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Small ectothermic animals living at high altitude in temperate latitudes are vulnerable to lethal cold throughout the year. Here we investigated the cold tolerance of the leaf beetle Chrysomela aeneicollis living at high elevation in California’s Sierra Nevada mountains. These insects spend over half their life cycle overwintering, and may therefore be vulnerable to winter cold, and prior studies have demonstrated that survival is reduced by exposure to summertime cold. We identify overwintering microhabitat of this insect, describe cold tolerance strategies in all life stages, and use microclimate data to determine the importance of snow cover and microhabitat buffering for overwinter survival. Cold tolerance varies among life history stages and is typically correlated with microhabitat temperature: cold hardiness is lowest in chill-susceptible larvae, and highest in freeze-tolerant adults. Hemolymph osmolality is higher in quiescent (overwintering) than summer adults, primarily, but not exclusively, due to elevated hemolymph glycerol. In nature, adult beetles overwinter primarily in leaf litter and suffer high mortality if early, unseasonable cold prevents them from entering this refuge. These data suggest that cold tolerance is tightly linked to life stage. Thus, population persistence of montane insects may become problematic as climate becomes more unpredictable and climate change uncouples the phenology of cold tolerance and development from the timing of extreme cold events.  相似文献   

Annual bluegrass weevil, Listronotus maculicollis (Dietz) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), adults overwinter in protected areas but their life cycle is completed on highly maintained turfgrass. To better target control tactics on affected golf courses, we need to understand the relationship between overwintering and developmental habitats. Our objectives were to identify factors that influence overwintering site selection and to gather evidence of directional movement. Surveys of natural field populations were conducted in early spring over 2 years to test how abundance of overwintered adults depends on microhabitat (surface composition) and distance from the developmental habitat. The influence of microhabitat on overwintering preference and success was further tested in a multiple‐choice and no‐choice field experiment by relocating overwintering weevils into experimental arenas where four microhabitats were presented together or singly. The timing and direction of dispersal by walking adults was assessed using paired linear pitfall traps. Results showed that adults could overwinter up to 60 m from the fairway and 10 m into the woods. They were most abundant near the tree line; none were detected within 5 m of the fairway. Microhabitat had a significant effect on abundance in 1 year, being highest in mixed tree litter followed by moss, high‐cut grass, and pine litter. Under multiple‐choice conditions, high‐cut grass was preferred over low‐cut grass and leaf litter, followed by pine litter. Pitfall trap captures showed a peak of activity in the spring, and at one site this was directional toward the fairway. There was no directionality or increase in activity in the fall. Based on these results, a new conceptual model of flux between habitats is proposed based on orientation of flying adults to defined tree lines. Defining this behavior will strengthen our ability to target control tactics in space and time against this major turf pest.  相似文献   

1. The migrant Vanessa atalanta (L.) occurs throughout Europe and North Africa. In autumn, populations emigrate from northern and central Europe to the Mediterranean region to overwinter. In the spring, the northern range is recolonised by migrants from the south. The dynamics of the species in the winter range is poorly known. 2. From 1994 to 1999, adults and immatures of V. atalanta were monitored all year round in Mediterranean habitats in north‐east Spain. 3. Data showed that the Catalonia lowlands is an area to which V. atalanta migrates to breed during the winter. Migrants arrive in October and early November and initiate a period of intensive breeding. Larval development occurs throughout the winter until a first annual generation of adults appears in early spring. 4. Most of the butterflies emerging in the spring emigrate and leave the area without breeding. The data suggest strongly that recolonisation of the northern range is by these butterflies not by wintering adults. Altitudinal migration also seems to be a common phenomenon, allowing a further summer generation of adults to occur at high elevations within the Mediterranean region. 5. The complex phenology of V. atalanta in its southern range has evolved as a strategy to track larval resources through space and time. Autumn migration coincides with the greatest availability of the main food plant, Urtica dioica L. Late spring migration occurs by the time food quality is decreasing.  相似文献   

