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We determined the effects of intracellular respiratory and metabolic acid or alkali loads, at constant or variable external pH, on the apical membrane Na+-specific conductance (ga) and basolateral membrane conductance (gb), principally due to K+, in the short-circuited isolated frog skin epithelium. Conductances were determined from the current-voltage relations of the amiloride-inhibitable cellular current pathway, and intracellular pH (pHi) was measured using double barreled H+-sensitive microelectrodes. The experimental set up permitted simultaneous recording of conductances and pHi from the same epithelial cell. We found that due to the asymmetric permeability properties of apical and basolateral cell membranes to HCO3- and NH+4, the direction of the variations in pHi was dependent on the side of addition of the acid or alkali load. Specifically, changing from control Ringer, gassed in air without HCO3- (pHo = 7.4), to one containing 25 mmol/liter HCO3- that was gassed in 5% CO2 (pHo = 7.4) on the apical side caused a rapid intracellular acidification whereas when this maneuver was performed from the basolateral side of the epithelium a slight intracellular alkalinization was produced. The addition of 15 mmol/liter NH4Cl to control Ringer on the apical side caused an immediate intracellular alkalinization that lasted up to 30 min; subsequent removal of NH4Cl resulted in a reversible fall in pHi, whereas basolateral addition of NH4Cl produced a prolonged intracellular acidosis. Using these maneouvres to change pHi we found that the transepithelial Na+ transport rate (Isc), and ga, and gb were increased by an intracellular alkalinization and decreased by an acid shift in pHi. These variations in Isc, ga, and gb with changing pHi occurred simultaneously, instantaneously, and in parallel even upon small perturbations of pHi (range, 7.1-7.4). Taken together these results indicate that pHi may act as an intrinsic regulator of epithelial ion transport.  相似文献   

Na-K pump current in the Amphiuma collecting tubule   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
There is strong evidence supporting the hypothesis of an electrogenic Na-K pump in the basolateral membrane of several epithelia. Thermodynamic considerations and results in nonepithelial cells indicate that the current carried by the pump could be voltage dependent. In order to measure the pump current and to determine its voltage dependence in a tight epithelium, we have used the isolated perfused collecting tubule of Amphiuma and developed a technique for clamping the basolateral membrane potential (Vbl) through transepithelial current injection. The transcellular current was calculated by subtracting the paracellular current (calculated from the transepithelial conductance measured in the presence of luminal amiloride) from the total transepithelial current. Basolateral membrane current-voltage (I-V) curves were obtained in conditions where the ratio of the pump current to the total basolateral membrane current had been maximized by loading the cells with Na+ (exposure to low-K+ bath), and by blocking the basolateral K+ conductance with barium. The pump current was defined as the difference of the current across the basolateral membrane measured before and 10-15 s after the addition of strophanthidin (20 microM) to the bath solution. With a bath solution containing 3 mM K+, the pump current was nearly constant in the Vbl range of -20 to -80 mV (52 +/- 5 microA.cm-2 at -60 mV) but showed a marked voltage dependence at higher negative Vbl (pump current decreased to 5 +/- 9 microA.cm-2 at -180 mV). In a 1.0 mM K bath, the shape of the pump I-V curve was similar but the amplitude of the current was decreased (24 +/- 4 microA.cm-2 at -60 mV). In a 0.1 mM K bath, the pump current was not significantly different from 0. Our results indicate that the basolateral Na-K pump generates a current which depends on the extracellular potassium concentration. With physiological peritubular concentration of K+ and in the physiological range of potential, the pump activity, measured as the pump-generated current, was independent of the membrane potential.  相似文献   

