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Aging is often associated with accumulation of oxidative damage in proteins and lipids. However, some studies do not support this view, raising the question of whether high levels of oxidative damage are associated with lifespan. In the current investigation, Drosophila melanogaster flies were kept on diets with 2 or 10% of either glucose or fructose. The lifespan, fecundity, and feeding as well as amounts of protein carbonyls (PC) and lipid peroxides (LOOH), activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, glutathione‐S‐transferase (GST), and glutathione reductase activity of thioredoxin reductase (TrxR) were measured in “young” (10‐day old) and “aged” (50‐day old) flies. Flies maintained on diets with 10% carbohydrate lived longer than those on the 2% diets. However, neither lifespan nor fecundity was affected by the type of carbohydrate. The amount of PC was unaffected by diet and age, whereas flies fed on diets with 10% carbohydrate had about fivefold higher amounts of LOOH compared to flies maintained on the 2% carbohydrate diets. Catalase activity was significantly lower in flies fed on diets with 10% carbohydrates compared to flies on 2% carbohydrate diets. The activities of SOD, GST, and TrxR were not affected by the diet or age of the flies. The higher levels of LOOH in flies maintained on 10% carbohydrate did not reduce their lifespan, from which we infer that oxidative damage to only one class of biomolecules, particularly lipids, is not sufficient to influence lifespan.  相似文献   

甄勇毅 《古生物学报》2001,40(3):351-361
Taoqupognathus为潘德尔刺类的一多分子器官属。其特征明显:单维,片状,具有不同发育程度的后缘隆起。该属仅在澳大利亚东部和中国上奥陶统分布,已知有4种,而且具有较精确的区域对比价值。形态特征的支序分析显示:在晚奥陶世中期(Eastonian),T.philipi-T.blandus-T.tumidus谱系代表了该属的主要演化趋向。Taoqupognathus属的分布表明,澳大利亚东部和中国在当时有着密切的生物地理联系。该属可能在Eastonian早期起源于新南威尔世中部地区,在中-晚Eastonian期时达到发展高潮,并已扩展到中国各板块。继而可能在Eastonian末期和Bolindian早期全部绝灭。  相似文献   

桔小实蝇在中国云南省的分布(英文)   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在云南 1 2个县的诱捕试验表明 ,桔小实蝇在云南的分布可以划分为 3个区域。广南、元江和瑞丽以南的地区为该虫常年发生区。在该区域内 ,桔小实蝇年发生 4- 5代 ,可对瓜果形成周年危害。位于六库、大姚和曲靖以北的地区为该虫的非分布区。本试验未能在该地区诱捕到桔小实蝇或桔小实蝇受害果。位于上述两区域之间的区域为桔小实蝇季节性分布区。桔小实蝇在该地区年发生 2 - 3代 ,出现于 5- 1 1月。桔小实蝇在分布区内不同地区的发生高峰期 ,由南向北逐渐推移 ,如在景洪为 6月而在姚安为 1 0月。在地理垂直分布上 ,该虫主要分布于海拔 50 0 - 2 30 0m范围内 ,而其在 50 0 - 1 0 0 0m范围内发生量最大。研究认为 ,桔小实蝇在上述经度和海拔范围的发生与分布 ,主要与当地气候条件与寄主植物有关。  相似文献   

