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BMP signaling plays many important roles during organ development, including palatogenesis. Loss of BMP signaling leads to cleft palate formation. During development, BMP activities are finely tuned by a number of modulators at the extracellular and intracellular levels. Among the extracellular BMP antagonists is Noggin, which preferentialy binds to BMP2, BMP4 and BMP7, all of which are expressed in the developing palatal shelves. Here we use targeted Noggin mutant mice as a model for gain of BMP signaling function to investigate the role of BMP signaling in palate development. We find prominent Noggin expression in the palatal epithelium along the anterior-posterior axis during early palate development. Loss of Noggin function leads to overactive BMP signaling, particularly in the palatal epithelium. This results in disregulation of cell proliferation, excessive cell death, and changes in gene expression, leading to formation of complete palatal cleft. The excessive cell death in the epithelium disrupts the palatal epithelium integrity, which in turn leads to an abnormal palate-mandible fusion and prevents palatal shelf elevation. This phenotype is recapitulated by ectopic expression of a constitutively active form of BMPR-IA but not BMPR-IB in the epithelium of the developing palate; this suggests a role for BMPR-IA in mediating overactive BMP signaling in the absence of Noggin. Together with the evidence that overexpression of Noggin in the palatal epithelium does not cause a cleft palate defect, we conclude from our results that Noggin mediated modulation of BMP signaling is essential for palatal epithelium integrity and for normal palate development.  相似文献   

BMP signaling in skeletal development   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Development of the vertebrate skeleton, a complex biological event that includes diverse processes such as formation of mesenchymal condensations at the sites of future skeletal elements, osteoblast and chondrocyte differentiation, and three dimensional patterning, is regulated by many growth factors. Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), members of the TGF-beta superfamily, play a pivotal role in the signaling network and are involved in nearly all processes associated with skeletal morphogenesis. BMP signals are transduced from the plasma membrane receptors to the nucleus through both Smad pathway and non-Smad pathways, and regulated by many extracellular and intercellular proteins that interact with BMPs or components of the BMP signaling pathways. To gain a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the role of BMP in early skeletal development, it is necessary to elucidate the BMP signaling transduction pathways in chondrocytes and osteoblasts. The major objective of this review was to summarize BMP signaling pathways in the context of craniofacial, axial, and limb development. In particular, this discourse will focus on recent advances of the role of different ligands, receptors, Smads, and BMP regulators in osteoblast and chondrocyte differentiation during embryonic development.  相似文献   

The FaceBase Consortium consists of ten interlinked research and technology projects whose goal is to generate craniofacial research data and technology for use by the research community through a central data management and integrated bioinformatics hub. Funded by the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) and currently focused on studying the development of the middle region of the face, the Consortium will produce comprehensive datasets of global gene expression patterns, regulatory elements and sequencing; will generate anatomical and molecular atlases; will provide human normative facial data and other phenotypes; conduct follow up studies of a completed genome-wide association study; generate independent data on the genetics of craniofacial development, build repositories of animal models and of human samples and data for community access and analysis; and will develop software tools and animal models for analyzing and functionally testing and integrating these data. The FaceBase website (http://www.facebase.org) will serve as a web home for these efforts, providing interactive tools for exploring these datasets, together with discussion forums and other services to support and foster collaboration within the craniofacial research community.  相似文献   

Craniofacial and trunk skeletal muscles are evolutionarily distinct and derive from cranial and somitic mesoderm, respectively. Different regulatory hierarchies act upstream of myogenic regulatory factors in cranial and somitic mesoderm, but the same core regulatory network – MyoD, Myf5 and Mrf4 – executes the myogenic differentiation program. Notch signaling controls self-renewal of myogenic progenitors as well as satellite cell homing during formation of trunk muscle, but its role in craniofacial muscles has been little investigated. We show here that the pool of myogenic progenitor cells in craniofacial muscle of Dll1LacZ/Ki mutant mice is depleted in early fetal development, which is accompanied by a major deficit in muscle growth. At the expense of progenitor cells, supernumerary differentiating myoblasts appear transiently and these express MyoD. The progenitor pool in craniofacial muscle of Dll1LacZ/Ki mutants is largely rescued by an additional mutation of MyoD. We conclude from this that Notch exerts its decisive role in craniofacial myogenesis by repression of MyoD. This function is similar to the one previously observed in trunk myogenesis, and is thus conserved in cranial and trunk muscle. However, in cranial mesoderm-derived progenitors, Notch signaling is not required for Pax7 expression and impinges little on the homing of satellite cells. Thus, Dll1 functions in satellite cell homing and Pax7 expression diverge in cranial- and somite-derived muscle.  相似文献   