Ehrlich ascites tumor cell membrane potential (Vm) and intracellular Na+, K+ and Cl- activities were measured under steady-state conditions in normal saline medium (Na+ = 154, K+ = 6, Cl- 150 mequiv./l). Membrane potential was estimated to be -23.3 +/- 0.8 mV using glass microelectrodes. Intracellular ion activities were estimated with similar glass electrodes rendered ion-selective by incorporation of ion-specific ionophores. Measurements of Vm and ion-activity differences were made in the same populations of cells. Under these conditions the intracellular Na+, K+ and Cl- activities are 4.6 +/- 0.5; 68.3 +/- 8.0; and 43.6 +/- 2.1 mequiv./l, respectively. The apparent activity coefficients for Na+ and K+ are 0.18 +/- 0.02 and 0.41 +/- 0.05 respectively. These are significantly lower than the activity coefficients expected for the ions in physiological salt solutions (0.71 and 0.73, respectively). The activity coefficient for intracellular Cl- (0.67 +/- 0.03), however, is close to that of the medium (0.73), and the transmembrane electrochemical potential difference for Cl- is not different from zero. The results establish that the energy available from the Na+ electrochemical gradient is much greater than previously estimated from chemical measurements.  相似文献   

The patch-clamp technique was used to study the properties and the density of conducting K and Na channels in the apical membrane of rat cortical collecting tubule. The predominant K channel observed in cell- attached patches (SK channels) had an outward single-channel conductance (with LiCl in the pipette) of 10 pS. The inward conductance (with KCl in the pipette) was 42 pS. The channel had a high open probability that increased with depolarization. Kinetic analysis indicated the presence of a single open state and two closed states. Increasing K intake by maintaining animals on a high K diet for 12-16 d increased the number of SK channels per patch by threefold (0.7- 2.0/patch) over control levels. In addition, conducting Na-selective channels, which were not observed in control animals, were seen at low density (0.5/patch). These channels had properties similar to those observed when the animals were on a low Na diet, except that the mean open probability (0.84) was higher. In other experiments, the whole- cell patch clamp technique was used to measure Na channel activity (as amiloride-sensitive current, INa) and Na pump activity (as ouabain- sensitive current, Ipump). In animals on a high K diet, INa was greater than in controls but much less than in rats on a low Na diet. Ipump was greater after K loading than in controls or Na-depleted animals. These K diet-dependent effects were not accompanied by a significant increase in plasma aldosterone concentrations. To further investigate the relationship between K channel activity and mineralocorticoids, rats were maintained on a low Na diet to increase endogenous aldosterone secretion. Under these conditions, no increase in SK channel density was observed, although there was a large increase in the number of Na channels (to 2.7/patch). Aldosterone was also administered exogenously through osmotic minipumps. As with the low Na diet, there was no change in the density of conducting SK channels, although Na channel activity was induced. These results suggest that SK channels, Na channels and Na/K pumps are regulated during changes in K intake by factors other than aldosterone.  相似文献   

The effects of direct and indirect electrical stimulation on intracellular potassium and sodium contents ([K]i and [Na]i, respectively) in rat soleus muscle (SOL) and extensor digitorum longus muscle (EDL) were investigated under in vivo conditions. The changes of [K]i and [Na]i contents in both muscles which were stimulated indirectly reached respective values at 30 min or 1 hr after the beginning of stimulation, whereas those of EDL stimulated with 60 Hz changed gradually through 2 hr stimulation. The shifts of [K]i and [Na]i in EDL occurred during the twitch contraction at considerably lower frequency stimulation (0.5–10 Hz), whereas those in SOL were observed during the tetanus contraction at high frequency stimulation (10–40 Hz). The difference of change in cationic shifts between EDL and SOL under low frequency stimulation was reduced by ouabain treatment, though the difference was still significant. When the muscles were indirectly stimulated 6000 times at 1,5,10 and 20 Hz, the cationic shifts in EDL were greater than those in SOL, extending over all frequencies. It was concluded that such a difference in ionic shift between contracting EDL and SOL may be primarily due to the difference in unidirectional ionic fluxes per stimulation and, secondly, to the difference in Na+-K+ pump activity.  相似文献   

