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The attraction range of olfactory response by winged female gynoparae (autumn migrants that give birth to oviparae, the sexual females) and male damson–hop aphids Phorodon humuli (Schrank) is investigated in field experiments over 2 years by analyzing the spatial patterns of catches in concentric circles of yellow‐painted traps (60 in total) around a central trap releasing the species' sex pheromone, (1RS,7S,7aS)‐nepetalactol. Males are more likely than females to be found in the central trap, with 65.6% of the 1824 males caught there compared with 11.2% of 1346 females. Both morphs are more numerous in traps axial with the mean wind direction and centred on the pheromone‐release trap than at other angles. Males are approximately five‐fold more numerous in traps downwind than at similar distances upwind of the pheromone, showing that its presence stimulates landing. For males, the estimated active space of the lure extends 6 m downwind. Catches of females are equally numerous up and downwind of the pheromone lure because females orienting on the axis of the pheromone source continue to respond to visual cues in their flight path if they overshoot the olfactory one. For females, the active space of a pheromone lure is less than 2 m downwind. It is unimportant for either morph whether the pheromone‐release trap is yellow or transparent. In these experiments, both morphs orient with, track and probably arrive in the pheromone source trap from at least 26 m, the distance to the nearest aphid‐infested hops.  相似文献   

The effects of dispenser type, dispenser aging in the field, pheromone dose in the dispenser and trap type on trapping efficiency of codling moth,Cydia pomonella (L.), males were investigated in Israel. An Israeli-manufactured rubber septum was significantly better than the CM Pherocon cap in attracting males to a Pherocon 1C cap trap or an IPS trap. The effect of aging of the dispenser in the field on trapping efficiency was significant in CM Pherocon caps and the Israeli septa. Captures in traps were negatively correlated with aging of septa. The effect of aging of dispensers was more marked during summer than during spring. The fairly rapid loss of attractancy indicates that the lures should be replaced after 2 weeks at the most. The release rate of the pheromone from the dispensers was measured in a flow system. The emission from the Israeli septa and Pherocon caps decreased sharply after 2 weeks and then was almost constant, which explains the lower attractancy of aged septa. However, there was a marked difference in the release profiles of the pheromone from the two types of dispensers, which may explain the different performance of the two dispensers. Within the range of 0.1 to 100 μg pheromone per dispenser, male response increased positively with the pheromone dose. Pheromone loadings of 100 or 1000 μg per dispenser did not differ significantly in their attractiveness for males. A load of 5000 μg per dispenser was significantly less attractive to males than was 100 or 1000 μg per dispenser. The non-sticky IPS trap was significantly better in capturing codling moth males than was the sticky, commonly used Pherocon 1C trap, provided it was baited with the Israeli dispenser. The two traps were equally effective when baited with the CM Pherocon caps. The possibility of using the non-sticky, nonsaturating and easy-to-handle IPS traps for monitoring codling moth is of great importance. Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan 50-250, Israel. No 3702-E, 1992 series.  相似文献   

稻纵卷叶螟性信息素在其种群监测上的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为探索性信息素在稻纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocis medinalis(鳞翅目: 螟蛾科)预测预报上的应用技术, 2009年8月15日-9月20日在浙江省海宁市, 对不同性信息素化合物配制诱芯的田间诱捕效果, 以及性信息素群集诱捕、灯光诱捕和赶蛾3种不同方法监测成虫消长规律等进行研究。结果表明: 在浙江地区以顺11-十八碳烯醛、顺13-十八碳烯醛、顺11-十八碳烯醇和顺13-十八碳烯醇以60 μg∶500 μg∶60 μg∶120 μg配制的PVC毛细管诱芯对稻纵卷叶螟的诱集效果最佳。通过性信息素诱捕、灯光诱捕和赶蛾3种方法的比较试验, 初步结果显示性诱测报可取代传统的系统赶蛾法用于稻纵卷叶螟的预测预报。  相似文献   

A sex pheromone trap designed as a novel pathogen delivery system is described. The strategy envisaged for its use is that male Plutella xylostella moths attracted to the pheromone enter the trap and are dosed with the fungus Zoophthora radicans. After habituation to the pheromone, the moths leave the trap and disperse to the crop carrying the fungal inoculum to susceptible larvae, thus initiating or enhancing an epizootic. A fluorescent marker in the trap was used to demonstrate that moths entered and exited from the trap and carried particles to crop plants at least 5 m away. As a preliminary study, this work shows the potential of this strategy for disseminating Z. radicans in populations of P. xylostella In addition, it could be considered as a model system with implications for other pest species where a pheromone and virulent pathogen are known.  相似文献   

