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A new mutant gene that causes preaxial polydactyly in the hindlimbs was found in the strain of rats with fused pulmonary lobes (fpl). Genetic analysis has revealed that the new mutation is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait and is not closely linked with the fpl gene. Since homozygous mutants die within the first 2 days after birth, the mutant gene was named polydactyly lethal, gene symbol pl. A test for allelism between the pl gene and another gene, pd, which also causes preaxial duplication anomalies, showed no allelism between these two genes. Skeletal examination revealed that all pl/pl newborns had thickening and/or bifurcation of tarsal I and metatarsal I, as well as duplication of the proximal and distal phalanges of digit I in the hindlimbs. In some cases, phalangeal duplication or bifurcation in digit I with thickening of metacarpal I was also found in the forelimbs, although extra forelimb digits were not detected externally. The pl/pl newborns showed hunchback-like abnormal posture externally and had several associated vertebral abnormalities in varying degrees, i.e., kyphosis, scoliosis, splitting of the thoracic vertebral bodies, and fusion of the lumbar vertebral bodies. No major malformations were seen in the visceral organs. The cause of neonatal deaths has not yet been determined.  相似文献   

目的探讨微卫星在转基因和基因突变小鼠中的变化,为基因修饰和遗传突变动物的遗传检测和表型分析提供理论依据和技术手段。方法根据文献报道,从GenBank中选取198个等位基因数量多、富含多态性的微卫星位点,以野生型动物为对照,对6种近交系遗传背景的转基因小鼠和5种自然基因突变的近交系小鼠进行微卫星多态性检测,选用1.5%琼脂糖凝胶电泳和STR扫描技术,比较分析微卫星不稳定性。结果共有40个微卫星位点在转基因和基因突变小鼠中表现出多态性。在基因突变小鼠中,微卫星不稳定性有55.6%(10/18)是由纯合变为杂合(Ⅰ型),有3个位点(16.6%,3/18)是纯合突变(Ⅱ型),有5个位点同时存在2种类型的突变。但是在转基因动物中,大多数的微卫星多态性为Ⅰ型突变(87.5%,28/32),只有2个位点(6.2%,2/32)是Ⅱ型突变。另外有2个位点同时存在2种类型的突变。结论基因修饰或基因突变可引起小鼠相关微卫星发生不稳定性,而且某些微卫星位点对基因改变敏感性较高。  相似文献   

We examined pelage color variation in wild populations of black rats (the Rattus rattus species complex) in the Yambaru forest area, northern Okinawa Island, Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan. Our field study revealed that 8.7% (38/438) and 0.2% (4/2500) of rats exhibited two types of coat color: white spotting and melanism, respectively. Using 34 representative animals, the phylogeography of the population was inferred using a nuclear gene marker, i.e., sequences (954 bp) of the melanocortin-1 receptor (Mc1r) gene responsible for the melanistic form in black rats. Four sequences from Okinawa were characterized as R. tanezumi, the Asian strain of black rat. Notably, neither of the phenotypic characters of white spotting or melanism was associated with the Mc1r haplotypes. Analysis of mitochondrial cytochrome b (Cytb) sequences (1140 bp) revealed that four haplotypes recovered from Okinawa clustered with the clade of R. tanezumi and differed by one or more bases from haplotypes at other localities in Japan and Asian countries. Thus, both variants may have arisen in the native rat population of Okinawa without interaction with the lineage of R. rattus, which exhibits a worldwide distribution and displays such coat color variants. The Yambaru population of black rats has thus experienced its own evolutionary history in allopatry for a substantial period of time (e.g., 10,000 years), which has preserved valuable genetic polymorphisms and will be useful for assessing the ecological consequences of genetic variation in natural populations.  相似文献   

Dubey D  Parihar R  Ganesh S 《Genomics》2012,99(1):36-43
The EPM2A gene, defective in the fatal neurodegenerative disorder Lafora disease (LD), is known to encode two distinct proteins by differential splicing; a phosphatase active cytoplasmic isoform and a phosphatase inactive nuclear isoform. We report here the identification of three novel EPM2A splice variants with potential to code for five distinct proteins in alternate reading frames. These novel isoforms, when ectopically expressed in cell lines, show distinct subcellular localization, interact with and serve as substrates of malin ubiquitin ligase-the second protein defective in LD. Two phosphatase active isoforms interact to form a heterodimeric complex that is inactive as a phosphatase in vitro, suggesting an antagonistic function for laforin isoforms if expressed endogenously in significant amounts in human tissues. Thus alternative splicing could possibly be one of the mechanisms by which EPM2A may regulate the cellular functions of the proteins it codes for.  相似文献   

