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Peritoneal macrophage ganglioside patterns and ganglioside sialic acid content were compared for two congenic strains of mice having differing responses to bacterial lipopolysaccharide. Resident macrophage ganglioside patterns from C3H/HeJ mice (endotoxin hyporesponsive) and C3H/HeN mice (endotoxin responsive) were similar. Macrophages elicited with phenol-extracted or butanol-extracted endotoxin showed distinctly more complex ganglioside patterns in C3H/HeN mice. C3H/HeJ macrophages showed distinct, but less complex changes when elicited with butanol-extracted endotoxin. As expected, there were minimal alterations induced by phenol-extracted endotoxin in the C3H/HeJ patterns. When injected with whole killed E. coli, both strains of mice exhibited complex ganglioside patterns; however, there were relative differences in the quantities of multiple gangliosides. Differences in ganglioside patterns were mirrored in the relative ratios of N-acetyl- to N-glycolylneuraminic acid. When macrophages were activated by administration of either endotoxin preparation, macrophage gangliosides from C3H/HeN mice always contained a higher proportion of N-acetylneuraminic acid compared with C3H/HeJ macrophage gangliosides. Oxidative metabolism of the macrophage populations was assessed by PMA-induced H2O2 release. This indicated that endotoxin activation produced an increase in PMA-induced H2O2 release as well as a shift of sialic acid class from the N-glycolyl type to the N-acetyl type. However, no direct correlation could be made between ganglioside composition, sialic acid content, and macrophage function. These data indicate that both ganglioside composition and sialic acid composition of macrophages are profoundly altered with endotoxin activation. The data further indicate that under conditions which C3H/HeJ mice respond to Gram-negative bacteria, their macrophage ganglioside patterns still differ from normal mice.  相似文献   

Mouse strains that express the Ek (Ek beta E-1k alpha) molecule are nonresponders (NR) to the enzyme lactate dehydrogenase B (LDHB) in terms of T cell proliferation. Nonresponsiveness is caused by T suppressor (Ts) cells recognizing LDHB in the context of Ek molecules on the antigen-presenting cells. The data presented here demonstrate that the Ek-restricted Ts cells function in (R x NR)F1 mice in a remarkable haplotype-specific fashion: they selectively interfere with the Ak (ANR)-restricted response, and do not affect the response channeled through the A molecules of the responder parent. This haplotype-specificity of suppression provides an explanation of the dominance of responsiveness in (R x NR)F1 mice.  相似文献   

Two types of insulin-reactive T cell hybridomas expressing TCR-alpha beta were derived from nonresponder H-2b mice immunized with pork insulin. One type had characteristics of conventional class II-restricted Th cells. These CD4+ CD8- I-Ab-restricted T cells recognized a self determinant, present within the insulin B-chain. This determinant was distinct from the immunodominant A-chain loop determinant that is recognized by the majority of T cells induced after immunization with normally immunogenic beef insulin. Our results suggest that this determinant is readily generated during immunologic processing of insulins, including nonimmunogenic pork insulin and self insulin. A second type of T cell lacking CD4 and CD8 recognized a distinct B-chain determinant of insulin in a class II-dependent, but MHC unrestricted, fashion. These cells may represent a novel subpopulation which has bypassed conventional selection during development in the thymus.  相似文献   

