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Kinetic models of the F0F1-ATPase able to transport H+ or/and Na+ ions are proposed. It is assumed that (i) H+ and Na+ compete for the same binding sites, (ii) ion translocation through F0 is coupled to the rate-limiting step of the F1-catalyzed reaction. The main characteristics of the dependences of ATP synthesis and hydrolysis rates on Δφ, ΔpH, and ΔpNa are predicted for various versions of the coupling model. The mechanism of the switchover from \(\Delta \bar \mu _{H^ + } \) -dependent synthesis to the \(\Delta \bar \mu _{Na^ + } \) -dependent one is demonstrated. It is shown that even with a drastic drop in \(\Delta \bar \mu _{H^ + } \) , ATP hydrolysis by the proton mode of catalysis can be effectively inhibited by Δφ and ΔpNa. The results obtained strongly support the possibility that the same F0F1-ATPase in bacterial cells can utilize both \(\Delta \bar \mu _{H^ + } \) and \(\Delta \bar \mu _{Na^ + } \) for ATP synthesis underin vivo conditions.  相似文献   

It is hypothesized that metabolic and mechanical changes in human locomotion associated with changes in speed v are constrained by two attractive strategies: $Q_{{\text{metab}}} = 1{\text{ and }}\Delta Q_{{\text{metab}}} /\Delta v = {\text{a}}$ positive definite constant. $Q_{{\text{metab}}} = \Delta {\rm E}_{\text{k}} {\text{s}}^{{\text{ - 1}}} /{\text{ml O}}_{\text{2}} {\text{s}}^{{\text{ - 1}}} $ where ΔEs?1 is the summed increments and decrements per unit time in the translational and rotational kinetic energies of the body's segments and ml O2s?1 is the rate at which chemical energy is dissipated. The expected constancy of ΔQ metab/Δv metab was derived from an extension of Ehrenfest's adiabatic hypothesis by which transformations (increases, decreases) in locomotion v can be considered as adiabatic, even though the biological conditions are nonconservative and non-rate-limited. The expected significance of Q metab=1 was derived from stability considerations of the symmetry per stride of stored and dissipated energy. An experimental evaluation was provided by collecting metabolic and mechanical measures on walking (10 subjects) and running (9 subjects) at progressively greater treadmill speeds but within the aerobic limit. Results revealed that walking was restricted to ometab ? 1 with a nonlinear trajectory in v×Q metab coordinates shaped by Q metab=1 (primarily) and the constancy of ΔQ metab/Δv. Running satisfied Q metab > 1, with a linear trajectory in v×Q metab coordinates conforming to ΔQ metab/Δv=a constant, with the constant predicted from invariants in the mechanical space v×ΔE ks?1. Results also suggested that the metabolic costs of running might be predictable from measures made in the v×ΔE ks?1 space.  相似文献   

There have been two contrasting doctrines concerning learning, more generally about acquisition of knowledge: empiricism and rationalism. The theory of learning in such a field as artificial intelligence seems to fall within the empiricist framework. On the hand, N. Chomsky and his followers have discussed, during the last decade, concerning learning, especially about language learning, from the rationalist point of view (Chomsky, 1965). The main feature in the rationalist approach toward a theory of learning lies in the speculation that in order to acquire knowledge it is indispensable for a learner to be endowed with “innate ideas”, and that “experience” in the external world are merely subsidiary types of information for the learner. If this is acceptable, we can inquire: Under what kind of innate ideas can the learner understand the structure of the external world? In our previous paper (Uesaka, Aizawa, Ebara, and Ozeki, 1973), we formalized this by introducing the mathematical notion of “learnability”, and gave a partial answer to the above inquiry. In this formalization we assumed that the set F of objects to be learned consists of mappings of N to itself, where N is the set of positive integers. Then, constructing a topological space (F, \(\mathcal{O}\) ) by an appropriate family \(\mathcal{O}\) of open sets, we observed that the notion of learnability can be well described in terms of topological properties of the learning space (F, \(\mathcal{O}\) ). Many problems must be solved, however, before we raise the theory to a complete model of the rationalist theory of learning. The topological study of the space (F, \(\mathcal{O}\) ) is, we believe, the first step toward this approach. In this context, we discuss the topological aspects of this space. Now we define \(\mathcal{O}\) as follows: By N 2 we mean the direct product of two N's. Let s be a subset of N 2. If, for any (x, y), (x′, y′) in s, x=x′ implies y=y′, then we say that s is single-valued. Let fF, If, for any (x, y) in s, y=f(x), then f is said to be on s, denoted as \(f\underline \supseteq s\) . Let \(\pi \left( s \right) = \left\{ {g;g \in F,g\underline \supseteq s} \right\}\) . A single-valued finite subset of N 2 is called datum. Let D denote the family of all data. Let \(\mathcal{O}* = \left\{ \phi \right\} \cup \left\{ {\pi \left( d \right);d \in D} \right\}\) , and \(\mathcal{O}\) denote the family of all subsets of F, each of which is written as \(\mathop \cup \limits_\alpha W_{\alpha }\) , where W α is in \(\mathcal{O}*\) . Then, it is easily seen that \(\mathcal{O}\) satisfies the axiom of the open system of a topological space. It is shown that the learning space (F, \(\mathcal{O}\) ) has the following properties:
  1. It satisfies the first and the second countability axioms.
  2. It is separable and is totally disconnected.
  3. It is a Hausdorff space and, further, is regular and normal.
  4. It is neither compact nor locally compact.
  5. It is metrizable, or more precisely there exists a complete but not totally bounded metric space which is homeomorphic to learning space.
  6. Any of its subspace can be embedded into its special subspace.

