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The increase in the number of large data sets and the complexity of current probabilistic sequence evolution models necessitates fast and reliable phylogeny reconstruction methods. We describe a new approach, based on the maximum- likelihood principle, which clearly satisfies these requirements. The core of this method is a simple hill-climbing algorithm that adjusts tree topology and branch lengths simultaneously. This algorithm starts from an initial tree built by a fast distance-based method and modifies this tree to improve its likelihood at each iteration. Due to this simultaneous adjustment of the topology and branch lengths, only a few iterations are sufficient to reach an optimum. We used extensive and realistic computer simulations to show that the topological accuracy of this new method is at least as high as that of the existing maximum-likelihood programs and much higher than the performance of distance-based and parsimony approaches. The reduction of computing time is dramatic in comparison with other maximum-likelihood packages, while the likelihood maximization ability tends to be higher. For example, only 12 min were required on a standard personal computer to analyze a data set consisting of 500 rbcL sequences with 1,428 base pairs from plant plastids, thus reaching a speed of the same order as some popular distance-based and parsimony algorithms. This new method is implemented in the PHYML program, which is freely available on our web page: http://www.lirmm.fr/w3ifa/MAAS/.  相似文献   

We have developed a pruning algorithm for likelihood estimation of a tree of populations. This algorithm enables us to compute the likelihood for large trees. Thus, it gives an efficient way of obtaining the maximum-likelihood estimate (MLE) for a given tree topology. Our method utilizes the differences accumulated by random genetic drift in allele count data from single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), ignoring the effect of mutation after divergence from the common ancestral population. The computation of the maximum-likelihood tree involves both maximizing likelihood over branch lengths of a given topology and comparing the maximum-likelihood across topologies. Here our focus is the maximization of likelihood over branch lengths of a given topology. The pruning algorithm computes arrays of probabilities at the root of the tree from the data at the tips of the tree; at the root, the arrays determine the likelihood. The arrays consist of probabilities related to the number of coalescences and allele counts for the partially coalesced lineages. Computing these probabilities requires an unusual two-stage algorithm. Our computation is exact and avoids time-consuming Monte Carlo methods. We can also correct for ascertainment bias.  相似文献   

Metrics of phylogenetic tree reliability, such as parametric bootstrap percentages or Bayesian posterior probabilities, represent internal measures of the topological reproducibility of a phylogenetic tree, while the recently introduced aLRT (approximate likelihood ratio test) assesses the likelihood that a branch exists on a maximum-likelihood tree. Although those values are often equated with phylogenetic tree accuracy, they do not necessarily estimate how well a reconstructed phylogeny represents cladistic relationships that actually exist in nature. The authors have therefore attempted to quantify how well bootstrap percentages, posterior probabilities, and aLRT measures reflect the probability that a deduced phylogenetic clade is present in a known phylogeny. The authors simulated the evolution of bacterial genes of varying lengths under biologically realistic conditions, and reconstructed those known phylogenies using both maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods. Then, they measured how frequently clades in the reconstructed trees exhibiting particular bootstrap percentages, aLRT values, or posterior probabilities were found in the true trees. The authors have observed that none of these values correlate with the probability that a given clade is present in the known phylogeny. The major conclusion is that none of the measures provide any information about the likelihood that an individual clade actually exists. It is also found that the mean of all clade support values on a tree closely reflects the average proportion of all clades that have been assigned correctly, and is thus a good representation of the overall accuracy of a phylogenetic tree.  相似文献   