绿盲蝽对性信息素类似物和植物挥发物的触角电位反应   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
为了更好地利用性信息素类似物与植物挥发物对绿盲蝽Lygus lucorum进行监测和生物防治, 本研究采用电生理学方法测试了绿盲蝽成虫对9种性信息素类似物和12种植物挥发性物质的触角电位(electroantennogram, EAG)反应。结果表明: 在测试的这21种化合物中, 绿盲蝽对丁酸酯类化合物和绿叶气味物质的EAG反应较强; 雄虫对性信息素类似物比雌虫更敏感, 而雌虫对植物挥发物更敏感。其中性信息素类似物中, 绿盲蝽对反-2-丁酸己烯酯的EAG反应最强; 植物挥发物中, 绿盲蝽对反-2-己烯醛的EAG反应最强, 雌虫对反-2-己烯醇、反-2-己烯醛、顺-3-己烯醇等绿叶气味物质的EAG反应相对高于萜类化合物的反应。剂量反应曲线表明, 在测定的浓度范围内, 雄虫对反-2-丁酸己烯酯的反应比雌虫显著高, 而对β 蒎烯的反应则比雌虫显著低。绿盲蝽成虫对性信息素类似物和植物挥发物的EAG反应存在的两性差异具有生态适应意义: 雄虫对性信息素类似物更敏感将更有利于其寻找交配对象, 而雌虫对绿叶气味物质更敏感将更有利于其寻找产卵寄主。  相似文献   

Abstract:  The pine sawfly, Diprion jingyuanensis Xiao et Zhang, is a serious pest of Chinese pine ( Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.) in the northern parts of China. The general biology of this recently described sawfly species is little known and in the present study we used a synthetic pheromone to monitor its flight period and to evaluate the possibility to use pheromone traps as a tool for estimating and predicting population densities. The attractant pheromone of D. jingyuanensis is (1 S ,2 R ,6 R )-1,2,6-trimethyldodecyl propionate and in this study we used a four-isomer threo-mixture containing the active attractant. Both doses tested, 1 and 2 mg/trap, revealed the same seasonal flight pattern, the higher dosage demonstrating more clear flight peaks. The first flight peak of D. jingyuanensis occurred in mid-June during all 3 years, 1997–1999, and in 1997 and 1998 a second flight peak was also recorded in mid-July. The flight period was similar in time for populations located at higher (1400 m) and lower altitude (1100 m), from early June to late July or early August. Temperature was the main weather factor-affecting trap catches. Diurnal flight activity began at 9.00, peaked at 13.00 and lasted until 20.00. A series of tests with traps in different positions within stands and trees were conducted and the results demonstrated the importance of standardizing the trapping protocol in population monitoring studies. By using traps with 2 mg baits it is possible to detect sawfly occurrence at very low population densities, not detectable by other means. Strong positive correlations between trap catch and relative population density were found in 2000 and 2001, but not in 1998, when only few sites were monitored and the population was in a decreasing phase. The results are promising for future large-scale use of pheromone-based monitoring of D. jingyuanensis .  相似文献   

Abstract  Three field experiments were conducted in stone fruit orchards in the Goulburn Valley, northern Victoria, Australia to identify a user-friendly trap for use in attract and kill stations for control of Carpophilus spp. (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae). A funnel trap design was compared with two types of delta trap in one experiment and two types of Lucitrap in another experiment. All traps were baited with synthetic co-attractant and synthetic pheromone. The funnel trap was the most effective type of trap tested. The funnel traps caught significantly more beetles than either the delta traps with bio-attractant or delta traps wrapped with insecticide impregnated banana wrap. No difference was observed between catches in either delta trap design. Lucitraps without covers caught significantly more beetles than Lucitraps with covers but funnel traps caught significantly more beetles than either type of Lucitrap. Beetle numbers caught in the funnel traps were three to five times higher than in Lucitrap. The use of funnel traps in attract and kill stations to protect stone fruit crops by suppressing the Carpophilus spp. population gave superior control to 'grower normal practice of spraying insecticides' both in terms of Carpophilus spp. numbers and in terms of reduction in percentage of fruit damaged.  相似文献   

