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Retargeting of T cells by bispecific IgG which binds to both CD3 and a tumor-associated Ag can induce T cell lysis of target cells irrespective of TCR specificity. The current studies were designed to further explore the efficacy and specificity of bispecific IgG-directed therapy in an immunocompetent animal model, and to evaluate the mechanisms responsible for bispecific IgG-directed inhibition of tumor cell growth by using the 38C13 murine lymphoma system. In vitro, proliferation of activated T cells in the presence of bispecific IgG was increased when the relevant, but not the irrelevant target cells were present. Bispecific IgG specifically induced activated T cell mediated lysis of cells expressing the target Ag, but not of cells expressing an irrelevant Ag, even when the irrelevant cells were in the same cell mixture, indicating contact between target cells and T cells plays a major role in bispecific IgG-mediated lysis. Bispecific IgG was less effective than anti-Id at inducing target cell lysis when peritoneal macrophages were used as effectors, suggesting bispecific IgG Fc is not responsible for cytotoxicity in this system. In vivo, bispecific IgG was significantly superior to anti-Id, anti-CD3, or a combination of anti-Id and anti-CD3 in preventing tumor growth in immunocompetent mice inoculated with syngeneic lymphoma. Phenotypic evaluation of tumors that emerged despite therapy indicated bispecific IgG selects for the emergence of Id variant lymphoma cells. In separate studies, 38C13 tumor inocula containing cells recognized by the therapeutic antibody were supplemented with a small number of 38C13 cells which expressed a distinct Id not recognized by the therapeutic antibody. Untreated mice inoculated with this mixture developed tumors containing cells of both phenotypes, whereas tumors emerging from mice treated with bispecific IgG contained only cells expressing the nonreactive Id. These studies demonstrate bispecific IgG-directed lysis is therapeutically superior to monospecific anti-Id therapy in the 38C13 tumor model, and that tumor lysis is mediated largely by cell-cell contact. As with other forms of anti-Id based therapy, Id variants can emerge as resistant cell populations after bispecific IgG therapy.  相似文献   

The demonstration that Abs to adhesion molecules can block tumor metastasis suggested their use for therapy. However, such Abs affect nonmalignant cells as well. To circumvent this adverse effect, we proposed the use of bispecific Abs that bind simultaneously to an adhesion receptor and to a tumor-specific Ag. Such bifunctional Abs bind more avidly to tumor cells that coexpress both target Ags than to normal cells. The Id of the surface Ig of malignant B lymphocytes is a tumor-specific Ag. Therefore, we produced bispecific Abs with specificity to the adhesion molecule, CD44, and to an idiotypic determinant of the murine B cell lymphoma, 38C-13. These anti-Id x anti-CD44 bispecific Abs blocked 38C-13 cell adhesion to hyaluronic acid, while not affecting adhesion of Id-negative cells. In vivo studies demonstrated that the bispecific Abs inhibited lymphoma cell dissemination to the lymph nodes, bone marrow, and spleen, and prolonged survival of tumor-bearing mice. Migration of 38C-13 cells to the lymphoid organs was inhibited by the bispecific Abs. Thus, the bispecific Ab-mediated reduction in metastasis resulted, at least in part, from reduced homing to these organs. In contrast to anti-CD44 monospecific Abs, the anti-Id x anti-CD44 bispecific Abs did not affect immune responses such as delayed-type hypersensitivity. Hence, bispecific Abs against adhesion molecules and tumor-specific Ags may selectively block tumor metastasis in a way which may leave at least part of the immune system intact.  相似文献   