α干扰素,包括长效干扰素——聚乙醇化α干扰素(PEG-IFNα),是临床用以治疗慢性乙型肝炎的首选药物。但干扰素治疗通常只能在有限的患者中获得完全应答。目前干扰素治疗应答相关指标预测的灵敏度与特异度远未令人满意,因此继续寻找潜在的与干扰素疗效预测相关的分子标记仍是一个十分有意义的工作。为探讨慢性乙型肝炎患者基因组DNA甲基化状态与干扰素治疗疗效的关系,本研究采用RocheNimbleGen人甲基化DNA免疫共沉淀-芯片(MeDIP-chip)技术,分析20例不同干扰素疗效慢性乙型肝炎患者的血浆基因组启动子甲基化谱差异,并利用MeDIP-定量聚合酶链反应(MeDIP-qPCR)检验部分基因启动子区域DNA甲基化的水平。结果显示,与快速应答组相比,无应答组中有588个基因启动子区甲基化水平存在显著差异(P0.05)。这些基因主要涉及多个信号通路,即钙离子信号通路、细胞周期调节通路、肝脏代谢相关通路等。MeDIP-qPCR验证与芯片结果的一致性超过80%。本研究为探讨差异甲基化基因在干扰素应答中的作用及发现潜在的预测干扰素疗效的血液分子标记奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Two major T cell determinants are recognized by I-Ar-specific T cells in CII, the immunodominant CII610-618 (GPAGT AGA R) within CB10 and the subdominant CII445-453 (GPAGP AGE R) within CB8. Although the determinants differ by only two residues, CB8 is capable of inducing collagen-induced arthritis (CIA), while CB10 is not. We, therefore, investigated the structural differences between the two determinants that are critical to inducing arthritis. When the CB10 determinant was mutated to that of CB8 using recombinant techniques, the resulting mutant rCB10T614P,A617E product became arthritogenic. Conversely, when the CB8 determinant was mutated to that of CB10, the resulting mutant CB8P449T,E452A was no longer arthritogenic. Comparison of the epitope specificity of the autoantibodies induced by wild-type CB10 and mutant rCB10T614P, A617E revealed no qualitative differences. T cells from mice immunized with either CB10 or mutant rCB10 produced predominantly Th1 cytokines when cultured with the immunizing Ag. In contrast, when cultured with mouse CII, T cells from mice immunized with the nonarthritogenic CB10 produced predominantly Th2 (IL-4 and IL-10) cytokines whereas the arthritogenic mutant rCB10 induced predominantly Th1 (IFN-gamma) cytokines. We conclude that the T cell cytokine response most critical for the induction of CIA is that induced against the corresponding homologous murine T cell determinant and, further, that the structural differences between the T cell determinants in CB8 and -10 are important in breaking self tolerance and inducing autoimmune response.  相似文献   

The insulin B (InsB) chain bears major type 1 diabetes-associated epitopes of significance for disease in humans and nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice. Somatic expression of InsB chain initiated early in life by plasmid inoculation resulted in substantial protection of female NOD mice against disease. This was associated with a T2 shift in spleen, expansion of IL-4-producing and, to a lesser extent, of IFN-gamma-secreting T cells in pancreatic lymph nodes, as well as intermolecular Th2 epitope spreading to glutamic acid decarboxylase determinants. A critical role of IL-4 for the Ag-specific protective effect triggered by plasmid administration was revealed in female IL-4(-/-) NOD mice that developed diabetes and higher Th1 responses. Coadministration of IL-4-expressing plasmid or extension of the vaccination schedule corrected the unfavorable response of male NOD mice to DNA vaccination with InsB chain. Thus, plasmid-mediated expression of the InsB chain early in diabetes-prone mice has the potential to prevent transition to full-blown disease depending on the presence of IL-4.  相似文献   

The capacity of responder and nonresponder strains of mice to generate suppressor cells and factors to two antigens under MHC linked Ir gene control was investigated. Eight different H-2 types (H-2b,d,f,k,p,q,r,s) as well as seven independently derived strains (B10, BALB/c, CBA/Ca, A/St, DBA/2, P/J, SJL) were tested, and all yielded suppressor factor (SF) to (T,G)-A--L and GAT. This indicated that the genetic control of SF production was different from that of helper cell induction. Unlike previous reports of GAT suppressor extracts that GAT-specific supressor factors acted equally on both responder and nonresponder strains. As reported earlier with in vitro induced protein- (KLH) specific suppressor factors, GAT and (T,G)-A--L specific suppressor factors failed to show any genetic restriction in their function. The implications of these results for the general mechanism of Ir gene control are discussed.  相似文献   