[目的]明确稻纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocis medinalis生理状态对性信息素和花香气味的嗅觉行为反应的影响,以及在田间性信息素和花香气味诱蛾量的动态.[方法]于2020年在广西、湖南、浙江、四川5个试验点,通过田间网捕、花香气味和性信息素诱捕稻纵卷叶螟成虫,结合解剖卵巢和精巢,比较性信息素和花香诱捕的基本迁...  相似文献   

目前柑桔潜叶蛾的防治主要依赖化学农药, 而且生产中缺少有效测报技术。为此, 我们于2009年6月30日至10月6日在浙江宁波通过有机合成柑桔潜叶蛾Phyllocnistis citrella(鳞翅目, 细蛾科)的3种性信息素化合物顺7, 顺11, 反13-十六碳三烯醛、顺7, 顺11-十六碳二烯醛和顺7-十六碳烯醛, 配制成不同浓度比例的混合物, 进行田间试验比较其引诱活性。结果表明, 单一的顺7, 顺11, 反13-十六碳三烯醛对柑桔潜叶蛾雄蛾就可以显示较强的引诱作用, 而顺7, 顺11-十六碳二烯醛单一成分没有引诱活性, 顺7, 顺11, 反13-十六碳三烯醛与顺7, 顺11-十六碳二烯醛的二元混合物30∶1~3∶1之间活性较强, 而在30∶1的质量比例时诱虫量最高。含顺7-十六碳烯醛的三元混合物, 当顺7, 顺11, 反13-十六碳三烯醛∶顺7, 顺11-十六碳二烯醛∶顺7-十六碳烯醛三者比例为100∶10∶3时有显著增效作用。剂量与诱捕活性试验显示每枚诱芯1 mg顺7, 顺11, 反13-十六碳三烯醛的剂量引诱作用最强, 随浓度降低, 引诱作用下降。诱捕器在0.8~1.5 m之间的不同悬挂高度对诱捕数量无显著影响。结果说明, 顺7, 顺11, 反13-十六碳三烯醛、顺7, 顺11-十六碳二烯醛和顺7-十六碳烯醛组成的三元混合物诱芯可以作为柑桔潜叶蛾的诱杀技术并应用于其生物防治和预测测报。  相似文献   

Pure (2R)‐butyl (7Z)‐tetradecenoate, as well as racemic 2‐butyl (7Z)‐tetradecenoate, in a dose of 100 μg (calculated for the active (2R)‐enantiomer) applied onto serum bottle caps of grey rubber, were an effective pheromone bait for Theresimima ampellophaga (Bayle‐Barelle, 1808) (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae: Procridinae). This bait remained active for longer than one full flight of the pest in the regions with one generation per year. Colourless transparent as well as red and yellow sticky traps were the cheapest and most simple design for trapping T. ampellophaga, while green and blue traps performed worse. Among the traps tested, VARL (CSALOMON®) funnel traps had the highest capture ability for the pest. Traps had to be mounted at least 1.0–2.0 m above ground level. T. ampellophaga males flew to a source of sex pheromone all day long with a main peak between 07.00 and 09.00 hours and a much smaller one between 19.00 and 21.00 hours.  相似文献   

Field studies were conducted to evaluate the influence of trap design, trapping location, type of pheromone dispenser, and trap color on the capture of Palpita unionalis (Hübner) males, in olive groves. The experiments were carried out in two regions, Alexandria (northern Greece) and Oropos (central Greece), where olives are cultivated. In both regions, the majority of the males (> 70% of the total) were caught from late autumn to early winter, whereas < 1% was caught during July and August. Among the trap types used, the Funnel was significantly more attractive than Delta, Pherocon 1C, and Pherocon II traps. More males were caught in traps placed at the periphery of the groves than those placed in the center. Among the four colored traps tested, white traps were the most effective. However, a significant difference in trap catches was found between white and brown traps. Traps baited with red rubber septa captured more males than those baited with the white one. The use of these parameters in monitoring and managing P. unionalis is discussed.  相似文献   

