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Urea-induced dissociation and unfolding of manganese.glutamine synthetase (Mn.GS) have been studied at 37 degrees C (pH 7) by spectroscopic and calorimetric methods. In 0 to approximately 2 M urea, Mn.GS retains its dodecameric structure and full catalytic activity. Mn.GS is dissociated into subunits in 6 M urea, as evidenced by a 12-fold decrease in 90 degrees light scattering and a monomer molecular weight of 51,800 in sedimentation equilibrium studies. The light scattering decrease in 4 M urea parallels the time course of Trp exposure but occurs more rapidly than changes in secondary structure and Tyr exposure. Early and late kinetic steps appear to involve predominantly disruption of intra-ring and inter-ring subunit contacts, respectively, in the layered hexagonal structure of Mn.GS. The enthalpies for transferring Mn.GS into urea solutions have been measured by titration calorimetry. After correcting for the enthalpy of binding urea to the protein, the enthalpy of dissociation and unfolding of Mn.GS is 14 +/- 4 cal/g. A net proton uptake of approximately 50 H+/dodecamer accompanies unfolding reactions. The calorimetric data are consistent with urea binding to multiple, independent sites in Mn.GS and the number of binding sites increasing approximately 9-fold during the protein unfolding.  相似文献   

A Ginsburg  M Zolkiewski 《Biochemistry》1991,30(39):9421-9429
Partial unfolding of dodecameric glutamine synthetase (GS) from Escherichia coli has been studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). A single endotherm (tm = 51.6 +/- 0.1 degrees C and delta Hcal = 211 +/- 4 kcal/mol of enzyme) was observed in DSC experiments with Mn.GS in the presence of 1.0 mM free Mn2+ and 100 mM KCl at pH 7. The dodecameric structure of Mn.GS was retained throughout heating cycles, and thermal transitions were reversible as shown by rescans [with 6-18 mg of GS (Mr 622,000) from 15 to 68 degrees C at 20-60 degrees C/h] and by greater than 93% recovery of activity. A cooperative ratio delta Hcal/delta HvH of 1.6 +/- 0.1 and deconvolution analysis show two cooperative units (two-state transitions): t1 = 50.4 and t2 = 51.7 degrees C; the ratio of the relative sizes of thermally labile domains is approximately 1:2 as judged by delta H2/delta H1 approximately equal to 2. However, the thermally induced overall enthalpy change (0.34 cal/g) for GS dodecamer is only 5-10% of that for thermal unfolding of small globular proteins at 50 degrees C. The t1 and t2 values from deconvolutions of DSC data agree with t0.5 values previously calculated from spectral measurements of temperature-induced exposures of approximately 0.7 of 2 Trp and approximately 2 of 17 Tyr per subunit, respectively [Shrake et al. (1989) Biochemistry 28, 6281-6294], over a 14 degrees C temperature range using both stabilizing and destabilizing conditions for Mn.GS.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Glutamine synthetase (GS), Mr 622,000, from Escherichia coli contains 12 active sites formed at heterologous interfaces between subunits [Almassy, R. J., Janson, C. A., Hamlin, R., Xuong, N.