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M. Purugganan  S. Wessler 《Genetica》1992,86(1-3):295-303
Recent studies have demonstrated that transposable elements in maize and Drosophila are spliced from pre-mRNA. These transposable element introns represent the first examples of recent addition of introns into nuclear genes. The eight reported examples of transposable element splicing include members of the maize Ac/Ds and Spm/dSpm and the Drosophila P and 412 element families. The details of the splicing of these transposable elements and their relevance to models of intron origin are discussed.  相似文献   

Group II introns are large ribozymes that require the assistance of intron-encoded or free-standing maturases to splice from their pre-mRNAs in vivo. They mainly splice through the classical branching pathway, being released as RNA lariats. However, group II introns can also splice through secondary pathways like hydrolysis and circularization leading to the release of linear and circular introns, respectively. Here, we assessed in vivo splicing of various constructs of the Ll.LtrB group II intron from the Gram-positive bacterium Lactococcus lactis. The study of excised intron junctions revealed, in addition to branched intron lariats, the presence of perfect end-to-end intron circles and alternatively circularized introns. Removal of the branch point A residue prevented Ll.LtrB excision through the branching pathway but did not hinder intron circle formation. Complete intron RNA circles were found associated with the intron-encoded protein LtrA forming nevertheless inactive RNPs. Traces of double-stranded head-to-tail intron DNA junctions were also detected in L. lactis RNA and nucleic acid extracts. Some intron circles and alternatively circularized introns harbored variable number of non-encoded nucleotides at their splice junction. The presence of mRNA fragments at the splice junction of some intron RNA circles provides insights into the group II intron circularization pathway in bacteria.  相似文献   

Recent studies indicate that many introns, as well as the complex spliceosomal mechanism to remove them, were present early in eukaryotic evolution. This study examines intron and exon characteristics from annotations of whole genomes to investigate the intron recognition mechanism. Exon definition uses the exon as the unit of recognition, placing length constraints on the exon but not on the intron (allowing it a greater range of lengths). In contrast, intron definition uses the intron itself as the unit of recognition and thus removes constraints on internal exon length forced by the use of an exon definition mechanism. Thus, intron and exon lengths within a genome can reflect the constraints imposed by its splicing. This study shows that it is possible firstly to recover valid intron and exon information from genome annotation. We then compare internal intron and exon information from a range of eukaryotic genomes and investigate possible evolutionary length constraints on introns and exons and how they can impact on the intron recognition mechanism. Results indicate that exon definition-based mechanisms may predominate in vertebrates although the exact system in fish is expected to show some differences with the better characterized system from mammals. We also raise the possibility that the last common ancestor of plants and animals contained some type of exon definition and that this mechanism was replaced in some genes and lineages by intron definition, possibly as a result of intron loss and/or intron shortening.  相似文献   

Blanco FJ  Bernabeu C 《Aging cell》2011,10(5):896-907
Alternative splicing involving intron retention plays a key role in the regulation of gene expression. We previously reported that the alternatively spliced short isoform of endoglin (S-endoglin) is induced during the aging or senescence of endothelial cells by a mechanism of intron retention. In this work, we demonstrate that the alternative splicing factor or splicing factor-2 (ASF/SF2) is involved in the synthesis of endoglin. Overexpression of ASF/SF2 in endothelial cells switched the balance between the two endoglin isoforms, favoring the synthesis of S-endoglin. Using a minigene reporter vector and RNA immunoprecipitation experiments, it was shown that ASF/SF2 interacts with the nucleotide sequence of the endoglin minigene, suggesting the direct involvement of ASF/SF2. Accordingly, the sequence recognized by ASF/SF2 in the endoglin gene was identified inside the retained intron near the consensus branch point. Finally, the ASF/SF2 subcellular localization during endothelial senescence showed a preferential scattered distribution throughout the cytoplasm, where it interferes with the activity of the minor spliceosome, leading to an increased expression of S-endoglin mRNA. In summary, we report for the first time the molecular mechanisms by which ASF/SF2 regulates the alternative splicing of endoglin in senescent endothelial cells, as well as the involvement of ASF/SF2 in the minor spliceosome.  相似文献   

