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alpha-Actinins from striated muscle, smooth muscle, and nonmuscle cells are distinctive in their primary structure and Ca2+ sensitivity for the binding to F-actin. We isolated alpha-actinin cDNA clones from a cDNA library constructed from poly(A)+ RNA of embryonic chicken skeletal muscle. The amino acid sequence deduced from the nucleotide sequence of these cDNAs was identical to that of adult chicken skeletal muscle alpha-actinin. To examine whether the differences in the structure and Ca2+ sensitivity of alpha-actinin molecules from various tissues are responsible for their tissue-specific localization, the cDNA cloned into a mammarian expression vector was transfected into cell lines of mouse fibroblasts and skeletal muscle myoblasts. Immunofluorescence microscopy located the exogenous alpha-actinin by use of an antibody specific for skeletal muscle alpha-actinin. When the protein was expressed at moderate levels, it coexisted with endogenous alpha-actinin in microfilament bundles in the fibroblasts or myoblasts and in Z-bands of sarcomeres in the myotubes. These results indicate that Ca2+ sensitivity or insensitivity of the molecules does not determine the tissue-specific localization. In the cells expressing high levels of the exogenous protein, however, the protein was diffusely present and few microfilament bundles were found. Transfection with cDNAs deleted in their 3' portions showed that the expressed truncated proteins, which contained the actin-binding domain but lacked the domain responsible for dimerization, were able to localize, though less efficiently in microfilament bundles. Thus, dimer formation is not essential for alpha-actinin molecules to bind to microfilaments.  相似文献   

The single copy Drosophila alpha-actinin gene is alternatively spliced to generate three different isoforms that are expressed in larval muscle, adult muscle and non-muscle cells, respectively. We have generated novel alpha-actinin alleles, which specifically remove the non-muscle isoform. Homozygous mutant flies are viable and fertile with no obvious defects. Using a monoclonal antibody that recognizes all three splice variants, we compared alpha-actinin distribution in wild type and mutant embryos and ovaries. We found that non-muscle alpha-actinin was present in young embryos and in the embryonic central nervous system. In ovaries, non-muscle alpha-actinin was localized in the nurse cell subcortical cytoskeleton, cytoplasmic actin cables and ring canals. In the mutant, alpha-actinin expression remained in muscle tissues, but also in a subpopulation of epithelial cells in both embryos and ovaries. This suggests that various populations of non-muscle cells regulate alpha-actinin expression in different ways. We also show that ectopically expressed adult muscle-specific alpha-actinin localizes to all F-actin containing structures in the nurse cells in the absence of endogenous non-muscle alpha-actinin.  相似文献   

Amyloidogenic proteins aggregate through a self-templating mechanism that likely involves oligomeric or prefibrillar intermediates. For disease-associated amyloidogenic proteins, such intermediates have been suggested to be the primary cause of cellular toxicity. However, isolation and characterization of these oligomeric intermediates has proven difficult, sparking controversy over their biological relevance in disease pathology. Here, we describe an oligomeric species of a yeast prion protein in cells that is sufficient for prion transmission and infectivity. These oligomers differ from the classic prion aggregates in that they are soluble and less resistant to SDS. We found that large, SDS-resistant aggregates were required for the prion phenotype but that soluble, more SDS-sensitive oligomers contained all the information necessary to transmit the prion conformation. Thus, we identified distinct functional requirements of two types of prion species for this endogenous epigenetic element. Furthermore, the nontoxic, self-replicating amyloid conformers of yeast prion proteins have again provided valuable insight into the mechanisms of amyloid formation and propagation in cells.  相似文献   

Loss of myofibrillar proteins is a hallmark of atrophying muscle. Expression of muscle RING-finger 1 (MuRF1), a ubiquitin ligase, is markedly induced during atrophy, and MuRF1 deletion attenuates muscle wasting. We generated mice expressing a Ring-deletion mutant MuRF1, which binds but cannot ubiquitylate substrates. Mass spectrometry of the bound proteins in denervated muscle identified many myofibrillar components. Upon denervation or fasting, atrophying muscles show a loss of myosin-binding protein C (MyBP-C) and myosin light chains 1 and 2 (MyLC1 and MyLC2) from the myofibril, before any measurable decrease in myosin heavy chain (MyHC). Their selective loss requires MuRF1. MyHC is protected from ubiquitylation in myofibrils by associated proteins, but eventually undergoes MuRF1-dependent degradation. In contrast, MuRF1 ubiquitylates MyBP-C, MyLC1, and MyLC2, even in myofibrils. Because these proteins stabilize the thick filament, their selective ubiquitylation may facilitate thick filament disassembly. However, the thin filament components decreased by a mechanism not requiring MuRF1.  相似文献   

