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We have implemented an efficient, user-friendly biochemical reaction simulator called Web-based BEST-KIT (Biochemical Engineering System analyzing Tool-KIT) for analyzing large-scale nonlinear networks such as metabolic pathways. Users can easily design and analyze an arbitrary reaction scheme through the Internet and an efficient graphical user interface without considering the mathematical equations. The reaction scheme can include several reaction types, which are represented by both the mass action law (mass balance) and approximated velocity functions of enzyme kinetics at steady state, such as Michaelis-Menten, Hill cooperative, Competitive inhibition. However, since all modules in Web-based BEST-KIT have been developed in Java applet style, users cannot optionally make use of original mathematical equations in addition to the prepared equations. In the present study, we have developed a new version of BEST-KIT (for Microsoft Windows called WinBEST-KIT) to allow users to define original mathematical equations and to customize these equations very easily as user-defined reaction symbols. The following powerful system-analytical methods are prepared for system analysis: time-course calculation, parameter scanning, estimation of the values of unknown kinetic parameters based on experimentally observed time-course data of reactants, dynamic response of reactants against virtual external perturbations, and real-time simulation (Virtual Dry Lab).  相似文献   

SUMMARY: The set of extreme pathways, a generating set for all possible steady-state flux maps in a biochemical reaction network, can be computed from the stoichiometric matrix, an incidence-like matrix reflecting the network topology. Here, we describe the implementation of a well-known algorithm to compute these pathways and give a summary of the features of the available software. AVAILABILITY: The C-code, along with a Windows executable and sample network reaction files, are available at http://systemsbiology.ucsd.edu CONTACT: palsson@ucsd.edu.  相似文献   

The threat imposed by invasive species and difficulties associated with control and management places more impetus on trying to prevent their introduction. The identification of introduction pathways is a vital component towards this goal. In this study, we use a genetic marker-based approach to retrospectively investigate the pathway of origin of the invasive Argentine ant ( Linepithema humile ) into New Zealand. We intensively sample the mitochondrial gene cytochrome b , from the entire known range of Argentine ants in New Zealand. No genetic variation was found in New Zealand. In order to identify likely introduction pathways, we use two alternative genetic analyses and suggest that a tcs approach that collapses identical haplotypes and calculates the probability of parsimony is superior to standard phylogenetic tree-building algorithms. A minimum spanning network allowed relationships to be examined among sequences collated from previous international studies. The cytochrome b sequence, when compared to a global database, matched that from an Australian population. That Australia is the potential source of Argentine ants is in agreement with the New Zealand interception record, as goods from Australia have the highest number of interception records of Argentine ants. Our approach can easily be duplicated for other organisms and the methodology can be more widely applied to help aid further efforts to identify the routes of transmission for other invasive species and allow us to efficiently direct our biosecurity monitoring effort.  相似文献   

Elucidating changes in the distribution of reaction rates in metabolic pathways under different conditions is a central challenge in systems biology. Here we present a method for inferring regulation mechanisms responsible for changes in the distribution of reaction rates across conditions from correlations in time-resolved data. A reversal of correlations between conditions reveals information about regulation mechanisms. With the use of a small in silico hypothetical network, based on only the topology and directionality of a known pathway, several regulation scenarios can be formulated. Confronting these scenarios with experimental data results in a short list of possible pathway regulation mechanisms associated with the reversal of correlations between conditions. This procedure allows for the formulation of regulation scenarios without detailed prior knowledge of kinetics and for the inference of reaction rate changes without rate information. The method was applied to experimental time-resolved metabolomics data from multiple short-term perturbation-response experiments in S. cerevisiae across aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The method's output was validated against a detailed kinetic model of glycolysis in S. cerevisiae, which showed that the method can indeed infer the correct regulation scenario.  相似文献   

pathSCOUT provides access, display and exploration of data relevant to biochemical pathways, and enables analysis of pathway model structure and behavior. AVAILABILITY: pathSCOUT is available as a customized solution from contact@lionbioscience.com; limited evaluation access and additional information is available from http://simpath.lionbioscience.com:8080/documents/pathscout11/.  相似文献   

Metabolic pathways may seem arbitrary and unnecessarily complex. In many cases, a chemist might devise a simpler route for the biochemical transformation, so why has nature chosen such complex solutions? In this review, we distill lessons from a century of metabolic research and introduce new observations suggesting that the intricate structure of metabolic pathways can be explained by a small set of biochemical principles. Using glycolysis as an example, we demonstrate how three key biochemical constraints--thermodynamic favorability, availability of enzymatic mechanisms and the physicochemical properties of pathway intermediates--eliminate otherwise plausible metabolic strategies. Considering these constraints, glycolysis contains no unnecessary steps and represents one of the very few pathway structures that meet cellular demands. The analysis presented here can be applied to metabolic engineering efforts for the rational design of pathways that produce a desired product while satisfying biochemical constraints.  相似文献   