In T-10 experiments, attempts were made to significantly exceed the Greenwald limit $\bar n_{Gr} $ during high-power (P ab=750 kW) electron-cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) and gas puffing. Formally, the density limit $(\bar n_e )_{\lim } $ exceeding the Greenwald limit $({{(\bar n_e )_{\lim } } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{(\bar n_e )_{\lim } } {\bar n_{Gr} }}} \right. \kern-0em} {\bar n_{Gr} }} = 1.8)$ was achieved for q L=8.2. However, as q L decreased, the ratio ${{(\bar n_e )_{\lim } } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{(\bar n_e )_{\lim } } {\bar n_{Gr} }}} \right. \kern-0em} {\bar n_{Gr} }}$ also decreased, approaching unity at q L≈3. It was suggested that the “current radius” (i.e., the radius of the magnetic surface enclosing the bulk of the plasma current I p), rather than the limiter radius, was the parameter governing the value of $(\bar n_e )_{\lim } $ . In the ECRH experiments, no substantial degradation of plasma confinement was observed up to $\bar n_e \sim 0.9(\bar n_e )_{\lim } $ regardless of the ratio ${{(\bar n_e )_{\lim } } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{(\bar n_e )_{\lim } } {\bar n_{Gr} }}} \right. \kern-0em} {\bar n_{Gr} }}$ . In different scenarios of the density growth up to $(\bar n_e )_{\lim } $ , two types of disruptions related to the density limit were observed.  相似文献   

  1. The main pathway of the anaerobic metabolism of l-malate in Saccharomyces bailii is catalyzed by a l-malic enzyme.
  2. The enzyme was purified more than 300-fold. During the purification procedure fumarase and pyruvate decarboxylase were removed completely, and malate dehydrogenase and oxalacetate decarboxylase were removed to a very large extent.
  3. Manganese ions are not required for the reaction of malic enzyme of Saccharomyces bailii, but the activity of the enzyme is increased by manganese.
  4. The reaction of l-malic enzyme proceeds with the coenzymes NAD and (to a lesser extent) NADP.
  5. The K m-values of the malic enzyme of Saccharomyces bailii were 10 mM for l-malate and 0.1 mM for NAD.
  6. A model based on the activity and substrate affinity of malic enzyme, the intracellular concentration of malate and phosphate, and its action on fumarase, is proposed to explain the complete anaerobic degradation of malate in Saccharomyces bailii as compared with the partial decomposition of malate in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