-H., & Eisenberg, D. (1986) Nature (London) 323, 304-309]. Temperature-induced changes in UV spectra from 3 to 68 degrees C were reversible with the Mn2+- or Mg2+-enzyme at pH 7.0 (50 degrees C) in 100 mM KCl. No dissociation or aggregation of dodecamer occurred at high temperatures. The thermal transition involves the exposure of approximately 0.7 of the 2 Trp residues/subunit (by UV difference spectroscopy) and 2 of the 17 Tyr residues/subunit (change in exposure from 4.7 to 6.7 Tyr/subunit by second-derivative spectral analysis). Monitoring changes in Trp and Tyr exposure independently gives data that conform to a two-state model for partial unfolding with Tm values (where delta G unfolding = 0) differing by 2-3 degrees C at each level of [Mn2+] studied and with average delta HvH values of 80 and 94 kcal/mol, respectively. These observations suggest that two regions of the oligomeric structure unfold separately as independent transitions (random model). However, the data can be fit equally with a sequential model in which the Trp transition occurs first upon heating. By fitting with either model, Tm values increase from approximately 47 to approximately 54 degrees C with increasing free [Mn2+] from 3.6 to 49 microM but decrease from approximately 54 to approximately 43 degrees C by further increasing free [Mn2+] from 0.05 to 10 mM; such behavior indicates that the high-temperature form of the enzyme binds Mn2+ more weakly but has more binding sites than the native enzyme. The high-temperature Mn-enzyme form is somewhat less unfolded than is the catalytically inactive apoenzyme, which undergoes no further Trp or Tyr exposure on heating and therefore is assumed to be the high-temperature form of divalent cation-free GS. Adding substrates [ADP, L-Met-(SR)-sulfoximine, Gln, Gln + NH2OH, or Gln + ADP] to Mn.GS increased Tm to varying extents by preferential binding to the folded form. Indeed, the transition-state analogue complex GS.(Mn2.ADP.L-Met-(S)-sulfoximine phosphate)12 was stable in the folded form to at least 72 degrees C. Moreover, an Arrhenius plot for gamma-glutamyl transfer activity was linear from 4 to 72 degrees C with Ea = 18.3 kcal/mol.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Thermal unfolding of dodecameric manganese glutamine synthetase (622,000 M(r)) at pH 7 and approximately 0.02 ionic strength occurs in two observable steps: a small reversible transition (Tm approximately 42 degrees C; delta H approximately equal to 0.9 J/g) followed by a large irreversible transition (Tm approximately 81 degrees C; delta H approximately equal to 23.4 J/g) in which secondary structure is lost and soluble aggregates form. Secondary structure, hydrophobicity, and oligomeric structure of the equilibrium intermediate are the same as for the native protein, whereas some aromatic residues are more exposed. Urea (3 M) destabilizes the dodecamer (with a tertiary structure similar to that without urea at 55 degrees C) and inhibits aggregation accompanying unfolding at < or = 0.2 mg protein/mL. With increasing temperature (30-70 degrees C) or incubation times at 25 degrees C (5-35 h) in 3 M urea, only dodecamer and unfolded monomer are detected. In addition, the loss in enzyme secondary structure is pseudo-first-order (t1/2 = 1,030 s at 20.0 degrees C in 4.5 M urea). Differential scanning calorimetry of the enzyme in 3 M urea shows one endotherm (Tmax approximately 64 degrees C; delta H = 17 +/- 2 J/g). The enthalpy change for dissociation and unfolding agrees with that determined by urea titrations by isothermal calorimetry (delta H = 57 +/- 15 J/g; Zolkiewski M, Nosworthy NJ, Ginsburg A, 1995, Protein Sci 4: 1544-1552), after correcting for the binding of urea to protein sites exposed during unfolding (-42 J/g). Refolding and assembly to active enzyme occurs upon dilution of urea after thermal unfolding.  相似文献   

