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Consideration is given to basic concepts of natural focality that remain debatable (natural focus, epizootic and epidemic processes) and to the most relevant problems that largely determine the pathways of further research in this field, such as application of molecular biological methods to the study of natural foci, modes and forms of pathogen existence at the reservation phase, ways of emergence of “new” diseases with natural focality, and current strategy in disease prevention.  相似文献   

E. N. Pavlovski?'s concept of natural focality of diseases and the development of general knowledge about natural foci and their structural (components), functional (mechanisms of pathogen maintenance), and ecosystem-related organization (assortment and interrelations of ecosystems) are reviewed from principal (in authors' opinion) aspects. The 60-year history of this theory includes three stages at which its scope and contents differed. At the first stage, it concerned transmissible zoonoses. It had been assumed that structurally, natural foci necessarily include the pathogen-vector-host triad, and the functioning of the focus is provided for by only pathogen circulation in terrestrial ecosystems. At the second stage, it became clear that vector is not a necessary structural component of any focus (an example of nontransmissible diseases), although the functioning of foci remained to be unequivocally attributed to the continuous pathogen circulation among animals of terrestrial ecosystems. The third stage is characterized by an understanding that, in general, the presence of a warm-blooded host in the focus is also unnecessary for pathogen survival, and natural foci can be represented by soil and aquatic ecosystems. The only necessary and specific component of any natural focus is the pathogen population. In this context, modern views on natural focality of diseases are reviewed, and the essence of the terms "natural focus" and "epizootic process" is defined. It is proposed to distinguish the phases of pathogen reservation and epizootic spread (circulation) in ecosystems of any type. The current state of this concept provides evidence that, in general biological terms, studies on natural focality of diseases belong to one of the fields of symbiotology.  相似文献   

Basic postulates of the theory of natural focality of infections are considered in terms of modern ecological parasitology using the example of Ixodes ricinus and I. persulcatus ticks, the main vectors of tickborne encephalitis and borrelioses in Eurasia. Consideration is given to data on the population structure of ticks, their distribution in ecosystems, abundance, mortality at different stages of the life cycle, seasonal dynamics of activity, occurrence on different vertebrate species, relationships with potential hosts, and connections agents of infections. Due to long individual life span and development of one generation over 3–6 years, tick vector provide not only for transmission of pathogens, but also for their long-term storage and amplification. Several alternative routes of tick infection of ticks provide for pathogen exchange between individuals at different phases of development within one generation and between feeding ticks of different generations.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet radiation—the primary natural pollutant affecting melanomagenesis—may represent a widespread ecological stressor for many fishes, and yet the relationship between UV-exposure and stress has not been investigated in natural fish populations. Recent lab-based studies have sought to characterize the relationship between tumorigenesis and the induction of molecular defenses, such as heat shock proteins. Here we show that ultraviolet radiation and heat shock protein gene expression explain a significant amount of the variation in hyper-melanization—the phenotypic precursor to melanoma—in wild hybrids of Xiphophorus, laboratory models in cancer research. Our results suggest exposure to UV radiation causes stress which induces molecular defense mechanisms, which in turn may facilitate tumorigenesis in natural fish populations. Studies of laboratory-based model organisms in natural settings, like this one, may provide important insights into ecological and evolutionary relationships obscured in controlled laboratory environments. We hope that ours is only the first of many studies to investigate the such relationships between environmental stress, stress-induced molecular defenses, and cancer in fishes.  相似文献   

The analysis of natural foci of haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) and tick-borne borreliosis on the territory of the Ulyanovsk region is presented. Reduced rat control interventions result in a wide spread of these and other infections with natural focality. Monitoring of natural foci of HFRS, tick-borne borreliosis and arbovirus infections, their typing and determination of main reservoirs are the most promising among epidemiological surveillance methods.  相似文献   

Summary Population density of shrews in a clearing in the submountain spruce forest was established per 1 hectare 17.5 individuals of common shrew, 4.6 of pygmy shrew and 1.1 of alpin shrew. The mean radius of activity in common shrew amounts to 13 m. The ratio of shrew to rodents was 1:3 or 1:2 in summer and autum respectively. Theoretical home range reached 532 m2. The importance of home range studies for synecological studies and theory of natural focality was demonstrated.District Station of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Olomouc, SSR.  相似文献   

