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To test whether plucked hairs are a reliable source of DNA for genotyping microsatellite loci, we carried out experiments using one, three, or 10 hairs per extract for 50 alpine marmots. For each extract, seven independent genotypings were performed for the same locus (multiple-tubes approach). Two types of genotyping errors were recorded: a false homozygote defined as the detection of only one allele of a true heterozygote, and a false allele defined as a PCR-generated allele that was not one of the alleles of the true genotype. Using DNA extracted from one, three, or 10 hairs, the overall error rate was 14.00%, 4.86%, and 0.29%, respectively. Based on our results, we conclude that 10 hairs should be used to obtain consistently reliable genotypings using the single-tube approach, and that a single plucked hair could represent a reliable source of DNA if the multiple-tubes approach is used. For future studies of dinucleotide repeat diversity using DNA extracted from one to three shed or plucked hairs, we strongly recommend initiating an appropriate pilot study to quantify the error rate and to determine the reliability of the single-tube approach.  相似文献   

Obtaining a sufficient number of DNA samples from ice‐breeding marine phocids, in a noninvasive manner, has proven difficult and has limited the ability to use molecular genetics on these species. We evaluate the ability to genotype ringed seals using a novel source of DNA, skin cells shed by the seal as it moults on sea ice. We found that shed skin samples yielded a lower quantity and purity of DNA compared to tissue samples. Nevertheless, the shed skin cells were a viable source of DNA for microsatellite analysis; we found no significant difference in allelic diversity or heterozygosities between tissue samples and shed skin cells. This source of DNA should allow the rapid collection of a large number of noninvasively collected DNA samples in ice‐breeding phocids.  相似文献   



Reproductive disorders and infertility are surprisingly common in the human population as well as in other species. The decrease in fertility is a major cause of cow culling and economic loss in the dairy herd. The conception rate has been declining for the past 30–50 years. Conception rate is the product of fertilization and embryonic survival rates. In a previous study, we have identified associations of several single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the signal transducer and activator 5A (STAT5A) with fertilization and survival rates in anin vitro experimental system. The objectives of this study are to fine map theSTAT5A region in a search for causative mutations and to investigate the parent of origin expression of this gene.


We have performed a total of 5,222 fertilizations and produced a total of 3,696 in vitro fertilized embryos using gametes from 440 cows and eight bulls. A total of 37 SNPs were developed in a 63.4-kb region of genomic sequence that includesSTAT5A,STAT3, and upstream and downstream sequences of these genes. SNP153137 (G/C) in exon 8 ofSTAT5A was associated with a significant variability in embryonic survival and fertilization rate compared to all other examined SNPs. Expression analysis revealed thatSTAT5A is primarily monoallelically expressed in early embryonic stages but biallelically expressed in later fetal stages. Furthermore, the occurrence of monoallelic maternal expression ofSTAT5A was significantly higher in blastocysts, while paternal expression was more frequent in degenerative embryos.


Our results imply thatSTAT5A affects embryonic survival in a manner influenced by developmental stage and allele parent of origin.  相似文献   

BackgroundWhole Exome Sequencing (WES) utilises overlapping fragments prone to sequencing artefacts. Saliva, a non-invasive source of DNA, has been successfully used in WES studies on various platforms. This study explored the validity and quality of DNA sourced from saliva compared to whole blood on an Ion Platform.MethodsDNA was extracted from both sample types from four individuals. WES, performed on the Ion Proton platform was assessed for quality metrics (Depth, Genotyping Quality, etc.) and variant identification for the same source sample-pairs.ResultsNo significant differences in quality metrics were identified between data obtained from whole blood and saliva samples, with several saliva samples demonstrating higher coverage depth. Variants within the same sample, from the two genomic DNA sources, had an average concordance similar to other studies and platforms with different chemistry.ConclusionSaliva-extracted DNA provides comparable sequencing quality to whole blood for WES on Ion Torrent Platforms.  相似文献   

Linkage studies and positional cloning projects for the identification of disease related genes require the genetic characterization of large numbers of genomic DNA samples. The application of spotting robots enables the production of high density filters representing several thousand DNA probes. To take full advantage of the potential of these filters we have established a new, hybridization based Interspersed Repetitive Sequence (IRS-)marker system for the rat genome. This marker panel was shown to be useful for rapid genotyping of many multigenic crosses as well as high throughput characterization of large insert genomic libraries.  相似文献   

