by changing their composition and microdomain organization. In previous work we showed that a membrane fluidizer benzyl alcohol (BA) could mimic the effects of heat stress and enhance heat shock protein synthesis in different mammalian cells. Here we explore heat- and BA-induced stress further by characterizing stress-induced membrane lipid changes in mouse melanoma B16 cells. Lipidomic fingerprints revealed that membrane stress achieved either by heat or BA resulted in pronounced and highly specific alterations in lipid metabolism. The loss in polyenes with the concomitant increase in saturated lipid species was shown to be a consequence of the activation of phopholipases (mainly phopholipase A2 and C). A phospholipase C–diacylglycerol lipase–monoacylglycerol lipase pathway was identified in B16 cells and contributed significantly to the production of several lipid mediators upon stress including the potent heat shock modulator, arachidonic acid. The accumulation of cholesterol, ceramide and saturated phosphoglyceride species with raft-forming properties observed upon both heat and BA treatments of B16 cells may explain the condensation of ordered plasma membrane domains previously detected by fluorescence microscopy and may serve as a signalling platform in stress responses or as a primary defence mechanism against the noxious effects of stresses.  相似文献   

Given their important role in neuronal function, there has been an increasing focus on altered lipid levels in brain disorders. The effect of a high-fat (HF) diet on the lipid profiles of the cortex, hippocampus, hypothalamus, and olfactory bulb of the mouse brain was investigated using nanoflow ultrahigh pressure liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry in the current study. For 8?weeks, two groups of 5-week-old mice were fed either an HF or normal diet (6 mice from each group analyzed as the F and N groups, respectively). The remaining mice in both groups then received a 4-week normal diet. Each group was then subdivided into two groups for another 4-week HF or normal diet. Quantitative analysis of 270 of the 359 lipids identified from brain tissue revealed that an HF diet significantly affected the brain lipidome in all brain regions that were analyzed. The HF diet significantly increased diacylglycerols, which play a role in insulin resistance in all regions that were analyzed. Although the HF diet increased most lipid species, the majority of phosphatidylserine species were decreased, while lysophosphatidylserine species, with the same acyl chain, were substantially increased. This result can be attributed to increased oxidative stress due to the HF diet. Further, weight-cycling (yo-yo effect) was found more critical for the perturbation of brain lipid profiles than weight gain without a preliminary experience of an HF diet. The present study reveals systematic alterations in brain lipid levels upon HF diet analyzed either by lipid class and molecular levels.  相似文献   

We have examined the effects of cholesterol (Chol) on the thermotropic phase behavior and organization of aqueous dispersions of a homologous series of linear disaturated phosphatidylglycerols (PGs) by high-sensitivity differential scanning calorimetry and Fourier transform infrared and 31P NMR spectroscopy. We find that the incorporation of increasing quantities of Chol alters the temperature and progressively reduces the enthalpy and cooperativity of the gel-to-liquid-crystalline phase transition of the host PG bilayer. With dimyristoyl-PG:Chol mixtures, cooperative chain-melting phase transitions are completely or almost completely abolished at Chol concentrations near 50 mol%, whereas with the dipalmitoyl- and distearoyl-PG:Chol mixtures, cooperative hydrocarbon chain-melting phase transitions are still discernable at Chol concentrations near 50 mol%. We are also unable to detect the presence of significant populations of separate domains of the anhydrous or monohydrate forms of Chol in our binary mixtures, in contrast to previous reports. We ascribe the previously reported large scale formation of Chol crystallites to the fractional crystallization of the Chol and phospholipid phases during the removal of organic solvent from the binary mixture before the hydration of the sample. We further show that the direction and magnitude of the change in the phase transition temperature induced by Chol addition is dependent on the hydrocarbon chain length of the PG studied. This finding agrees with our previous results with phosphatidylcholine bilayers, where we found that Chol increases or decreases the phase transition temperature in a hydrophobic mismatch-dependent manner (Biochemistry 1993, 32:516-522), but is in contrast to our previous results for phosphatidylethanolamine (Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1999, 1416:119-234) and phosphatidylserine (Biophys. J. 2000, 79:2056-2065) bilayers, where no such hydrophobic mismatch-dependent effects were observed. We also show that the addition of Chol facilitates the formation of the lamellar crystalline phase in PG bilayers, as it does in phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylserine bilayers, whereas the formation of such phases in phosphatidylcholine bilayers is inhibited by the presence of Chol. Moreover, the formation of the lamellar crystalline phase in PG bilayers at lower temperatures excludes Chol, resulting in an apparent Chol immiscibility in gel-state PG bilayers. We suggest that the magnitude of the effect of Chol on the thermotropic phase behavior of the host phospholipid bilayer, and its miscibility in phospholipids dispersions generally, depend on the strength of the attractive interactions between the polar headgroups and the hydrocarbon chains of the phospholipid molecule, and not on the charge of the polar headgroups per se.  相似文献   

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