In a general form the "key" data on natural focality of ixodid tick-borne borrelioses and ecology of their agents--B. burgdorferi s. 1. in Russia, which have been accumulated by now, are presented. Vectors and reservoir hosts of different species of Borrelia, as well as a landscape preference of natural foci and ecological factors, determining risk of human infection, are characterized.  相似文献   

The theory of natural focality of human diseases, basically formulated by Academician E.N. Pavlovsky in 1939, invigorated research on plague, the disease whose epidemics had taken millions of lives in the past. Numerous studies in Russia and abroad have provided a great amount of data on the pathogen, its carriers, and vectors, specific features of infection spread and dynamics of activity of natural plague foci. Over a long period, plague was considered to be an obligate transmissible zoonosis. However, recent laboratory experiments and direct observations in natural foci of this infection indicate that plague is probably a zoophilous sapronosis.  相似文献   

The data on interactions between pathogens of human diseases with natural focality in ixodid ticks (Ixodidae) with mixed infection are reviewed. Different variants of mixed infection revealed in nature and accompanied by predominantly extracellular, or both extra- and intracellular location of the agents in tick organism are considered. Natural mixed infection of ticks by different pathogens is a normal and commonly occurring phenomenon; moreover, there is no experimental evidence for the existence of any antagonistic relationships between spirochetes, rickettsiae, and piroplasms in such ticks. The absence of antagonism between different agents in vectors largely provides a relative autonomy of corresponding parasitic systems and creates conditions for coexistence of different parasitic systems in mixed natural foci.  相似文献   

In recent decades, Amur sleeper is one of the most invasive fish species in Eastern and Central Europe. Generally, it is assumed that success of an invasive species can largely depend on the plasticity of its life-history traits, e.g., indicated by higher investment in reproduction in the initial stage of its invasion. On the other hand, such energy allocation to production of gonads should negatively impact somatic growth rate. The aim of this article was to explore this phenomenon in a non-native population of Amur sleeper inhabiting artificial reservoir on a large lowland river in Central Europe. Through analysis of the population age structure, sex-dependent growth rate and life-history traits we assessed investment in reproduction and its possible relationship with growth pattern as well as compared the results with literature data from native and introduced range. Samples collected monthly from April 2005 to March 2006 were used to estimate sex ratio, GSI, fecundity, eggs diameter frequency over the year, duration of spawning season, and mode of spawning. Age structure was calculated from scales and the same data were also used to back-calculate standard length (SL) at age. The population in the Włocławski Reservoir was represented by eight age groups, and its life span was one of the longest recorded both in its natural range and introduced areas. The weight–length relationship showed that the Amur sleeper grew isometrically and there was no difference between females and males. Although the Amur sleeper growth rate was relatively slow in the Włocławski Reservoir, its increment in the first year of life was comparable to that in other introduced areas and higher than in its natural range. The female age of maturation (1+) found in the reservoir was earlier than observed in its natural range as well as in most introduced areas (2+, 3+). Female length at maturation was similar to that reported elsewhere. The back-calculated standard length (SL) of females and males showed that in the first two age classes (1 and 2) males achieved larger SL than females. Meanwhile, at age 3, 4 and 5, females were larger than males but these differences were insignificant, except for class 5. For both sexes the average annual increment of SL decreased with age but in females the increment was always higher than in males (P < 0.05). The growth rate differences between females and males resulted possibly from their unequal investment in reproduction. Multiple spawning in the Włocławski Reservoir lasted from April to the end of August and was almost 3 months longer than in other regions. Thus, this higher investment in reproduction displayed by, e.g., earlier maturation of females and longer spawning season in the Włocławski Reservoir, may contribute to invasive success of Amur sleeper in newly colonized areas; however, the costs of this strategy result in slower growth in older age classes.  相似文献   