In this study, a minimally invasive method for DNA sampling of reptiles and amphibians using cloacal and buccal swabs is described. High molecular weight DNA was isolated from the swabs, which were collected from tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus), and stored in 70% ethanol at room temperature for approximately 1 week. Amplification of mitochondrial and microsatellite DNA loci was successful from both cloacal and buccal swabs, and in all cases the genotypes matched those obtained from blood samples. These results show that cloacal and/or buccal swabbing is a useful alternative to blood sampling and toe clipping for genetic studies on reptiles. This method is rapid, inexpensive and easy to implement in field situations.  相似文献   

Soybean (Glycine max) breeding involves improving commercially grown varieties by introgressing important agronomic traits from poor yielding accessions and/or wild relatives of soybean while minimizing the associated yield drag. Molecular markers associated with these traits are instrumental in increasing the efficiency of producing such crosses and Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) are particularly well suited for this task, owing to high density in the non-genic regions and thus increased likelihood of finding a tightly linked marker to a given trait. A rapid method to develop SNP markers that can differentiate specific loci between any two parents in soybean is thus highly desirable. In this study we investigate such a protocol for developing SNP markers between multiple soybean accessions and the reference Williams 82 genome. To restrict sampling frequency reduced representation libraries (RRLs) of genomic DNA were generated by restriction digestion followed by library construction. We chose to sequence four accessions Dowling (PI 548663), Dwight (PI 597386), Komata (PI200492) and PI 594538A for their agronomic importance as well as Williams 82 as a control.MseI was chosen to digest genomic DNA based on predictions that it will cut sparingly in the mathematically defined high-copy-number regions of the genome. All RRLs were sequenced on the Illumina genome analyzer. Reads were aligned to the Glyma1 reference assembly and SNP calls made from the alignments. We identified from 4294 to 14550 SNPs between the four accessions and the Williams 82 reference. In addition a small number of SNPs (1142) were found by aligning Williams 82 reads to the reference assembly (Glyma1) suggesting limited genetic variation within the Williams 82 line. The SNP data allowed us to estimate genetic diversity between the four lines and Williams 82. Restriction digestion of soybean genomic DNA with MseI followed by high throughput sequencing provides a rapid and reproducible method for generating SNP markers.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Genetic diversity can help explain disease susceptibility and differential drug response. The most common type of variant is the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). We present a low-cost, high throughput assay for SNP genotyping. METHODS: The assay uses oligonucleotide probes covalently attached to fluorescently encoded microspheres. These probes are hybridized directly to fluorescently labeled polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products and the results are analyzed in a standard flow cytometer. RESULTS: The genotypes determined with our assay are in good agreement with those determined by TaqMan. The range of G/C content for oligonucleotide probes was 23.5-65% in the 17 bases surrounding the SNP. Further optimization of probe length and target concentration is shown to dramatically enhance the assay performance for certain SNPs. Using microspheres which have unique fluorescent signatures, we performed a 32-plex assay where we simultaneously determined the genotypes of eight different polymorphic genes. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrate, for the first time, the feasibility of multiplexed genotyping with suspension arrays using direct hybridization analyses. Our approach enables probes to be removed from or added to an array, enhancing flexibility over conventional chips. The ability to multiplex both the PCR preparation and the hybridization should enhance the throughput, cost, and speed of the assay.  相似文献   

Standardization of DNA extraction is a fundamental issue of fidelity and comparability in investigations of environmental microbial communities. Commercial kits for soil or feces are often adopted for studies of activated sludge because of a lack of specific kits, but they have never been evaluated regarding their effectiveness and potential biases based on high throughput sequencing. In this study, seven common DNA extraction kits were evaluated, based on not only yield/purity but also sequencing results, using two activated sludge samples (two sub-samples each, i.e. ethanol-fixed and fresh, as-is). The results indicate that the bead-beating step is necessary for DNA extraction from activated sludge. The two kits without the bead-beating step yielded very low amounts of DNA, and the least abundant operational taxonomic units (OTUs), and significantly underestimated the Gram-positive Actinobacteria, Nitrospirae, Chloroflexi, and Alphaproteobacteria and overestimated Gammaproteobacteria, Deltaproteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and the rare phyla whose cell walls might have been readily broken. Among the other five kits, FastDNA@ SPIN Kit for Soil extracted the most and the purest DNA. Although the number of total OTUs obtained using this kit was not the highest, the abundant OTUs and abundance of Actinobacteria demonstrated its efficiency. The three MoBio kits and one ZR kit produced fair results, but had a relatively low DNA yield and/or less Actinobacteria-related sequences. Moreover, the 50 % ethanol fixation increased the DNA yield, but did not change the sequenced microbial community in a significant way. Based on the present study, the FastDNA SPIN kit for Soil is recommended for DNA extraction of activated sludge samples. More importantly, the selection of the DNA extraction kit must be done carefully if the samples contain dominant lysing-resistant groups, such as Actinobacteria and Nitrospirae.  相似文献   

