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The genus Nais is a group of oligochaetous clitellates, common in eutrophic freshwater habitats. About 30 species are described. Species identification is based primarily on chaetal characters, which are often subtle, inconsistent, and even overlapping between nominal species. We investigated the correlation between genetic variation and chaetal morphology in this genus. Eighty‐one individuals from Europe, North America, and China were included in the study. Seventy‐five of these were preserved as vouchers. They were scrutinized with regard to chaetal morphology, and ten different morphotypes were identified. Three molecular markers, two mitochondrial (the COI gene and 16S rDNA) and one nuclear (the ITS region), were used to establish the genetic lineages in the material. Genetic variation was found to be largely congruent with chaetal character patterns. However, at least nine separately evolving lineages (all supported by mitochondrial as well as nuclear data) correspond to at most six nominal species. Four morphotypes/lineages are recognized as Nais barbata, Nais christinae, Nais elinguis, and Nais stolci, respectively, whereas five, or possibly more, lineages represent a morphological continuum covering the variation of the Nais communis/variabilis complex. Thus, cryptic speciation is revealed. Our results indicate that a taxonomic revision of the genus will be needed in the future.  相似文献   

Dieter Bunke 《Zoomorphology》1998,118(3):177-182
 The nephrostome of Enchytraeus albidus exhibits a longitudinal slit-like opening on the dorsal side of a bulbous organ which is mainly composed of three cells, one flame cell situated centrally and endowed with a ciliary flame, and two cells lying superficially, called the mantle cell and the accessory mantle cell. The mantle cell occupies the ventral side of the organ extending on both sides up to the opening to constitute its immediate border on the frontal and lateral sides. Here it forms a kind of crest which is heavily subdivided into many protrusions and infoldings endowed with long cilia which exclusively spread into the coelomic cavity. The accessory mantle cell borders the narrow posterior slit of the opening, forming the roof of the initial canal which is devoid of cilia. From its anterior region a projection arises extending above the opening. The flame cell forms a groove from which the ciliary flame arises which extends into the canal. At its posterior region it replaces the accessory mantle cell displacing it onto the dorsal surface of the organ. It is argued that the mantle cell and the accessory mantle cell have presumbly originated from coelothelial cells. Thus the metanephridium may be a composite organ developing from a nephridioblastic and a coeloblastic source. A discussion of results in other annelid species indicates that metanephridia in the Annelida may have evolved more than once. Accepted: 13 October 1997  相似文献   

Ultrastructural analysis has revealed that metanephridia in Dero digitata arise from three nephroblast cells in the frontal epithelium of a septum suggesting its mesodermal origin. Each cell has a fixed developmental destination, one nephroblast cell produces the entire canal part and two cells give rise to the nephrostome. The nephroblast cell nearest to the body wall enlarges and proliferates a first set of canal cells, then one of the two proximally adjacent nephroblast cells differentiates into the envelope of the nephrostome generating the marginal cilia of the opening (mantle cell) and the second one transforms into the anteriormost cell of the funnel, producing a flame of cilia that beats into the canal lumen (flame cell). Thereafter, new canal cells appear, mainly by mitosis of the first cell, enlarging the body of the nephridium whose further differentiation was not analysed. Comparison with other clitellate species suggests a mantle cell (or some marginal cells) and a flame cell (or a central cell) to be special characters of the metanephridium in the stem species of the Clitellata and that, compared to many polychaete species, its early development assumes a special course by a precocious determination and arrangement of nephroblast cells, which, in both groups, probably originate from an identical mesodermal stem cell. Results further indicate that the nonclitellate Aeolosomatidae, by virtue of corresponding nephrostomata, are possibly closer related to the Clitellata.  相似文献   