The diencephalon is the caudal part of the forebrain and is organized into easily identifiable clusters of neurons called nuclei. Neurons in different nuclei project to discrete brain regions. Thus precise organization of the nuclei during forebrain development is necessary to build accurate neural circuits. How diencephalic development is regulated is poorly understood. BMP signaling participates in central nervous system patterning and development at many levels along the neural axis. Based on their expression we hypothesized BMPs play a role in diencephalic development. To test this hypothesis, we electroporated constitutively active and dominant negative forms of type I BMP receptors (Bmpr1a and Bmpr1b) into the embryonic chick forebrain. Ectopic induction of BMP signaling through constitutively active forms of the type I BMP receptors perturbs the normal gene expression patterns in the diencephalon and increases apoptotic cell death. These defects lead to disorganization of the diencephalic nuclei, suggesting BMP signaling is sufficient to modify diencephalic development. Loss-of-function studies, using dominant negative forms of Bmpr1a and Bmpr1b, indicate type I BMP receptors are necessary for normal eye and craniofacial development. However, they do not appear to be required for normal diencephalic development. In summary, our data indicate that while not necessary, BMP signaling via Bmpr1a and Bmpr1b, is sufficient to modify nuclear organization in the chick diencephalon.  相似文献   

Uterine sensitization associated gene-1 (USAG-1) is a BMP antagonist, and also modulates Wnt signaling. We previously reported that USAG-1 deficient mice have supernumerary teeth. The supernumerary maxillary incisor appears to form as a result of the successive development of the rudimentary upper incisor. USAG-1 abrogation rescued apoptotic elimination of odontogenic mesenchymal cells. We confirmed that BMPs were expressed in both the epithelium and mesenchyme of the rudimentary incisor at E14 and E15. BMP signaling in the rudimentary maxillary incisor, assessed by expressions of Msx1 and Dlx2 and the phosphorylation of Smad protein, was significantly enhanced. Wnt signaling as demonstrated by the nuclear localization of β-catenin was also up-regulated. Inhibition of BMP signaling rescues supernumerary tooth formation in E15 incisor explant culture. Based upon these results, we conclude that enhanced BMP signaling results in supernumerary teeth and BMP signaling was modulated by Wnt signaling in the USAG-1 deficient mouse model.  相似文献   

The coordinated growth and development of synapses is critical for all aspects of neural circuit function and mutations that disrupt these processes can result in various neurological defects. Several anterograde and retrograde signaling pathways, including the canonical Bone Morphogenic Protein (BMP) pathway, regulate synaptic development in vertebrates and invertebrates. At the Drosophila larval neuromuscular junction (NMJ), the retrograde BMP pathway is a part of the machinery that controls NMJ expansion concurrent with larval growth. We sought to determine whether the conserved Hippo pathway, critical for proportional growth in other tissues, also functions in NMJ development. We found that neuronal loss of the serine‐threonine protein kinase Tao, a regulator of the Hippo signaling pathway, results in supernumerary boutons which contain a normal density of active zones. Tao is also required for proper synaptic function, as reduction of Tao results in NMJs with decreased evoked excitatory junctional potentials. Surprisingly, Tao function in NMJ growth is independent of the Hippo pathway. Instead, our experiments suggest that Tao negatively regulates BMP signaling as reduction of Tao leads to an increase in pMad levels in motor neuron nuclei and an increase in BMP target gene expression. Taken together, these results support a role for Tao as a novel inhibitor of BMP signaling in motor neurons during synaptic development and function.  相似文献   

Msx homeobox gene family and craniofacial development   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Alappat S  Zhang ZY  Chen YP 《Cell research》2003,13(6):429-442
Vertebrate Msx genes are unlinked, homeobox-containing genes that bear homology to the Drosophila muscle segment homeobox gene. These genes are expressed at multiple sites of tissue-tissue interactions during vertebrate embryonic development. Inductive interactions mediated by the Msx genes are essential for normal craniofacial, limb and ectodermal organ morphogenesis, and are also essential to survival in mice, as manifested by the phenotypic abnormalities shown in knockout mice and in humans. This review summarizes studies on the expression, regulation, and functional analysis of Msx genes that bear relevance to craniofacial development in humans and mice.  相似文献   