The relationship between the resting membrane potential and the intracellular ionic concentrations in human monocytes was investigated. Cell volume, cell water content, and amount of intracellular K+, Na+, and Cl- were measured to determine the intracellular concentrations of K+ (Ki), Na+ (Nai) and Cl- (Cli) of monocytes, and of lymphocytes and neutrophils. Values found for monocytes were similar to those for neutrophils, i.e., cell volumes were 346 and 345 micron3, respectively, cell water content 78%, and Ki, 128 and 125, Nai, 24 and 26, and Cli, 102 and 103 mmol/l cell water, respectively. Lymphocytes, however, had different values: 181 micron3 cell volume, 77% cell water content, and for Ki, Nai, and Cli, 165, 37, and 91 mmol/l cell water, respectively. The resting membrane potential of cultured human monocytes (range -30 to -40 mV), determined by measurement of the peak potential occurring within the first milliseconds after microelectrode entry, was most dependent on extracellular K+, followed by Cl-, and Na+. The membrane permeability ratio of Cl- to K+ was estimated by use of the constant field equation to be 0.23 (range 0.22 to 0.30).  相似文献   

Na+ absorption by the Aplysia californica foregut is affected through an active Na+ transport mechanism located in the basolateral membrane of the epithelial absorptive cells. Since Cl- absorption by the Aplysia gut has been shown to be very different from that demonstrated in vertebrate gut, the present study was undertaken to discern if Na+ transport was also different from that observed in vertebrate preparations. Utilizing microelectrode technique, it was demonstrated that intracellular K+ activity is above electrochemical equilibrium in the Aplysia absorptive cells and that serosal ouabain, Ba2+ or Cd2+ abolished this asymmetry in K+ electrochemical potential. Neither bumetanide nor furosemide had any effect on intracellular K+ activities, mucosal membrane potentials or transepithelial potentials in the Aplysia gut preparation. These results are consistent with the operation of a basolateral Na+/K+ pump.  相似文献   

Experimental modulation of the apical membrane Na+ conductance or basolateral membrane Na+-K+ pump activity has been shown to result in parallel changes in the basolateral K+ conductance in a number of epithelia. To determine whether modulation of the basolateral K+ conductance would result in parallel changes in apical Na+ conductance and basolateral pump activity, Necturus urinary bladders stripped of serosal muscle and connective tissue were impaled through their basolateral membranes with microelectrodes in experiments that allowed rapid serosal solution changes. Exposure of the basolateral membrane to the K+ channel blockers Ba2+ (0.5 mM/liter), Cs+ (10 mM/liter), or Rb+ (10 mM/liter) increased the basolateral resistance (Rb) by greater than 75% in each case. The increases in Rb were accompanied simultaneously by significant increases in apical resistance (Ra) of greater than 20% and decreases in transepithelial Na+ transport. The increases in Ra, measured as slope resistances, cannot be attributed to nonlinearity of the I-V relationship of the apical membrane, since the measured cell membrane potentials with the K+ channel blockers present were not significantly different from those resulting from increasing serosal K+, a maneuver that did not affect Ra. Thus, blocking the K+ conductance causes a reduction in net Na+ transport by reducing K+ exit from the cell and simultaneously reducing Na+ entry into the cell. Close correlations between the calculated short-circuit current and the apical and basolateral conductances were preserved after the basolateral K+ conductance pathways had been blocked. Thus, the interaction between the basolateral and apical conductances revealed by blocking the basolateral K+ channels is part of a network of feedback relationships that normally serves to maintain cellular homeostasis during changes in the rate of transepithelial Na+ transport.  相似文献   

The gating kinetics of apical membrane Na channels in the rat cortical collecting tubule were assessed in cell-attached and inside-out excised patches from split-open tubules using the patch-clamp technique. In patches containing a single channel the open probability (Po) was variable, ranging from 0.05 to 0.9. The average Po was 0.5. However, the individual values were not distributed normally, but were mainly < or = 0.25 or > or = 0.75. Mean open times and mean closed times were correlated directly and inversely, respectively, with Po. In patches where a sufficient number of events could be recorded, two time constants were required to describe the open-time and closed-time distributions. In most patches in which basal Po was < 0.3 the channels could be activated by hyperpolarization of the apical membrane. In five such patches containing a single channel hyperpolarization by 40 mV increased Po by 10-fold, from 0.055 +/- 0.023 to 0.58 +/- 0.07. This change reflected an increase in the mean open time of the channels from 52 +/- 17 to 494 +/- 175 ms and a decrease in the mean closed time from 1,940 +/- 350 to 336 +/- 100 ms. These responses, however, could not be described by a simple voltage dependence of the opening and closing rates. In many cases significant delays in both the activation by hyperpolarization and deactivation by depolarization were observed. These delays ranged from several seconds to several tens of seconds. Similar effects of voltage were seen in cell-attached and excised patches, arguing against a voltage-dependent chemical modification of the channel, such as a phosphorylation. Rather, the channels appeared to switch between gating modes. These switches could be spontaneous but were strongly influenced by changes in membrane voltage. Voltage dependence of channel gating was also observed under whole-cell clamp conditions. To see if mechanical perturbations could also influence channel kinetics or gating mode, negative pressures of 10-60 mm Hg were applied to the patch pipette. In most cases (15 out of 22), this maneuver had no significant effect on channel behavior. In 6 out of 22 patches, however, there was a rapid and reversible increase in Po when the pressure was applied. In one patch, there was a reversible decrease. While no consistent effects of pressure could be documented, membrane deformation could contribute to the variation in Po under some conditions.  相似文献   