The minimum functional length of pre-mRNA introns in monocots and dicots   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
When exogenous genes are to be expressed in transgenic plants, their RNAs must be correctly processed. To gain information useful for predicting whether foreign introns will be accurately spliced, we have analysed the processing of an artificial gene in maize and Nicotiana plumbaginifolia protoplasts. A synthetic plant intron, devised to contain the elements necessary for pre-mRNA splicing in dicots, was found to be efficiently spliced in a monocot (maize) transient expression system. A series of deletion mutants of the synthetic intron was constructed to assess the minimum functional intron length. In both monocots and dicots this was found to be between 70 and 73 nt. This length requirement is similar to that seen in vertebrates, but significantly greater than that in fungi and insects.  相似文献   

Primary chicken mesenchymal cells from limb buds and vertebral chondrocytes have been used to study the changes that occur in alternative mRNA splicing of fibronectin exon EIIIA during chondrogenesis. The mesenchymal cell phenotype (exon EIIIA included) and chondrocyte phenotype (exon EIIIA excluded) were preserved in culture. Both primary cell types were transfected with an EIIIA minigene and alternative splicing was monitored by S1 protection assay. Differential cell‐specific splicing of the reporter was observed. The roles of two regulatory elements, an exon splicing enhancer (ESE) and an exon splicing silencer (ESS) were examined. Both elements were required for EIIIA inclusion into mRNA in mesenchymal cells. Gel mobility shift assays revealed that both chondrocyte‐ and mesenchymal cell‐derived nuclear extracts contained exon EIIIA binding factors, but the RNA binding factors present in the two cell types appeared to be distinct. The ESE and ESS appeared to cooperate in the formation of both cell type‐specific complexes. These results suggest a model in which inhibitory factors enriched in chondrocytes compete with positive factors enriched in mesenchymal cells for binding to exon EIIIA, determining whether the exon is included. J. Cell. Biochem. 76:341–351, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers to amplify the fourth intron of glucose‐6‐phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) gene were designed. A large length variation of amplified fragment was observed in the Atlantic albacore sample with a moderate level of heterozygosity (HE = 0.488). Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed deletion or insertion of a large nucleotide block (110 base pairs) to be responsible for the length difference. Successful amplification of single or two fragments was confirmed in the northern bluefin tuna and Pacific saury, indicating the wide cross‐species applicability.  相似文献   

Divergence of alternative splicing represents one of the major driving forces to shape phenotypic diversity during evolution. However, the extent to which these divergences could be explained by the evolving cis‐regulatory versus trans‐acting factors remains unresolved. To globally investigate the relative contributions of the two factors for the first time in mammals, we measured splicing difference between C57BL/6J and SPRET/EiJ mouse strains and allele‐specific splicing pattern in their F1 hybrid. Out of 11,818 alternative splicing events expressed in the cultured fibroblast cells, we identified 796 with significant difference between the parental strains. After integrating allele‐specific data from F1 hybrid, we demonstrated that these events could be predominately attributed to cis‐regulatory variants, including those residing at and beyond canonical splicing sites. Contrary to previous observations in Drosophila, such predominant contribution was consistently observed across different types of alternative splicing. Further analysis of liver tissues from the same mouse strains and reanalysis of published datasets on other strains showed similar trends, implying in general the predominant contribution of cis‐regulatory changes in the evolution of mouse alternative splicing.  相似文献   

Among eukaryotes, the major spliceosomal pathway is highly conserved. While long introns may contain additional regulatory sequences, the ones in short introns seem to be nearly exclusively related to splicing. Although these regulatory sequences involved in splicing are well-characterized, little is known about their evolution. At the 3′ end of introns, the splice signal nearly universally contains the dimer AG, which consists of purines, and the polypyrimidine tract upstream of this 3′ splice signal is characterized by over-representation of pyrimidines. If the over-representation of pyrimidines in the polypyrimidine tract is also due to avoidance of a premature splicing signal, we hypothesize that AG should be the most under-represented dimer. Through the use of DNA-strand asymmetry patterns, we confirm this prediction in fruit flies of the genus Drosophila and by comparing the asymmetry patterns to a presumably neutrally evolving region, we quantify the selection strength acting on each motif. Moreover, our inference and simulation method revealed that the best explanation for the base composition evolution of the polypyrimidine tract is the joint action of purifying selection against a spurious 3′ splice signal and the selection for pyrimidines. Patterns of asymmetry in other eukaryotes indicate that avoidance of premature splicing similarly affects the nucleotide composition in their polypyrimidine tracts.  相似文献   

