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Seedling hypocotyl explants ofGlycine canescens were inoculated withAgrobacterium rhizogenes carrying a chimaeric NPTII gene cointegrated into the TL-DNA of pRiA4. Transformed roots produced shoots on B5 based medium with 10.0 mgl–1 BAP, 0.05 mgl–1 IBA and 50 gml–1 kanamycin. Cultured roots and regenerated plants expressed NPTII enzyme activity which was correlated with the presence of Ri TL-DNA and the structural sequence of the NPTII gene.Abbreviations BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - BSA bovine serum albumin - DTT dithiothreitol - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - IBA indole-butyric acid - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - NPTII neomycin phosphotransferase II - PMSF phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride - SDS sodium dodecylsulphate  相似文献   

Abstract Efficient transformation of strains of Agrobacterium tumefaciens and Agrobacterium rhizogenes by electroporation with binary Ti plasmid vector is reported. This procedure yields rates of transformation of 106-103 per μg DNA, which is several orders of magnitude greater than previously published procedures for this genus, the efficiency of transformation varies with the bacterial strain used. This procedure will be useful for the construction of plant DNA libraries directly in Agrobacterium .  相似文献   

The success and validity of gene therapy and DNA vaccination in in vivo experiments and human clinical trials depend on the ability to produce large amounts of plasmid DNA according to defined specifications. A new method is described for the purification of a cystic fibrosis plasmid vector (pCF1-CFTR) of clinical grade, which includes an ammonium sulfate precipitation followed by hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC) using a Sepharose gel derivatized with 1,4-butanediol-diglycidylether. The use of HIC took advantage of the more hydrophobic character of single-stranded nucleic acid impurities as compared with double-stranded plasmid DNA. RNA, denatured genomic and plasmid DNAs, with large stretches of single strands, and lipopolysaccharides (LPS) that are more hydrophobic than supercoiled plasmid, were retained and separated from nonbinding plasmid DNA in a 14-cm HIC column. Anion-exchange HPLC analysis proved that >70% of the loaded plasmid was recovered after HIC. RNA and denatured plasmid in the final plasmid preparation were undetectable by agarose electrophoresis. Other impurities, such as host genomic DNA and LPS, were reduced to residual values with the HIC column (<6 ng/microg pDNA and 0.048 EU/microg pDNA, respectively). The total reduction in LPS load in the combined ammonium acetate precipitation and HIC was 400,000-fold. Host proteins were not detected in the final preparation by bicinchoninic acid (BCA) assay and sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) with silver staining. Plasmid identity was confirmed by restriction analysis and biological activity by transformation experiments. The process presented constitutes an advance over existing methodologies, is scaleable, and meets quality standards because it does not require the use of additives that usually pose a challenge to validation and raise regulatory concerns.  相似文献   

One impediment to treating neuronal diseases is finding ways to introduce genes into specific neuroglial cell types. Here we describe the strategy for efficient gene delivery via transferrin receptor using an adenovirus bearing a peptide mimic for transferrin. The attachment of the peptide consisted of 12 amino acids on the C-terminus of adenovirus fiber protein significantly improved entry and expression of a beta-galactosidase transgene into neuroglial cells such as astrocytes, and Schwann cells. The entry of re-targeted viruses into cells depends on the attached peptide and the transferrin receptor. Furthermore, transferrin did not affect gene delivery by the engineered adenovirus, suggesting that the effectiveness of therapeutic agents targeted to the receptor would not be diminished by competition with the abundant endogenous transferrin present in the plasma. Therefore, such transduction systems hold promise for efficient delivering gene to neuroglial cells in gene therapy protocols.  相似文献   

A gene encoding the heavy chain of an HLA human histocompatibility antigen was isolated from a library of human DNA by recombination and selection in vivo. After insertion into a bovine papillomavirus (BPV) DNA expression vector, the gene was introduced into cultured mouse cells. Cells transformed with the HLA-BPV plasmids did not appear to contain extrachromosomal viral DNA, whereas BPV recombinants usually replicated as plasmids in transformed cell lines. Large amounts of HLA RNA were produced by the transformed cells, and the rate of synthesis of human heavy chain was several-fold higher than in the JY cell line, a well-characterized human lymphoblastoid cell line which expresses high levels of surface HLA antigen. Substantial amounts of human heavy chain accumulated in the transformed cells, and HLA antigen was present at the cell surface. These observations establish the feasibility of using BPV vectors to study the structure and function of HLA antigens and the expression of cloned HLA genes.  相似文献   