During the spreading of a population of rat embryo cells, approximately 40% of the cells develop a strikingly regular network which precedes the formation of the straight actin filament bundles seen in the fully spread out cells. Immunofluorescence studies with antibodies specific for the skeletal muscle structural proteins actin, alpha-actinin, and tropomyosin indicate that this network is composed of foci containing actin and alpha-actinin, connected by tropomyosin-associated actin filaments. Actin filaments, having both tropomyosin and alpha-actinin associated with them, are also seen to extend from the vertices of this network to the edges of the cell. These results demonstrate a specific interaction of alpha-actinin and tropomyosin with actin filaments during the assembly and organization of the actin filament bundles of tissue culture cells. The three-dimensional network they form may be regarded as the structural precursor and the vertices of this network as the organization centers of the ultimately formed actin filament bundles of the fully spread out cells.  相似文献   

Antigravity muscles atrophy and weaken during prolonged mechanical unloading caused by bed rest or spaceflight. Unloading also induces oxidative stress in muscle, a putative cause of weakness. We tested the hypothesis that dietary supplementation with Bowman-Birk inhibitor concentrate (BBIC), a soy protein extract, would oppose these changes. Adult mice were fed a diet supplemented with 1% BBIC during hindlimb unloading for up to 12 days. Soleus muscles of mice fed the BBIC-supplemented diet weighed less, developed less force per cross-sectional area, and developed less total force after unloading than controls. BBIC supplementation was protective, blunting decrements in soleus muscle weight and force. Cytosolic oxidant activity was assessed using 2',7'-dichlorofluorescin diacetate. Oxidant activity increased in unloaded muscle, peaking at 3 days and remaining elevated through 12 days of unloading. Increases in oxidant activity correlated directly with loss of muscle mass and were abolished by BBIC supplementation. In vitro assays established that BBIC directly buffers reactive oxygen species and also inhibits serine protease activity. We conclude that dietary supplementation with BBIC protects skeletal muscle during prolonged unloading, promoting redox homeostasis in muscle fibers and blunting atrophy-induced weakness.  相似文献   

A fundamental concept in development is that secreted molecules such as Wingless (Wg) and Hedgehog (Hh) generate pattern by inducing cell fate. By following markers of cellular identity posterior to the Wg- and Hh-expressing cells in the Drosophila dorsal embryonic epidermis, we provide evidence that neither Wg nor Hh specifies the identity of the cell types they pattern. Rather, they maintain pre-existing cellular identities that are otherwise unstable and progress stepwise towards a default fate. Wg and Hh therefore generate pattern by inhibiting specific switches in cell identity, showing that the specification and the patterning of a given cell are uncoupled. Sequential binary decisions without induction of cell identity give rise to both the groove cells and their posterior neighbors. The combination of independent progression of cell identity and arrest of progression by signals facilitates accurate patterning of an extremely plastic developing epidermis.  相似文献   

We have isolated a Drosophila melanogaster alpha-actinin gene and partially characterized several mutant alleles. The Drosophila protein sequence is very similar (68% identity) to those of chicken alpha-actinin isoforms, but less closely related (30% identity) to Dictyostelium alpha-actinin. The gene is within subdivision 2C of the X chromosome, coincident with 15 lethal (1)2Cb mutations. At least four alleles, l(1)2Cb1, l(1)2Cb2, l(1)2Cb4, and l(1)2Cb5 are interrupted by rearrangement breakpoints and must be null. In all four cases, hemizygous mutants complete embryogenesis and do not die until the second day of larval growth, signifying that either the role of alpha-actinin in nonmuscle cells is redundant or that a distinct and only distantly related gene encodes the non-muscle isoform. Allelic but less severely affected fliA mutants are apparently due to point mutations, and develop into adults having thoracic muscle abnormalities. EM of mutant muscles reveals that Z discs and myofibrillar attachments are disrupted, whereas epithelial "tendon" cells are less affected. We discuss these phenotypes in the light of presumed in vivo alpha-actinin functions.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle atrophy is a debilitating outcome of a number of chronic diseases and conditions associated with loss of muscle innervation by motor neurons, such as aging and neurodegenerative diseases. We previously reported that denervation-induced loss of muscle mass is associated with activation of cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2), the rate-limiting step for the release of arachidonic acid from membrane phospholipids, which then acts as a substrate for metabolic pathways that generate bioactive lipid mediators. In this study, we asked whether 5- and 12/15-lipoxygenase (LO) lipid metabolic pathways downstream of cPLA2 mediate denervation-induced muscle atrophy in mice. Both 5- and 12/15-LO were activated in response to surgical denervation; however, 12/15-LO activity was increased ~2.5-fold versus an ~1.5-fold increase in activity of 5-LO. Genetic and pharmacological inhibition of 12/15-LO (but not 5-LO) significantly protected against denervation-induced muscle atrophy, suggesting a selective role for the 12/15-LO pathway in neurogenic muscle atrophy. The activation of the 12/15-LO pathway (but not 5-LO) during muscle atrophy increased NADPH oxidase activity, protein ubiquitination, and ubiquitin–proteasome-mediated proteolytic degradation. In conclusion, this study reveals a novel pathway for neurogenic muscle atrophy and suggests that 12/15-LO may be a potential therapeutic target in diseases associated with loss of innervation and muscle atrophy.  相似文献   