Phenotypic characterization of Leuconostoc species   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A numerical taxonomic analysis was performed on 81 strains belonging to the Gram-positive, heterofermentative genus Leuconostoc . These came from different raw milk samples used for cheese manufacture, milk starters, wine and culture collections. Strains were examined for 197 phenotypic characters. On the basis of carbohydrate fermentation, citrate use and dextran production, all the strains were recovered in three clusters at a similarity level of 38% Sj. One cluster was composed entirely of the 11 L. mesenteroides subsp. cremoris strains, characterized by a poor carbohydrate fermentation capacity. The second cluster was very heterogeneous: it contained 60 strains that fermented many carbohydrates, but it was not possible to discriminate between the named species. The third cluster consisted of the 10 L. oenos strains. The addition of antibiotic resistance responses and enzymatic profiles (arylamidase, esterase and hydrolase activities) yielded no significant difference between the strains and did not allow a better discrimination. Only the attribution of a taxonomic weight to some carbohydrate fermentation tests and the use of genetic analyses can resolve the strain identification.  相似文献   

Phenotypic characterization of a photomorphogenic mutant   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Light is arguably the most important abiotic factor controlling plant growth and development throughout their life cycle. Plants have evolved sophisticated light-sensing mechanisms to monitor fluctuations in light quality, intensity, direction and periodicity (day length). In Arabidopsis, three families of photoreceptors have been identified by molecular genetic studies. The UV-A/blue light receptors cryptochromes and the red/far-red receptors phytochromes control an overlapping set of responses including photoperiodic flowering induction and de-etiolation. Phototropins are the primary photoreceptors for a set of specific responses to UV-A/blue light such as phototropism, chloroplast movement and stomatal opening. Mutants affecting a photoreceptor have a characteristic phenotype. It is therefore possible to determine the specific developmental responses and the photoreceptor pathway(s) affected in a mutant by performing an appropriate set of photobiological and genetic experiments. In this paper, we outline the principal and easiest experiments that can be performed to obtain a first indication about the nature of the photobiological defect in a given mutant.  相似文献   

Anthrax lethal factor (LF) is a zinc-dependent endopeptidase involved in the cleavage of mitogen-activated protein kinase kinases near their N-termini. The current report concerns the preparation of cobalt-substituted LF (CoLF) and its characterization by electronic spectroscopy. Two strategies to produce CoLF were explored, including (i) a bio-assimilation approach involving the cultivation of LF-expressing Bacillus megaterium cells in the presence of CoCl(2), and (ii) direct exchange by treatment of zinc-LF with CoCl(2). Independent of the method employed, the protein was found to contain one Co(2+) per LF molecule, and was shown to be twice as active as its native zinc counterpart. The electronic spectrum of CoLF suggests the Co(2+) ion to be five-coordinate, an observation similar to that reported for other Co(2+)-substituted gluzincins, but distinct from that documented for the crystal structure of native LF. Furthermore, spectroscopic studies following the exposure of CoLF to thioglycolic acid (TGA) revealed a sequential mechanism of metal removal from LF, which likely involves the formation of an enzyme: Co(2+):TGA ternary complex prior to demetallation of the active site. CoLF reported herein constitutes the first spectroscopic probe of LF's active site, which may be utilized in future studies to gain further insight into the enzyme's mechanism and inhibitor interactions.  相似文献   