Summary Rapid clonal propagation and encapsulation of in vitro-formed bulbs of Ipsea malabarica (Reichb. f.) J. D. Hook., an endemic and endangered orchid of the Western Ghats of Kerala, and its reintroduction to the natural habitat were accomplished. Rhizome segments of Ipsea cultured on half-strength Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 6.97 μM kinetin induced the highest number of shoots, at the rate of four shoots per explant within 50 d. Transfer of the isolated shoots increased the rate of shoot multiplication to more than 10 shoots. Subsequent culture enhanced the number of shoots. No decline of shoot multiplication was observed up to the 10th subculture. Shoots developed bulbs during culture which developed into rhizomes. Sucrose at 6–8% reduced the time for the development of bulbs and rhizomes. Roots were developed from the base of the developed shoots as well as from the bulbs. Isolation and culture of bulbs also developed 5–10 shoots within 50 d. Encapsulated in vitro-formed bulbs cultured either on hormone-free halfstrength MS or 6.97 μM kinetin-supplemented medium facilitated 100% conversion. As a step to conservation in situ, 50 plantlets were reintroduced into their natural habitat, i.e. at Vellarimala (at 1300 m height) of the Western Ghats of Kerala, and flowered normally. Development of more than 40 000 plantlets starting from a single explant is possible within 250 d. This threatened endemic orchid stands to benefit greatly from the established protocol and will hopefully curtail the threat of extinction.  相似文献   

Hundreds of thousands of juvenile yellow tang, Zebrasoma flavescens, are caught each year in the state of Hawai’i (USA) for the live aquarium trade. As part of an extensive adaptive management strategy built around a network of protected areas, an emphasis was placed on understanding this important species’ life history. Multiple capture-mark-recapture techniques and a model selection approach to data analysis in Program MARK were used to estimate the effects of individual age and conspecific density on natural per-capita daily survival probabilities of yellow tang recruits (recently settled individuals, 30–50 mm total length) and the effects of body size and site on natural per-capita monthly survival probabilities for juveniles (58–127 mm total length). The models of recruit survival that included additive effects of density and age were best supported by the data and indicated an increase of survival with age and decrease of survival with increased conspecific density. At 1 day post-settlement, the model averaged daily per-capita survival probability ranged from 0.963 (95% CI: 0.932–0.981) at a low density of 0.1 recruits m−2 to 0.848 (95% CI: 0.752–0.911) at a high density of 1.3 recruits m−2. The best supported model of juvenile survival had no effect of fish length or site, with a constant monthly per-capita survival of 0.939 (95% CI: 0.925–0.950). Only about 1% of recruits may survive to adulthood when protected from fishing. These results can be used to better analyze and interpret data from protected area monitoring surveys and refine management practices. Continued long-term monitoring, combined with targeted life history studies and demographic modeling, is needed to further investigate the population level effects of fishing yellow tang juveniles.  相似文献   

Bdelloid rotifers are basal consumers in aquatic and limnoterrestrial communities that feed primarily on small bacteria. Unfortunately, we know only a little of the role they play in the trophic dynamics in some unusual habitats they inhabit. Habrotrocha thienemanni is a typical example; it is a typical tree-hole inhabitant, commonly achieving dense populations. Filtering rates of H. thienemanni were estimated using fluorescent microspheres of a size close to natural bacterial community (0.5 μm in diameter) at two temperatures (15 and 20°C). This microspheres artificial food had been coated with BSA protein. Mean clearance rates of this rotifer varied between 1.65 and 3.79 μl ind−1 h−1 under different temperatures. Uptake of particles coated with protein was significantly higher than that on uncoated particles (t = 2.85; P = 0.005). Particle uptake also was correlated to the body size of the animal (r = 0.44; P = 0.004,). The clearance rate of the natural H. thienemanni population (56,800 ind l−1) ranged from 981 to 5170 ml l−1 d−1.  相似文献   

