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We have overexpressed the human beta 1 thyroid hormone receptor in insect cells using a recombinant baculovirus to a level of 5-10% of total cellular protein. The recombinant protein migrates as a 50 kDa band by SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis. The expressed receptor binds to L-T3 with a Kd of 1.3 +/- 0.4 x 10(-10) M and to thyroid hormone analogues with an affinity hierarchy of TRIAC greater than L-T3 greater than L-T4 greater than rT3. Gel retardation assays show highly specific receptor binding to a TRE which is modified by the presence of ligand and avidin-biotin complex DNA analysis shows a Kd of 6.2 +/- 2.0 x 10(-10) M for this interaction. These results indicate high level expression of hTR beta with authentic hormone and DNA binding properties.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to investigate whether fatty acids inhibit the binding of T3 to the alpha 1 and beta 1 form of the thyroid hormone receptor. Fatty acids inhibited the binding of T3 to both receptor proteins isolated from a bacterial expression system. The effectiveness of inhibition depends on the chain length and degree of saturation of the fatty acids. The inhibition of T3 binding to the alpha 1 and beta 1 receptor by oleic acid is competitive in nature; the Ki value was 5.4 10(-6) M for the c-erbA alpha 1 protein and 3.3 10(-6) M for the c-erb beta 1 protein. The findings indicate a direct interaction of fatty acids with T3 receptor proteins.  相似文献   

We have previously reported a family, Kindred A, with autosomal dominant generalized thyroid hormone resistance in which affected members were found to have a mutation in the carboxy-terminal domain of the c-erbA beta thyroid hormone receptor. In the current study, the thyroid hormone and DNA-binding properties of this mutant receptor were determined using c-erbA beta protein synthesized in vitro. Both the wild-type human placental c-erbA beta and Kindred A receptors bound [125I]-triiodothyronine, although the Kindred A receptor had decreased affinity for the hormone. The affinity for triiodothyronine was 4.5 x 10(9) M-1 and 2.3 x 10(10) M-1 for the mutant and wild-type receptors, respectively. No abnormality of DNA-binding was detected with the Kindred A receptor using a sensitive avidin-biotin DNA-binding assay with DNA fragments containing thyroid hormone response elements. The Kindred A mutant receptor which displays abnormal triiodothyronine-binding but normal DNA-binding activities in vitro acts as a dominant negative inhibitor of thyroid hormone action in man.  相似文献   

Resistance to thyroid hormone (RTH) syndrome is an inherited inability to respond appropriately to T3 hormone. In generalized RTH, the T3 response of both the pituitary and periphery is disrupted. In pituitary (or central) RTH, the ability of the pituitary to sense (and down-regulate) elevated T3 is selectively impaired, whereas the periphery remains relatively T3 responsive, resulting in peripheral thyrotoxicity. Both forms of disease are linked to mutations in thyroid hormone receptor (TR)-beta. TRbeta is expressed by alternate mRNA splicing as two isoforms: TRbeta2, found primarily in the pituitary/hypothalamus, and TRbeta1, expressed broadly in many tissues. We report here that the wild-type TRbeta2 isoform displays an enhanced T3 response relative to the TRbeta1 isoform. Mutations associated with generalized RTH (P453S, G345S) impair both TRbeta2 and TRbeta1 function proportionally, whereas mutations associated with pituitary-specific RTH (R338L, R338W, R429Q) disproportionately disrupt TRbeta2 function. We propose that in the normal organism, and in generalized RTH, TRbeta2 in the pituitary can sense rising T3 levels in advance of TRbeta1 in the periphery, preventing thyrotoxicity. In contrast, the TRbeta mutations associated with pituitary RTH disproportionately disrupt the pituitary's ability to sense and suppress elevated T3 levels in advance of the periphery, producing symptoms of thyrotoxicity.  相似文献   



Thyroid hormone acts via receptor subtypes (TRα1, TRβ1, TRβ2) with differing tissue distributions, encoded by distinct genes (THRA, THRB). THRB mutations cause a disorder with central (hypothalamic–pituitary) resistance to thyroid hormone action with markedly elevated thyroid hormone and normal TSH levels.

Scope of review

This review describes the clinical features, genetic and molecular pathogenesis of a homologous human disorder mediated by defective THRA. Clinical features include growth retardation, skeletal dysplasia and constipation associated with low-normal T4 and high-normal T3 levels and a low T4/T3 ratio, together with subnormal reverse T3 levels. Heterozygous TRa1 mutations in affected individuals generate defective mutant receptors which inhibit wild-type receptor action in a dominant negative manner.

