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Chromosomal assignment of the genes for two major human aldehyde dehydrogenase isozymes, that is, cytosolic aldehyde dehydrogenase-1 (ALDH1) and mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase-2 (ALDH2) were determined. Genomic DNA, isolated from a panel of mouse-human and Chinese hamster-human hybrid cell lines, was digested by restriction endonucleases and subjected to Southern blot hybridization using cDNA probes for ALDH1 and for ALDH2. Based on the distribution pattern of ALDH1 and ALDH2 in cell hybrids, ALDH1 was assigned to the long arm of human chromosome 9 and ALDH2 to chromosome 12.  相似文献   

We present a detailed picture of the disposition of core and H1 histone genes in the chicken genome. Forty-two genes were located within four nonoverlapping regions totalling approximately 175 kilobases and covered by three cosmid clones and a number of lambda clones. The genes for the tissue-specific H5 histone and other variant histones were not found in these regions. The longest continuous region mapped was 67 kilobases and contained 21 histone genes in five dissimilar clusters. No long-range repeat was evident, but there were preferred associations, such as H1 genes with paired, divergently transcribed H2A-H2B genes and H3-H4 associations. However, there were exceptions, and even when associations such as H1-H2A-H2B we maintained, the order of those genes within a cluster may not have been. Another feature was the presence of three (unrelated) clusters in which genes were symmetrically ordered around central H3 genes; in one such cluster, the boundaries of a duplicated H2A-H4 gene pair contained related repeat sequences. Despite the dispersed nature of chicken histone genes, the number of each type was approximately equal, being represented as follows: 6 H1, 10 H2A, 8 H2B, 10 H3, and 8 H4.  相似文献   

The human Lasp-1 (LIM and SH3 protein) gene was previously identified by differential screening of a breast cancer-derived metastatic lymph node cDNA library. It was located on the q12–q21 region of human chromosome 17 and was shown to be amplified and overexpressed in 12% of breast tumours. Lasp-1 defines a new LIM-protein subfamily, as it associates a C-terminal Src homology 3 (SH3) domain to a N-terminal LIM motif. In this study, the isolation and characterization of the cDNA encoding the mouse Lasp-1 protein are described, and it is shown to be highly conserved with its human counterpart. In addition to the LIM and SH3 domains, both human and mouse Lasp-1 contain an actin-binding domain. The mouse gene was mapped by in situ hybridization to the 11C–11D region of chromosome 11. Northern blot analysis shows that this gene is expressed from 7.5 to 17.5 days post-coitum of mouse embryogenesis and in almost all adult tissues.  相似文献   

Chromosomal assignment of six muscle-specific genes in cattle   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Six genes expressed in skeletal or smooth muscle were assigned to bovine chromosomes using rodent, human or bovine cDNA probes. Myogenic determination factor (MYOD1) was 100% concordant with Bos taurus chromosome (BTA) 15, and myogenin (MYOG) was 95% concordant with BTA 16. Smooth muscle caldesmon (CALD1) and the skeletal muscle chloride channel gene (CLCN1) were 100% concordant with BTA 4. Myogenic factor 5 (MYF5) was 90% concordant with BTA 5; this assignment was confirmed by fluorescence in situ hybridization of a bovine genomic MYF5 probe to BTA 5 band 13 and the homologous band on river buffalo 4q. In some metaphases, specific hybridization signals were also observed on BTA 15 band 23, and the equivalent river buffalo homologue, with the MYF5 genomic probe. Because MYOD1 and MYF5 share both nucleotide and functional homology and because MYOD1 was mapped in somatic cell hybrids to BTA 15, we suggest that MYOD1 may be located at BTA 15 band 23. Herculin/myogenic factor 6 (MYF6) was assigned indirectly to BTA 5 by the hybridization of MYF5 and MYF6 probes to the same Hin dIII fragment in bovine genomic DNA. The assignment of MYF6 to BTA 5 is consistent with the tandem arrangement of MYF5 and MYF6 in human, mouse and chicken, where these tightly linked genes are separated by < 6·5 kb of DNA.  相似文献   

The deduced amino acid sequence of the recently cloned mouse 23kD photoreceptor cell-specific protein showed it to be identical to the recoverin protein and the CAR (cancer-associated retinopathy) protein. DNA sequence variants were found in the mouse recoverin gene (Rcvrn), and segregation analysis of restriction fragment length variants in recombinant inbred strains of mice assigned Rcvrn to mouse Chromosome (Chr) 11, between Sparc (3.7 map units) and Zfp-3 (2.3 map units). These results demonstrate a close linkage of recoverin to the tumor suppressor gene, Trp53. On the basis of these data, knowledge of the function of recoverin, and the characteristics of CAR, an experimentally testable model is presented to explain the molecular basis for CAR.  相似文献   

