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Fluorescence and electrophysiological methods were used to determine the effects of intracellular pH (pHi) on cellular NH4+/K+ transport pathways in the renal medullary thick ascending limb of Henle (MTAL) from CD1 mice. Studies were performed in suspensions of MTAL tubules (S-MTAL) and in isolated, perfused MTAL segments (IP-MTAL). Steady-state pHi measured using 2,7-biscarboxyethyl-5(6)-carboxyfluorescein (BCECF) averaged 7.42 +/- 0.02 (mean +/- SE) in S-MTAL and 7.26 +/- 0.04 in IP-MTAL. The intrinsic cellular buffering power of MTAL cells was 29.7 +/- 2.4 mM/pHi unit at pHi values between 7.0 and 7.6, but below a pHi of 7.0 the intrinsic buffering power increased linearly to approximately 50 mM/pHi unit at pHi 6.5. In IP-MTAL, NH4+ entered cells across apical membranes via both Ba(2+)-sensitive pathway and furosemide-sensitive Na+:K+(NH4+):2Cl- cotransport mechanisms. The K0.5 and maximal rate for combined apical entry were 0.5 mM and 83.3 mM/min, respectively. The apical Ba(2+)-sensitive cell conductance in IP-MTAL (Gc), which reflects the apical K+ conductance, was sensitive to pHi over a pHi range of 6.0-7.4 with an apparent K0.5 at pHi approximately 6.7. The rate of cellular NH4+ influx in IP-MTAL due to the apical Ba(2+)-sensitive NH4+ transport pathway was sensitive to reduction in cytosolic pH whether pHi was changed by acidifying the basolateral medium or by inhibition of the apical Na+:H+ exchanger with amiloride at a constant pHo of 7.4. The pHi sensitivities of Gc and apical, Ba(2+)-sensitive NH4+ influx in IP-MTAL were virtually identical. The pHi sensitivity of the Ba(2+)-sensitive NH4+ influx in S-MTAL when exposed to (apical+basolateral) NH4Cl was greater than that observed in IP-MTAL where NH4Cl was added only to apical membranes, suggesting an additional effect of intracellular NH4+/NH3 on NH4+ influx. NH4+ entry via apical Na+:K+ (NH4+):2Cl- cotransport in IP-MTAL was somewhat more sensitive to reductions in pHi than the Ba(2+)-sensitive NH4+ influx pathway; NH4+ entry decreased by 52.9 +/- 13.4% on reducing pHi from 7.31 +/- 0.17 to 6.82 +/- 0.14. These results suggest that pHi may provide a negative feedback signal for regulating the rate of apical NH4+ entry, and hence transcellular NH4+ transport, in the MTAL. A model incorporating these results is proposed which illustrates the role of both pHi and basolateral/intracellular NH4+/NH3 in regulating the rate of transcellular N H4+ transport in the MTAL.  相似文献   

Summary Ca2+-activated K+ channels were studied in cultured medullary thick ascending limb cells (MTAL) using the patch-clamp technique. The purpose was to determine the effect of acidic pH on channel properties in excised patches of apical cell membrane. At pH 7.4, increasing Ca2+ on the intracellular side or applying positive voltages increases channel open probability. Reducing pH to 5.8 on the intracellular face of the channel decreases channel open probability at each voltage and Ca2+ concentration. Channel mean open times display two distributions and mean closed times display three distributions. Increasing Ca2+ or applying depolarizing voltages lengthens each of the mean open times and shortens each of the closed times. Lowering pH to 5.8 decreases the mean open times and increases mean closed times at each Ca2+ and voltage with the greatest effect on the mean closed times. In contrast, both single-channel conductance and channel kinetics are unaffected when pH is reduced to 5.8 on the extracellular face of the membrane. We conclude that protons interfere with Ca2+ binding to the gate of Ca2+-activated K+ channels reducing the probability of channel opening.  相似文献   

