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We isolated and sequenced six variable-region (V) gene segments of the human immunoglobulin heavy-chain (H) using the V71-2 segment as probe. These VH segments were more than 90% homologous to each other and less than 65% homologous to members of the three known VH families. The VH fragments hybridized to an identical set of restriction fragments on Southern blots of human placenta DNA. The new family was designated as the VH-IV family. The complexity of the VH-IV family was estimated to be at least nine genes, of which the sequenced seven were functional genes. The VH-IV family is homologous (76%) to the mouse Vh36-60 family.  相似文献   

We describe the cloning and mapping of 20 putative members of the IGLV subgroup 1. These gene segments are contained on 26 phage clones which fall into 7 contigs plus one solitary phage. This represents approximately 240 kilobases (kb) of cloned DNA. Like IGLC gene segments, the IGLV gene segments were found to be oriented proximal to distal on the chromosome, indicating IGL somatic rearrangement is by deletion. The gene segments were placed on a long-range map of the IGL locus, which covers at least 800 kb. Clones were further ordered by pulsed field gel electrophoresis analysis of B-cell lines known to produce IGL-containing immunoglobulins. DNA deletions ranged from 120 to 570 kb.  相似文献   

We have isolated 23 different cosmid clones of the heavy-chain variable region genes (VH) of human immunoglobulin. These clones encompass about 1000 X 10(3) base-pairs of DNA containing 61 VH genes. Characterization of the 23 clones by Southern blot hybridization showed that VH genes belonging to different families were physically linked in many regions. Cluster 71, which was analyzed in detail, comprised seven VH segments arranged in the same orientation with different intervals. This clone contained internal homology regions, each carrying two VH segments of different families. Comparison of the nucleotide sequences of VH segments within each family showed that profiles of accumulation of mutations in framework (FR) and complementarity-determining (CDR) regions were different. CDR had more mutations at amino-acid-substituting positions than at silent positions, whereas FR had the reverse distribution of mutations. Five out of seven VH segments of this cluster were pseudogenes containing various mutations. VH pseudogenes were classified into two distinct groups; one with a few replacement mutations (conserved pseudogenes), and the other with rather extensive mutations (diverged pseudogenes). The possibility that conserved pseudogenes serve as a reservoir of VH segments is discussed.  相似文献   

Direct cDNA cloning of the rearranged immunoglobulin variable region   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A major problem in the study of multigene families is the effort required to clone and sequence these genes. We describe a method to rapidly clone and sequence immunoglobulin variable region gene sequences without constructing cDNA libraries. Because immunoglobulin variable-region genes are flanked by conserved sequences, we have been able to apply the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to clone and sequence both the light- and heavy-chain rearranged immunoglobulin genes from small numbers of hybridoma cells. This method will greatly facilitate the construction of chimeric mouse/human monoclonal antibodies for immunoglobulin structural studies as well as for therapeutic use.  相似文献   

Allelic forms of the immunoglobulin heavy chain variable region   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The complete variable region sequence of the heavy chain from a phosphorylcholine-binding myeloma protein of C57/BL allotype has been determined. When this sequence was compared with the germ line-coded heavy chain variable region sequence of BALB/c phosphorylcholine-binding proteins, five differences were observed. Four of the substitutions were located in the framework portion of the variable region and the fifth in the "J" or joining segment. Two of the framework substitutions were found at positions 14 and 16. Previous studies have shown that heavy chains from all anti-phosphorylcholine antibodies induced in C57/BL mice have the same amino acids at positions 14 and 16 as the C57/BL myeloma protein described in this communication. It has therefore been concluded that these residues are encoded in the C57/BL germ line in contrast to two alternatives in the BALB/c genome. This finding, in addition to the 96% homology found between the C57/BL and BALB/c sequences, suggests that these structures represent allelic forms of an entire variable region.  相似文献   

Similar to the Igh-V multigene family, the human or mouse Igk-V repertoirer is a distorted continuum of homologous genes that may be grouped into families displaying >80% nucleic acid sequence similarity among their members. systematic interspecies sequence comparisons reveal that most human Igk-V gene families exhibit clear homology to mouse Ogk-V families (sequence similarity >74%). A hypothetical phylogenetic tree of Igk-V genes predicts that a minimum of seven Igk-V genes/families predate mammalian radiation. In two cases, several interrelated mouse Igk-V families exhibit phylogenetic equidistance with just one human Igk-V family, implying a more pronounced divergence for the elevated number of Igk-V gene families in the mouse. Mouse-human Igk-V comaprisons, moreover, illustrate how expansion, contraction, and perhaps deletion of Igk-V gene families shape the Igk-V repertoire during mammalian evolution.  相似文献   

