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The control of insulin release from pancreatic beta cells helps ensure proper blood glucose level, which is critical for human health. Protein kinase C has been shown to be one key control mechanism for this process. After glucose stimulation, calcium influx into beta cells triggers exocytosis of insulin-containing dense-core granules and activates protein kinase C via calcium-dependent phospholipase C-mediated generation of diacylglycerol. Activated protein kinase C potentiates insulin release by enhancing the calcium sensitivity of exocytosis, likely by affecting two main pathways that could be linked: (1) the reorganization of the cortical actin network, and (2) the direct phosphorylation of critical exocytotic proteins such as munc18, SNAP25, and synaptotagmin. Here, we review what is currently known about the molecular mechanisms of protein kinase C action on each of these pathways and how these effects relate to the control of insulin release by exocytosis. We identify remaining challenges in the field and suggest how these challenges might be addressed to advance our understanding of the regulation of insulin release in health and disease.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the effect of magnolol (5,5′-diallyl-2,2′-biphenyldiol) on contraction in distal colonic segments of rats and the underlying mechanisms. Colonic segments were mounted in organ baths for isometric force measurement. Whole-cell voltage-sensitive L-type Ca2+ currents were recorded on isolated single colonic smooth muscle cells using patch-clamp technique. The spontaneous contractions and acetylcholine (ACh)- and Bay K 8644-induced contractions were inhibited by magnolol (3–100 μM). In the presence of Bay K8644 (100 nM), magnolol (10–100 μM) inhibited the contraction induced by 10 μM ACh. By contrast, tetrodotoxin (100 nM) and Nώ-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (l-NAME 100 μM) did not change the inhibitory effect of magnolol (10 μM). In addition, magnolol (3–100 μM) inhibited the L-type Ca2+ currents. The present results suggest that magnolol inhibits colonic smooth muscle contraction through downregulating L-type Ca2+ channel activity.  相似文献   

Oxidative-stress-driven lipid peroxidation (LPO) is involved in the pathogenesis of several human diseases, including cancer. LPO products react with cellular proteins changing their properties, and with DNA bases to form mutagenic etheno-DNA adducts, removed from DNA mainly by the base excision repair (BER) pathway.One of the major reactive aldehydes generated by LPO is 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (HNE). We investigated the effect of HNE on BER enzymes in human cells and in vitro. K21 cells pretreated with physiological HNE concentrations were more sensitive to oxidative and alkylating agents, H2O2 and MMS, than were untreated cells. Detailed examination of the effects of HNE on particular stages of BER in K21 cells revealed that HNE decreases the rate of excision of 1,N6-ethenoadenine (ɛA) and 3,N4-ethenocytosine (ɛC), but not of 8-oxoguanine. Simultaneously HNE increased the rate of AP-site incision and blocked the re-ligation step after the gap-filling by DNA polymerases. This suggested that HNE increases the number of unrepaired single-strand breaks (SSBs) in cells treated with oxidizing or methylating agents. Indeed, preincubation of cells with HNE and their subsequent treatment with H2O2 or MMS increased the number of nuclear poly(ADP-ribose) foci, known to appear in cells in response to SSBs. However, when purified BER enzymes were exposed to HNE, only ANPG and TDG glycosylases excising ɛA and ɛC from DNA were inhibited, and only at high HNE concentrations. APE1 endonuclease and 8-oxoG-DNA glycosylase 1 (OGG1) were not inhibited. These results indicate that LPO products exert their promutagenic action not only by forming DNA adducts, but in part also by compromising the BER pathway.  相似文献   

Accumulated evidence points to a key role for endocannabinoids in cell migration, and here we sought to characterize the role of these substances in early events that modulate communication between endothelial cells and leukocytes. We found that 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) was able to initiate and complete the leukocyte adhesion cascade, by modulating the expression of selectins. A short exposure of primary human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) to 2-AG was sufficient to prime them towards an activated state: within 1 h of treatment, endothelial cells showed time-dependent plasma membrane expression of P- and E-selectins, which both trigger the initial steps (i.e., capture and rolling) of leukocyte adhesion. The effect of 2-AG was mediated by CB1 and CB2 receptors and was long lasting, because endothelial cells incubated with 2-AG for 1 h released the pro-inflammatory cytokine tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) for up to 24 h. Consistently, TNF-α-containing medium was able to promote leukocyte recruitment: human Jurkat T cells grown in conditioned medium derived from 2-AG-treated HUVECs showed enhanced L-selectin and P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL1) expression, as well as increased efficiency of adhesion and trans-migration. In conclusion, our in vitro data indicate that 2-AG, by acting on endothelial cells, might indirectly promote leukocyte recruitment, thus representing a potential therapeutic target for treatment of diseases where impaired endothelium/leukocyte interactions take place.  相似文献   