Cell pH was monitored in medullary thick ascending limbs todetermine effects of ANG II onNa+-K+(NH+4)-2Clcotransport. ANG II at 1016to 1012 M inhibited30-50% (P < 0.005),but higher ANG II concentrations were stimulatory compared with the1012 M ANG II levelcotransport activity; eventually,106 M ANG II stimulated34% cotransport activity (P < 0.003). Inhibition by 1012M ANG II was abolished by phospholipase C (PLC), diacylglycerol lipase,or cytochrome P-450-dependentmonooxygenase blockade; 1012 M ANG II had no effectadditive to inhibition by 20-hydroxyeicosatetranoic acid (20-HETE).Stimulation by 106 M ANG IIwas abolished by PLC and protein kinase C (PKC) blockade and waspartially suppressed when the rise in cytosolicCa2+ was prevented. All ANG IIeffects were abolished by DUP-753 (losartan) but not by PD-123319. Thus1012 M ANG II inhibitsvia 20-HETE, whereas 5 × 1011 M ANG II stimulatesvia PKCNa+-K+(NH+4)-2Clcotransport; all ANG II effects involveAT1 receptors and PLC activation.


We have used the patch-clamp technique to study the effect of angiotensin II (AII) on the activity of the apical 70 pS K+ channel and used Na(+)-sensitive fluorescent dye (SBFI) to investigate the effect of AII on intracellular Na+ concentration (Na+i) in the thick ascending limb (TAL) of the rat kidney. Addition of 50 pM AII reversibly reduced NPo, a product of channel open probability (Po) and channel number (N), to 40% of the control value and reduced the Na+i by 26%. The AII (50 pM)-induced decrease in channel activity defined by NPo was partially reversed by addition of 5 microM 17-octadecynoic acid (17-ODYA), an agent which blocks the cytochrome P450 monooxygenase. The notion that P450 metabolites of arachidonic acid (AA) may mediate the inhibitory effect of AII was further suggested by experiments in which addition of 10 nM of 20-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (20-HETE) blocked the channel activity in cell-attached patches in the presence of 17-ODYA. We have used gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC/MS) to measure the production of 20-HETE, a major AA metabolite of the P450-dependent pathway in the TAL of the rat. Addition of 50 pM AII increased the production of 20-HETE to 260% of the control value, indicating that 20- HETE may be involved in mediating the effect of AII (50 pM). In contrast to the inhibitory effect of 50 pM AII, addition of 50-100 nM AII increased the channel activity to 270% of the control value and elevated the Na+i by 45%. The effect of AII on the activity of the 70 pS K+ channel was also observed in the presence of 5 microM 17-ODYA and 5 microM calphostin C, an inhibitor of protein kinase C. However, addition of 100 microM NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase, abolished completely the AII (50- 100 nM)-induced increase in channel activity and addition of an exogenous nitric oxide (NO) donor, S-nitroso-N-acetyl-penicillamine (SNAP), increased channel activity in the presence of L-NAME. These data suggest that the stimulatory effect of AII is mediated by NO. We conclude that AII has dual effects on the activity of the apical 70 pS K+ channel. The inhibitory effect of AII is mediated by P450-dependent metabolites whereas the stimulatory effect may be mediated via NO.  相似文献   

Sodium transport mechanisms were investigated in plasma membrane vesicles prepared from the medullary thick ascending limb of Henle's loop (TALH) of rabbit kidney. The uptake of 22Na into the plasma membrane vesicles was investigated by a rapid filtration technique. Sodium uptake was greatest in the presence of chloride; it was reduced when chloride was replaced by nitrate, gluconate or sulfate. The stimulation of sodium uptake by chloride was seen in the presence of a chloride gradient directed into the vesicle and when the vesicles were equilibrated with NaCl, KCl plus valinomycin so that no chemical or electrical gradients existed across the vesicle (tracer exchange experiments). Furosemide decreased sodium uptake into the vesicles in a dose-dependent manner only in the presence of chloride, with a Ki of around 5 X 10(-6) M. Amiloride, at 2 mM, had no effect on the chloride-dependent sodium uptake. Similarly, potassium removal had no effect on the chloride-dependent sodium uptake and furosemide was an effective inhibitor of sodium uptake in a potassium-free medium. The results show the presence of a furosemide-sensitive sodium-chloride cotransport system in the plasma membranes of the medullary TALH. There is no evidence for a Na+/H+ exchange mechanism or a Na+ -K+ -Cl- cotransport system. The sodium-chloride cotransport system would effect the uphill transport of chloride against its electrochemical potential gradient at the luminal membrane of the cell.  相似文献   