Abstract. Although the oesophageal appendages in the four enchytraeids Enchytrueus crypticus, Fredericia strinta, Buchholzia appendiculata , and Achaeta sp. are quite different from one another in shape and position, their histology and ultrastructure are basically the same. These are intestinal appendages, the lumina of which distally end blind and proximally open into the oesophagus. Almost all of the few cells in their single-layered epithelium have a microvillous, cilia-free border at the apex, facing towards the lumen, and basally comprise an extremely extensive labyrinth. The presence of the latter, composed of very thin cell processes, and of numerous mitochondria identifies the organs as energy-producing and -consuming, transport-active structures. Their possible function as a food-moistening organ or osmoregulatory organ is discussed, and they are compared with other intestinal appendages in enchytraeids and other oligochaetes.  相似文献   

New alluroidids (Annelida,Clitellata) from Guyana   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Omodeo  Pietro  Coates  Kathryn A. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,457(1-3):39-47
A total of 30 microbialites at two sites in Lake Clifton, Yalgorup National Park, Western Australia, were sampled by coring to quantify the associated fauna with these organo-sedimentary structures. Twenty five species of aquatic fauna were recorded from the cores, comprising 20 species of metazoan, predominantly Crustacea (including Melita kauerti (Amphipoda), Exosphaeroma cf. serventii (Isopoda); and Cyprideis australiensis(Ostracoda); Polychaeta (Capitella cf. capitata); nematodes; and five species of Foraminifera (Protista). Multivariate analysis of the five numerically most abundant taxa (amphipods, isopods, ostracods, polychaetes, nematodes) separated microbialites by season and submergence. Numbers of all taxa, particularly polychaetes and amphipods, were much higher in spring than in autumn, and in permanently-inundated than in seasonally-inundated microbialites. The exception was higher numbers of juvenile polychaetes in seasonally-inundated microbialites at the northern site in spring. This study showed that modern thrombolitic microbialites can co-exist with a diverse invertebrate fauna and serves as a baseline for future studies of interactions between microbialites and fauna.  相似文献   

Clitellata (earthworms, leeches, and allies) is a clade of segmented annelid worms that comprise more than 5000 species found worldwide in many aquatic and terrestrial habitats. According to current views, the first clitellates were either aquatic (marine or freshwater) or terrestrial. To address this question further, we assessed the phylogenetic relationships among clitellates using parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses of 175 annelid 18S ribosomal DNA sequences. We then defined two ecological characters (Habitat and Aquatic‐environment preferences) and mapped those characters on the trees from the three analyses, using parsimony character‐state reconstruction (i.e. Fitch optimization). We accommodated phylogenetic uncertainty in the character mapping by reconstructing character evolution on all the trees resulting from parsimony and maximum likelihood bootstrap analyses and, in the Bayesian inference, on the trees sampled using the Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm. Our analyses revealed that an ‘aquatic’ ancestral state for clitellates is a robust result. By using alterations of coding characters and constrained analyses, we also demonstrated that the hypothesis for a terrestrial origin of clitellates is not supported. Our analyses also suggest that the most recent ancestor of clitellates originated from a freshwater environment. However, we stress the importance of adding sequences of some rare marine taxa to more rigorously assess the freshwater origin of Clitellata. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 447–464.  相似文献   

De Wit P., Erséus C. and Gustavsson L.M. 2011. Ultrastructure of the body wall of three species of Grania (Annelida: Clitellata: Enchytraeidae). —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 92 : 1–11. The body wall of three species of Grania, including the cuticle, epidermis and the musculature, are studied using TEM. The cuticle is similar to previously studied enchytraeids, with an orthogonal grid pattern of collagen fibers. This pattern is also seen in Crassiclitellata, which has been suggested as the sister taxon of Enchytraeidae. Variation of epicuticular and fiber zone patterns seen in Naididae (formerly Tubificidae and Naididae) seem to be lacking in Enchytraeidae. The fiber thickness, however, varies between Grania species and may be a phylogenetically informative character. The epidermis consists of supporting cells, secretory cells and sensory cells. Basal cells, typical for Crassiclitellata, were not observed. The clitellum of Grania seems to consist of two types of gland cells, which develop from regular epidermal tissue. It is possible that more cell types exist in different regions of the clitellum, however. The body wall musculature is arranged somewhat differently from that of closely related taxa; this refers to the reduction of circular and outer, triangular longitudinal muscle fibers, while the inner, ribbon‐shaped longitudinal muscle fibers are well‐developed. A search was conducted for the cause of the peculiar green coloration of Grania galbina De Wit and Erséus 2007, and it was concluded that neither cyanobacteria nor epidermal pigment granules were present in the fixed material.  相似文献   