During bioethanol fermentation process, Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell membrane might provide main protection to tolerate accumulated ethanol, and S. cerevisiae cells might also remodel their membrane compositions or structure to try to adapt to or tolerate the ethanol stress. However, the exact changes and roles of S. cerevisiae cell membrane components during bioethanol fermentation still remains poorly understood. This study was performed to clarify changes and roles of S. cerevisiae cell membrane components during bioethanol fermentation. Both cell diameter and membrane integrity decreased as fermentation time lasting. Moreover, compared with cells at lag phase, cells at exponential and stationary phases had higher contents of ergosterol and oleic acid (C18:1) but lower levels of hexadecanoic (C16:0) and palmitelaidic (C16:1) acids. Contents of most detected phospholipids presented an increase tendency during fermentation process. Increased contents of oleic acid and phospholipids containing unsaturated fatty acids might indicate enhanced cell membrane fluidity. Compared with cells at lag phase, cells at exponential and stationary phases had higher expressions of ACC1 and HFA1. However, OLE1 expression underwent an evident increase at exponential phase but a decrease at following stationary phase. These results indicated that during bioethanol fermentation process, yeast cells remodeled membrane and more changeable cell membrane contributed to acquiring higher ethanol tolerance of S. cerevisiae cells. These results highlighted our knowledge about relationship between the variation of cell membrane structure and compositions and ethanol tolerance, and would contribute to a better understanding of bioethanol fermentation process and construction of industrial ethanologenic strains with higher ethanol tolerance.  相似文献   

In a birth cohort living in Chitwan Valley, lowland Nepal, we have previously reported inverse associations between in utero levels of lead (Pb), arsenic (As) and neurodevelopment at birth measured by the Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale, third edition (NBAS III). In the present paper, a follow-up of the same cohort was made on 24-month-old infants regarding the neurodevelopmental effects of these metals, taking the postnatal environment into account. In total, the same100 mother-infant pairs as the previous study, whose Pb, As, and Zn concentrations in cord blood were known, were recruited. Postnatal raising environment was evaluated using the Home Observation for Measurement of Environment (HOME) scale. Neurodevelopment of children at 24 months of age (n = 74) was assessed using the Bayley Scale of Infant Development, Second Edition (BSID II). Multivariable regression adjusting for covariates was performed to determine the associations of in utero levels of toxic and essential elements and the home environment with neurodevelopment scores. Unlike the NBAS III conducted for newborns, none of the BSID II cluster scores in 24-month-old infants were associated with cord blood levels of Pb, As, and Zn. The total HOME score was positively associated with the mental development scale (MDI) score (coefficient = 0.67, at 95% CI = 0.03 to 1.31). In this cohort, a detrimental effect of in utero Pb and As on neurodevelopmental indicators observed at birth disappeared at 24 months, while an association between neurodevelopment and home environment continued.  相似文献   

Energy metabolism alterations are found in a large number of rare and common diseases of genetic or environmental origin. The number of patients that could benefit from bioenergetic modulation therapy (BIOMET) is therefore very important and includes individuals with pathologies as diverse as mitochondrial diseases, acute coronary syndrome, chronic kidney disease, asthma or even cancer. Although, the alteration of energy metabolism is disease specific and sometimes patient specific, the strategies for BIOMET could be common and target a series of bioenergetic regulatory mechanisms discussed in this article. An excellent training of scientists in the field of energy metabolism, related human diseases and drug discovery is also crucial to form a young generation of MDs, PHDs and Pharma or CRO-group leaders who will discover novel personalized bioenergetic medicines, through pharmacology, genetics, nutrition or adapted exercise training. The Mitochondrial European Educational Training (MEET) consortium was created to pursue this goal, and we dedicated here a special issue of Organelle in Focus (OiF) to highlight their objectives. A total of 10 OiFs articles constitute this Directed Issue on Mitochondrial Medicine. As part of this editorial article, we asked timely questions to the PR. Jan W. Smeitink, professor of Mitochondrial Medicine and CEO of Khondrion, a mitochondrial medicine company. He shared with us his objectives and strategies for the study of mitochondrial diseases and the identification of future treatments.This article is part of a Directed Issue entitled: Energy Metabolism Disorders and Therapies.  相似文献   

