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Dong H  Deng Y  Mu J  Lu Q  Wang Y  Xu Y  Chu C  Chong K  Lu C  Zuo J 《Cell research》2007,17(5):458-470
Carotenoids, a class of natural pigments found in all photosynthetic organisms, are involved in a variety of physiological processes, including coloration, photoprotection, biosynthesis of abscisic acid (ABA) and chloroplast biogenesis. Although carotenoid biosynthesis has been well studied biochemically, the genetic basis of the pathway is not well understood. Here, we report the characterization of two allelic Arabidopsis mutants, spontaneous cell death1-1 (spcl-1) and spc1-2. The weak allele spc1-1 mutant showed characteristics of bleached leaves, accumulation of superoxide and mosaic cell death. The strong mutant allele spc1-2 caused a complete arrest of plant growth and development shortly after germination, leading to a seedling-lethal phenotype. Genetic and molecular analyses indicated that SPC1 encodes a putative ζ-carotene desaturase (ZDS) in the carotenoid biosynthesis pathway. Analysis of carotenoids revealed that several major carotenoid compounds downstream of SPC 1/ZDS were substantially reduced in spc1-1, suggesting that SPC 1 is a functional ZDS. Consistent with the downregulated expression of CAO and PORB, the chlorophyll content was decreased in spc1-1 plants. In addition, expression of Lhcb1. 1, Lhcbl. 4 and RbcS was absent in spc1-2, suggesting the possible involvement of carotenoids in the plastid-to-nucleus retrograde signaling. The spc1-1 mutant also displays an ABA-deficient phenotype that can be partially rescued by the externally supplied phytohormone. These results suggest that SPC1/ZDS is essential for biosynthesis of carotenoids and plays a crucial role in plant growth and development.  相似文献   

A male-sterile mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana was isolated by T-DNA tagging screening. Using transmission electron microscopy analysis, we revealed that the microspores of this mutant did not have normal thick primexine on the microspore at the tetrad stage. Instead, a moderately electron-dense layer formed around the microspores. Although microspores without normal primexine failed to form a proper reticulate exine pattern at later stages, sporopollenin was deposited and an exine-like hackly structure was observed on the microspores during the microspore stage. Thus, this mutant was named hackly microspore (hkm). It is speculated that the moderately electron-dense layer was primexine, which partially played its role in sporopollenin deposition onto the microspore. Cytological analysis revealed that the tapetum of the hkm mutant was significantly vacuolated, and that vacuolated tapetal cells crushed the microspores, resulting in the absence of pollen grains within the anther at anthesis. Single nucleotide polymorphism analysis demonstrated that the hkm mutation exists within the MS1 gene, which has been reportedly expressed within the tapetum. Our results suggest that the critical process of primexine formation is under sporophytic control .  相似文献   

Somatic embryogenesis is an obvious experimental evidence of totipotency, and is used as a model system for studying the mechanisms of de-differentiation and re-differentiation of plant cells. Although Arabidopsis is widely used as a model plant for genetic and molecular biological studies, there is no available tissue culture system for inducing somatic embryogenesis from somatic cells in this plant. We established a new tissue culture system using stress treatment to induce somatic embryogenesis in Arabidopsis. In this system, stress treatment induced formation of somatic embryos from shoot-apical-tip and floral-bud explants. The somatic embryos grew into young plantlets with normal morphology, including cotyledons, hypocotyls, and roots, and some embryo-specific genes (ABI3 and FUS3) were expressed in these embryos. Several stresses (osmotic, heavy metal ion, and dehydration stress) induced somatic embryogenesis, but the optimum stress treatment differed between different stressors. When we used mannitol to cause osmotic stress, the optimal conditions for somatic embryogenesis were 6-9 h of culture on solid B5 medium containing 0.7 m mannitol, after which the explants were transferred to B5 medium containing 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D, 4.5 microm), but no mannitol. Using this tissue culture system, we induced somatic embryogenesis in three major ecotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana-Ws, Col, and Ler.  相似文献   