Ivermectin (Mectizan?, Merck and CO. Inc.) is being widely used in the control of human onchocerciasis (Onchoverca volvulus) because of its potent effect on microfilariae. Human studies have suggested that, at the standard dose of 150 μg/kg an annual treatment schedule of ivermectin reversibly interferes with female worm fertility but is not macrofilaricidal. Because of the importance of determining whether ivermectin could be macrofilaricidal, the efficacy of high and prolonged doses of ivermectin and a related avermectin, doramectin, were investigated in cattle infected with O. ochengi.


Drugs with potential macrofilaricidal activity, were screened for the treatment of human onchocerciasis, using natural infections of O. ochengi in African cattle. Three groups of 3 cows were either treated at monthly intervals (7 treatments) with ivermectin (Ivomec®, Merck and Co. Inc.) at 500 μg/kg or doramectin (Dectamax®, Pfizer) at 500 μg/kg or not treated as controls. Intradermal nodules were removed at 6 monthly intervals and adult worms were examined for signs of drug activity.


There was no significant decline in nodule diameter, the motility of male and female worms, nor in male and female viability as determined by the ability to reduce tetrazolium, compared with controls, at any time up to 24 months from the start of treatments (mpt). Embryogenesis, however, was abrogated by treatment, which was seen as an accumulation of dead and dying intra-uterine microfilariae (mf) persisting for up to 18 mpt. Skin mf densities in treated animals had fallen to zero by <3 mpt, but by 18 mpt small numbers of mf were found in the skin of some treated animals and a few female worms were starting to produce multi-cellular embryonic stages. Follow-up of the doramectin treated group at 36 mpt showed that mf densities had still only regained a small proportion of their pre-treatment levels.


These results have important implications for onchocerciasis control in the field. They suggest that ivermectin given at repeated high does may sterilise O. volvulus female worms for prolonged periods but is unlikely to kill them. This supports the view that control programmes may need to continue treatments with ivermectin for a period of decades and highlights the need to urgently identify new marcofiliaricidal compounds.  相似文献   

Cullen K  Davey R  Davey M 《Cytometry》2001,43(3):189-194
BACKGROUND: Multidrug resistance (MDR) is mediated by the drug resistance proteins, the multidrug resistance-associated protein (MRP) and P-glycoprotein, both of which confer resistance by the active efflux of chemotherapeutic drugs from the cell. Reduced Fas (CD95/APO-1) expression and resistance to Fas-mediated apoptosis have also been correlated with P-glycoprotein-mediated MDR. METHODS: We investigated cell surface Fas expression (using anti-Fas monoclonal antibody DX2.1) in a series of MRP-expressing drug-resistant leukemia sublines, and P-glycoprotein-expressing leukemia sublines, and their susceptibility to apoptosis induced by anti-Fas treatment (CH-11 monoclonal antibody). Caspase-3 activation was detected by Western blot and apoptosis was determined by flow cytometry with 7-aminoactinomycin D (7-AAD) staining of cells. RESULTS: Fas expression was not reduced in either the MRP- or P-glycoprotein-expressing drug-resistant cell lines, although expression was reduced by 15% in one low-level drug-resistant subline. Expression of MRP or P-glycoprotein did not confer resistance to caspase-3 activation or to anti-Fas-induced cell death. CONCLUSIONS: MDR mediated by the drug transport proteins MRP and P-glycoprotein does not correlate with resistance to Fas-mediated cell death or resistance to caspase-3 activation.  相似文献   