Active-site ligand interactions with dodecameric glutamine synthetase from Escherichia coli have been studied by calorimetry and fluorometry using the nonhydrolyzable ATP analogue 5'-adenylyl imidodiphosphate (AMP-PNP), L-glutamate, L-Met-(S)-sulfoximine, and the transition-state analogue L-Met-(S)-sulfoximine phosphate. Measurements were made with the unadenylylated enzyme at pH 7.1 in the presence of 100 mM KCl and 1.0 mM MnCl2, under which conditions the two catalytically essential metal ion sites per subunit are occupied and the stoichiometry of active-site ligand binding is equal to 1.0 equiv/subunit. Thermodynamic linkage functions indicate that there is strong synergism between the binding of AMP-PNP and L-Met-(S)-sulfoximine (delta delta G' = -6.4 kJ/mol). In contrast, there is a small antagonistic effect between the binding of AMP-PNP and L-glutamate (delta delta G' = +1.4 kJ/mol). Proton effects were negligible (less than or equal to 0.2 equiv of H+ release or uptake/mol) for the different binding reactions. The binding of AMP-PNP (or ATP) to the enzyme is entropically controlled at 303 K with delta H = +5.4 kJ/mol and delta S = +150 J/(K.mol). At 303 K, the binding of L-glutamate (delta H = -22.2 kJ/mol) or L-Met-(S)-sulfoximine [delta H = -45.6 kJ/mol with delta Cp approximately equal to -670 +/- 420 J/(K.mol)] to the AMP-PNP.Mn.enzyme complex is enthalpically controlled with opposing delta S values of -29 or -46 J/(K.mol), respectively. The overall enthalpy change is negative and the overall entropy change is positive for the simultaneous binding of AMP-PNP and L-glutamate or of AMP-PNP and L-Met-(S)-sulfoximine to the enzyme. For the binding of the transition-state analogue L-Met-(S)-sulfoximine phosphate (which inactivates the enzyme by blocking active sites), both enthalpic and entropic contributions also are favorable at 303 K [delta G' approximately equal to -109 and delta H = -54.8 kJ/mol of subunit and delta S approximately equal to +180 J/(K.mol)].  相似文献   

Glutamine synthetase in Escherichia coli is regulated by adenylation and deadenylation reactions. The adenylation reaction converts the divalent cation requirement of the enzyme from Mg2+ to Mn2+. Previously, the catalytic action of unadenylated glutamine synthetase was elucidated by monitoring the intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence change accompanying substrate binding. However, due to the lack of changes in the tryptophan fluorescence, a similar study could not be done with the adenylated enzyme. In this study, therefore, an extrinsic fluor is introduced into the adenylated glutamine synthetase by adenylating the enzyme with 2-aza-1,N6-ethenoadenosine triphosphate, a fluorescent analog of ATP. The modified enzyme (aza-epsilon-glutamine synthetase) exhibits catalytic and kinetic properties similar to those of the naturally adenylated enzyme. The results of fluorometric studies on this aza-epsilon-glutamine synthetase indicated that L-glutamate and ATP bind to both Mn2+ and Mg2+ forms of the enzyme in a random order, but only the Mn2+ form is capable of forming a highly reactive enzyme-bound intermediate which is a prerequisite for the reaction with NH4+ to form products. The extrinsic fluorescence changes are also used to determine the binding constants of various substrates and inhibitors of both the biosynthetic and gamma-glutamyl transfer reactions.  相似文献   

Further details are given of crystals of glutamine synthetase prepared from Escherichia coli. Crystals of two kinds have been observed: (1) rhombic dodecahedra which correspond to the morphology of the crystals studied by Eisenberg et al. (1971) (and which were found by them to contain dodecamers), and (2) rhombohedra, reported here. Cell dimensions and packing considerations led to the consideration of two possible structures for the rhombohedral crystals. These we have called the “T = 7 structure” and the “B.C.C. structure”. The T = 7 structure would be related to that derived by Eisenberg and would contain dodecamers, but is inconsistent with our X-ray intensity data. The B.C.C. structure is considered more probable. It is built of cubic octomers or square tetramers. Electron micrographs of our glutamine synthetase preparations show a wide variety of aggregates, including dodecamers and tetramers. The unit cell dimensions of our crystals are a = 140 ± 2 Å, and c = 148 ± 2 Å. The Laue symmetry group is 3̄m P31.  相似文献   