The considerable constraints that can be imposed on the evolution of primary metabolic pathways are apparent in the carbon pathway of photosynthesis in plants. Here, the unfortunate dual nature of the key enzyme, rubisco, to act as both a carboxylase and an oxygenase has led to a variety of adaptations in higher plants to maintain the efficiency of photosynthesis as a response to climatic stress.
Constraints on secondary metabolism are less apparent, although evolution can proceed by both loss of enzymic ability (as in the shikimate pathway) and by gain (as in the mevalonate pathway). One evolutionary trend in angiosperms is towards more highly toxic allelochemicals to provide protection from herbivory or microbial attack. One constraint on alkaloid evolution is the concomitant need to develop a metabolic pathway to recycle the nitrogen for other purposes. In the terpenoid series of compounds, there is a correlation between increasing oxygenation of a carbon skeleton and increasing toxicity. However, increasing oxygenation, especially peroxide formation, may produce a compound too unstable to act effectively against predators. In the evolution of blue flower colour, the synthesis of delphinidin 3-glucoside is only the first step in the production of a stable pigment complex capable of providing intense in vivo colouration. In the coevolution of plants and animals, some insects (e.g. the Monarch butterfly) have developed the ability to sequester and store plant toxins to avoid the cost of synthesis but here again there are clear constraints on the processes involved.  相似文献   

Computer-aided synthesis of biochemical pathways   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The synthesis of biochemical pathways satisfying stoichiometric constraints is discussed. Stoichiometric constraints arise primarily from designating compounds as required or allowed reactants, and required or allowed products of the pathways; they also arise from similar restrictions on intermediate metabolites and bioreactions participating in the pathways. An algorithm for the complete and correct solution of the problem is presented; the algorithm satisfies each constraint by recursively transforming a base-set of pathways. The algorithm is applied to the problem of lysine synthesis from glucose and ammonia. In addition to the established synthesis routes, the algorithm constructs several alternative pathways that bypass key enzymes, such as malate dehydrogenase and pyruvate dehydrogenase. Apart from the construction of pathways with desired characteristics, the systematic synthesis of pathways can also uncover fundamental constraints in a particular problem, by demonstrating that no pathways exist to meet certain sets of specifications. In the case of lysine, the algorithm shows that oxaloacetate is a necessary intermediate in all pathways leading to lysine from glucose, and that the yield of lysine over glucose cannot exceed 67% in the absence of enzymatic recovery of carbon dioxide.  相似文献   

Subnetwork hierarchies of biochemical pathways   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
MOTIVATION: The vastness and complexity of the biochemical networks that have been mapped out by modern genomics calls for decomposition into subnetworks. Such networks can have inherent non-local features that require the global structure to be taken into account in the decomposition procedure. Furthermore, basic questions such as to what extent the network (graph theoretically) can be said to be built by distinct subnetworks are little studied. RESULTS: We present a method to decompose biochemical networks into subnetworks based on the global geometry of the network. This method enables us to analyze the full hierarchical organization of biochemical networks and is applied to 43 organisms from the WIT database. Two types of biochemical networks are considered: metabolic networks and whole-cellular networks (also including for example information processes). Conceptual and quantitative ways of describing the hierarchical ordering are discussed. The general picture of the metabolic networks arising from our study is that of a few core-clusters centred around the most highly connected substances enclosed by other substances in outer shells, and a few other well-defined subnetworks. AVAILABILITY: An implementation of our algorithm and other programs for analyzing the data is available from http://www.tp.umu.se/forskning/networks/meta/ SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary material is available at http://www.tp.umu.se/forskning/networks/meta/  相似文献   

The search for systematic methods to deal with the integrated behavior of complex biochemical systems has over the past two decades led to the proposal of several theories of biochemical systems. Among the most promising is biochemical systems theory (BST). Recent comparisons of this theory with several others that have recently been proposed have demonstrated that all are variants of BST and share a common underlying formalism. Hence, the different variants can be precisely related and ranked according to their completeness and operational utility. The original and most fruitful variant within BST is based on a particular representation, called an S-system (for synergistic and saturable systems), that exhibits many advantages not found among alternative representations. Even within the preferred S-system representation there are options, depending on the method of aggregating fluxes, that become especially apparent when one considers reversible pathways. In this paper we focus on the paradigm situation and clearly distinguish the two most common strategies for generating an S-system representation. The first is called the "reversible" strategy because it involves aggregating incoming fluxes separately from outgoing fluxes for each metabolite to define a net flux that can be positive, negative, or zero. The second is the "irreversible" strategy, which involves aggregating forward and reverse fluxes through each reaction to define a net flux that is always positive. This second strategy has been used almost exclusively in all variants of BST. The principal results of detailed analyses are the following: (1) All S-system representations predict the same changes in dependent concentrations for a given change in an independent concentration. (2) The reversible strategy is superior to the irreversible on the basis of several criteria, including accuracy in predicting steady-state flux, accuracy in predicting transient responses, and robustness of representation. (3) Only the reversible strategy yields a representation that is able to capture the characteristic feature of amphibolic pathways, namely, the reversal of nets flux under physiological conditions. Finally, the results document the wide range of variation over which the S-system representation can accurately predict the behavior of intact biochemical systems and confirm similar results of earlier studies [Voit and Savageau, Biochemistry 26: 6869-6880 (1987)].  相似文献   

