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What kind of strategies subjects follow in various behavioral circumstances has been a central issue in decision making. In particular, which behavioral strategy, maximizing or matching, is more fundamental to animal''s decision behavior has been a matter of debate. Here, we prove that any algorithm to achieve the stationary condition for maximizing the average reward should lead to matching when it ignores the dependence of the expected outcome on subject''s past choices. We may term this strategy of partial reward maximization “matching strategy”. Then, this strategy is applied to the case where the subject''s decision system updates the information for making a decision. Such information includes subject''s past actions or sensory stimuli, and the internal storage of this information is often called “state variables”. We demonstrate that the matching strategy provides an easy way to maximize reward when combined with the exploration of the state variables that correctly represent the crucial information for reward maximization. Our results reveal for the first time how a strategy to achieve matching behavior is beneficial to reward maximization, achieving a novel insight into the relationship between maximizing and matching.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to understand machine cognition. The nature of machine cognition has been shrouded in incomprehensibility. We have often encountered familiar arguments in cognitive science that human cognition is still faintly understood. This paper will argue that machine cognition is far less understood than even human cognition despite the fact that a lot about computer architecture and computational operations is known. Even if there have been putative claims about the transparency of the notion of machine computations, these claims do not hold out in unraveling machine cognition, let alone machine consciousness (if there is any such thing). The nature and form of machine cognition remains further confused also because of attempts to explain human cognition in terms of computation and to model/simulate (aspects of) human cognitive processing in machines. Given that these problems in characterizing machine cognition persist, a view of machine cognition that aims to avoid these problems is outlined. The argument that is advanced is that something becomes a computation in machines only when a human interprets it, which is a kind of semiotic causation. From this it follows that a computing machine is not engaged in a computation unless a human interprets what it is doing; instead, it is engaged in machine cognition, which is defined as a member or subset of the set of all possible mappings of inputs to outputs. The human interpretation, which is a semiotic process, gives meaning to what a machine does, and then what it does becomes a computation.  相似文献   

Dark-grown sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris L.) leaves were used toinvestigate a possible role of apoplastic sucrose in the inductionand development of the putative phloem-located sucrose carrierin relation to minor vein loading and export capacity. Unlabeledsucrose was introduced to the leaf apoplast after which veinaccumulation of [14C]sucrose was determined by autoradiogra-phy.Western blotting was used to detect the putative carrier. Anaffinity purified antibody against the sucrose binding proteinof soybean did not cross-react with the protein in a plasmalemma-enrichedfraction from sugarbeet leaves. Challenging the apoplast ofleaf discs with buffer plus sucrose for 6 h (induction) resultedin decreased [14C]sucrose uptake. When induction treatmentswere conducted with detached intact leaves in the dark, sucroseand glucose, but not buffer alone enhanced [14C]sucrose uptake.Detached leaves induced under laboratory light conditions for24 h showed enhanced [14C]sucrose uptake even in the absenceof any sugar introduced to the apoplast (buffer only). The datasuggested that in the etiolated tissue, sucrose was not a directand specific inducer of its putative carrier; instead sugarsmay have provided the energy for vein loading. Furthermore,the data suggested a role for light in the development of theputative sucrose carrier and vein accumulation of sucrose intransitional leaves of sugarbeet. The role of light may alsobe related to tissue energy level. 1Contribution No. D-15192-1-91 from the New Jersey AgriculturalExperiment Station. This work was funded in part by the BeetSugar Development Foundation and Rutgers University ResearchCouncil and was submitted as partial fulfillment for M.S. degreeby Lynne H. Pitcher. (Received February 19, 1991; Accepted May 13, 1991)  相似文献   

For Immanuel Kant, time was the very form of the inner sense, the bedrock of our consciousness and also the origin of arithmetic ability. New research on bumblebees has shown that even an invertebrate with a brain the size of a pinhead can actively sense the passage of elapsed time, allowing it to predict when certain salient events will occur in the future.  相似文献   

One of the major objectives of research on invasive species is to determine the relative importance of different evolutionary and ecological forces in the invasion process. It was recently suggested that post-introduction intraspecific hybridization between previously isolated genotypes could produce novel and/or heterotic progeny that might express enhanced invasiveness. We tested this hypothesis with Silene latifolia, a European native that has successfully invaded North America and has previously been shown to have undergone genetic change since its introduction. In a common garden experiment we compared the performance of plants derived from within and between population crosses from eight European and 18 North American populations. Results showed that there was no significant effect of crossing distance on progeny phenotype. Furthermore, progeny from within or between population crosses did not differ in size, reproductive output or survival. Collectively, these results suggest that the invasive phenotype of S. latifolia is likely the result of natural selection and/or genetic drift rather than intraspecific hybridization.  相似文献   