Development of methods for estimating species trees from multilocus data is a current challenge in evolutionary biology. We propose a method for estimating the species tree topology and branch lengths using approximate Bayesian computation (ABC). The method takes as data a sample of observed rooted gene tree topologies, and then iterates through the following sequence of steps: First, a randomly selected species tree is used to compute the distribution of rooted gene tree topologies. This distribution is then compared to the observed gene topology frequencies, and if the fit between the observed and the predicted distributions is close enough, the proposed species tree is retained. Repeating this many times leads to a collection of retained species trees that are then used to form the estimate of the overall species tree. We test the performance of the method, which we call ST-ABC, using both simulated and empirical data. The simulation study examines both symmetric and asymmetric species trees over a range of branch lengths and sample sizes. The results from the simulation study show that the model performs very well, giving accurate estimates for both the topology and the branch lengths across the conditions studied, and that a sample size of 25 loci appears to be adequate for the method. Further, we apply the method to two empirical cases: a 4-taxon data set for primates and a 7-taxon data set for yeast. In both cases, we find that estimates obtained with ST-ABC agree with previous studies. The method provides efficient estimation of the species tree, and does not require sequence data, but rather the observed distribution of rooted gene topologies without branch lengths. Therefore, this method is a useful alternative to other currently available methods for species tree estimation.  相似文献   

Contemporary phylogenomic studies frequently incorporate two-step coalescent analyses wherein the first step is to infer individual-gene trees, generally using maximum-likelihood implemented in the popular programs PhyML or RAxML . Four concerns with this approach are that these programs only present a single fully resolved gene tree to the user despite potential for ambiguous support, insufficient phylogenetic signal to fully resolve each gene tree, inexact computer arithmetic affecting the reported likelihood of gene trees, and an exclusive focus on the most likely tree while ignoring trees that are only slightly suboptimal or within the error tolerance. Taken together, these four concerns are sufficient for RAxML and Phy ML users to be suspicious of the resulting (perhaps over-resolved) gene-tree topologies and (perhaps unjustifiably high) bootstrap support for individual clades. In this study, we sought to determine how frequently these concerns apply in practice to contemporary phylogenomic studies that use RAxML for gene-tree inference. We did so by re-analyzing 100 genes from each of ten studies that, taken together, are representative of many empirical phylogenomic studies. Our seven findings are as follows. First, the few search replicates that are frequently applied in phylogenomic studies are generally insufficient to find the optimal gene-tree topology. Second, there is often more topological variation among slightly suboptimal gene trees relative to the best-reported tree than can be safely ignored. Third, the Shimodaira–Hasegawa-like approximate likelihood ratio test is highly effective at identifying dubiously supported clades and outperforms the alternative approaches of relying on bootstrap support or collapsing minimum-length branches. Fourth, the bootstrap can, but rarely does, indicate high support for clades that are not supported amongst slightly suboptimal trees. Fifth, increasing the accuracy by which RA xML optimizes model-parameter values generally has a nominal effect on selection of optimal trees. Sixth, tree searches using the GTRCAT model were generally less effective at finding optimal known trees than those using the GTRGAMMA model. Seventh, choice of gene-tree sampling strategy can affect inferred coalescent branch lengths, species-tree topology and branch support.  相似文献   

The maximum-likelihood (ML) solution to a simple phylogenetic estimation problem is obtained analytically The problem is estimation of the rooted tree for three species using binary characters with a symmetrical rate of substitution under the molecular clock. ML estimates of branch lengths and log-likelihood scores are obtained analytically for each of the three rooted binary trees. Estimation of the tree topology is equivalent to partitioning the sample space (space of possible data outcomes) into subspaces, within each of which one of the three binary trees is the ML tree. Distance-based least squares and parsimony-like methods produce essentially the same estimate of the tree topology, although differences exist among methods even under this simple model. This seems to be the simplest case, but has many of the conceptual and statistical complexities involved in phylogeny estimation. The solution to this real phylogeny estimation problem will be useful for studying the problem of significance evaluation.  相似文献   

Quartet-mapping, a generalization of the likelihood-mapping procedure.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Likelihood-mapping (LM) was suggested as a method of displaying the phylogenetic content of an alignment. However, statistical properties of the method have not been studied. Here we analyze the special case of a four-species tree generated under a range of evolution models and compare the results with those of a natural extension of the likelihood-mapping approach, geometry-mapping (GM), which is based on the method of statistical geometry in sequence space. The methods are compared in their abilities to indicate the correct topology. The performance of both methods in detecting the star topology is especially explored. Our results show that LM tends to reject a star tree more often than GM. When assumptions about the evolutionary model of the maximum-likelihood reconstruction are not matched by the true process of evolution, then LM shows a tendency to favor one tree, whereas GM correctly detects the star tree except for very short outer branch lengths with a statistical significance of >0.95 for all models. LM, on the other hand, reconstructs the correct bifurcating tree with a probability of >0.95 for most branch length combinations even under models with varying substitution rates. The parameter domain for which GM recovers the true tree is much smaller. When the exterior branch lengths are larger than a (analytically derived) threshold value depending on the tree shape (rather than the evolutionary model), GM reconstructs a star tree rather than the true tree. We suggest a combined approach of LM and GM for the evaluation of starlike trees. This approach offers the possibility of testing for significant positive interior branch lengths without extensive statistical and computational efforts.  相似文献   