We have shown previously that cDNAs for the M1 and M2 subunits of ribonucleotide reductase, ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), and p5-8, a 55,000-Dalton protein, hybridize to amplified genomic sequences in a highly hydroxyurea-resistant hamster cell line. We have extended these observations to include two additional, independently isolated, hydroxyurea-resistant cell lines: SC8, a single-step hamster ovary cell line, and KH450, a multistep human myeloid leukemic cell line, have also undergone genomic amplification for sequences homologous to ODC and p5-8 cDNAs. However, neither SC8 nor KH450 contains amplified genomic sequences homologous to an M1 cDNA probe. A panel of mouse-hamster somatic cell hybrids was used to map sequences homologous to M1, M2, ODC, and 5-8 cDNAs in the hamster genome. The M2, ODC, and p5-8 cDNAs hybridized to DNA fragments that segregated with hamster chromosome 7. In contrast, M1 cDNA hybridized to DNA fragments that segregated with hamster chromosome 3. These data suggest that the genes RRM2, (M2), ODC, and p5-8, but not RRMI (M1), are linked and may have been co-amplified in the selection of the hydroxyurea-resistant hamster and human cell lines.  相似文献   

NP220s form a family of DNA-binding nuclear proteinsoriginally found in human cell lines. Four isoformsof NP220 are produced in humans and mice probably byalternative splicing of two sequence units. Theyhave RNA-recognition and arginine/serine rich motivescommonly found in many nuclear proteins important forpre-mRNA processing. In order to analyze the functionof NP220s, its gene was disrupted in chicken cell lineDT40. For this, gemomic DNA clone of chicken NP220was isolated and the gene was localized tochromosome 4q2.7–q2.8. Chicken NP220 conserves MH1and zinc finger-like motives found in human and mouseNP220s. Despite its expression as a mRNA of 6 kb inwild type DT40 cells, disruption of the NP220gene did not impair the growth of DT40 cells.  相似文献   

The bacterial artificial clone-based physical map for chicken plays an important role in the integration of the consensus linkage map and the whole-genome shotgun sequence. It also provides a valuable resource for clone selection within applications such as fluorescent in situ hybridization and positional cloning. However, a substantial number of clone contigs have not yet been assigned to a chromosomal location or have an ambiguous chromosome assignment. In this study, 86 single nucleotide polymorphism markers derived from 86 clones were mapped on the genetic map. These markers added anchoring information for 56 clone contigs and 13 individual clones, covering a total of 57,145 clones.  相似文献   

FKBP-12 is the major T cell binding protein for the immunosuppressive drugs FK506 and rapamycin. It is a member of the immunophilin family of proteins which are believed to play a role in immunoregulation and basic cellular processes involving protein folding and trafficking. The chromosomal assignment of the human FKBP-12 gene was determined by using the polymerase chain reaction to amplify an intron-containing region of the gene in purified DNA isolated from 42 human-rodent somatic cell hybrids. The results of this analysis indicated that the FKBP-12 gene resides on human chromosome 20.  相似文献   

Chromosome locations of the eight SOX family genes, SOX1, SOX2, SOX3, SOX5, SOX9, SOX10, SOX14 and SOX21, were determined in the chicken by fluorescence in situ hybridization. The SOX1 and SOX21 genes were localized to chicken chromosome 1q3.1-->q3.2, SOX5 to chromosome 1p1.6-->p1.4, SOX10 to chromosome 1p1.6, and SOX3 to chromosome 4p1.2-->p1.1. The SOX2 and SOX14 genes were shown to be linked to chromosome 9 using two-colored FISH and chromosome painting, and the SOX9 gene was assigned to a pair of microchromosomes. These results suggest that these SOX genes form at least three clusters on chicken chromosomes. The seven SOX genes, SOX1, SOX2, SOX3, SOX5, SOX10, SOX14 and SOX21 were localized to chromosome segments with homologies to human chromosomes, indicating that the chromosome locations of SOX family genes are highly conserved between chicken and human.  相似文献   

