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For the first time the complete mitochondrial genome was sequenced for a member of Lacertidae. Lacerta viridis viridis was sequenced in order to compare the phylogenetic relationships of this family to other reptilian lineages. Using the long-polymerase chain reaction (long PCR) we characterized a mitochondrial genome, 17,156 bp long showing a typical vertebrate pattern with 13 protein coding genes, 22 transfer RNAs (tRNA), two ribosomal RNAs (rRNA) and one major noncoding region. The noncoding region of L. v. viridis was characterized by a conspicuous 35 bp tandem repeat at its 5' terminus. A phylogenetic study including all currently available squamate mitochondrial sequences demonstrates the position of Lacertidae within a monophyletic squamate group. We obtained a narrow relationship of Lacertidae to Scincidae, Iguanidae, Varanidae, Anguidae, and Cordylidae. Although, the internal relationships within this group yielded only a weak resolution and low bootstrap support, the revealed relationships were more congruent with morphological studies than with recent molecular analyses.  相似文献   

Summary Voluntary body temperature selection of unrestrained Lacerta viridis revealed consistant photoperiod entrained diel patterns. Each daily cycle was characterized by an elevation in body temperature (T b) to a high level plateau which declined at the onset of scotophase to a low level; both of which were maintained within narrow ranges.Under natural photoperiod in fall, lizards responded to shorter days by sinking low level T b's and expanding the duration of these low levels until no rhythmicity was shown. Subsequent exposure to long day, LD 16:8, induced self-arousal and a slightly altered diel T b selection with significantly higher T b's being chosen at both the elevated and lower daily levels. Changes in the relations of diel T b selection due to shift in photoperiod, suggest that photoperiod acts as a seasonal indicator for thermal adaptation.This research was carried out in partial fulfillment of a diploma degree at the J.W.G. University, Frankfurt/Main  相似文献   

The kinematics of drinking of Lacerta viridis were analysed. A drinking bout is composed of four phases: approach, immersion, emersion and withdrawal. The tongue and gravity are central to moving water through successive compartments of the buccal cavity and into the oesophagus. Upon the basis of formifunction analysis of water intake and transport, a kinematic model of drinking in lizards is proposed.  相似文献   

The escape behavior of the green lizard (Lacerta viridis) was investigated in natural conditions of the Slovak Karst, Slovakia. The seasonal changes of approach distances and types of escape behavior were monitored for both sexes, also in relation to differences in anthropogenic influence. In our study, the escape behavior of green lizard changed significantly during the season, and differ significantly between localities and in respect to human disturbance. At the beginning of the season, females stayed in close proximity to a refuge and hid immediately after being disturbed. Among males, the distance to and from a refuge was longer and any accessible protrusions were used to hide. The approach distance was greater among males. During the mating period, approach distance for females and males was similar and both sexes hid in a refuge. However, after the mating period, the approach distance for females was decreasing, whereas that of males begun to increase.  相似文献   

Summary This investigation is concerned with pineal organs of human embryos 60 to 150 days old. At every stage central nerve fibres enter the pineal organ by way of the habenular commissure, but are restricted to the pineal's proximal part. On about the 60th day of the development the sympathetic nervus conarii grows into the distal pole of the pineal organ from a dorso-caudal direction and plays the predominant part in the innervation of the pineal organ. After penetrating, it soon branches out and forms a network in the pineal tissue. Much later, not until the 5th embryonic month, sympathetic nerves appear accompanying the supplying vessels in the perivascular spaces. After a short time these nerves pierce the outer limiting basement membrane and penetrate the parenchyma. Towards the end of the 5th embryonic month the axons of the sympathetic nerves form varicosities containing clear and dense core vesicles. At this point large amounts of laminated granules appear primarily in cell processes, probably of pinealocytes. Isolated granules also occur in the varicosities of axons. The granules encountered here are most likely secretory granules.Dedicated to Professor Bargmann on his 65th birthday.  相似文献   