Angiotensin II (Ang II) is an important regulator of the function of medullary thick ascending limb of loop of Henle (MTAL). Recent studies showed that changes in Ang II receptor expression occur and underlie changes in the function of proximal tubules during altered sodium intake. The present experiment was designed to determine (1) whether expression of the type 1 Ang II (AT1) receptor in the MTAL is regulated by altered sodium intake, and (2) the specific pathway(s) mediating sodium-induced AT1 expression in the MTAL. Wistar rats were fed a normal sodium (0.5%, NS), low sodium (0.07%, LS), or high sodium (4%, HS) diet for 2 weeks. Northern blot analysis and radioligand binding showed that in rats fed a normal sodium diet the rank of order for both AT1 mRNA expression and receptor density was outer medulla > cortex > inner medulla. Sodium restriction significantly increased both AT1 mRNA expression and receptor density in the outer medulla. In contrast, neither AT1 mRNA expression nor receptor density in the outer medulla was altered by sodium loading. Losartan treatment (3 mg/kg/per day by oral gavage for 2 weeks) prevented low sodium-induced upregulation of the AT1 receptor in the outer medulla, but it had no effect on AT1 expression in the outer medulla of rats fed a normal sodium diet. Highly purified suspensions of MTAL were isolated from rats fed a normal or low sodium diet. Low sodium intake significantly increased AT1 mRNA level by 184% and AT1 receptor density by 58% in MTALs. Primary cultures of MTAL cells were treated with PBS, Ang II (10-8 M), and Ang II + 17 octadecynoic (17 ODYA, 10 M). Ang II caused about 2-fold increase in AT1 mRNA levels, and this increase was diminished by about 30% by the addition of 17 ODYA. We conclude that (1) sodium restriction but not sodium loading increases AT1 receptor expression in the MTAL, (2) low sodium-induced upregulation of the AT1 receptor in the MTAL is Ang II-dependent, and (3) Ang II-induced upregulation of the AT1 receptor in the MTAL is mediated, at least in part, by cytochrome P450 pathways.  相似文献   

Non-selective cation channels have been described in the basolateral membrane of the renal tubule, but little is known about functional channels on the apical side. Apical membranes of microdissected fragments of mouse cortical thick ascending limbs were searched for ion channels using the cell-free configuration of the patch-clamp technique. A cation channel with a linear current-voltage relationship (19pS) that was permeable both to monovalent cations [P(NH4)(1.7)>P(Na) (1.0)=P(K) (1.0)] and to Ca(2+) (P(Ca)/P(Na)≈0.3) was detected. Unlike the basolateral TRPM4 Ca(2+)-impermeable non-selective cation channel, this non-selective cation channel was insensitive to internal Ca(2+), pH and ATP. The channel was already active after patch excision, and its activity increased after reduced pressure was applied via the pipette. External gadolinium (10(-5)M) decreased the channel-open probability by 70% in outside-out patches, whereas external amiloride (10(-4)M) had no effect. Internal flufenamic acid (10(-4)M) inhibited the channel in inside-out patches. Its properties suggest that the current might be supported by the TRPM7 protein that is expressed in the loop of Henle. The conduction properties of the channel suggest that it could be involved in Ca(2+) signaling.  相似文献   