The canine tuberous sclerosis 2 (TSC2) gene has been mapped to canine chromosome 6 using a canine whole genome radiation hybrid panel. There is close linkage between canine TSC2 and the polycystic kidney disease 1 gene (PKD1), as has been observed in humans and other mammalian species. The gene responsible for the human juvenile form of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (CLN3), maps close to TSC2 and PKD1 in humans, and is also syntenic in the dog. We further demonstrate linkage to a group of polymorphic markers assigned to canine chromosome 6 (CFA6).  相似文献   

This study presents the chromosomal assignment of a multiple pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) gene family in the domestic pig (pPAG). The pPAG locus was identified by physical mapping (fluorescent in situ hybridisation—FISH; with various probes), and additionally confirmed by Southern hybridisation of pPAG amplicons using laser microdissected Sus scrofa chromosome 1 (SSC1), as genomic templates. Various pPAG probes were produced with the use of diverse identified templates: pPAG1-6, -8, -10 cDNAs (GenBank: L34360–1, AF315377, AF272734, AY188554, AF272735, AY373029 and AY775784, respectively), or genomic DNA (gDNA) probes of pPAG2 gene and its promoter (GenBank: U39198–9, U39762–3, U41421–4). All probes, including long gDNA probes (~9.2 kbp GpPAG2 gene; ~2.8 kbp GpPAG2 promoter), a shorter cDNA probe (PlpPAG4, 1385 bp) and amplified pPAG2-like probes (ApPAG2L) specific for cDNA inserts of pPAG2-like gene subfamily (pPAG2, -4, -6, -8 and -10; 1283–1385 bp) were produced by random priming using biotin-labelled deoxynucleotides (16-dUTP). Numerous FISH mappings with various pPAG probes revealed the chromosomal assignment of the pPAG gene family to the long arm of porcine chromosome 1 (SSC1q16–q24 region). This cytogenetic assignment was confirmed by Southern hybridisation (with 32P-labelled pPAG10 probe) of multiple distinct pPAG amplicons (603–3943 bp) produced with the use of 25 laser microdissected SSC1, as gDNA templates. This is the first study identifying the chromosomal locus of the pPAG gene family in the pig.  相似文献   

PHOSPHO1 is a recently identified phosphatase expressed at high levels in the chicken growth plate and which may be involved in generating inorganic phosphate for skeletal matrix mineralization. Using a degenerate RT-PCR approach a fragment of human PHOSPHO1 was cloned. This enabled the identification of the human orthologue on HSA17q21, and the mouse orthologue on a region of MMU11 that exhibits conservation of synteny with HSA17q21. Chicken PHOSPHO1 was mapped by SSCP analysis to position 44 cM on GGA27, adjacent to the HOXB@ (44 cM) and COL1A1 (36 cM) loci. Comparison of genes on GGA27 with their orthologues on the preliminary draft of the human genome identifies regions of conserved synteny equivalent to 25 Mb on HSA17q21.2-23.3 and approximately 20 Mb on GGA27 in which the gene order appears to be conserved. Mapping of the PHOSPHO1 genes to regions of HSA17q21.3, MMU11 and GGA27 that exhibit conservation of synteny provides strong evidence that they are orthologous.  相似文献   

Ovotransferrin, an egg-white protein implicated in the transfer of trace elements from the hen oviduct to the developing avian embryo, and cytosolic adenylate kinase, an essential enzyme involved in the interconversion of adenine nucleotides in energetically active tissues, have been mapped to two separate chicken microchromosomes by fluorescent in situ hybridization. Considering present and previous data, the possibility of loss of intron material resulting in the compactation of genes in chicken microchromosomes is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

R-spondins constitute a recently discovered small family of growth factors, and the evidence of their role in several developmental pathways is growing fast. In this work we describe the chromosomal location of the fourRSPO genes in the donkey. Using horse BACs, we localizedRSPO1 on EAS 5q23,RSPO2 on EAS 12q13,RSPO3 on EAS 24q26, andRSPO4 on EAS 15p13. Moreover,RSPO2, RSPO3, andRSPO4 are the first genes mapped on donkey chromosomes 12, 24, and 15, respectively.  相似文献   

Mutations in keratin genes account for a number of inherited keratodermas in humans. The groups of basic and acidic keratin genes are clustered on human chromosomes 12 and 17, respectively. The present authors have assigned the two putative keratin gene clusters to canine chromosomes using canine cosmid clones. Successful fluorescence in situ hybridization mapped the putative cluster of canine acidic genes to dog chromosome 20 and the putative cluster of basic keratin genes to a small autosome not yet included in the partial canine standard karyotype.  相似文献   

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