Ion-sensitive microelectrodes were used to measure the intracellular activities of Na, K, and Cl in proximal tubules of the perfused Necturus kidney. Cell Cl was 2-3 times higher than the value predicted for passive distribution during perfusion with normal Ringer; intracellular Na was far below the level for passive distribution. Cell Na and Cl fell to very low values when the lumen was NaCl-free. Cl entry into the tubule cell from the lumen required luminal Na. Na entered the cell across the luminal membrane both by diffusion and by coupled movement with Cl.  相似文献   

Regulation of transport by principal cells of the distal nephron contributes to maintenance of Na(+) and K(+) homeostasis. To assess which of these ions is given a higher priority by these cells, we investigated the upregulation of epithelial Na(+) channels (ENaC) in the rat cortical collecting duct (CCD) during Na depletion with and without simultaneous K depletion. ENaC activity, assessed as whole cell amiloride-sensitive current in split-open tubules, was 260 ± 40 pA/cell in K-repleted but virtually undetectable (3 ± 1 pA/cell) in K-depleted animals. This difference was confirmed biochemically by the reduced amounts of the cleaved forms of both the α-ENaC and γ-ENaC subunits measured in immunoblots. In contrast, in K-depleted rats, simultaneously reducing Na intake did not affect the activity of ROMK channels, assessed as tertiapin-Q-sensitive whole cell currents, in the CCDs. The lack of Na current in K-depleted animals was the result of reduced levels of aldosterone in plasma, rather than a reduced sensitivity to the hormone. However, rats on a low-Na, low-K diet for 1 wk did not excrete more Na than those on a low-Na, control-K diet for the same period of time. Immunoblot analysis indicated increased levels of the thiazide-sensitive NaCl cotransporter and the apical Na-H exchanger NHE3. This suggests that with reduced K intake, Na balance is maintained despite reduced aldosterone and Na(+) channel activity by upregulation of Na(+) transport in upstream segments. Under these conditions, Na(+) transport by the aldosterone-sensitive distal nephron is reduced, despite the low-Na intake to minimize K(+) secretion and urinary K losses.  相似文献   

Summary Transbasal electrical potential (V b) and intraepithelial potassium chemical activity ((K+) i ) were measured in isolated midgut epithelium of tobacco hornworm (Manduca sexta) using double-barrelled glass microelectrodes. Values ofV b ranging from +8 to –48 mV (relative to blood side) were recorded. For all sites, (K+) i is within a few millivolts of electrochemical equilibrium with the blood side bathing solution. Sites more negative than –20 mV show relatively high sensitivity ofV b to changes in blood side K+ concentration: 43% of these sites can be marked successfully with iontophoresed Lucifer yellow CH dye and shown to represent epithelial cells of all three types present in the midgut. In about half of successful marks, dye-coupling of several adjacent cells is seen. Low potential sites — those withV b less negative than –20 mV —typically do not show high sensitivity ofVb to changes of external K+, but rather (K+) i rapidly approaches the K+ activity of blood side bathing solution. These sites can seldom be marked with Lucifer yellow (4% success). The mean (K+) i of the high potential sites is 95±29 (sd)mm under standard conditions, a value which is in accord with published values for the whole tissue.  相似文献   