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is widely used as a nutritional supplement, and administration of DHEA produces a number of beneficial effects in the elderly. Many researchers have suggested that DHEA exerts it function after conversion into more biologically active hormones in peripheral target cells. The actions of DHEA in Leydig cells, a major target cell of DHEA biotransformation in males, are not clear. The present study found that DHEA increased cell viability and decreased reactive oxygen species (ROS) and malondialdehyde contents in H2O2-induced Leydig cells. DHEA significantly increased the activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase and peroxidase, and decreased the DNA damage in H2O2-induced Leydig cells. Apoptosis was significant decreased in H2O2-induced Leydig cells after DHEA treatment. DHEA inhibited the loss of mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm) and the upregulation of the caspase-3 protein level induced by H2O2 in Leydig cells. DHEA also reversed the decrease in PI3K and p-Akt protein levels induced by H2O2. These data showed that DHEA could ameliorate H2O2-induced oxidative damage by increasing anti-oxidative enzyme activities, which resulted in reduced ROS content, and decreased apoptosis, mainly by preventing the loss of ΔΨm and inhibiting caspase-3 protein levels via activation of PI3K/Akt signaling pathways. These results increase our understanding of the molecular mechanism of the anti-ageing effect of DHEA.  相似文献   

DNA damage created by endogenous or exogenous genotoxic agents can exist in multiple forms, and if allowed to persist, can promote genome instability and directly lead to various human diseases, particularly cancer, neurological abnormalities, immunodeficiency and premature aging. To avoid such deleterious outcomes, cells have evolved an array of DNA repair pathways, which carry out what is typically a multiple-step process to resolve specific DNA lesions and maintain genome integrity. To fully appreciate the biological contributions of the different DNA repair systems, one must keep in mind the cellular context within which they operate. For example, the human body is composed of non-dividing and dividing cell types, including, in the brain, neurons and glial cells. We describe herein the molecular mechanisms of the different DNA repair pathways, and review their roles in non-dividing and dividing cells, with an eye toward how these pathways may regulate the development of neurological disease.  相似文献   

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, NAD+, is a small metabolite coenzyme that is essential for the progress of crucial cellular pathways including glycolysis, the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA) and mitochondrial respiration. These processes consume and produce both oxidative and reduced forms of NAD (NAD+ and NADH). NAD+ is also important for ADP(ribosyl)ation reactions mediated by the ADP-ribosyltransferase enzymes (ARTDs) or deacetylation reactions catalyzed by the sirtuins (SIRTs) which use NAD+ as a substrate. In this review, we highlight the significance of NAD+ catabolism in DNA repair and cell death through its utilization by ARTDs and SIRTs. We summarize the current findings on the involvement of ARTD1 activity in DNA repair and most specifically its involvement in the trigger of cell death mediated by ARTD1 activation and energy depletion. By sharing the same substrate, the activities of ARTDs and SIRTs are tightly linked, are dependent on each other and are thereby involved in the same cellular processes that play an important role in cancer biology, inflammatory diseases and ischaemia/reperfusion.  相似文献   