18S rDNA phylogeny of Clitellata (Annelida)   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The phylogeny of Clitellata was analysed using 18S rDNA sequences of a selection of species representing Hirudinida, Acanthobdellida, Branchiobdellida and 10 oligochaetous families. Eleven new 18S sequences of Capilloventridae (one), Haplotaxidae (one), Propappidae (one), Enchytraeidae (two), Lumbricidae (one), Almidae (one), Megascolecidae (two), Lumbriculidae (one), and Phreodrilidae (one) are reported and aligned together with corresponding sequences of 28 previously studied clitellate taxa. Twelve polychaete species were used as an outgroup. The analysis supports an earlier hypothesis based on morphological features that Capilloventridae represents a basal clade of Clitellata; in the 18S tree it shows a sister-group relationship to all other clitellates. The remaining clitellate taxa form a basal dichotomy, one clade containing Tubificidae (including the former 'Naididae'), Phreodrilidae, Haplotaxidae, and Propappidae, the other clade with two subgroups: (1) Lumbriculidae together with all leech-like taxa (Acanthobdellida, Branchiobdellida and Hirudinida), and (2) Enchytraeidae together with a monophyletic group of all earthworms included in the study (Lumbricidae, Almidae and Megascolecidae). These earthworms are members of the taxon Crassiclitellata, the monophyly of which is thus supported by the data. The tree also shows support for the hypothesis that the first clitellates were aquatic. The position of the single species representing Haplotaxidae is not as basal as could have been expected from earlier morphology-based conclusions about the ancestral status of this family. However, if Haplotaxidae is indeed a paraphyletic assemblage of relict taxa, a higher number of representatives will be needed to resolve its exact relationships with the other clitellates.  相似文献   

This study investigates the diversity and taxonomy of a mainly marine group of species lacking chaetae currently assigned to the genus Marionina. This achaetous group includes four nominal species: M. achaeta (Hagen, 1954 Hagen, G. 1954. Michaelsena achaeta nov. sp., ein neuer mariner Oligochaet aus der Kieler Bucht. Faunistische Mitteilungen aus Norddeutschland, 1: 1213.  [Google Scholar]), M. achaeta sensu Lasserre, 1964 Lasserre, P. 1964. Notes sur quelques oligochètes Enchytraeidae présents dans les plages du Bassin d’Arcachon. Procés-Verbaux des Séances de la Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux, 101: 8791.  [Google Scholar], M. nevisensis Righi & Kanner, 1979 Righi, G. and Kanner, E. 1979. Marine Oligochaeta (Tubificidae and Enchytraeidae) from the Caribbean Sea. Studies of the Fauna of Curaçao and other Caribbean Islands, 58: 4468.  [Google Scholar] and M. arenaria Healy, 1979 Healy, B. 1979a. Marine fauna of County Wexford. 1 – Littoral and brackishwater Oligochaeta. The Irish Naturalists' Journal, 19: 418422.  [Google Scholar]. As Lasserre's (1964 Lasserre, P. 1964. Notes sur quelques oligochètes Enchytraeidae présents dans les plages du Bassin d’Arcachon. Procés-Verbaux des Séances de la Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux, 101: 8791.  [Google Scholar]) M. achaeta appears to be morphologically different from its (then) senior homonym M. achaeta (Hagen, 1954 Hagen, G. 1954. Michaelsena achaeta nov. sp., ein neuer mariner Oligochaet aus der Kieler Bucht. Faunistische Mitteilungen aus Norddeutschland, 1: 1213.  [Google Scholar]), the replacement name M. nothachaeta nom. nov. is proposed for it. We studied the genetic and morphological diversity of achaetous specimens of Marionina collected in Florida, the Great Barrier Reef, New Caledonia, Sweden, England and the Bahamas. The collection localities are almost all supralittoral and often brackish-water habitats. Parts of the mitochondrial genes 12S, 16S, COI and the nuclear genes 18S, 28S and ITS were analysed to assess the genetic variation and phylogeny of the achaetous Marionina species. The molecular data reveal one monophyletic group of 11 separately evolving lineages, and between these lineages, K2P distances in the barcoding gene COI vary between 5.4 and 25.0%. On a morphological basis, the lineages could be assigned to seven different groups (morphotypes), of which only two could be identified as described nominal taxa: M. nevisensis s. lat. (several lineages) and M. nothachaeta. Since the former taxon appears to be a complex of cryptic species around the world and the original type material no longer exists, a neotype from the Caribbean was designated for M. nevisensis s. str. The remaining achaetous lineages represent five morphologically distinct species that are left unnamed, awaiting finer morphological scrutiny and detailed comparisons with new collections of M. achaeta and M. arenaria. Summing up, the group of achaetous Marionina now seems to contain up to 13 different species, seven of which are yet to be formally described and named.  相似文献   