Classical ecological theory predicts that environmental stochasticity increases extinction risk by reducing the average per-capita growth rate of populations. For sedentary populations in a spatially homogeneous yet temporally variable environment, a simple model of population growth is a stochastic differential equation dZ t μ Z t dtσ Z t dW t , t ≥ 0, where the conditional law of Z tt ? Z t given Z t z has mean and variance approximately z μΔt and z 2 σ 2Δt when the time increment Δt is small. The long-term stochastic growth rate ${\lim_{t \to \infty} t^{-1}\log Z_t}$ for such a population equals ${\mu -\frac{\sigma^2}{2}}$ . Most populations, however, experience spatial as well as temporal variability. To understand the interactive effects of environmental stochasticity, spatial heterogeneity, and dispersal on population growth, we study an analogous model ${{\bf X}_t = (X_t^1, \ldots, X_t^n)}$ , t ≥ 0, for the population abundances in n patches: the conditional law of X tt given X t x is such that the conditional mean of ${X_{t+\Delta t}^i - X_t^i}$ is approximately ${[x^i \mu_i + \sum_j (x^j D_{ji} - x^i D_{ij})] \Delta t}$ where μ i is the per capita growth rate in the ith patch and D ij is the dispersal rate from the ith patch to the jth patch, and the conditional covariance of ${X_{t+\Delta t}^i - X_t^i}$ and ${X_{t + \Delta t}^j - X_t^j}$ is approximately x i x j σ ij Δt for some covariance matrix Σ = (σ ij ). We show for such a spatially extended population that if ${S_t = X_t^1 + \cdots + X_t^n}$ denotes the total population abundance, then Y t X t /S t , the vector of patch proportions, converges in law to a random vector Y as ${t \to \infty}$ , and the stochastic growth rate ${\lim_{t \to \infty} t^{-1}\log S_t}$ equals the space-time average per-capita growth rate ${\sum_i \mu_i \mathbb{E}[Y_\infty^i]}$ experienced by the population minus half of the space-time average temporal variation ${\mathbb{E}[\sum_{i,j}\sigma_{ij}Y_\infty^i Y_\infty^j]}$ experienced by the population. Using this characterization of the stochastic growth rate, we derive an explicit expression for the stochastic growth rate for populations living in two patches, determine which choices of the dispersal matrix D produce the maximal stochastic growth rate for a freely dispersing population, derive an analytic approximation of the stochastic growth rate for dispersal limited populations, and use group theoretic techniques to approximate the stochastic growth rate for populations living in multi-scale landscapes (e.g. insects on plants in meadows on islands). Our results provide fundamental insights into “ideal free” movement in the face of uncertainty, the persistence of coupled sink populations, the evolution of dispersal rates, and the single large or several small (SLOSS) debate in conservation biology. For example, our analysis implies that even in the absence of density-dependent feedbacks, ideal-free dispersers occupy multiple patches in spatially heterogeneous environments provided environmental fluctuations are sufficiently strong and sufficiently weakly correlated across space. In contrast, for diffusively dispersing populations living in similar environments, intermediate dispersal rates maximize their stochastic growth rate.  相似文献   

Previous studies proposed the involvement of theN-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) type of glutamate receptors in the development of sensitization to the convulsive effect of cocaine (cocaine kindling). The present study was undertaken to determine, first, if cocaine kindling is associated with enhanced sensitivity of the NMDA receptor to the convulsive response ofN-methyl-D,L-aspartate (NMDLA), and second, whether in vivo modulation of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) function regulates the development of cocaine kindling. The following results were observed:
  1. Cocaine-kindled animals were significantly more susceptible to the convulsive effect of the NMDA receptor agonist NMDLA than saline controls;
  2. Pretreatment with the NOS inhibitor NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME; 100 mg/kg; ip) blocked the development of cocaine kindling;
  3. The protective effect of L-NAME was partially reversed with the coadministration of the NOS substrate,L-arginine (300 mg/kg; ip), but notD-arginine; and
  4. L-Arginine (300 mg/kg; ip), but notD-arginine, amplified the development of cocaine kindling. Taken together, these findings suggest that supersensitivity of the NMDA receptor and activation of NOS may underlie the development of cocaine kindling.