Treatment of a murine B cell lymphoma with monoclonal antibodies and IL 2   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A transplantable murine B cell lymphoma was used to study combination therapy with anti-idiotype antibody and interleukin 2 (IL 2). Class-switched IgG2a and IgG2b antibodies were compared. A marked additive and sometimes synergistic effect was seen when IL 2 was combined with either IgG2a or IgG2b anti-idiotype antibodies. A synergistic effect was also seen when similar experiments were performed in nude mice. In vitro antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) assays showed that IL 2 enhanced antibody-mediated lysis by peritoneal cells exposed to IL 2 in vitro in a dose-related manner. Peritoneal cells harvested from mice treated in vivo with IL 2 contained an increased number of T cells and asialo GM+ natural killer cells, and also mediated enhanced ADCC. Depletion of natural killer cells with anti-asialo GM and complement resulted in a marked decrease in the antibody-dependent cytotoxicity mediated by these peritoneal cells. The mechanism of synergy between monoclonal antibody and IL 2 may be due to the direct or indirect activation of natural killer cells mediating ADCC.  相似文献   

Abs to adhesion molecules can block tumor metastasis. However, they may also block the function of normal cells. To circumvent this adverse effect, we proposed the use of bispecific Abs that bind simultaneously to an adhesion receptor and to a tumor-specific Ag. Such Abs bind more avidly to tumor cells that coexpress both target Ags than to normal cells. The Id of the surface Ig of malignant B lymphocytes is a tumor-specific Ag. We therefore produced a bispecific Ab with specificity to the adhesion molecule LFA-1 and to the Id of the murine B cell lymphoma 38C-13. Here we demonstrate that this Ab blocked liver metastasis in mice carrying primary s.c. tumors and partially inhibited lymph node metastasis. Migration of 38C-13 cells to liver and lymph nodes was inhibited by the bispecific Ab, while migration to spleen was not affected. Hence, the bispecific Ab-mediated reduction in liver and lymph node metastasis resulted at least in part from reduced homing to these organs. In contrast to anti-LFA-1 monospecific Abs, the anti-Id x anti-LFA-1 bispecific Ab did not affect immune responses such as delayed-type hypersensitivity. Hence, bispecific Abs against adhesion molecules and against tumor-specific Ags may selectively block tumor metastasis in a way that may leave much of the immune system intact.  相似文献   

One of the difficulties encountered with the treatment of human B cell malignancies with anti-Id antibodies is the emergence of Id variants. The current study was designed to investigate this phenomenon further by using the murine B cell lymphoma model 38C13. Tumors were harvested that developed despite treatment with the anti-Id antibody S1C5 in mice inoculated with 38C13 cells and evaluated by immunofluorescence. Various phenotypes were found among escaping tumor cells. Some cells continued to react with S1C5 whereas others lost S1C5 reactivity. Among these latter cells, some continued to express surface IgM kappa, whereas others no longer expressed surface mu or kappa. After Id variant cell lines were established, immunofluorescence and ELISA of cell lysates from the surface IgM kappa- lines revealed persistent intracellular mu H chain but no detectable kappa. Surface IgM kappa+ lines were fused with myeloma cells and the Ig proteins secreted by the resultant hybridomas analyzed. The apparent m.w. of the mu-chains of these rescued Ig was the same as wild-type 38C13, whereas the kappa-chains were either the same or different in m.w. from the wild type. The IgM kappa of the variant line, T3C, weakly reacted with S1C5 and did not react with other anti-Id antibodies. The IgM kappa of the other variants were nonreactive with all the antibodies. Immunofluorescence of these surface Ig+ variants confirmed this finding. Some of the surface Ig+ and Ig- variant lines grew identically to wild-type tumor in vivo, but only the weakly S1C5-reactive variant T3C was inhibited in its growth by S1C5. Moreover, T3C was the only one of these lines capable of being lysed in vitro with S1C5 by antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity. Further studies revealed that surface Ig+ and Ig- variants emerge in escaping tumors with similar frequency and that these variants represent a major mode of tumor escape from anti-Id treatment in this model.  相似文献   