Lizard spermatozoa, which are non-motile in the testis, develop the ability to swim as they pass along the excurrent duct. The addition of caffeine, a phosphodiesterase inhibitor, induced forward motility in spermatozoa from the caput epididymidis and increased the velocity of spermatozoa from the distal part of the epididymis. Caffeine had no effect on the motility of testicular spermatozoa. This suggests that sperm motility in this species is cyclic AMP-dependent but this factor alone is not sufficient to induce testicular sperm motility. In samples from the distal region of the epididymis, sperm motility was maximal in April just after the breeding season and then decreased significantly during the following months. A parallel can be drawn between these data and the levels of testosterone in the plasma. In the lizard, as in mammals, the epididymis may play an important role in the maturation of spermatozoa.  相似文献   

Summary The pineal organ of the sardine, Sardina pilchardus sardina, was investigated light and electron microscopically. The pineal parenchyma contains sensory cells, supporting cells, and ganglion cells, and the overlying tissues appear specialized for light penetration. The ganglion cells are arranged in 3 groups, their axons giving rise to the tractus epiphyseos. The sensory cell is of a photoreceptor type found in several other teleost species. No definitive evidence of a secretion was educed but some indications of an endocrine function are reported and discussed.The pineal receptor cell of neonates of Mugil spp. which have a pigment-free spot above the pineal organ, was investigated electron microscopically and found to have the same organization as that of adult Mugil auratus.Supported by grants from the Helge Ax:son Johnsons Stiftelse, Stockholm, and from the Kungliga Vetenskapsakademien, Stockholm, Sweden. This is gratefully acknowledged.The animal material has been provided by the Stazione Zoologica di Napoli.  相似文献   

The Swedish sand lizard ( Lacerta agilis ) is a relict species from the post-glacial warmth period. From the geological history of this region, and more recent data on population fragmentation due to disturbance by man, it can be surmised that the Swedish sand lizards passed through at least one population bottleneck in relatively recent times. We tested this hypothesis by investigating the amount and structuring of genetic variability in six microsatellite loci in ten lizard populations from different parts of Sweden. We contrasted these data against those from a Hungarian population which we have reason to assume strongly resembles the founder population for Swedish sand lizards. The average number of alleles per locus in Sweden was 3.3, and these alleles were common in almost all populations, whereas the average number of alleles in the Hungarian population was 8.0. Likewise, the level of expected heterozygosity was lower in the Swedish populations (0.45) compared to the Hungarian population (0.70). The lower variability in Swedish populations is probably a consequence of a common population bottleneck during the immigration subsequent to the latest glacial period. The remaining variability is strongly subdivided between populations (FST=0.30) with the main genetic differences being between rather than within populations. Despite the marked isolation of the populations and the present small population sizes (N= 10–300 adults), the Swedish relict populations show a surprisingly high level of observed heterozygosity, indicating that small population size is probably a recent phenomenon.  相似文献   

Summary The epididymis of lizards elaborates voluminous secretory granules made of a central core and a peripheral vacuole which in the species Lacerta vivipara contain respectively an insoluble protein (protein H) and a soluble protein (protein L). After their discharge these secretions mix with spermatozoa. In order to detect the presence of carbohydrates in these secretions, lectins isolated from Canavalia ensiformis (con A) and from eleven other plants (lentil, soja, pea, gorse and several mushrooms), conjugated to fluorescein isothiocyanate, have been utilized in light-microscopic histochemical investigations of frozen sections from Lacerta vivipara epididymis. Whereas lectins having affinity for Lfucose, lactose, D-galactose and N-acetyl-D-galactosamine bound to central cores, lectins having affinity to D-glucose, N-acetylglucosamine and chitobiose bound to the peripheral vacuole. D-mannose or D-glucose seem to be present both in central cores and in peripheral vacuoles.  相似文献   

The electron microscopy of the epiphysis cerebri of the antarctic seal Leptonychotes weddelli revealed a highly organized organ. The general cytological characteristics of the pinealocytes and the glial cells are described. The capillary blood vessels are the nonfenestrated type. The organ is richly innervated by mainly unmyelinated nerve fibers. Most of the axons end in the inner part of the organ, around vessels, some of them in relation with pinealocytes. The significance of the findings is discussed.  相似文献   

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