The present paper deals with the coordination of energy metabolism, glucose consumption rate, glycolytic and TCA cycle enzyme activities in the lysine-producing bacterium Brevibacterium flavum. It is shown, that inhibition of the elctron transport chain causes changes of the following sequence:
  • at first, TCA cycle enzymes are activated;
  • secondly, TCA cycle enzyme activity decreases, and glycolytic enzyme activities as well as glucose transport rate increase; there is a slight increase in Qo2 and a considerable one of O2 consumption in cyanide-resistant respiration pathway;
  • thirdly, TCA cycle enzyme activities and glucose transport rate decrease.
  • It is supposed, that coordination of carbon and energy metabolism in B. flavum depends on intracellular ATP concentration or energy charge value.  相似文献   

    1. ACh, dopamine, noradrenaline, 5-HT,l-glutamate, and GABA are widely distributed in cephalopods and probably all function as neurotransmitters; octopamine also occurs and at one site is known to act as a neuromodulator.
    2. Several peptides are also present, as well as nitric oxide synthase.
    3. In the brain and sense organs cholinergic, aminergic, serotonergic and glutamatergic systems seem to be the most important.
    4. ACh is also active in the gut, vascular system and some body muscles: it is generally inhibitory. The ACh receptors are similar to the vertebrate nicotinic type.
    5. The catecholamines are important in the gut and vascular system: they are generally excitatory. The NA receptors are like the α-adrenergic subtype of vertebrates, but the nature of the DA and OA receptors is less certain.
    6. 5-HT is important in the gut but is endogenous in some chromatophore nerves and acts on receptors that seem like the vertebrate 5-HT1 type.
    7. l-glutamate is an excitatory transmitter at the chromatophore (and probably at other) nerve-muscle junctions and is an extremely strong candidate for being the excitatory transmitter at the squid giant synapse. There are NMDA receptors on Schwann-cells but the receptors on neurons and muscles are like the vertebrate kainate type.
    8. Little is known about the mode of action of cephalopod peptides; nor has it ever been shown that they co-exist with conventional transmitters in these animals.
    9. The structure of one (FMRFamide) receptor has been elucidated, but apart from this nothing is known of the molecular biology of receptors in cephalopods.

    To investigate the effects of temperature and exercise training on swimming performance in juvenile qingbo (Spinibarbus sinensis), we measured the following: (1) the resting oxygen consumption rate $ \left( {{\dot{\text{M}}\text{O}}_{{ 2 {\text{rest}}}} } \right) $ , critical swimming speed (U crit) and active oxygen consumption rate $ \left( {{\dot{\text{M}}\text{O}}_{{ 2 {\text{active}}}} } \right) $ of fish at acclimation temperatures of 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 °C and (2) the $ \dot{M}{\text{O}}_{{ 2 {\text{rest}}}} $ , U crit and $ \dot{M}{\text{O}}_{{ 2 {\text{active}}}} $ of both exercise-trained (exhaustive chasing training for 14 days) and control fish at both low and high acclimation temperatures (15 and 25 °C). The relationship between U crit and temperature (T) approximately followed a bell-shaped curve as temperature increased: U crit = 8.21/{1 + [(T ? 27.2)/17.0]2} (R 2 = 0.915, P < 0.001, N = 40). The optimal temperature for maximal U crit (8.21 BL s?1) in juvenile qingbo was 27.2 °C. Both the $ \dot{M}{\text{O}}_{{ 2 {\text{active}}}} $ and the metabolic scope (MS, $ \dot{M}{\text{O}}_{{ 2 {\text{active}}}} - \dot{M}{\text{O}}_{{ 2 {\text{rest}}}} $ ) of qingbo increased with temperature from 10 to 25 °C (P < 0.05), but there were no significant differences between fish acclimated to 25 and 30 °C. The relationships between $ \dot{M}{\text{O}}_{{ 2 {\text{active}}}} $ or MS and temperature were described as $ {\dot{\text{M}}\text{O}}_{{ 2 {\text{active}}}} = 1,214.29/\left\{ {1 + \left[ {\left( {T - 28.8} \right)/10.6} \right]^{2} } \right\}\;\left( {R^{2} = 0.911,\;P < 0.001,\;N = 40} \right) $ and MS = 972.67/{1 + [(T ? 28.0)/9.34]2} (R 2 = 0.878, P < 0.001, N = 40). The optimal temperatures for $ \dot{M}{\text{O}}_{{ 2 {\text{active}}}} $ and MS in juvenile qingbo were 28.8 and 28.0 °C, respectively. Exercise training resulted in significant increases in both U crit and $ \dot{M}{\text{O}}_{{ 2 {\text{active}}}} $ at a low temperature (P < 0.05), but training exhibited no significant effect on either U crit or $ \dot{M}{\text{O}}_{{ 2 {\text{active}}}} $ at a high temperature. These results suggest that exercise training had different effects on swimming performance at different temperatures. These differences may be related to changes in aerobic metabolic capability, arterial oxygen delivery, available dissolved oxygen, imbalances in ion fluxes and stimuli to remodel tissues with changes in temperature.  相似文献   

