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A detailed examination of the developmental features of abnormal formation of pole cells and a functional analysis of the germ plasma of gs(1)N441 embryos were carried out. The germ plasma is morphologically normal. Embryos in which cleavage nuclei show retarded migration to the posterior pole do not form pole cells. Pole cells, following formation, are abnormally segregated and then intermingled between the blastoderm cell layer but retaining normal morphology and differentiating into functional germ cells. The results of cytoplasmic transplantation experiments indicate the autonomous segregation ability of the mutant polar plasma to form pole cells to possibly be affected.  相似文献   

Y Niki 《Developmental biology》1984,103(1):182-189
This article describes developmental analysis of gs(1)N26 mutation. gs(1)N26 is a temperature-sensitive maternal-effect mutation affecting the formation of the germ line (Y. Niki and M. Okada, Wilhelm Roux's Arch. Dev. Biol. 190, 1-10, 1981). At 25 degrees C, the cleavage nuclei do not divide synchronously and show various degrees of retarded migration to the posterior region. Blastoderm nuclei show antero-posterior mitotic waves; posterior yolk nuclei also are reduced in number at this stage. Pole cells form only when the cleavage nuclei migrate directly to the posterior pole. In fact, the posterior region of young eggs presents the usual ultrastructural features, and it is also able to participate in the formation of pole cells, as was proven by cytoplasmic transfer experiments. Therefore the defects in blastogenesis, in particular in the formation of pole cells of gs(1)N26 embryos, appear to result from the delayed migration of cleavage nuclei to the posterior pole.  相似文献   

The Drosophila Pax6 genes, eyeless (ey) and twin of eyeless (toy), are expressed in both eyes and the brain. Previous studies have demonstrated that ey plays important roles in axonal outgrowth and differentiation of mushroom bodies (MBs), which are centers for associative learning and memory in flies. However, the functional significance of toy in brain development is poorly understood. Here, we describe the expression patterns of TOY, and show that TOY expression partially overlaps with EY expression in the embryonic, larval and adult brains. Mutations of toy perturb brain neuromere formation in the embryonic stages, and result in severe deformation of the MB lobes in pharate adult brains. Moreover, we also analyzed toy functions by gain-of-function experiments, and show that overexpression of toy results in degeneration of MB lobes. Thus, our results demonstrate the importance of toy in embryonic brain patterning as well as in post-embryonic development of the major brain structures such as MBs.  相似文献   

Summary When RSV DNA cloned in pBR 322 or DNA of simian adenovirus Sa7 (C8) is injected into the pole plasm of embryos of various Drosophila stocks, the progeny of 1–70% of the surviving flies display visible mutations. The mutagenesis is partially directed: the loci mutating due to retrovirus and adenovirus DNA do not everlap. The majority of resulting mutants are characterised by high instability: reversions and new mutations occur in them, which sometimes spread over the whole population(explosive instability). The injected sequences are revealed by dot-hybridization in the DNA of many mutant strains, but only rarely by Southern blotting procedures. The results show that the microinjection of oncovirus DNA into embryos is an approach for obtaining highly unstable strains even from wildtype stable Drosophila stocks without crosses with MR lines or the introduction of P elements. The sets of unstable mutations induced by oncovirus DNA is different from those in hybrid dysgenesis.  相似文献   

Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) is conserved in eukaryotes. To analyze the function of PARP, we isolated and characterized the gene for PARP in Drosophila melanogaster. The PARP gene consisted of six translatable exons and spanned more than 50 kb. The DNA binding domain is encoded by exons 1-4. Although the consensus cleavage site of CED-3 like protease during apoptosis is conserved from human to Xenopus laevis PARPs, it is neither conserved in the corresponding region of Drosophila nor Sarcophaga peregrina. There are two cDNAs species in Drosophila. One cDNA could encode the full length PARP protein (PARP I), while the other is a truncated cDNA which could encode a partial-length PARP protein (PARP II), which lacks the automodification domain and is possibly produced by alternative splicing. The expression of these two forms of PARP in E. coli demonstrated that while PARP II has the catalytic NAD-binding domain and DNA-binding domain it is enzymatically inactive. On the other hand PARP I is active. A deletion mutant of PARP gene could grow to the end of embryogenesis but did not grow to the adult fly. These results suggest that the PARP gene plays an important function during the development of Drosophila.  相似文献   

