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In common with other herpesviruses, the human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) DNA polymerase contains a catalytic subunit (Pol or UL54) and an accessory protein (UL44) that is thought to increase the processivity of the enzyme. The observation that antisense inhibition of UL44 synthesis in HCMV-infected cells strongly inhibits viral DNA replication, together with the structural similarity predicted for the herpesvirus processivity subunits, highlights the importance of the accessory protein for virus growth and raises the possibility that the UL54/UL44 interaction might be a valid target for antiviral drugs. To investigate this possibility, overlapping peptides spanning residues 1161 to 1242 of UL54 were synthesized and tested for inhibition of the interaction between purified UL54 and UL44 proteins. A peptide, LPRRLHLEPAFLPYSVKAHECC, corresponding to residues 1221 to 1242 at the very C terminus of UL54, disrupted both the physical interaction between the two proteins and specifically inhibited the stimulation of UL54 by UL44. A mutant peptide lacking the two carboxy-terminal cysteines was markedly less inhibitory, suggesting a role for these residues in the UL54/UL44 interaction. Circular dichroism spectroscopy indicated that the UL54 C-terminal peptide can adopt a partially alpha-helical structure. Taken together, these results indicate that the two subunits of HCMV DNA polymerase most likely interact in a way which is analogous to that of the two subunits of herpes simplex virus DNA polymerase, even though there is no sequence homology in the binding site, and suggest that the UL54 peptide, or derivatives thereof, could form the basis for developing a new class of anti-HCMV inhibitors that act by disrupting the UL54/UL44 interaction.  相似文献   

The catalytic subunit of the human cytomegalovirus DNA polymerase is critical for the replication of the virus. In the present study, we report the expression and purification of a recombinant catalytic subunit of the human cytomegalovirus DNA polymerase expressed in bacteria which retains polymerase activity. As a first step towards elucidating the nature of the interaction between the enzyme, DNA and dNTPs, we have utilized endogenous tryptophan fluorescence to evaluate the binding of ligands to the enzyme. Using this technique, we demonstrate that the minimal DNA-binding site of the enzyme is 6 nt. We also report the first detailed study of the binding kinetics and thermodynamic parameters involved in the interaction between the enzyme, DNA and dNTPs. Our thermodynamic analyses indicate that the initial formation of the enzyme-DNA binary complex is driven by a favourable entropy change, but is also clearly associated with an unfavourable enthalpic contribution. In contrast, the interaction of dNTPs to the binary complex was shown to depend on a completely different mode of binding that is dominated by a favourable enthalpy change and associated with an unfavourable entropy change. In order to provide additional insights into the structural modifications that occur during catalysis, we correlated the effect of DNA and dNTP binding on protein structure using CD. Our results indicate that the enzyme undergoes a first conformational change upon the formation of the protein-DNA binary complex, which is followed by a second structural modification upon dNTP binding. The present study provides a better understanding of the molecular basis of DNA and dNTP recognition by the catalytic subunit of the human cytomegalovirus DNA polymerase.  相似文献   

Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) establishes a lifelong infection with the potential for reinfection or viral transmission even in the presence of strong and diverse CD8 T-lymphocyte responses. This suggests that the CMVs skew the host T-cell response in order to favor viral persistence. In this study, we hypothesized that the essential, nonstructural proteins that are highly conserved among the CMVs may represent a novel class of T-cell targets for vaccine-mediated protection due to their requirements for expression and sequence stability, but that the observed subdominance of these antigens in the CMV-infected host results from the virus limiting the T-cell responses to otherwise-protective specificities. We found that DNA immunization of mice with the murine CMV (MCMV) homologs of HCMV DNA polymerase (M54) or helicase (M105) was protective against virus replication in the spleen following systemic challenge, with the protection level elicited by the M54 DNA being comparable to that of DNA expressing the immunodominant IE1 (pp89). Intracellular gamma interferon staining of CD8 T cells from mice immunized with either the M54 or M105 DNAs showed strong primary responses that recalled rapidly after viral challenge. M54- and M105-specific CD8 T cells were detected after the primary MCMV infection, but their levels were not consistently above the background level. The conserved, essential proteins of the CMVs thus represent a novel class of CD8 T-cell targets that may contribute to a successful HCMV vaccine strategy.  相似文献   