    The longitudinal variations in the nitrogen (δ15N) and oxygen (δ18O) isotopic compositions of nitrate (NO3 ?), the carbon isotopic composition (δ13C) of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and the δ13C and δ15N of particulate organic matter were determined in two Southeast Asian rivers contrasting in the watershed geology and land use to understand internal nitrogen cycling processes. The $ \delta^{15} {\text{N}}_{{{\text{NO}}_{3} }} $ became higher longitudinally in the freshwater reach of both rivers. The $ \delta^{18} {\text{O}}_{{{\text{NO}}_{3} }} $ also increased longitudinally in the river with a relatively steeper longitudinal gradient and a less cultivated watershed, while the $ \delta^{18} {\text{O}}_{{{\text{NO}}_{3} }} $ gradually decreased in the other river. A simple model for the $ \delta^{15} {\text{N}}_{{{\text{NO}}_{3} }} $ and the $ \delta^{18} {\text{O}}_{{{\text{NO}}_{3} }} $ that accounts for simultaneous input and removal of NO3 ? suggested that the dynamics of NO3 ? in the former river were controlled by the internal production by nitrification and the removal by denitrification, whereas that in the latter river was significantly affected by the anthropogenic NO3 ? loading in addition to the denitrification and/or assimilation. In the freshwater-brackish transition zone, heterotrophic activities in the river water were apparently elevated as indicated by minimal dissolved oxygen, minimal δ13CDIC and maximal pCO2. The δ15N of suspended particulate nitrogen (PN) varied in parallel to the $ \delta^{15} {\text{N}}_{{{\text{NO}}_{3} }} $ there, suggesting that the biochemical recycling processes (remineralization of PN coupled to nitrification, and assimilation of NO3 ?-N back to PN) played dominant roles in the instream nitrogen transformation. In the brackish zone of both rivers, the $ \delta^{15} {\text{N}}_{{{\text{NO}}_{3} }} $ displayed a declining trend while the $ \delta^{18} {\text{O}}_{{{\text{NO}}_{3} }} $ increased sharply. The redox cycling of NO3 ?/NO2 ? and/or deposition of atmospheric nitrogen oxides may have been the major controlling factor for the estuarine $ \delta^{15} {\text{N}}_{{{\text{NO}}_{3} }} $ and $ \delta^{18} {\text{O}}_{{{\text{NO}}_{3} }} $ , however, the exact mechanism behind the observed trends is currently unresolved.  相似文献   

    The axial and radial shrinkage of bovine rod outer segments, monitored by near-infrared scattering changes (P-signal), is investigated in dependence on the intensity of the activating flash. Suspensions of axially oriented and randomly oriented rod outer segments were measured. In the latter case, axial and radial effects are superimposed to another. The following results are obtained:
    1. The axial signal (P a, Τ≈10 ms) and the radial signal (P r, Τ=40–100 ms), simultaneously measured on axially oriented rod outer segments, are similarly saturated with a half-saturation at a rhodopsin turnover of 3.5%.
    2. For the saturation of the signal amplitude, measured on randomly oriented rod outer segments, a good fit is obtained by: $$\begin{gathered} P\left( \varrho \right) \sim 1 - e\beta \varrho , \hfill \\ \varrho : relative rhodopsin turnover by the flash; \hfill \\ \beta is found in the range 23 \leqslant \beta \leqslant 27 in all measurements \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$
    3. The kinetics of the signal, also measured on the isotropic sample, depends on the rhodopsin turnover, the apparent time constant becoming faster with increasing turnover. The distortion of the signal cannot be fitted by a sum of exponentials with a fixed set of time constants.
    The signals from the isotropic sample are fitted by a phenomenological model. It introduces three first order processes concatenated in series; the first step is assumed as a rhodopsin transition inducing the two further processes. The distortion of the signals with increasing? is then described assuming a?-dependent quenching of this induction, according to the measured amplitude saturation. The time constants remain thereby unchanged. The fit yields the values ln 2/k=4, 11, and 45 ms with mean square deviations of 20%.  相似文献   