Somatic embryogenesis requires auxin and establishment of the shoot apical meristem (SAM). WUSCHEL ( WUS ) is critical for stem cell fate determination in the SAM of higher plants. However, regulation of WUS expression by auxin during somatic embryogenesis is poorly understood. Here, we show that expression of several regulatory genes important in zygotic embryogenesis were up-regulated during somatic embryogenesis of Arabidopsis. Interestingly, WUS expression was induced within the embryonic callus at a time when somatic embryos could not be identified morphologically or molecularly. Correct WUS expression, regulated by a defined critical level of exogenous auxin, is essential for somatic embryo induction. Furthermore, it was found that auxin gradients were established in specific regions that could then give rise to somatic embryos. The establishment of auxin gradients was correlated with the induced WUS expression. Moreover, the auxin gradients appear to activate PIN1 polar localization within the embryonic callus. Polarized PIN1 is probably responsible for the observed polar auxin transport and auxin accumulation in the SAM and somatic embryo. Suppression of WUS and PIN1 indicated that both genes are necessary for embryo induction through their regulation of downstream gene expression. Our results reveal that establishment of auxin gradients and PIN1-mediated polar auxin transport are essential for WUS induction and somatic embryogenesis. This study sheds new light on how auxin regulates stem cell formation during somatic embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Yingkun Luo  Hans-Ulrich Koop 《Planta》1997,202(3):387-396
Immature zygotic embryos of six ecotypes (Nd-0, Ler, C24, Col-0, Nossen, Ws-2) of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. were cultured in vitro. The same ecotypes, except Nossen, were used for studies on leaf protoplast culture. Experimental conditions for the induction of somatic embryos were established in both culture systems. In the case of immature zygotic embryos, the parameters investigated were the influence of developmental stage of the explant, the ecotypes used, and various concentrations and combinations of growth regulatory substances (phytohormones). In the ecotype Ler, structures were discovered which were very similar to those found in the early stages of zygotic embryogenesis: globular structures at the end of a suspensor-like single file of cells were frequently observed. In the case of leaf protoplasts, high efficiencies of colony formation and plant regeneration occurred in Ws-2 and C24. A novel type of cell division pattern was found in Col-0 and C24, again highly reminiscent of the early division patterns in zygotic embryos. Similarities and differences between zygotic and somatic embryogenesis are discussed. Received: 2 August 1996 / Accepted: 4 February 1997  相似文献   

Antifolates can impair the synthesis and/or function of folates in living organisms. Mechanisms of resistance or tolerance to antifolates have been mainly described in plants using the drug methotrexate. In this work, the antifolate trimethoprim (TMP) was used with the aim of revealing a novel mechanism of resistance. EMS mutagenised seeds from Arabidopsis were screened to isolate individuals insensitive to TMP. Genetic analysis revealed a homozygous recessive mutation that segregates with the phenotype of tolerance to 50 μm TMP. Mapping analysis localised the mutation at the end of the short arm of chromosome 3. Preliminary characterisation demonstrated up‐regulation of several genes from the folate biosynthetic pathway in the TMP insensitive mutant, and a slight increase in total folate content in the mutant as compared with the Col‐0 control. Moreover, sequence analysis of the DHFR (dihydrofolate reductase) genes, which encode a known target for resistance to antifolates, did not reveal any changes. This study is the first report of a stable mutant insensitive (afi1) to the antifolate trimethoprim in plants, and suggests the existence of a novel mechanism of resistance to antifolates.  相似文献   

Considerable progress has been made in understanding the influence of physical and genetic factors on the patterns of cell division in various model systems. However, how each of these factors directs changes in subcellular structures has remained unclear. Generic machineries for the execution of cell expansion and division have been characterized, but how these are influenced by genetic regulators and physical cell properties remains an open question. To a large degree, the complexity of growing post‐embryonic tissues and a lack of precise predictability have prevented the extraction of rigid correlations between subcellular structures and future orientation of cell division. The Arabidopsis embryo offers an exquisitely predictable and simple model for studying such correlations, but so far the tools and methodology for studying subcellular structures in the early embryo have been lacking. Here, we describe a set of markers to visualize a range of subcellular structures in the early Arabidopsis embryo. We have designed a series of fluorescent cellular reporters optimized for embryos, and demonstrate the effectiveness of using these ‘ACE’ reporters with simple three‐dimensional imaging procedures that preserve delicate cellular structures. We describe the ontogeny of subcellular structures in the early embryo and find that central/peripheral cell polarity is established much earlier than suspected. In addition, we show that the actin and microtubule cytoskeleton has distinct topologies in the embryo. These tools and methods will allow detailed analysis of the events of cellular reorganization that underlie morphogenesis in the Arabidopsis embryo.  相似文献   

Cullin (CUL)-dependent ubiquitin ligases form a class of structurally related multisubunit enzymes that control the rapid and selective degradation of important regulatory proteins involved in cell cycle progression and development, among others. The CUL3-BTB ligases belong to this class of enzymes and despite recent findings on their molecular composition, our knowledge on their functions and substrates remains still very limited. In contrast to budding and fission yeast, CUL3 is an essential gene in metazoans. The model plant Arabidopsis thaliana encodes two related CUL3 genes, called CUL3A and CUL3B. We recently reported that cul3a loss-of-function mutants are viable but exhibit a mild flowering and light sensitivity phenotype. We investigated the spatial and temporal expression of the two CUL3 genes in reproductive tissues and found that their expression patterns are largely overlapping suggesting possible functional redundancy. Thus, we investigated the consequences on plant development of combined Arabidopsis cul3a cul3b loss-of-function mutations. Homozygous cul3b mutant plants developed normally and were fully fertile. However, the disruption of both the CUL3A and CUL3B genes reduced gametophytic transmission and caused embryo lethality. The observed embryo abortion was found to be under maternal control. Arrest of embryogenesis occurred at multiple stages of embryo development, but predominantly at the heart stage. At the cytological level, CUL3 loss-of-function mutations affected both embryo pattern formation and endosperm development.  相似文献   

