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Conserved RNA secondary structures in Picornaviridae genomes   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The family Picornaviridae contains important pathogens including, for example, hepatitis A virus and foot-and-mouth disease virus. The genome of these viruses is a single messenger-active (+)-RNA of 7200–8500 nt. Besides coding for the viral proteins, it also contains functionally important RNA secondary structures, among them an internal ribosomal entry site (IRES) region towards the 5′-end. This contribution provides a comprehensive computational survey of the complete genomic RNAs and a detailed comparative analysis of the conserved structural elements in seven of the currently nine genera in the family Picornaviridae. Compared with previous studies we find: (i) that only smaller sections of the IRES region than previously reported are conserved at single base-pair resolution and (ii) that there is a number of significant structural elements in the coding region. Furthermore, we identify potential cis-acting replication elements in four genera where this feature has not been reported so far.  相似文献   

Conserved RNA secondary structures in viral genomes: a survey   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
SUMMARY: The genomes of RNA viruses often carry conserved RNA structures that perform vital functions during the life cycle of the virus. Such structures can be detected using a combination of structure prediction and co-variation analysis. Here we present results from pilot studies on a variety of viral families performed during bioinformatics computer lab courses in past years.  相似文献   

In this study, phylogenetically conserved structural features of the Ro RNP associated Y RNAs were investigated. The human, iguana, and frog Y3 and Y4 RNA sequences have been determined previously and the respective RNAs were subjected to enzymatic and chemical probing to obtain structural information. For all of the analyzed RNAs, the probing data were used to compose secondary structures, which partly deviate from previously predicted structures. Our results confirm the existence of two stem structures, which are also found at similar positions in hY1 and hY5 RNA. For the remaining parts of hY3 and hY4 RNA the secondary structures differ from those previously proposed based upon computer predictions. What might be more important is that certain parts of the RNAs appear to be flexible, i.e., to adopt several conformations. Another striking feature is that a characteristic pyrimidine-rich region, present in every Y RNA known, is single-stranded in all secondary structures. This may suggest that this region is readily available for base pairing interactions with other cellular nucleic acids, which might be important for the as yet unknown function of the RNAs.  相似文献   

Conserved DNA structures in origins of replication.   总被引:15,自引:7,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
According to the model of Bramhill and Kornberg, initiation of DNA replication in prokaryotes involves binding of an initiator protein to origin DNA and subsequent duplex opening of adjacent direct repeat sequences. In this report, we have used computer analysis to examine the higher-order DNA structure of a variety of origins of replication from plasmids, phages, and bacteria in order to determine whether these sequences are localized in domains of altered structure. The results demonstrate that the primary sites of initiator protein binding lie in discrete domains of DNA bending, while the direct repeats lie within well-defined boundaries of an unusual anti-bent domain. The anti-bent structures arise from a periodicity of A3 and T3 tracts which avoids the 10-11 bp bending periodicity. Since DNA fragments which serve as replicators in yeast also contain these two conserved structural elements, the results provide new insight into the universal role of conserved DNA structures in DNA replication.  相似文献   

Supersecondary structures of proteins have been systematically searched and classified, but not enough attention has been devoted to such large edifices beyond the basic identification of secondary structures. The objective of the present study is to show that the association of secondary structures that share some of their backbone residues is a commonplace in globular proteins, and that such deeper fusion of secondary structures, namely extended secondary structures (ESSs), helps stabilize the original secondary structures and the resulting tertiary structures. For statistical purposes, a set of 163 proteins from the protein databank was randomly selected and a few specific cases are structurally analyzed and characterized in more detail. The results point that about 30% of the residues from each protein, on average, participate in ESS. Alternatively, for the specific cases considered, our results were based on the secondary structures produced after extensive Molecular Dynamics simulation of a protein–aqueous solvent system. Based on the very small width of the time distribution of the root mean squared deviations, between the ESS taken along the simulation and the ESS from the mean structure of the protein, for each ESS, we conclude that the ESSs significantly increase the conformational stability by forming very stable aggregates. The ubiquity and specificity of the ESS suggest that the role they play in the structure of proteins, including the domains formation, deserves to be thoroughly investigated.  相似文献   

DNA-RNA hybrid secondary structures   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
DNA-RNA and DNA-DNA duplexes are even more polymorphic than observed previously. DNA-RNA hybrids can have secondary structures like A-DNA or A-RNA, but double helices of the synthetic DNA-RNA hybrids poly(dA) X poly(rU) and poly(dI) X poly(rC), respectively, form 11-fold and 10-fold double-helical structures in which the two chains have quite different conformations. Extensive X-ray fiber diffraction analyses show that in both structures the DNA chains have C-2'-endo-puckered furanose rings, while the anti-parallel RNA chains have C-3'-endo-puckered rings. The bidirectional properties of such duplexes may be important in the transfer of biological information from nucleic acids.  相似文献   

