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Cilia and associated structures on the gill lamellae on the ctenidum of Chaetoderma nitidulum were studied. The gill cilia are very long and have a whip-like narrow portion distally, where only three microtubule doublets continue to the distal tip. In the transition zone between the cilium and the centriolar triplet section of the basal body there is a dense plate, an aggregation of granules and a ciliary necklace with four strands. Further down there is a short cross-striated basal foot and two conical cross-striated ciliary rootlets. The first rootlet is flattened and directed forward. It connects distally with the basal feet of other adjacent cilia. The second rootlet is rounded in cross-section and vertically directed. The epithelial structures of Chaetoderma show similarities with other Mollusca. We found no structural characters that could support the current hypothesis of a close relationship of Xenoturbella to the Mollusca.  相似文献   

The organization of the central nervous system of an "aplacophoran" mollusc, Chaetoderma japonicum, is described as a means to understand a primitive condition in highly diversified molluscan animals. This histological and immunocytochemical study revealed that C. japonicum still retains a conservative molluscan tetra-neural plan similar to those of neomenioids, polyplacophorans, and tryblidiids. However, the ventral and lateral nerve cords of C. japonicum are obviously ganglionated to various degrees, and the cerebral cord-like ganglia display a lobular structure. The putative chemosensory networks are developed, being composed of sensory cells of the oral shield, eight precerebral ganglia, and eight neuropil compartments that form distinct masses of neurites. In the cerebral cord-like ganglia, three anterior, posterior, and dorsal lobes are distinguished with well-fasciculated tracts in their neuropils. Most neuronal somata are uniform in size, and no small globuli-like cell clusters are found; however, localized serotonin-like immunoreactivity and acetylated tubulin-containing tracts suggest the presence of functional subdivisions. These complicated morphological features may be adaptive structures related to the specialized foraminiferan food in muddy bottoms. Based on a comparative scheme in basal molluscan groups, we characterize an independent evolutionary process for the unique characters of the central nervous systems of chaetoderms.  相似文献   

During a cruise with R/V Oceanus out of Woods Hole organized by the National Science Foundation project WormNet, a new species of chaetodermomorph aplacophoran was found in the northwestern Atlantic on the continental rise, between 1100 and nearly 2900 m. An investigation into the material of older collections revealed that the species had previously been collected on numerous occasions but remained undescribed. We here describe the species under the name Falcidens halanychi sp. nov. The species is compared with F. limifossorides Salvini-Plawen 1992 that has the most similar overall morphology, but occurs in the eastern Pacific at lower slope and abyssal depths between 3700 and 4300 m. We illustrate the radula of limifossorides and the birefringent colours of the sclerites photographically for the first time. We also include two DNA barcodes of F. halanychi (cytochome oxidase I) to aid future molecular identification.  相似文献   

The cuticle of Proneomenia consists of a mucoid matrix containing calcareous spicules and is secreted by the mantle epithelium at the base of the ventral (pedal) groove and over the general body surface. Histochemical examination shows the matrix to be composed of a glycoprotein complex with high acid mucopolysaccharide and low protein contents in which tanning plays little part in stabilization.
The cuticle of the Aplacophora is tentatively equated with an early mucoid stage in the evolution of the molluscan shell and it is suggested that secretion of additional protein, followed by hardening by quinone-tanning, are necessary further stages before a calcified shell evolves. The aplacophoran cuticle is compared with that of Acanthochitona (Polyplacophora) and, although they are similar in many respects, the latter has in addition a discrete inner cuticular layer whichmay act as a semi-conducting membrane in the deposition of the calcareous plates. The spicules are similar in both groups, each being secreted within a thin cup-like membrane which exhibits somewhat similar properties to the inner cuticle.  相似文献   

Juvenile Octopus vulgaris foraged by chemotactile exploration, mainly in crevices and under rocks. They caught small crustaceans and molluscs, including Lima bivalves, and preferred crabs and Lima in a simple laboratory choice test. Octopuses consumed 30% of their prey away from home, and small remains of prey deposited in the midden were selectively removed by waves and currents resulting in an underestimate of the octopus' intake and diet.  相似文献   