The oxidized B chain of insulin was used as a simple model for further consideration of limited proteolysis with low substrate:enzyme ratios. With low B chain:trypsin ratios, the ordinarily slower cleavage rate of the -Lys29-Ala30 bond essentially equaled the cleavage saturation rate of the -Arg22-Gly23 bond. This led to the disappearance of octapeptide which ordinarily forms most rapidly. Heptapeptide and alanine, formed mainly by cleavage of the octapeptide, decreased somewhat at high enzyme relative levels. Trypsin added to B chain formed a single chromatographic peak.  相似文献   

Immune responses by mice to heterologous insulins are controlled by H-2-linked Ir genes. In studies to determine the mechanism(s) of nonresponsiveness, we found that although pork insulin fails to stimulate antibody or proliferative responses in H-2b mice, it does stimulate enhanced responses to subsequent challenge with an immunogenic species of insulin, such as beef insulin. Experiments described in this communication analyze the cell type primed in H-2b mice by pork insulin using an adoptive transfer protocol. The results demonstrate that pork insulin primes T cells that can express helper activity when recipient mice are challenged with beef but not pork insulin. This helper T cell activity is insulin specific in both elicitation and effect but is dependent upon stimulation by beef insulin for expression. Our interpretation of these results is that 2 antigen-specific T cell subpopulations are required for the generation of insulin-specific antibody responses and that the Ir gene defect in this case is expressed as a failure of specific interaction of these 2 T cell populations.  相似文献   

The immunogenicity of the hepatitis B vaccine Hevac B Pasteur was assayed in guinea-pigs. The reproducibility of the test was determined by comparing the ImD50 of two samples of vaccine in 12 and eight groups of 40 animals each. The variation coefficient between groups was approximately 30%, similar to that found for other vaccines assayed in biological tests in vivo. The sensitivity of the test was determined by comparing the dose response curves in mice, guinea-pigs and humans. The results showed that one ImD50 in man (after one injection) was approximately equivalent to 3 ImD50 in guinea pigs and to 100 ImD50 in Balb/C mice. Stability of Hevac B at 37 degrees C was assayed by determining in guinea-pigs the ImD50 of a series of samples of vaccine that had been incubated at 37 degrees C for varying amounts of time. The immunogenicity of the vaccine was found to decay with a half-life of ten to 15 days at 37 degrees C.  相似文献   

Action of human liver cathepsin B on the oxidized insulin B chain.   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The lysosomal cysteine proteinase cathepsin B (from human liver) was tested for its peptide-bond specificity against the oxidized B-chain of insulin. Sixteen peptide degradation products were separated by high-pressure liquid chromatography and thin-layer chromatography and were analysed for their amino acid content and N-terminal amino acid residue. Five major and six minor cleavage sites were identified; the major cleavage sites were Gln(4)-His(5), Ser(9)-His(10), Glu(13)-Ala(14), Tyr(16)-Leu(17) and Gly(23)-Phe(24). The findings indicate that human cathepsin B has a broad specificity, with no clearly defined requirement for any particular amino acid residues in the vicinity of the cleavage sites. The enzyme did not display peptidyldipeptidase activity with this substrate, and showed a specificity different from those reported for two other cysteine proteinases, papain and rat cathepsin L.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of T cell extracts from adult responder BALB/c mice tolerized with poly(Glu60Ala30Tyr10) (GAT)-coupled syngeneic spleen cells (GAT-SP) on delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH), T cell-proliferative (Tprlf), and plaque-forming cell (PFC) responses. Adult responder mice injected i.v. with GAT-SP develop Lyt-1-2+ suppressor T cells (Ts), which suppress the induction of GAT-specific DTH and PFC, but not Tprlf responses. Sonicates from these Ts contain an afferent-acting, soluble factor(s) (GAT-TsFdh) that specifically suppresses the same responses as the intact Ts (i.e., DTH and PFC, but not Tprlf). Immunosorbent chromatography studies were employed to determine the molecular nature of the suppressive material active on both cellular and humoral responses. In both assay systems, GAT-TsFdh was found to bear determinants encoded by the I subregion of the H-2 complex and a receptor(s) for GAT. BALB/c-derived GAT-TsFdh suppressed the induction of GAT DTH in syngeneic BALB/c and H-2-compatible B10.D2, but not in allogeneic C57BL/6 or CBA/Cum, suggesting a possible H-2 restriction in the suppression. It was also shown that one target of functional regulation by GAT-TsFdh is the T helper cell for DTH responses (DTH-Th). The results suggest that similar Ts and TsF regulate humoral and cell-mediated responses, perhaps by affecting a target common to both pathways (e.g., the T helper cell). The resistance of Tprlf responses to suppression by GAT-TsFdh indicates that the effector DTH-Th target is not a major component of the proliferative response. These data are discussed with respect to GAT-specific TsF-regulating PFC responses, which have been identified in nonresponders and in responders tolerized as neonates with GAT.  相似文献   

