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Kinesin-like calmodulin-binding protein (KCBP) is a novel member of the kinesin superfamily that is involved in cell division and trichome morphogenesis. KCBP is unique among all known kinesins in having a myosin tail homology-4 region in the N-terminal tail and a calmodulin-binding region following the motor domain. Calcium, through calmodulin, has been shown to negatively regulate the interaction of KCBP with microtubules. Here we have used the yeast two-hybrid system to identify the proteins that interact with the tail region of KCBP. A protein kinase (KCBP-interacting protein kinase (KIPK)) was found to interact specifically with the tail region of KCBP. KIPK is related to a group of protein kinases specific to plants that has an additional sequence between subdomains VII and VIII of the conserved C-terminal catalytic domain and an extensive N-terminal region. The catalytic domain alone of KIPK interacted weakly with the N-terminal KCBP protein but strongly with full-length KCBP, whereas the noncatalytic region did not interact with either protein. The interaction of KCBP with KIPK was confirmed using coprecipitation assays. Using bacterially expressed full-length and truncated proteins, we have shown that the catalytic domain is capable of phosphorylating itself. The association of KIPK with KCBP suggests regulation of KCBP or KCBP-associated proteins by phosphorylation and/or that KCBP is involved in targeting KIPK to its proper cellular location.  相似文献   

TCH3 is an Arabidopsis t ou ch ( TCH ) gene isolated as a result of its strong and rapid upregulation in response to mechanical stimuli, such as touch and wind. TCH3 encodes an unusual calcium ion-binding protein that is closely related to calmodulin but has the potential to bind six calcium ions. Here it is shown that TCH3 shows a restricted pattern of accumulation during Arabidopsis vegetative development. These data provide insight into the endogenous signals that may regulate TCH3 expression and the sites of TCH3 action. TCH3 is abundant in the shoot apical meristem, vascular tissue, the root columella and pericycle cells that give rise to lateral roots. In addition, TCH3 accumulation in cells of developing shoots and roots closely correlates with the process of cellular expansion. Following wind stimulation, TCH3 becomes more abundant in specific regions including the branchpoints of leaf primordia and stipules, pith parenchyma, and the vascular tissue. The consequences of TCH3 upregulation by wind are therefore spatially restricted and TCH3 may function at these sites to modify cell or tissue characteristics following mechanical stimulation. Because TCH3 accumulates specifically in cells and tissues that are thought to be under the influence of auxin, auxin levels may regulate TCH3 expression during development. TCH3 is upregulated in response to low levels of exogenous indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), but not by inactive auxin-related compounds. These results suggest that TCH3 protein may play roles in mediating physiological responses to auxin and mechanical environmental stimuli.  相似文献   

Kinetic analysis of 45Ca2+ uptake by rat brain mitochondria in Ca2+ - 1,2-bis(o-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid buffers indicated that spermine both increased the apparent affinity for Ca2+ and decreased the cooperativity of uptake. Both effects are consistent with an allosteric activation of uptake by spermine. The stimulating effect of spermine on 45Ca2+ uptake was maximal with mitochondria from postnatal day 10 animals and then steadily decreased with increasing age to reach adult values by approximately 30 postnatal days; this was observed independently of the substrates used to fuel mitochondria. Mitochondrial Ca2+ buffering was also analyzed by use of a Ca2+-selective electrode. Addition of a large bolus of Ca2+ produced a decrease in the subsequent equilibrium extramitochondrial Ca2+ concentration (or a "rebound overshoot") under some conditions. It is proposed that this effect is the result of an allosteric activation of Ca2+ uptake by Ca2+. This effect was slowly reversible, or hysteretic, and was blocked by spermine. The overshoot was increased in the presence of higher concentrations of Mg2+ and was absent when mitochondria were incubated with 0.3 mM Mg2+. It was maximal in mitochondria prepared from early postnatal brain, and changes in the magnitude of the effect during development paralleled those obtained with spermine stimulation of 45Ca2+ uptake. The data suggest that spermine produces an allosteric activation of Ca2+ uptake by binding to the same regulatory sites that are involved in the Ca2+-induced activation. The results as a whole suggest that spermine could modulate mitochondrial buffering of the intracellular Ca2+ concentration in brain, particularly during the early postnatal period.  相似文献   