The immunoglobulin heavy chain variable region is encoded as three separate libraries of elements in germ-line DNA: VH, D and JH. To examine the order and regulation of their joining, we have developed assays that distinguish their various combinations and have used the assays to study tumor cell analogs of B-lymphoid cells as well as normal B-lymphoid cells. Abelson murine leukemia virus (A-MuLV) transformed fetal liver cells - the most primitive B-lymphoid cell analog available for analysis - generally had DJH rearrangements at both JH loci. These lines continued DNA rearrangement in culture, in most cases by joining a VH gene segment to an existing DJH complex with the concomitant deletion of intervening DNA sequences. None of these lines or their progeny showed evidence of VHD or DD rearrangements. Heavy chain-producing tumor lines, representing more mature stages of the B-cell pathway, and normal B-lymphocytes had either two VHDJH rearrangements or a VHDJH plus a DJH rearrangement at their two heavy chain loci; they also showed no evidence of VHD or DD rearrangements. These results support an ordered mechanism of variable gene assembly during B-cell differentiation in which D-to-JH rearrangements generally occur first and on both chromosomes followed by VH-to-DJH rearrangements, with both types of joining processes occurring by intrachromosomal deletion. The high percentage of JH alleles remaining in the DJH configuration in heavy chain-producing lines and, especially, in normal B-lymphocytes supports a regulated mechanism of heavy chain allelic exclusion in which a VHDJH rearrangement, if productive, prevents an additional VH-to-DJH rearrangement.  相似文献   

Antibody PG9 is a prototypical member of a class of V1/V2-directed antibodies that effectively neutralizes diverse strains of HIV-1. We analyzed strain-specific resistance to PG9 using sequence and structural information. For multiply resistant strains, mutations in a short segment of V1/V2 resulted in gain of sensitivity to PG9 and related V1/V2 neutralizing antibodies, suggesting both a common mechanism of HIV-1 resistance to and a common mode of recognition by this class of antibodies.  相似文献   

Five families of variable region genes of mouse kappa chains were analyzed by Southern blot hybridization to determine their relative chromosomal map positions. Map positions were deduced by Vk gene deletion from antibody-producing cells expressing upstream Vk genes and retention in cells expressing downstream genes. The Vk regions expressed in the myelomas M0PC167, MPC11, M0PC21 and ABPC20 are members of Vk families exhibiting one, three, six and six major germline hybridization bands respectively. The gene order of the five families in germline DNA was found to be VM167-VM11-(VM21, VA20)-VABE8-Jk-Ck. As expected in a deletion model of immunoglobulin gene rearrangement, a sequence located just 5' of J1 in germline DNA was found to be absent from some antibody producing cells which had not retained any germline Ck genes. However, other cell lines contained this sequence in rearranged contexts, suggesting that any deletion model of immunoglobulin V-J joining, as well as V gene mapping, must take into account the possibilities of stepwise rearrangements and reintegration of "deleted" DNA.  相似文献   

We describe here the cloning and complete sequence analysis of the rearranged kappa variable region gene from the V kappa-1A-producing myeloma (C.AL20-TEPC-105). A 5'-flanking region probe from the V kappa-1A gene has been used to study the V kappa-1 germ-line gene family in strains of mice differing at the Ig kappa-Ef2 locus. All Ef2a strains examined possess an identical pair of BamHI restriction fragments strongly hybridizing to the 5' probe. Surprisingly, only two of the six strains of mice previously designated Ef2b (NZB and C58) possessed clearly altered restriction fragment sizes for V kappa-1 genes. The remaining four Ef2b strains, namely BDP/J, CE/J, I/LnJ, and P/J, appear to carry V kappa-1 genes similar to those of Ef2a strains. It is suggested that these strains may carry a third form of the V kappa-1A gene, differing in the protein coding region but indistinguishable at the DNA level with the use of BamHI or EcoRI. Alternatively, these strains may fail to express V kappa-1A light chains due to a regulatory defect involving this subgroup of kappa genes.  相似文献   

We have studied the organization of variable region (V) genes of the human immunoglobulin heavy chain (H) by cosmid cloning. We isolated two independent immunoglobulin D5 clusters (D5-a and D5-b) from cosmid libraries of the human genome. Restriction maps of these two regions showed that downstream 15 kb portions of the 55 kb overlap were different although upstream 40 kb portions were almost identical. Four more D segments, (DM, DXP, DA and DK) were found around the D5 segment in the conserved region of each cluster. Nucleotide sequences of the corresponding D segments from each cluster were almost identical and they encoded potentially functional D regions. Analysis using human-rodent somatic cell hybrids demonstrated that both clusters were located in the immunoglobulin heavy chain (H) locus on chromosome 14, suggesting that the D5-a and D5-b regions evolved by internal duplication within this locus. We also isolated a 60 kb DNA region carrying four VH segments, designated as VH-F region, which was located on chromosome 16. Nucleotide sequences of the four VH segments were determined. Two of them encoded potentially functional VH segments, and the other two were pseudogenes. Some more VH segments were found to be located outside chromosome 14, by Southern blot hybridization of human-rodent hybrid cell DNAs. These results provide further evidence that the human VH locus has undergone recent reorganization.  相似文献   

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