2009年3月在美国和墨西哥流感样患者的呼吸道标本中鉴定出新的猪源性甲型H1N1流感病毒。该病毒可人一人传播,已蔓延到172个国家和地区。现就猪源性甲型H1N1流感病毒的鉴定、基因组结构特征做一综述。  相似文献   

The size range of poly(A)-containing RNA from Drosophila melanogaster embryos has been estimated by hybridization with 3H-labeled poly(U) and subsequent fractionation on sucrose gradients. The median size of nuclear poly(A)-containing RNA is about 30 S (6000 nucleotides), and the median size of cytoplasmic poly(A)-containing RNA is about 17 S (1800 nucleotides). The relationship of these sizes to messenger RNA needed to code for protein and to the length of DNA contained in a chromomere is discussed.Research grant support was provided by NIH (6M35558; HD-00266) and NSF (GB-30600).  相似文献   

极管蛋白(Polar tube protein)是极管的主要成分,能特异性定位于微孢子虫极管,在微孢子虫侵染宿主过程中发挥重要作用。文中分析了家蚕微孢子虫极管蛋白1中潜在的O-、N-糖基化修饰位点,克隆了家蚕微孢子虫极管蛋白1全基因序列,并将其插入带有V5和His标签的真核表达载体pMT/Bip/V5-His A中,成功构建了pMT/Bip/V5-His A-NbPTP1重组质粒,经转染果蝇S2细胞后,发现NbPTP1基因能在果蝇细胞中高效表达。此外,Lectin blotting和β-消除反应分析结果表明:果蝇S2细胞内表达的NbPTP1具有O-糖基化修饰特征。以上结果为研究NbPTP1的糖基化修饰特征与其功能之间的关系提供了基础,有助于揭示微孢子虫侵染机制,建立可行有效的微孢子虫病诊断和防治措施。  相似文献   

Summary We quantitatively describe 2-deoxyglucose (2-DG) neuronal activity labeling patterns in the first and second visual neuropil regions of the Drosophila brain, the lamina and the medulla. Careful evaluation of activity patterns resulting from large-field motion stimulation shows that the stimulus-specific bands in the medulla correspond well to the layers found in a quantitative analysis of Golgi-impregnated columnar neurons. A systematic analysis of autoradiograms of different intensities reveals a hierarchy of labeling in the medulla. Under certain conditions, only neurons of the lamina are labeled. Their characteristic terminals in the medulla are used to differentiate among the involved lamina monopolar cell types. The 2-DG banding pattern in the medulla marks layers M1 and M5, the input layers of pathway p1 (the L1 pathway). Therefore, activity labeling of L1 by motion stimuli is very likely. More heavily labeled autoradiograms display activated cells also in layers M2, M9, and M10. The circuitry involved in the processing of motion information thus concentrates on pathways p1 and p2. Layers M4 and M6 of the distal medulla hardly display any label under the stimulus conditions used. The functional significance of selective activity in the medulla is discussed.  相似文献   

Two wild-type laboratory strains of Drosophila melanogaster were used in this study: strain Flordia-9, which is sensitive to aflatoxin B1 (AFB1)-induced toxicity, and strain Lausanne-S, which is resistant. Eggs of these strains were deposited on medium containing either low or high doses of dietary AFG1, AFB2, or sterigmatocystin (ST) and allowed to develop into second instar larvae. After this pretreatment, the larvae were transferred onto medium containing either high or low doses of dietary AFB1 (post-treatment) and allowed to complete development and eclose as adults. Viability and development data were analyzed to determine the effects of the various pretreatments on the level of AFB1-induced toxicity in the post-treatments. In no case did any of the pretreatments reduce the toxic effects of AFB1 post-treatment responses. However, for strain Florida-9, all high-dose pretreatments resulted in enhanced post-treatment toxicity, and all low-dose pretreatments also enhanced toxicity of high-dose post-treatments. For strain Lausanne-S, high-dose AFB2 pretreatment significantly enhanced toxicity of both high- and low-dose post-treatments. These results indicate that, in strain Florida-9, pretreatment with relatively less toxic mycotoxins (ST and AFB2) has an enhancing effect on AFB1-induced toxicity, whereas in strain Lausanne-S, a similar but smaller enhancing effect is seen only with AFB2 pretratment.  相似文献   