The toxicity of Cd2+in vivo during the early phases of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) seed germination and the in vitro Cd2+ effect on radish calmodulin (CaM) were studied. Cd2+ was taken up in the embryo axes of radish seeds; the increase in fresh weight of embryo axes after 24 h of incubation was inhibited significantly in the presence of 10 mmol m?3 Cd2+ in the external medium, when the Cd2+ content in the embryo axes was c. 1.1 μmol g?1 FW. The reabsorption of K+, which characterizes germination, was inhibited by Cd2+, suggesting that Cd2+ affected metabolic reactivation. The slight effect of Cd2+ on the transmembrane electric potential of the cortical cells of the embryo axes excluded a generalized toxicity of Cd2+ at the plasma membrane level. After 24 h of incubation, Cd2+ induced no increase in total acid-soluble thiols and Cd2+-binding peptides able to reduce Cd2+ toxicity. Ca2+ added to the incubation medium partially reversed the Cd2+-induced inhibition of the increase in fresh weight of embryo axes and concomitantly reduced Cd2+ uptake. Equilibrium dialysis experiments indicated that Cd2+ bound to CaM and competed with Ca2+ in this binding. Cd2+ inhibited the activation of Ca2+-CaM-dependent calf-brain phosphodiesterase, inhibiting the Ca2+-CaM active complex. Cd2+ reduced the binding of CaM to the Ca2+-CaM binding enzymes present in the soluble fraction of the embryo axes of radish seeds. The possibility that Cd2+ toxicity in radish seed germination is mediated by the action of Cd2+ on Ca2+-CaM is discussed in relation to the in vivo and in vitro effects of Cd2+.  相似文献   

In order to test the hypothesis that slowly activating vacuolar (SV) channels mediate Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release the voltage- and Ca2+-dependence of these K+ and Ca2+- permeable channels were studied in a quantitative manner. The patch-clamp technique was applied to barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) mesophyll vacuoles in the whole vacuole and vacuolar-free patch configuration. Under symmetrical ionic conditions the current-voltage relationship of the open SV channel was characterized by a pronounced inward rectification. The single channel current amplitude was not affected by changes in cytosolic Ca2+ whereas an increase in vacuolar Ca2+ decreased the unitary current in a voltage-dependent manner. The SV channel open-probability increased with positive potentials and elevated cytosolic Ca2+, but not with elevated cytosolic Mg2+. An increase of cytosolic Ca2+ shifted the half-activation potential to more negative voltages, whereas an increase of vacuolar Ca2+ shifted the half-activation potential to more positive voltages. At physiological vacuolar Ca2+ activities (50 μM to 2 mM) changes in cytosolic Ca2+ (5 μM to 2 mM) revealed an exponential dependence of the SV channel open-probability on the electrochemical potential gradient for Ca2+ (ΔμCa). At the Ca2+ equilibrium potential (ΔμCa = 0) the open-probability was as low as 0.4%. Higher open-probabilities required net Ca2+ motive forces which would drive Ca2+ influx into the vacuole. Under conditions favouring Ca2+ release from the vacuole, however, the open-probability further decreased. Based on quantitative analysis, it was concluded that the SV channel is not suited for Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release from the vacuole.  相似文献   