Mutagenesis of the vir region on the Ti plasmid of Agrobacterium tumefaciens revealed a new locus, virJ , that is induced by the plant-wound signal molecule, acetosyringone (AS). virJ lies between virA and virB , and is transcribed in the same direction. The amino acid sequence of virJ is similar to a region of a previously characterized chromosomal gene, acvB , required for virulence. virJ can complement the avirulent phenotype of an acvB mutant, indicating that virJ and acvB encode the same factor required for tumorigenesis. Southern analysis revealed that virJ is present on the Ti plasmid of an octopine but not a nopaline strain whereas acvB is present on the chromosomes of both octopine and nopaline strains. While virJ is regulated by AS under the control of the virA/virG two-component regulatory system, acvB is not induced by AS. VirJ possesses a putative signal peptide and was found predominantly in the periplasmic fraction. The strain lacking both acvB and virJ had an impaired ability to transfer T-DNA into plant cells, suggesting that the factor encoded by virJ or acvB is required for T-DNA transfer from A. tumefaciens to plant cells. acvB is the first chromosomal gene implicated in T-DNA transfer, but whether it functions specifically for this process is not clear. We hypothesize that virJ evolved from acvB , presumably for a more specialized role in tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

A binary vector system inA. tumefaciens for the introduction of foreign genes into the plant genome was developed. The first component is the Ri plasmid and the second component is a small vector plasmid, replicating inAgrobacterium, which carries the 25 bp terminal sequence of the Ti plasmid, theNos gene as the selectable marker and neighbouring sequences of the Ti plasmid. Functions necessary for integration are providedin trans by the virulence region of the Ri plasmid. Transformed cells are selected on the basis of hairy root tumor proliferation and agropine synthesis. They also showNos activity coded by the gene on the small part of Ti T-DNA.  相似文献   

A 169 b.p. fragment including the bla gene promoter p3 has been removed from pBR327 plasmid, and the deleted plasmid used for cloning the TaqI/BglII-fragment of the lambda c1857ind- DNA containing promoter pR and gene cI to obtain plasmid pCE119. Cells containing pCE119 produced a high level of beta-lactamase at 42 degrees C, the yield at 42 degrees C being 100 times higher than at 32 degrees C. For cloning and functional assays a pCEZ12 plasmid was constructed, in which promoter pR and repressor cI of lambda phage control the expression of the semi-synthetic beta-galactosidase gene. Yield of beta-galactosidase produced by pCEZ12 at 42 degrees C was ca. 300 times higher than at 32 degrees C.  相似文献   

A Ti plasmid mutant was constructed in which all the on-cogenic functions of the T-DNA have been deleted and replaced by pBR322. This Ti plasmid, pGV3850, still mediates efficient transfer and stabilization of its truncated T-DNA into infected plant cells. Moreover, integration and expression of this minimal T-DNA in plant cells does not interfere with normal plant cell differentiation. A DNA fragment cloned in a pBR vector can be inserted in the pGV3850 T-region upon a single recombination event through the pBR322 region of pGV3850 producing a co-integrate useful for the transformation of plant cells. Based upon these properties, pGV3850 is proposed as an extremely versatile vector for the introduction of any DNA of interest into plant cells.  相似文献   

To establish a gene transfer and expression system for murine T cell clones, we have introduced the neomycin phosphotransferase gene encoding resistance to the neomycin analogue, G418, into non-neoplastic inducer T cell clones by using a replication-defective retroviral vector. This method allowed highly efficient gene transfer (20 to 40%) into two inducer T cell clones. The level of viral RNA expression in G418r T cells was 0.1% of poly(A)+ RNA. The infected G418r cells retained physiologic responsiveness to specific antigen as judged by antigen-specific proliferation and production of IL 3.  相似文献   

《Plant science》1987,49(1):37-49
An intermediate vector, pAMNeo10, was constructed containing the replication origin and carbenicillin-resistance gene of pBR322, an homology region to allow insertion into the TL-DNA of pRiA4 in Agrobacterium A4T, and a chimaeric kanamycin-resistance gene (nop. neoΔ) for identification of TL-DNA::pAMNeo10 transformed roots. Roots produced by inoculating stem explants of Lycopersicon esculentum, L. hirsutum × L. esculentum (KNVF Rootstock) and L. peruvianum with an exconjugant stain, A4T (pRiA4::pAMNeo10), were resistant to kanamycin at levels that completely inhibit the growth of transformed roots produced with wild-type A4T. When transformed by the exconjugant strain, roots of the three tomato hosts were resistant to different levels of kanamycin, and, in the case of L. peruvianum, regenerated plants were tolerant to much higher levels (10×) of kanamycin than the transformed roots from which they were derived. Kanamycin-resistant transformed roots expressed aminoglycoside phosphotransferase activity, and Southern blotting confirmed the presence of the intermediate vector sequence in transformed roots and in shoots of regenerated plants. TR-DNA was shown to be present in most transformed roots and regenerated shoots by testing for agropine and mannopine. The application of Ri plasmid vectors to the study of foreign gene expression in plants is discussed.  相似文献   