Major conclusions

Mutations in human TRα1 mediate RTH with features of hypothyroidism in particular tissues (e.g. skeleton, gastrointestinal tract), but are not associated with a markedly dysregulated pituitary–thyroid axis.

General significance

Human THRA mutations could be more common but may have eluded discovery due to the absence of overt thyroid dysfunction. Nevertheless, in the appropriate clinical context, a thyroid biochemical signature (low T4/T3 ratio, subnormal reverse T3 levels), may enable future identification of cases.This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Thyroid hormone signalling.  相似文献   

Ligand binding to the thyroid hormone nuclear receptor beta1 (TRbeta(1)) is inhibited by desethylamiodarone (DEA), the major metabolite of the widely used anti-arrhythmic drug amiodarone. Gene expression of thyroid hormone (triiodothyronine, T(3))-regulated genes can therefore be affected by amiodarone due to less ligand binding to the receptor. Previous studies have indicated the possibility of still other explanations for the inhibitory effects of amiodarone on T(3)-dependent gene expression, probably via interference with receptor/co-activator and co-repressor complex. The binding site of DEA is postulated to be on the outside surface of the receptor protein overlapping the regions where co-activator and co-repressor bind. Here we show the effect of a drug metabolite on the interaction of TRbeta(1) with the co-activator GRIP-1 (glucocorticoid receptor interacting protein-1). The T(3)-dependent binding of GRIP-1 to the TRbeta(1) is disrupted by DEA. A DEA dose experiment showed that the drug metabolite acts like an antagonist under 'normal' conditions (at 10(-7) M T(3) and 5x10(-6)-->10(-3) M DEA), but as an agonist under extreme conditions (at 0 and 10(-9) M T(3) and >10(-4) M DEA). To our knowledge, these results show for the first time that a metabolite of a drug which was not devised for this purpose can interfere with nuclear receptor/co-activator interaction.  相似文献   

The human thyroid stimulating hormone receptor (hTSHR) belongs to the glycoprotein hormone receptors that bind the hormones at their large extracellular domain. The extracellular hinge region of the TSHR connects the N-terminal leucine-rich repeat domain with the membrane-spanning serpentine domain. From previous studies we reasoned that apart from hormone binding at the leucine-rich repeat domain, additional multiple hormone contacts might exist at the hinge region of the TSHR by complementary charge-charge recognition. Here we investigated highly conserved charged residues in the hinge region of the TSHR by site-directed mutagenesis to identify amino acids interacting with bovine TSH (bTSH). Indeed, the residues Glu-297, Glu-303, and Asp-382 in the TSHR hinge region are essential for bTSH binding and partially for signal transduction. Side chain substitutions showed that the negative charge of Glu-297 and Asp-382 is necessary for recognition of bTSH by the hTSHR. Multiple combinations of alanine mutants of the identified positions revealed an increased negative effect on hormone binding. An assembled model suggests that the deciphered acidic residues form negatively charged patches at the hinge region resulting in an extended binding mode for bTSH on the hTSHR. Our data indicate that certain positively charged residues of bTSH might be involved in interaction with the identified negatively charged amino acids of the hTSHR hinge region. We demonstrate that the hinge region represents an extracellular intermediate connector for both hormone binding and signal transduction of the hTSHR.  相似文献   

In order to study the structure and function relationships of the thyrotropin (TSH)-specific beta-subunit, we produced 11 synthetic overlapping peptides containing the entire 112-amino acid sequence of human beta TSH and tested them for activity in TSH radioreceptor assay using both human and porcine thyroid membranes. Synthetic peptides representing four regions of the beta-subunit demonstrated the ability to inhibit binding of 125I-bovine TSH to crude thyroid membranes. The peptide representing the -COOH terminus of the subunit (beta 101-112) possessed highest binding activity, inhibiting binding of labeled TSH with an EC50 of 80 microM. The remaining active peptides were: beta 71-85 (104 microM), beta 31-45 (186 microM), beta 41-55 (242 microM), and beta 1-15 (331 microM). Specificity of the binding activity was shown by the inability of the peptides representing the remainder of the subunit to inhibit binding of label and by the inability of any of the peptides to inhibit binding of 125I-epidermal growth factor to the same thyroid membranes. The low affinity of the peptides as compared with native hormone is in agreement with previous studies of synthetic alpha-subunit peptides and, further, suggests that the interaction of beta TSH with receptor is multifaceted, requiring cooperative binding of these sites for the observed high affinity of the whole hormone. These studies are in agreement with previous predictions of active regions by chemical modification but add two regions to the list, showing the utility of the synthetic peptide strategy in the study of peptide hormone structure-activity relationships.  相似文献   