Since branch lengths provide important information about the timing and the extent of evolutionary divergence among taxa, accurate resolution of evolutionary history depends as much on branch length estimates as on recovery of the correct topology. However, the empirical relationship between the choice of genes to sequence and the quality of branch length estimation remains ill defined. To address this issue, we evaluated the accuracy of branch lengths estimated from subsets of the mitochondrial genome for a mammalian phylogeny with known subordinal relationships. Using maximum-likelihood methods, we estimated branch lengths from an 11-kb sequence of all 13 protein-coding genes and compared them with estimates from single genes (0.2-1.8 kb) and from 7 different combinations of genes (2-3.5 kb). For each sequence, we separated the component of the log-likelihood deviation due to branch length differences associated with alternative topologies from that due to those that are independent of the topology. Even among the sequences that recovered the same tree topology, some produced significantly better branch length estimates than others did. The combination of correct topology and significantly better branch length estimation suggests that these gene combinations may prove useful in estimating phylogenetic relationships for mammalian divergences below the ordinal level. Thus, the proper choice of genes to sequence is a critical factor for reliable estimation of evolutionary history from molecular data.  相似文献   

Short phylogenetic distances between taxa occur, for example, in studies on ribosomal RNA-genes with slow substitution rates. For consistently short distances, it is proved that in the completely singular limit of the covariance matrix ordinary least squares (OLS) estimates are minimum variance or best linear unbiased (BLU) estimates of phylogenetic tree branch lengths. Although OLS estimates are in this situation equal to generalized least squares (GLS) estimates, the GLS chi-square likelihood ratio test will be inapplicable as it is associated with zero degrees of freedom. Consequently, an OLS normal distribution test or an analogous bootstrap approach will provide optimal branch length tests of significance for consistently short phylogenetic distances. As the asymptotic covariances between branch lengths will be equal to zero, it follows that the product rule can be used in tree evaluation to calculate an approximate simultaneous confidence probability that all interior branches are positive.  相似文献   

The degree to which an amino acid site is free to vary is strongly dependent on its structural and functional importance. An amino acid that plays an essential role is unlikely to change over evolutionary time. Hence, the evolutionary rate at an amino acid site is indicative of how conserved this site is and, in turn, allows evaluation of its importance in maintaining the structure/function of the protein. When using probabilistic methods for site-specific rate inference, few alternatives are possible. In this study we use simulations to compare the maximum-likelihood and Bayesian paradigms. We study the dependence of inference accuracy on such parameters as number of sequences, branch lengths, the shape of the rate distribution, and sequence length. We also study the possibility of simultaneously estimating branch lengths and site-specific rates. Our results show that a Bayesian approach is superior to maximum-likelihood under a wide range of conditions, indicating that the prior that is incorporated into the Bayesian computation significantly improves performance. We show that when branch lengths are unknown, it is better first to estimate branch lengths and then to estimate site-specific rates. This procedure was found to be superior to estimating both the branch lengths and site-specific rates simultaneously. Finally, we illustrate the difference between maximum-likelihood and Bayesian methods when analyzing site-conservation for the apoptosis regulator protein Bcl-x(L).  相似文献   