Analysis of the initial rates of 45Ca2+ uptake by rat brain mitochondria in Ca2+-1,2-bis(o-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid buffers indicated that nontelencephalic mitochondria exhibited both a much less pronounced stimulatory effect of spermine and significantly more hyperbolic kinetics of Ca2+ uptake than telencephalic mitochondria. Nontelencephalic mitochondria were also markedly less susceptible to a Ca2+-induced hysteretic allosteric activation of the Ca2+ uniporter. A new Ca2+ loading procedure, which strikingly illustrates differences in mitochondrial Ca2+ buffering characteristics, is also described. In this procedure, low concentrations of Ca2+ (1, 2, or 5 microM) were repetitively added to mitochondria every 30 s while changes in free Ca2+ concentration were recorded. Spermine induced a marked attenuation of the rise in free Ca2+ level under these conditions. Steady-state rates of Ca2+ uptake were determined by a quantitative analysis of the buffering of repetitive Ca2+ additions, and, again, brain regional differences were qualitatively similar to those observed in the initial rate kinetics; Ca2+ uptake by nontelencephalic mitochondria in the steady state was markedly less responsive to stimulation by spermine and appeared to have a more hyperbolic dependence on Ca2+ in the absence of spermine. These results also suggest that there is a lag time in the activation of the uniporter by Ca2+, in addition to the hysteresis that has previously been observed in the deactivation of the uniporter.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The binding of [3H]nimodipine to purified synaptic plasma membranes (SPM) isolated from sheep brain cortex was characterized, and the effects of nimodipine, nifedipine, and (+)-verapamil on the [3H]nimodipine binding were compared to the effects on 45Ca2+ translocation under conditions that separate 45Ca2+ fluxes through Ca2+ channels from 45Ca2+ uptake via Na+/Ca2+ exchange. [3H]Nimodipine labels a single class of sites in SPM, with a KD of 0.64 +/- 0.1 nM, a Bmax of 161 +/- 27 fmol X mg-1 protein, and a Hill slope of 1.07, at 25 degrees C. Competition of [3H]nimodipine binding to purified SPM with unlabelled Ca2+ channel blockers shows that: nifedipine and nimodipine are potent competitors, with IC50 values of 4.7 nM and 5.9 nM, respectively; verapamil and (-)-D 600 are partial competitors, with biphasic competition behavior. Thus, (+)-verapamil shows an IC50 of 708 nM for the higher affinity component and the maximal inhibition is 50% of the specific binding, whereas for (-)-verapamil the IC50 is 120 nM, and the maximal inhibition is 30%; (-)-D 600 is even less potent than verapamil in inhibiting [3H]nimodipine binding (IC50 = 430 nM). However, (+)-verapamil, nifedipine, and nimodipine are less potent in inhibiting depolarization-induced 45Ca2+ influx into synaptosomes in the absence of Na+/Ca2+ exchange than in competing for [3H]nimodipine binding. Thus, (+)-verapamil inhibits Ca2+ influx by 50% at about 500 microM, whereas it inhibits 50% of the binding at concentrations 200-fold lower, and the discrepancy is even larger for the dihydropyridines. The Na+/Ca2+ exchange and the ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake by SPM vesicles are also inhibited by the Ca2+ channel blockers verapamil, nifedipine, and d-cis-diltiazem, with similar IC50 values and in the same concentration range (10(-5)-10(-3) M) at which they inhibit Ca2+ influx through Ca2+ channels. We conclude that high-affinity binding of the Ca2+ blockers by SPM is not correlated with inhibition of the Ca2+ fluxes through channels in synaptosomes under conditions of minimal Na+/Ca2+ exchange. Furthermore, the relatively high concentrations of blockers required to block the channels also inhibit Ca2+ translocation through the Ca2+-ATPase and the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger. In this study, clear differentiation is made of the effects of the Ca2+ channel blockers on these three mechanisms of moving Ca2+ across the synaptosomal membrane, and particular care is taken to separate the contribution of the Na+/Ca2+ exchange from that of the Ca2+ channels under conditions of K+ depolarization.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis thaliana plasma membrane (PM) Ca2+-ATPase is a type IIB P-type ATPase, which binds calmodulin (CaM) to an autoinhibitory N-terminal domain. Here, we took advantage of the fact that PM isolated from cultured cells mainly contains At -ACA8, the first cloned A. thaliana PM Ca2+-ATPase, to analyse its interaction with CaM in detail. Analysis of the ability of different peptides designed from At -ACA8 N-terminus to compete with the native protein for binding of bovine brain CaM (bbCaM) showed that peptide 41I-T63 had the same affinity of the native protein [apparent dissociation constant (KD) at 10 µ M free Ca2+ about 25 n M ], thus localizing At -ACA8 CaM-binding site within this sequence. The interaction of At -ACA8 N-terminus with bbCaM, as determined by surface plasmon resonance, was rapid, and slowly but was fully reversible. Analysis of Ca2+-ATPase activation as a function of the concentration of different isoforms of A. thaliana CaM showed that Ca2+-ATPase is activated to similar extent by bbCaM and by different isoforms of homologous CaM. However, the affinity for the divergent A. thaliana isoform CaM8 was lower than that for canonical CaM isoforms such as A. thaliana CaM2, CaM4 and CaM6 or bbCaM. The apparent KD for CaM isoforms of the native enzyme increased with the decrease of free Ca2+ concentration, suggesting that enzyme conformation is affected by Ca2+. Binding of CaM isoforms to At -ACA8 N-terminus was affected differently by free Ca2+ concentration, suggesting that plant CaMs may have different affinities for Ca2+.  相似文献   