D D Clark  J J Villafranca 《Biochemistry》1985,24(19):5147-5152
Isotope-exchange enhancement studies, a variation on positional isotope-exchange enhancement as described by Raushel and Garrard [Raushel, F. M., & Garrard, L. J. (1984) Biochemistry 23, 1791-1795], are used to establish the point in the biosynthetic reaction of Escherichia coli glutamine synthetase at which gamma-glutamyl phosphate is formed. In these experiments, the behavior of the reverse biosynthetic reaction, i.e., the reaction of ADP, L-glutamine, and phosphate to form NH4+, L-glutamate, and ATP, is examined as a function of the concentration of ammonium ion. By varying the concentration of NH4+, the ratio of the velocity of isotope exchange to the velocity of net reaction, as measured by the rate of 18O depletion from labeled phosphate and the rate of production of L-glutamate, respectively, can be modulated in a mechanism-dependent manner. Evidence is presented demonstrating the presence of a branch point in the mechanism. The enzyme-ATP-glutamate complex may partition in two ways, one involving binding of ammonium ion and the other involving the chemical transformation to form the enzyme-ADP-gamma-glutamyl phosphate complex. The alternate pathways then rejoin upon formation of the enzyme-ADP-NH4+-gamma-glutamyl phosphate complex. Because of the branch point, there is no absolute requirement that ammonium ion be absent or present in order for the formation of gamma-glutamyl phosphate to occur. At high concentrations of ammonia, one pathway through the branch can be eliminated, effectively making that portion of the pathway ordered, with ATP, L-glutamate, and NH4+ binding consistent with our previously reported steady-state kinetic mechanism [Meek, T. D., & Villafranca, J. J. (1980) Biochemistry 19, 5513-5519].  相似文献   

The kinetics of association of Escherichia coli 30S and 50S ribosomal subunits have been carried out as a function of temperature after a magnesium jump from 1.5 to 3 mM. Turbidimetric recordings combined with a stopped-flow apparatus were used to follow the kinetics. The data show that the rates of formation and dissociation of the 70S particles at 3 mM Mg2+ and +25 degrees C were, respectively: k2 = 10(5) M-1 s-1, k1 = 4,5 X 10(-3) s-1; lowering the temperature decreases the rate constants with activation energies equal to E2 = 7.5 kcal/mol, E1 = 26.5 kcal/mol and enhances the association equilibrium towards the 70S species with an enthalpy change (delta H degrees assoc = -19.9 kcal/mol) dominant over the entropy change (delta S degrees assoc = -33 cal/(deg mol)). These thermodynamic parameters were compared to those obtained from studies on the interactions of codon-anticodon in yeast phenylalanine transfer RNA as well as of ribooligonucleotides. The kinetic and thermodynamic data are shown to be consistent with 16S-23S RNA interaction.  相似文献   

Although glutamine synthetase from Escherichia coli is composed of 12 identical subunits, there is no evidence that homologous subunit interactions occur in fully unadenylylated or fully adenylylated enzyme. Meister and co-workers (Manning, J. M., Moore, S., Rowe, W. B., and Meister, A. (1969) Biochemistry 8, 2681-2685) have shown that L-methionine-S-sulfoximine, one of the four diastereomers of methionine sulfoximine, preferentially inhibits glutamine synthetase irreversibly in the presence of ATP, due to the formation of tightly bound products, ADP, and methionine sulfoximine phosphate. Using highly purified unadenylylated glutamine synthetase and the two resolved diastereomers of L-methionine-S,R-sulfoximine, we have studied both the kinetics of glutamine synthetase inactivation in the presence of excess methionine sulfoximine and ATP, and the binding of methionine sulfoximine to the enzyme. The results reveal that (a) the apparent first order rate constant of irreversible inactivation by the S isomer decreases progressively from the expected first order rate, indicating that an inactivated subunit retards the reactivity of its neighboring subunits toward methionine sulfoximine and ATP; (b) the R isomer does not inactivate glutamine synthetase irreversibly in the presence of ATP; however, the R isomer is capable of protecting the enzyme temporarily from the irreversible inhibition by the S isomer; and (c) the binding of the S isomer monitored by changes in protein fluorescence exhibits an apparent negative cooperative binding isotherm, whereas the R isomer yields an apparent positive cooperative pattern.  相似文献   