 T cell triggering can be achieved by monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) specific for the CD3/TcR complex. In the presence of appropriate costimulation and/or progression factors, such triggering permits the generation of effector cells for immunotherapy protocols involving the redirection of T cell lysis against tumor cells by mAbs bispecific for anti-CD3/anti-tumor cells (bs-mAbs). Focusing our analysis on the clinically relevant bs-mAb OC/TR, we found that bs-mAbs generated with the same anti tumor specificity, but two other anti-CD3 mAbs, TR66 and OKT3, have the same and a significantly lower lytic potential, respectively, compared with that of OC/TR. To evaluate the relevance of the anti-CD3 component, we examined several anti-CD3 mAbs with respect to binding parameters and the ability to trigger T lymphocytes. Competitive binding assays suggested that all anti-CD3 mAbs recognized the same or overlapping epitopes, although mAbs BMA030 and OC/TR bound with lower avidity than did αCD3 (the bivalent anti-CD3 mAb produced by the hybrid hybridoma OC/TR), TR66 and OKT3, as determined by measurement of the affinity constants. In all lymphocyte populations examined, which included resting peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), activated PBMC and T cell clones, OKT3, BMA033 and OC/TR failed to mobilize Ca2+ without cross-linking, whereas αCD3, in both murine and murine-human chimeric versions, TR66 and BMA030, did not require cross-linking. The ability to induce CD3 modulation was associated in part with the induction of Ca2+ fluxes. Despite the differences in the behavior of these mAbs in triggering the events that precede proliferation, all of them ultimately led to expression of the IL-2 receptor and to proliferation in T cells in the presence of accessory cells. Our data suggest that anti-CD3 mAbs that bind more rapidly (strong Ca2+ mobilizers) and more tightly under physiological conditions are good candidates for retargeting T cells in the bs-mAb clinical application. Received: 2 January 1997 / Accepted: 6 February 1997  相似文献   

Anti-CD3 mAb can activate T cells to help in B cell activation as detected by late events, such as maturation of B cells into Ig-secreting cells (IgSC), or by early events, such as B cell surface expression of the activation marker CD23. Two different anti-CD2 mAb each inhibited anti-CD3-induced T cell-dependent B cell activation in a dose-dependent fashion. Neither irradiation of the T cells prior to culture nor depletion of CD8+ cells abrogated the inhibitory effects of anti-CD2 mAb. Despite the ability of these anti-CD2 mAb to inhibit anti-CD3-induced IL2 production, addition of exogenous IL2 to anti-CD2 mAb-containing cultures could not fully reverse the inhibitory effects on IgSC generation. Furthermore, addition of various combinations of IL1, IL2, IL4, and IL6 or crude PBMC or monocyte culture supernatants also could not reverse anti-CD2-driven inhibition. In T cell-depleted cultures, anti-CD2 mAb had no effect on the ability of IL4 to induce B cell CD23 expression, confirming that anti-CD2 mAb had no direct effect on B cells. However, in cultures containing T+ non-T cells, anti-CD2 mAb did partially inhibit IL4-induced B cell CD23 expression. Taken together, these observations demonstrate that certain CD2 ligands can modulate T cell-dependent B cell activation by a mechanism which, at least in part, involves a direct effect by the CD2 ligand on the T cell itself.  相似文献   

Three monoclonal antibodies (mAb) recognizing the CD3 (T3) surface complex each induced B cell differentiation (as measured by PFC generation) in cultures containing T + non-T cells. Irradiation of the T cells before culture usually augmented the PFC response. An IgG2a mAb (454) induced PFC in all donors tested, whereas two IgG1 mAb (147 and 446) induced PFC in only 80% of the donors tested. This heterogeneity in PFC response to IgG1 anti-CD3 mAb strictly paralleled the heterogeneity in proliferative response to IgG1 anti-CD3 mAb and was governed by cells within the non-T population. In IgG1 anti-CD3 high responders (HR), all anti-CD3 mAb tested induced Tac expression. In IgG1 anti-CD3 low responders (LR), mAb 454 induced Tac expression, but mAb 147 did not. However, when the cultures were supplemented with exogenous interleukin 2, Tac expression and PFC generation in response to mAb 147 was similar to the response to mAb 454 in both HR and LR. The addition of anti-Tac to the cultures partially inhibited anti-CD3-induced PFC generation. These studies indicate that anti-CD3 mAb can lead to B cell differentiation under appropriate experimental conditions and may be valuable in studying polyclonal T cell-dependent B cell differentiation in normal and disease states.  相似文献   