Gonad development stages (GDS) and, subsequently, the reproductive cycle are described by performing histology of some gonad portions. In polyplacophorans, gametogenesis is not enough to define GDS; further anatomical gonad features are relevant. In most adult polyplacophorans, the gonad is a simple anatomical structure that resembles and operates as one single gonadal acinus without glandular structure. These features have gone unnoticed causing inaccurate GDS assignment and, consequently, imprecise reproductive season in polyplacophorans. Here, dissection protocols that allow extracting a compact gonad are established. Emphasizing the anatomical structure of the whole gonad and the displacement of gametes, five GDS were assigned to both sexes of Chiton (Chiton) articulatus: I‐goniogenesis, II‐development, III‐ripe, IV‐spawning, V‐rest. Tissue platelets contribute importantly to GDS assignment and even help distinguishing between males and females. Neither a randomly selected portion of gonad nor a longitudinal section are recommended because it leads to misinterpretation higher than 50% in determining GDS and besides ignores displacement of gametes. A panoramic sweep across a complete transverse‐section of each gonad was validated as the best option for establishing GDS. This new methodology was tested on several polyplacophorans species, and seems generally applicable for histological assessment of reproductive cycle and reproductive season in polyplacophorans.  相似文献   

Although Schistosoma mansoni occurs mainly in the tropics, where intense levels of solar radiation are present, the impact of ultraviolet (UV) light on schistosome transmission is not known. The purpose of this study was to investigate potential effects of UVB (290-320nm) on juvenile Biomphalaria glabrata, the snail intermediate host of S. mansoni. Albino and wild-type snails were exposed to doses of UVB from UV-fluorescent lamps, and the following were measured: survival, photoreactivation (light-mediated DNA repair), effects on feeding behavior, and morphological tissue abnormalities. Irradiation with UVB is lethal to B. glabrata in a dose-dependent manner. Exposure to white light subsequent to UVB irradiation enhances survival, probably by photoreactivation. The shell offers some, but not complete, protection. Experiments in which UVB transmittance through the shell was blocked with black nail polish suggest that injury to both exposed (headfoot) and shell-enclosed (mantle and visceral mass) tissues contributes to mortality in lethally irradiated snails. Wild-type (pigmented) snails are less susceptible to lethal effects of UVB than albino snails, and they may be more capable of photoreactivation. UVB exposure inhibits snail feeding behavior, and causes tentacle forks and growths on the headfoot. Thus, UVB may influence the life cycle of S. mansoni by both lethal and sub-lethal damage to the snail intermediate host. However, the ability of snails to photoreactivate may mitigate these effects.  相似文献   

A scanning electron microscope study of the surface of Priapulus caudatus is presented. Both adults and larvae have been studied. The pharynx, circumoral region, collar, proboscis, trunk, caudal appendage, and larval lorica are described.  相似文献   


Reproductive studies of an intertidal free-spawning population of Chiton articulatus (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) from Puerto Angel, Oaxaca, Mexico were undertaken during 2011. We used gonad histology and gonadal indices to assess the relative gonad expenditure of the sexes (RGES) and other reproductive traits, accounting for individual and seasonal variation within this population. At this location, C. articulatus is gonochoric, without sexual dimorphism, except internally by gonad colour (testis is ‘salmon’ coloured and ovary olive green). Annual and monthly sex ratios (m/f) do not differ significantly from 1:1. Highest population-level gonadosomatic index (GSI) corresponded to maximum (peak) ripe stage (i.e. maximum gonad investment), with a first peak in May with a high value (8.4 ± 0.5) and a second peak during August-September with a lower value (4.7 ± 0.3). GSI fluctuated throughout year implying that gonad expenditure may be seasonally constrained, but with overall synchrony between sexes of ripe and spawning stages. July to December was the main reproductive season with some facultative spawning occurring off-season. Ripe and spawning RGES did not differ between sexes, suggesting that either sperm competition is intense and/or that sperm limitation is high. Early spawning individuals may quickly replenish their gametes for a second phase of gamete release later.