The two closely related noctuid moths Spodoptera latifascia and S. descoinsi have been found in sympatry in some parts of French Guiana. They differ by i) ecological preferences, ii) some anatomical features of the genital tract, iii) the relative amounts of the two main components of the female pheromonal blend, and iv) the temporal pattern of sexual behaviour. Viable and fertile interspecific hybrids can be obtained in the laboratory, thus permitting a genetic study of some of these traits. The anatomical differences cause perturbations in mating efficiency. Experimental results show that these differences are hereditarily transmitted, but their exact mode of inheritance remains unknown. The timing of initiation of female calling activity is very likely to be under polygenic control. Conclusive evidence showed that a pair of major autosomal alleles determined the pheromone composition. Moreover, some of the data suggest that the descoinsi allele would become lethal in certain mosaic latifascia/descoinsi genomic environments. The ecological factor is likely to be the major component of reproductive isolation between the two species in natural conditions. However in contact zones, the differences in pheromone composition and in timing of sexual activity are probably involved in preventing interspecific hybridization. Two speciation scenarios are proposed, both sympatric. In one of them, the primary event would be a fragmentation of the tropical forest followed by disruptive selection associated with habitat diversification. In the other, the speciation process might have been initiated by the occurrence of mutations acting on the pheromone mediated mate recognition system.  相似文献   

林欣大  劳冲  姚云  杜永均 《昆虫学报》2015,58(3):237-243
【目的】信息素是个体之间传递信息的重要分子,研究性信息素对斜纹夜蛾 Spodoptera litura 嗅觉相关基因表达的影响对于增加性信息素作用机理的认识及其应用有重要的意义。【方法】本研究通过实时定量PCR(qRT-PCR)技术探究在性信息素刺激处理条件下,斜纹夜蛾成虫嗅觉相关基因 abp, pbp 和 or 表达水平的变化;利用性信息素在田间诱捕斜纹夜蛾雄蛾,并通过自动计数器记录每小时诱虫量,从而间接显示其交配行为的节律性。【结果】斜纹夜蛾雄虫触角中嗅觉相关基因abp, pbp 和 or 的表达具有节律特性。经性信息素化合物(Z9, Z11-14:OAc+Z9, Z12-14:OAc)刺激处理后,abp, pbp 和 or 表达量也发生了显著的改变。通过记录田间性信息素诱捕器在一天中不同时间段内诱捕的雄蛾数量,发现诱捕到的斜纹夜蛾也具有节律特性。【结论】基因表达水平上的节律特性可能与雄虫交配活动的节律相关联,说明性信息素处理也在一定程度上改变了其节律及其对性信息素的神经反应。这一结果也首次从基因水平证明性信息素的刺激处理提高了周缘神经系统对性信息素反应的敏感性,有助于我们理解性信息素作用的分子机理,对迷向及性诱和测报应用具有指导意义。  相似文献   

暗黑鳃金龟对性信息素的触角电生理及行为反应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了分离鉴定暗黑鳃金龟的性信息素成分并对其功能进行验证,本研究对比摸索了3种触角的处理方法,并进行同一浓度(30 ng·μL-1)二元混合物、不同配比的触角EAG测试。结果包括: 建立了一种鳃叶状触角的触角电位(EAG)测定方法,即将暗黑鳃金龟Holotrichia parallela触角的各鳃叶用针分离开后进行测定,这种方法测得的触角电位反应值较高。雄虫触角对L-异亮氨酸甲酯和(R)-(-)-芳樟醇为7∶1的二元混合物的反应值最高,和暗黑鳃金龟雌虫性信息素25个腺体提取液的EAG反应相当;对同一配比(7∶1)不同剂量刺激液的EAG测试表明,雄虫对浓度为30 ng·μL-1的二元混合物刺激液的反应值最高。嗅觉反应结果进一步证实,试虫对L-异亮氨酸甲酯和(R)-(-)-芳樟醇7∶1的选择最高,选择系数达93.3%。研究结果为利用性信息素防治暗黑鳃金龟技术的开发提供了基础。  相似文献   