We have previously identified Id- tumor vaiants that emerge after anti-Id mAb therapy of the murine B cell lymphoma 38C13. This report characterizes the molecular basis for these variants. By using a modification of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), mu and kappa Ig loci were sequenced from nine Id- variants derived directly by anti-Id immunoselection in vivo. Ig kappa loci sequence analysis was also performed from 10 additional variants amplified directly from tumor cells in vitro without immunoselection. We demonstrate that the molecular mechanism underlying tumor cell escape in this model is the spontaneous emergence of variants that have undergone kappa L chain gene "re-rearrangement" before positive selection by the anti-Id antibody. A second round of re-rearrangement was also demonstrated to occur within primary tumor variants. Re-rearrangement of the 38C13 tumor cell Ig kappa locus is strongly biased toward use of variable kappa genes within the conserved V kappa-Ox1 gene family, although their use is not exclusive. With the use of RNA PCR re-rearrangement was documented to occur in vitro at a frequency of approximately 1.0 x 10(-5)/cell. These findings may have important implications for the application of anti-Id antibodies as a therapeutic approach for human lymphomas and for understanding of the Ig gene rearrangement process.  相似文献   

Murine monoclonal antibodies (MAB) against the idiotype (Id) of B lymphocyte malignancies are powerful reagents for the study of these diseases, and are potentially useful for treatment. Different strategies for the production of these anti-Id MAB have been compared. Initially, the Id Ig from nonsecreting B cell tumors was "rescued" by human X mouse or human X human hybridization. These somatic cell hybridizations resulted in the secretion of human Ig in 10 and 100% of the fusions, respectively. In a second step, anti-Id MAB were produced by using the "rescued" Id Ig as immunogen. A more streamlined approach is based on a one-step procedure in which the tumor cell suspension is used as immunogen. This method of immunization, coupled with a four-layer ELISA, results in the detection of anti-Id MAB in a frequency of approximately 1% of the total hybrids. By using a pool of 10 different anti-Id MAB, each reactive with the tumor of one patient, we searched for idiotypic relatedness among a panel of 50 additional tumors. No cross-reactions were found, indicating that our current strategy results in the identification of unique idiotypic determinants among human B cell tumors. Idiotypic Ig can be found in the serum of patients with B cell tumors. Among groups of patients, there is a wide spectrum of serum Id levels, ranging from less than 0.01 microgram/ml to greater than 500 micrograms/ml.  相似文献   

Summary Six patients with progressive B cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma have been treated with an IgG2a mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb) against the B cell differentiation antigen CD19, with total doses varying from 225 mg to 1000 mg. Free mAb was detected in the serum after doses of 15–30 mg. After the mAb infusions the number of circulating tumour cells was temporarily reduced, but in some cases antibody-coated cells remained in the circulation for several days. mAb penetrated to extravascular tumour sites; in general higher doses were required to saturate cells in the lymph nodes than to sensitize tumour cells in the bone marrow. mAb doses of up to 250 mg were given i.v. over 4 h without major toxicity. One patient twice achieved a partial remission after two periods of mAb treatment with an 8-month interval; the second remission lasted for 9 months. One patient showed a minor response. None of the patients made antibodies against the mouse immunoglobulin. Serum immunoglobulin levels were followed as a measure of the function of the normal B cell compartment; no significant changes were seen up to 6 months after mAb treatment.Supported by the Dutch Cancer Society (grant NKI 84-14)  相似文献   

A patient with Richter's syndrome, a malignant lymphomatous transformation of chronic lymphocytic leukemia, had become moribund with rapidly enlarging masses, granulocytopenia and thrombocytopenia despite the use of conventional chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Greater than ten percent of a test dose of I-131 Lym-1, a murine monoclonal antibody produced against Burkitt's African B cell lymphoma, was accumulated by her tumor. The patient was subsequently treated with a series of injections of I-131 Lym-1 with dramatic clinical response, reduction of tumor volume by x-ray computerized tomography and progression of circulating cellular elements toward normality. Her course over the next ten months was not like that to be expected for Richter's syndrome, which has an average survival of four months. This mode of treatment appears promising.  相似文献   