Sperm morphology and spermatogenesis were examined in the oligochaete annelid Isochaetides arenarius, a species belonging to the subfamily Tubificinae inhabiting the sediments of Lake Baikal. As all tubificines, Isochaetides produces two types of spermatozoa, named eusperm and parasperm. The eusperm are the fertilizing male gametes and consist, in sequence, of an acrosome, a nucleus, a mitochondrial mid-piece, and a tail. The parasperm have the same general architecture, but differ in cytological details: the acrosome is shorter, devoid of a perforatorium, and the acrosome vesicle has a different, simpler, shape. The nucleus is much shorter and rectilinear (the eusperm nucleus is twisted). The mid-piece mitochondria are less numerous but their overall volume is larger. The flagellum has a plasma membrane largely separated from the axoneme, and is devoid of glycogen granules. After mating, the two sperm types gather in the spermathecae to form spermatozeugmata; in these structures the parasperm form an external sheath involving the centrally located eusperm and their tails are connected by conspicuous septate junctions. Parasperm nuclei are produced through a process of fragmentation of the 'spermatocytes', whereas the flagellar basal bodies are produced by a process similar to that giving rise to basal bodies in ciliated epithelia.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. The cocoon of Nais variabilis is ovoid with an average length of 527.6±8.4 μm (95% CL) and an average breadth of 378.1±9.9 μm. The cocoon wall is about 7 μm thick and the average volume of the cocoon cavity is 0.035±0.002 mm3. Most cocoons contain one ovum; only single-ovum cocoons developed.
2. Cocoons hatch in about 80 days at room temperature (average 20°C. range 17–23°C). Hatchlings emerged posterior end first and were, on hatching, about one-third the adult live length of 8.5±10.3 mm.
3. It is estimated that adult Nais variabilis are unlikely to produce more than an average of ten cocoons each. Adults ceased asexual budding on becoming nature and died shortly after the completion of cocoon production. There was a brief co-existence of generations.  相似文献   