The kinetics of wilt-induced abscisic acid (ABA) biosynthesis were investigated in shoots of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh Landsberg erecta. ABA concentrations were measured using a radioimmunoassay (RIA) based on the monoclonal antibody MAC 252, and the RIA validated by comparison with combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry using a [2H3] labelled internal standard. The basal ABA content of Arabidopsis shoots was ca 10 ng g?1 fresh weight; the concentrations had increased ca 4-fold within 30 min of the initiation of wilting, increased ca 8-fold after 4 h and 11-fold after 8 h. This stress-induced ABA production was dependent on de novo gene expression; pre-treatment of leaves and shoots with the metabolic inhibitors cordycepin and cycloheximide reduced the rate of subsequent stress-induced ABA biosynthesis from 12.5 ng g?1 h?1 to 1 ng g?1 h?1 and 0 ng g?1 h?1, respectively. In vitro translation of mRNA isolated from shoots subjected to wilting or ABA treatment followed by one-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed only minor changes. The effects of wilting and ABA on the content of total ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase small sub-unit (rbcS) mRNA were also determined. Both wilting and exogenous ABA resulted in a substantial reduction in the amount of rbcS mRNA, an effect readily reversed by rehydration of wilted shoots. However, the effects of wilting were not mediated solely by newly-synthesised endogenous ABA, as wilting also reduced rbcS mRNA levels in the ABA-deficient aba-1 mutant, which did not produce ABA in response to loss of turgor. The amount of rbcS mRNA was higher in aba-1 shoots, suggesting that cellular rbcS mRNA levels are normally down-regulated by ABA. Cold treatment induced ABA production in wild type shoots only, but resulted in an increased rbcS mRNA content of both wild type and aba-1 shoots.  相似文献   

Xylan, cellulose and lignin are the three major components of secondary walls in wood, and elucidation of the biosynthetic pathway of xylan is of importance for potential modification of secondary wall composition to produce wood with improved properties. So far, three Arabidopsis glycosyltransferases, FRAGILE FIBER8, IRREGULAR XYLEM8 and IRREGULAR XYLEM9, have been implicated in glucuronoxylan (GX) biosynthesis. In this study, we demonstrate that PARVUS, which is a member of family GT8, is required for the biosynthesis of the tetrasaccharide primer sequence, beta-D-Xyl-(1 --> 3)-alpha-l-Rha-(1 --> 2)-alpha-D-GalA-(1 --> 4)-D-Xyl, located at the reducing end of GX. The PARVUS gene is expressed during secondary wall biosynthesis in fibers and vessels, and its encoded protein is predominantly localized in the endoplasmic reticulum. Mutation of the PARVUS gene leads to a drastic reduction in secondary wall thickening and GX content. Structural analysis of GX using (1)H-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy revealed that the parvus mutation causes a loss of the tetrasaccharide primer sequence at the reducing end of GX and an absence of glucuronic acid side chains in GX. Activity assay showed that the xylan xylosyltransferase and glucuronyltransferase activities were not affected in the parvus mutant. Together, these findings implicate a possible role for PARVUS in the initiation of biosynthesis of the GX tetrasaccharide primer sequence and provide novel insights into the mechanisms of GX biosynthesis.  相似文献   

In plants, ethanolamine is considered a precursor for the synthesis of choline, which is an essential dietary nutrient for animals. An enzyme serine decarboxylase (SDC) has been identified and characterized in Arabidopsis, which directly converts serine to ethanolamine, a precursor to phosphorylethanolamine and its subsequent metabolites in plants. However, the importance of SDC and ethanolamine production in plant growth and development remains unclear. Here, we show that SDC is required for ethanolamine biosynthesis in vivo and essential in plant embryogenesis in Arabidopsis. The knockout of SDC1 caused an embryonic lethal defect due to the developmental arrest of the embryos at the heart stage. During embryo development, the expression was observed at the later stages, at which developmental defect occurred in the knockout mutant. Overexpression of SDC1 in planta increased levels of ethanolamine, phosphatidylethanolamine, and phosphatidylcholine both in leaves and siliques. These results suggest that SDC1 plays an essential role in ethanolamine biosynthesis during the embryogenesis in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