 The hsp60 (heat-shock protein 60) gene family of molecular chaperones has been a subject of study in numerous systems due to its important role in the correct folding of non-native proteins in development as well as after heat-shock treatment. Here we present the characterization of the first Drosophila hsp60 homologue. Drosophila HSP60 is most closely related (72% identity across the entire protein sequence) to the mouse mitochondrial HSP60. Western blot experiments indicate that Drosophila HSP60 is enriched in the mitochondrial fraction. The distribution of HSP60 protein is dynamic during fly embryogenesis, suggesting that various cell types might have different HSP60 requirements. The molecular analysis of a P-element-induced mutation that affects the l(1)10Ac locus shows that the transposon is inserted in a 3-kb intron present in the hsp60 gene. By genetic rescue experiments we prove that Drosophila HSP60 is encoded by the essential locus l(1)10Ac opening the possibility for detailed genetic analysis of HSP60 functions in the fly. Received: 24 March 1997 / Accepted: 16 June 1997  相似文献   

Dietary cadmium causes the queuine-containing, Q(+), isoacceptors to increase relative to the guanine-containing, Q(?), ones of tRNATyr, tRNAHis and tRNAAsp of Drosophila melanogaster. Of the other divalent cations examined, Sr2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, Zn2+ and Hg2+, only Hg2+ failed to cause an increase in Q(+)tRNATyr. For these results, all pre-adult stages of the organism were spent on media containing the divalent ions. Adult flies that had developed on a normal diet also responsed to divalent ions; Hg2+ as well as Cd2+, Sr2+ and Zn2+ caused an increase in Q(+)tRNATyr in 4 days. Using adult flies, the rate of the response was measured; when placed on a Cd2+-containing diet, they formed significantly more Q(+)tRNATyr within 24 h as compared to adults on a normal diet. Whether the queuine is derived from the diet or from de novo synthesis is yet to be determined. Since the metal ions represent a range of values in the ‘hard-soft’ classification, different sites of reaction are expected, yet for Drosophila a common result is an alteration in the ratio of Q(+) and Q(?) isoacceptors of these tRNAs. The transition to Q(+)tRNA may be an early indication of the metabolic imbalances resulting from the presence of the divalent cation.  相似文献   

DJ-1 (or PARK-7) is a multifunctional protein implicated in numerous pathologies including cancer, sterility and Parkinson disease (PD). The popular genetic model Drosophila melanogaster has two orthologs, dj-1: α and β. Dysfunction of dj-1β strongly impairs fly mobility in an age-dependent manner. In this study, we analyze in detail the molecular mechanism underlying the dj-1β mutant phenotype. Mitochondrial hydrogen peroxide production, but not superoxide production, was increased in mutant flies. An increase in peroxide leak from mitochondria causes oxidative damage elsewhere and explains the strong reduction in mobility caused by dj-1β mutation. However, at the same time, increased levels of hydrogen peroxide activated a pro-survival program characterized by (1) an alteration in insulin-like signaling, (2) an increase in mitochondrial biogenesis and (3) an increase in the de-acetylase activity of sirtuins. The activation of this pro-survival program was associated with increased longevity under conditions of moderate oxidative stress. Additionally, the dj-1β mutation unexpectedly accelerated development, a phenotype not previously associated with this mutation. Our results reveal an important role of dj-1β in oxidative stress handling, insulin-like signaling and development in Drosophila melanogaster.  相似文献   

Pandemic influenza H1N1 virus (A[H1N1]pdm09) emerged in 2009. To determine the phylogeography of A(H1N1)pdm09 in a single population, 70 strains of the virus were isolated from university students or trainee doctors at Tobetsu, Hokkaido, Japan, between September and December 2009. The nucleotide sequences of the HA1 region of the HA genes and described phylogenetic relationships of the strains circulating among them were analyzed. It was found that the 70 isolates could be phylogenetically separated into three groups and that two epidemics were caused by different groups of the virus. The three groups were also distinguishable from each other by three amino acid changes: A197T, S203T and Q293H. The substitution of S203T, which is located in the antigenic site, suggests antigenic drift of the virus.  相似文献   