Thyroid hormone resistance is a syndrome of considerable clinical heterogeneity. Three mutations in the c-erb A beta gene encoding the human beta thyroid hormone receptor have been described in different kindreds. We report here, in a family affected with peripheral thyroid hormone resistance, a unique point mutation in the ligand binding domain of the c-erb A beta gene resulting in histidine replacement of an arginine residue at position 438. The region in which the mutation occurred was identified by single stranded conformation polymorphism analysis and confirmed by subcloning and sequencing of the mutant alleles from each of the affected members. Binding of tri-iodothyronine to isolated nuclei from family members was normal suggesting the mechanism of thyroid hormone resistance in this family is not mediated by abnormal binding of ligand and receptor.  相似文献   

Rifamycin AF/013, a potent inhibitor of nucleic acid polymerizing enzymes and of some hormone receptors, strongly inhibited thyroid hormone-binding to the isolated nuclear receptor. Fifty percent inhibition was obtained at AF/013 concentration of as low as 8 micrograms/ml. AF/013, however, only weakly promoted dissociation of the bound hormone from the receptor. The inhibitory action of AF/013 was competitive with respect to and reduced the receptor's affinity for the hormone.  相似文献   

By analogy with steroid receptors, human placental thyroid hormone nuclear receptor (hTR beta 1) could be divided into four functional domains: A/B (Met1-Leu101), C (Cys102-Ala170), D (Thr171-Lys237), and E (Arg238-Asp456). The E domain was thought to bind thyroid hormone. To evaluate whether domain E alone is sufficient to bind T3 or requires the presence of other domains for functional T3-binding activity, a series of deletion mutants was constructed. The mutants were expressed in Escherichia coli, and the expressed proteins were purified. Analysis of the T3-binding affinity and analog specificity of the purified truncated hTR beta 1 indicated that domain E alone did not have T3-binding activity. Extension of the amino-terminal sequence of domain E to include part of domain D yielded a mutant (Lys201-Asp456) with a Ka for T3 of 0.5 +/- 0.2 x 10(9) M-1. Further extension to include the entire domain D (Met169-Asp456) yielded a mutant with T3-binding activity with a Ka of 0.8 +/- 0.1 x 10(9) M-1. Further extension of the amino-terminal sequence to include domain C increased the affinity for T3 by nearly 2-fold (Ka = 1.5 +/- 0.4 x 10(9) M-1). The Ka for the wild-type hTR beta 1 is 1.5 +/- 0.2 x 10(9) M-1. Furthermore, mutant (Met169-Asp456) binds to 3',5',3-triiodo-L-thyropropionic acid, D-T3, L-T4, and L-T3 with 307%, 37%, 7%, and 0.1%, respectively, of the activity of L-T3. This order of analog affinity is similar to that of the wild-type hTR beta 1.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine whether the introduction of d-Phe could improve the GnRH receptor binding affinities of DOTA-conjugated d-Lys6-GnRH peptides. Building upon the construct of DOTA-Ahx-(d-Lys6-GnRH1) we previously reported, an aromatic amino acid of d-Phe was inserted either between the DOTA and Ahx or between the Ahx and d-Lys6 to generate new DOTA-d-Phe-Ahx-(d-Lys6-GnRH) or DOTA-Ahx-d-Phe-(d-Lys6-GnRH) peptides. Compared to DOTA-Ahx-(d-Lys6-GnRH1) (36.1 nM), the introduction of d-Phe improved the GnRH receptor binding affinities of DOTA-d-Phe-Ahx-(d-Lys6-GnRH) (16.3 nM) and DOTA-Ahx-d-Phe-(d-Lys6-GnRH) (7.6 nM). The tumor targeting and pharmacokinetic properties of 111In-DOTA-Ahx-d-Phe-(d-Lys6-GnRH) was determined in MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer-xenografted nude mice. Compared to 111In-DOTA-Ahx-(d-Lys6-GnRH1), 111In-DOTA-Ahx-d-Phe-(d-Lys6-GnRH) exhibited comparable tumor uptake with faster renal and liver clearance. The MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer-xenografted tumors were clearly visualized by single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) using 111In-DOTA-Ahx-d-Phe-(d-Lys6-GnRH) as an imaging probe, providing a new insight into the design of new GnRH peptides in the future.  相似文献   

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