    1. Flights of three big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) landing on a hand and catching a suspended mealworm were video analysed.
    2. Results were consistent with the bats using the same basic control procedure in the quite different approach tasks — namely keeping τ(r) = k rand τ(a)τ(r) = k αr. Here r is the current distance to the destination; α is the angle between the current direction of the destination and the goal direction of final approach (β min); τ(r) = r/r, $\tau (\alpha ) = \alpha /\dot \alpha $ ; and k r, k αr are constants.
    3. The bats were each quite consistent on a particular task (hand or mealworm) in the values they used for the control parameters k r, k αrand β min. However, different values were used in the two tasks, which reflected the different behaviour required at the destination. Flights to hand required twisting and landing upside down and approach angle β min was closer to vertical and k rwas smaller and corresponded to decelerating nearly to a stop. In contrast, the mealworms were caught in mid flight and approach angle β min was shallower and speed of approach was about constant.
    4. τ(r) might be registered acoustically by τ(echo-delay) or by τ(echo-intensity). τ(α) might be registered by the bat's directional hearing and gravity sense.
    5. The bats learned the tasks easily, suggesting that the control procedure they used in the experiments was part and parcel of the natural skills they had developed in the wild.

    Genetic parameters for growth, stem straightness, pilodyn penetration, relative bark thickness and survival were estimated in a base-population of five open-pollinated provenance/progeny trials of Eucalyptus viminalis. The trials, located in northern, central and southern Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, comprised 148 open-pollinated families from 13 Australian native provenances and eight local Argentinean seedlots. The Australian native provenances come from a limited range of the natural distribution. Overall survival, based on the latest assessment of each trial, was 62.4%. Single-site analyses showed that statistically significant provenances differences (p?<?0.05) for at least one of the studied traits in three out of the five trials analyzed. The local land race performed inconsistently in this study. The average narrow-sense individual-tree heritability estimate $ \left( {{{\hat{h}}^2}} \right) $ was 0.27 for diameter and 0.17 for total height. Values of $ {\hat{h}^2} $ also increased with age. Pilodyn penetration, assessed at only one site, was more heritable $ \left( {{{\hat{h}}^2} = 0.32} \right) $ than the average of growth traits. Estimated individual-tree heritabilities were moderate to low for stem straightness (average of 0.20) and relative bark thickness (0.16). The estimated additive genetic correlations $ \left( {{{{r}}_{{A}}}} \right) $ between diameter and height were consistently high and positive ( $ {{r}_{^A}} $ average of 0.90). High additive genetic correlations were observed between growth variables and pilodyn penetration ( $ {{r}_{^A}} $ average of 0.58). Relative bark thickness showed a negative correlation with diameter $ \left( {{{{r}}_{^A}} = - 0.39} \right) $ and height $ \left( {{{{r}}_{^A}} = - 0.51} \right) $ . The average estimated additive genetic correlation between sites was high for diameter (0.67). The implications of all these parameter estimates for genetic improvement of E. viminalis in Argentina are discussed.  相似文献   

    1. Polyhedral particles were isolated from cells of Nitrobacter winogradskyi and of Nitrobacter strains K1, K4 and α1. Their physical and biological properties are characterized.
    2. The investigated strains contain polyhedral particles, 1000–1200 Å in size. With increasing age of the culture more particles are found in cells of Nitrobacter. Simultaneously the number of colony producing nitritoxidants decreases.
    3. In strain α1 the loss of the capability to form colonies is connected with partial lysis of the cell and release of particles.
    4. A homogeneous fraction of particles was obtained by zone density gradient centrifugation in Tris-Mg-SH-buffer.
    5. The polyhedral particles have a sedimentation coefficient of s w,20 0 =825S and a CsCl-buoyant density of ?25 g/cm3.
    6. Based on the determined properties the particles are classified as phage-like Nitrobacter particles Nb1.