The neurological disorders familial hemiplegic migraine type 2 (FHM2), alternating hemiplegia of childhood (AHC), and rapid-onset dystonia parkinsonism (RDP) are caused by mutations of Na+,K+-ATPase α2 and α3 isoforms, expressed in glial and neuronal cells, respectively. Although these disorders are distinct, they overlap in phenotypical presentation. Two Na+,K+-ATPase mutations, extending the C terminus by either 28 residues (“+28” mutation) or an extra tyrosine (“+Y”), are associated with FHM2 and RDP, respectively. We describe here functional consequences of these and other neurological disease mutations as well as an extension of the C terminus only by a single alanine. The dependence of the mutational effects on the specific α isoform in which the mutation is introduced was furthermore studied. At the cellular level we have characterized the C-terminal extension mutants and other mutants, addressing the question to what extent they cause a change of the intracellular Na+ and K+ concentrations ([Na+]i and [K+]i) in COS cells. C-terminal extension mutants generally showed dramatically reduced Na+ affinity without disturbance of K+ binding, as did other RDP mutants. No phosphorylation from ATP was observed for the +28 mutation of α2 despite a high expression level. A significant rise of [Na+]i and reduction of [K+]i was detected in cells expressing mutants with reduced Na+ affinity and did not require a concomitant reduction of the maximal catalytic turnover rate or expression level. Moreover, two mutations that increase Na+ affinity were found to reduce [Na+]i. It is concluded that the Na+ affinity of the Na+,K+-ATPase is an important determinant of [Na+]i.  相似文献   

Apical plasma membrane vesicles were prepared from human organ donor colon mucosal scrapings. These vesicles were enriched 10-fold in cysteine-sensitive alkaline phosphatase activity compared to starting homogenates, and showed minimal contamination of microsomal, mitochondrial or basolateral membranes. Transport studies using [22Na] uptake into proximal colonic vesicles demonstrated Na+ and H+ conductances, Na+/H+ exchange and amiloride inhibition of Na+ uptake. The isolation of these apical vesicles will permit detailed study of human colonic transport processes.  相似文献   

Intracellular Na+, K+, and C1- activities in Balanus photoreceptors   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Ion-sensitive microelectrodes were used to measure intracellular activities (aix) of Na+, K+, and C-1 in Balanus photoreceptors. Average values of aiNa, aiK, and aiCl were 28 mM, 120 mM, and 65 mM, respectively. Equilibrium potentials calculated from these average values were: Na+ +64 mV, K+ - 77 mV, and and Cl- -42 mV; ther average value of the resting potential for all cells examined was -41 mV. Long exposure to intense illumination produced measurable increases in aiNa. Classical Na+ - K+ reciprocal dilution experiments were analyzed with and without observed changes in aiK. As aoK was increased, the membrane depolarized, and aiK increased. Better agreement was found between the membrane potential and the directly determined EK than expected from the standard relation between Em and aoK. The latter produced pNa:pK estimates of the resting photoreceptor membrane that were higher than estimates based on data from the ion electrodes. Generally, Em was more negative than EK as aoK was increased. This is consistent with a significant chloride permeability in the dark-adapted photoreceptor.  相似文献   

Summary The basolateral potassium conductance of cells of most epithelial cells plays an important role in the transcellular sodium transport inasmuch as the large negative equilibrium potential of potassium across this membrane contributes to the electrical driving force for Na+ across the apical membrane. In the present study, we have attempted to establish, theI-V curve of the basolateral membrane of theAmphiuma collecting tubule, a membrane shown to be K+ selective. TransepithelialI-V curves were obtained in short, isolated perfused collecting tubule segments. The shunt conductance was determined using amiloride to block the apical membrane Na+ conductance. In symmetrical solutions, the shuntI-V curve was linear (conductance: 2.2±0.3 mS·cm–2). Transcellular current was calculated by subtracting the shunt current from the transepithelial current in the absence of amiloride. Using intracellular microelectrodes, it was then possible to measure the basolateral membrane potential simultaneously with the transcellular current. The basolateral conductance was found to be voltage dependent, being activated by hyperpolarization: conductance values at –30 and –80 mV were 3.6±1.0 and 6.6±1.0 mS·cm–2, respectively. BasolateralI-V curves were thus clearly different from that predicted by the constant field model. These results indicate that the K+-selective basolateral conductance of an amphibian collecting tubule shows inward (anomalous) rectification. Considering the electrogenic nature basolateral Na–K-pump, this may account for coupling between pump-generated potential and basolateral K+ conductance.  相似文献   

