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A procedure for the preparation of RNA-free plasmid DNA   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

A rapid alkaline extraction procedure for screening recombinant plasmid DNA.   总被引:2795,自引:408,他引:2795       下载免费PDF全文
A procedure for extracting plasmid DNA from bacterial cells is described. The method is simple enough to permit the analysis by gel electrophoresis of 100 or more clones per day yet yields plasmid DNA which is pure enough to be digestible by restriction enzymes. The principle of the method is selective alkaline denaturation of high molecular weight chromosomal DNA while covalently closed circular DNA remains double-stranded. Adequate pH control is accomplished without using a pH meter. Upon neutralization, chromosomal DNA renatures to form an insoluble clot, leaving plasmid DNA in the supernatant. Large and small plasmid DNAs have been extracted by this method.  相似文献   

K D Cole 《BioTechniques》1991,11(1):18, 20, 22-18, 20, 24
A method for the rapid preparation of DNA is described. The method utilizes a polymer (polyethylene glycol) and salt solution to form a two-phase system. A crude source of DNA is added to a phase-forming mixture, it is mixed and phase separation occurs. Under the appropriate conditions, the nucleic acids remain in the lower (salt-rich) phase, while the proteins, cellular debris and other constituents are in the upper phase (polymer-rich) or are precipitated at the interphase region. Incorporation of protein denaturants (detergents and chaotropes) stop the action of liberated nucleases in the sample. The nucleic acids are obtained in an intact state and in a form suitable for further manipulation, as shown by gel electrophoresis and DNA restriction digestion. This method describes the conditions of the two-phase systems that are important for the separation of nucleic acids and proteins. The important phase-forming conditions shown in this paper are pH, polymer molecular weight and concentration, salt type and concentration and the addition of detergents and chaotropic agents. With the use of these extraction conditions, proteins can be moved selectively from the lower to the upper phase. The paper describes a method for DNA isolation that is rapid, simple and economical.  相似文献   

A new bioprocess using mainly membrane operations to obtain purified plasmid DNA from Escherechia coli ferments was developed. The intermediate recovery and purification of the plasmid DNA in cell lysate was conducted using hollow-fiber tangential filtration and tandem anion-exchange membrane chromatography. The purity of the solutions of plasmid DNA obtained during each process stage was investigated. The results show that more than 97% of RNA in the lysate was removed during the process operations and that the plasmid DNA solution purity increased 28-fold. One of the main characteristics of the developed process is to avoid the use of large quantities of precipitating agents such as salts or alcohols. A better understanding of membrane-based technology for the purification of plasmid DNA from clarified E. coli lysate was developed in this research. The convenience of anion-exchange membranes, configured in ready-to-use devices can further simplify large-scale plasmid purification strategies.  相似文献   

采用大孔吸附树脂层析结合硅胶柱层析,对环孢菌素A的分离纯化进行研究,确定了最佳层析条件,建立了工业化制备环孢菌素A的工艺。大孔吸附树脂层析选用D101树脂作为吸附介质,提取液丙酮含量控制在50%,最大吸附量为35 mg/g湿树脂,洗脱剂选用丙酮;硅胶柱层析选用42~64μm硅胶作为层析介质,最优层析条件为柱床高径比10∶1,流动相配比V(石油醚)∶V(丙酮)=70∶30,流速80 mL/m in,环孢菌素A上样质量浓度100 g/L,硅胶层析平均收率为84.2%,环孢菌素A纯度可达到97%以上,整个工艺总收率为65%~70%。  相似文献   

The large-scale purification of plasmid DNA was achieved using fast protein liquid chromatography on a Hi-Load Q Sepharose column. This method allows for the purification of plasmids starting from crude plasmid DNA, prepared by a simple alkaline lysis procedure, to pure DNA in less than 5 h. In contrast to the previously described plasmid purification methods of CsCl gradient centrifugation or high-pressure liquid chromatography, this method does not require the use of any hazardous or expensive chemicals. More than 100 plasmids varying in size from 3 to 15 kb have been purified using this procedure. A Mono Q Sepharose column was initially used to purify plasmids smaller than 8.0 kb; however, a Hi-Load Q Sepharose column proved more effective with plasmids larger than 8 kb. The loading of plasmids larger than 8 kb on the Mono Q column resulted in a high back pressure and the plasmid DNA could not be eluted from the column. Thus, for routine purification we utilize the Hi-Load Q Sepharose column. Plasmids purified by this method had purity, yield, and transfection efficiency in mammalian cells similar to those of plasmids purified by CsCl density gradient centrifugation.  相似文献   

Anion-exchange is the most popular chromatography technique in plasmid DNA purification. However, poor resolution of plasmid DNA from RNA often results in the addition of bovine-derived ribonuclease (RNase) A to degrade RNA impurities which raises regulatory concerns for the production of pharmaceutical-grade plasmid DNA. Low capacity for plasmid of most commercial media is another issue affecting the suitability of anion-exchange chromatography for large-scale processing. This study reports the use of anion-exchange chromatography to remove RNA in an RNase-free plasmid purification process. Resolution was achieved through careful selection of adsorbent and operating conditions as well as RNA reduction steps before chromatography. Dynamic capacity for plasmid was significantly increased (to 3.0mg/ml) so that it is now possible to envisage the large-scale manufacturing of therapeutic-grade plasmid DNA in the absence of added RNase using anion-exchange chromatography as a polishing step.  相似文献   