Congenital bony syngnathia, a rare but severe human birth defect, is characterized by bony fusion of the mandible to the maxilla. However, the genetic mechanisms underlying this birth defect are poorly understood, largely due to limitation of available animal models. Here we present evidence that transgenic expression of Bmp4 in neural crest cells causes a series of craniofacial malformations in mice, including a bony fusion between the maxilla and hypoplastic mandible, resembling the bony syngnathia syndrome in humans. In addition, the anterior portion of the palatal shelves emerged from the mandibular arch instead of the maxilla in the mutants. Gene expression assays showed an altered expression of several facial patterning genes, including Hand2, Dlx2, Msx1, Barx1, Foxc2 and Fgf8, in the maxillary and mandibular processes of the mutants, indicating mis-patterned cranial neural crest (CNC) derived cells in the facial region. However, despite of formation of cleft palate and ectopic cartilage, forced expression of a constitutively active form of BMP receptor-Ia (caBmprIa) in CNC lineage did not produce the syngnathia phenotype, suggesting a non-cell autonomous effect of the augmented BMP4 signaling. Our studies demonstrate that aberrant BMP4-mediated signaling in CNC cells leads to mis-patterned facial skeleton and congenital bony syngnathia, and suggest an implication of mutations in BMP signaling pathway in human bony syngnathia.  相似文献   

Extracellular regulation of growth factor signaling is a key event for embryonic patterning. Heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPG) are among the molecules that regulate this signaling during embryonic development. Here we study the function of syndecan1 (Syn1), a cell-surface HSPG expressed in the non-neural ectoderm during early development of Xenopus embryos. Overexpression of Xenopus Syn1 (xSyn1) mRNA is sufficient to reduce BMP signaling, induce chordin expression and rescue dorso-ventral patterning in ventralized embryos. Experiments using chordin morpholinos established that xSyn1 mRNA can inhibit BMP signaling in the absence of chordin. Knockdown of xSyn1 resulted in a reduction of BMP signaling and expansion of the neural plate with the concomitant reduction of the non-neural ectoderm. Overexpression of xSyn1 mRNA in xSyn1 morphant embryos resulted in a biphasic effect, with BMP being inhibited at high concentrations and activated at low concentrations of xSyn1. Interestingly, the function of xSyn1 on dorso-ventral patterning and BMP signaling is specific for this HSPG. In summary, we report that xSyn1 regulates dorso-ventral patterning of the ectoderm through modulation of BMP signaling.  相似文献   

Vertebrate organisms are characterized by dorsal-ventral and left-right asymmetry. The process that establishes left-right asymmetry during vertebrate development involves bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-dependent signaling, but the molecular details of this signaling pathway remain poorly defined. This study tests the role of the BMP type I receptor ACVRI in establishing left-right asymmetry in chimeric mouse embryos. Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells with a homozygous deletion at Acvr1 were used to generate chimeric embryos. Chimeric embryos were rescued from the gastrulation defect of Acvr1 null embryos but exhibited abnormal heart looping and embryonic turning. High mutant contribution chimeras expressed left-side markers such as nodal bilaterally in the lateral plate mesoderm (LPM), indicating that loss of ACVRI signaling leads to left isomerism. Expression of lefty1 was absent in the midline of chimeric embryos, but shh, a midline marker, was expressed normally, suggesting that, despite formation of midline, its barrier function was abolished. High-contribution chimeras also lacked asymmetric expression of nodal in the node. These data suggest that ACVRI signaling negatively regulates left-side determinants such as nodal and positively regulates lefty1. These functions maintain the midline, restrict expression of left-side markers, and are required for left-right pattern formation during embryogenesis in the mouse.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2023,33(12):2574-2581.e3
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Wu X 《遗传学报》2010,37(9):593-603
The heart is one of the first functional embryonic organs occurring during development. The fundamental developmental processes and genes involved in cardiogenesis are conserved between the invertebrates and vertebrates. In the past fifteen years, one of signaling pathways that has been best characterized in heart development in both invertebrates and vertebrates is the Wg/Wnt signaling pathways. Since our discovery of the Wg signaling required for the early heart development in Drosophila, the past fifteen years have witnessed tremendous progress in the understanding of specific Wnt signaling pathways in vertebrate cardiogenesis. This review will summarize the current state of knowledge of Wg signaling transduction in Drosophila heart development, which will benefit our understanding of vertebrate cardiogenesis and human congenital malformations.  相似文献   

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