We have used patch-clamp techniques to study the effects of arachidonic acid (AA) on the activity of the 70-pS K+ channel, the predominant type of the two apical K+ channels operating under physiological conditions in the thick ascending limb (TAL) of the rat kidney. Addition of 5-10 microM AA blocked the activity of the 70-pS K+ channel in both cell- attached and inside-out patches. The inhibitory effect of AA was specific, because application of 10 microM linoleic acid, oleic acid, or palmitic acid failed to mimic the effect of AA. The effect of AA could not be blocked by pretreatment of the TAL tubules with either 5 microM indomethacin (inhibitor of cyclooxygenase) or 4 microM cinnamyl- 3,4-dihydroxy-alpha-cyanocinnamate (CDC) (inhibitor of lipooxygenase). In contrast, addition of 5 microM 17-octadecynoic acid (17-ODYA), an inhibitor of P450 monooxygenases, abolised the effect of AA on the channel activity, indicating that the effect was mediated by cytochrome P450 metabolites of AA. Addition of 10 nM 20-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (20-HETE), the main metabolite of the cytochrome P450 metabolic pathway in the medullary TAL, mimicked the inhibitory effect of 10 microM AA. However, addition of 100 nM 19-HETE or 17-HETE had no significant effects and 100 nM 20-carboxy AA (20-COOH) reduced the channel activity by only 20%, indicating that the inhibitory effect of 20-HETE was specific and responsible for the action of AA. Inhibition of the P450 metabolic pathway by either 5 microM 17-ODYA or 12, 12- dibromododec-11-enoic acid (DBDD) dramatically increased the channel activity by 280% in cell-attached patches. The stimulatory effect of 17- ODYA or DBDD was not observed in inside-out patches. The results strongly indicate that 20-HETE is a specific inhibitor for the 70-pS K+ channel and may play an important role in the regulation of the K+ channel activity in the TAL.  相似文献   

Summary Ca2+-activated K+ channels were studied in cultured medullary thick ascending limb (MTAL) cells using the patch-clamp technique in the inside-out configuration. The Ca2+ activation site was modified using N-bromoacetamide (NBA). 1mm NBA in the bath solution, at 2.5 m Ca2+ reduces the open probability,P o , of the channel to <0.01, without an effect on single-channel conductance. NBA-modified channels are still Ca2+-sensitive, requiring 25mm Ca2+ to raiseP o to 0.2. Both before and after NBA modification channel openings display at least two distributions, indicative of more than one open state. High Ca2+ (1mm) protects the channels from modification. Also presented is a second class of Ca2+-activated K+ channels which are normally present in MTAL cells which open infrequently at 10 m Ca2+ (P o =0.01) but have aP o of 0.08 at 1mm Ca2+. We can conclude (i) that NBA modifies the channel by shifting Ca2+-sensitivity to very high Ca2+, (ii) that NBA acts on a site involved in Ca2+ gating, and (iii) that a low affinity channel is present in the apical cell membrane with characteristics similar to those of normal channels modified with NBA.  相似文献   

Summary The alpha2-adrenergic antagonist yohimbine (YOH) and the closely related isomers corynanthine (COR) and rauwolscine (RAU) caused brief interruptions in current characteristic of a fast blocker Ca2+-activated K+ channels in cultured medullary thick ascending limb (MTAL) cells. The apparent dissociation constants (K app), for COR, YOH, and RAU, respectively, at the intracellular face of the channel in the presence of 200mm K+ are 45±1, 98±2, and 310±33 m. TheK app for COR on the extracellular side also in the presence of 200mm. K+ was much greater at 1.6±0.17mm. Increasing K+ on the same side as the blocker relieves the blocking reaction. TheK app for the alkaloids varies with K+ in a manner quantitatively consistent with K+ and the alkaloids competing for a common binding site. Finally, blocking by the charged form of these alkaloids is voltage dependent with changes inK app of 86±7 and 94±6 m pere-fold change in voltage for blockers applied either from the inside or outside. The alkaloids block at an electrical distance similar to tetraethylammonium, suggesting that the site within the channel pore of these molecules may be similar.  相似文献   

The anti-diuretic hormone, arginine vasopressin (AVP) stimulates the activity of Na+K+ATPase in the rat renal medullary thick ascending limb of Henle's loop (mTAL). Atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) has been suggested to exert a tubular effect on the mammalian nephron, perhaps in part, by interacting with other hormones. In the present study, we investigated the effect of rat ANF with and without AVP upon mTAL Na+K+ATPase activity using cytochemical methods. ANF alone failed to inhibit or stimulate Na+K+ATPase activity in mTAL at any of the concentrations tested (10 nmol-0.1 pmol l-1). Unlike the rat hypothalamic digitalis-like factor, ANF (10 nmol-10 fmol l-1) did not inhibit Na+K+ATPase activity after stimulation with AVP (1 fmol l-1) for either 4 or 10 min. The results suggest that ANF does not exert an effect on mTAL, either alone or in conjunction with AVP.  相似文献   

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