Summary In recently collected specimens of Acanthobdella peledina the nervous system, the genital organs and the coelomic organisation were reinvestigated after complete serial sections. These anatomical results are schematically represented. In addition, the integument, the chaetae and the peripheral muscle layer were investigated by electron microscopy. In general, the results confirm Livanow's classic monograph (1906), with the exception of a few details. The body apparently possesses neither a prostomium nor an achaetous buccal region (peristomium). The number of 29 true segments is concluded from the number of segmental ganglia. The five anteriormost segments, each with four pairs of hookshaped chaetae arranged around the mouth opening, are considered to be functionally equivalent to an anterior sucker. The ultrastructure of the integument and the chaetae generally conforms to the typical annelidan pattern. The muscle cells are of the typical hirudinean type. The outer male genital pore is positioned in segment 10; the female organs open in segment 11 directly behind the septum between segments 10 and 11. The main emphasis is laid on the evaluation of the position of the taxon within the Clitellata, including a discussion of the Branchiobdellida, and the cladograms presented show the Acanthobdellida to be the sister group of the Euhirudinea. Characters shared by the Branchiobdellida and Hirudinea (including A. peledina) are considered to be convergently evolved.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to describe the organization of the ovary and mode of oogenesis at the ultrastructural level in two representatives of Lumbriculida – Lumbriculus variegatus and Stylodrilus heringianus. In both species studied, the ovaries are small and conically shaped structures that are attached to the intersegmental septum via a thin ligament. The ovaries are composed of germline cysts formed by germ cells interconnected by stable cytoplasmic bridges. As a rule, the cyst center is occupied by a poorly developed anuclear cytoplasmic mass, termed a cytophore, whereas the germ cells are located at the periphery of the cyst. Germline cysts are enveloped by somatic cells. The ovaries of the species studied are polarized, i.e., along the long axis of the ovary there is an evident gradient of germ cell development. The data obtained suggest ovary meroism, i.e., two categories of germ cells were found: oocytes, which continue meiosis, gather nutrients, grow and protrude into the body cavity, and nurse cells, which do not grow and are supposed to supply oocytes with cell organelles and macromolecules via the cytophore. The ovary structure and mode of oogenesis in the species studied were compared with those of other clitellate annelids. As a rule, in all clitellates studied to date, the ovaries are composed of germline cysts equipped with a cytophore and associated with somatic cells; however, the ovary morphology differs between taxa regarding several quantitative and qualitative features. The ovary organization and mode of oogenesis in L. variegatus and S. heringianus strongly resemble those found in Tubificinae and Branchiobdellida studied to date. Our results also support a sister-group relationship between Lumbriculida and a clade comprising ectoparasitic clitellates (i.e., Branchiobdellida, Acanthobdellida and Hirudinida) with Branchiobdellida as a plesiomorphic sister group to Acanthobdellida and Hirudinida.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure of the Tubificid Acrosome (Annelida, Oligochaeta)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The later morphogenesis of the acrosome of Limnodriloides winckelmanni and Rhyacodrilus arthingtonae is compared with that in Enchytraeus and in earthworms. After superposition of the acrosome on the tip of the nucleus the manchette continues apically beyond the nucleus to ensheath the acrosomal tube. At the posterior limit of, and probably contained in, the spacious/ terminal primary acrosomal vesicle is an electron-dense ring. A domed protrusion into the floor of the primary vesicle is tentatively regarded as the secondary acrosome vesicle. The axial rod when first observed is attached to the vesicle complex. Later, the rod detaches and extends deeply into the acrosome tube. A membrane ensheathes the tubificid axial rod but its exact homology with the complex layers surrounding the lumbricid or megascolecid axial rod is not clear. The domed apical region of the tubificid acrosome is probably a persistence of the primary acrosome vesicle and it is deduced that the acrosome vesicle surrounding the axial rod in lumbricids and megascolecids is a product, by invagination, of the secondary acrosome vesicle only.  相似文献   

Many species of Naididae possess a pair of pigmented eyes. Within Clitellata, eyes are generally present in Hirudinea, whereas Naididae are the only oligochaete taxon having these sense organs. The eyes of Naididae are epidermal structures and consist of a multicellular pigment cup in which a single row of five to six photoreceptor cells is embedded. The sensory cells are typical phaosomes: the photoreceptive structures (microvilli) project into a cavity formed by the sensory cell itself. In Stylaria lacustris this cavity opens to the exterior, clearly documenting that it represents an invagination of the apical cell membrane. The density of sensory microvilli is comparatively low and a central vitreous body is lacking. Similar phaosomous photoreceptors, not associated with either pigmented or unpigmented supporting cells, occur in the epidermis of the anterior end. These photoreceptors correspond to those found in other Clitellata, confirming that phaosomes are the only known type of photoreceptor cell occurring in this taxon. As a result of their simple structure they have been regarded as plesiomorphic for Annelida. However, an out‐group comparison with eyes and photoreceptors occurring in polychaetes and other spiralians reveals that they, in fact, are a rather specialized type of photoreceptor. Despite the simple structure, they most likely represent an autapomorphy of Clitellata. It follows that in all probability, these phaosomes are a secondarily evolved type of photoreceptor, which arose within the oligochaete clade after the primary photoreceptors present in the out‐groups had been lost. This loss might have occurred during evolution of a burrowing life style within the sediment and subsequent invasion of the terrestrial environment.  相似文献   