Two of five Zygosaccharomyces rouxii mutants defective in salt tolerance, 152S (sat1) and 1717S (SAT3), were inviable in a nutrient medium (YPD) containing more than 1% NaCl. These two mutant cells contained significantly higher amounts of Na+ (298 μmol and 285 μmol per g cells of 152S and 1717S, respectively) but lower amounts of K+ (242 μmol and 176 μmol per g cells of 152S and 1717S, respectively) than three other mutants, 41S (sat2-1 [98 μmol Na+ and 326 μmol K+/g cells]), 197S (sat2-2 [103μmol Na+ and 336 μmol K+/g cells]), 1611S (SAT4 [139 μmol Na+ and 294 μmol K+/g cells]), as well as a wild-type strain, AN39 (61 μmol Na+ and 349 μmol K+/g cells), when cultured in YPD medium containing 0.8% NaCl. A KCl supplement, optimally 0.6 M, added to the medium somewhat restored the NaCl-hypersensitivity of 152S and 1717S with a concomitant decrease of intracellular Na+. This finding suggests that the NaCl-hypersensitive mutations are due to a defect in the Na+-regulating mechanism. The other three mutants showed weak responses to KCl in high NaCl-YPD. These five salt sensitive mutants and the wild-type strain retained the same levels of intracellular glycerol and arabitol when transferred into NaCl (5%)-YPD from YDP medium. This suggests that polyol accumulation is not the only mechanism of salt tolerance in Z. rouxii.  相似文献   

The activity of apical membrane Na channels in the rat cortical collecting tubule was studied during manipulation of the animals' mineralocorticoid status in vivo using a low-Na diet or the diuretic furosemide. Tubules were isolated and split open to expose the luminal membrane surface. Induction of Na channel activity was studied in cell- attached patches of the split tubules. No activity was observed with control animals on a normal diet. Channel activity could be induced by putting the animals on the low-Na diet for at least 48 h. The mean number of open channels per patch (NPo) was maximal after 1 wk on low Na. Channels were also induced within 3 h after injection of furosemide (20 mg/kg body wt per d). NPo was maximal 48 h after the first injection. In both cases, increases in NPo were primarily due to increases in the number of channels per patch (N) at a constant open probability (Po). With salt depletion or furosemide injection NPo is a saturable function of aldosterone concentration with half-maximal activity at approximately 8 nM. When animals were salt repleted after 1- 2 wk of salt depletion, both plasma aldosterone and NPo fell markedly within 6 h. NPo continued to decrease over the next 14 h, while plasma aldosterone rebounded partially. Channel activity may be dissociated from aldosterone concentrations under conditions of salt repletion.  相似文献   

In the absence of Na+ in the medium, the membrane potential of obligately alkalophilic Bacillus cells was found to be decreased by the addition of K+ to the medium, whereas K+ addition in the presence of Na+ had no effect. Rb+ showed essentially the same effect as K+. The decreased membrane potential was quickly restored by lowering the K+ concentration in the medium or by adding Na+ or Li+ to the medium. Thus, in the absence of Na+, the membrane potential of alkalophilic Bacillus seems to be affected by the concentration difference of K+ between inside and outside of the cell, and Na+ or Li+ in the medium suppresses the K+ effect. An exchange between extracellular Rb+ and intracellular K+ was observed in the absence of Na+. However, the exchange was greatly suppressed by the addition of Na+ or Li+ to the medium, indicating that Na+ in the medium modulates the K+ permeability of the alkalophilic Bacillus cell membrane. The K+-induced decrease in the membrane potential of alkalophilic Bacillus in the absence of Na+ is accounted for by the increased K+-permeability of the cell membrane.  相似文献   

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