Trehalose dimycolates and monomycolates isolated from a variety of Mycobacteria species as well as synthetic trehalose mycolates and trehalose behenylbehenate produced granulomatous responses in the lungs of mice. Trehalose alone or mycolic acids or their methyl esters, however, did not. These data suggest that the sugar moiety of these defined fatty acid esters is required for the production of this cellular inflammatory reaction. When mice were challenged with virulent Mycobactorium tuberculosis they showed increased resistance against infection during the time when the granulomatous response was greatest.  相似文献   

Immunization of mice with the ABA-GAT conjugate stimulates GAT-specific T helper cells in GAT-responder animals and ABA-specific helpers in nonresponders. Unexpectedly, immunization of (responder X nonresponder) F1 mice, which have the GAT-responder phenotype, leads to the recruitment of both ABA- and GAT-specific clones of T helper lymphocytes. The GAT-reactive population is restricted to the haplotype of the responder parent (Iak), whereas ABA-specific T cells are mostly restricted to the nonresponder one (Ias). This is demonstrated by the ability of monoclonal antibodies to parental la antigens to inhibit T cell proliferation to GAT or ABA-Tyr in vitro. Consistently, ABA-GAT-primed F1 T cells can only activate nonresponder B cells to proliferate in the presence of ABA-Tyr and responder B lymphocytes in the presence of GAT. Furthermore, F1 T cells seem to recognize both ABA and GAT epitopes only in association with molecules encoded by the I-A subregion. Analysis of ABA-specific F1 T cell lines generated by in vitro stimulation with ABA-Tyr or ABA-GAT demonstrates a competition between GAT- and ABA-specific T cells present in the hybrid T cell repertoire and restricted to the same parental I-Ak molecule. The results indicate that F1 macrophages can present both ABA and GAT epitopes to T cells in association with the two parental and hybrid Ia determinants. It seems unlikely that the absence of GAT-specific T cells restricted to the nonresponder I-A in the F1 is due to suppressor T cells. Thus, the competition model that we propose, to explain the selective F1 T cell response to ABA-GAT, leads us to believe that GAT nonresponder animals may lack clones capable of recognizing, with a high affinity, I-As + GAT.  相似文献   

The present study examines an antiserum prepared against antigen-reactive T cells that induces murine H-Y-specific delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) responses. This anti-H-Y receptor antibody (ARA) was raised in C57BL/6 male mice against splenic T lymphocytes from H-Y immune syngeneic females. Subcutaneous administration of ARA to cyclophosphamide-pretreated C57BL/6 females is able to induce H-Y-specific delayed-type footpad swelling responses. The DTH inducing capacity in ARA was selectively retained on rabbit anti-mouse immunoglobulin columns and was absorbed completely by H-Y immune lymphoid cells from C57BL/6 females. The induction of H-Y DTH reactivity was due at least in part to the activation of H-Y antigen-specific T lymphocytes that could adoptively transfer DTH-like responses to naive female mice. ARA induces DTH responses in strains with the same lgh regions, including selected strains of H-Y nonresponders. Therefore, MHC-linked lr genes do not appear to be as critical when responses are triggered by ARA instead of by antigen. Possible mechanisms for the induction of immune responses by ARA are discussed.  相似文献   