The geminivirus maize streak virus (MSV) was used as a vector to introduce the maize transposable element Dissociation (Ds) and to study its excision in maize plants. MSV carrying Ds1 in its genome was introduced into maize plants by agroinfection. Excision of the Ds1 element from the MSV genome was detected only when functions from the transposable element Activator (Ac) were supplied in trans, either endogenously by the recipient maize plant or by co-transformation with Agrobacterium carrying a genomic Ac clone. The excision of Ds1 could easily be visualized by the appearance of viral symptoms induced by the revertant virus. The junction sequences left on the MSV genome after excision revealed 'footprints' typical of transposition as described for maize. From these results, we conclude that transposition functions in our system and that the use of the MSV replicon provides a rapid and simple tool for the investigation of the excision of transposable elements in maize plants.  相似文献   

Regions of the Agrobacterium tumefaciens tumor-inducing (Ti) plasmid which are transcribed in the bacterium or in two tobacco Crown Gall tumors were localized. Complementary DNA (cDNA) probes made to bacterial or tumor RNA were hybridized to blots of the Ti-plasmid or cloned “T”-DNA restriction endonuclease fragments digested with various restriction endonucleases. Extensive regions of the Ti plasmid are transcribed in the bacterium grown in minimal or rich medium. An additional region of the plasmid, which has previously been defined genetically as coding for proteins responsible for octopine utilization and conjugative T-plasmid transfer, is transcribed when the bacteria are induced with octopine. This region is transcribed constitutively in a mutant which is constitutive for octopine utilization. Another additional region of the plasmid is transcribed when the bacteria are induced with agropine. All sections of the “T” DNA are weakly transcribed in the bacterium. In contrast to this, specific regions of the “T” DNA are transcribed into both polyadenylated and nonpolyadenylated RNA in the tumors. The selectivity with which regions are transcribed in the tumor may indicate that the “T” DNA has “evolved” for best use in a eucaryotic cell.  相似文献   

High-copy plasmids are useful for producing large quantities of plasmid DNA, but are generally inadequate for tightly regulating gene expression. Attempts to suppress expression of genes on high-copy plasmids often results in residual or “leaky” production of protein. For stringent regulation of gene expression, it is often necessary to excise the gene of interest and subclone it into a low-copy plasmid. Here, we report a dual plasmid technique that enables tight regulation of gene expression driven by the lac promoter in a high-copy vector. A series of plasmids with varying copies of the lacIq gene have been constructed to permit titration of the LacI protein. When a high-copy plasmid is transformed along with the appropriate lacIq-containing plasmid, tight gene regulation is achieved, thus eliminating the need to subclone genes into low-copy plasmids. In addition, we show that this dual plasmid technique enables high-copy gene expression of a protein lethal to Escherichia coli, the ccdB protein. In principle, this technique can be applied to any high-copy plasmid containing the popular pUC replication of origin and provides an easier means of obtaining rigid control over gene expression.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although nuclear transport of therapeutic genes is an essential requirement of human gene therapy, factors required for nuclear entry of DNA remain to be elucidated. Non-viral vector systems have led to numerous improvements in the efficiency of delivery of exogenous DNA into cells. However, nuclear transport of plasmid is difficult to achieve. METHODS: We examined nuclear translocation efficiency of Cy3-labeled plasmid DNA (Cy3-pDNA) delivered by the hemagglutinating virus of Japan envelope (HVJ-E) vector, Lipofectamine or microinjection. We also examined the effect of actin depolymerization on nuclear transport of Cy3-pDNA. RESULTS: Cy3-pDNA reached the nucleus, particularly in the nucleolus, in 30 min after fusion-mediated delivery using the HVJ-E vector, while the DNA was retained in the cytoplasm during the observed period after the delivery by cationic liposomes. HVJ-E treatment transiently depolymerized actin filaments, and acceleration of nucleolar entry of microinjected DNA was achieved when treated with either empty HVJ-E or cytochalasin D, an inhibitor of actin depolymerization, prior to microinjection. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that plasmid DNA can be transported rapidly from the cytoplasm to the nucleolus when actin filaments are depolymerized. Thus, the HVJ-E vector can accelerate the transport of DNA to the nucleolus by actin depolymerization.  相似文献   

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