Exposure of chromaffin cells to digitonin causes the loss of many cytosolic proteins. Here we report that scinderin (a Ca(2+)-dependent actin-filament-severing protein), but not gelsolin, is among the proteins that leak out from digitonin-permeabilized cells. Chromaffin cells that were exposed to increasing concentrations (15-40 microM) of digitonin for 5 min released scinderin into the medium. One-minute treatment with 20 microM digitonin was enough to detect scinderin in the medium, and scinderin leakage levelled off after 10 min of permeabilization. Elevation of free Ca2+ concentration in the permeabilizing medium produced a dose-dependent retention of scinderin. Results were confirmed by immunofluorescence microscopy of digitonin-permeabilized cells. Subcellular fractionation of permeabilized cells showed that scinderin leakage was mainly from the cytoplasm (80%); the remaining scinderin (20%) was from the microsomal fraction. Other Ca(2+)-binding proteins released by digitonin and also retained by Ca2+ were calmodulin, protein kinase C, and calcineurins A and B. Scinderin leakage was parallel to the loss of the chromaffin cell secretory response. Permeabilization in the presence of increasing free Ca2+ concentrations produced a concomitant enhancement in the subsequent Ca(2+)-dependent catecholamine release. The experiments suggest that: (1) scinderin is an intracellular target for Ca2+, (2) permeabilization of chromaffin cells with digitonin in the presence of micromolar Ca2+ concentrations retained Ca(2+)-binding proteins including scinderin, and (3) the retention of these proteins may be related to the increase in the subsequent Ca(2+)-dependent catecholamine release observed in permeabilized chromaffin cells.  相似文献   

Betula papyrifera Marsh, seedlings adapted very poorly to flooding for up to 60 days. Responses to flooding included increased ethylene production; stomatal closure; leaf senescence; drastic inhibition of shoot growth, cambial growth, and root growth; decay of roots, and death of many seedlings. Flooding inhibited growth of leaves that formed prior to flooding, inhibited formation of new leaves, and induced abscission of old leaves. As a result of extensive leaf abscission, fewer leaves were present after flooding than before flooding was initiated. The drastic reduction in leaf area was associated with greatly decreased growth of the lower stem and roots. No evidence was found of adaptive morphological changes to flooding. The data indicate that intolerance of B. papyrifera seedlings to flooding is an important barrier to regeneration of the species on sites subject to periodic inundation.  相似文献   

Abstract: Increasing extracellular pH from 7.4 to 8.5 caused a dramatic increase in the time required to recover from a glutamate (3 µ M , for 15 s)-induced increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) in indo-1-loaded cultured cortical neurons. Recovery time in pH 7.4 HEPES-buffered saline solution (HBSS) was 126 ± 30 s, whereas recovery time was 216 ± 19 s when the pH was increased to 8.5. Removal of extracellular Ca2+ did not inhibit the prolongation of recovery caused by increasing pH. Extracellular alkalinization caused rapid intracellular alkalinization following glutamate exposure, suggesting that pH 8.5 HBSS may delay Ca2+ recovery by affecting intraneuronal Ca2+ buffering mechanisms, rather than an exclusively extracellular effect. The effect of pH 8.5 HBSS on Ca2+ recovery was similar to the effect of the mitochondrial uncoupler carbonyl cyanide p -(trifluoromethoxyphenyl)hydrazone (FCCP; 750 n M ). However, pH 8.5 HBSS did not have a quantitative effect on mitochondrial membrane potential comparable to that of FCCP in neurons loaded with a potential-sensitive fluorescent indicator, 5,5',6,6'-tetrachloro-1,1',3,3'-tetraethylbenzimidazolocarbocyanine iodide (JC-1). We found that the effect of pH 8.5 HBSS on Ca2+ recovery was completely inhibited by the mitochondrial Na+/Ca2+ exchange inhibitor CGP-37157 (25 µ M ). This suggests that increased mitochondrial Ca2+ efflux via the mitochondrial Na2+/Ca2+ exchanger is responsible for the prolongation of [Ca2+]i recovery caused by alkaline pH following glutamate exposure.  相似文献   