A novel downstream bioprocess was developed to obtain purified plasmid DNA (pDNA) from Escherichia coli ferments. The intermediate recovery and purification of the pDNA in cell lysate was conducted using hollow-fiber tangential filtration and frontal anion-exchange membrane and elution hydrophobic chromatographies. The purity of the solutions of pDNA obtained during each process stage was investigated. The results show that the pDNA solution purity increased 30-fold and more than 99% of RNA in the lysate was removed during the process operations. The combination of membrane operations and hydrophobic interaction chromatography resulted in an efficient way to recover pDNA from cell lysates. A better understanding of membrane-based technology for the purification of pDNA from clarified E. coli lysate was developed in this research.  相似文献   

alpha 2-Plasmin inhibitor (alpha 2PI) was purified directly from human plasma by using a monoclonal antibody affinity column, which recognizes the reactive site of alpha 2PI. alpha 2PI was eluted from the column under mild conditions with 50% v/v ethyleneglycol containing 0.05% Tween 80 in phosphate-buffered saline, pH 7.4. The yield was around 50% and the specific activity of the purified protein was the same as that of the best product of preparation conventionally purified alpha 2PI.  相似文献   

Imai K  Okada Y 《Nature protocols》2008,3(7):1111-1124
Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are zinc endopeptidases composed of 23 members in humans, which belong to a subfamily of the metzincin superfamily. They play important roles in many pathophysiological events including development, organogenesis, angiogenesis, tissue remodeling and destruction, and cancer cell proliferation and progression by degradation of extracellular matrix (ECM) and non-ECM proteins and interaction with various molecules. Here, we present standard protocols for purification of native proMMPs (proMMP-1, -2, -3, -7, -9 and -10) and recombinant MT1-MMP (MMP-14) using conventional column chromatography. Purification steps comprise the initial common step [diethylaminoethyl (DEAE)-cellulose, Green A Dyematrex gel and gelatin-Sepharose columns], the second step for removal of nontarget proMMPs by immunoaffinity columns (anti-MMP-1 and/or anti-MMP-3 IgG-Sepharose columns) and the final step for further purification (IgG-Sepharose, DEAE-cellulose, Zn2+-chelate-Sepharose and/or gel filtration columns). Purified proMMPs and MMP are functionally active and suitable for biochemical analyses. The basic protocol for the purification from culture media takes approximately 7-10 d.  相似文献   

Purification of supercoiled DNA of plasmid col E1 by RPC-5 chromatography   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Col E1 DNA can be purified to a high degree by RPC-5 chromatography of a partially purified cell lysate with a very shallow linear NaCl gradient at pH 7.8. Electron micrographs demonstrated that the purest fractions were composed of 93% supercoiled (form I) DNA and 7% open circular (form II) DNA. The actual chromatography can be accomplished in 13–14 h and is designed for the production of several milligrams of plasmid DNA.  相似文献   

The interest in purifying injectable-grade plasmid DNA has increased with the development of gene therapy and DNA vaccination technologies. In this paper we develop a method for purifying a 4.8 kb plasmid based on chromatographic processes. An NaCl gradient was optimized on a Q Sepharose column and plasmid was eluted at 800-820 mM NaCl in a broad peak. Supercoiled plasmid was isolated after a final Sepharcryl S1000 SF gel filtration step. Final plasmid preparation was depleted of proteins and RNA, as revealed by the BCA assay and 1% agarose gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

A scaleable method for the liquid-phase separation of plasmid DNA from RNA.  相似文献   

A preparative procedure for obtaining highly purified plasmid DNA from bacterial cells is described. The method is adapted from our earlier procedure, which gave partially purified plasmid in a form suitable for rapid screening of a large number of samples. In the present method, all detectable RNA, chromosomal DNA, and protein are removed without the use of enzymes, phenol extraction, dialysis, or equilibrium centrifugation. Binding of plasmid DNA to glass powder in the presence of 6 m sodium perchlorate is used for the final purification step.  相似文献   

Chromatographic methods have been used to purify the DNA of plasmid RP1. DNA was purified in two stages. DNA was precipitated by ethanol and separated from RNA and proteins in Sepharose 4B column after lysis of plasmid containing cells by alkaline solution of sodium dodecylsulphate. Separation of the total DNA preparation and isolation of plasmid DNA was achieved at the second stage by chromatography on the hydroxyapatite column. The resulting purified plasmid DNA was free of RNA, protein and linear fragments of chromosomal DNA. The plasmid DNA kept intact native structure and possessed the transforming activity. The DNA of RP1 yield after purification by the described technique presented 70-80 micrograms per g of wet biomass.  相似文献   

为制备纯化乙型脑炎灭活疫苗,以地鼠肾细胞培养并经灭活的乙型脑炎病毒液,浓缩后上Sepharose 4FF凝胶层析柱,用紫外线280nm波长检测得到三个吸收峰。ELISA法证实第一峰为病毒抗原峰,另两个峰为杂蛋白峰。试验证明Seoharose 4FF凝胶过滤对于提纯乙型脑炎病毒是有效的,能去除99%的杂蛋白。  相似文献   

We were able to reduce both the time and the use of hazardous chemicals associated with the previous plasmid isolation methods of high-pressure liquid chromatography and CsCl gradient centrifugation by employing fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC). Plasmid was first crudely prepared from bacterial cultures by a standard alkaline lysis method. After an alcohol precipitation, the nucleic acids were divided into two equal portions. One half was used for a standard purification method employing CsCl centrifugation. The other was dissolved in FPLC buffer, treated with RNase A, and applied to a Superose 6 preparative grade column (HR 10/30). Plasmid eluted off the column within 20 min as a single, highly resolved peak. Plasmid isolated by FPLC had yields, purity, and transformation efficiencies similar to that isolated by CsCl centrifugation.  相似文献   

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