Small subunit ribosomal RNA (ssu rRNA) coding regions from 30 diatoms, 3 oomycetes, and 6 pelagophytes were used to construct linearized trees, maximum-likelihood trees, and neighbor-joining trees inferred from both unweighted and weighted distances. Stochastic accumulation of sequence substitutions among the diatoms was assessed with relative rate tests. Pennate diatoms evolved relatively slowly but within the limits set by a stochastic model; centric diatoms exceeded those limits. A rate distribution test was devised to identify those taxa showing an aberrant distribution of base substitutions within the ssu rRNA coding region. First appearance dates of diatom taxa from the fossil record were regressed against their corresponding branch lengths to infer the average and earliest possible age for the origin of the diatoms, the pennate diatoms, and the centric diatom order Thalassiosirales. Our most lenient age estimate (based on the median-evolving diatom taxon in the maximum-likelihood tree or on the average branch length in a linearized tree) suggests that their average age is approximately 164–166 Ma, which is close to their earliest fossil record. Both calculations suggest that it is unlikely that diatoms existed prior to 238–266 Ma. Rate variation among the diatoms' ssu rRNA coding regions and uncertainties associated with the origin of extant taxa in the fossil record contribute significantly to the variation in age estimates obtained. Different evolutionary models and the exclusion of fast or slow evolving taxa did not significantly affect age estimates; however, the inclusion of aberrantly fast evolving taxa did. Our molecular clock calibrations indicate that the rRNA coding regions in the diatoms are evolving at approximately 1% per 18 to 26 Ma, which is the fastest substitution rate reported in any pro- or eukaryotic group of organisms to date.  相似文献   

Although long-branch attraction (LBA) is frequently cited as the cause of anomalous phylogenetic groupings, few examples of LBA involving real sequence data are known. We have found several cases of probable LBA by analyzing subsamples from an alignment of 18S rDNA sequences for 133 metazoans. In one example, maximum parsimony analysis of sequences from two rotifers, a ctenophore, and a polychaete annelid resulted in strong support for a tree grouping two "long-branch taxa" (a rotifer and the ctenophore). Maximum-likelihood analysis of the same sequences yielded strong support for a more biologically reasonable "rotifer monophyly" tree. Attempts to break up long branches for problematic subsamples through increased taxon sampling reduced, but did not eliminate, LBA problems. Exhaustive analyses of all quartets for a subset of 50 sequences were performed in order to compare the performance of maximum likelihood, equal-weights parsimony, and two additional variants of parsimony; these methods do differ substantially in their rates of failure to recover trees consistent with well established, but highly unresolved phylogenies. Power analyses using simulations suggest that some incorrect inferences by maximum parsimony are due to statistical inconsistency and that when estimates of central branch lengths for certain quartets are very low, maximum-likelihood analyses have difficulty recovering accepted phylogenies even with large amounts of data. These examples demonstrate that LBA problems can occur in real data sets, and they provide an opportunity to investigate causes of incorrect inferences.  相似文献   

We revisit statistical tests for branches of evolutionary trees reconstructed upon molecular data. A new, fast, approximate likelihood-ratio test (aLRT) for branches is presented here as a competitive alternative to nonparametric bootstrap and Bayesian estimation of branch support. The aLRT is based on the idea of the conventional LRT, with the null hypothesis corresponding to the assumption that the inferred branch has length 0. We show that the LRT statistic is asymptotically distributed as a maximum of three random variables drawn from the chi(0)2 + chi(1)2 distribution. The new aLRT of interior branch uses this distribution for significance testing, but the test statistic is approximated in a slightly conservative but practical way as 2(l1- l2), i.e., double the difference between the maximum log-likelihood values corresponding to the best tree and the second best topological arrangement around the branch of interest. Such a test is fast because the log-likelihood value l2 is computed by optimizing only over the branch of interest and the four adjacent branches, whereas other parameters are fixed at their optimal values corresponding to the best ML tree. The performance of the new test was studied on simulated 4-, 12-, and 100-taxon data sets with sequences of different lengths. The aLRT is shown to be accurate, powerful, and robust to certain violations of model assumptions. The aLRT is implemented within the algorithm used by the recent fast maximum likelihood tree estimation program PHYML (Guindon and Gascuel, 2003).  相似文献   