The adult body size of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae), varies in natural conditions. Body size is an important fitness indicator in the Mediterranean fruit fly; larger individuals are more competitive at mating and have a greater dispersion capacity and fertility. Both temperature during larval development and host fruit quality have been cited as possible causes for this variation. We studied the influence of host fruit and temperature during larval development on adult body size (wing area) in the laboratory, and determined body size variation in field populations of the Mediterannean fruit fly in eastern Spain. Field flies measured had two origins: 1) flies periodically collected throughout the year in field traps from 32 citrus groves, during the period 2003-2007; and 2) flies evolved from different fruit species collected between June and December in 2003 and 2004. In the lab, wing area of male and female adults varied significantly with temperature during larval development, being larger at the lowest temperature. Adult size also was significantly different depending on the host fruit in which larvae developed. The size of the flies captured at the field, either from traps or from fruits, varied seasonally showing a gradual pattern of change along the year. The largest individuals were obtained during winter and early spring and the smallest during late summer. In field conditions, the size of the adult Mediterannean fruit fly seems apparently more related with air temperature than with host fruit. The implications of this adult size pattern on the biology of C. capitata and on the application of the sterile insect technique are discussed.  相似文献   

Population monitoring of the Mediterranean fruit fly,Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), was studied in 1998 in a mixed-fruit orchard in northern Greece, using International Pheromone McPhail traps (IPMT) baited with the female targeted attractants ammonium acetate, putrescine, and trimethylamine, and Jackson traps baited with the male specific parapheromone trimedlure. Special emphasis was placed on detecting the low initial adult population resulting from surviving overwintering larvae as early as possible in the spring and early summer. Traps were suspended on various host trees, using trap grid densities of either 15 or 1.5 traps per hectare. The first adults detected were females captured on 24 June in IPMT traps suspended on apricot trees, which are among the earliest maturing hosts in the area. From the end of July, the most effective trap was the IPMT trap placed on peaches, which followed apricots in the fruit ripening sequence. IPMT traps captured predominately females (approximately 80% of the total captures) and by far outperformed Jackson traps in early detection (the first males in Jackson traps were captured in August) as well as in total captures until mid-October. After mid-October, however, more flies were captured in Jackson traps. Comparing the performance of two trap grid densities on apple trees (the common host in the two grids), we found that in the high-density trap grid the first adults were detected 1 wk earlier than in the low-density trap grid. Our findings for this locality suggest that trap type and plant species on which traps are suspended are of key importance in early detection and population monitoring of C. capitata.  相似文献   



The codling moth (Cydia pomonella) is a major insect pest of apples worldwide. Fully grown last instar larvae overwinter in diapause state. Their overwintering strategies and physiological principles of cold tolerance have been insufficiently studied. No elaborate analysis of overwintering physiology is available for European populations.

Principal Findings

We observed that codling moth larvae of a Central European population prefer to overwinter in the microhabitat of litter layer near the base of trees. Reliance on extensive supercooling, or freeze-avoidance, appears as their major strategy for survival of the winter cold. The supercooling point decreases from approximately −15.3°C during summer to −26.3°C during winter. Seasonal extension of supercooling capacity is assisted by partial dehydration, increasing osmolality of body fluids, and the accumulation of a complex mixture of winter specific metabolites. Glycogen and glutamine reserves are depleted, while fructose, alanine and some other sugars, polyols and free amino acids are accumulated during winter. The concentrations of trehalose and proline remain high and relatively constant throughout the season, and may contribute to the stabilization of proteins and membranes at subzero temperatures. In addition to supercooling, overwintering larvae acquire considerable capacity to survive at subzero temperatures, down to −15°C, even in partially frozen state.