Treatment of mice bearing BCL1 lymphoma with bispecific antibodies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bispecific antibodies with specificity for the CD3/TCR complex of CTL and a target cell Ag can bridge both cell types and trigger cellular cytoxicity. We have produced bispecific antibodies, directed against the surface-expressed Id of the mouse BCL1 lymphoma and the mouse CD3 complex, by hybrid-hybridoma fusion. Two recombination Ig were purified to homogeneity: B1 X 7D6F, which is univalent for Id and CD3 binding and B1 X 7D6M, which is univalent for Id binding but has lost the CD3 binding because of association of the anti-CD3 H chain with the inappropriate L chain. In vitro studies indicate that bridging the TCR/CD3 complex of resting T cells with tumor IgM Id and the appropriate bispecific antibody induced proliferation and secretion of IL-2. Furthermore, in cytotoxicity assays using 51Cr-labeled tumor cells, preactivated T cells could be targeted with the bispecific antibody to give complete lysis of the Ag+ tumor. Finally, the activity of the bispecific antibody was confirmed in vivo. Animals treated i.v. with 5 micrograms of bispecific antibody 9 days after receiving BCL1 cells were cured. Furthermore, when these animals were checked at 150 days for dormant or variant tumors, as have been reported after other forms of immunotherapy in this model, none could be found. Immunotherapy experiments comparing a mixture of control antibodies with the bispecific antibody demonstrate that tumor cell-T cell bridging is established in vivo and is required for therapeutic success. These results indicate the importance of bispecific antibodies as a novel form of treatment for cancer.  相似文献   

Bispecific monoclonal antibodies (bsAbs) are a promising immunotherapeutic option for treatment of cancer, especially in situations of minimal residual disease. The combination of an anti-CD3 and anti-tumor-associated antigen antibody redirects cytotoxic T-lymphocytes towards malignant cells. Using a trifunctional bispecific antibody against EpCAM x CD3, that additionally activates Fc gamma R(+) accessory cells via its Fc region, we investigated the interaction between three EpCAM(+) prostate carcinoma cell lines and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of healthy donors and patients with prostate carcinoma (PC). Visualization was performed by double immunocytochemical methods and computerized sequential video microscopy. Tumor cells and PBMCs supplemented with alpha EpCAM x alpha CD3 in 16-well chamber slides resulted in lysis of tumor cells within 1--3 days without any differences between patient and healthy donor PBMCs. The characteristic necrotic way of tumor cell killing (rounding, swelling, disrupting) could be observed in computerized sequences of video frames. Simultaneously, we could not reveal any form of apoptotic signal using three different apoptotic markers (TUNEL, M30 cyto death, anti-active caspase 3). Within the first 48 hr we observed typical PBMC cluster formation with increasing cell proliferation. PBMCs surrounding the tumor cells were not dominated by CD4(+), CD8(+), or CD14(+) cells. Lymphocytes with pore-forming perforin proteins concentrated towards the tumor target cells. Our combination of double immunocytochemical and computerized video microscopic techniques may serve as an important improvement of validity of cell-cell interaction experiments using in vitro models. (J Histochem Cytochem 49:911-917, 2001)  相似文献   

Both IFN-alpha and anti-idiotype monoclonal antibody therapy have significant antitumor activity in vivo in a murine B cell lymphoma model. Combination therapy with syngeneic anti-idiotype antibody of the IgG2a or IgG2b isotype (a single i.p. injection of 100 micrograms) and recombinant human hybrid interferon-alpha A/D (10(4) to 10(6) U three times weekly for 3 wk) synergistically increased median survival time in mice challenged with a lethal dose of tumor cells compared with the sum of the median survival times of the two individual treatments. IFN-alpha has direct antiproliferative activity against 38C13 in vitro and enhances in vitro macrophage anti-idiotype antibody-specific cytolysis for IgG2a, IgG2b, and IgG1 isotypes.  相似文献   