Abstract: We examined protein kinase C (PKC) activity in Ca2+-dependent PKC (Ca2+-dependent PKC activities) and Ca2+-independent PKC (Ca2+-independent PKC activities) assay conditions in brains from Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients and age-matched controls. In cytosolic and membranous fractions, Ca2+-dependent and Ca2+-independent PKC activities were significantly lower in AD brain than in control brain. In particular, reduction of Ca2+-independent PKC activity in the membranous fraction of AD brain was most enhanced when cardiolipin, the optimal stimulator of PKC-ε, was used in the assay; whereas Ca2+-independent PKC activity stimulated by phosphatidylinositol, the optimal stimulator of PKC-δ, was not significantly reduced in AD. Further studies on the protein levels of Ca2+-independent PKC-δ, PKC-ε, and PKC-ζ in AD brain revealed reduction of the PKC-ε level in both cytosolic and membranous fractions, although PKC-δ and PKC-ζ levels were not changed. These findings indicated that Ca2+-dependent and Ca2+-independent PKC are changed in AD, and that among Ca2+-independent PKC isozymes, the alteration of PKC-ε is a specific event in AD brain, suggesting its crucial role in AD pathophysiology.  相似文献   

The relationship between intrasynaptosomal total (CaT) and free ([Ca2+]i) calcium and 45Ca accumulation was studied under physiological and K(+)-depolarised conditions in rat cortical synaptosomes. Under physiological conditions, CaT (10.7 mM) was approximately 10,000 times higher than [Ca2+]i (118 nM), showing that there is a large reservoir of sequestered calcium in synaptosomes. 45Ca accumulation was rapid (initial rate, 3.4 nmol/mg protein/min), substantial (7 nmol/mg protein in 2 min), and depolarisation dependent, and reached equilibrium after 5 min. At equilibrium, only 10% of CaT was freely exchangeable. This pool was much larger than the free Ca2+ pool. CaT, [Ca2+]i, and 45Ca accumulations were directly related to the Ca2+ concentration in the buffer, suggesting that [Ca2+]i is not highly conserved but is maintained by simple equilibria between the various pools. Clonidine reduced 45Ca accumulation in a time- and dose-dependent manner. Maximum inhibition (40% at 100 microM) occurred at 2 min and the IC50 was 80 nM. The reduction caused by clonidine (1 microM) reached equilibrium after 5 min, but this equilibrium value was lower than in controls, suggesting that clonidine changes the exchangeable Ca2+ pool size. The effects of clonidine (1 microM) on [Ca2+]i (26% reduction) and on 45Ca accumulation (24% reduction) were most apparent under physiological conditions. However, while it was not dependent on depolarisation, it did not occur in physiological buffer containing low K+ concentration (0.1-1 mM). The inhibitory effect of clonidine on 45Ca accumulation is receptor mediated as it was antagonised by idazoxan (1 microM).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) activity stimulated by Ca2+ or Mg2+ was characterized in spinal nerve and spinal sensory ganglion of bullfrog. Enzyme activity of homogenates from both sources reached a maximum at a 1-2 mM concentration of either cation, although the level of maximal activity in nerve trunks was approximately twice that in ganglia. Enzyme activation was not observed with 2 mM-Sr2+ or Ba2+. Co2+ or Mn2+, at 2 mM, depressed Ca2+ activation of the enzyme by 50-60% in nerve but had no inhibitory effect on ganglia activity. In intact spinal ganglion/spinal nerve preparations, incubated for 20 h in medium containing 0.2 mM-Co2+, no effect was detected on Ca2+/Mg2+ ATPase activity in ganglia or nerve trunks whereas fast axonal transport was inhibited by 80%. Incubation in medium containing 0.02 mM-Hg2+ depressed enzyme activity in ganglia by 64% and in nerve trunks by 44%, whereas fast transport was again inhibited by 80%. When only nerve trunks were exposed to these ions, Hg2+ but not Co2+ was observed to slow the rate of fast axonal transport. The divalent cation specificity of the Ca2+/Mg2+ ATPase activity is distinct from the ion specificities, determined in previous work, of the Ca2+ requirement during initiation of fast axonal transport in the soma, and of the Ca2+ requirement during translocation in the axon. Thus, previous observations of Ca2+-dependent events in fast axonal transport cannot be taken per se to suggest the involvement of Ca2+/Mg+ ATPase in the transport process.  相似文献   