In this study, metabolite profiling was demonstrated as a usefultool to plot a specific metabolic pathway, which is regulatedby phytochrome A (phyA). Etiolated Arabidopsis wild-type (WT)and phyA mutant seedlings were irradiated with either far-redlight (FR) or white light (W). Primary metabolites of the irradiatedseedlings were profiled by gas chromatography time-of-flightmass spectrometry (GC/TOF-MS) to obtain new insights on phyA-regulatedmetabolic pathways. Comparison of metabolite profiles in phyAand WT seedlings grown under FR revealed a number of metabolitesthat contribute to the differences between phyA and the WT.Several metabolites, including some amino acids, organic acids,and major sugars, as well as putrescine, were found in smalleramounts in WT compared with the content in phyA seedlings grownunder FR. There were also significant differences between metaboliteprofiles of WT and phyA seedlings during de-etiolation underW. The polyamine biosynthetic pathway was investigated further,because putrescine, one of the polyamines existing in a widevariety of living organisms, was found to be present in loweramounts in WT than in phyA under both light conditions. Theexpression levels of polyamine biosynthesis-related genes wereinvestigated by quantitative real-time RT-PCR. The gene expressionprofiles revealed that the arginine decarboxylase 2 (ADC2) genewas transcribed less in the WT than in phyA seedlings underboth light conditions. This finding suggests that ADC2 is negativelyregulated by phyA during photomorphogenesis. In addition, S-adenosylmethioninedecarboxylase 2 and 4 (SAMDC2 and SAMDC4) were found to be regulatedby phyA but in a different manner from the regulation of ADC2. Key words: Arabidopsis thaliana, gene expression profiling, metabolite profiling, phytochrome A, polyamine biosynthesis Received 19 October 2007; Revised 17 January 2008 Accepted 18 January 2008  相似文献   

Mannans are hemicellulosic polysaccharides that have previously been implicated as structural constituents of cell walls and as storage reserves but which may serve other functions during plant growth and development. Several members of the Arabidopsis cellulose synthase-like A (CSLA) family have previously been shown to synthesise mannan polysaccharides in vitro when heterologously expressed. It has also been found that CSLA7 is essential for embryogenesis, suggesting a role for the CSLA7 product in development. To determine whether the CSLA proteins are responsible for glucomannan synthesis in vivo , we characterised insertion mutants in each of the nine Arabidopsis CSLA genes and several double and triple mutant combinations. csla9 mutants showed substantially reduced glucomannan, and triple csla2csla3csla9 mutants lacked detectable glucomannan in stems. Nevertheless, these mutants showed no alteration in stem development or strength. Overexpression of CSLA2, CSLA7 and CSLA9 increased the glucomannan content in stems. Increased glucomannan synthesis also caused defective embryogenesis, leading to delayed development and occasional embryo death. The embryo lethality of csla7 was complemented by overexpression of CSLA9 , suggesting that the glucomannan products are similar. We conclude that CSLA2, CSLA3 and CSLA9 are responsible for the synthesis of all detectable glucomannan in Arabidopsis stems, and that CSLA7 synthesises glucomannan in embryos. These results are inconsistent with a substantial role for glucomannan in wall strength in Arabidopsis stems, but indicate that glucomannan levels affect embryogenesis. Together with earlier heterologous expression studies, the glucomannan deficiency observed in csla mutant plants demonstrates that the CSLA family encodes glucomannan synthases.  相似文献   

在拟南芥生态型LandsbergErecta体细胞胚胎发生体系的胚性愈伤组织中观察到2种类型的体细胞减数分裂现象。一种是体细胞染色体减数分组,其中,处于前期或中期的细胞染色体分为2个或2个以上的组。其共同特点是,染色体直接分开,未观察到纺锤体,从染色体的形态也看不出纺锤体的作用。染色体减数分组较多发生于多倍体细胞中。另一种类型是体细胞减数分裂,这种类型类似于大小孢子发生过程的减数分裂,如第一次分裂前期也有染色体的联会和配对。在脱分化培养基上的胚性愈伤组织中,单倍体细胞约占3%,四倍体细胞约占4%。经体细胞类减数分裂产生的细胞都发生染色体重组。  相似文献   

It is during embryogenesis that the body plan of the developing plant is established. Analysis of gene expression during embryogenesis has been limited due to the technical difficulty of accessing the developing embryo. Here we demonstrate that laser capture microdissection can be applied to the analysis of embryogenesis. We show how this technique can be used in concert with DNA microarray for the large-scale analysis of gene expression in apical and basal domains of the globular-stage and heart-stage embryo, respectively, when critical events of polarity, symmetry and biochemical differentiation are established. This high resolution spatial analysis shows that up to approximately 65% of the genome is expressed in the developing embryo, and that differential expression of a number of gene classes can be detected. We discuss the validity of this approach for the functional analysis of both published and previously uncharacterized essential genes.  相似文献   

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