High force eccentric muscle contractions can result in delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), prolonged loss of muscle strength, decreased range of motion, muscle swelling and an increase of muscle proteins in the blood. At the ultrastructural level Z-line streaming and myofibrillar disruptions have been taken as evidence for muscle damage. In animal models of eccentric exercise-induced injury, disruption of the cytoskeleton and the sarcolemma of muscle fibres occurs within the first hour after the exercise, since a rapid loss of staining of desmin, a cytoskeletal protein, and the presence of fibronectin, a plasma and extracellular protein, are observed within the muscle fibres. In the present study, biopsies from subjects who had performed different eccentric exercises and had developed DOMS were examined. Our aim was to determine whether eccentric exercise leading to DOMS causes sarcolemmal disruption and loss of desmin in humans. Our study shows that even though the subjects had DOMS, muscle fibres had neither lost staining for desmin nor contained plasma fibronectin. This study therefore does not support previous conclusions that there is muscle fibre degeneration and necrosis in human skeletal muscle after eccentric exercise leading to DOMS. Our data are in agreement with the recent findings that there is no inflammatory response in skeletal muscle following eccentric exercise in humans. In combination, these findings should stimulate the search for other mechanisms explaining the functional and structural alterations in human skeletal muscle after eccentric exercise.  相似文献   

Mutations in POLG account for one of the most frequent nuclear encoded causes of mitochondrial disorders to date. Individuals harboring POLG mutations exhibit fairly heterogeneous clinical presentations leading to increasing difficulties in classifying these patients into defined clinical phenotypes. This study aims to investigate the molecular basis of a mitochondrial cytopathy in a patient with 3-methylglutaconic aciduria and to expand the clinical phenotype associated with POLG mutations. Clinical, molecular and genetic analyses as well as neurophysiological examinations were carried out for a 23-year-old woman of mixed Caucasian and Latin American ancestry with a history of cataracts diagnosed at age 1 year, she had onset of distal muscle weakness at age 2 years progressing to atrophy and ovarian dysgenesis at puberty. The patient was found to have 3-methylglutaconic acid with normal 3 hydroxyisovaleric acid on urine organic acid analysis. POLG sequencing was done and a heterozygous variant, c.2851T>A (p.Y951N) was found which is predicted to be deleterious. There are limited reports of POLG mutations in individuals with 3-methylglutaconic aciduria. This case report of a young woman with a heterozygous mutation in POLG, presenting with muscle weakness and atrophy at a young age aims to aid clinicians in similar challenging diagnostic situations as well as enhances our understanding of POLG-related disease phenotypes.  相似文献   

Animals that undergo prolonged dormancy experience minimal muscle disuse atrophy (MDA) compared to animals subjected to artificial immobilisation over shorter timeframes. An association between oxidative stress and MDA suggests that metabolic depression presumably affords dormant animals some protection against muscle disuse. Because aerobic metabolism is temperature sensitive, we proposed that MDA in dormant (aestivating) ectotherms would be enhanced at elevated temperatures. In the green‐striped burrowing frog, Cyclorana alboguttata, the thermal sensitivity of skeletal muscle metabolic rate is muscle‐specific. We proposed that the degree of atrophy experienced during aestivation would correlate with the thermal sensitivity of muscle metabolic rate such that muscles with a relatively high metabolic rate at high temperatures would experience more disuse atrophy. To test this hypothesis, we examined the effect of temperature and aestivation on the extent of MDA in two functionally different muscles: the M. gastrocnemius (jumping muscle) and M. iliofibularis (non‐jumping muscle), in C. alboguttata aestivating at 24 or 30°C for 6 months. We compared a range of morphological parameters from muscle cross‐sections stained with succinic dehydrogenase to show that muscle‐specific patterns of disuse atrophy were consistent with the relative rates of oxygen consumption of those muscle types. However, despite muscle‐specific differences in thermal sensitivity of metabolic rate, aestivation temperature did not influence the extent of atrophy in either muscle. Our results suggest that the muscles of frogs aestivating at high temperatures are defended against additional atrophy ensuring protection of muscle function during long periods of immobilisation. J. Morphol., 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We identified a unique type II cAMP-dependent protein kinase regulatory subunit (PKA-RII) gene in Drosophila melanogaster and a severely hypomorphic if not null mutation, pka-RII(EP(2)2162). Extracts from pka- RII(EP(2)2162) flies selectively lack RII-specific autophosphorylation activity and show significantly reduced cAMP binding activity, attributable to the loss of functional PKA-RII. pka-RII(EP(2)2162) shows 2-fold increased basal PKA activity and approximately 40% of normal cAMP-inducible PKA activity. pka-RII(EP(2)2162) is fully viable but displays abnormalities of ovarian development and multiple behavioral phenotypes including arrhythmic circadian locomotor activity, decreased sensitivity to ethanol and cocaine, and a lack of sensitization to repeated cocaine exposures. These findings implicate type II PKA activity in these processes in Drosophila and imply a common role for PKA signaling in regulating responsiveness to cocaine and alcohol.  相似文献   

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