Our detailed laboratory analysis of cold tolerance, and whole-winter survival assays in semi-natural conditions, suggest that the average winter cold does not represent a major threat for codling moth populations. More than 83% of larvae survived over winter in the field and pupated in spring irrespective of the overwintering microhabitat (cold-exposed tree trunk or temperature-buffered litter layer).  相似文献   

The effect of simulated climate change on overwintering and post‐diapause reproductive performance is studied in Nezara viridula (L.) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) close to the species' northern range limit in Japan. Insects are reared from October to June under quasi‐natural (i.e. ambient outdoor) conditions and in a transparent incubator, in which climate warming is simulated by adding 2.5°C to the ambient temperatures. Despite the earlier assumption that females of N. viridula overwinter in diapause, whereas males do so in quiescence, regular dissections show that the two sexes overwinter in a state of true diapause. During winter, both sexes are dark‐coloured and have undeveloped reproductive organs. Resumption of development does not start until late March. During winter, the effect of simulated warming on the dynamics and timing of physiological processes appears to be limited. However, the warming significantly enhances winter survival (from 27–31% to 47–70%), which is a key factor in range expansion of N. viridula. In spring, the effect of simulated warming is complex. It advances the post‐diapause colour change and transition from dormancy to reproduction. The earlier resumption of development is more pronounced in females: in April, significantly more females are already in a reproductive state under the simulated warming than under quasi‐natural conditions. In males, the tendency is similar, although the difference is not significant. Warming significantly enhances spring survival and percentage of copulating adults, although not the percentage of ovipositing females and fecundity. The results suggest that, under the expected climate‐warming conditions, N. viridula will likely benefit mostly as a result of increased winter and spring survival and advanced post‐diapause reproduction. Further warming is likely to allow more adults to survive the critical cold season and contribute (both numerically and by increasing heterogeneity) to the post‐overwintering population growth, thus promoting the establishment of this species in newly‐colonized areas.  相似文献   

Ott  James R. 《Oecologia》1993,96(4):493-499
This study provides an example of how variation in the quality of overwintering sites provided by the host plant of an insect seed predator can influence both the probability of overwintering survival and the size and composition of postwintering populations. Thus, the concept of host plant quality is extended to include variation in the suitability of the overwintering site of temperate region insects that overwinter within, or in habitats created by, their host plant. Adult Acanthoscelides alboscutellatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) overwinter inside the fruit of Ludwigia alternifolia (L.) (Onagraceae). In early winter, however, fruits begin to dehisce, i.e., one or more of the fruit's four sides and/or top are shed. Variation in the onset and extent of dehiscence creates a range of overwintering habitats that vary in exposure to ambient conditions. In this study the frequency of possible overwintering sites in natural populations of L. alternifolia was determined by monitoring the phenology of fruit dehiscence from October through May in two populations for four years and for a third population for three years. Winter survivorship of adult A. alboscutellatus was assessed experimentally in eight environments representative of the conditions created by variation in dehiscence. These environments were produced by crossing four levels of exposure (degree of dehiscence) with two locations of the overwintering site, i.e., above or on the ground surface. The onset, phenology, and overall frequency of fruit dehiscence varied markedly among populations and years. Exposure, location, and their interaction had strong effects on survival and accounted for 80% of the observed variation in winter survival. Survivorship was higher on than above the ground, and in both locations decreased with increasing exposure. Thus, variation in fruit dehiscence among L. alternifolia populations will influence the size of postwintering A. alboscutellatus populations by dictating the quality of overwintering sites. Adult beetles that over-winter inside indehiscent fruit experience selection for small body size, associated with high mortality, when they attempt to exit the fruit at eclosion. As a consequence, the frequency of fruit dehiscence at eclosion coupled with the relative survival rates of adults within indehiscent fruit will determine the body size composition of postwintering populations and hence the response to selection for small body size in this species.  相似文献   