We report here characterization of calmodulin-stimulated Ca2+ transport activities in synaptic plasma membranes (SPM). The calcium transport activity consists of a Ca2+-stimulated, Mg2+-dependent ATP hydrolysis coupled with ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake into membraneous sacs on the cytosolic face of the synaptosomal membrane. These transport activities have been found in synaptosomal subfractions to be located primarily in SPM-1 and SPM-2. Both Ca2+-ATPase and ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake require calmodulin for maximal activity (KCm for ATPase = 60 nM; KCm for uptake = 50 nM). In the reconstituted membrane system, KCa was found to be 0.8 microM for Ca2+-ATPase and 0.4 microM for Ca2+ uptake. These results demonstrate for the first time the calmodulin requirements for the Ca2+ pump in SPM when Ca2+ ATPase and Ca2+ uptake are assayed under functionally coupled conditions. They suggest that calmodulin association with the membrane calcium pump is regulated by the level of free Ca2+ in the cytoplasm. The activation by calmodulin, in turn, regulates the cytosolic Ca2+ levels in a feedback process. These studies expand the calmodulin hypothesis of synaptic transmission to include activation of a high-affinity Ca2+ + Mg2+ ATPase as a regulator for cytosolic Ca2+.  相似文献   

In frozen-thawed repeatedly washed rat cortical synaptic membranes, Ca2+ (1-5 mM) decreased the binding of [3H]muscimol whereas it increased the binding of [3H]gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). However, the binding of [3H]GABA was decreased by the same extent as the binding of [3H]muscimol when the membranes were incubated with baclofen (a selective ligand for the GABAB binding site) and Ca2+. Scatchard analysis of [3H]muscimol binding revealed that Ca2+ reduced the density of GABA binding sites without affecting the dissociation constant. Ca2+ was more potent than Ba2+, Mg2+ was ineffective, and the Ca2+ antagonist La3+ stimulated [3H]muscimol binding. The inhibition of [3H]muscimol binding by Ca2+ was not influenced by calmodulin (50 micrograms/ml), trifluoperazine (10(-5) M), verapamil (10(-6) M), quinacrine (10(-4) M), cordycepin (0.1 mM), leupeptin (20 microM), or soybean trypsin inhibitor (0.1 mg/ml). Moreover, the effect of Ca2+ was additive to that of GABA-modulin. These results indicate that Ca2+ decreases the number of GABAA binding sites while unveiling GABAB binding sites.  相似文献   

Two Ca2+ transport systems were investigated in plasma membrane vesicles isolated from sheep brain cortex synaptosomes by hypotonic lysis and partial purification. Synaptic plasma membrane vesicles loaded with Na+ (Na+i) accumulate Ca2+ in exchange for Na+, provided that a Na+ gradient (in leads to out) is present. Agents that dissipate the Na+ gradient (monensin) prevent the Na+/Ca2+ exchange completely. Ca2+ accumulated by Na+/Ca2+ exchange can be released by A 23187, indicating that Ca2+ is accumulated intravesicularly. In the absence of any Na+ gradient (K+i-loaded vesicles), the membrane vesicles also accumulate Ca2+ owing to ATP hydrolysis. Monovalent cations stimulate Na+/Ca2+ exchange as well as the ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake activity. Taking the value for Na+/Ca2+ exchange in the presence of choline chloride (external cation) as reference, other monovalent cations in the external media have the following effects: K+ or NH4+ stimulates Na+/Ca2+ exchange; Li+ or Cs+ inhibits Na+/Ca2+ exchange. The ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport system is stimulated by increasing K+ concentrations in the external medium (Km for K+ is 15 mM). Replacing K+ by Na+ in the external medium inhibits the ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake, and this effect is due more to the reduction of K+ than to the elevation of Na+. The results suggest that synaptic membrane vesicles isolated from sheep brain cortex synaptosomes possess mechanisms for Na+/Ca2+ exchange and ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake, whose activity may be regulated by monovalent cations, specifically K+, at physiological concentrations.  相似文献   

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