Field studies using the synthetic sex pheromone of Trichophysetis cretacea, a trinary blend of (Z)‐11‐hexadecenyl acetate (Z11‐16:OAc), (Z)‐11‐hexadecenal (Z11‐16:Ald) and (Z)‐11‐hexadecenol (Z11‐16:OH), were performed in Sichuan to determine operational parameters for detection and control, such as dispenser type, blend ratio, dosage, and trap type, height and density. Of three pheromone dispensers tested, grey halo‐butyl isoprene elastomeric septa were significantly more effective than polyvinyl chloride capillary tubing or silicone rubber septa. The ratio of the three components in the blend significantly affected moth catch. In the halo‐butyl isoprene septa, the most effective ratio was 5 : 2 : 1 Z11‐16:OAc:Z11‐16:Ald:Z11‐16:OH. Sticky wing traps caught significantly more moths than water, noctuid moth or cone funnel traps. The most effective height at which wing traps were hung was 20 cm above the jasmine plants. Optimum trap density was 45 traps per hectare. Addition of volatile jasmine compounds did not increase the attractiveness of the sex pheromone. A dosage of 50 μg Z11‐16:OAc per lure was most effective in the autumn weather conditions of Quanwei. These data provide sufficient information to develop effective protocols for using the T. cretacea pheromone to detect and monitor this pest in the jasmine fields.  相似文献   

Free-flying male gypsy moths (Lymantria dispar)head upwind in response to sex pheromone. Males typically fly in a zigzag path, with mean ground speeds modulated by pheromone concentration and ambient temperature, but not by wind speed. We studied the effect of male size on ground speeds and additional flight track parameters. Mean net ground speed along the wind line was fastest among large males and was slower in medium and small males. Similarly, mean airspeeds and ground speeds along the flight tracks increased from small to large males. Males from all three size classes steered similar mean course angles. Small males, however, had larger mean track angles than larger males, and mean drift angles were also larger for small males. Turning rates (frequency of turns across the wind line) and interturn distances (net crosswind displacement between turn apices) were not significantly different among the three size classes; however, large males had a trend toward a reduced mean turning rate and increased mean interturn distance. The steering of similar course angles by males from all three size classes and the higher airspeeds among larger males (the two variables males can actively control during free flight) suggest that changes in other flight parameters are a result primarily of increased ground speed among large males.  相似文献   

二化螟性信息素应用技术:笼罩诱捕器和筒形诱捕器   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
除目前在我国普遍使用的水盆诱捕器 ,本文还介绍了两种诱捕器———笼罩诱捕器和筒形诱捕器。 3种诱捕器的诱蛾效果比较研究表明 :( 1 )笼罩诱捕器中使用铁纱所制的诱笼的诱蛾量较多 ,同时其锥体的锥角以 60°左右为宜 ;( 2 )筒形诱捕器的诱蛾量略高出笼罩诱捕器 ;( 3) 3种诱捕器中 ,水盆诱捕器的诱蛾效果较好 ,筒形诱捕器次之 ,而笼罩诱捕器较差。  相似文献   

转Bt基因水稻对两种弹尾虫及尖钩宽黾蝽捕食作用的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
转Bt基因水稻KMD1、KMD2和对照水稻XS11稻田主要有两种弹尾虫:灰橄榄长角跳虫 Entomobryagriseoolivata (Packard) 和钩圆跳虫 Bourletiella christianseni Banks。两种Bt稻田中灰橄榄长角跳虫种群密度均显著高于对照XS11稻田;在以KMD1和KMD2腐烂 茎叶为食的灰橄榄长角跳虫成虫中检测到微量Cry1Ab杀虫蛋白。室内测定结果表明,不管是单 头捕食还是多头协同捕食,尖钩宽黾蝽Microvelia horvathi Lundblad 成虫对用3种供试 水稻残体饲养的灰橄榄长角跳虫的捕食量和功能反应均符合HollingⅡ型方程,其日捕食量、瞬 时攻击率(a)和处理时间(Th)均无显著差异。  相似文献   

在吉林省柳河县绿色稻米生产区,采用1999~2001年间3月1日后有效积温和水稻二化螟诱捕器诱蛾量数据,用线性模型探讨了当地有效积温和诱捕器诱蛾量之间的关系。由建立的线性模型确定越冬代水稻二化螟发蛾始盛期、高峰期和盛末期所需有效积温分别为238.323、339.418和483.398日·度。 采用吉林长春稻区2002~2004年3年间数据比较模型预测值和观察值之间的差异,有效积温的误差值在3.882~26.943日·度之间,相应时间误差为 0~3 天。模型预测准确性较好,可用以及时指导大田防治。  相似文献   

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