Focal contacts, large macromolecular complexes that link the extracellular matrix and the internal cell cytoskeleton, are thought to govern cell locomotion. However, the maturation process through which focal contacts control the cellular migratory machinery by changes in size and molecular composition remain unclear. Here, we fabricated cell growth substrates that contained linear ECM strips of micron- or submicron-width in order to limit the enlargement of focal contacts. We found that NBT-II cells plated on the submicron substrate possessed smaller focal complexes that exhibited a highly dynamic turnover. These cells possessed various leading edges at multiple sites of the cell periphery, which prevented the cell from advancing. In contrast, cells grown on the micron-width substrate possessed large and stable focal adhesions. Most of these cells were elongated bipolar cells that were tethered at both ends and were immobile. Further, EGF and ROCK signaling pathways can modulate the cellular migratory responses according to the substrate guidance. On the submicron-width substrate, EGF treatment increased the focal contact size and the contractile force, causing these cells to develop one leading edge and migrate along the submicron-sized ECM paths. In contrast, inhibition of ROCK signaling decreased the focal contact size for cells plated on the micron substrate. These cells became less tethered and were able to migrate along or even across the micron-sized ECM paths. Our results indicate that formation and maturation of focal contacts is controlled by both ECM cues and intracellular signaling and they play a central role in directed cell motion.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2014,49(4):697-705
Jiangxienone is a novel compound recently purified from the traditional Chinese medicinal mushroom Cordyceps jiangxiensis and was reported to show potent cytotoxicity against cancer cells. However, its mechanism of action remains unclear. In this work, the underlying mechanism of jiangxienone against human gastric cancer cells HGC-27 was investigated using whole-genome microarray. The results demonstrated that jiangxienone significantly decreased cell population of various human cancer cell lines, while slightly inhibited the colony formation of stromal cells from murine marrow even at a high concentration. Differential gene expression profiling indicated that the cytotoxic action of jiangxienone against HGC-27 is closely related to the DNA damage response pathway, which was evident by the identification of 23 DNA damage response-associated genes, such as XRCC4/5/6, NBS1, RAD51, and BRCA1/2. By using gel retardation assays, UV absorption spectrometry and single-cell gel electrophoresis, it was found that jiangxienone could bind to DNA and inhibit cancer cell growth. The above results indicated that the cytotoxic mechanism of jiangxienone against cancer cells was involved in the DNA damage response pathway. The findings will be helpful to the development of useful cancer chemopreventive compounds from C. jiangxiensis.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to characterize the function of mitochondria and main energy fluxes in human colorectal cancer (HCC) cells. We have performed quantitative analysis of cellular respiration in post-operative tissue samples collected from 42 cancer patients. Permeabilized tumor tissue in combination with high resolution respirometry was used.Our results indicate that HCC is not a pure glycolytic tumor and the oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) system may be the main provider of ATP in these tumor cells. The apparent Michaelis–Menten constant (Km) for ADP and maximal respiratory rate (Vm) values were calculated for the characterization of the affinity of mitochondria for exogenous ADP: normal colon tissue displayed low affinity (Km = 260 ± 55 μM) whereas the affinity of tumor mitochondria was significantly higher (Km = 126 ± 17 μM). But concurrently the Vm value of the tumor samples was 60–80% higher than that in control tissue. The reason for this change is related to the increased number of mitochondria. Our data suggest that in both HCC and normal intestinal cells tubulin β-II isoform probably does not play a role in the regulation of permeability of the MOM for adenine nucleotides.The mitochondrial creatine kinase energy transfer system is not functional in HCC and our experiments showed that adenylate kinase reactions could play an important role in the maintenance of energy homeostasis in colorectal carcinomas instead of creatine kinase.Immunofluorescent studies showed that hexokinase 2 (HK-2) was associated with mitochondria in HCC cells, but during carcinogenesis the total activity of HK did not change. Furthermore, only minor alterations in the expression of HK-1 and HK-2 isoforms have been observed.Metabolic Control analysis showed that the distribution of the control over electron transport chain and ATP synthasome complexes seemed to be similar in both tumor and control tissues. High flux control coefficients point to the possibility that the mitochondrial respiratory chain is reorganized in some way or assembled into large supercomplexes in both tissues.  相似文献   