One hundred and thirty-seven strains of Bacillus thuringiensis and 35 strains of Bacillus cereus were tested for the presence or absence of 99 traits. An analysis of these data indicated that strains of B. thuringiensis were indistinguishable from B. cereus, except for their ability to produce parasporal crystals. This conclusion was based on a comparison of the phenotypic properties of B. thuringiensis and B. cereus, as well as on the results of numerical analyses of the data which grouped strains into clusters on the basis of phenotypic similarity. In the resulting dendrograms, strains of B. thuringiensis and B. cereus were interspersed, exhibiting no tendency to segregate. In addition, with the exception of serovar israelensis, strains on B. thuringiensis belonging to the same flagellar serovar showed little or no tendency to group in different clusters. A comparison of the phenotypic differences between serovars indicated that the greater the number of strains in the serovars, the fewer, if any, phenotypic traits separating them. This suggests that the properties reported to differentiate serovars can be attributed to the internal phenotypic diversity of the species. Characterization of 10 mosquitocidal strains of Bacillus sphaericus indicated that the traits employed in this study readily distinguished these highly related organisms from strains of B. thuringiensis and B. cereus.  相似文献   

Eleven hybridoma cell lines secreting monoclonal anti-digoxin antibody have been produced. They are primarily gamma heavy chain and kappa light chain molecules. Affinity constants for digoxin range from 2 X 10(6) to 3.5 X 10(8) liters/mole. Fine specificity analysis using a series of digoxin congeners demonstrates that an unsaturated lactone ring attached to the aglycone at the C-17 position is necessary for hapten recognition. The impact of other changes in digoxin's structure on antibody binding were also studied. DNA hybridization analysis demonstrates that there are at least three different variable region gene arrangements used to produce the heavy chains of the different hybridoma antibodies. Correlations between antigen binding characteristics and antibody V-gene arrangements are demonstrable.  相似文献   

Postnatal behavioral development and learning ability of operant performance were examined in spontaneously epileptic rats (SER: zi/zi, tm/tm), and the original tremorous mutant strains of rats, tremor rats (tm/tm) and zitter rats (zi/zi) and their controls. Before the eyes opened, the increase in body weight and the age of achieving the righting reflex on a surface were no significantly different between the SER and their littermates without epileptic seizures (SER-N: zi/zi, tm/+ or zi/zi, +/+), and between tremor rats and the original strain Kyo: Wistar rats. After the eyes opened, the increase in body weight, age of achieving the righting reflex in air and traction performance, and the development of rotarod performance, were delayed in SER and tremor rats in comparison with other groups of rats. The zitter rats were apparently inferior in their development of rotarod performance in comparison with the same zitter homozygous SER-N. Operant performance was more inferior in SER than in SER-N and in tremor rats than in Kyo: Wistar rats. The differences were much more marked between SER and SER-N than between tremor and Kyo: Wistar rats. Thus, homologous tm genes and the coexistence of homologous tm and zi genes have an inhibitory effect on postnatal behavioral development and learning ability.  相似文献   

Recent outbreaks of cryptosporidiosis from contaminated water supplies have led to a need for the detection of Cryptosporidium oocysts from various hosts and contaminating sources. The presence of nonpathogenic species or strains of Cryptosporidium is important for diagnostic purposes as there is a potential for false-positive detection of pathogenic parasites. The present review focuses on phenotypic differences and recent advances in genotypic analyses of the genus Cryptosporidium with an emphasis on detecting various isolates and identifying differences in Cryptosporidium parvum and other species in this genus. The information currently available demonstrates important patterns in DNA sequences of Cryptosporidium, and our understanding of macro- and microevolutionary patterns has increased in recent years. However, current knowledge of Cryptosporidium genetic diversity is far from complete, and the large amount of both phenotypic and genotypic data has led to problems in our understanding of the systematics of this genus. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2001) 26, 95–106. Received 18 March 2000/ Accepted in revised form 13 August 2000  相似文献   

Among the 68 isolates, selected from 13 raw-milk samples in Finland (that originate from farm, truck or silo tanks), 60 (88%) were psychrotrophs. All the isolates were characterized by the determination of their spoilage and phenotypic features: proteolytic and lipolytic activities, the production of lecithinases and hemolytic factors were considered. Phenotypic characterization of the isolates was mainly performed with API 20NE and BIOLOG GN2 identification systems; the results were system-dependent, although the presence of representatives of the Pseudomonas genus (for the majority of the isolates) was suggested by both systems. The results of the numerical profile analyses by API 20NE proposed that some strains might be members of Stenotrophomonas, Burkholderia and Acinetobacter genera; however, the identity of many isolates remained doubtful or controversial.  相似文献   