There is growing recognition of the ways in which maternal effects can influence offspring size, physiological performance, and survival. Additionally, environmental contaminants increasingly act as stressors in maternal environments, possibly leading to maternal effects on subsequent offspring. Thus, it is important to determine whether contaminants and other stressors can contribute to maternal effects, particularly under varied ecological conditions that encompass the range under which offspring develop. We used aquatic mesocosms to determine whether maternal effects of mercury (Hg) exposure shape offspring phenotype in the American toad (Bufo americanus) in the presence or absence of larval predators (dragonfly naiads). We found significant maternal effects of Hg exposure and significant effects of predators on several offspring traits, but there was little evidence that maternal effects altered offspring interactions with predators. Offspring from Hg-exposed mothers were 18% smaller than those of reference mothers. Offspring reared with predators were 23% smaller at metamorphosis than those reared without predators. There was also evidence of reduced larval survival when larvae were reared with predators, but this was independent of maternal effects. Additionally, 5 times more larvae had spinal malformations when reared without predators, suggesting selective predation of malformed larvae by predators. Lastly, we found a significant negative correlation between offspring survival and algal density in mesocosms, indicating a role for top-down effects of predators on periphyton communities. Our results demonstrate that maternal exposure to an environmental stressor can induce phenotypic responses in offspring in a direction similar to that produced by direct exposure of offspring to predators.  相似文献   



Circadian clocks govern daily physiological and molecular rhythms, and putative rhythms in expression of xenobiotic metabolizing (XM) genes have been described in both insects and mammals. Such rhythms could have important consequences for outcomes of chemical exposures at different times of day. To determine whether reported XM gene expression rhythms result in functional rhythms, we examined daily profiles of enzyme activity and dose responses to the pesticides propoxur, deltamethrin, fipronil, and malathion.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Published microarray expression data were examined for temporal patterns. Male Drosophila were collected for ethoxycoumarin-O-deethylase (ECOD), esterase, glutathione-S-transferase (GST), and, and uridine 5′-diphosphoglucosyltransferase (UGT) enzyme activity assays, or subjected to dose-response tests at four hour intervals throughout the day in both light/dark and constant light conditions. Peak expression of several XM genes cluster in late afternoon. Significant diurnal variation was observed in ECOD and UGT enzyme activity, however, no significant daily variation was observed in esterase or GST activity. Daily profiles of susceptibility to lethality after acute exposure to propoxur and fipronil showed significantly increased resistance in midday, while susceptibility to deltamethrin and malathion varied little. In constant light, which interferes with clock function, the daily variation in susceptibility to propoxur and in ECOD and UGT enzyme activity was depressed.


Expression and activities of specific XM enzymes fluctuate during the day, and for specific insecticides, the concentration resulting in 50% mortality varies significantly during the day. Time of day of chemical exposure should be an important consideration in experimental design, use of pesticides, and human risk assessment.  相似文献   

To test whether different nitrogen form (nitrate or ammonium) in substrate can alter the response to elevated partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) plants of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne cv. Bastion) were grown from seeds in growth chambers under pCO2 of either 35 Pa (ambient, CA) or 70 Pa (elevated, CE) in a hydroponic system (with nutrient and pH control) for 24 d. Nitrogen was supplied as ammonium, nitrate or an equimolar mixture of both N forms. Under CE plants grew faster than their counterparts under CA during the first 14 d but after 23 d of cultivation stimulation disappeared. Despite the strong positive effect of mixed forms of N on plant growth, the beneficial effect of CE was similar to that in the other two N treatments. However, the almost alike final growth response to CE had different underlying mechanisms in different N treatments. Plants supplied with nitrate as a sole source of nitrogen had lower leaf mass ratio but much higher specific leaf area compared to plants supplied with ammonium. The decrease in the content of leaf organic N (per unit of structural dry mass) under CE was found only in leaves of plants supplied with ammonium on day 14. Nevertheless, the available form of N evidently contributes to changes of leaf N content under CE. The high levels of N and non-structural saccharides in plants supplied with ammonium at CE suggest that the CO2 response of these plants was controlled by factors other than amount of available carbon and nitrogen.  相似文献   