The arthropod Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule (Dscam) gene can generate tens of thousands of protein isoforms via combinatorial splicing of numerous alternative exons encoding immunoglobulin variable domains organized into three clusters referred to as the exon 4, 6, and 9 clusters. Dscam protein diversity is important for nervous system development and immune functions. We have performed extensive phylogenetic analyses of Dscam from 20 arthropods (each containing between 46 and 96 alternative exons) to reconstruct the detailed history of exon duplication and loss events that built this remarkable system over 450 million years of evolution. Whereas the structure of the exon 4 cluster is ancient, the exon 6 and 9 clusters have undergone massive, independent expansions in each insect lineage. An analysis of nearly 2000 duplicated exons enabled detailed reconstruction of the timing, location, and boundaries of these duplication events. These data clearly show that new Dscam exons have arisen continuously throughout arthropod evolution and that this process is still occurring in the exon 6 and 9 clusters. Recently duplicated regions display boundaries corresponding to a single exon and the adjacent intron. The boundaries, homology, location, clustering, and relative frequencies of these duplication events strongly suggest that staggered homologous recombination is the major mechanism by which new Dscam exons evolve. These data provide a remarkably detailed picture of how complex gene structure evolves and reveal the molecular mechanism behind this process.  相似文献   

A crucial step of the self-splicing reaction of group II intron ribozymes is the recognition of the 5′ exon by the intron. This recognition is achieved by two regions in domain 1 of the intron, the exon-binding sites EBS1 and EBS2 forming base pairs with the intron-binding sites IBS1 and IBS2 located at the end of the 5′ exon. The complementarity of the EBS1•IBS1 contact is most important for ensuring site-specific cleavage of the phosphodiester bond between the 5′ exon and the intron. Here, we present the NMR solution structures of the d3′ hairpin including EBS1 free in solution and bound to the IBS1 7-mer. In the unbound state, EBS1 is part of a flexible 11-nucleotide (nt) loop. Binding of IBS1 restructures and freezes the entire loop region. Mg2+ ions are bound near the termini of the EBS1•IBS1 helix, stabilizing the interaction. Formation of the 7-bp EBS1•IBS1 helix within a loop of only 11 nt forces the loop backbone to form a sharp turn opposite of the splice site, thereby presenting the scissile phosphate in a position that is structurally unique.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that the C-terminal regions of the rat and human pancreatic polypeptide (PPP) precursors exhibit a high degree of divergence, whereas the N-terminal regions are highly conserved. This blend of structural conservation and divergence in the precursors appears to be caused by splice junction sliding and translational frameshift in the 3'-region of the PPP gene [Yonekura et al., J. Biol. Chem. 263 (1988) 2990–2997]. In the present study, we determined the nucleotide (nt) sequences of the chicken PPP (cPPP) cDNA and gene, and compared them with those of the mammals. In cPPP, the C-terminal region of the precursor is quite heterologous with respect to the rat (rPPP) and human (hPPP) precursors, and this heterogeneity is accentuated by the large deletion in exon 3 of cPPP. Furthermore, mutational accumulation during evolution caused the structural organization of the 3'-region of cPPP to change; cPPP is terminated in exon 3, whereas rPPP and hPPP are terminated in exon 4. Thus, our previous observation regarding the possibility of ‘mosaic evolution’ [Yamamoto et al., J. Biol. Chem. 261 (1986) 6156–6159] of PPP has been extended and confirmed by this study. Available evidence suggests that ‘mosaic evolution’ is a phenomenon unique to PPP, and not to the genes encoding the other members of the PPP family, neuropeptide-Y and peptide-YY.  相似文献   

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