Cophylogeny is the congruence of phylogenetic relationships between two different groups of organisms due to their long‐term interaction. We investigated the use of tree shape distance measures to quantify the degree of cophylogeny. We implemented a reverse‐time simulation model of pathogen phylogenies within a fixed host tree, given cospeciation probability, host switching, and pathogen speciation rates. We used this model to evaluate 18 distance measures between host and pathogen trees including two kernel distances that we developed for labeled and unlabeled trees, which use branch lengths and accommodate different size trees. Finally, we used these measures to revisit published cophylogenetic studies, where authors described the observed associations as representing a high or low degree of cophylogeny. Our simulations demonstrated that some measures are more informative than others with respect to specific coevolution parameters especially when these did not assume extreme values. For real datasets, trees’ associations projection revealed clustering of high concordance studies suggesting that investigators are describing it in a consistent way. Our results support the hypothesis that measures can be useful for quantifying cophylogeny. This motivates their usage in the field of coevolution and supports the development of simulation‐based methods, i.e., approximate Bayesian computation, to estimate the underlying coevolutionary parameters.  相似文献   

Nearly complete ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/ oxygenase (rbcL)sequences from 27 taxa of heterokont algae were determined and combined with rbcL sequences obtained from GenBank for four other heterokont algae and three red algae. The phylogeny of the morphologically diverse haterokont algae was inferred from an unambiguously aligned data matrix using the red algae as the root, Significantly higher levels of mutational saturation in third codon positions were found when plotting the pair-wise substitutions with and without corrections for multiple substitutions at the same site for first and second codon positions only and for third positions only. In light of this observation, third codon positions were excluded from phylogenetic analyses. Both weighted-parsimony and maximum-likelihood analyses supported with high bootstrap values the monophyly of the nine currently recognized classes of heterokont algae. The Eustigmatophyceae were the most basal group, and the Dictyochophyceae branched off as the second most basal group. The branching pattern for the other classes was well supported in terms of bootstrap values in the weightedparsimony analysis but was weakly supported in the maximum-likelihood analysis (<50%). In the parsimony analysis, the diatoms formed a sister group to the branch containing the Chrysophyceae and Synurophyceae. This clade, charactetized by siliceous structures (frustules, cysts, scales), was the sister group to the Pelagophyceae/Sarcinochrysidales and Phaeo-/Xantho-/ Raphidophyceae clades. In the latter clade, the raphido-phytes were sister to the Phaeophyceae and Xanthophyceae. A relative rate test revealed that the rbcL gene in the Chrysophyceae and Synurophyceae has experienced a significantly different rate of substitutions compared to other classes of heterokont algae. The branch lengths in the maximum-likelihood reconstruction suggest that these two classes have evolved at an accelerated rate. Six major carotenoids were analyzed cladistically to study the usefulness of carotenoid pigmentation as a class-level character in the heterokont algae. In addition, each carotenoid was mapped onto both the rbcL tree and a consensus tree derived from nuclear-encoded small-subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) sequences. Carotenoid pigmentation does not provide unambiguous phylogenetic information, whether analyzed cladistically by itself or when mapped onto phylogenetic trees based upon molecular sequence data.  相似文献   

We modified the phylogenetic program MrBayes 3.1.2 to incorporate the compound Dirichlet priors for branch lengths proposed recently by Rannala, Zhu, and Yang (2012. Tail paradox, partial identifiability and influential priors in Bayesian branch length inference. Mol. Biol. Evol. 29:325-335.) as a solution to the problem of branch-length overestimation in Bayesian phylogenetic inference. The compound Dirichlet prior specifies a fairly diffuse prior on the tree length (the sum of branch lengths) and uses a Dirichlet distribution to partition the tree length into branch lengths. Six problematic data sets originally analyzed by Brown, Hedtke, Lemmon, and Lemmon (2010. When trees grow too long: investigating the causes of highly inaccurate Bayesian branch-length estimates. Syst. Biol. 59:145-161) are reanalyzed using the modified version of MrBayes to investigate properties of Bayesian branch-length estimation using the new priors. While the default exponential priors for branch lengths produced extremely long trees, the compound Dirichlet priors produced posterior estimates that are much closer to the maximum likelihood estimates. Furthermore, the posterior tree lengths were quite robust to changes in the parameter values in the compound Dirichlet priors, for example, when the prior mean of tree length changed over several orders of magnitude. Our results suggest that the compound Dirichlet priors may be useful for correcting branch-length overestimation in phylogenetic analyses of empirical data sets.  相似文献   



Isometric gene tree reconciliation is a gene tree/species tree reconciliation problem where both the gene tree and the species tree include branch lengths, and these branch lengths must be respected by the reconciliation. The problem was introduced by Ma et al. in 2008 in the context of reconstructing evolutionary histories of genomes in the infinite sites model.