We investigated the overwintering physiology and behavior of Phyllocnistis populiella Chambers, the aspen leaf miner, which has caused severe and widespread damage to aspen in Alaska over the past 10 yr. Active P. populiella moths caught in spring and summer supercooled to an average temperature of -16°C, whereas dormant moths excavated from hibernacula in the leaf litter during fall and winter supercooled to an average of -32°C. None of the moths survived freezing in the laboratory. Counts of overwintering moths in leaf litter across microhabitats in interior Alaska demonstrated that moths occurred at significantly higher density beneath white spruce trees than beneath the aspen host, several other hardwood species, or in open areas among trees. During winter, the temperature 1-2 cm below the surface of the leaf litter beneath white spruce trees was on average 7-9°C colder than beneath aspen trees, and we estimate that during at least one period of the winter the temperature under some white spruce trees may have been cold enough to cause mortality. However, the leaf litter under white spruce trees was significantly drier than the litter from other microhabitats, which may assist P. populiella moths to avoid inoculative freezing because of physical contact with ice. We conclude that in interior Alaska, P. populiella overwinter in a supercooled state within leaf litter mainly under nonhost trees, and may prefer relatively dry microhabitats over moister ones at the expense of lower environmental temperature.  相似文献   

Defining the location and habitat characteristics of areas of aggregation of Atlantic shark species has been identified as an important information need for current and future management efforts. The primary objective of this project was to investigate the depths and temperatures of the waters occupied by large juvenile sandbar sharks of the northwest Atlantic population during the winter months and the overwintering localities of these animals using a fishery independent method. During the summer of 2003, 21 sandbar sharks captured in the Eastern Shore of Virginia bays and lagoons were outfitted with satellite transmitters that were programmed to detach during the following winter. The sharks occurred in significantly colder and deeper waters during the winter period than during the summer nursery period with a mean depth and temperature recorded by the transmitters during the winter period of 19.9°C and 20.8 m and a mean depth and temperature recorded during the summer period of 24.0°C and 4.3 m. Despite this decrease in temperature and increase in depth of occurrence, the sharks remained in relatively warm waters and shallow depths throughout the overwintering period. Satellite pop-off locations during the overwintering period were concentrated in central North Carolina coastal waters, where a unique combination of shallow depths and warm temperatures may contribute to the survivorship of these animals while they overwinter in these waters.  相似文献   

The Walnut Husk Fly, Rhagoletis completa Cresson (Diptera: Tephritidae), is native to North America (Midwestern US and north-eastern Mexico) and has invaded several European countries in the past decades by likely crossing the alpine divide separating most parts of Switzerland from Italy. Here, we determined its current distribution in Switzerland by sampling walnuts (Juglans regia L.) in ecologically and climatically distinct regions along potential invasion corridors. R. completa was found to be firmly established in most low altitude areas of Switzerland where walnuts thrive, but notably not a single parasitoid was recovered from any of the samples. Infested fruit was recovered in 42 of the 71 localities that were surveyed, with mean fruit infestation rate varying greatly among sites. The incidence of R. completa in Switzerland is closely related to meteorological mean spring temperature patterns influencing growing season length, but not to winter temperatures, reflecting survival potential during hibernation. Importantly, areas in which the fly is absent correspond with localities where the mean spring temperatures fall below 7°C. Historical data records show that the natural cold barrier around the Alpine divide in the central Swiss Alps corresponding to such minimal temperatures has shrunk significantly from a width of more than 40 km before 1990 to around 20 km after 2000. We hypothesize on possible invasion/expansion routes along alpine valleys, dwell on distribution patterns in relation to climate, and outline future research needs as the incursion of R. completa into Switzerland; and, more recently, other European countries, such as Germany, Austria, France and Slovenia, represent an example of alien species that settle first in the Mediterranean Basin and from there become invasive by crossing the Alps.  相似文献   

The Crab Plover Dromas ardeola is the only waterbird species known to provision offspring well after the post-reproductive migration and through overwintering. A few previous quantitative studies have reported inconclusively that juveniles begged rarely, and also indiscriminately at other juveniles. Here, we describe the feeding behaviour of adult and juvenile Crab Plovers during the first part of the wintering period. Juveniles begged frequently for food, always toward adults, and obtained 0.1 prey items/min from them. Begging birds obtained the largest prey items of those captured by the adults. When foraging alone, juveniles captured prey at the same rate as adults, but captured smaller crabs. The feeding success of adults was not altered by the presence of the begging juvenile. Juveniles depended partly on adults during the first part of the overwintering period, but were almost independent towards the end. Crab Plovers may adopt such unusually prolonged care because they need to abandon their breeding areas quickly, when environmental conditions are extreme. Large numbers of Crab Plovers overwinter in a few areas, now subject to human alteration. Isolated adults may forage on other areas such as narrow and disturbed shores, but juveniles may require wide beaches, suitable for group foraging, that should be considered as key areas for the recruitment of juveniles into the population.  相似文献   

