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Among immigrants resident in greater London from Europe, Ireland, the USSR, the old Commonwealth countries of Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, North and South America, Egypt, Turkey, and Iran the incidence of admission to hospital for probable multiple sclerosis (MS) between 1960 and 1972 was high or moderately high. The incidence was the same order as that found in those born in the United Kingdom. Immigrants from India, Pakistan, and other Asian countries and from new Commonwealth Africa and America, which includes the West Indies, had a low incidence of hospital admission for MS. Immigrants from countries where the risk of MS is low whose parents were born in Europe had a reduced incidence of admission to hospital but not the very low incidence found in those parents were also born in these countries. Emigrating to England from low risk parts of the world did not seem to increase the risk of developing MS.  相似文献   

In the years 1980-1988 twenty five drug addicts were identified among 1841 patients hospitalized for acute hepatitis in the Dep. of Hepatology at the Institute of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases in Warsaw. 15 drug addicts had hepatitis B and 10 had hepatitis A. It was found, that the course of acute type B hepatitis was milder in drug addicts, than among control group consisting of non-addicts.  相似文献   


The main tendencies in the development of drug addiction in the Ukraine, the dynamics of the spread of HIV among drug addicts introducing drugs intravenously, epidemiological data on HIV, AIDS and drug addiction, as well as prognoses on the development of HIV infection are presented. Since 1995 the number of HIV-infected persons grew 34-fold, the number of cases of HIV infection resulting from the intravenous use drugs rose to 70% simultaneously with the rise (about 34-fold) of the number of persons infected with HIV through sexual contacts (about 13 fold). In 1996-1997 such tendency increased. On the whole, the proportion of drug addicts introducing drugs by intravenous injection was 83% in the Ukraine. By April 1, 1998, official registration covered 18,800 HIV-infected persons, including 270 foreign nationals, as well as 499 AIDS patients, including 487 Ukrainian citizens, among them 28 children. Out of 18,800 HIV-infected persons, 78.3% were drug addicts, most of them young people aged 15-30 years; about 18% were young people under 20 years of age, 80% being males. According to the model the rapid spread of HIV from the group of drug addicts to the heterosexual population, the total number of HIV-infected persons reaching 1,500,000 is expected in the country by 2014.  相似文献   

In 1996-1998 joint pilot Projects of the National Committee and the UNAIDS Program were carried out in 10 Ukrainian cities. The behavior determinants contributing to the spread of HIV infection, common for all regions under study, were determined. They were linked with the injections of narcotic drugs, sexual behavior and the level of knowledge on the infection. The effectiveness of the projects was due to the 80% coverage of those drug addicts who could not be reached by common narcotic drug services; to the use of individual syringes (increased from 43% to 95%); to a decrease in the sale of ready-made drugs in used syringes to 14%; to an increase in the index of the return of used syringes; to an increase in the proportion of persons constantly using condoms (58%); etc. Still the situation was found to give no grounds for optimism, and the conclusion was made that the strategy of "decreasing the harm" must become the policy and strategy of the public health system.  相似文献   

The analysis of the genetic structure of HIV causing the epidemic in Kaliningrad Province. A new recombinant virus of subtype A/B was detected with the use of the polymerase chain reaction, the cloning of amplified fragments, sequencing and the phylogenetic analysis of the obtained data. The results thus obtained indicate that the epidemic in Kaliningrad was caused by a recombinant strain, and not due to co-infection caused by two HIV strains of different subtypes. The study of HIV-1 DNA revealed the divergence between the samples was extremely low, which was characteristic of epidemics connected with the transmission of the virus in the process of the intravenous use of narcotic drugs.  相似文献   

A total of 20540 male doctors who replied to a questionnaire on their smoking habits that was sent to them on 1 November 1951, and who were aged 35 years and over, were classified according to their occupation as listed in the Medical Directory for 1952 and followed up until 1 November 1971. Examination of the mortality rates in 11 occupational groups showed gross heterogeneity for smoking-related diseases but not for all other diseases grouped together. On average, general practitioners smoked 37% more cigarettes than did hospital physicians and surgeons and the overall death rates among general practitioners were about 23% higher than among physicians and surgeons of similar ages. This excess death rate was chiefly accounted for by a 38% excess mortality from smoking-related diseases such as lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, and ischaemic and pulmonary heart disease. The few other statistically significant associations between occupation and disease were thought to be due either to chance or to the effect of the disease on the choice of specialty.  相似文献   

A total of 3440 veterinary surgeons resident in Britain were followed up from 1949-53 until 1975. A roughly twofold increase in mortality from suicide was observed and also a decreased mortality from respiratory diseases. There was no excess of deaths from leukaemia or other cancers as recently reported from the United States and as implied by the hypothesis that veterinary surgeons are unusually exposed to oncogenic viruses.  相似文献   

A search of the Home Office index of notified drug addicts identified 1499 deaths during 1967-81, of which 226 (15%) were of therapeutic addicts--that is, patients who had become addicted during medical treatment with a notifiable drug--and 1273 (85%) were of non-therapeutic addicts. The crude mortality fell from 23.5/1000/year for the period 1968-70 to 18.4/1000/year for 1978-80. Altogether 416 addicts aged under 50 at notification died after 1972, which was 16 times the number of deaths expected in a population with a similar age and sex composition. A more detailed examination of the cohorts of addicts notified each year showed little variation between them in the first two years of follow up. Nineteen addicts (1.6%) had died by 31 December of the year of their notification and 39 (3.3%) one year later. These figures may be an indication of the clinical course of addiction. Most deaths of non-therapeutic addicts in which a drug was implicated (939 cases (74%] were due to medically prescribed drugs--barbiturates at first and later opiates such as dipipanone hydrochloride and dextromoramide. Heroin was implicated in only 65 (7%) of these deaths. The Home Office index is a valuable source for identifying drugs of abuse and serious problems of addiction. The fact that prescribed drugs are causing the death of so many addicts demands a response from the medical profession.  相似文献   

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