YE Hui 《Insect Science》2001,8(2):175-182
Abstract The Oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel (Diptera: Tephritidae), is a serious pest inaect for vegetables and fruits in Yunnan Province. The trap experiments located in 12 counties of Yunnan indicated that, the geographical distribution of Oriental fruit fly there could be plotted as three distribution zones. To the south of Guannan, Yuanjiang and Rulin is the annual distribution zone. In this region, the Oriental fruit fly completed 4–5 generations per year, and infested the local vegetables and fruits all the year around. To the north of Luku, Dayiao and Qujing is the zone without the insect, where the Oriental fruit fly was not trapped and no fruits infested by the fly were found during the present study. The region between the above two zones was the seasonal distribution zone for the insect. The fruit fly occurred only during May to December in this area, and completed 2–3 generations in this period. The peak abundance of the oriental fruit fly took place from June in Jinghong to October in Yiaoan, along the altitude graduates from the south to the north. In elevation, the Oriental fruit fly was trapped at altitude of 500–2300 m above sea level, in which high trap catches appeared between 500–1000 m. It is proposed that the variations of the fruit fly distribution in altitude and latitude are principally correlated with local temperatures and host plants.  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(8):1575-1586
We investigated the effects of natural light at night (LAN) in the field and artificial LAN in the laboratory on the circadian rhythm of pupal eclosion in a tropical wild type strain of Drosophila jambulina captured at Galle, Sri Lanka (6.1oN, 80.2oE). The influence of natural LAN, varying in intensity from 0.004 lux (starlight intensity) to 0.45 lux (moonlight intensity), on the entrainment pattern of the circadian rhythm of eclosion at 25o?±?0.5oC was examined by subjecting the mixed-aged pupae to natural cycles of light and darkness at the breeding site of this strain in the field. The eclosion peak was ~2?h prior to sunrise, and the 24?h rhythmicity was the most robust. Effects of artificial LAN at 25o?±?0.5oC were determined in the laboratory by subjecting pupae to LD 12:12 cycles in which the light intensity of the photophase was 500 lux in all LD cycles, while that of the scotophase was either 0 lux (complete darkness, DD), 0.5, 5, or 50 lux. In the 0 lux LAN condition (i.e., the control experiment), the eclosion peak was ~2?h after lights-on, and the 24?h eclosion rhythm was not as strong as in the 0.5 lux LAN condition. The entrainment pattern in 0.5 lux LAN was strikingly similar to that in the field, as the 0.5 lux LAN condition is comparable to the full moonlight intensity in the tropics. LAN at 0.5 lux dramatically altered both parameters of entrainment, as the eclosion peak was advanced by ~4?h and the 24?h eclosion rhythm was better than that of the control experiment. LAN at 5 lux, however, resulted in a weak eclosion rhythm that peaked in the subjective forenoon. Interestingly, the 50 lux LAN condition rendered the eclosion events unambiguously arrhythmic. After-effects of LAN on the period (τ) of the free-running rhythm and the nature of eclosion rhythm were also determined in DD by a single LD 12:12 to DD transfer. After-effects of the LAN intensity were observed on both the τ and nature of the eclosion rhythm in all four experiments. Pupae raised in 0.5 lux LAN exhibited the shortest τ (20.6?±?0.2?h, N?=?11 for this and subsequent values) and the most robust rhythm, while pupae raised in 50 lux LAN had the longest τ (29.5?±?0.2?h) and weakest rhythm in DD. Thus, these results demonstrate the intensity of LAN, varying from 0 to 50 lux, profoundly influences the parameters of entrainment as well as free-running rhythmicity of D. jambulina. Moreover, the observed arrhythmicity in LD 12:12 cycles caused by the 50 lux LAN condition appeared to be the masking effect of relatively bright light at night, as the LD 12:12 to DD transfer restored the rhythmicity, although it was rather weak. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

The biogenic monoamine octopamine is essential for ovulation and fertilization in insects. Release of this hormone from neurons in the thoracoabdominal ganglion triggers ovulation and sperm release from the spermathecae. Here we show that the effects of octopamine on ovulation are mediated by at least two different octopamine receptors. In addition to the Oamb receptor that is present in the epithelium of the oviduct, the octß2R receptor is essential for ovulation and fertilization. Octß2R is widely expressed in the female reproductive tract. Most prominent is expression in the oviduct muscle and the spermathecae. Animals deficient in expression of the receptor show a severe egg‐laying defect. The corresponding females have a much larger ovary that is caused by egg retention in the ovary. Moreover, the very few laid eggs are not fertilized, indicating problems in the process of sperm delivery. We assume that octß2R acts in a similar way as ß2‐adrenoreceptors in smooth muscles, were activation of this receptor induces an increase in cAMP levels that lead to relaxation of the muscle. Taken together, our findings show that octopaminergic control of ovulation and fertilization is more complex than anticipated and that various receptors located in different cells act together to enable a well‐orchestrated activity of the female reproductive system in response to copulation.  相似文献   