Molecules and assemblies of molecules with well-defined secondary structures have been designed and characterized by controlling noncovalent interactions. By specifying intermolecular interactions, a class of information-storing molecular duplexes have been successfully developed. These H-bonded molecular duplexes demonstrate programmable, sequence-specificity and predictable, tunable stabilities. Based on these highly specific molecular zippers (or glues), a systematic approach to designing self-assembled structures is now feasible. Duplex-directed formation of beta-sheets, block copolymers and templated organic reactions have been realized. By specifying intramolecular noncovalent interactions, a backbone-rigidification strategy has been established, leading to unnatural molecular strands that adopt well-defined, crescent or helical conformations. The generality of this backbone-rigidification strategy has been demonstrated in three different classes of unnatural oligomers: oligoaramides, oligoureas and oligo(phenylene ethynylenes). Large nanosized cavities have been created based on the folding of these helical foldamers. Tuning the size of the nanocavities has been achieved without changing the underlying helical topology. These helical foldamers can serve as novel platforms for the systematic design of nanostructures.  相似文献   

A statistical reference for RNA secondary structures with minimum free energies is computed by folding large ensembles of random RNA sequences. Four nucleotide alphabets are used: two binary alphabets, AU and GC, the biophysical AUGC and the synthetic GCXK alphabet. RNA secondary structures are made of structural elements, such as stacks, loops, joints, and free ends. Statistical properties of these elements are computed for small RNA molecules of chain lengths up to 100. The results of RNA structure statistics depend strongly on the particular alphabet chosen. The statistical reference is compared with the data derived from natural RNA molecules with similar base frequencies. Secondary structures are represented as trees. Tree editing provides a quantitative measure for the distance dt, between two structures. We compute a structure density surface as the conditional probability of two structures having distance t given that their sequences have distance h. This surface indicates that the vast majority of possible minimum free energy secondary structures occur within a fairly small neighborhood of any typical (random) sequence. Correlation lengths for secondary structures in their tree representations are computed from probability densities. They are appropriate measures for the complexity of the sequence-structure relation. The correlation length also provides a quantitative estimate for the mean sensitivity of structures to point mutations. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Linkers that connect repeating secondary structures fall into conformational classes based on distance and main-chain torsion clustering. A data set of 300 unique protein chains with low pairwise sequence identity was clustered into only a few groups representing the preferred motifs. The linkers of two to eight residues for the nonredundant data set are designated H-Ln-H, H-Ln-E, E-Ln-H, E-Ln-E, where n is the length, H stands for alpha-helices, and E for beta-strands. Most of the clusters identified here corroborate earlier findings. However, 19 new clusters are identified in this paper, with many of them having seven and eight residue linkers. In our first analysis, the secondary structures flanking the linkers are both interacting and noninteracting and there is no precise angle of orientation between them. A second analysis was performed on a set of proteins with restricted orientations for the flanking elements, namely, mainly alpha class of proteins with orthogonal architecture. Two definite clusters are identified, one corresponding to linkers of orthogonal helices and the other to linkers of antiparallel helices. Loops forming binding sites or involved in catalytic activity are important determinants of the function of proteins. Although the structural conservation of the residues around the catalytic triad of serine proteases has been studied widely, there has not been a systematic analysis of the conformation of the loops that contain them. Residues of the catalytic triad reside in the linkers of beta-strands, with varying lengths of more than eight residues. Here, we analyze the structural conservation of such linkers by superposition, and observe a conserved structural feature of the linkers incorporating each of the three residues of the catalytic triad.  相似文献   

The probability of occurrence of helix and β-sheet residues in 47 globular proteins was determined as a function of local hydrophobicity, which was defined by the sum of the Nozaki-Tanford transfer free energies at two nearest-neighbors on both sides of the amino acid sequence. In general, hydrophilic amino acids favor neither helix nor β-sheet formations when neighbor residues are also hydrophilic but favor helix formation at higher local hydrophobicity. On the other hand, some hydrophobic amino acids such as Met, Leu, and Ile favor helix formation when neighbor residues are hydrophilic. None of the hydrophobic amino acids favor β-sheet formation with hydrophilic neighbors, but most of them strongly favor β-sheet formation at high local hydrophobicity. When the average of 20 amino acids is taken, both helix and β-sheet residue probabilities are higher at higher local hydrophobicity, although the increase is steeper for β-sheets. Therefore, β-sheet formation is more influenced by local hydrophobicity than helix formation. Generally, helices are nearer the surface and tend to have hydrophilic and hydrophobic faces at opposite sides. The tendency of alternating regions of hydrophilic and hydrophobic residues in a helical sequence was revealed by calculating the correlation of the Nozaki-Tanford values. Such amphipathic helices may be important in protein–protein and protein–lipid interactions and in forming hydrophilic channels in the membrane. The choice of 30 nonhomologous proteins as the data set did not alter the above results.  相似文献   

