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Tritium labelling of the alpha-neurotoxin of Naja nigricollis   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

Tritium concentration ratios of less than unity (0·19) were determined for adult crickets which were at equilibrium for that particular instar with a tritium tagged food source. This phenomenon is interpreted as meaning that simple diffusion-equilibrium assumptions are not adequate for describing tritium movement in food chains when true equilibrium conditions are not met. Additional factors, such as rates of tritium assimilation and turnover for tissue-bound and body-water fractions, food habits, and duration of developmental stages must be considered along with environmental tritium concentrations in determining food chain transfers of this radionuclide.  相似文献   

N-Acetyl-D-[2-3H]glucosamine was synthesized from N-acetyl-D-mannosamineby alkaline 2-epimerization in pyridine containing 3H2O andnickelous acetate. The reaction involves reversible formationof an enol intermediate and therefore also resulted in incorporationof tritium into N-acetylmannosamine. After completed reaction,the two N-acetylhexosamines were separated from other radioactiveproducts and Morgan-Elson chromogens by chromatography on acolumn of Sephadex G-10, which was eluted with 10% ethanol,and were then separated from each other by chromatography onSephadex G-15 in 0·27 M sodium borate (pH 7·8).The location of the incorporated tritium was established bytreatment of the N-acetylhexosamines with borate under the conditionsof the Morgan-Elson reaction, which converts the sugars to Kuhn'schromogen I with concomitant loss of the C-2 hydrogen. As expected,this treatment resulted in the formation of 3H2O, indicatingthat the tritium was located at C-2. [2-3H]Glucosamine was preparedby acid hydrolysis of the labelled N-acetylglucosamine and wasconverted to [2-3H]glucosamine 6-phosphate by incubation withhexokinase and ATP. The sugar phosphate was used as a substratefor glucosamine 6-phosphate deaminase (isomerase, EC [EC] )in a simple 3H2O release assay. N-acetyl[2-3H]glucosamine N-acetyl[2-3H]mannosamine [2-3H]glucosamine glucosamine 6-phosphate deaminase [2-3H]mannosamine  相似文献   

A new method of incorporation of tritium into nucleic acids with an accompanying conversion of cytosine to uracil is proposed. The method is based on the reaction of nucleic acids with bisulfite in the presence of 3H2O. Under certain conditions poly(C) is quantitatively converted to a radioactive poly(U), whereas similar bisulfite treatment of poly(U) does not result in any tritium incorporation. Specificity of the reaction is confirmed by the results of analysis of modified tRNA and rRNA. Incubation of tRNA with bisulfite and 3H2O does not lead to cleavage of the polynucleotide chain. Similar treatment of the denatured DNA results in tritium incorporation into DNA which is accompanied by a conversion of cytosine to uracil. There is virtually no reaction between native DNA and bisulfite. Only certain cytosone residues in yeast tRNAVal/2a interact with bisulfate providing that reaction is carried out under sufficiently mild conditions.  相似文献   

Sequence-specific DNA modification is of significance for applications in bio- and nano-technology, medical diagnostics and fundamental life sciences research. Preferentially, labelling should be performed covalently, which avoids doubts about label dissociation from the DNA under various conditions. Several methods to label native DNA have been developed in the last two decades. Triple-helix-forming oligodeoxynucleotides and hairpin polyamides that bind DNA sequences specifically in the major and minor groove respectively were used as targeting devices for subsequent covalent labelling. In addition, enzyme-directed labelling approaches utilizing nicking endonucleases in combination with DNA polymerases or DNA methyltransferases have been employed. This review summarizes various techniques useful for functionalization of long native DNA.  相似文献   

Differential labelling of DNA in higher plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Under our experimental conditions labelling of DNA in higher plants with 32P phosphate, 14C uridine and 14C thymidine shows two distinct species of labelled DNA: bulk-DNA and a satellite DNA. The bulk DNA (? = 1.696 g.cm−3) does not incorporate 32P phosphate, but 14C thymidine. On the other hand the satellite-DNA (? = 1.720 g.cm−3) does not incorporate 14C thymidine, but 32P phosphate. Both have 14C-Uridine as a precursor. An attempt has been made to establish the cellular localisation of these two DNA's.  相似文献   

Earlier reports that irradiation for 3 hr with continuous far-red light stimulated the incorporation of deuterium from deuterium oxide into the free amino acids of the cotyledons of Sinapis alba have not been confirmed by studies using tritium oxide. Possible explanations of the discrepancy are discussed.  相似文献   

Reliable methods of machine-aided RNA synthesis have been established to complement those for DNA assembly. Oligonucleotides containing thio-modified backbones and 2'-O-alkyl sugars head the list of many newly available analogues. Biotin, fluorescent agents and many reporter groups can be conveniently introduced into oligonucleotides in multiples by phosphoramidite or H-phosphonate chemistry.  相似文献   

In vitro tritium labelling of DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Summary Specific labelling of replicating bacteriophage SPP1 DNA can be achieved by infection at nonpermissive temperature of a B. subtilis strain carrying the initation mutation dnaB ts134. Under these conditions host DNA synthesis is reduced by 90 to 95%. This technique was used to identify cistrons of SPP1 involved in phage DNA synthesis and to define intermediates in SPP1 replication.Experiments reported were part of the Doctoral Thesis submitted by K. Burger to the Freie Universität Berlin  相似文献   

The amino group of 5-aminopropargyl-2′-deoxyuridine-5′-triphosphate was labelled with dibenzocyclooctyne (DIBO) and two derivatives of bicyclo [6.1.0] non-4-yne (BCN) with short and long linkers to produce three different cycloalkyne-modified deoxyuridine triphosphates. BCN was successfully incorporated into DNA at multiple sites by enzyme-mediated primer extension and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Efficient fluorescent labelling of the BCN-DNA and DIBO-DNA with Cy3-azide was demonstrated.  相似文献   

The possible addition of extra sequences to simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA was analyzed by electron microscopy in two different cell systems, productively infected monkey cells and activated heterokaryons on monkey and transformed mouse 3T3 cells. We found that the closed circular DNA fraction, extracted from monkey cells at 70 h after infection with nondefective SV40 at a multiplicity of infection of 6 PFU/cell, contained oversized molesules (1.1 to 2.0 fractional lengths of SV40 DNA) constituting about 8% of the molecules having lengths equal to or shorter than SV40 dinner DNA. The oversized molecules had the entired SV40 sequences. The added DNA was heterogeneous in length. The sites of addition were not specific with reference to the EcoRi site. These results suggest that recombination between monkey and SV40 DNAs or partial duplication of SV40 DNA occurs at many sites on the SV40 chromosome. The integrated SV40 DNA is excised and replicates in activated heterokaryons. In this system, besides SV40 DNA we found heterogeneous undersized and oversized molecules containing SV40 sequences in the closed circular DNA population. Additions differeing in size appeared to be overlapping and to have occurred at a preferential site on the SV40 chromosome. These results support the hypothesis that host DNA can be added to SV40 DNA at the site of integration at the time of excision.  相似文献   

Amount of DNA produced during extra S phases in Tetrahymena   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A protein mixture named LTx, was released from human tonsillar lymphocytes, when incubated at 37 degrees C in either "individual" or "mixed" cultures. LTx caused a decrease in the incorporation of 14-C- labelled amino acids of the target lymphocytes, while the release of 51- Cr from labelled target cells increased. Target cells were found to bind the "toxic" protein.  相似文献   

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