The conversion of Brazilian savanna into exotic pastures leads to the loss of dung beetles and a decrease in their contribution to ecological functions. We hypothesized that the dung beetle communities from exotic pastures would show greater significant differences between climatic zones, when contrasted to communities from Brazilian savanna in the same region, since dung beetle assemblages in pastures are more simplified. We assessed which variables (purpose of production, type of management, percentage the habitat per buffer, soil penetration resistance, pasture area and herd size) affect more the dung beetle community in exotic pastures. We carried out this study in 48 areas of native Brazilian savannas and exotic pastures distributed across four bioclimatic zones: BZ1, hot with three dry months; BZ2, hot with 4–5 dry months; BZ3, sub-hot with 4–5 dry months and BZ4, meso-thermal with 4–5 dry months of Minas Gerais State, Brazil. In each BZ, six areas of Brazilian savannas and six areas of exotic pasture were selected. In the Brazilian savanna areas, the species richness, abundance and biomass of dung beetles did not differ between the bioclimatic zones, unlike the exotic pastures. The composition of the dung beetle community was different between land use systems and between bioclimatic zones; the interaction between the two factors was also significant. Our results provide evidence that dung beetle communities active in exotic pastures are more susceptible to climatic environmental variations than communities from more complex and stable habitats, such as savannas. Finally, the best model suggested that all the six variables combined explained about 91% of the total variability in species composition observed between sampling sites.  相似文献   

Hutchinson defined species' realized niche as the set of environmental conditions in which populations can persist in the presence of competitors. In terms of demography, the realized niche corresponds to the environments where the intrinsic growth rate (r) of populations is positive. Observed species occurrences should reflect the realized niche when additional processes like dispersal and local extinction lags do not have overwhelming effects. Despite the foundational nature of these ideas, quantitative assessments of the relationship between range‐wide demographic performance and occurrence probability have not been made. This assessment is needed both to improve our conceptual understanding of species' niches and ranges and to develop reliable mechanistic models of species geographic distributions that incorporate demography and species interactions. The objective of this study is to analyse how demographic parameters (intrinsic growth rate r and carrying capacity K ) and population density (N ) relate to occurrence probability (Pocc ). We hypothesized that these relationships vary with species' competitive ability. Demographic parameters, density, and occurrence probability were estimated for 108 tree species from four temperate forest inventory surveys (Québec, western USA, France and Switzerland). We used published information of shade tolerance as indicators of light competition strategy, assuming that high tolerance denotes high competitive capacity in stable forest environments. Interestingly, relationships between demographic parameters and occurrence probability did not vary substantially across degrees of shade tolerance and regions. Although they were influenced by the uncertainty in the estimation of the demographic parameters, we found that r was generally negatively correlated with Pocc, while N, and for most regions K, was generally positively correlated with Pocc. Thus, in temperate forest trees the regions of highest occurrence probability are those with high densities but slow intrinsic population growth rates. The uncertain relationships between demography and occurrence probability suggests caution when linking species distribution and demographic models.  相似文献   

Global temperatures and atmospheric CO2 concentrations are expected to both increase, but their combined effect on plant communities has been far less investigated than the single factors of global change. Moreover, drought events are expected to become more frequent and intense in the near future what might alter plant responses to the changing climate.In this study synthesised grassland communities in a current or future climate were subjected to several drought levels (0, 15, 22 and 35 days of drought). The grassland communities were grown in six sunlit, climate-controlled chambers. Three of the chambers were exposed to ambient temperature and CO2 (current climate), while the other three were continuously warmed 3 °C above ambient temperature at 620 ppm of CO2 (future climate).The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of drought on the response of grassland communities to a future climate. Therefore, the response to future climate was observed (1) in the absence of drought and (2) in the occurrence of an extreme drought event, both early and late in the growing season.
  • (1)In the absence of drought, plant productivity was positively affected by future climate early in the growing season. Later in the growing season this effect tended to turn negative, resulting in a disappearance of the overall effect of climate at the end of the growing season.
  • (2)During drought there was a stronger decrease in net CO2 assimilation rate (Asat) in future than in current climate due to stronger stomatal closure. Consistently, the beneficial biomass response to future climate stagnated during drought. At the end of the season, after a period of recovery, there was no effect of climate on plant productivity. As in the absence of drought, plant productivity was not affected by climate at the end of the growing season. Hence, the occurrence of an extreme drought event during the growing season did not alter the overall response of plant productivity to a future climate.