Cicadulina bipunctata was originally distributed in tropical and subtropical regions of the Old World. This leafhopper recently expanded its distribution area to southern parts of temperate Japan. In this study, factors affecting the overwintering ability of C. bipunctata were examined. A series of laboratory experiments revealed that cold acclimation at 15 °C for 7 days enhanced the cold tolerance of C. bipunctata to the same level as an overwintering population, adult females were more tolerant of cold temperature than adult males, and survival of acclimated adult females was highly dependent on temperature from −5 to 5 °C and exposure duration to the temperature. The temperature of crystallization of adult females was approximately −19 °C but temperatures in southern temperate Japan rarely dropped below −10 °C in the winter, indicating that overwintering C. bipunctata adults in temperate Japan are not killed by freezing injury but by indirect chilling injury caused by long-term exposure to moderately low temperatures. An overwintering generation of C. bipunctata had extremely low overwinter survival (<1%) in temperate Japan; however, based on winter temperature ranges, there are additional areas amenable to expansion of C. bipunctata in temperate Japan.  相似文献   

Overwintering sites have recently been a focus of research into adaptive insect behavior in areas where winter is severe; however, little is known about the overwintering sites of most insects, including common ground or carrion beetles. Here, we reveal the overwintering site of Japanese carrion beetles Eusilpha japonica (Motschulsky) (Coleoptera: Silphidae). These beetles occupy various locations between spring and autumn; however, they are not observed in most of these places in winter. To investigate where they overwinter, a thorough scan was made of 109 sites. Overwintering beetles were found at 21 of 73 sites near to trees, and no beetles were observed at 36 sites that were not close to trees. To evaluate the influence of trees on the abundance of overwintering beetles, we established a quadrat consisting of 518 subquadrats in a suitable habitat with varying distances to the nearest trees. We caught 118 overwintering beetles in the quadrat. More beetles existed in subquadrats closer to trees, and analyses that considered spatial autocorrelation revealed a negative correlation between beetle frequency and distance to the nearest tree.  相似文献   

Calliphora vicina Robineau‐Desvoidy (Diptera: Calliphoridae) causes yearly losses of 1–2 million Euros to the stockfish industry in Lofoten, Norway. To develop an efficient management program, knowledge of its life cycle and phenology in production areas is needed. Cohort studies in a simulated Lofoten climate showed that field abundance peaks of adults in early spring and midsummer can be explained by a cohort originating from stockfish and its subsequent generations. Laboratory simulations with normal, increased, and decreased Lofoten temperatures indicate that C. vicina overwinter as a mix of larvae, pupae, and adults, and a temperature change of ± 2 °C significantly influences reproductive timing, reproductive output, and female mortality. Flies originating from stockfish reproduced during the first summer when temperatures were increased 2 °C above normal. At lower temperatures, the reproductive investment was low or absent during the first summer and the adult flies entered the winter in a diapausing state. Most offspring produced during the first summer and autumn developed continuously without maternally induced diapause, pupated during the winter, and hatched in the early spring to co‐occur with their parent generation during stockfish production. Calliphora vicina showed flexibility in reproductive efforts and overwintering strategies. The high proportion of adults overwintering compared with the commonly used larval diapause strategy might be interpreted as an adaptation to exploit the stockfish resource. The majority of female C. vicina that cause damage to stockfish likely developed on fish dried the previous year, and a continuous year‐long trapping is recommended to decimate the population.  相似文献   

Temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD) is widespread in reptiles, yet its adaptive significance and mechanisms for its maintenance remain obscure and controversial. Comparative analyses identify an ancient origin of TSD in turtles, crocodiles and tuatara, suggesting that this trait should be advantageous in order to persist. Based on this assumption, researchers primarily, and with minimal success, have employed a model to examine sex-specific variation in hatchling phenotypes and fitness generated by different incubation conditions. The unwavering focus on different incubation conditions may be misplaced at least in the many turtle species in which hatchlings overwinter in the natal nest. If overwintering temperatures differentially affect fitness of male and female hatchlings, TSD might be maintained adaptively by enabling embryos to develop as the sex best suited to those overwintering conditions. We test this novel hypothesis using the painted turtle (Chrysemys picta), a species with TSD in which eggs hatch in late summer and hatchlings remain within nests until the following spring. We used a split-clutch design to expose field-incubated hatchlings to warm and cool overwintering (autumn–winter–spring) regimes in the laboratory and measured metabolic rates, energy use, body size and mortality of male and female hatchlings. While overall mortality rates were low, males exposed to warmer overwintering regimes had significantly higher metabolic rates and used more residual yolk than females, whereas the reverse occurred in the cool temperature regime. Hatchlings from mixed-sex nests exhibited similar sex-specific trends and, crucially, they were less energy efficient and grew less than same-sex hatchlings that originated from single-sex clutches. Such sex- and incubation-specific physiological adaptation to winter temperatures may enhance fitness and even extend the northern range of many species that overwinter terrestrially.  相似文献   

Journal of Ethology - Aculeate Hymenoptera have two modes of overwintering. In solitary species, adults usually do not emerge before winter and overwinter in their natal nests. In the majority of...  相似文献   


Nests of both common (Vespula vulgaris) and German wasps (V. germanica) sometimes overwinter in New Zealand. Three overwintering common wasp colonies were found in low-altitude honeydew beech forest; about 2% of the colonies initiated there in 1988 survived the winter. Wasp traffic rates from nests in Nelson city and a nation wide survey of wasp abundance, showed that more German wasp than common wasp workers were on the wing in winter and spring. German wasp colonies in Nelson city were more likely to overwinter than were common wasp colonies. Of the active German wasp colonies recorded in Nelson in January and February 1989, only two (4%) had previously overwintered, but these two nests accounted for 38% of all German wasp workers estimated to leave nests in the area. Had other overwintering colonies not been poisoned, overwintering colonies might have accounted for up to 11 % of nests and produced up to 64% of German wasp workers on the wing in January and February 1989.

Overwintering common wasp colonies did not produce queens or drones in their first year or second spring, but all 10 overwintering German wasp colonies examined produced sexuals at both times. German wasp queens produced in winter and spring may influence the number of colonies successfully initiated and affect the population dynamics of German wasps in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Identifying locations where onion thrips, Thrips tabaci Lindeman (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), overwinter and subsequently disperse is important for designing control strategies. In upstate New York from 2003 through 2006, potential overwintering sites in the commercial onion, Allium cepa L., cropping system were investigated early in the spring before onion seedling emergence and again late in the season after onions were harvested. Onion thrips adults were sampled directly from the soil and indirectly from the soil by using emergence cages. Sampling locations included onion field interiors and edges and areas outside of these fields, including woods. Host material sampled included onion culls; volunteer onions, which sprout from cull onions left behind after harvest; and weeds. Onion thrips adults were found in all sections of onion fields and in locations outside of onion fields, with the fewest emerging from woods. Emergence began in early May and extended into June. Peak emergence occurred during the last half of May, at which time 50-75% of the population had emerged. Adults colonized volunteer onions as early as late March and as late as mid-November. No adults were found overwintering in onion cull piles. Adults also colonized several weed species, especially pigweed, Amaranthus hybridis L., and lambsquarters, Chenopodium album L., late in the fall. Our results indicate that onion thrips adults overwinter in the soil within and near onion fields and that they probably colonize volunteer onion plants before subsequent generations infest the onion crop in the spring. Volunteer onions and weeds also provide onion thrips with a host after onions are harvested. Consequently, onion thrips management strategies should include tactics that reduce volunteer onion and weed abundance.  相似文献   

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