Mechanisms associated with the progression of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) remain unclear. We attempted to identify the pattern of altered gene expression at different time points in a high fat diet (HFD)-induced NAFLD mouse model. The early up-regulated genes are mainly involved in the innate immune responses, while the late up-regulated genes represent the inflammation processes. Although recent studies have shown that microRNAs play important roles in hepatic metabolic functions, the pivotal role of microRNAs in the progression of NAFLD is not fully understood. We investigated the functions of miR-451, which was identified as a target gene in the inflammatory process in NAFLD. miR-451 expression was significantly decreased in the palmitate (PA)-exposed HepG2 cells and in liver tissues of HFD-induced non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) mice. Its decreased expressions were also observed in liver specimens of NASH patients. In vitro analysis of the effect of miR-451 on proinflammatory cytokine provided evidence for negative regulation of PA-induced interleukin (IL)-8 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) production. Furthermore, miR-451 over-expression inhibited translocation of the PA-induced NF-κB p65 subunit into the nucleus. Our result showed that Cab39 is a direct target of miRNA-451 in steatotic cells. Further study showed that AMPK activated through Cab39 inhibits NF-κB transactivation induced in steatotic HepG2 cells. miR-451 over-expression in steatotic cells significantly suppressed PA-induced inflammatory cytokine. These results provide new insights into the negative regulation of miR-451 in fatty acid-induced inflammation via the AMPK/AKT pathway and demonstrate potential therapeutic applications for miR-451 in preventing the progression from simple steatosis to severely advanced liver disease.  相似文献   

Combination therapy using two or more small molecule inhibitors of aberrant signaling cascade in aggressive breast cancers is a promising therapeutic strategy over traditional monotherapeutic approaches. Here, we have studied the synergistic mechanism of resveratrol and curcumin induced apoptosis using in vitro (cigarette smoke condensate mediated transformed breast epithelial cell, MCF-10A-Tr) and in vivo (tumor xenograft mice) model system. Resveratrol exposure increased the intracellular uptake of curcumin in a dose dependent manner and caused apoptosis in MCF-10A-Tr cells. Approximately, ten fold lower IC50 value was noted in cells treated with the combination of resveratrol (3 μM) and curcumin (3 μM) in comparison to 30 μM of resveratrol or curcumin alone. Resveratrol + curcumin combination caused apoptosis by increasing Bax/Bcl-xL ratio, Cytochrome C release, cleaved product of PARP and caspase 3 in cells. Interestingly, this combination unaltered the protein expressions of WNT-TCF and Notch signaling components, β-catenin and cleaved notch-1 val1744, respectively. Furthermore, the combination also significantly decreased the intermediates of Hedgehog-Gli cascade including SMO, SHH, Gli-1, c-MYC, Cyclin-D1, etc. and increased the level of p21Waf/Cip1 in vitro and in vivo. A significant reduction of Gli- promoter activity was noted in combinational drug treated cells in comparison to individual drug treatment. Un-alteration of the expressions of the above proteins and Gli1 promoter activity in p21Waf/Cip1 knockout cells suggests this combination caused apoptosis through p21Waf/Cip1. Thus, our findings revealed resveratrol and curcumin synergistically caused apoptosis in cigarette smoke induced breast cancer cells through p2  Waf/Cip1 mediated inhibition of Hedgehog-Gli cascade.  相似文献   

High blood glucose levels are the main feature of diabetes. However, the underlying mechanism linking high glucose concentration to diabetic complications is still not fully elucidated, particularly with regard to human physiology. Excess of glucose is likely to trigger a metabolic response depending on the cell features, activating deleterious pathways involved in the complications of diabetes. In this study, we aim to elucidate how acute and prolonged hyperglycaemia alters the biology and metabolism in human fibroblasts and endothelial cells.We found that hyperglycaemia triggers a metabolic switch from oxidative phosphorylation to glycolysis that is maintained over prolonged time. Moreover, osmotic pressure is a major factor in the early metabolic response, decreasing both mitochondrial transmembrane potential and cellular proliferation. After prolonged exposure to hyperglycaemia we observed decreased mitochondrial steady-state and uncoupled respiration, together with a reduced ATP/ADP ratio. At the same time, we could not detect major changes in mitochondrial transmembrane potential and reactive oxygen species.We suggest that the physiological and metabolic alterations observed in healthy human primary fibroblasts and endothelial cells are an adaptive response to hyperglycaemia. The severity of metabolic and bioenergetics impairment associated with diabetic complications may occur after longer glucose exposure or due to interactions with cell types more sensitive to hyperglycaemia.  相似文献   

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