Antibodies against the alpha and beta subunits of phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase were fractionated by ion exchange chromatography into different classes and then digested with papain to yield the respective Fab fragments. The preparations obtained were used to investigate (i) whether the alpha and beta polypeptides share any common antigenic determinants and (ii) whether immunological methods are able to resolve the catalytic function of the subunits of this enzyme (or principally of oligomeric enzymes). As to the first problem, immunodiffusion and complement fixation experiments showed that there is no immunological relatedness between the subunits which argues against the existence of sequence homoligies. As to the second question investigated, it was found that any binding of immunoglobulins of Fab fragments to the alpha or the the beta subunit affects enzyme activity either in the direction of activation or inhibition. These results therefore show that the immunological approach is not appropriate for resolving subunit-specific funcitons, possibly as a consequence of conformational changes induced in the enzyme by the binding of the immunoglobulins of Fab fragments.  相似文献   

The mechanism of biosynthetic, transferase, ATPase, and transphosphorylation reactions catalyzed by unadenylylated glutamine synthetase from E. coli was studied. Activation complex(es) involved in the biosynthetic reaction are produced in the presence of either Mg2+ or Mn2+ ; however, with the Mn2+-enzyme inhibition by the product, ADP, is so great that the overall forward biosynthetic reaction cannot be detected with the known assay methods. Binding studies show that substrates (except for NH3 and NH2OH which are not reported here) can bind to the enzyme in a random manner and that binding of the ATP-glutamate, ADP-Pi or ADP-arsenate pairs is strongly synergistic. Inhibition and binding studies show that the same binding site is utilized for glutamate and glutamine in biosynthetic and transferase reactions, respectively, and that a common nucleotide binding site is used for all reactions studied. Studies of the reverse biosynthetic reaction and results of fluorescent titration experiments suggest that both arsenate and orthophosphate bind at a site which overlaps the gamma-phosphate site of nucleoside triphosphate. In the reverse biosynthetic and transferase reactions, ATP serves as a substrate for the Mn2+-enzyme but not for the Mg2+-enzyme. The ATP supported transferase activity of Mn2+-enzyme is probably facilitated by the generation of ADP through ATP hydrolysis. When AMP was the only nucleotide substrate added, it was converted to ATP with concomitant formation of two equivalents of glutamate, under the reverse biosynthetic reaction conditions, and no ADP was detected. The reversibility of 180 transfer between orthophosphate and gamma-acyl group of glutamate was confirmed. ATPase activity of Mg2+ and Mn2+ unadenylylated enzymes is about the same. Both enzymes forms catalyze transphosphorylation reactions between various purine nucleoside triphosphates and nucleoside diphosphates under biosynthetic reaction conditions. The data are consistent with the hypothesis that a single active center is utilized for all reactions studied. Two stepwise mecanisms that could explain the results are discussed.  相似文献   

M T Fisher 《Biochemistry》1992,31(16):3955-3963
The folding and assembly of dodecameric glutamine synthetase (GS) from Escherichia coli was examined in the absence and presence of the E. coli heat shock protein, GroEL (chaperonin-60). At nonphysiological temperatures (15-20 degrees C), unfolded GS spontaneously renatured to 80-90% of its original activity in the absence of GroEL. At near-physiological temperatures (37 degrees C), only 20-40% of the original activity returns. Under the latter solution conditions, GroEL and ATP enhance the extent of GS renaturation to 70-80% of the original activity at 37 degrees C. In the absence of ATP, GroEL arrests the renaturation of unfolded GS by forming a stable binary complex. The addition of ATP to this complex resulted in the release of GS subunits and formation of active dodecameric GS. The order of addition of ATP or unfolded GS to GroEL results in differences in the t1/2 values where half-maximal GS activity is attained. At a constant GS concentration, the formation of the GroEL.GS complex followed by ATP addition resulted in approximately a 2-fold increase in the observed t1/2 value compared to that observed when GroEL was preincubated with ATP before the GS renaturation reaction was initiated. These differences in renaturation rates may be related to binding affinity differences between the ATP-free and -bound GroEL conformer for unfolded or partially folded protein substrates [Badcoe, I. G., Smith, C. J., Wood, S., Halsall, D. J., Holbrook, J. J., Lund, P., & Clarke, A. R. (1991) Biochemistry 30, 9195-9200].(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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