Here, we report the molecular characterization of the human cytomegalovirus uracil DNA glycosylase (UNG) UL114. Purified UL114 was shown to be a DNA glycosylase, which removes uracil from double-stranded and single-stranded DNA. However, kinetic analysis has shown that viral UNG removed uracil more slowly compared with the core form of human UNG (Δ84hUNG), which has a catalytic efficiency (kcat/KM) 350- to 650-fold higher than that of UL114. Furthermore, UL114 showed a maximum level of DNA glycosylase activity at equimolar concentrations of the viral polymerase processivity factor UL44. Next, UL114 was coprecipitated with DNA immobilized to magnetic beads only in the presence of UL44, suggesting that UL44 facilitated the loading of UL114 on DNA. Moreover, mutant analysis demonstrated that the C-terminal part of UL44 (residues 291-433) is important for the interplay with UL114. Immunofluorescence microscopy revealed that UL44 and UL114 colocalized in numerous small punctuate foci at the immediate-early (5 and 8 hpi) phases of infection and that these foci grew in size throughout the infection. Furthermore, coimmunoprecipitation assays with cellular extracts of infected cells confirmed that UL44 associated with UL114. Finally, the nuclear concentration of UL114 was estimated to be 5- to 10-fold higher than that of UL44 in infected cells, which indicated a UL44-independent role of UL114. In summary, our data have demonstrated a catalytically inefficient viral UNG that was highly enriched in viral replication foci, thus supporting an important role of UL114 in replication rather than repair of the viral genome.  相似文献   

The human cytomegalovirus DNA polymerase contains a catalytic subunit, UL54, and an accessory protein, UL44. Recent studies suggested that UL54 might interact via its extreme C terminus with UL44 (A. Loregian, R. Rigatti, M. Murphy, E. Schievano, G. Palu', and H. S. Marsden, J. Virol. 77:8336-8344, 2003). To address this hypothesis, we quantitatively measured the binding of peptides corresponding to the extreme C terminus of UL54 to UL44 by using isothermal titration calorimetry. A peptide corresponding to the last 22 residues of UL54 was sufficient to bind specifically to UL44 in a 1:1 complex with a dissociation constant of ca. 0.7 microM. To define individual residues in this segment that are crucial for interacting with UL44, we engineered a series of mutations in the C-terminal region of UL54. The UL54 mutants were tested for their ability to interact with UL44 by glutathione S-transferase pulldown assays, for basal DNA polymerase activity, and for long-chain DNA synthesis in the presence of UL44. We observed that deletion of the C-terminal segment or substitution of alanine for Leu1227 or Phe1231 in UL54 greatly impaired both the UL54-UL44 interaction in pulldown assays and long-chain DNA synthesis without affecting basal polymerase activity, identifying these residues as important for subunit interaction. Thus, like the herpes simplex virus UL30-UL42 interaction, a few specific side chains in the C terminus of UL54 are crucial for UL54-UL44 interaction. However, the UL54 residues important for interaction with UL44 are hydrophobic and not basic. This information might aid in the rational design of new drugs for the treatment of human cytomegalovirus infection.  相似文献   