The role of insulin-specific helper and suppressor T cells in the H-2-linked genetic control of antibody responses to heterologous insulins was examined in vitro. These data demonstrate that pork insulin stimulates both primed helper T cells and dominant suppressor T cells in all nonresponder strains tested. Thus, the nonresponder phenotype is attributed to the activation of specific suppressor T cells rather than to an absence of helper T cell activity. Examination of the antigenic cross-reactivity patterns of pork insulin-primed helper and suppressor T cells in various strains demonstrates that fine specificity of the helper T cells differs from that of the suppressor T cells and that the patterns of antigenic cross-reactivity of these subpopulations are controlled by the H-2 gene complex. Furthermore, in a given strain of mice variants of insulin that stimulate helper T cells that cross-react with mouse insulin also stimulate dominant suppressor T cells that cross-react with mouse insulin. Such variants of insulin are perceived as nonimmunogenic. These observations raise the possibility that nonresponsiveness that is controlled by H-2 linked genes results from the activation of regulatory mechanisms involved in maintaining self-tolerance.  相似文献   

Immune responses to GAT are controlled by H-2-linked Ir genes; soluble GAT stimulates antibody responses in responder mice (H-2b) but not in nonresponder mice (H-2q). In nonresponder mice, soluble GAT stimulates suppressor T cells that preempt function of helper T cells. After immunization with soluble GAT, spleen cells from (responder x nonresponder: H-2b X H-2q)F1 mice develop antibody responses to responder H-2b GAT-M phi but not to nonresponder H-2q GAT-M phi. This failure of immune F1 spleen cells to respond is due to an active suppressor T cell mechanism that is activated by H-2q, but not H-2b, GAT-M phi and involves two regulatory T cell subsets. Suppressor-inducer T cells are immune radiosensitive Lyt-1 +2-, I-A-, I-J+, Qa-1+ cells. Suppressor-effector T cells can be derived from virgin or immune spleens and are radiosensitive Lyt-1-2+, I-A-, I-J+, Qa-1+ cells. This suppressor mechanism can suppress responses of virgin or immune F1 helper T cells and B cells. Helper T cells specific for H-2b GAT-M phi are easily detected in F1 mice after immunization with soluble GAT; helper T cells specific for H-2q GAT-M phi are demonstrated after elimination of the suppressor-inducer and -effector cells. These helper T cells are radioresistant Lyt-1+2-, I-A+, I-J-, Qa-1- cells. These data indicate that the Ir gene defect in responses to GAT is not due to a failure of nonresponder M phi to present GAT and most likely is not due to a defective T cell repertoire, because the relevant helper T cells are primed in F1 mice by soluble GAT and can be demonstrated when suppressor cells are removed. These data are discussed in the context of mechanisms for expression of Ir gene function in responses to GAT, especially the balance between stimulation of helper vs suppressor T cells.  相似文献   

Two sets of genes control the immune response ofH-2 d mice to the synthetic antigen poly(Glu50Tyr50) (GT). One set involves class II major histocompatibility complex (Mhc) loci encoding an Ad product that serves as a recognition context to GT-reactive helper T cells (Th). The other one is a background gene, the product of which, in association with the same Mhc-restricting element, mimics the GT/Ad complex. Mice expressing the GT-mimicking background-encoded structure (Imgt), which is preferentially displayed on B lymphoblasts, do not respond to GT as a consequence of self-tolerance. On the other hand, elimination of cells bearing Imgt renders these mice responsive to GT, demonstrating that tolerance to self can impoverish the immune system. Imgt is probably not identical to GT, but resembles it in the way it forms complexes with Ad molecules ofMhc.  相似文献   

Twelve diabetic subjects who were not previously treated with insulin were divided into two groups of six each. Group I was treated with single component pork insulin and Group II was treated with standard (USP) insulin for 5 to 10 months. Three out of six in Group I, and five in Group II, developed circulating insulin antibodies. Daily insulin requirement in the two groups were almost the same. Insulin antibody titer did not fall in three insulin-treated diabetic subjects when single component pork insulin was substituted for USP beef-pork insulin. This study shows that the single component insulin is antigenic in human subjects.  相似文献   

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