An initial panel of four syngeneic monoclonal antibodies directed against the idiotype of a murine B cell lymphoma was used to treat this tumor in vivo. The antibody in the panel of the IgG2a isotype was more effective in treatment than the other antibodies, which were of the IgG1 and IgG2b isotypes. To independently assess the role of antibody isotype in mediating antitumor effects, switch variant hybridoma families were isolated from the hybridomas secreting the less effective IgG1 and IgG2b antibodies. A family isolated from an IgG1-secreting parent consisted of IgG1-, IgG2b-, and IgG2a-secreting members, and an IgG2a variant was isolated from an IgG2b-secreting parent for another family. Antibody members of each family differed only in heavy chain composition and were the same with respect to their light chains and their affinity and specificity for idiotype. The IgG2a members of both families were superior to the other members in inhibiting tumor growth with an order of effectiveness of IgG2a greater than IgG1 greater than IgG2b. These in vivo results paralleled the abilities of these different isotype antibodies to mediate antibody-dependent cellular cytolysis in vitro. For the IgG2b----IgG2a family, in vivo treatment with the IgG2a member given i.p. after i.p. tumor challenge at one-tenth the dose of the IgG2b member was still superior to the latter. At one-hundredth the dose of the IgG2b, the IgG2a was still superior to the latter when the antibodies were given i.p. and tumors subcutaneously. These data and those showing that the clearance of these antibodies from the serum differed in only a relatively minor way indicate that the IgG2a antibodies in this system had greater antitumor effects primarily by virtue of their greater capacity for host effector interaction.  相似文献   

Two monoclonal antibodies (mAb) recognizing different CD2 epitopes each inhibited anti-CD3-induced proliferation and anti-CD3-induced increase in surface CD2 expression. The magnitude of inhibition by either anti-CD2 mAb was dependent upon which anti-CD3 mAb was used as the stimulus, being more pronounced when the anti-CD3 mAb 454 was used as the stimulus than when either anti-CD3 mAb 147 or 446 was the stimulus. The effects of neuraminidase-treated sheep erythrocytes (which bind to CD2) were also more pronounced on mAb 454-induced proliferation than on mAb 147- or 446-induced proliferation. Furthermore, the effects of preincubation with anti-CD2 mAb depended upon the responder status of the donor to IgG1 anti-CD3 mAb. Preincubation of high-responder cells with anti-CD2 mAb had little effect on subsequent IgG1 anti-CD3-induced proliferation. In contrast, preincubation of low-responder cells with anti-CD2 mAb usually augmented the otherwise small proliferative response to IgG1 anti-CD3 mAb. Taken together, these observations suggest that interaction of surface CD2 with ligand alters the response of T cells to anti-CD3 mAb, but these effects depend upon the individual anti-CD3 mAb used for stimulation. These studies raise the possibility that perturbation of different parts of the CD3-T cell antigen receptor complex may lead to different sequelae, and, as a result, the T cell may respond to a given immunomodulator in different ways.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effect of the avidity of a monoclonal anti-mouse IgM antibody (mAb) on its ability to activate normal B cells vs its capacity to inhibit the growth of an immature B lymphoma, BKS-2. A panel of seven mAb with specificities for four different domains of mu-heavy chain were selected and their relative avidities measured. Of the seven mAb studied, four antibodies (b7-6, Ak11, AK15, and DS1) were found to have relatively higher avidities than three others (AK17, 331.12, and Bet-2). Among them, the mAb b7-6 was highly efficient in inducing proliferation of normal B cells, whereas all others (including the remaining three high avidity mAb) were inefficient in inducing B cell proliferation. This failure cannot be simply related to the differences in their fine specificity because all the mAb became highly stimulatory after coupling to Sepharose beads. With one exception (DS1), avidity was a better predictor of the growth-stimulatory capacity when the antibodies were immobilized. Taken together, these findings suggested that although high affinity was important, there were other factors that might influence the mitogenic potential of a soluble anti-mu mAb. On the other hand, all anti-mu mAb irrespective of their avidity, fine specificity, and isotype were capable of effectively inhibiting the growth of BKS-2 cells. Furthermore, there was a direct correlation between the avidity and the dose of the mAb required to cause half-maximal inhibition of BKS-2 growth. The F(ab) fragments of high avidity mAb b7-6 failed to inhibit the growth of BKS-2 cells, which indicates that a minimal level of cross-linking of the membrane Ig receptor is necessary for causing growth inhibition in BKS-2 cells. Although there was no significant difference in the tolerogenic potential of soluble vs immobilized anti-mu mAb in directly inactivating BKS-2 cells, their growth-inhibitory capacity was remarkably different in the presence of rIL-5. Thus, rIL-5 was effective in partially overcoming the tolerogenic effect of soluble but not immobilized anti-mu mAb. Unlike IL-5, LPS rescued BKS-2 cells from the inhibitory effect of both soluble and immobilized anti-mu antibodies. Altogether, these results suggested that the ligand binding requisites for tolerance induction were less stringent than those for B cell activation. Furthermore, a high affinity interaction between membrane Ig receptor and its ligand appeared to generate a dominant negative signal that was not reversed by lymphokines.  相似文献   