In this paper, we show that the original algorithm by Ma et al. is incorrect, and we propose a modified algorithm that addresses the problems that we discovered. We have also improved the running time from \(O(N^2)\) to \(O(N\log N)\), where N is the total number of nodes in the two input trees. Finally, we examine two new variants of the problem: reconciliation of two unrooted trees and scaling of branch lengths of the gene tree during reconciliation of two rooted trees.


We provide several new algorithms for isometric reconciliation of trees. Some questions in this area remain open; most importantly extensions of the problem allowing for imprecise estimates of branch lengths.

The relative efficiencies of the maximum-likelihood (ML), neighbor- joining (NJ), and maximum-parsimony (MP) methods in obtaining the correct topology and in estimating the branch lengths for the case of four DNA sequences were studied by computer simulation, under the assumption either that there is variation in substitution rate among different nucleotide sites or that there is no variation. For the NJ method, several different distance measures (Jukes-Cantor, Kimura two- parameter, and gamma distances) were used, whereas for the ML method three different transition/transversion ratios (R) were used. For the MP method, both the standard unweighted parsimony and the dynamically weighted parsimony methods were used. The results obtained are as follows: (1) When the R value is high, dynamically weighted parsimony is more efficient than unweighted parsimony in obtaining the correct topology. (2) However, both weighted and unweighted parsimony methods are generally less efficient than the NJ and ML methods even in the case where the MP method gives a consistent tree. (3) When all the assumptions of the ML method are satisfied, this method is slightly more efficient than the NJ method. However, when the assumptions are not satisfied, the NJ method with gamma distances is slightly better in obtaining the correct topology than is the ML method. In general, the two methods show more or less the same performance. The NJ method may give a correct topology even when the distance measures used are not unbiased estimators of nucleotide substitutions. (4) Branch length estimates of a tree with the correct topology are affected more easily than topology by violation of the assumptions of the mathematical model used, for both the ML and the NJ methods. Under certain conditions, branch lengths are seriously overestimated or underestimated. The MP method often gives serious underestimates for certain branches. (5) Distance measures that generate the correct topology, with high probability, do not necessarily give good estimates of branch lengths. (6) The likelihood-ratio test and the confidence-limit test, in Felsenstein's DNAML, for examining the statistical of branch length estimates are quite sensitive to violation of the assumptions and are generally too liberal to be used for actual data. Rzhetsky and Nei's branch length test is less sensitive to violation of the assumptions than is Felsenstein's test. (7) When the extent of sequence divergence is < or = 5% and when > or = 1,000 nucleotides are used, all three methods show essentially the same efficiency in obtaining the correct topology and in estimating branch lengths.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)   相似文献   

Algorithmic details to obtain maximum likelihood estimates of parameters on a large phylogeny are discussed. On a large tree, an efficient approach is to optimize branch lengths one at a time while updating parameters in the substitution model simultaneously. Codon substitution models that allow for variable nonsynonymous/synonymous rate ratios (ω=d N/d S) among sites are used to analyze a data set of human influenza virus type A hemagglutinin (HA) genes. The data set has 349 sequences. Methods for obtaining approximate estimates of branch lengths for codon models are explored, and the estimates are used to test for positive selection and to identify sites under selection. Compared with results obtained from the exact method estimating all parameters by maximum likelihood, the approximate methods produced reliable results. The analysis identified a number of sites in the viral gene under diversifying Darwinian selection and demonstrated the importance of including many sequences in the data in detecting positive selection at individual sites. Received: 25 April 2000 / Accepted: 24 July 2000  相似文献   

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