    1. Form discrimination by honeybees can be measured when individuals are trained to select a rewarded shape in preference to other, unrewarded ones (Table 2). In these experiments, the values of discrimination for some pairs of shapes depend upon which of the pair is rewarded (“symmetrical, asymmetrical discrimination”, Table 3, 4).
    2. Two groups of possible mechanisms of form discrimination will be discussed. Experimental findings preclude the exclusive use by the bees of any one of those mechanisms. The following discrimination function, however, describes the present as well as previously reported results: $$U = \left| {C_{\text{1}} \frac{{R^ + + R^ - }}{G}F^ + + C_2 {\text{(log}}K^ + {\text{ - log}}K^ - {\text{)}}} \right|$$ (Figs. 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10). R +, R ?, G and F + are parts of areas (Fig. 1), K + and K ? contour lengths of the shapes to be compared.
    3. The weighting factors, C 1 and C 2, are apparently given different values by the bee for different shape combinations. Some results might support Mazochin-Porshnyakov's (1969) hypothesis that bees can also recognize other features of the shapes, according to the problem to be solved (Sect. D).

    To an RNA pseudoknot structure is naturally associated a topological surface, which has its associated genus, and structures can thus be classified by the genus. Based on earlier work of Harer–Zagier, we compute the generating function $\mathbf{D}_{g,\sigma }(z)=\sum _{n}\mathbf{d}_{g,\sigma }(n)z^n$ for the number $\mathbf{d}_{g,\sigma }(n)$ of those structures of fixed genus $g$ and minimum stack size $\sigma $ with $n$ nucleotides so that no two consecutive nucleotides are basepaired and show that $\mathbf{D}_{g,\sigma }(z)$ is algebraic. In particular, we prove that $\mathbf{d}_{g,2}(n)\sim k_g\,n^{3(g-\frac{1}{2})} \gamma _2^n$ , where $\gamma _2\approx 1.9685$ . Thus, for stack size at least two, the genus only enters through the sub-exponential factor, and the slow growth rate compared to the number of RNA molecules implies the existence of neutral networks of distinct molecules with the same structure of any genus. Certain RNA structures called shapes are shown to be in natural one-to-one correspondence with the cells in the Penner–Strebel decomposition of Riemann’s moduli space of a surface of genus $g$ with one boundary component, thus providing a link between RNA enumerative problems and the geometry of Riemann’s moduli space.  相似文献   

    Energy dependent reverse electron flow reactions in isolated thylakoids provide a unique tool to study, in the dark, the coupling between the ATP synthase, proton transport and the electron transfer system. Appropriate experimental conditions have been established to follow experimentally the following reactions:
    1. ATP driven proton uptake into the inner-thylakoid space, which requires preactivation of the ATP synthase.
    2. ATP driven reverse electron transport, which involves proton transport as an intermediate, and results in the reduction of QA by an externally added electron donor.
    3. ATP driven luminescence, which requires the presence of an oxidized partner on the water side of photosystem II, and involves electron transport from QB to QA.
    4. ΔpH driven reverse electron flow, which does not require the participation of the ATP synthase, and uses reduced intermediates between the two photosystems as electron donors for the reduction of QA.
    5. ΔpH driven luminescence which again uses reduced intermdiates between the two photosystems as electron donors for QA reduction, and requires the presence of an oxidized partner on the water side of photosystem II.
    Several of these reactions have been shown to occur in intact chloroplasts and may provide an important regulatory mechanism in vivo.  相似文献   

    EPR spectroscopy is a powerful tool to identify at a molecular level, the different steps of catalyst preparation, and of catalytic reactions:
    1. Deposition of paramagnetic transition metal ions onto a support is monitored, and the coordination sphere of the metallic center is characterized by EPR.
    2. The catalyst is also characterized after activation (thermal oxidation or reduction):
  • - the distribution among the different sites in zeolites can be determined;
  • - the dispersion of the active phase may be appreciated;
  • - the unsaturation degree of the active site may be evaluated using probe molecules such as water or13C enriched carbon monoxide.
    1. The catalytic mechanisms can be investigated by studying the elementary steps of the catalytic reaction, as illustrated for methanol oxidation over Mo/SiO2 catalysts whose EPR results have extended the reaction mechanism proposed on the basis of kinetic data. In addition, reaction intermediates may be isolated inquasi-in situ conditions as in the case of olefin oligomerization catalyzed by Ni/SiO2 systems.

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