In this study we demonstrate that treatment with anti-CD40 mAb eradicates a range of mouse lymphomas (BCL(1), A31, A20, and EL4), but only when used against i.v. tumor doses in excess of 10(7) cells. Only partial protection was seen against smaller tumor loads. We saw no evidence that anti-CD40 mAb changed the phenotype of the lymphomas or inhibited their growth in the initial period following treatment, but it did result in a rapid expansion of cytotoxic CD8(+) cells that was able to clear the neoplastic disease and provide long-term protection against tumor rechallenge. The CTL responses were blocked by mAb against a range of coreceptors and cytokines, including CD8, B7-1, B7-2, LFA-1, and IFN-gamma, but not CD4 or CTLA-4, indicating the presence of a conventional cellular Th1 response. Furthermore, we found evidence of cross-recognition between lymphomas (BCL(1) and A20) as measured by cytotoxicity and IFN-gamma responses in vitro and using tumor rechallenge experiments, suggesting common target Ags. Finally, although anti-CD40 was shown to stimulate NK cell killing, we could find no role for these cells in controlling tumor growth. These data underline the ability of anti-CD40 mAb to potentiate CTL responses and the potency of cellular immunity in eradicating large quantities of syngeneic tumor.  相似文献   

We developed murine anti-idiotype monoclonal antibodies for each of four patients with B cell-derived leukemias and lymphomas. Idiotypic immunoglobulin was isolated from mouse X human tumor-cell hybridomas or from patients' serum and was used to immunize mice for the development of murine anti-idiotype monoclonal antibodies. Each patient's anti-idiotype antibodies demonstrated reactivity restricted to the immunizing immunoglobulin, thereby limiting their therapeutic utility to a single individual. In addition, we isolated isotype switch variants of hybridomas producing monoclonal anti-idiotypic antibody. The restricted specificity of these antibodies was found to be of value for the analysis of the extent of malignant B cell infiltration in a variety of tissues from several patients. Large populations of idiotype-bearing cells were detectable in biopsy specimens from patients K.T. and L.H. In contrast, although bone marrow specimens from patient G.D. were apparently devoid of morphologically abnormal cells, a small, highly fluorescent population of cells was demonstrable underscoring the potential utility of these antibodies for posttreatment evaluation as well as for therapy. In a fourth patient, H.M., anti-idiotype antibodies developed against the circulating macroglobulin isolated from his plasma failed to react with either his circulating or bone marrow hairy cell leukemia cells. However, examination of an enlarged inguinal lymph node revealed the presence of a large number of idiotype-bearing cells. Thus, the presence of two distinct malignant B cell clones were discovered in this individual through the use of anti-idiotype monoclonal antibodies. Anti-idiotype antibodies, therefore, represent a highly specific tool for the evaluation and potential therapy of B cell malignancies in individual patients.  相似文献   

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