iPath: interactive exploration of biochemical pathways and networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
iPath is an open-access online tool (http://pathways.embl.de) for visualizing and analyzing metabolic pathways. An interactive viewer provides straightforward navigation through various pathways and enables easy access to the underlying chemicals and enzymes. Customized pathway maps can be generated and annotated using various external data. For example, by merging human genome data with two important gut commensals, iPath can pinpoint the complementarity of the host-symbiont metabolic capacities.  相似文献   

Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) may result in genes whose evolutionary histories disagree with each other, as well as with the species tree. In this case, reconciling the species and gene trees results in a network of relationships, known as the "phylogenetic network" of the set of species. A phylogenetic network that incorporates HGT consists of an underlying species tree that captures vertical inheritance and a set of edges which model the "horizontal" transfer of genetic material. In a series of papers, Nakhleh and colleagues have recently formulated a maximum parsimony (MP) criterion for phylogenetic networks, provided an array of computationally efficient algorithms and heuristics for computing it, and demonstrated its plausibility on simulated data. In this article, we study the performance and robustness of this criterion on biological data. Our findings indicate that MP is very promising when its application is extended to the domain of phylogenetic network reconstruction and HGT detection. In all cases we investigated, the MP criterion detected the correct number of HGT events required to map the evolutionary history of a gene data set onto the species phylogeny. Furthermore, our results indicate that the criterion is robust with respect to both incomplete taxon sampling and the use of different site substitution matrices. Finally, our results show that the MP criterion is very promising in detecting HGT in chimeric genes, whose evolutionary histories are a mix of vertical and horizontal evolution. Besides the performance analysis of MP, our findings offer new insights into the evolution of 4 biological data sets and new possible explanations of HGT scenarios in their evolutionary history.  相似文献   

A theoretical analysis of the distinguishability problem of two rival models of the single enzyme-single substrate reaction, the Michaelis-Menten and Henri mechanisms, is presented. We also outline a general approach for analysing the structural indistinguishability between two mechanisms. The approach involves constructing, if possible, a smooth mapping between the two candidate models. Evans et al. [N.D. Evans, M.J. Chappell, M.J. Chapman, K.R. Godfrey, Structural indistinguishability between uncontrolled (autonomous) nonlinear analytic systems, Automatica 40 (2004) 1947-1953] have shown that if, in addition, either of the mechanisms satisfies a particular criterion then such a transformation always exists when the models are indistinguishable from their experimentally observable outputs. The approach is applied to the single enzyme-single substrate reaction mechanism. In principle, mechanisms can be distinguished using this analysis, but we show that our ability to distinguish mechanistic models depends both on the precise measurements made, and on our knowledge of the system prior to performing the kinetics experiments.  相似文献   

Linking biochemical genetic data to the reference genome for the laboratory mouse is important for comparative physiology and for developing mouse models of human biology and disease. We describe here a new database of curated metabolic pathways for the laboratory mouse called MouseCyc . MouseCyc has been integrated with genetic and genomic data for the laboratory mouse available from the Mouse Genome Informatics database and with pathway data from other organisms, including human.  相似文献   

To provide support for the analysis of biochemical pathways a database system based on a model that represents the characteristics of the domain is needed. This domain has proven to be difficult to model by using conventional data modelling techniques. We are building an ontology for biochemical pathways, which acts as the basis for the generation of a database on the same domain, allowing the definition of complex queries and complex data representation. The ontology is used as a modelling and analysis tool which allows the expression of complex semantics based on a first-order logic representation language. The induction capabilities of the system can help the scientist in formulating and testing research hypotheses that are difficult to express with the standard relational database mechanisms. An ontology representing the shared formalisation of the knowledge in a scientific domain can also be used as data integration tool clarifying the mapping of concepts to the developers of different databases. In this paper we describe the general structure of our system, concentrating on the ontology-based database as the key component of the system.  相似文献   

A rigorous method for identifying biochemical reaction or metabolic pathways through its systematic synthesis has been established. The current method for synthesizing networks of metabolic pathways follows the general framework of a highly exacting combinatorial method. The method is capable of generating not only all combinatorially independent, feasible reaction networks only once, but also those combinations of independent pathways. A case study involving the conversion of glucose to pyruvate with 14 elementary reactions illustrates the efficiency and efficacy of the method. All the results have been obtained with a PC (Pentium-III 550 MHz, 256 MB RAM) within 1 s.  相似文献   

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