Abbreviations: RGES: relative gonad expenditure of the sexes; GSI: gonadosomatic index; GDS: gonad developmental stages; MiMI: microscopic maturity index; SST: sea-surface temperature.  相似文献   

Summary The pericardium in Lepidopleurus asellus (Spengler), Tonicella marmorea (Fabricius), T. rubra L., Ischnochiton albus L., and Calleochiton laevis (Montagu), species taxonomically far apart, is described. It consists of a flat, simple epithelium facing the pericardial cavity, a basement membrane, a muscle layer with two types of muscle fibres, nerve processes, glio-interstitial cells, and fibrocytes, embedded in a loose collagen matrix. The epithelium in L. asellus and I. albus have convoluted lateral cell borders, and in L. asellus very long basal cell processes are seen. Type 1 muscle fibres resemble smooth molluscan muscle. Type 2 muscle fibres resemble cardiac muscle fibres in chitons. Nerve processes associated with glio-interstitial cells and cell processes, run free in the matrix. Synapses in type 1 fibres are covered with glio-interstitial cell processes, lacking in type 2 muscle fibres synapses.This work was supported by grants from the Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities  相似文献   

Abstract. The present experiments are part of a larger study designed to investigate the influence of husbandry parameters on the life history of the ramshorn snail, Marisa cornuarietis, in order to identify suitable husbandry conditions for maintaining multi‐generation populations in the laboratory for use in ecotoxicological testing. In this paper we focus on the effects of a combination of food types and feeding frequencies (i.e., the frequency with which the snails were offered food) on juvenile growth and survival at different temperatures. Offspring produced in the laboratory by wild specimens of M. cornuarietis, from Puerto Rico, were used to test the effects of three types of food (lettuce, alginate with fish food, alginate with snail mix) fed at three frequencies (given ad libitum on 4/4, 2/4, or 1/4 d) on juvenile survival and growth. The 4‐d feeding regimens were repeated four times, giving a total of 16 d for the experiments. The experiments were conducted at two temperatures (22° and 25°C) under a 12 h light:12 h dark photoperiod. Juvenile growth rates increased with increasing feeding frequency for all food types. The most rapid growth rates occurred in the high‐frequency lettuce treatments and the slowest growth rates in the low‐frequency lettuce and alginate with snail mix treatments. Juvenile snails grew faster at 25° than at 22°C, and mortality was about twice as high at the lower temperature. Growth rates were used to provide a rough estimate of time to maturity, which was determined to take about twice as long at 22° than at 25°C. The results showed that lettuce is the best food if supplied in abundance, but effects on growth are very dependent on feeding frequency and temperature. We conclude that 25°C is a more appropriate temperature for maintaining populations than 22°C, that lettuce provides a suitable food source, and that food should be supplied continuously for husbandry and toxicity testing of populations of M. cornuarietis.  相似文献   

Life-history evolution in Anodonta piscinalis (Mollusca,Pelecypoda)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The correlations between certain life-history parameters (reproductive effort, reproductive life-span, age of first reproduction, general growth index, variation in juvenile survival, availability of resources) were studied in 13 populations of the mussel Anodonta piscinalis in south-western Finland in 1975 and 1976Reproductive life-span correlated positively (r s=0,823, P<0.001) with variation in juvenile survival. The average availability of resources correlated negatively both with the reproductive life-span (r s=-0.841, P<0.001 after the variation by juvenile survival had been deleted) and variation in juvenile survival (r s=-0.676, P<0.05).The reproductive effort for female mussels at each site was computed by comparing body weight of reproductive females with body weights of non-reproductive individuals. Availability of resources was much higher in 1976 than in 1975. Consequently, the reproductive effort, an index of the strain of reproduction, was higher in 1975 than in 1976. In 1975 there was a significant correlation between reproductive effort and the length of the reproductive life-span (-0.727, -0.806) and also with the reproductive effort and the variation in juvenile survival (-0.718, -0.758) in females of the length of 60 mm and 70 mm respectively. In 1976, when availability of resources was better, such correlations were not found.Spatial and temporal change in the intake of resources complicates applicability of the principle of resource allocation in the theory of life-history evolution. Studying the mere allocation is not enough if the intake of resources varies in the groups studied. The ratio ovary weight/body weight is a dubious measure of reproductive effort in comparative studies when the input of resources can vary, and this possibility can be ruled out only exceptionally.Correlation between growth and reproductive effort was positive, obviously because both are important components in creating high reproductive capacity. In 1975 reproductive effort increased with size (age). Change in reproductive effort correlated with reproductive life-span (r s=-0.633, P<0.05).The following parameters occurred together: short reproductive life-span, low age of first reproduction, high reproductive effort, rapid growth and high clutch size. They were realized at sites where the availability of resources was good and variation in juvenile survival was low-i.e. the environment was stable. The results conflict with the prediction of the theory of r and K-selection.  相似文献   