The human cytomegalovirus DNA polymerase includes an accessory protein, UL44, which has been proposed to act as a processivity factor for the catalytic subunit, UL54. How UL44 interacts with UL54 has not yet been elucidated. The crystal structure of UL44 revealed the presence of a connector loop analogous to that of the processivity subunit of herpes simplex virus DNA polymerase, UL42, which is crucial for interaction with its cognate catalytic subunit, UL30. To investigate the role of the UL44 connector loop, we replaced each of its amino acids (amino acids 129 to 140) with alanine. We then tested the effect of each substitution on the UL44-UL54 interaction by glutathione S-transferase pulldown and isothermal titration calorimetry assays, on the stimulation of UL54-mediated long-chain DNA synthesis by UL44, and on the binding of UL44 to DNA-cellulose columns. Substitutions that affected residues 133 to 136 of the connector loop measurably impaired the UL44-UL54 interaction without altering the ability of UL44 to bind DNA. One substitution, I135A, completely disrupted the binding of UL44 to UL54 and inhibited the ability of UL44 to stimulate long-chain DNA synthesis by UL54. Thus, similar to the herpes simplex virus UL30-UL42 interaction, a residue of the connector loop of the accessory subunit is crucial for UL54-UL44 interaction. However, while alteration of a polar residue of the UL42 connector loop only partially reduced binding to UL30, substitution of a hydrophobic residue of UL44 completely disrupted the UL54-UL44 interaction. This information may aid the discovery of small-molecule inhibitors of the UL44-UL54 interaction.  相似文献   

The presumed processivity subunit of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) DNA polymerase, UL44, forms homodimers. The dimerization of UL44 is important for binding to DNA in vitro; however, whether it is also important for DNA replication in a cellular context is unknown. Here we show that UL44 point mutants that are impaired for dimerization, but not for nuclear localization or interaction with the C terminus of the polymerase catalytic subunit, are not capable of supporting HCMV oriLyt-dependent DNA replication in cells. These data suggest that the disruption of UL44 homodimers could represent a novel anti-HCMV strategy.  相似文献   

Multiple transforming regions of human cytomegalovirus DNA.   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The transforming (focus forming) activity of defined cloned DNA fragments from human cytomegalovirus Towne and AD169 was carried out in immortalized rodent cells. The frequency of focus formation in NIH 3T3 cells by Towne XbaI fragment E was 80- to 100-fold higher than that observed with Towne XbaI fragments AO, O, C, or carrier DNA alone but was similar to that observed with pCM4127, a transforming fragment from HCMV AD169 (J. A. Nelson, B. Fleckenstein, D. A. Galloway, and J. K. McDougall, J. Virol. 43:83-91, 1982; J. A. Nelson, B. Fleckenstein, G. Jahn, D. A. Galloway, and J. K. McDougall, J. Virol. 49:109-115, 1984). Foci were first detected in Towne XbaI fragment E-transfected NIH 3T3 cells at 5 to 6 weeks posttransfection, whereas foci were detected at 2 to 3 weeks after transfection with AD169 pCM4127. Digestion of Towne XbaI fragment E with BamHI did not significantly reduce its focus-forming activity. When BamHI subclones of Towne XbaI fragment E were assayed individually for focus formation in NIH 3T3 and Rat-2 cells, transforming activity was localized within each terminal fragment (EJ and EM). Foci induced by EJ or EM DNA alone were smaller compared with those induced by Towne XbaI fragment E. Isolated focal lines exhibited growth in soft agar and were tumorigenic in immunocompetent syngeneic animals. High-molecular-weight DNAs from transformed and tumor-derived lines were analyzed by Southern blot hybridization with intact EM and a 1.5-kilobase subfragment lacking cell-related sequences. Virus-specific EM sequences were detected at less than one copy per cell in Towne XbaI fragment E-transformed NIH 3T3 cells and at multiple copies in rat tumor-derived cell lines. In contrast, virus-specific EJ sequences were barely detected in EJ-transformed and tumor-derived lines with intact EJ as probe.  相似文献   