Research strategy in the auditory system has tended to parallel that in the visual system, where neurons have been shown to respond selectively to specific stimulus parameters. Auditory neurons have been shown to be sensitive to changes in acoustic parameters, but only rarely have neurons been reported that respond exclusively to only one biologically significant sound. Even at higher levels of the auditory system very few cells have been found that could be described as "vocalization detectors." In addition, variability in responses to artificial sounds have been reported for auditory cortical neurons similar to the response variability that has been reported in the visual system. Recent evidence indicates that the responses of auditory cortical neurons to species-specific vocalizations can also be labile, varying in both strength and selectivity. This is especially true of the secondary auditory cortex. This variability, coupled with the lack of extreme specificity in the secondary auditory cortex, suggests that secondary cortical neurons are not well suited for the role of "vocalization detectors."  相似文献   

Predation and fire shape the structure and function of ecosystems globally. However, studies exploring interactions between these two processes are rare, especially at large spatial scales. This knowledge gap is significant not only for ecological theory, but also in an applied context, because it limits the ability of landscape managers to predict the outcomes of manipulating fire and predators. We examined the influence of fire on the occurrence of an introduced and widespread mesopredator, the red fox (Vulpes vulpes), in semi-arid Australia. We used two extensive and complimentary datasets collected at two spatial scales. At the landscape-scale, we surveyed red foxes using sand-plots within 28 study landscapes – which incorporated variation in the diversity and proportional extent of fire-age classes – located across a 104 000 km2 study area. At the site-scale, we surveyed red foxes using camera traps at 108 sites stratified along a century-long post-fire chronosequence (0–105 years) within a 6630 km2 study area. Red foxes were widespread both at the landscape and site-scale. Fire did not influence fox distribution at either spatial scale, nor did other environmental variables that we measured. Our results show that red foxes exploit a broad range of environmental conditions within semi-arid Australia. The presence of red foxes throughout much of the landscape is likely to have significant implications for native fauna, particularly in recently burnt habitats where reduced cover may increase prey species’ predation risk.  相似文献   



Plant sucrose transporter activities were shown to respond to changes in the extracellular pH and redox status, and oxidizing compounds like glutathione (GSSG) or H2O2 were reported to effect the subcellular targeting of these proteins. We hypothesized that changes in both parameters might be used to modulate the activities of competing sucrose transporters at a plant/pathogen interface. We, therefore, compared the effects of redox-active compounds and of extracellular pH on the sucrose transporters UmSRT1 and ZmSUT1 known to compete for extracellular sucrose in the Ustilago maydis (corn smut)/Zea mays (maize) pathosystem.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We present functional analyses of the U. maydis sucrose transporter UmSRT1 and of the plant sucrose transporters ZmSUT1 and StSUT1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae or in Xenopus laevis oocytes in the presence of different extracellular pH-values and redox systems, and study the possible effects of these treatments on the subcellular targeting. We observed an inverse regulation of host and pathogen sucrose transporters by changes in the apoplastic pH. Under none of the conditions analyzed, we could confirm the reported effects of redox-active compounds.


Our data suggest that changes in the extracellular pH but not of the extracellular redox status might be used to oppositely adjust the transport activities of plant and fungal sucrose transporters at the host/pathogen interface.  相似文献   

Toxoplasma gondii is a ubiquitous parasite with a widespread distribution both in terms of geographical and host range. Although the definitive host is the cat, it is also a major health hazard to domestic animals and humans. Three routes of transmission are recognised (infection from the cat, carnivory and congenital transmission). We aimed to assess the relative importance of congenital transmission, using sheep as a model system, due to the lack of carnivory. We report, using PCR as a diagnostic tool, that congenital transmission occurs with high frequency (69%). If transmission from oocysts was important in sheep, we would expect sheep reared under the same environmental conditions (i.e. a single farm) to have a random distribution of Toxoplasma infection. Using breeding records in conjunction with PCR, some families were found to have high Toxoplasma prevalence and abortion while others were free of Toxoplasma infection and abortion (P < 0.01). This supports the notion that Toxoplasma may be transmitted vertically. In humans, we conducted a similar study and showed that Toxoplasma was transmitted from mother to baby in 19.8% of cases. Vertical transmission in Toxoplasma may be more important than previously thought and this knowledge should be considered in any eradication strategies.  相似文献   

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