Lufenuron (LFN), a chitin synthase inhibitor, impacts the fertility of Ceratitis capitata, Bactrocera dorsalis, B. cucurbitae, and B. latifrons. We posed the hypothesis that LFN curtails egg hatch in the solanaceous fruit fly, B. latifrons. In this study, newly emerged virgin adults were sexed and fed for 12 days with varying concentrations of LFN‐laced agar diets until sexual maturation. Eggs were collected from 12‐d‐old adults and the egg hatch was assessed. Egg hatch decreased in adults reared on LFN‐treated diets. LFN‐treated media did not influence fertility after one gender was reared on experimental and the other on control media before mating. Exposure to LFN‐treated medium after mating led to reduced egg hatch. We infer that LFN is not a permanent sterilant, and reduced egg hatch depends on continuous exposure to dietary LFN after mating. Proteomic analysis identified two differentially expressed proteins, a pheromone binding protein and a chitin binding protein, between adults maintained on LFN‐treated and control diets. Expression of two genes encoding chitin synthase 2, and chitin binding protein, was altered in adults exposed to dietary LFN. LFN treatments also led to increased expression of two odorant binding proteins one in females and one in males. We surmise these data support our hypothesis and provide insight into LFN actions.  相似文献   

We conducted a field study and a laboratory experiment to test whether ectoparasitic mites, Macrocheles subbadius, generate parasite-mediated sexual selection in the Sonoran desert endemic fruit fly, Drosophila nigrospiracula. Male flies gather on the outer surfaces of necrotic saguaro cacti where they engage in male–male competitive interactions and vigorous female-directed courtship. At these sites, operational sex ratios were significantly skewed toward males. The degree to which mites were aggregated among flies varied across the 25 fly populations sampled. The degree of mite aggregation across fly populations was strongly positively related to the mean number of mites per fly (intensity of infestation). Both the intensity and prevalence of infestation (fraction of flies infested) increased with the age of the cactus necrosis. Infested flies of both sexes were significantly less likely to be found in copula than uninfested flies, and mean intensity of infestation was significantly more pronounced in noncopulating than in copulating flies. The effect of attached mites on copulatory success exhibited dose-dependency, and this effect was more stringent in males: males or females with more than two and four mites, respectively, were never found in copula. The magnitude of parasite-mediated sexual selection was estimated for 12 fly populations by calculating selection differentials for each sex separately. The relation between intensity of infestation and magnitude of parasite-mediated sexual selection was stronger in males but significant for both sexes. We also assayed copulatory success of field-caught males in the laboratory, both during infestation and after experimental removal of mites. Males infested with two mites copulated less frequently than uninfested individuals, and in mating trials after mites had been removed, previously infested males copulated as many times as flies with no history of infestation. These findings, and the lack of difference in the number of mite-induced scars on copulating and single individuals in nature, strongly suggest that the reduced copulatory success of infested flies is attributable to an effect of mites per se, rather than to a character correlated with parasitism or previous parasite infestation.  相似文献   

Between June 1980 and October 1981, Aphidius ervi was released at 59 sites throughout the lucerne-growing areas of New South Wales and at 4 sites in southern Queensland as part of a biological control program against Acyrthosiphon kondoi and, more recently, A. pisum. Post-release surveys revealed that A. ervi had become established at 26 of 29 sites checked in N. S. W. The parasite is now widely dispersed in N. S. W. and Queensland. The hypothesis that the establishment of A. ervi is dependent on the prior presence of A. pisum was not supported by results obtained in this study. Establishment in many areas preceded the arrival of A. pisum.  相似文献   

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