Understanding Interrelationships among Predictors (Age, Gender, and Origin) of Local Ecological Knowledge. Understanding which factors predict local ecological knowledge can provide insight into how this knowledge is learned and how it may change in the future. We assess how knowledge of both useful plants and plant natural history vary according to gender, age, and origin in mestizo communities in Venezuela’s Caura Basin. Two sets of structured questionnaires were carried out with a total of 83 adults in three communities. Multiple regression analyses were used to identify the predictors of knowledge of 6 plant-use categories and natural history knowledge of 12 plant species. Gender, age, and origin (≥2 generations in the Caura vs. foreign-born) were all important predictors of knowledge of useful plants and natural history; however, their importance differed between the two types of knowledge. Origin was a more important predictor of knowledge of useful plants, whereas age was more important in predicting knowledge of natural history. This suggests differences in how each type of knowledge is learned and transmitted. Gender was an important predictor variable in most models, reflecting gender roles in the Caura mestizo communities. Also, for most categories of plant-use knowledge, the interactions among predictors were significant, indicating that the effect of one variable depended on the level of the other. These results illustrate how overlooking interactions among variables, as most studies to date have done, can risk misinterpretation of results by simplifying complex situations.  相似文献   

We describe the migration distances and timing of the adult Pacific lamprey, Entosphenus tridentatus, in the Willamette River Basin (Oregon, U.S.A.). We conducted aerial surveys to track radio-tagged fish upstream of a major waterfall and hydropower complex en route to spawning areas. We detected 24 out of the 43 fish that passed the waterfall-hydropower complex. Of the detected fish, 17 were detected multiple times. Their maximum migration distance upstream in the mainstem Willamette approximated a normal distribution. The maximum distance migrated upstream did not significantly correlate with total body length (r = −0.186, P = 0.385) or date that the fish passed Willamette Falls (r = −0.118, P = 0.582). Fish migrated primarily during the spring to early summer period before stopping during the summer, when peak river temperatures (≥20°C). However, at least three fish continued to migrate upstream after September. Behavior ranged from relatively slow migration, followed by holding; to rapid migration, followed by slow migration further up in the basin. This study provides a basis for informing more detailed research on Pacific lamprey in the future.  相似文献   

Environmental catastrophes, such as severe drought, can reduce host-plant quality and/or abundance, which in turn decrease levels of herbivore populations. Such changes in herbivore populations affect populations of their natural enemies. As part of a long-term field experiment (1983–1991), galls of Eurosta solidaginis from 16 fields in central Pennsylvania were systematically collected from goldenrod ramets. Galls were dissected to compare the occurrence of E. solidaginis mortality caused by its natural enemies in 2 drought years (1988, 1991) with 5 pre-drought years (1983–1987) and 2 post-drought years (1989–1990). Gall diameters were significantly smaller in both drought years and early larval death significantly decreased E. solidaginis survivorship in the first drought year. Of the natural enemies, the parasitoid wasp Eurytoma gigantea caused significant selection for larger gall size in all pre-drought years, the 1991 drought, and both post-drought years, due to its differential attack of smaller galls. In spite of drought-induced small gall size in 1988, there was negligible selection on gall size by natural enemies. However, populations of E. solidaginis did suffer local extirpations at nine of the 16 fields during the first drought year and population recoveries of the gall inducer and natural enemies varied among fields in the post-drought years. As a consequence of reduced herbivore abundance in drought and post-drought years, some natural-enemy populations were absent. Drought therefore drastically reduced the abundance of E. solidaginis and natural enemies resulting in slow recoveries to pre-drought numbers. Received: 16 April 1998 / Accepted: 4 August 1998  相似文献   