The human cytomegalovirus UL82-encoded pp71 protein is required for efficient virus replication and immediate-early gene expression when cells are infected at a low multiplicity. Functions attributed to pp71 include the ability to enhance the infectivity of viral DNA, bind to and target hypophosphorylated Rb family member proteins for degradation, drive quiescent cells into the cell cycle, and bind to the cellular protein hDaxx. Using UL82 mutant viruses, we demonstrate that the LXCXD motif within pp71 is not necessary for efficient virus replication in fibroblasts, suggesting that pp71's ability to degrade hypophosphorylated Rb family members and induce quiescent cells into the cell cycle is not responsible for the growth defect associated with a UL82 deletion mutant. However, UL82 mutants that cannot bind to hDaxx are unable to induce immediate-early gene expression and are severely attenuated for viral replication. These results indicate that the interaction between the human cytomegalovirus UL82 gene product (pp71) and hDaxx regulates immediate-early gene expression and viral replication.  相似文献   

Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infects cells by a series of processes including attachment, penetration via fusion of the envelope with the plasma membrane, and transport of the viral DNA to the nucleus. The details of the early events of HCMV infection are poorly understood. We have recently reported that CD13, human aminopeptidase N, a metalloprotease, is present on blood cells susceptible in vitro to HCMV infection (C. Söderberg, S. Larsson, S. Bergstedt-Lindqvist, and E. Möller, J. Virol. 67:3166-3175, 1993). Here we report that human CD13 is involved in HCMV infection. Antibodies directed against human CD13 not only inhibit infection but also block binding of HCMV virions to susceptible cells. Compounds known to inhibit aminopeptidase activity block HCMV infection. HCMV-resistant murine fibroblasts have heightened susceptibility to HCMV infection after transfection with complementary DNA encoding human CD13. A significant increase in binding of HCMV was observed in the CD13-expressing transfectants compared with neomycin-resistant control mouse cells. However, murine fibroblasts transfected with mutant CD13, lacking a portion of the aminopeptidase active site, remained susceptible to HCMV infection. Thus, human CD13 appears to mediate HCMV infection by a process that increases binding, but its enzymatic domain is not necessary for infection.  相似文献   

We describe here a simple method for labeling the genome of human cytomegalovirus, a large double-stranded DNA virus, with bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU). The labeled DNA was incorporated into viral particles, which were then collected in cell supernatant. To demonstrate the versatility and effectiveness of this method, labeled virions were used to study the immediate-early events of virus-host cell interaction via indirect immunofluorescence microscopy. It is our hope that this new methodology will prove useful in the study of binding, entry and viral genome deposition in diverse virus systems.  相似文献   

To determine the mechanisms involved in the regulation of human cytomegalovirus early gene expression, we have examined the gene that encodes the viral DNA polymerase (UL54, pol). Our previous studies demonstrated that sequences required for activation of the pol promoter by immediate-early proteins are contained within a region from -128 to +20 and that cellular proteins can bind to this activation domain. In this study, we demonstrate by competition analysis that binding of cellular proteins to pol is associated with an 18-bp region containing a single copy of a novel inverted repeat, IR1. Time course analysis indicated that viral infection increased the level of protein binding to IR1, concurrent with the activation of the pol promoter. Mutation of the IR1 element abrogated binding of cellular factors to the pol promoter and reduced by threefold the activation by immediate-early proteins. Similarly, mutation of IR1 rendered the promoter poorly responsive to activation by viral infection. Mutation of additional sequence elements in the pol promoter had little effect, indicating that IR1 plays the major role in pol promoter regulation. These studies demonstrate that the interaction between cellular factors and IR1 is important for the regulation of expression of the polymerase gene by viral proteins.  相似文献   

E S Huang 《Journal of virology》1975,16(6):1560-1565
Phosphonoacetic acid specifically inhibited human cytomegalovirus DNA synthesis in virus-infected human fibroblasts as detected by virus-specific nucleic acid hybridization. Inhibition was reversible; viral DNA synthesis resumed upon the removal of the drug. The compound partially inhibited DNA synthesis of host cells in the log phase of growth but had little effect on confluent cells. Studies of partially purified enzymes indicated that phosphonoacetic acid specifically inhibited virus-induced DNA polymerase and had only a slight effect on normal host cell enzymes. The drug was shown to interact directly with virus-induced enzyme but not with the template-primers.  相似文献   

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