In warm regions, agricultural fields are occupied by complex Aspergillus flavus communities composed of isolates in many vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs) with varying abilities to produce highly toxic, carcinogenic aflatoxins. Aflatoxin contamination is reduced with biocontrol products that enable atoxigenic isolates from atoxigenic VCGs to dominate the population. Shifts in VCG frequencies similar to those caused by the introduction of biocontrol isolates were detected in Sonora, Mexico, where biocontrol is not currently practiced. The shifts were attributed to founder events. Although VCGs reproduce clonally, significant diversity exists within VCGs. Simple sequence repeat (SSR) fingerprinting revealed that increased frequencies of VCG YV150 involved a single haplotype. This is consistent with a founder event. Additionally, great diversity was detected among 82 YV150 isolates collected over 20 years across Mexico and the United States. Thirty-six YV150 haplotypes were separated into two populations by Structure and SplitsTree analyses. Sixty-five percent of isolates had MAT1-1 and belonged to one population. The remaining had MAT1-2 and belonged to the second population. SSR alleles varied within populations, but recombination between populations was not detected despite co-occurrence at some locations. Results suggest that YV150 isolates with opposite mating-type have either strongly restrained or lost sexual reproduction among themselves.  相似文献   

Summary The four Balbiani ring (BR) genes, BR1, BR2.1, BR2.2, and BR6 in the midge Chironomus tentans constitute a gene family encoding secretory proteins with molecular weights of approximately 106 daltons. The major part of each gene is known to consist of tandemly organized composite repeat units resulting in a hierarchic repeat arrangement.Here, we present the sequence organization of the 5 part of the BR2.2 and BR6 genes and describe the entire transcribed part of the two genes. As the BR1 and BR2.1 genes were also fully characterized recently, this allows the comparison of all genes in the BR gene family.All four genes share the same exon-intron structure and have evolved by gene duplications starting from a common ancestor, having the same overall organization as the BR genes of today.The genes encode proteins that have an approximately 10,000-amino acid residue extended central domain, flanked by a highly charged, 200-residue amino-terminal domain and a globular 110-residue carboxy-terminal domain. Exons 1–3 and the beginning of exon 4 encode the amino-terminal domain, which throughout contains many regions built from short repeats. These repeats are often degenerate as to repeat unit and sequence and are present in different numbers between the genes. In several instances these repeat structures, however, are conserved at the protein level where they form positively or negatively charged regions.Each BR gene has a 26–38-kb-long exon 4, which consists of an array of 125–150 repeat units and encodes the central domain. The number of repeat units appears to be largely preserved by selection and all repeat units in the array are very efficiently homogenized. Occasionally variant repeats have been introduced, presumably from another BR gene by gene conversion, and spread within the array.Introns 1–3 at the 5 end of the genes have diverged extensively in sequence and length between the genes. In contrast, intron 4 at the 3 end is virtually identical between three of the four genes, suggesting that gene conversion homogenizes the 3 ends of the genes, but not the 5 ends. Offprint requests to: L. Wieslander  相似文献   

Automatic display of RNA secondary structures   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

A mathematical model for analyzing the secondary structures of RNA is developed that is based on the connection matrix associated with the planar p-h graph. The classification of the elementary structures allows the introduction of the basis of structural space from which to build the global secondary structure. All admissible solutions belong to the configuration space and can be obtained directly from its basis.  相似文献   

The secondary structure of a pre-mRNA influences a number of processing steps including alternative splicing. Since most splicing regulatory proteins bind to single-stranded RNA, the sequestration of RNA into double strands could prevent their binding. Here, we analyzed the secondary structure context of experimentally determined splicing enhancer and silencer motifs in their natural pre-mRNA context. We found that these splicing motifs are significantly more single-stranded than controls. These findings were validated by transfection experiments, where the effect of enhancer or silencer motifs on exon skipping was much more pronounced in single-stranded conformation. We also found that the structural context of predicted splicing motifs is under selection, suggesting a general importance of secondary structures on splicing and adding another level of evolutionary constraints on pre-mRNAs. Our results explain the action of mutations that affect splicing and indicate that the structural context of splicing motifs is part of the mRNA splicing code.  相似文献   

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