The growth rate, reproductive aspects, and natural mortality of chimaeras and ratfish are poorly known. In this study, life-history parameters for cockfish Callorhinchus callorhynchus (Holocephali—Callorhinchidae) are estimated, which is an important fish resource exploited in Chile. Specimens were sampled from the artisanal fishery captures, from November 2006 to November 2007. The standard length (SL) of males fluctuated between 20 and 62 cm, and between 21 and 70 cm for females. Von Bertalanffy growth parameters were estimated through length-frequency data analysis using MULTIFAN. The length-weight relationship and von Bertalanffy growth parameters were significantly different for males and females, as well as the length at 50% maturity. For males a model with 5 age-classes was the best, with asymptotic length L  = 52 cm SL, growth coefficient K = 0.473 yr−1, and age at length zero t 0 = −0.690 yrs. For females the best model was represented by 10 age-classes (L  = 70.3 cm SL, K = 0.193 yr−1, t 0 = −1.158 yrs) in the length-frequency data sets. Length at 50% maturity of males was estimated in 43.7 cm SL, and in 50.2 cm SL for females. The natural mortality rate fluctuated between 0.42 and 0.82 yr−1 for males and between 0.12 and 0.37 yr−1 for females, depending upon the method used. It is concluded that C. callorhynchus is a species with life-history parameters significantly different between males and females, and such differences should be taken into account in future population dynamics analysis.  相似文献   

The influence of natural populations of the sub-surface deposit-feeding amphipod Victoriopisa australiensis on sediment biogeochemistry was assessed by randomly collecting 21 sediment cores in a zone of Coombabah Lake, southern Moreton Bay, Australia, where the benthic infauna was dominated by this species. Cores were incubated sequentially to determine sediment–water column fluxes of oxygen, dissolved inorganic carbon and inorganic N species, followed by incubations to determine rates of denitrification and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) using the isotope pairing technique. Finally, each core was sieved in order to determine the population and biomass of amphipods present. Whilst all measures of overall benthic metabolism (sediment oxygen demand, and effluxes of inorganic carbon and nitrogen) showed increased with amphipod density, with rates being stimulated 70–220% at the highest categorised density range of 2,500–3,500 ind m−2, only the correlation with dissolved inorganic carbon was statistically significant. In contrast, there were no discernable trends between amphipod densities and any of the N-cycle processes with the slopes of all correlations being very close to zero. These results highlight the differences in mesocosm simulations of fauna effects, which primarily relate to shifts in rates of organic matter turnover, compared to natural sediments where fauna effects relate more to induced changes in rates of organic matter deposition. Therefore, while mesocosms represent a powerful tool to investigate the mechanisms by which fauna influences microbial metabolism in the sediment, only studies of natural sediments can determine to what extent these mechanisms function in situ. Handling editor: Pierluigi Viaroli  相似文献   

Current trends in epidemic manifestation of some bacterial zoonoses with natural focality and their role in human infectious pathology have been reviewed and analyzed. Update information on the etiological agents of "emerging" and "re-emerging" infections--Astrakhan spotted fever, bartonellosis, ixodes tick-borne borrelioses, monocytic erhrlichiosis and canine brucellosis, recently isolated on the territory of Russia, is presented. The main factors at play in the process of urbanization of bacterial zoonoses are discussed.  相似文献   

The island of Martha''s Vineyard, Massachusetts, is the site of a sustained outbreak of tularemia due to Francisella tularensis tularensis. Dog ticks, Dermacentor variabilis, appear to be critical in the perpetuation of the agent there. Tularemia has long been characterized as an agent of natural focality, stably persisting in characteristic sites of transmission, but this suggestion has never been rigorously tested. Accordingly, we sought to identify a natural focus of transmission of the agent of tularemia by mapping the distribution of PCR-positive ticks. From 2004 to 2007, questing D. variabilis were collected from 85 individual waypoints along a 1.5 km transect in a field site on Martha''s Vineyard. The positions of PCR-positive ticks were then mapped using ArcGIS. Cluster analysis identified an area approximately 290 meters in diameter, 9 waypoints, that was significantly more likely to yield PCR-positive ticks (relative risk 3.3, P = 0.001) than the rest of the field site. Genotyping of F. tularensis using variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) analysis on PCR-positive ticks yielded 13 different haplotypes, the vast majority of which was one dominant haplotype. Positive ticks collected in the cluster were 3.4 times (relative risk = 3.4, P<0.0001) more likely to have an uncommon haplotype than those collected elsewhere from the transect. We conclude that we have identified a microfocus where the agent of tularemia stably perpetuates and that this area is where genetic diversity is generated.  相似文献   

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