The neuraminidase (NA) genes of A(H1N1)pdm09 influenza virus isolates from 306 infected patients were analysed. The circulation of oseltamivir-resistant viruses in Brazil has not been reported previously. Clinical samples were collected in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS) from 2009-2011 and two NA inhibitor-resistant mutants were identified, one in 2009 (H275Y) and the other in 2011 (S247N). This study revealed a low prevalence of resistant viruses (0.8%) with no spread of the resistant mutants throughout RS.  相似文献   

Influenza A (H1N1) virus is a severe threat worldwide. It is important to gain a better understanding of the mechanism of the infection. In the paper, we established a computational framework to investigate the crosstalk between the virus and the host, by finding out the proteins that the virus is attacking. The targeted proteins were predicted by taking human proteins laid on the same GO functions or processes as the virus proteins. One hundred and one core proteins were identified. The results provide some knowledge of the possible biological processes and molecular interactions caused by the viral infection, including the host responses.  相似文献   

Heat shock genes are considered to be likely candidate genes for environmental stress resistance. Nucleotide variation in the coding sequence of the small heat shock genes (hsps) hsp26 and hsp27 from Drosophila melanogaster was studied in flies originating from the Netherlands and eastern Australia. The hsp26 gene was polymorphic for an insertion/deletion of three extra amino acids and two nonsynonymous changes in all populations. The hsp27 gene exhibited two nonsynonymous changes and three synonymous mutations. The hsp26 polymorphism showed a latitudinal cline along the east coast of Australia. This pattern was not confounded by the fact that the shsps are located in the inversion In(3 L)P which also shows a latitudinal cline in eastern Australia. A similar latitudinal cline was found for the previously described variation in hsp23, while frequencies of hsp27 alleles did not change with latitude. These findings suggest that variation at two of the shsps or closely linked loci are under selection in natural populations of D. melanogaster.  相似文献   

张可兴  李廷利 《昆虫学报》2012,55(4):371-375
【目的】果蝇的睡眠活动具有生物节律性, 可受到基因的调控。为了寻找影响果蝇睡眠时间的基因, 本研究对与果蝇睡眠时间相关的基因型进行了筛选。【方法】选择黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster基因缺失系5601, 8904, 7061, 7146, 27327, 669, 8103, 691, 9697, 24416, 26525, 5411, 3096, 5877和7682的7日龄成虫和野生CS品系7日龄成虫为研究对象, 利用果蝇活动监测器系统(Drosophila Activity Monitoring System, DAMS), 记录果蝇的睡眠时间, 累计计算24 h内果蝇睡眠时间, 将测得的各品系果蝇睡眠时间进行对比分析。【结果】与野生型CS品系7日龄成虫相比, 缺失Df(3R)Espl3/TM6C基因片段的 5601品系7日龄成虫睡眠时间明显缩短(P<0.001)。【结论】缺失Df(3R)Espl3/TM6C基因片段与果蝇睡眠有关。本研究结果为揭示影响果蝇睡眠时间的基因提供数据支持, 进而为研究人类睡眠提供线索。  相似文献   

The I(1)fdg mutation demonstrates two separate phases of lethality, depending on developmental conditions. At 32–33°C, an embryonic lethality is expressed whereas at lower temperatures a larval-pupal lethality is observed. This larval-pupal lethality characteristically produces noncondensed, curved puparia, and since the contraction of the pupa depends on strong muscular contraction, this phase of lethality implicates some involvement of abnormal musculature. The embryonic expression of I(1)fdg at 32–33°C is the subject of this study. In these embryos, which are alive but immobile (incapable of hatching), the fibrillar organization and fiber morphology of the somatic musculature varies from being apparently normal to being grossly abnormal. While the abnormalities appear as unusual distributions of fiber organelles, abnormal convolutions of the muscle fibers, and disorganizations of fibrillar components, it seems most probable that the underlying defect ultimately responsible resides in some system essential for Z body alignment and sarcomere formation. Accompanying the embryonic lethality, certain abnormalities in midgut development are observed which at present do not appear to be related to the defects observed in the somatic muscle.  相似文献   

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