The synthesis of positively charged and mass tagged nucleosides containing a quaternary ammonium functionality within the penultimate position of a primer is described. Neutralization of the sugar/thiophosphate backbone by alkylation increases the detection sensitivity in the mass spectrometric analysis by a factor of at least 100. The variable introduction of these novel compounds within the extension primers enables flexible design of multiplex genotyping reactions.  相似文献   

An integrated system for high throughput TaqMan based SNP genotyping.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We have developed an integrated laboratory information system that allows the flexible handling of pedigree, phenotype and genotype information. Specifically, it includes client applications for an integrated data import from TaqMan typing files, Mendel checking, data export, handling of pedigree and phenotype information and analysis features. AVAILABILITY: The SQL source code, sources and binaries of the client applications (NT and Windows95/98 platforms) and additional documentation are available at http://www.mucosa.de/.  相似文献   

Management and conservation require a comprehensive understanding of species distributions and habitat requirements. Reliable species occurrence data are critical in the face of climate change and other anthropogenic activity, but are often difficult to obtain, particularly for wide ranging species. This directly affects ecological models of occurrence and habitat suitability and, in turn, conservation and management decisions. We used generalized linear mixed‐effects models to identify ecological determinants of occurrence for four macropod species (across a region of tropical northern Australia) using a non‐invasive genetic scat approach with and without additional observation records from visual surveys. We show that genetically derived occurrence data, alone, can be used to develop informative ecological models that describe the inter‐specific habitat requirements of macropods. Furthermore, we show that genetic scat surveys of macropods are cheaper and less time consuming to conduct, and tend to provide more occurrence records (and less false absences) than visual surveys. We conclude that indirect surveys using molecular approaches have an important role to play in modelling species' occurrence, and developing future management practices and guidelines to aid species conservation.  相似文献   

Wong N  Morley R  Saffery R  Craig J 《BioTechniques》2008,45(4):423-4, 426, 428 passim
Sodium bisulfite treatment followed by PCR and DNA sequencing is widely considered the gold standard for the analysis of DNA methylation patterns. However, this technique generally requires substantial quantities of genomic DNA as starting material and is often associated with degradation of DNA. Here, we assess the feasibility of performing bisulfite sequencing on DNA isolated from 3-mm diameter punches of dried blood Guthrie spots. We demonstrate that it is possible to perform bisulfite sequencing from both freshly prepared and archived dried blood spots, using a combination of high purity DNA extraction and efficient bisulfite conversion. With the number of new technologies available for DNA methylation studies, we have extended this analysis and have successfully used a high-throughput mass spectrometry method for DNA methylation analysis on these samples. This provides a new source of material for epigenetic analysis of birth samples and provides an invaluable reference point to track temporal change in epigenetic profiles possibly linked with health and disease.  相似文献   



Genital chlamydia infection is the most commonly diagnosed sexually transmitted infection in the UK. C. trachomatis genital infections are usually caused by strains which fall into two pathovars: lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) and the genitourinary genotypes D–K. Although these genotypes can be discriminated by outer membrane protein gene (ompA) sequencing or multi-locus sequence typing (MLST), neither protocol affords the high-resolution genotyping required for local epidemiology and accurate contact-tracing.

Principal Findings

We evaluated variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) and ompA sequencing (now called multi-locus VNTR analysis and ompA or “MLVA-ompA”) to study local epidemiology in Southampton over a period of six months. One hundred and fifty seven endocervical swabs that tested positive for C. trachomatis from both the Southampton genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinic and local GP surgeries were tested by COBAS Taqman 48 (Roche) PCR for the presence of C. trachomatis. Samples tested as positive by the commercial NAATs test were genotyped, where possible, by a MLVA-ompA sequencing technique. Attempts were made to isolate C. trachomatis from all 157 samples in cell culture, and 68 (43%) were successfully recovered by repeatable passage in culture. Of the 157 samples, 93 (i.e. 59%) were fully genotyped by MLVA-ompA. Only one mixed infection (E & D) in a single sample was confirmed. There were two distinct D genotypes for the ompA gene. Most frequent ompA genotypes were D, E and F, comprising 20%, 41% and 16% of the type-able samples respectively. Within all genotypes we detected numerous MLVA sub-types.