Naidinae (former Naididae) is a group of small aquatic clitellate annelids, common worldwide. In this study, we evaluated the phylogenetic status of Naidinae, and examined the phylogenetic relationships within the group. Sequence data from two mitochondrial genes (12S rDNA and 16S rDNA), and one nuclear gene (18S rDNA), were used. Sequences were obtained from 27 naidine species, 24 species from the other tubificid subfamilies, and five outgroup taxa. New sequences (in all 108) as well as GenBank data were used. The data were analysed by parsimony and Bayesian inference. The tree topologies emanating from the different analyses are congruent to a great extent. Naidinae is not found to be monophyletic. The naidine genus Pristina appears to be a derived group within a clade consisting of several genera (Ainudrilus, Epirodrilus, Monopylephorus, and Rhyacodrilus) from another tubificid subfamily, Rhyacodrilinae. These results demonstrate the need for a taxonomic revision: either Ainudrilus, Epirodrilus, Monopylephorus, and Rhyacodrilus should be included within Naidinae, or Pristina should be excluded from this subfamily. Monophyly of four out of six naidine genera represented by more than one species is supported: Chaetogaster, Dero, Paranais, and Pristina, respectively.  相似文献   

Siekierska E 《Tissue & cell》2003,35(4):252-259
The structure of the ovary and the type of oogenesis were determined in the earthworm Dendrobaena veneta (Oligochaeta, Haplotaxida, Lumbricidae) with histological, electron-microscopic and immunocytochemical methods. In this species the ovary is of the alimentary, nutrimentary type because it contains oocytes and the nurse cells (trophocytes). The ovarian stroma is built by somatic cells, the processes of which are connected to each other via numerous desmosomes. The somatic cells and their processes envelop the germ cells tightly and play a supportive role. Oogonia, oocytes and trophocytes are arranged in distinct zones in the ovary. Trophocytes form chains of cells, which are interconnected by intercellular bridges. Numerous microtubules are located within the latter. The oocytes are distally arranged in the ovary. Vitellogenesis involves both auto- and heterosyntheses. The results obtained were compared with the reports on oogenesis in other representatives of Annelida.  相似文献   

Adult specimens of Terebratulina retusa and Crania anomala have one pair of metanephridia. Each metanephridium is composed of a ciliated nephridial funnel (nephrostome) and an outleading nephridial canal, thus, these organs are open ducts connecting the metacoel of the animal with the outer medium. In both species, the inner side of a nephrostome is lined by a columnar monociliated epithelium which contacts the coelothel within one of the two ileoparietal bands. The coelothel contains basal filaments (in C. anomala these are definite myofilaments). The canal epithelium also consists of monociliated columnar cells which differ from the nephrostome epithelial cells in size and some cell components. Within the nephropore, the canal epithelium makes contact with the so-called inner mantle epithelium which lines the mantle cavity. The nephrostome epithelial cells and the canal epithelial cells never contain any contractile filaments. There are always continuous transitions between these different epithelia and distinct borders cannot be observed. The present results, especially in comparison to Phoronida, do not contradict the hypothesis of a coelothelially derived nephridial funnel and an ectodermal nephridial duct in Brachiopoda. But with regard to the differences between Phoronida and Brachiopoda (larval protonephridia and podocytes in the adults are unknown in Brachiopoda), further investigations have to be done to test the hypothesis of such heterogeneously assembled metanephridia.  相似文献   

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