Summary Dart formation in Helix aspersa has been investigated by SEM of isolated darts at progressive stages in their development, and by histology of dart sacs at the same times. Dart formation begins at the tip of a tubercle where a small group of epithelial cells secrete an organic material filling a small CaCO3 cone that is the first mineralized part of the shaft. Subsequent secretory activity by an increasing area of the tubercle epithelium results in an increase in the diameter and anterior lengthening of the shaft. Continued secretion by the tubercle and dart sac epithelium produces the flare and finally the corona. A pattern of deposition is also evident in the fine structure of the mineral. In the shaft and vanes there is an inner layer of spherulitic prismatic structure which is covered by a layer of irregular patches of simple prismatic structure. The outermost layer of the shaft and vanes has a continuous simple prismatic structure. Two layers are present in the flare, an inner granular amorphous layer and an outer spherulitic prismatic layer. The corona consists of a single rarefied prismatic layer. A mechanism of dart formation is suggested that involves two types of organic matrix, calcifying and non-calcifying. Measurements of the calcium content of darts, dart sacs, and collars indicate that the hemolymph is the probable source of calcium for the dart.  相似文献   

Abstract. The superfamily Cocculinoidea is a group of marine, deep-water, limpet-like gastropods. Recent speculation surrounding their affinities has concentrated on their placement within the Gastropoda. However, phylogenetic relationships within the Cocculinoidea, especially the monophyly of families and genera within the group, remain poorly understood. Phylogenetic analysis of 31 morphological characters for 15 cocculinoidean taxa and 2 outgroups resulted in a single most parsimonious tree, length=70, CI=0.62, and RI=0.71. Monophyly of the Cocculinoidea, Cocculinidae, and the genera Cocculina and Coccopigya was supported; Paracocculina and Coccocrater were found to be paraphyletic. Character optimization demonstrates that many characters often cited as diagnostic of various taxa, are often homoplastic and/or synapomorphies at different hierarchical levels.  相似文献   

Summary The organization of Addisonia lateralis (Requien, 1848) and A. brophyi McLean, 1985 is described. Addisonia species have a thin, asymmetrical, cup-like shell and a very simple shell muscle. Eyes, oral lappets and epipodial tentacles are absent and the right cephalic tentacle is also used as a copulatory organ. Most characteristic is the enormously developed gill which is enlarged into the right subpallial cavity. It is composed of about 30 leaflets with skeletal rods and its epithelia are uniquely arranged. The heart is large and the single auricle is situated anteriorly left. There are two kidneys: the left is small, while the right forms large coelomic cavities and has no connection with the pericardium or the hermaphroditic genital system. Testis and ovary are separate: both have a simple duct proper (vas deferens, oviduct). They are connected to the copulatory organ by an open seminal groove; a small receptaculum is present. The mouth opening is typically triangular, with no jaws or subradular sense organs. Addisonia possesses tuft-like salivary glands, a radula diverticulum and distinct, tubular oesophageal glands. The oesophagus itself is simple. The radula and the posterior alimentary tract are unique; the stomach is completely reduced and the intestine forms a pseudostomach. The streptoneurous, hyoathroid nervous system has pedal cords with three commissures. The visceral loop is also cord-like. A single (left) osphradium is present and the small statocysts have several statocones.The peculiarities and unique combination of primitive and advanced characters in Addisonia reflect a highly enigmatic organization among the Archaeogastropoda. Possible relationships to other archaeogastropod groups are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. The external epithelial cilia and other surface structures of the nuculoid protobranchs Nuculana pernula and Nucula nitidosa were studied. The gill lamellae and labial palps are partly covered with very long cilia. These have a modified slender distal portion, an ordinary metazoan-type basal body, a basal foot. and a single, long cross-striated rootlet. In cilia on the gills of N. nitidosa , the basal foot is thick and attaches to the next basal body directly behind. Unciliated surface areas on the gills, labial palps, and foot are covered with a dense brushborder of microvilli. We observed no specific homologies between the cilia of the protobranchs studied and the epidermal cilia of the enigmatic Xenoturbella bocki , hence the recent hypothesis of a close connection of the latter to the protobranch bivalves is questioned.  相似文献   

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