Amongst the common genotypes, there are a significant number of defined MLVA sub-types, which may reflect particular background demographics including age group, geography, high-risk sexual behavior, and sexual networks.  相似文献   

The molecular genotyping of individuals and reconstruction of kinship through short and high polymorphic DNA markers, so-called short tandem repeats (STR), has become an important and efficient method in anthropology and forensic science. The here introduced experimental design describes a multiplex PCR capable of simultaneously amplifying 16 STRs and the sex determinant locus amelogenin in a short fragment lengths range from 84 bp to 275 bp. Thus, the design depends predominantly on the routines for DNA typing of historical samples with highly degraded ancient DNA. It is shown, that the newly designed multiplex PCR is suitable for successful typing of both forensic and historical material.  相似文献   

The ubiquity, high diversity and often‐cryptic manifestations of fungi and oomycetes frequently necessitate molecular tools for detecting and identifying them in the environment. In applications including DNA barcoding, pathogen detection from plant samples, and genotyping for population genetics and epidemiology, rapid and dependable DNA extraction methods scalable from one to hundreds of samples are desirable. We evaluated several rapid extraction methods (NaOH, Rapid one‐step extraction (ROSE), Chelex 100, proteinase K) for their ability to obtain DNA of quantity and quality suitable for the following applications: PCR amplification of the multicopy barcoding locus ITS1/5.8S/ITS2 from various fungal cultures and sporocarps; single‐copy microsatellite amplification from cultures of the phytopathogenic oomycete Phytophthora ramorum; probe‐based P. ramorum detection from leaves. Several methods were effective for most of the applications, with NaOH extraction favored in terms of success rate, cost, speed and simplicity. Frozen dilutions of ROSE and NaOH extracts maintained PCR viability for over 32 months. DNA from rapid extractions performed poorly compared to CTAB/phenol‐chloroform extracts for TaqMan diagnostics from tanoak leaves, suggesting that incomplete removal of PCR inhibitors is an issue for sensitive diagnostic procedures, especially from plants with recalcitrant leaf chemistry. NaOH extracts exhibited lower yield and size than CTAB/phenol‐chloroform extracts; however, NaOH extraction facilitated obtaining clean sequence data from sporocarps contaminated by other fungi, perhaps due to dilution resulting from low DNA yield. We conclude that conventional extractions are often unnecessary for routine DNA sequencing or genotyping of fungi and oomycetes, and recommend simpler strategies where source materials and intended applications warrant such use.  相似文献   

We selected 125 candidate single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in genes belonging to the human type 1 interferon (IFN) gene family and the genes coding for proteins in the main type 1 IFN signalling pathway by screening databases and by in silico comparison of DNA sequences. Using quantitative analysis of pooled DNA samples by solid-phase mini-sequencing, we found that only 20% of the candidate SNPs were polymorphic in the Finnish and Swedish populations. To allow more effective validation of candidate SNPs, we developed a four-colour microarray-based mini-sequencing assay for multiplex, quantitative allele frequency determination in pooled DNA samples. We used cyclic mini-sequencing reactions with primers carrying 5′-tag sequences, followed by capture of the products on microarrays by hybridisation to complementary tag oligonucleotides. Standard curves prepared from mixtures of known amounts of SNP alleles demonstrate the applicability of the system to quantitative analysis, and showed that for about half of the tested SNPs the limit of detection for the minority allele was below 5%. The microarray-based genotyping system established here is universally applicable for genotyping and quantification of any SNP, and the validated system for SNPs in type 1 IFN-related genes should find many applications in genetic studies of this important immunoregulatory pathway.  相似文献   

Human stools as a source of viable colonic epithelial cells.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Human stools consist of a mixture of undigested food residues, colonic microflora, and cellular components shed from the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. The cellular components are made up mostly of terminally differentiated colonic epithelial cells. Using a combination of Percoll density gradient centrifugation and countercurrent centrifugal elutriation, it is now possible to recover these cells as an enriched fraction from fresh human stools. Cells can be visualized on heat-fixed smears of the enriched fractions stained with modified Wright's stain. The enrichment process is optimized by following the segregation of eukaryotic cells as determined by an ELISA technique using monoclonal antibodies against human double-stranded DNA. This work, demonstrating the feasibility of isolating intact colonic cells from stools, has important applications as a noninvasive approach to the biology of exfoliated cells from the gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

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