Phenotypic characterization of murine lymphokine-activated killer cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Short-term culture of murine lymphocytes in interleukin 2 (IL-2), in the absence of any priming antigen, has been shown to result in the differentiation of an activated killer cell population capable of potent cytotoxic activity against tumor cells. The progenitor and lineage of these lymphokine activated killer cells (LAK) remains controversial. The present study was initiated to combine both complement-mediated depletion and flow cytometry to examine the cell surface membrane markers on murine LAK precursors and effectors. Selective depletion of antigen-positive cells from the precursor or effector population followed by functional assays demonstrates that the LAK effector is derived from a non-thymus-processed cell (Thy-1 negative). Paradoxically, the effector acquires Thy-1 expression in parallel to the IL-2 induced acquisition of killer cell effector function. These studies clearly show that both precursor and effector cells express the "NK-associated" Qa 5 and asialo GM-1 surface antigens. Mature effectors, but not the precursors, exhibit both Lyt-2 and the "NK-associated" NK-1.1 cell surface marker. Our flow cytometric analyses of murine spleen cells activated in rIL-2 have identified a distinct large, granular cell population which contains the LAK effector. This population, which can be readily discerned using light scattering properties with a flow cytometer, demonstrates both quantitative and qualitative changes in cell surface antigen expression.  相似文献   

Breathing pattern of spontaneously hypertensive rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The trachea of rats anaesthetized with sodium pentobarbitone was cannulated and the air flow velocity and the pressure of the oesophagus were measured. In the spontaneously hypertensive rats the breathing frequency was higher, the tidal volume and the effective lung resistance were smaller than that of the normotensive Wistar rats. It seems that the neurohumoral control of respiration in SHR animals differs from that of normotensive rats.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that some Escherichia coli strains isolated from children with diarrhea present the so-called 'localized and diffused adherence (LA/DA) pattern' in which both localized adherence (LA) and diffused adherence (DA) are expressed simultaneously. In the present study, we show that the LA adherence of these strains is genetically and phenotypically similar to that so far described for enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) as determined by DNA hybridization and electron microscopy. On the other hand, the DA is encoded by genes not homologous to the DAEC or AIDA-I DNA probes. In addition, the LA/DA strains are able to invade eukaryotic cells both in vitro and in vivo. In the rabbit ileal loop assay their invasion capacity goes beyond the enterocyte and reaches the muscularis mucosae as determined by transmission electron microscopy. These findings suggest that the LA/DA adherence pattern may be linked to a new E. coli virulence category which in the case of the strains studied may be associated to other virulence traits that enable them to more deeply invade the intestinal mucosa.  相似文献   

Streptococcus pneumoniae is among the most common pathogens associated with chronic otitis media with effusion, which has been hypothesized to be a biofilm disease. S. pneumoniae has been shown to form biofilms, however, little is known about the developmental process, the architecture, and the changes that occur upon biofilm development. In the current study we made use of a continuous-culture biofilm system to characterize biofilm development of 14 different S. pneumoniae strains representing at least 10 unique serotypes. The biofilm development process was found to occur in three distinct stages, including initial attachment, cluster formation, and biofilm maturation. While all 14 pneumococcal strains displayed similar developmental stages, the mature biofilm architecture differed significantly among the serotypes tested. Overall, three biofilm architectural groups were detected based on biomass, biofilm thickness, and cluster size. The biofilm viable cell counts and total protein concentration increased steadily over the course of biofilm development, reaching approximately 8 x 10(8) cells and approximately 15 mg of protein per biofilm after 9 days of biofilm growth. Proteomic analysis confirmed the presence of distinct biofilm developmental stages by the detection of multiple phenotypes over the course of biofilm development. The biofilm development process was found to correlate not only with differential production of proteins but also with a dramatic increase in the number of detectable proteins, indicating that biofilm formation by S. pneumoniae may be a far more complex process than previously anticipated. Protein identification revealed that proteins involved in virulence, adhesion, and resistance were more abundant under biofilm growth conditions. A possible role of the identified proteins in biofilm formation is discussed.  相似文献   

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